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For the Crust

 1 package original Family Sized Chips Ahoy cookies, divided

 5 Tablespoons butter, melted

For the Cheesecake

 2 - 8 ounce packages cream cheese, softened

 1/4 cup brown sugar
 1/4 cup sugar
 2/3 cup sour cream
 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
 4 ounces white baking chocolate
 2 Tablespoons flour
 2 eggs

For the Mousse

 1 - 8 ounce cream cheese, softened

 1/4 cup brown sugar
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1 - 16 ounce container Cool Whip, thawed and divided
 1 cup mini chocolate chips, divided
 1 container mini Chips Ahoy cookies
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1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9 inch springform pan with parchment paper.
2. Crush 30 of the cookies into crumbs. Mix with the melted butter and press evenly into
the bottom of the prepared pan.
3. Beat the cream cheese and sugars until creamy. Add the sour cream and vanilla and
beat again.
4. Melt the white chocolate according to the package direction and beat in the melted
chocolate and flour.
5. Add the eggs one at a time, beating after each one.
6. Pour onto the prepared crust and bake for 45 minutes. Remove and let cool 5 minutes.
Run a knife around the edge of the cheesecake to loosen it from the pan. Cool for 1
hour and then refrigerate for 4-6 hours or until completely chilled.
7. Beat the remaining cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Stir in 2 cups of Cool
Whip gently.
8. Crush another 11 cookies to make 1 cup of crumbs. Stir into the mousse. Coarsly chop
the remaining 7 cookies and add them along with 3/4 cup of the chocolate chips.
Spoon on top of the cooled cheesecake and spread out evenly.
9. Swirl Cool Whip around the edges of the cheesecake. Sprinkle the remaining chocolate
chips in the center of the cheesecake. Top the Cool Whip swirls with mini Chips Ahoy
M&M Cheesecake Bars

 2 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 18 full size grahams)

 1/4 cup granulated sugar
 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted


 2 pkg (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened

 3/4 cup granulated sugar
 2 large eggs
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


 3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened

 1/2 cup granulated sugar
 3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
 1 large egg
 2 Tablespoon milk
 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
 1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
 1 teaspoon baking soda
 1 cup milk chocolate morsels
 1 1/2 cups M&M'S (I used milk chocolate, but any flavor would be delicious)

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1. Line a 13x9 baking dish with parchment paper, set aside.

2. In a food processor, pulse graham crackers with sugar until fine crumbs. Drizzle in melted
butter and pulse until combined.
3. Pour graham crumbs into bottom of baking dish. Using palm of your hand (or bottom of a
cup) press crumbs firmly until they are combined (and slightly hardened) in bottom of pan.
4. For the cheesecake filling, beat cream cheese with sugar eggs and vanilla using the whisk
attachment of an electric mixer. Beat until fluffy and smooth, about 3-5 minutes. Pour over
graham crust.
5. For the cookie dough, beat butter with sugars for 2 minutes, until combined. Add milk, egg
and vanilla. Beat until mixed. Add in flour, salt and baking soda and mix until fully combined.
Fold in chocolate chips and M&M'S. Drop by large scoop onto top of cheesecake layer. Try to
use your fingertips to spread gently until cheesecake is covered completely.
6. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30-35 minutes. Remove and cool completely. Once cooled,
cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. Cut into squares and

Desert tort bavaroise cu cocos

Pentru blat:
 4 albusuri
 5 galbenusuri
 80 gr zahar
 2 plicuri zahar vanilat
 3 linguri zeama de lamaie
 3 linguri apa fierbinte
 3 linguri ulei
 2 linguri fulgi de cocos+ 4 linguri pentru decor
 un praf de sare
Pentru crema:
 6 galbenusuri
 200 ml lapte de cocos
 100 gr cocos proaspat
 400 ml frisca lichida neindulcita
 150 gr zahar
 4 foi de gelatina(7gr)
 Mixam galbenusurile cu zaharul vanilat pana isi dubleaza volumul si se albesc.

 Separat, batem albusurile cu un praf de sare, iar cand incep sa prinda consistenta, adaugam
zeama de lamaie si cate doua linguri din zahar, pe rand pana il terminam. Trebuie sa fie
lucioase si sa nu cada din castron daca il intoarcem invers.

 Fara a ne opri din mixat dar la viteza mica, turnam cate putin apa fierbinte, apoi cate putin
uleiul si la urma compozitia de galbenusuri.

