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English v8.1
Language Lit erat ure Lit eracy


Know that words can be spoken, Know some characteristics and Identify some familiar texts and

written, signed and represented features of literary texts, such as their use in the community

using symbols and communication characters, beginning and ending (ACELY1645d)

devices (ACELA1430d) in stories and rhyme in poetry

Identify familiar informative and
Understand how to make a imaginary texts (ACELY1648d)

statement or ask a question Identify topic and key events in

Read a simple sentence or
(ACELA1435d) texts that reflect personal and
pictorial representation of a
familiar experiences
Recognise how a group of words sentence (ACELY1649d)
can represent an object or image
Use images to retell or comment
(ACELA1434d) Identify the characters, events
on a familiar text listened to and
and setting in a literary text
Explore connection between viewed (ACELY1650d)
words, objects and images in
stories and informative texts WRIT ING
(ACELA1786d) Use symbols, letters and words to
Retell familiar text or event by
create a simple statement about
Identify some of the features of
sequencing images and simple
an idea or event (ACELY1651d)
text such as digital /screen layout
or the features of a book cover statements (ACELT1580d) Review own text and make
(ACELA1433d) changes during shared editing
Knowing that a letter can be the
Identify favourite texts topic and
same but look different, for Copy and write letters, symbols
character (ACELT1577d)
example capital and lower-case and numbers (ACALY1653d)
letters (ACELA1440d) Express likes or dislikes about
Use software or application by
characters and events in a text
WRIT ING selecting images and suggesting
simple sentences to accompany
Understand that language can be
Identify and copy the rhythms and the image (ACELY1654d)
represented as written text
sound patterns in stories, rhymes
and songs from a range of

Use, communicate or articulate cultures (ACELT1579d) Listen and respond to

high frequency words and communication of others in
reproduce familiar sounds classroom situations and routines
(ACELA1758d) (ACELY1646d)

Copy own name and recognise Use turn taking, simple questions
some of the letters within it. and other behaviours related to
Understand that pausing is class discussions (ACELY1784d)
presented in written text as a full
Deliver short oral presentation
stop (ACELA1432d)
about an object or event of
Identify the beginning sounds of interest that identifies some of its
familiar words and some words key characteristics (ACELY1647d)
that sound the same



Understand that people

communicate in different ways


Know how to greet and maintain a

short interaction with others


Use different ways to express

needs, likes and dislikes


Use vocabulary in the form of

short phrases for a variety of

purposes such as to request an

object, communicate a need,

recount information, or express a

feeling (ACELA1437d)

Identify the sounds within familiar

words (ACELA1439d)

Achievement st andard

Reading and Viewing

By the end of Stage D, students listen to and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts from familiar

contexts. They identify the main character and event in an imaginative text. They use visual images to identity the

key topic or theme within an informative text. They understand familiar text by using images and communicate a

short statement about the text. They can follow a simple pictorial timetable. They select their own reading material

by looking at the picture on the cover. They model reading by tracking text page by page, from left to right and top

to bottom, and follow or point to a line of text as it is being read. They use illustrations to retell a story and answer

simple questions about a story. They recognise the connection between print and the spoken word, identifying

spaces, letters and/or words in text, and reading familiar words and signs using partial cues and illustrations. They

identify some letters of the English alphabet and their associated sound. They retell a picture story they have

selected using key words to describe each picture. They respond to questions and sequence key words to describe

or predict what is happening in a picture, movie or book.


When writing, students produce ‘text-like’ writing to convey meaning and label images. They trace letter-like patterns

moving left to right across a page. They have a preferred writing hand and hold a pencil to trace over lines, shapes

and patterns with some accuracy. They colour within a clearly defined area. They copy or write familiar letters with

beginning accuracy and copy/type their first name. They select and sequence pictures and key words to describe a

personally significant event or experience. They contribute key words to teacher-constructed texts to describe

pictures they have selected. They understand that what is said can be written down, indicate words, and

demonstrate knowledge of some rules associated with writing, such as working from left to right, top to bottom and

Speaking and Listening

Students listen to and use spoken language to acknowledge and answer a person who communicates with them,

giving a response of up to three words. Students use some social conventions during social interaction, such as

making eye contact; show some understanding of turn taking; use appropriate volume; and articulate clearly. They

participate in communication with others by expressing likes, dislikes and ideas; sequence key words, signs or

symbols to describe a favourite object, completed piece of work, or to make a request; and communicate needs and

give reasons. They use simple phrases and simple sentences and sequence two key ideas. They listen to and

respond to sequence sentences when interacting with others, and ask questions at appropriate intervals to show an

interest in what the speaker is saying. Students follow simple, routine instructions that contain up to three key

words, and follow simple instructions given by an interactive computer software program.

Pre-primary year Syllabus

Language Lit erat ure Lit eracy


Recognise that texts are created Identify some familiar texts and
Understand that English is one of
by authors who tell stories and the contexts in which they are
many languages spoken in
share experiences that may be used (ACELY1645)
Australia and that different
similar or different to students'
languages may be spoken by  Literacy
own experiences (ACELT1575)
family, classmates and  Critical and creative thinking

community (ACELA1426)  Literacy

 Personal and social capability
 Literacy
 Ethical understanding Listen to and respond orally to
 Intercultural understanding
texts and to the communication of
LANG UAG E FOR INT ERACT ION others in informal and structured

