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2 2

Bab Chapter

Sel sebagai Unit Cell as a Unit of Life

Asas Hidupan

• Organisasi sel – Cell organisation
• Cell organisation – Organisasi sel

Konsep • Selulosa – Cellulose The • Cellulose – Selulosa
• Klorofil – Chlorophyll • Chlorophyll – Klorofil
• Kloroplas – Chloroplast • Chloroplast – Kloroplas
• Sitoplasma – Cytoplasm • Cytoplasm – Sitoplasma
• Organisma multisel – Multicellular

• Multicellular organism – Organisma multisel
organism • Nucleus – Nukleus
• Nukleus – Nucleus • Unicellular organism – Organisma unisel
• Organisma unisel – Unicellular organism • Vacuole – Vakuol
• Vakuol – Vacuole

Soalan Tahun-tahun Lepas PMR PMR Past-year Questions

Kertas 2 Paper 2
Tahun Kertas 1 Year Paper 1
Bhg. A Bhg. B Sec. A Sec. B
2005 S2 S1 2005 Q2 Q1
2006 S2, S3 S7 2006 Q2, Q3 Q7
2007 S3, S4 S1 2007 Q3, Q4 Q7
2008 S2, S3 2008 Q2, Q3
2009 S3 2009 Q3
23 23

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Objektif Pembelajaran
Objektif Pembelajaran Learning
Learning Objective
2.1 Memahami
1.1 Memahami sains
sel adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan harian 2.1
1.1 Understanding
Understanding cells
that science is part of everyday life
Aktiviti PEKA Sel sebagai unit asassemula
dan tumbuhan INQUIRY
DISCUSSION Cell as a and
basic unit ofphenomena
animals and plants
Science natural
1.1 INKUIRI Sains dan fenomena Inkuiri-penemuan
Kontekstual 2.1
1.1 Experiment
Activity PEKA Inquiry-discovery
Chapter 2

Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2
Cell as a Unit of Life Mark (✓) in the boxes provided the natural phenomena.
Tandakan (✓) dalam petak yang struktur
Membandingkan disediakan
(a)bagi fenomena
sel pipi dan (b)semula jadi. bawang
sel epidermis KMS AIM To compare the structure of (a) cheek cells and (b) epidermal cells of an onion
• Pastikan pencungkil
✓ ✓ SMS
gigi bersih
✓ iodin
Pencungkil gigi, kertas turas, larutan metilena biru, larutan MATERIALS Toothpick, filter paper, blue methylene solution, iodine solution
• Ensure that the
toothpick is clean.
RADAS Mikroskop, penutup kaca, sisip kaca, penitis, pisau cukur, forsep APPARATUS Microscope, cover slips, slides, dropper, razor blade, forceps

A Memerhati struktur sel pipi SECTION A To observe the structure of cheek cells


kanta mata eye lens


Manual penggunaan mikroskop ✓ ✓

Microscope operating manual
✓ pelaras kasar
✓ berhadapan
1 Letakkan mikroskop coarse focus control
1 Place the microscope with its
pelaras halus dengan sumber cahaya. fine focus control
2 Laraskan cermin sehingga mirror facing a light source.
2 Adjust the mirror to allow

objective lens
kanta objek cahaya paling cerah dapat dilihat
pentas menerusi mikroskop. stage maximum light to fall onto the
slaid 3 Letakkan slaid di atas pentas mirror and reflect into the
klip dan pastikan spesimen berada microscope tube.
diafragma clip
di tengah lubang. diaphragm 3 Place the slide onto the stage
cermin 4 Pusingkan skru pelaras untuk and ensure that the specimen is
mirror in the centre of the aperture.
memfokuskan spesimen.
Objektif Pembelajaran 4 Adjust the coarse focus control
Learning Objective
1.2 Mengetahui
tapaklangkah-langkah keselamatan dan radas dalam makmal sains to focus on the specimen.
1.2 Knowing the safety percautions and apparatus in a science laboratory
Aktiviti Radas makmal dan kegunaannya DISCUSSION Laboratory apparatus and their uses
1 Ambil sebatang pencungkil gigi dan kikis bahagian dalam pipi anda dengan berhati-hati. 1.2
Activity Contextual

Palitkan pencungkil gigi tersebut di atas sekeping slaid yang bersih. 1 Using the blunt end of a clean toothpick, carefully scrape some cells from the inside
Namakan radas2makmal dalam jadual di bawah. Name the laboratory apparatus
of your the table below.
3 Titiskan setitik larutan metilena biru di atas slaid.
4 Letakkan
Kelalang kon satuBuret
penutup kaca Balang
pada satugas sudut kepada larutan
Tungku kakiditiga
atas sisip kaca. 2 Spread
Conical flask the scrapings
Buretteonto a clean
jar Tripod stand
Dengan perlahan-lahan,
Tabung didih Bikar turunkan
Rod penutup
kaca kaca untuk menutupi
Kelalang dasarspesimen
bulat supaya 3 Add
Boiling tube a drop of blue methylene
Beaker solution
Glass rodto the smear. Round-bottomed flask
tiada gelembung
Tabung uji udara terperangkap.
Pipet Takung kaca Corong turas 4 Place a cover slip at an angle to the solution on the slide. Slowly slide the cover slip
Test tube Pipette Glass trough Filter funnel
Bersihkan danKasa
keringkan to cover the specimen without trapping any air bubbles.
5 penyukat
Silinder dawai sekeliling kaca penutup
Mangkuk pijar dengan menggunakan
Corong tisel kertas turas. Measuring
6 Perhatikan 5 Clear and dry up any solution on the slide and around thefunnel
cylinder Wire gauze Crucible Thistle cover slip with a filter
Kelalang volumetri selKakipipiretort
di bawah Mangkuk
mikroskop dengan menggunakan
penyejat Penunu Bunsenkuasa pembesaran