 Cu ajutorul unei spatule, incorporam cu grija si cu miscari de jos in sus faina. O adaugam
treptat, la fel si 2 linguri din fulgii de cocos.

 Turnam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la
180ºC pentru circa 20-25 de minute sau pana trece testul scobitorii.

 Crema:

 Punem intr-o cratita laptele de cocos si cocosul proaspat trecut prin blender pana da in
clocot. Luam de pe foc si dam deoparte circa 30 de minute, pentru a obtine cat mai mult gust
din cocosul proaspat, apoi strecuram. Batem galbenusurile cu zaharul pana devin mai
albicioase, apoi le amestecam cu laptele de cocos si dam din nou la foc mic pana se ingroasa,
circa 4-5 minute. Luam de pe foc si adaugam gelatina care a fost deja inmuiata in apa pentru
2-3 minute si scursa.

 Separat, batem frisca pana devine lucioasa si consistenta.

 Dupa ce crema de cocos s-a racit, o amestecam cu frisca cu ajutorul unei spatule.

 Pentru asamblare, taiem un cerc din blat care va fi cu un centimetru mai mic decat forma in
care il vom pune. Imbracam cu hartie de copt o forma rotunda cu fundul detasabil, turnam o
treime din crema si presuram 2 linguri de fulgi de cocos. Asezam blatul in centru apoi turnam
restul de crema si presaram inca doua linguri de fulgi de cocos.

 Se da la frigider pentru cateva ore.

 Se decoreaza dupa gust, eu am folosit bezele si bucati de cocos proaspat.

Prajitura cu nuca si crema mascarpone

 Blat cu nuca:
 5 oua
 150 g zahar
 200 g nuca macinata
 2 linguri cacao
 2 linguri pesmet de biscuit
 100 ml apa
 Blat cu nuca de cocos:
 5 albusuri
 150 g zahar pudra
 4 linguri fulgi nuca de cocos
 1 lingura faina
 esenta de vanilie
 Crema de ciocolata cu mascarpone:
 200 g ciocolata amaruie
 200 ml smantana pentru frisca
 300 g mascarpone
 5 galbenusuri
 esenta de vanilie dupa gust
 Pentru decor:
 200 ml smantana pentru frisca
 150 g crema de branza Almette
 1 lingura zahar pudra vanilat

De fapt este o prajitura cu nuca, nuca de cocos si crema de ciocolata cu mascarpone. O prajitura simpla, deloc
complicat de preparat. Va dau si voua reteta la prajitura cu nuca si crema mascarpone in cazul in care vreti sa va
rasfatati musafirii cu ceva bun. Dar cred ca ar putea sta foarte bine si pe lista voastra cu retete de prajituri pentru


Mod de preparare Prajitura cu nuca si crema mascarpone:

Blat cu nuca pentru Prajitura cu nuca si crema mascarpone:
Nuca macinata, zaharul si apa se pun intr-o cratita, la foc mic. Se fierb pana scade apa si amestecul se ingroasa (va
incepe sa miroase frumos a nuca prajita ? ) Se adauga cacaoa si pesmetul de biscuiti. Se amesteca bine si se lasa la
racit. Cand s-a racorit se adauga galbenusurile unul cate unul, amestecandu-se energic dupa fiecare.

La final, albusurile se bat spuma tare cu un praf d sare, ca pentru bezea si se adauga in compozitia cu nuca, in 2-3
reprize, amestecand usor cu o spatula, cu miscari de jos un sus.

Se toarna in tava (20/30 cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt si se coace la foc mediu (sau 150 grade cuptor electric cu
ventilatie) timp de cca 30 de minute.

 Verificati din cand in cand, blatul trebuie sa fie ferm la atingere, dar moale.
Blat cu nuca de cocos pentru Prajitura cu nuca si crema
Albusurile se bat spuma tare cu un praf de sare. Se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza pana spuma devine lucioasa si se
tine bine de paletele mixerului. Se aromeaza dupa gust cu esenta de vanilie, se toarna in ploaie fulgii de cocos si
faina si se amesteca usor cu o spatula, cu miscari de jos in sus.