Respond to texts, identifying classroom situations

Explore how language is used
favourite stories, authors and (ACELY1646)
differently at home and school
illustrators (ACELT1577)
depending on the relationships  Literacy

between people (ACELA1428)  Literacy  Personal and social capability

 Critical and creative thinking

 Literacy
Use interaction skills including
 Personal and social capability
 Personal and social capability listening while others speak, using
 Intercultural understanding appropriate voice levels,
Share feelings and thoughts about
Understand that language can be the events and characters in texts articulation and body language,

used to explore ways of (ACELT1783) gestures and eye contact

expressing needs, likes and (ACELY1784)

 Literacy
dislikes (ACELA1429)
 Personal and social capability  Literacy

 Literacy  Personal and social capability

 Personal and social capability
Deliver short oral presentations to
 Ethical understanding Identify some features of texts
peers (ACELY1647)
including events and characters
ORG ANISAT ION and retell events from a text  Literacy

(ACELT1578)  Personal and social capability

Understand that texts can take

many forms, can be very short (for  Literacy INT ERPRET ING , ANALYSING ,
example an exit sign) or quite long  Critical and creative thinking

(for example an information book Identify some differences between

Recognise some different types of
or a film) and that stories and imaginative and informative texts
literary texts and identify some
informative texts have different (ACELY1648)
characteristic features of literary
purposes (ACELA1430)
texts, for example beginnings and  Literacy

 Literacy  Critical and creative thinking

endings of traditional texts and

rhyme in poetry (ACELT1785)

Understand that some language in Read decodable and predictable
written texts is unlike everyday  Literacy
texts, practising phrasing and
spoken language (ACELA1431)  Critical and creative thinking fluency, and monitor meaning

using concepts about print and

 Literacy
Replicate the rhythms and sound
emerging contextual, semantic,
patterns in stories, rhymes, songs
Understand that punctuation is a grammatical and phonic
and poems from a range of
feature of written text different knowledge (ACELY1649)
cultures (ACELT1579)
from letters; recognise how capital
 Literacy
letters are used for names, and  Literacy

that capital letters and full stops  Intercultural understanding Use comprehension strategies to
signal the beginning and end of understand and discuss texts
sentences (ACELA1432) listened to, viewed or read

Retell familiar literary texts independently (ACELY1650)

 Literacy
through performance, use of
 Literacy
Understand concepts about print illustrations and images
 Critical and creative thinking
and screen, including how books, (ACELT1580)
 Personal and social capability
film and simple digital texts work,  Literacy CREAT ING T EXT S

and know some features of print,  Critical and creative thinking

Create short texts to explore,
for example directionality
record and report ideas and events
(ACELA1433) Innovate on familiar texts through
using familiar words and beginning
play (ACELT1831)
 Literacy writing knowledge (ACELY1651)
 Information and Communication  Literacy
 Literacy
Technology (ICT) capability
 Critical and creative thinking


IDEAS Participate in shared editing of

students' own texts for meaning,

Recognise that sentences are key
spelling, capital letters and full
units for expressing ideas
stops (ACELY1652)

 Literacy
 Literacy
 Critical and creative thinking

Recognise that texts are made up  Personal and social capability

of words and groups of words that

make meaning (ACELA1434) Produce some lower case and

upper case letters using learned

 Literacy
letter formations (ACELY1653)

Explore the different contribution  Literacy

of words and images to meaning

in stories and informative texts Construct texts using software

(ACELA1786) including word processing

programs (ACELY1654)
 Literacy
 Literacy
 Critical and creative thinking
 Information and Communication

Understand the use of vocabulary Technology (ICT) capability

in familiar contexts related to  Critical and creative thinking

everyday experiences, personal

interests and topics taught at

school (ACELA1437)

 Literacy

 Personal and social capability


Recognise and generate rhyming

words, alliteration patterns,

syllables and sounds (phonemes)

in spoken words (ACELA1439)

 Literacy

Recognise and name all upper and

lower case letters (graphemes)

and know the most common

sound that each letter


 Literacy

Understand how to use knowledge

of letters and sounds including

onset and rime to spell words


 Literacy

Know how to read and write some

high-frequency words and other

familiar words (ACELA1817)

 Literacy

Understand that words are units of

meaning and can be made of more

than one meaningful part


Segment sentences into individual

words and orally blend and

segment onset and rime in single

syllable spoken words, and

isolate, blend and manipulate

phonemes in single syllable words


 Literacy

Write consonant-vowel-consonant

(CVC) words by representing

some sounds with the appropriate

letters, and blend sounds

associated with letters when

reading CVC words (ACELA1820)

 Literacy

Pre-primary Achievement St andard

Handwriting behaviours will not be described in the year level achievement standard or the writing assessment

pointers. A resource is currently being developed to support teachers to monitor students’ handwriting behaviours.

Reading and Viewing

At Standard, students use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from texts. They recall one or two

events from texts with familiar topics. They understand that there are different types of texts and that these can

have similar characteristics. They identify connections between texts and their personal experience. They read

short, decodable and predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing

knowledge of concepts of print, sounds and letters, and decoding and self-monitoring strategies. They recognise the

letters of the English alphabet, in upper and lower case, and know and use the most common sounds represented

by most letters. They read high-frequency words and blend sounds orally to read consonant-vowel-consonant words.

Writing and Creating

Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe likes and dislikes

about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. When writing, students use familiar words, phrases and images

to convey ideas. Their writing shows evidence of letter and sound knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and

experimentation with capital letters and full stops.

Speaking and Listening

Students use appropriate interaction skills to listen and respond to others in a familiar environment. They listen for

rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Students understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences.

They identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. In informal group
and whole class settings, students communicate clearly. They retell events and experiences with peers and known

adults. Students identify and use rhyme, and orally blend and segment sounds in words.

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