Volumetric flask
paper. Retort stand Evaporating dish Bunsen burner
rendah, diikuti dengan kuasa pembesaran yang lebih tinggi. Lukis dan label sel pipi
pada ruang yang disediakan. 6 Examine the cheek cells under the microscope, first on low magnification, then on
1 2 3 4 5 1 high 2magnification. Draw 3 and label the structure
4 of the cheek5cell in the space
BAHAGIAN provided.
B Memerhati struktur sel epidermis bawang
SECTION B To observe the structure of epidermal cells of an onion
PROSEDUR 1 Kupas satu lapisan epidermis daripada kulit suatu bawang dengan menggunakan
pisau cukur dan forsep. PROCEDURE
2 Letakkan potongan kulit bawang kira-kira sebesar 5 mm di atas slaid yang bersih. 1 Peel off an epidermal layer of the leaf from an onion with a razor blade and forceps.
Tabung uji3 TitiskanTabung didih
dua titik larutan iodin diBikar Kelalang kon
atasnya dengan menggunakan Kelalang volumetri
penitis. Test tube 2 Place a 5Boiling
mm piece
tube of the epidermal
Beakeronion leaf onConical
a cleanflask
slide. Volumetric flask
4 Letakkan satu penutup kaca pada satu sudut kepada larutan di atas sisip kaca. 3 Add two drops of iodine solution to the epidermal onion leaf.
6 7
Dengan perlahan-lahan, 8turunkan penutup kaca 9 untuk menutupi10spesimen supaya 6 4 Place7 a cover slip at an angle
8 to the solution 9
on the slide. Slowly 10
slide the cover slip
tiada gelembung udara terperangkap. to cover the specimen without trapping any air bubbles.
5 Bersihkan dan keringkan larutan sekeliling kaca penutup dengan menggunakan kertas 5 Clear and dry up any solution on the slide and around the cover slip with a filter
turas. paper.
6 Perhatikan sel bawang di bawah mikroskop dengan menggunakan kuasa pembesaran 6 Examine the onion cell under the microscope, first on low magnification, then on
rendah, diikuti dengan kuasa pembesaran yang lebih tinggi. Lukis dan labelkan sel high magnification. Draw and label the structure of the onion cell in the space
bawang pada ruang yang disediakan. provided.
Silinder penyukat Pipet Buret Kelalang dasar bulat Corong tisel Measuring cylinder Pipette Burette Round-bottomed flask Thistle funnel
2.1 HP • Mengenal pasti bahawa sel adalah unit asas hidupan 2.1 HP • Melabel struktur am sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan 2.1 LO • Identify that cell is the basic unit of living things 2.1 LO • State the function of each cell structure
• Menyediakan slaid mengikut langkah yang betul • Menyatakan fungsi setiap struktur sel • Prepare slides following the proper procedures • State the similarities and differences between an animal
• Menggunakan mikroskop dengan betul • Menyatakan persamaan dan perbezaan antara sel • Use a microscope properly cell and a plant cell
1.1 HP •• Menerangkan kepentingan
struktur sains dalam kehidupan
dan harian 1.2 HP • Menggunakan radas saintifik yang umum dalam 1.1 LO •• Identify
importance of science in everyday
cells and life 1.2 LO • Use some common scientific apparatus in the

Mengenal pasti
am sel haiwan sel
perkara di sekeliling anda yang berkaitan 24 haiwan dan sel tumbuhan
makmal •• Draw
Makethe general
a list
of things around
of animal
of you
an animal
that are
plant cells
and a to
plant cell 24 Refer to Essential Science Form 1, Laboratory Activities
Rujuk kepada Essential Science Form 1, Aktiviti Makmal
• dengan
Melukis sains
struktur am sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan 2 2.1 & 2.2, hlm. 36–37; Essential Science PMR,
• Label the general structures of an animal cell and a
plant cell
2 2.1 & 2.2, p. 36–37; Essential Science PMR, Preparing
cell slides, p. 28
Preparing cell slides, hlm. 28

2.1 Understanding cells 2.2

Activity 6 Label structures X, Y and Z for the animal cell below.
2.1 Experiment PEKA 1 What is the basic unit of life? (Cell) X (X: Cell membrane
2 Name two structures found in plant cells but not in animal cells. (Cell wall and chloroplast) Y Y: Nucleus
Z: Cytoplasm)
3 Why plant cell has a fixed shape? (Plant cell has a cell wall) Z

4 State two animal cells that contain vacuole. (Amoeba and Paramecium) 7 Label structures P, Q, R, S, T and U for the plant cell below.
5 State two structures of cell that make up the cell protoplasm. (Nucleus and cytoplasm) P
S (P: Cell wall S: Cytoplasm
Q T Q: Cell membrance T: Vacuole
U R: Chloroplast U: Nucleus)

24 24

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membran sel dinding sel
cell membrane vacuole
sitoplasma cell membrane
membran sel cytoplasm
Chapter 2

Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2
Cell as a Unit of Life nukleus sitoplasma cytoplasm

nukleus nucleus

Sel pipi Sel epidermis bawang Cheek cell Epidermal cell of onion
E1C1 E1C6 E1C1 E1C6

ANALYSIS 1 Which of the cells has a fixed shape, the cheek cell (animal cell) or the epidermal cell
ANALISIS 1 Sel yang manakah mempunyai bentuk yang tetap, sel pipi (sel haiwan) atau sel of onion (plant cell)? E1C8
epidermis bawang (sel tumbuhan)? E1C8
The epidermal cell of onion

Sel epidermis bawang .
2 What causes the shape of a cheek cell to be different from the shape of an onion’s
2 Apakah yang menyebabkan bentuk sel pipi berbeza daripada bentuk sel epidermis epidermal cell?
bawang? cell wall TSTS