Compozitia o punem intr-o tava (20/30 cm) tapetata cu hartie de copt si dam la cuptor la foc mediu pentru cca 30-35
de minute, pana blatul se rumeneste usor deasupra. Scoatem blatul pe un gratar si-l lasam la racit, cu tot cu hartia de

Crema de ciocolata cu mascarpone pentru Prajitura cu nuca

si crema mascarpone:
Se toarna smantana pentru frisca peste ciocolata rupta bucatele si se pun pe baie de abur pana se topeste ciocolata
si compozitia se omogenizeaza. Se adauga galbenusurile in crema calda si se amesteca bine cu mixerul. Se da la
rece, pana crema se raceste. In crema de ciocolata racita se adauga mascarpone, iar la sfarsit vanilie dupa gust. Se
pune din nou la rece pana in momentul asamblarii.

Pentru decor se mixeaza smantana pentru frisca pana prinde consistenta. Se adauga zaharul pudra si crema de
branza si se mixeaza pana crema devine ferma.

Prajitura cu nuca si crema mascarpone se asambleaza in tava in care am copt blaturile, tapetata cu folie alimentara.
Punem unul din blaturi, jumatate din crema, celalalt blat si jumatate de crema. Invelim in folie si dam la frigider.
Inainte de servire prajitura se orneaza cu crema de frisca.

 125 g faina
 50 g unt
 50 ml ulei
 250 ml apa
 1/4 lingurita de sare
 1 lingura zahar
 3 oua
 esenta de vanilie

Apa se pune la fiert impreuna cu untul, uleiul, zaharul si sarea. Cand incepe sa clocoteasca se pune faina, toata
deodata si se amesteca energic cu un tel, pana se desprinde aluatul de pe fundul vasului. Lasam putin sa se
raceasca, apoi adaugam ouale unul cate unul amestecand bine dupa fiecare si esenta de vanilie.

Punem aluatul intr-un posh, cu dui in forma de stea si plonjam aluatul direct in tigaia cu ulei bine incins.

 Eu am modelat aluatul sub forma de bastonase. Am spritat aluatul in tigaie si cand a ajuns la lungimea dorita l-am
taiat cu ajutorul unui foarfece de bucatarie. Daca vi se pare prea greu, puteti sprita aluatul pe bucatele de hartie de
copt si le puneti la prajit cu hartia de copt in sus (aceasta se va desprinde foarte repede si usor)

Se prajesc la foc mediu pe ambele parti si se scot pe un platou acoperit cu servetele de bucatarie.

Tiramisu Cake
You are here: Home / Baked Goods & Desserts / Tiramisu
J UNE 18, 2016
Ingredients for Tiramisu

Ricotta Cake

6 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable oil

1 cup skim-milk ricotta

1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder

Espresso Syrup

2 cups very strong coffee

Chocolate Ganache

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

1 cup heavy cream

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

Cream Cheese Mousse

1/2 cup cold water

2 gelatin packets

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup white chocolate chips

5 egg yolks

2/3 cup sugar

2 (8 oz.) packs cream cheese, at room temperature

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

For Decor

3 cups heavy cream

1/4 cup sugar

cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 300°F. With 1 tablespoon melted unsalted butter grease the
bottom and sides of 10X3 inch round baking spring pan. Cut parchment paper
to fit the bottom and place it on the bottom of the pan. You are
here: Home / Baked Goods & Desserts / Tiramisu
J UNE 18, 2016

Ingredients for Tiramisu

Ricotta Cake

6 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable oil

1 cup skim-milk ricotta

1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder

Espresso Syrup

2 cups very strong coffee

Chocolate Ganache

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

1 cup heavy cream

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

Cream Cheese Mousse

1/2 cup cold water

2 gelatin packets

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup white chocolate chips

5 egg yolks

2/3 cup sugar

2 (8 oz.) packs cream cheese, at room temperature

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

For Decor

3 cups heavy cream

1/4 cup sugar

cocoa powder

Preheat oven to 300°F. With 1 tablespoon melted unsalted butter grease the bottom and sides of
10X3 inch round baking spring pan. Cut parchment paper to fit the bottom and place it on the
bottom of the pan.

In a medium bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, skim-milk ricotta, fresh lemon juice and vanilla
extract until creamy. In a stand-up mixer whip 6 eggs and 2 cups of sugar at medium-high speed
for about 6-7 minutes. Add ricotta mixture to whisked eggs and whip just until blended. Sift 3
cups all-purpose flour with 3 teaspoons baking powder. Pour the sifted flour into the batter and
gently mix with a rubber spatula. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake for 90 minutes, or
until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.
Cool the cake completely and remove it from the pan. Peel off the parchment
paper. With a serrated bread knife cut off the top of the cake to even it out .
Slice the cake horizontally into 3 slices, these will be your 3 layer.

