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OUTLINE is in these three days that we remember these

A. Paschal Mystery
B. Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
B. Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus
C. Pentecost
The Resurrection of Jesus is the central doctrine
II. JERUSALEM COMMUNITY of Christianity. Without it, everything that Jesus
A. Lorem Ipsum started would lead to nothing(1 Corinthians 15:14).
B. Lorem Ipsum The Church would not have even been established
III. Penalties if Jesus has not risen from the dead, thus it is the
IV. Tables, Images and Figures
Greatest Feast in the Church

 Without the resurrection of Jesus, he would not

OBJECTIVES: have established the Church.
At the end of the lecture, the student should be able to:
1. Trace the origin of the Catholic Church to the time of  Jesus gave his final instructions especially to St.
Jesus Peter to “Feed his lambs and tend his sheep”,
2. Familiarize one’s self with terms, people, places and that is to take care of his community that he will
practices during the time of the early church be leaving. This is one of the passages that
supports the Papacy as the role of the pope is to
REFERENCES: be the Vicar or overseer of the Kingdom of God
1. Lecture Notes on earth.
2. Notes from Sir Maningas’ Visuals  40 days later, he ascended into heaven and
3. Various Sources from the Internet instructed his apostles to proclaim the Gospel
and baptize people of all nations. Two angels
Legend: told them that he would come back in the same
Lecturer Book
Trans Com
way he left
(Exams) Trans

     C. Pentecost

I. ORIGINS  St. Matthias was chosen to replace Judas

A. Paschal Mystery Iscariot; the latter killed himself in remorse of
betraying Jesus. This was needed to keep their
 Simply defined as the Passion (suffering, number 12, as the apostles were the ones who
Death and Resurrection of Jesus were to sit on the thrones of the 12 tribes of
 It is pre-figured in the Old Testament with the
Exodus of the Jews, led by Moses, where they
were freed from slavery by the Egyptians. This The Church was born on Pentecost Day
is commemorated by the celebration of the
PASSOVER, where the Angel of Death killed When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,
the first-born of the Egyptians. The Israelites they were all in one place together and suddenly
were saved by the blood of the lamb on their there came from the sky a noise like a strong
doorposts; this came from the lamb sacrificed on driving wind and it filled the entire house in which
the very first Passover meal. they were. Then there appeared to them tongues
 The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross has as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each
parallels with the Jewish Passover. Here he one of them and they were all filled with the holy
freed us from the slavery of sin and eternal Spirit and began to speak in different tongues,
death by his blood as he is the LAMB OF GOD as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. – Acts
 The Exodus event may also contribute to the 2:1-4
definition that the Church is the People of God
as this was when God chose the people of Israel  Many foreign Jews visiting at that time
for his own marveled at the apostles’ gift of tongues while
others made fun of them. St. Peter, standing as
the Head of the apostles, gave a speech
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Black proclaiming the Paschal Mystery of Jesus. With
Saturday are known as the Paschal Triduum. It this, he was able to convince a huge number of

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people and so, around 3,000 people became approved of it. From there he asked
believers that day permission to launch a persecution of the
believers. On his way to Damascus, Jesus
 This account and all stories regarding the early appeared to him and asked him to follow him.
Church in Jerusalem are recorded in the ACTS He was blinded after this, but regained his
OF THE APOSTLES, written by St. Luke the sight after three days and was baptized by
Evangelist, a companion of St. Paul and a Ananias. From then on he was a staunch
Physician by profession. preacher of the Gospel and a well-known
missionary throughout the Roman Empire.
II. JERUSALEM COMMUNITY His letters to the different Christian
communities form half of the New Testament.
The Apostles and early converts later engaged He is known as the Apostle to the Gentiles
in communal life
 Antioch – The place where the followers of
 “They devoted themselves to the teaching of Christ were first called CHRISTIANS
the apostles and to the communal life, to the
breaking of the bread and to the  COUNCIL OF JERUSALEM – the meeting
prayers.………... Every day they devoted convened by the Apostles to settle the
themselves to meeting together in the differences between Jewish and Gentile
temple area and to breaking bread in their Christians. The early Christians were either
homes……… –Acts 2:42-47 converts from Judaism or non-Jews. The
Jewish converts argued that one must follow
 The community was considered a sect of the law of Moses and keep Jewish
Judaism as scribed in the Gospel Passage customs, such as circumcision and the
above prohibition of eating of food offered to idols in
order to become a Christian as the believe
 The movement was met with resistance by the Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews. St. Paul,
Jewish authorities as they feared that their although a Jew, but coming from another
growing numbers might overthrow their country argued that you don’t need to
authorities. So they launched a persecution adhere to Jewish law as long as you
against them believe in Jesus as he viewed Christianity as
a separate sect from Judaism
 ST. PETER – formerly known as Simon, he
was a fisherman from Bethsaida when Jesus St. Peter helped resolve the issue by narrating
called him. Jesus gave him a new name his own experience of having a vision of a
Cephas or Peter which meant Rock, as he large sheet of animals considered unclean by
chose him to be the shepherd of his Church. Jewish law. He was then instructed to kill and
Although he denied Jesus three times during eat them. He refused, being a devout Jew
his Passion, he was forgiven by Jesus and himself but was told by a voice that whatever
stood as the leader of the apostles and early God has made clean should not be
Church after Pentecost. considered unclean. This made him realize
that considered the non-Jews part of his plan
 ST. STEPHEN – one of the first 7 deacons of salvation. After the vision, he eventually met
chosen by the apostles to minister to the less the family of the centurion, Cornelius and
fortunate members of the community. He was baptized them. They were one of the first
arrested by the Jewish authorities after Gentiles to be accepted in the early church.
preaching about Jesus. Standing firm in his
belief about Jesus while connecting him with The resolution of the council was to exempt
the prophecies of the Old Testament, he was non-Jews from laws such as circumcision
dragged outside the and was stoned to but still prohibit them from eating food
death. He is considered as the First Christian offered to idols as it defeats the purpose of
Martyr recognizing Jesus as Lord and the sharing of
the common meal.
 ST. PAUL – formerly known as Saul, he came
from the city of Tarsus and was a student of III. THE CHURCH IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE
Rabbi Gamaliel and a zealous Pharisee. He
was present at the stoning of Stephen and A. Persecution