The cheek cell does not have a as do the cells of • Comparing and
Sel pipi tidak mempunyai dinding sel seperti yang terdapat • Membandingkan dan plants like the onion. contrasting
pada sel epidermis bawang. membezakan E1
E1 C 3 Classify the observed cells into animal cell and plant cell.
C 3 Kelaskan sel-sel yang diperhatikan kepada sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan. 1
1 2 Animal cell Plant cell
2 Sel haiwan Sel tumbuhan 6
6 Cheek cell Onion cell SPS
KPS E1C2 • Classifying
8 Sel pipi Sel bawang S
E1C2 • Mengelaskan
4 Study the cheek cell (animal cell) and the epidermal cell (plant cell) drawn above.
4 Kaji sel pipi (sel haiwan) dan sel epidermis bawang (sel tumbuhan) yang dilukis di Then, tick (✓) the structures that can be found in the cheek cell and the epidermal
atas. Kemudian, tandakan (✓) pada struktur yang boleh ditemui pada sel pipi dan sel cell of onion.
epidermis bawang. Cell structure Cheek cell Epidermal cell
Struktur sel Sel pipi Sel epidermis bawang (animal cell) (plant cell)
(sel haiwan) (sel tumbuhan) Nucleus ✓ ✓
✓ ✓


Nukleus Cytoplasm ✓ ✓
Sitoplasma ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Cell membrane
Membran sel ✓ ✓ ✓
Cell wall
Dinding sel ✓ ✓
Vakuol ✓
5 What is cell protoplasm?
5 Apakah protoplasma sel? Protoplasm is the part of cell that consists of nucleus and
Protoplasma sel adalah bahagian sel yang terdiri daripada nukleus dan cytoplasm .
sitoplasma . 6 Name two low level animals that contain vacuole.
Amoeba and Paramecium
6 Namakan dua haiwan peringkat rendah yang mengandungi vakuol.
Ameba dan paramesium
CONCLUSION 1 A cell is a basic unit of life.
KESIMPULAN unit asas 2 Animal and plant cells have a few similarities and
1 Sel ialah bagi benda hidup.
persamaan differences .
2 Sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan mempunyai beberapa dan
perbezaan .

25 25

Activity 8 Based on the given descriptions, determine the type of cell (animal cell or plant cell). 12 What is the structure of a cell that contains chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis? (Chloroplast)
(a) A cell has a cell wall. (Plant cell) 13 Explain why plant cells can carry out photosynthesis. (Plant cells contain chloroplast/chlorophyll)
(b) A cell has a chloroplast. (Plant cell)
(a) A cell has a cell membrane but does not have a fixed shape. (Animal cell)
2.4 Activity 9 State the function of a nucleus. (Controls all activities in the cell)
10 State the function of a cell membrane. (Protects the cell)
11 What is the function of a cell wall? (Maintains the shape of the cell/Protects the cell)

25 25

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Aktiviti Struktur sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan DISCUSSION Structures of animal and plant cells
2.2 PERBINCANGAN Masteri 2.2 Activity Mastery

2005 Bhg. A, S1(a) 2005 Sec. A, Q1(a)

1 Label the following diagrams of animal and plant cells.
1 Label rajah sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan yang berikut.

Dinding sel Sitoplasma Cell wall Cytoplasm

Kloroplas Vakuol Chloroplast Vacuole
Nukleus Membran sel Nucleus Cell membrane

(d) Dinding sel (d) Cell wall


(a) Membran sel (e) Membran sel (a) Cell membrane (e) Cell membrane

(f) Kloroplas (f) Chloroplast

(b) Nukleus (b) Nucleus

(g) Vakuol (g) Vacuole

(h) Sitoplasma (h) Cytoplasm

(c) Sitoplasma (c) Cytoplasm

Sel haiwan Sel tumbuhan (i) Nukleus Animal cell Plant cell (i) Nucleus

2 Bulatkan organisma yang mempunyai struktur sel seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah. 2 Circle the organisms which have the cell structure as shown below.

tapak sulaiman mukor lumut starfish Mucor moss

arnab paku pakis helang rabbit fern eagle

2.2 HP • Label sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan 2.2 LO • Label animal cell and plant cell

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Aktiviti Perbandingan antara sel tumbuhan dengan sel haiwan DISCUSSION Comparison between plant cells and animal cells
2.3 PERBINCANGAN Masteri 2.3 Activity Mastery

Bandingkan dan bezakan antara sel tumbuhan dengan sel haiwan.

Compare and contrast between a plant cell and an animal cell.
Mempunyai nukleus
Has a nucleus
Mempunyai membran sel
Has cell membrane
Sel tumbuhan Mempunyai sitoplasma Sel haiwan
Plant cell Has cytoplasm Animal cell

Ada Dinding sel Tiada

Present Cell wall Absent
Ada Kloroplas Tiada
Present Chloroplast Absent
Tetap Bentuk sel Berubah-ubah
Fixed Cell shape Changes
Tiada, kecuali dalam
Ada Vakuol haiwan peringkat rendah Absent, except in lower
Present Vacuole level animals

DISCUSSION Functions of the internal structures of a cell
Fungsi struktur dalaman sel 2.4 Activity Constructivism
2.4 PERBINCANGAN Konstruktivisme

2005 Sec. A, Q1(b)

Padankan struktur sel kepada fungsinya. 2005 Bhg. A, S1(b) Match the cell structures to the given functions.

Fungsi sel Function of cell

Mengandungi sap sel yang berisi glukosa dan Cell wall Contains cell sap which is filled with dissolved
Dinding sel
garam mineral yang terlarut glucose and mineral salt
Membran sel Melindungi dan memberi bentuk kepada sel membrane Protects and gives shape to the cell

Mengawal keluar dan masuk semua kandungan Vacuole Controls the exit from and entry of materials into
Vakuol the cell/protects the cell
bahan sel/melindungi sel
Sitoplasma Mengawal semua aktiviti sel Cytoplasm Controls all activities in the cell

Kloroplas Tempat berlakunya proses-proses kimia Chloroplast The place where chemical processes occur

Mengandungi pigmen klorofil yang menyerap Nucleus Contains chlorophyll which absorbs sunlight to
Nukleus make food
cahaya matahari untuk membuat makanan
Sel tumbuhan Plant cell