Preheat oven to 400°F and bake the trimmed top for 10 minutes. Cool
completely, place into a zip lock bag and roll out to make crumbs. You will
use this to decorate the sides of the cake.

To make chocolate ganache, place 2 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips into
a heat-resistant bowl. In a saucepan bring 1 cup of heavy cream to a boil and
pour it over the chocolate chips. Let it rest for a minute and with a rubber
spatula fold it in until completely mixed and smooth. Mix in 1 tablespoon of
rum and set aside. To make cream cheese mousse, in a small bowl combine
1/2 cup cold water and 2 packets of gelatin, set aside.

In a sauce pan bring 2 cups of heavy cream to a boil. To make white

chocolate ganache, place 1 cup of white chocolate chips into a heat-resistant
bowl and pour 1/4 cup of boiled heavy cream over the white chocolate chips.
Let it rest for a minute and with a rubber spatula fold it in until completely
mixed and smooth, set aside.

In a stand-up mixer whisk together 5 egg yolks and 2/3 cup of sugar for about
2 minutes. While still whisking, slowly pour in the rest of hot heavy cream and
whisk until blended. Pour the cream back into the sauce pan and cook over
medium heat, stirring back and forth with a rubber spatula for about 3-4
minutes. Pour gelatin water through a cheese cloth and add gelatin into the
cream. Mix until gelatin melts and cream is smooth.

In a stand-up mixer over high heat whisk 2 packs of cream cheese for about 2
minutes, until smooth and creamy. Add white chocolate chip ganache and
whisk until blended. While still whisking, pour in cooked cream and 1
tablespoon of rum and whisk until blended. Using a rubber spatula scrape off
sides and bottom of the bowl and whisk again. Set aside to cool until the
cream cheese mousse thickens a little.

To assemble, place the bottom layer of the ricotta cake into the 10X3 inch
round spring form and with a pastry brush moisten the cake with 1/3 of strong
coffee. Spread 1/3 of chocolate ganache over the cake. Pour in half of cream
cheese mousse over the cake. Place the second layer of ricotta cake over the
cream and moisten with 1/3 of espresso. Spread half of leftover chocolate
ganache evenly over the cake. Pour in the rest of cream cheese mousse over
the cake and top with the last layer of ricotta cake. Moisten with the rest of
espresso and evenly spread the rest of chocolate ganache. Wrap the cake in
plastic wrap and freeze overnight.

Take the cake out of the freezer and discard of plastic wrap. Run a sharp
knife under hot water and run it along the sides of the cake to release the
cake from the rim. Carefully remove the rim and transfer the cake unto a cake

You are here: Home / Baked Goods & Desserts / Tiramisu

J UNE 18, 2016

Ingredients for Tiramisu

Ricotta Cake

6 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable oil

1 cup skim-milk ricotta

1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder

Espresso Syrup
2 cups very strong coffee

Chocolate Ganache

2 cups semi sweet chocolate chips

1 cup heavy cream

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

Cream Cheese Mousse

1/2 cup cold water

2 gelatin packets

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup white chocolate chips

5 egg yolks

2/3 cup sugar

2 (8 oz.) packs cream cheese, at room temperature

1 tbsp. rum or kahlua

For Decor

3 cups heavy cream

1/4 cup sugar

cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 300°F. With 1 tablespoon melted unsalted butter grease the bottom and sides of
10X3 inch round baking spring pan. Cut parchment paper to fit the bottom and place it on the
bottom of the pan.

In a medium bowl, whisk together vegetable oil, skim-milk ricotta, fresh lemon juice and vanilla
extract until creamy. In a stand-up mixer whip 6 eggs and 2 cups of sugar at medium-high speed
for about 6-7 minutes. Add ricotta mixture to whisked eggs and whip just until blended. Sift 3
cups all-purpose flour with 3 teaspoons baking powder. Pour the sifted flour into the batter and
gently mix with a rubber spatula. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake for 90 minutes, or
until toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

Cool the cake completely and remove it from the pan. Peel off the parchment paper. With a
serrated bread knife cut off the top of the cake to even it out . Slice the cake horizontally into 3
slices, these will be your 3 layer.

Preheat oven to 400°F and bake the trimmed top for 10 minutes. Cool completely, place into a
zip lock bag and roll out to make crumbs. You will use this to decorate the sides of the cake.

