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Haoen Liu David Math

40 minutes Grade 3; Class 3E

Lesson: Perimeter and Area

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
1. Students find area in square units such as Tests
square centimeters and meters
2. Students be able to analyze the relationship
between the units used to find perimeter and
3. Students can apply what they know about
area and perimeter to solve the real- world

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

1. What is perimeter? The student will . . .
2. What is area?  Understand the meaning of perimeter
3. What are the differences between area and  Find the perimeters of figures formed using
perimeter? small squares
4. What is the units for area?  Compare the areas and perimeters of two
5. What is the units for perimeter? figures

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

Beginning the Lesson
1. Rules
2. One class one verse
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
 We cannot do anything without God’s permission. If we have good grade the first
thing we need to do is praise Lord. We used to afraid so many things in our life.
But we should put faith on God. God will help us if we trust him. When you do
your homework or test don’t trust yourself but trust God. When we are facing
some problems, trust God will help us to solve it.
3. Review what they learned last time
Perimeter: The perimeter of a figure is the total distance around the edge of the
Area: The size of surface. The amount of space inside the boundary of a flat object.
(Can use examples to explain; it will helps children have a better understanding)
4. They will do a simple exercise for review

They will try to find the area of this elephant and the perimeter of this elephant

Developing the Lesson

1. Practice:
Haoen Liu David Math
40 minutes Grade 3; Class 3E

 Students will open book page 144 and do the exercise

 Practice: paper – from me

 Workbook: page 151-152

Closing the Lesson

1. Check the answer together or teacher can ask volunteers to answer
(Try to give everyone a chance to speak)

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Pop quiz; Questions asking They can review from the video and also they can
learn from what I taught. Through exercise is the best
way to understand lesson
White board; Exercise paper; Marker, Text Book, Work Book

Evaluation and Reflection

Haoen Liu David Math
40 minutes Grade 3; Class 3E


Term Definition Resources

Unit Overview Main Idea and Summative Assessment copied from the unit plan in order to ●
keep the goal in mind during the writing and implementation of the lesson
Guiding these questions guide the inquiry for the lesson, leading students toward ●
Questions a rich understanding of the objectives for the lesson and ultimately, the
● Factual- knowledge or fact-based questions
● Conceptual- questions that enable exploration of big ideas that
connect facts and topics
● Debatable- questions that expose areas of ambiguity, disagreement,
or tension within the unit of study
Objectives The specific aims of the lesson. As a result of the instruction, this is ●
what the students are expected to know, understand, and be able to do.
These should align with and lead to the unit understandings, knowledge
and skills.
Time - Marks the amount of time needed for each stage of the lesson. Enables ●
effective time-management for the teacher.
Beginning the The opening or warm-up that will engage the learner, producing ●
Lesson creative tension. May include review and/or activation of prior
Developing the The content learned and the strategies employed towards that end ●
Closing the A conclusion or review of what was learned, providing closure to the ●
Lesson lesson.
Formative Assessment throughout the lesson that provides feedback that can be used to ●
Assessment plan or alter instruction. Should prepare students for the summative
Differentiation ways of modifying instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners ●

Resources any texts, materials, technology, people, places or other resources that ●
have informed the unit and learning experiences
Evaluation and Reflect on using the lesson and evaluate the lesson plan and ask the ●
Reflection following questions:
 Did my students come to understand the main idea, essential understandings?
 Do my students know what they are supposed to? Can they perform the unit
skills? Do they value what was intended?
 What was most effective? least effective?
 What changes will I make for next time?

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