2.3 HP • Menyatakan persamaan dan perbezaan antara sel haiwan 2.4 HP • Menyatakan fungsi setiap struktur sel 2.3 LO • State the similarities and differences between animal 2.4 LO • State the function of each cell structure
dan sel tumbuhan and plant cells
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Pembelajaran Learning Objective
Memahamisains adalahunisel
organisma sebahagian daripada multisel
dan organisma kehidupan harian 2.2
1.1 Understanding unicellular
that scienceand multicellular
is part organisms
of everyday life
Aktiviti Organisma
Sains unisel dan
dan fenomena organisma
semula jadi multisel INQUIRY
DISCUSSION Unicellular
Science andand multicellular
natural phenomenaorganisms
1.1 INKUIRI Inkuiri-penemuan
Kontekstual 2.5
1.1 Experiment
Activity Inquiry-discovery
Chapter 2

Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2
Cell as a Unit of Life Mark (✓) in the boxes provided the natural phenomena.
Tandakan (✓) dalam petak yang disediakan bagi fenomena semula jadi.
TUJUAN AIM To observe unicellular and multicellular organisms
Memerhati organisma unisel dan organisma multisel
✓ ✓
✓ BAHAN ✓ MATERIALS Pond water
Air kolam

BAB Sisip kaca, penutup kaca, mikroskop, penitis Slide, glass cover, microscope, dropper

PROSEDUR PROCEDURE 1 Put a drop of pond water on a clean slide.

1 Titiskan setitik air kolam ke atas sisip kaca yang bersih.
2 Perhatikan air kolam itu di bawah kuasa rendah mikroskop. 2 Observe the pond water under a low power microscope.


3 Namakan beberapa organisma yang diperhatikan. 3 Name some of the organisms seen.


Spirogira Klamidomonas Paramesium Ameba OBSERVATION ✓ ✓

✓ ✓ Spirogyra Chlamydomonas Paramecium Amoeba

Paramesium Ameba Spirogira Klamidomonas Paramecium Amoeba Spirogyra Chlamydomonas
Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
1.2 Mengetahui langkah-langkah keselamatan dan radas dalam makmal sains
ANALISIS ANALYSIS 1.2 Knowing the safety percautions and apparatus in a science laboratory
1 You are given the photos of the above organisms. Study the photos and name the
Anda diberi foto organisma di atas. Kaji gambar-gambar itu dan namakan organisma
itu. Kemudian,Radas makmal
tandakan dan petak
(✓) dalam kegunaannya
yang diberi bagi organisma unisel. Kontekstual DISCUSSION
organisms. Then, mark (✓) in
Laboratory the boxesand
apparatus provided
their usesthe unicellular organisms.
1.2 PERBINCANGAN 1.2 Activity Contextual

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Namakan radas makmal dalam jadual di ✓
bawah. ✓
Name the laboratory apparatus in the table below.
Kelalang kon Buret Balang gas Tungku kaki tiga Conical flask Burette Gas jar Tripod stand
Tabung didih Bikar Rod kaca Kelalang dasar bulat Boiling tube Beaker Glass rod Round-bottomed flask
Tabung uji Pipet Takung kaca Corong turas Test tube Pipette Glass trough Filter funnel
Silinder penyukat Kasa dawai Mangkuk pijar Corong tisel Measuring cylinder Wire gauze Crucible Thistle funnel
Kelalang volumetri Kaki retortParamesium
Mangkuk penyejat Penunu Bunsen


Ameba Spirogira Klamidomonas Volumetric flask

Amoeba Retort stand Evaporating dishSpirogyra
Paramecium Bunsen burnerChlamydomonas

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 the minute organisms

2 Name 3 which cannot be 4 5
seen with the naked eye.
2 Apakah nama yang diberi kepada organisma seni yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan Microorganisms
mata kasar?
Mikroorganisma 3 State the meaning of the following organisms.

3 Nyatakan maksud organisma yang berikut. (a) Unicellular organisms Organisms which consist of only one cell
Tabung uji Tabung didih Bikar Kelalang kon Kelalang volumetri
satu Test tube Boiling tube Beaker Conical flask Volumetric flask
(a) Organisma unisel Organisma yang terdiri daripada (b) Multicellular Organisms which consist of
sel sahaja organisms many
6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 than one cell or9 cells
(b) Organisma multisel Organisma yang terdiri daripada lebih
daripada satu sel atau sel CONCLUSION Pond water contains many unicellular and multicellular organisms.

KESIMPULAN Air kolam mengandungi pelbagai organisma unisel dan multisel .

Silinder penyukat Pipet Buret Kelalang dasar bulat Corong tisel Measuring cylinder Pipette Burette Round-bottomed flask Thistle funnel

2.5 HP
HP •• Menerangkan kepentingan
Menyatakan maksud sains unisel
organisma dalam dan
kehidupan harian 1.2 HP •Rujuk
Menggunakan radas saintifik
kepada Essential Science yang umum
Form dalam
1, Aktiviti 1.1 LO
2.5 LO •• State
thethe importance
meaning of science
of unicellular in multicellular
and everyday life 1.2 LO Refer
• Usetosome common
Essential scientific
Science Formapparatus in theActivity
1, Laboratory
• Menyenaraikan perkara di sekeliling anda yang berkaitan
organisma multisel makmal2.3, hlm. 41; Essential Science PMR,
Makmal • organisms
Make a list of things around you that are related to laboratory
2.3, p. 41; Essential Science PMR, Unicellular and
dengan sains 2
28 Unicellular and multicellular Organisms, hlm. 30 science 2
28 Multicellular Organisms, p. 30

2.2 Understanding unicellular and multicellular organisms 4 Name the following organisms.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2.5 Experiment 1 Name the tiny organisms that only can be seen through a microscope. (Microorganisms)
2.6 Activity 2 Name the living things that have only one cell. (Unicellular organisms)
(Amoeba) (Spirogyra) (Paramecium) (Chlamydomonas)
3 Name the living things that made up of many cells. (Multicellular organisms) (e) (f) (g)

(Euglena) (Mucor) (Yeast)

28 28

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Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
Aktiviti 1.1 Memahami sains
Pengelasan organisma unisel
adalah sebahagian daripadadan multisel
kehidupan harian DISCUSSION 1.1 Understanding that
Classification ofscience
unicellular and multicellular
is part of everyday life organisms
Aktiviti Sains dan fenomena semula jadi
Masteri 2.6 Activity
DISCUSSION Science and natural phenomena