To make chocolate ganache, place 2 cups of semi sweet chocolate chips into a heat-resistant
bowl. In a saucepan bring 1 cup of heavy cream to a boil and pour it over the chocolate
chips. Let it rest for a minute and with a rubber spatula fold it in until completely mixed and
smooth. Mix in 1 tablespoon of rum and set aside.

To make cream cheese mousse, in a small bowl combine 1/2 cup cold water and 2 packets of
gelatin, set aside.

In a sauce pan bring 2 cups of heavy cream to a boil. To make white chocolate ganache, place 1
cup of white chocolate chips into a heat-resistant bowl and pour 1/4 cup of boiled heavy cream
over the white chocolate chips. Let it rest for a minute and with a rubber spatula fold it in until
completely mixed and smooth, set aside.
In a stand-up mixer whisk together 5 egg yolks and 2/3 cup of sugar for about 2 minutes. While
still whisking, slowly pour in the rest of hot heavy cream and whisk until blended. Pour the
cream back into the sauce pan and cook over medium heat, stirring back and forth with a rubber
spatula for about 3-4 minutes. Pour gelatin water through a cheese cloth and add gelatin into the
cream. Mix until gelatin melts and cream is smooth.

In a stand-up mixer over high heat whisk 2 packs of cream cheese for about 2 minutes, until
smooth and creamy. Add white chocolate chip ganache and whisk until blended. While still
whisking, pour in cooked cream and 1 tablespoon of rum and whisk until blended. Using a
rubber spatula scrape off sides and bottom of the bowl and whisk again. Set aside to cool until
the cream cheese mousse thickens a little.

To assemble, place the bottom layer of the ricotta cake into the 10X3 inch round spring form and
with a pastry brush moisten the cake with 1/3 of strong coffee. Spread 1/3 of chocolate ganache
over the cake. Pour in half of cream cheese mousse over the cake. Place the second layer of
ricotta cake over the cream and moisten with 1/3 of espresso. Spread half of leftover chocolate
ganache evenly over the cake. Pour in the rest of cream cheese mousse over the cake and top
with the last layer of ricotta cake. Moisten with the rest of espresso and evenly spread the rest of
chocolate ganache. Wrap the cake in plastic wrap and freeze overnight.

Take the cake out of the freezer and discard of plastic wrap. Run a sharp knife under hot water
and run it along the sides of the cake to release the cake from the rim. Carefully remove the rim
and transfer the cake unto a cake stand.

In a stand-up mixer, whisk together 3 cups of heavy cream with 1/4 cup of sugar for about 3
minutes, or until stiff peaks form. Spread some of the cream over the cake to cover the sides and
top. With a piping bag, pipe roses or swirls on top. Decorate the sides of the cake by pressing
previously made cake crumbs onto the sides. With a fine mesh strainer sift cocoa powder over
the top of the cake.

Let the cake defrost for about 6 hours in a refrigerator before serving.
1 1/4 cup (167g) vanilla wafer crumbs
1/4 cup (56g) salted butter, melted
1 1/2 tbsp (20g) sugar

8 oz (226g) cream cheese, room temperature
16 oz (452) mascarpone cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup (52g) sugar
1 cup (240ml) heavy whipping cream, cold
1/2 cup (58g) powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract

3 tbsp (45ml) warm water
2 tbsp (30ml) instant espresso powder
1 cup (240ml) Kahlua
12 ladyfingers


1 cup (240ml) heavy whipping cream, cold
1/4 cup (60ml) Kahlua mixture (remaining from above), cold
10 tbsp (73g) powdered sugar
Cocoa, optional

1. Preheat oven to 325°F (163°C). Line a 9-inch springform pan with parchment paper in the bottom and
grease the sides.
2. Mix together the crust ingredients until well combined and press the mixture into the bottom of the
springform pan.
3. Bake the crust for 10 minutes, then set aside to cool.