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 From Jerusalem, different Christian communities launched against the Christians was that of the
grew around parts of the Roman empire through Emperor Diocletian known as the Great
the efforts mainly of St. Paul and the other apostles. Persecution.

 Is said that St. Peter went to Rome to B. Constantine the Great

accommodate the growing number of Christians  Constantine was known to have changed the face
outside the Holy Land. Since Rome was the center of the Roman empire at the time of his accession
of the empire, it was best that the headquarters as Emperor. He was the son of Constantius, a co-
from Jerusalem be transferred there. Emperor of Rome during the time of the Emperor
Diocletian and Helena, who would later be made
 Like the Jewish authorities before him, the Roman famous the legends of the finding of the True Cross
Emperor Nero feels threatened by the growing of Jesus
population of Christians in the City. He finds an
opportunity by blaming them for the Great Fire of  Diocletian subdivided the empire into both the East
Rome (64 A.D.) and from there he launches a and West. At the time of the accession of
persecution of the Christians. Constantine, his rival, the Emperor Maxentius held
Rome and citizens. He sought to take the city, yet
 He starts arresting leaders like Peter and Paul and his army was greatly out number
sentences them to death.
 Days before he faced Maxentius in battle, he had a
 Tradition has it that St. Peter was sentenced to be vision. In the sky appeared the Greek letters Chi
crucified as it was a form of punishment for slaves (P) and (Rho) intertwined together along with a
and non-Roman citizens. When the cross as about voice that said “IN HOC SIGNO VINCES” (By this
to be raised, he told his executioners that he was sign you shall conquer). Incidentally, these were the
not worthy to die in the same way as Jesus, so he Greek initials for Christ. Some say in a dream,
ended up being crucified upside-down on Vatican others even say that he saw a comet in the sky.
Hill. Believing it would help them become a good omen
in battle, he ordered the sign to be painted on the
St. Peter’s Basilica is believed to be erected shields and armor of his forces
upon the place of Peter’s crucifixion
 The two rivals faced each other on October 27, 312
 St. Paul on the other hand, was ordered to be at the Milvian Bridge. Constantine won a decisive
beheaded as he was a Roman citizen. Legend has victory against Maxentius, who drowned in the river
it that his head bounced three times and from the Tiber. It is said that he attributed the success of the
spots where his head landed arose three fountains. battle to the Christian God. He later took hold of the
Eastern empire by offering the hand of his sister,
This site is believed to be the church of San Constantia to the ruler Licinius.
Paolo alle Tre Fontane in Rome
 In 313 A.D., both Constantine and Licinius issued
 Christians were martyred in different ways, the the Edict of Milan, which allowed Christians to
most common of which was being thrown into the worship freely throughout the Empire without being
arena to be ripped apart by hungry lions. Others forced to sacrifice to the Roman gods.
became human torches in Nero’s gardens. It
became a spectacle to the citizens of Rome that Non-Catholics always misinterpret this as the
most them watch it for entertainment purposes event wherein Constantine became the founder of the
Catholic Church.
 Because of the these, Christians had to meet in
secret. Their most common hiding place where the  Constantine would then build Churches and
Catacombs – underground cemeteries where they Basilicas throughout the empire.
would celebrate mass and meet each other,
especially at night.  Constantine had Licinius executed later after
hearing that there was an attempt to overthrow him.
 After Nero, a wave of persecutions continued Constantine became sole Emperor of Rome
throughout the empire for the next 300 years.
Christians were made to offer sacrifice to the  It is debatable whether Constatine was a good
Roman gods, or even worship the emperor as god Christian or just used the Christians for his political
or face torture and death. The fiercest persecution

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motives. That is one of the reasons why he isn’t

recognized as a saint up to now.

C. Council of Nicea
 This event was known as the first of the Ecumenical
Councils of the Church. It was convened to respond
to the heresy promoted by the priest. Arius, who
claimed that Jesus merely a man and not God,
contrary to the belief that he has two Divine
 Constantine called for this council to prevent
disunity in the Church. This happened in the city of
Nicea (presently Iznik, Turkey) in 325 A.D.

 The resolution of this council brought forth the

Nicene Creed, our profession of faith which we
continue to recite at the mass.

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