1.1 PERBINCANGAN Kontekstual

2007 Bhg. B, S7
1.1 Activity Contextual
2007 Sec. B, Q7
Chapter 2

Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2
Cell as a Unit of Life The diagram
Mark (✓) in below shows
the boxes a few types
provided of organisms.
the natural Observe the organisms.
Rajah di bawah
Tandakan menunjukkan
(✓) dalam petak yang beberapa
bagi organisma. Perhatikan
fenomena semula jadi. organisma tersebut.
✓ ✓
✓ ✓


Amoeba Mucor Paramecium


Ameba Mukor Paramesium

✓ ✓
✓ ✓

Chlamydomonas Hydra Spirogyra
Klamidomonas Hidra Spirogira

Objektif Pembelajaran (a) State one characteristic of the Learning

1.2 Mengetahui langkah-langkah keselamatan dan radas dalam makmal sains
(a) Nyatakan satu ciri bagi organisma-organisma tersebut. 1.2 one
Consists of Knowing
cellthe safety percautions and apparatus in a science laboratory
Aktiviti Terdiri daripada
Radas makmal
satu seldan kegunaannya
DISCUSSION Laboratory apparatus and their uses
Ameba: Kontekstual
Mucor: ActivityConsists of many cells Contextual
Terdiri daripada banyak sel
Mukor:radas makmal dalam jadual di bawah.
Namakan Name Consistsinofthe
the laboratory apparatus one cell below.
Terdiri daripada satu sel
Kelalang kon Buret Balang gas Tungku kaki tiga Conical flask ConsistsBurette
of one cell Gas jar Tripod stand
Tabung didih TerdiriBikar
daripada satu selRod kaca Kelalang dasar bulat Boiling tube ConsistsBeaker
of many cells Glass rod Round-bottomed flask
Tabung uji Hydra:
daripada banyakTakung
sel kaca Corong turas Test tube Pipette Glass trough Filter funnel
Hidra:Silinder penyukat Kasa dawai Mangkuk pijar Corong tisel ConsistsWire
Measuring cylinder of many
gauzecells Crucible Thistle funnel
Kelalang volumetriTerdiriKaki retortbanyakMangkuk
daripada sel penyejat Penunu Bunsen


Spirogira: Volumetric flask Retort stand Evaporating dish Bunsen burner

(b) Classify the organisms above into two groups based on common characteristics.
(b)1 Kelaskan organisma-organisma
2 3 kepada dua kumpulan
di atas 4 berdasarkan ciri
5 sepunya. 1 Name the organisms2 belonging to each group. 3 4 5
Namakan organisma bagi setiap kumpulan itu.
Amoeba, Mucor, Paramecium, Chlamydomonas, Hydra, Spirogyra
Ameba, Mukor, Paramesium, Klamidomonas, Hidra, Spirogira

Tabung uji Tabung didih

Kumpulan 1 Bikar Kelalang Kumpulan
kon 2
Kelalang volumetri Test tube Group
Boiling tube 1 Beaker Group
Conical flask 2 Volumetric flask
Ciri sepunya characteristics
6 Terdiri
7 daripada satu8 sel 9 Terdiri daripada10
banyak 6 7 Consists of one cell8 9 Consists of many
10 cells

Ameba Mukor Amoeba Mucor

Nama Paramesium Hidra Name of Paramecium Hydra
organisma Klamidomonas Spirogira organisms Chlamydomonas Spirogyra
Silinder penyukat Pipet Buret Kelalang dasar bulat Corong tisel Measuring cylinder Pipette Burette Round-bottomed flask Thistle funnel

2.6 HP • • Memberi
Menerangkan kepentingan
contoh organismasains dalam
unisel dankehidupan harian
organisma 1.2 HP • Menggunakan radas saintifik yang umum dalam 1.1LO
2.6 LO• •Give
Explain the importance
examples of scienceand
of unicellular in everyday life
multicellular 1.2 LO • Use some common scientific apparatus in the
• multisel
Menyenaraikan perkara di sekeliling anda yang berkaitan makmal •organisms
Make a list of things around you that are related to laboratory
dengan sains 2
29 science 292

5 State whether the following microorganisms are a plant cell or an animal cell. (c) Spirogyra (Multicellular organism)
(a) Mucor (Plant cell) (d) Mucor (Multicellular organism)
(b) Amoeba (Animal cell) (e) Chlamydomonas (Unicellular organism)
(c) Paramecium (Animal cell) (f) Euglena (Unicellular organism)
(d) Spirogyra (Plant cell) 7 Explain why Spirogyra is classified as a multicellular plant. (Spirogyra consists of many cells
(e) Chlamydomonas (Plant cell)
and contains chloroplast)
6 State whether the following organisms are a unicellular organism or a multicellular organism.
(a) Amoeba (Unicellular organism)
(b) Paramecium (Unicellular organism)

29 29

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Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
2.3 Memahami
1.1 Memahamisains
sel membentuk tisu, organ
adalah sebahagian dan sistem
daripada dalam harian
kehidupan badan manusia 1.1 Understanding that cells
2.3 science is tissues,
form part of everyday life systems in the human body
organs and
Aktiviti Organisasi sel DISCUSSION Science
Cell and natural phenomena
Sains dan fenomena semula jadi
1.1 PERBINCANGAN Konstruktivisme
Kontekstual 1.1
2.7 Activity Contextual
Chapter 2

Cell as a Unit of Life

Chapter 2
Cell as a Unit of Life Mark (✓) the
in the boxes provided the natural phenomena.
1 Namakan
Tandakan (✓) struktur yangyang
dalam petak diberi.
disediakan bagi fenomena semula jadi. 1 Name given structures.
Sel saraf Tisu epitelium Sel pembiakan Tisu otot ✓ Nerve cell Epithelial tissue Reproductive cell✓ Muscle tissue
✓ ✓
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)


Tisu epitelium Sel saraf Sel pembiakan Tisu otot


Epithelial tissue Nerve cell Reproductive cell Muscle tissue


2 Tulis dengan betul turutan organisasi sel dalam organisma berdasarkan pernyataan yang diberi. ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ 2 Write out in sequence the organisation of cells in an organism based on the given statements.
(a) Sel