1. To make the filling, mix the cream cheese, mascarpone cheese and sugar together on medium-low
speed until combined. Do not mix on high speed or overmix or the mascarpone cheese can begin to
separate. Set aside.
2. In another mixing bowl, add the heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla extract. Whip on
high speed until stiff peaks form.
3. Slowly fold the whipped cream into the mascarpone cheese mixture. Set aside.
4. Combine the warm water and espresso powder for the Kahlua mixture in a small bowl. Add the
Kahlua and stir to combine.
5. Dip the ladyfingers into the Kahlua mixture one at a time, then add to the springform pan, on top of
the crust.
6. Spread the mascarpone cheese mixture evenly over the ladyfingers.
7. Set the cheesecake in the refrigerator to chill and firm, 5-6 hours or overnight. Set remaining Kahlua
mixture in the fridge for later.
8. When the cheesecake is firm, make the Kahlua whipped cream. Add the heavy whipping cream, 1/4
cup of the remaining Kahlua mixture and powdered sugar to a large mixer bowl. Whip on high speed
until stiff peaks form.
9. Carefully remove the cheesecake from the springform pan and use an offset spatula to smooth the
sides, if needed.
10. Add the Kahlua whipped cream to the top of the cheesecake. You can simply spread it on top or pipe
it in a similar pattern as I did. I used the Ateco 844 tip.
11. Sprinkle a little cocoa over the top of the cheesecake, if desired.
12. Refrigerate the cheesecake until ready to serve.



3/4 cup (169g) unsalted butter, room temperature

3/4 cup (108g) brown sugar
1/4 cup (52g) sugar
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 cups (260g) all purpose flour
2 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup (112g) unsalted butter
6 oz chopped quality semi sweet chocolate
1 1/4 cups (259g) sugar
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 large eggs
3/4 cup (98g) flour
2 tbsp natural unsweetened cocoa
1/4 tsp salt


1 2/3 cups (217g) all purpose flour

1 cup (207g) sugar
1 1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 egg whites, room temperature
1/2 cup (115g) sour cream, room temperature
1/2 cup (120ml) milk, room temperature
2 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup (168g) unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
1/2 cup (61g) oreo crumbs
6 Oreos, chopped
1 1/2 cups (336g) butter
1 1/4 cups (237g) shortening
9 3/4 cups (1121g) powdered sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/4 cup (123g) natural unsweetened cocoa powder
5-6 tbsp (60-75ml) water/milk


10 Oreos, crushed
4 oz semi sweet chocolate chips
5 tbsp (75ml) heavy whipping cream
Chocolate chip cookies, for decorating
Oreos, for decorating

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place parchment paper in the bottom of a 9 inch cake pan and grease the
2. Cream butter and sugars together until light and fluffy, about 3-4 minutes.
3. Mix in egg and vanilla extract.
4. Combine dry ingredients in a another bowl, then add them to the butter mixture and mix until well
combined. Dough will be thick.
5. Stir in chocolate chips.
6. Press the dough evenly into the cake pan.
7. Bake for 21-24 minutes or until the edges are slightly golden. The center will look undercooked, but it
will continue cooking and firm up as it cools.
8. Remove from oven and set aside to cool completely in the cake pan. It may still look a little
undercooked until completely cool and firm. Once cooled, the center should be firm and it’ll be easier to
remove it from the pan without it falling apart.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place parchment paper in the bottom of a 9 inch cake pan and grease the
2. To make the brownie, add the butter and chocolate to a heat-proof bowl (I use my mixer bowl) and set
it over a pot of simmering water. Melt the butter and chocolate, stirring until smooth. Set aside to cool a
3. Whisk together the sugar, vanilla extract and eggs in a medium bowl until well combined.
4. Combine the dry ingredients in another medium bowl.
5. Whisk the cooled chocolate mixture into the egg mixture and combine.
6. Gently stir the flour mixture into the chocolate mixture until well combined.
7. Pour the batter evenly into the prepared pan and bake for 35-38 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted
comes out with a few sticky crumbs. You don’t want to over bake it.
8. Remove brownie from oven and set aside to cool completely in the pan, then remove from the pan.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place parchment paper in the bottom of a 9 inch cake pan and grease the
2. Whisk together flour, sugar baking powder and salt in a large mixing bowl.
3. Whisk together egg whites, sour cream, milk and vanilla extract in a medium bowl, then add to the
flour mixture and mix on medium speed just until smooth.
4. Add melted butter and mix until combined.
5. Stir in the Oreo crumbs and chopped Oreos.
6. Pour batter evenly into prepared cake pan and bake for 34-36 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in
the center comes out with a few crumbs.
7. Remove cake from oven and allow to cool for 2-3 minutes, then remove from pan to a cooling rack to
finish cooling.


1. Beat the butter and shortening together until smooth.

2. Slowly add about half of the powdered sugar, mixing until smooth between each addition of powdered
3. Add the vanilla extract, cocoa powder and 4 tablespoons of water or milk to the frosting and mix until
4. Slowly add the remaining powdered sugar, mixing until smooth between each addition of powdered
5. Add additional water to the frosting as needed to get a smooth consistency.