(b) Tisu (c) Organ
➯ (d) Sistem

(e) Organisma
➯ (a) Cell
➯ (b) Tissue
➯ (c) Organ
➯ (d) System
➯ (e) Organism

Unit asas bagi Sekumpulan sel Terdiri daripada Dua atau lebih Terdiri daripada Consisting of
Basic unit for A group of cells Consisting of Consisting of
semua hidupan. yang sama jenis dua atau lebih organ yang semua sistem all systems
all living things. of the same two or more two or more
yang jenis tisu yang bekerjasama yang working
type carrying types of tissue organs working
menjalankan bekerjasama.
Objektif Pembelajaran
untuk bekerjasama. together.
out the same working
Learning Objective together to carry
fungsi yang menjalankan
1.2 Mengetahui langkah-langkah keselamatan dan radas dalam makmal sains
function. 1.2 Knowing the safety percautions and apparatus out
together. specific
in a science laboratory
Aktivitisama. Radas makmal dan kegunaannya fungsi tertentu.
DISCUSSION Laboratory apparatus and theirfunctions. uses
1.2 PERBINCANGAN Kontekstual
1.2 Activity Contextual

Namakan radas makmal dalam jadual di bawah. RESERACH

Name the laboratory apparatus inClassification
the table below.
of organs in a system
Aktiviti PUSTAKA Pengelasan organ-organ dalam sistem 2.8 Conical
Activity LIBRARY Mastery

2.8 Tabung didih

Kelalang kon Buret
Balang gas
Rod kaca
Tungku kaki tiga
Kelalang dasar bulat
Masteri flask
Boiling tube
Gas jar
Glass rod
Tripod stand
Round-bottomed flask
Tabung uji Pipet Takung kaca Corong turas 2007 Bhg. A, S1(a) Test tube Pipette Glass trough Filter funnel 2007 Sec. A, Q1(a)
Silinder penyukat Kasa dawai Mangkuk pijar Corong tisel Classify Measuring
the following organs
cylinder into systems
Wire gauze listed below.
Crucible Thistle funnel
organ-organ yang berikut
volumetri Kakikepada
retort sistem-sistem
Mangkukyang disenaraikan
penyejat di bawah.
Penunu Bunsen


Volumetric flask Retort stand Evaporating dish Bunsen burner

Heart Kidneys Joint Spinal cord Nerve fibre
1 Jantung 2 Ginjal 3
Sendi 4 tunjang
Saraf 5
Gentian saraf 1 Bone 2 Brain 3
Cartilage 4
Testis 5
Tulang Otak Rawan Testis Perut Blood vessels Skin Urinary bladder Mouth Ovary
Salur darah Kulit Pundi kencing Mulut Ovari Uterus Nose Lungs Trachea Intestine
Uterus Hidung Peparu Trakea Usus

Tabung uji Tabung didih Bikar Kelalang kon Kelalang volumetri Test tube Boiling tube Beaker Conical flask Volumetric flask

6 7 8 9 10 6 7 Blood
Peredaran Respiratory Digestive Reproductive8 Nervous 9
Excretory 10
Pernafasan Pencernaan Pembiakan Saraf Perkumuhan Rangka circulatory
Nose Mouth Uterus Brain Skin Bone Blood vessels
Hidung Mulut Uterus Otak Kulit Tulang Salur Trachea Stomach Testis Spinal Lungs Joint Heart
Trakea Perut Testis Saraf Peparu Sendi darah Lungs Intestine Ovary cord Urinary Cartilage
Peparu Usus Ovari tunjang Pundi Rawan Jantung
Gentian kencing Nerve fibre bladder
Silinder penyukat Pipet Buret
saraf Kelalang dasar bulat
Ginjal Corong tisel Measuring cylinder Pipette Burette Kidneys
Round-bottomed flask Thistle funnel

2.7 HP
HP •• Menerangkan
Namakan jeniskepentingan sainsyang
sel-sel manusia dalam kehidupan harian
berbeza 1.2HP
2.8 HP • • Menyatakan
Menggunakan radas
fungsi saintifik
jenis sel-selyang umumyang
manusia dalam 2.7
1.1 LO
LO •• Name
human in
everyday life 2.8
LO• •State
Usethe function
some commonof different
scientifictypes of human
apparatus cells
in the
•• Menyenaraikan
Susun mengikutperkara
urutan di sekelilingsel
organisasi anda
dariyang berkaitan
ringkas ke makmal
berbeza •• Arrange sequentially
Make a list cell organisation
of things around from
you that are simpletoto
related laboratory
dengan menggunakan istilah sel, tisu,
organ, sistem dan organisma
30 complex
science using the terms cell, tissue, organ, system
and organism

2.3 Understanding that cells form tissues, organs and systems in the 2.8
Activity LIBRARY 5 Based on the given organs, state the type of system that is formed in a human body.
human body (a) Brain, spinal cord (Nervous system)
(b) Skin, lung, kidney (Excretory system)
2.7 Activity 1 State the sequence in the cell organisation in humans. (Cell, tissue, organ, system, human) (c) Blood vessel, heart (Blood circulatory system)
2 A group of similar cells that performs the same work is called …….……. (tissue) (d) Testis, ovary (Reproductive system)
(e) Mouth, stomach, liver (Digestive system)
3 A group of tissue that works together is called ……………. (organ) (f) Nose, lungs, trachea (Respiratory system)
4 A few organs work together to carry out certain function in a life process to form a …………… (system) (g) Bones, joints (Skeletal system)

30 30

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PMR Kunci Kejayaan
Soalan-soalan berikut melibatkan konsep atau fakta yang
kerap ditanya dalam peperiksaan PMR. Pastikan anda
boleh menjawap semua soalan berikut. PMR Key To Success
Questions in this section contain concepts and facts that
are frequently tested in the PMR exam. Make sure you can
answer all the questions correctly.

1 Label struktur sel haiwan dan sel tumbuhan di bawah dan nyatakan fungsinya. 1 Label the structures of animal and plant cells below and state their function.
Membran sel Mengandungi klorofil Chloroplast
Fungsi: Function: Cell membrane Contains chlorophyll
Mengawal semua Nukleus yang menyerap cahaya Controls all the
Vakuol Nucleus Vacuole which absorbs light
aktiviti sel Nukleus semasa fotosintesis Nucleus
cell activities during photosynthesis
Membran Cell
sel Sitoplasma membrane Cytoplasm
Sel haiwan Dinding sel Fungsi: Animal cell Cell wall
Fungsi: Function: Function:
Melindungi sel Mengekalkan bentuk sel/ Maintains the shape of
Sel tumbuhan Protects the cell Plant cell
Melindungi sel the cell/Protect the cell

dinding sel kloroplas vakuol cell wall chloroplast vacuole

2 Sel-sel haiwan tidak mengandungi , dan . 2 Animal cells do not contain , and .
3 Organisma unisel hanya mempunyai satu sel. Unicellular
3 organisms have only one cell.
4 Organisma multisel mempunyai banyak sel. Multicellular
4 organisms have many cells.
5 Lengkapkan organisasi sel di bawah. 5 Complete the cell organisation below.
Sel Tisu Organ Sistem Badan manusia Cell Tissue Organ System Human body
6 Namakan organisma di bawah. Tuliskan simbol ‘u’ atau ‘m’ masing-masing untuk mewakili organisma unisel dan multisel. 6 Name the organisms below. Write the symbols ‘u’ or ‘m’ to represent the unicellular and multicellular organisms respectively.

u m u m u m u m

Ameba Mukor Paramesium Spirogira Amoeba Mucor Paramecium Spirogyra

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

7 Nyatakan jenis sel berdasarkan struktur dan fungsinya. 7 State the type of cell based on its structure and its function.
Sel pembiakan Sel darah merah Sel darah putih Sel saraf Reproductive cell Red blood cell White blood cell Nerve cell
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Sel darah merah Sel pembiakan Sel saraf Sel darah putih
Red blood cell Reproductive cell Nerve cell White blood cell
• Mengangkut • Memainkan peranan • Menghantar maklumat • Membunuh bakteria
oksigen dalam badan dalam pembiakan (impuls) dalam badan • Transports oxygen • Takes part in • Sends information • Kills bacteria
in the body reproduction (impulse) in the body
8 Nyatakan struktur yang berikut sebagai ‘sel’, ‘tisu’, ‘organ’ atau ‘sistem’.
8 State the following structures as ‘cell’, ‘tissue’, ‘organ’ or ‘system’.
Sel Organ Sistem
(a) Sperma: (b) Kulit: (c) Perkumuhan: Cell Organ System
(a) Sperm: (b) Skin: (c) Excretory:
Sistem Tisu Organ
(d) Pencernaan: (e) Gegendang telinga: (f) Peparu: System Tissue Organ
(d) Digestive: (e) Eardrum: (f) Lung:
Organ Sel Organ
(g) Mata: (h) Ovum: (i) Otak: Organ Cell Organ
(g) Eye: (h) Ovum: (i) Brain:

31 31

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PMR Sudut Pengukuhan 2 PMR Enhancement Corner 2
Tiap-tiap soalan yang berikut diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, A, B, C dan D. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik. Each question is followed by four options, A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.

1 Maklumat yang berikut menunjukkan 4 Rajah 2 menunjukkan pengelasan 7 Rajah 5 menunjukkan sejenis tisu 1 The following information shows 4 Diagram 2 shows the classification 7 Diagram 5 shows a type of tissue in
ciri-ciri satu sel. organisma. dalam badan manusia. the characteristics of a cell. of organisms. human body.
Mukor Mucor
• Bentuk tetap P • Has a fixed shape P
• Vakuol besar Spirogira • Has big vacuole Spirogyra
• Berdinding sel Organisma Rajah 5 • Has cell wall Organisms Diagram 5
Yis Tisu ini ialah Yeast The tissue is a
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah Which of the following is the other Q A nerve tissue
Q A tisu saraf CLONE
me-rupakan ciri lain bagi satu sel KLON characteristic of a cell which has Amoeba B epithelial tissue
Ameba B tisu epitelium 2006
2006 the properties listed above?
yang mempunyai sifat-sifat di atas? C tisu otot C muscle tissue
Rajah 2 A No cell membrane Diagram 2 C
A Tidak mempunyai membran sel D tisu penghubung C D connective tissue
B Membuat makanan sendiri Antara yang berikut, yang manakah B Makes own food
Which of the following represents P
C Tidak bergerak balas terhadap mewakili P dan Q? C Does not respond to light 8 Diagram 6 shows four types of
8 Rajah 6 menunjukkan empat jenis and Q?
cahaya D Has more than one nucleus microorganisms.
P Q mikroorganisma. B
D Mempunyai lebih daripada satu P Q
nukleus A Multisel Unisel A Multicellular Unicellular
2 Which of the following involves
B Unisel Multisel Mukor Ameba Spirogira Paramesium B Unicellular Multicellular Mucor Amoeba Spirogyra Paramecium
in the fertilisation to produce
2 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah C Tidak ber- Berdinding Rajah 6 offspring? C Have no Have cell Diagram 6
terlibat dalam persenyawaan untuk dinding sel sel A C cell wall wall
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah Which of the following are multi-
menghasilkan anak? D Bervakuol Tidak mikroorganisma multisel? D Have vacuole Have no cellular organisms?
A C bervakuol A Mukor dan spirogira vacuole A Mucor and Spirogyra
KLON B Paramesium dan ameba B Paramecium and Amoeba
2008 C Mukor dan paramesium 2008 C Mucor and Paramecium
D Ameba dan spirogira A D Amoeba and Spirogyra A
5 Diagram 3 shows the structure of a
B D 5 Rajah 3 menunjukkan struktur sel KLON KLON CLONE CLONE
2006 2007 plant cell. 2006 2007
C A 9 Antara yang berikut, yang manakah 2009
9 Which of the following builds up an
membina organ? D B
KLON D B organ?
3 Diagram 1 shows a cell organisation. Diagram 3 A C
Rajah 3 Which of the labelled structures A,
3 Rajah 1 menunjukkan suatu
Antara struktur berlabel A, B, C dan Cell X Y B, C or D is not found in an animal
organisasi sel.
D, yang manakah tidak terdapat cell? CLONE
Sel X Y pada sel haiwan? 2000 D B D
KLON D Organism System
Organisma Sistem 6 Diagram 4 shows the structure of
Diagram 1 a cell.
6 Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur sel. KLON D
Rajah 1 2008 Which of the following belong in CLONE
groups X and Y? 2008
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah A A
10 Antara struktur yang berikut, yang X Y
tergolong dalam kumpulan X dan Y ?
D manakah terdapat pada Spirogira A Platelet White blood cell D 10 Among the following structures,
tetapi tidak terdapat pada sel kulit B Kidneys Ovum B
which are found in Spirogyra but
A Platlet Sel darah putih B
manusia? C Stomach Sperm not in human skin cells?
B Ginjal Ovum
I Dinding sel III Vakuol D Epithelial Lungs Diagram 4 I Cell wall III Vacuole
C Perut Sperma Rajah 4
II Kloroplas tissue Which of the structures A, II Chloroplast
D Tisu Peparu Antara struktur A, B, C dan D, yang CLONE CLONE
A I dan II sahaja 2000 2002 D B, C or D absorbs light for A I and II only
epitelium manakah berfungsi menyerap cahaya
D B I dan III sahaja photosynthesis? B I and III only
KLON KLON untuk fotosintesis?
2000 2002 C II dan III sahaja C II and III only
2004 2005
B D I, II, dan III D 2004 D I, II and III D