1. Use a large serrated knife to remove the top edges from the cookie cake so that it’s flat and remove the
dome from the top of the oreo cake. If the top of the brownie isn’t flat, trim it so that it is.
2. Place the cookie cake on a serving plate or cardboard cake circle and top with about 1 cup of frosting.
Smooth frosting into an even layer.
3. Add about half of the additional crushed Oreos on top of the frosting and press into the frosting.
4. Add the Oreo cake and top with about 1 cup of frosting. Smooth frosting into an even layer.
5. Add remaining half of the additional crushed Oreos on top of the frosting and press into the frosting.
6. Add the brownie to the top of the cake.
7. Add a crumb coat and frost the outside of the cake. For help with getting a smooth cake, refer to this
8. Pipe swirls around the top edge of the cake. I use Ateco tip 844, but Wilton 2D or 1M would work as
9. To make the chocolate ganache, add the additional chocolate chips to a heat proof bowl.
10. Microwave the heavy whipping cream until boiling, then pour over the chocolate chips. Cover the
bowl with clear wrap for about 5 minutes, then whisk until smooth.
11. Use a spoon to drizzle the chocolate ganache down the sides of the cake.
12. Pour remaining ganache onto the top of the cake and spread into an even layer in the middle of the
piped swirls.
13. Finish the cake off with chocolate chip cookies and Oreos that have been cut in half.
If this cake will be eaten within a day or two, I’d store it in an air-tight container at room temperature. If
it will sit for longer than that, I’d refrigerate it.



3/4 cup + 2 tbsp (114g) all purpose flour

1 cup (207g) sugar
6 tbsp (43g) cocoa
1 1/8 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup (120ml) milk
1/4 cup (60ml) vegetable oil
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 large egg
1/2 cup (120ml) hot water
1-2 bananas, sliced
1/4 cup caramel sauce
1/4 cup chocolate sauce
One pint Bananas Foster ENLIGHTENED Ice cream
One pint Cold Brew Coffee ENLIGHTENED Ice cream


1 cup heavy whipping cream, cold
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2 tsp powdered instant espresso
Banana chips

1. Preheat oven to 350°F (176°C) and prepare an 8 inch cake pan with non-stick baking spray and
parchment paper in the bottom.
2. Add the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt to a large mixer bowl and combine.
Set aside.
3. Add the milk, vegetable oil, vanilla extract and eggs to a medium sized bowl and combine.
4. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and beat until well combined.
5. Slowly add the hot water to the batter and mix on low speed until well combined. Scrape down the
sides of the bowl as needed to make sure everything is well combined.
6. Pour the batter into the prepared cake pan and bake for 27-30 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out
with a few moist crumbs.
7. Remove the cake from oven and allow to cool for 3-4 minutes, them remove to a cooling rack to finish
8. Once the cake is cool, set up an 8-inch cake pan (or springform pan) for layering. If not using a
springform pan, you can put some plastic wrap in the bottom of the pan and up the sides and use it to lift
the cake out of the pan when it’s done. Put a cardboard cake circle in the bottom of the pan. Line the
sides of the pan with parchment paper. The parchment paper should stick up above the top edge of the
pan (see example).
NOTE: You should be using the same 8-inch pan you used for the cake. Not all 8-inch pans are exactly the
same size. Your cake needs to fit in this pan.
9. Cut the dome off of the top of the cake layer, then place the cake layer into the bottom of the pan.
10. Add banana slices in a full even layer on top of the cake.
11. Pour the chocolate and caramel sauce over the banana slices.
12. Add small spoonfuls of softened bananas foster ice cream and spread into an even layer.
13. Add small spoonfuls of softened cold brew coffee ice cream and spread into an even layer.
14. Freeze the cake until firm, 5-6 hours.
15. To prepare the whipped cream, add the heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar and instant
espresso to a large mixer bowl. Whip on high speed until stiff peaks form.
16. Remove the frozen cake from the pan and lightly frost the outside with the whipped cream.
17. Pipe swirls around the top edge of the cake and top with banana chips.
18. Freeze until ready to serve.


24 oz (678g) cream cheese, room temperature
1 cup (207g) sugar
3 tbsp (24g) all purpose flour
1 cup (230g) sour cream
1 tbsp vanilla extract
2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 large eggs, room temperature

20 oz (575g) peeled raw carrots
3/4 cup (168g) unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups (310g) sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp (45ml) vegetable oil
3 large eggs
1 large egg white
2 1/2 cups (325g) all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/8 tsp cloves
1/8 tsp all spice
8 oz (227g) crushed pineapple, drained
1 cup (73g) sweetened coconut flakes


16 oz (452g) cream cheese, room temperature
3 cups (720ml) heavy whipping cream, cold
1 1/4 cups (144g) powdered sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1 tsp ground cinnamon
2 1/2 cups chopped pecans
1. Preheat oven to 300°F (148°C). Line the entire inside of a 9 inch cake pan with aluminum foil. Press it
into the pan to get it as flat as you can. You’ll use the aluminum foil to lift the cheesecake out of the pan
when it’s baked and cooled.
2. In a large mixer bowl, mix the cream cheese, sugar and flour together until combined. Use low speed
to keep less air from getting into the batter, which can cause cracks. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.
3. Add the sour cream, vanilla extract and and cinnamon and mix on low speed until well combined.
4. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing slowly and scraping the sides of the bowl after each addition.
5. Pour the cheesecake batter into the lined cake pan.
6. Place the cake pan inside another larger pan. I use a larger cake pan, but you can use a roasting pan or
any other larger baking pan. Fill the outside pan with enough warm water to go about halfway up the
sides of the cake pan. Bake for 1 hour.
7. Turn off the oven and leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door closed for 30 minutes. Do not
open the door or you’ll release the heat.
8. Crack oven door and leave the cheesecake in the oven for another 30 minutes. This cooling process
helps the cheesecake cool slowly to prevent cracks.
9. Remove cheesecake from oven and chill until firm, 5-6 hours.


10. To steam the carrots, bring about an inch of water to a boil in the bottom of a pot. Put peeled carrots
in a steamer basket (or a colander, if you don’t have a steamer basket) set over the boiling water. Cover
and steam the carrots until very tender, about 10-15 minutes.
11. Put the warm carrots into a food processor and puree. You should end up with about 1 ¾ cup
(420ml) of carrot puree. Set aside to cool.
12. Preheat the oven to 350°F (176°C). Line the bottom of two 9 inch cake pans with parchment paper
and grease the sides.
13. In a large mixer bowl, cream the butter and sugar on medium speed until light in color and fluffy, 3-4
minutes. Don’t skimp on the creaming time.
14. Add the vanilla extract and vegetable oil and mix until combined.
15. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing until incorporated after each addition.
16. Add the egg white and mix until well combined. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed to
make sure everything is combined.
17. Combine the dry ingredients in a medium sized bowl.
18. Add half of the flour mixture to the batter and mix until combined.
19. Add the carrot puree to the batter and mix until combined.
20. Add the remaining flour mixture and mix until well combined and smooth.
21. Stir in the crushed pineapple and coconut flakes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed to
ensure everything is well combined.
22. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared cake pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until a
toothpick inserted in the middle comes out with a few crumbs.
23. Remove cakes from the oven and allow to cool for 3-4 minutes, then remove from the pans to a
cooling rack to finish cooling.


24. Add the cream cheese to a large mixer bowl and beat until smooth, then set aside.
25. Add the heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, vanilla extract and cinnamon to another bowl and
whip until soft peaks form.
26. Add the cream cheese to the whipped cream and whip until stiff peaks form. It will happen fairly
quickly. Set whipped frosting in the refrigerator.
27. Use a large serrated knife to remove the domes from the top of the two carrot cakes.
28. Place the first layer of cake on a serving plate or a cardboard cake round. Spread about 1 cup of
frosting evenly on top of the cake layer.
29. Use the aluminum foil to lift the cheesecake out of the cake pan, remove the foil and place the
cheesecake on top of the cake.
30. Spread another cup of frosting evenly on top of the cheesecake, then add the second layer of cake on
top. If the sides of the cake don’t line up, use a serrated knife to trim off the excess cake or cheesecake.
31. Frost the outside of the cake.
32. To create a spiral pattern on the top of the cake, lightly press an offset spatula into the center of the
cake. Gradually move the tip of the spatula outward as you spin the cake around, creating the spiral.
33. Press the pecans into the sides of the cake
34. Pipe dollops of the whipped frosting around the top edge of the cake. I used the Ateco 808 icing tip.
35. Finish off the cake with some candy carrots or other carrot decor.
Store the cake (in an airtight containter, if possible) in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Cake is best
for 2-3 days.

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