32 32

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Bahagian A Section A
Jawab semua soalan. Answer all the questions.

1 Rajah 1 menunjukkan struktur satu sel. 1 Diagram 1 shows the structure of a cell.
KLON Chloroplast
X :__________________ 2005 Sec. A, Q1
X: __________________
2005 Bhg. A, S1 Cell wall
Z :__________________
Z: __________________
Dinding sel

Y :__________________
Y: __________________

Rajah 1 Diagram 1
(a) On Diagram 1, label structures X, Y and Z using the following words:
(a) Pada Rajah 1, label struktur X, Y, dan Z dengan menggunakan perkataan yang berikut:
Cell wall Chloroplast Nucleus
Dinding sel Kloroplas Nukleus

(b) Padankan struktur X, Y, dan Z dengan fungsinya. (b) Match structures X, Y and Z with their functions.
Struktur Fungsi Structure Function

X • • Mengawal semua aktiviti sel X • • Controls cell activities

Y • • Mengandungi klorofil yang menyerap cahaya semasa fotosintesis Y • • Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light during photosynthesis

Z • • Melindungi sel Z • • Protects the cell

• Tempat berlakunya proses kimia • Place where chemical processes occur

2 (a) Rajah 2 menunjukkan beberapa contoh organisasi sel dalam badan manusia. KLON
2007 Bhg. A, S1 2 (a) Diagram 2 shows some examples of the cell organisation in the human body. CLONE
(i) Antara yang berikut, yang manakah sel? Tandakan (✓) dalam petak yang disediakan. 2007 Sec. A, Q1
(i) Which of the following is a cell? Tick (✓) in the box provided.
✓ ✓

Rajah 2 Diagram 2
(ii) Bulatkan perkataan dalam petak di bawah untuk menunjukkan dua contoh lain bagi sel. (ii) Circle the words in the box below to show two other examples of cells.
Telinga Ovum Peparu Sperma Ear Ovum Lungs Sperm

(b) Lukis garisan untuk memadankan setiap jenis sistem dengan fungsinya. (b) Draw lines to match each type of system with its function.

hidung mouth nose

esofagus trakea oesophagus trachea
rawan perut peparu stomach lungs
usus intestines

Memecahkan makanan Menyerap oksigen dan Breaks up food into a Absorbs oxygen and
Menyokong dan melindungi Supports and protects the
kepada bentuk ringkas menyingkirkan karbon simpler form to be absorbed eliminates carbon dioxide
organ dalaman badan internal organs of the body
untuk diserap oleh badan dioksida dari badan by the body from the body

33 33

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Bahagian B Section B
Jawab soalan di bawah. Answer all the questions.
2004 Bhg. A, S1 2004 Sec. A, Q1
3 Rajah 3 menunjukkan organisma P, Q, R, dan S. 3 Diagram 3 shows organisms P, Q, R and S.


Rajah 3
Diagram 3
Berdasarkan pemerhatian pada Rajah 3, jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
(a) Nyatakan satu ciri bagi setiap organisma P, Q, R, dan S. Based on the observations in Diagram 3, answer the following questions.

P: Mempunyai membran sel/Mempunyai sitoplasma (a) State one characteristic for each of the organisms P, Q, R and S.

Q: Mempunyai membran sel/Mempunyai sitoplasma P: Has a cell membrane/Has cytoplasm

R: Mempunyai dinding sel/Mempunyai kloroplas Q: Has a cell membrane/Has cytoplasm

S: Mempunyai dinding sel/Mempunyai kloroplas R: Has a cell wall/Has chloroplast

(b) Kelaskan organisma P, Q, R, dan S kepada dua kumpulan berdasarkan ciri sepunya. Namakan organisma-organisma S: Has a cell wall/Has chloroplast
dalam setiap kumpulan. (b) Classify organisms P, Q, R and S into two groups based on their common characteristics. Name the organisms in each

P, Q, R and S
P, Q, R dan S

Tidak mempunyai Common Have a cell wall/ Do not have a cell wall/
Ciri Mempunyai dinding sel/
dinding sel/Tidak characteristics Have chloroplast Do not have chloroplast
sepunya Mempunyai kloroplas
mempunyai kloroplas

Name Chlamydomonas Paramecium

Nama Klamidomonas Paramesium
of organisms Spirogyra Amoeba
organisma Spirogira Ameba

34 34

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