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The digestive system

The digestive system is specialized for the breakdown of food and absorption of its nutrients into the
blood. The digestive system can be devided into upper and lower portions. The upper digestive structures
are the oral cavity, teeth, tongue,pharynx, esophagus, and the parotid, sublingual, and submandibular
glands. These structures are involved in taking food into the oral cavity, chewing and mixing food with
saliva, then moving the food to the stomach. The lower digestive tract includes the stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. The stomach uses acids and enzymes to
breakdown food. Digested food, now called chime, empties into the duodenum. Nutrients are further
digested by bile and pancreatic juices then absorbed into the blood . absorbed nutrients travel via the
portal system to the liver where they are processed. Indigestible substances pass into the colon where
fluids are removed. The remaining materials, called feces, accumulate in the rectum and are later expelled
through the anus.

Sistem pencernaan

Sistem pencernaan adalah khusus untuk pemecahan makanan dan penyerapan nutrisi ke dalam darah.
Sistem pencernaan dapat dibagi menjadi bagian atas dan bawah. Struktur pencernaan bagian atas adalah
rongga mulut, gigi, lidah, faring, kerongkongan, dan parotis itu, sublingual, dan kelenjar submandibular.
Struktur ini terlibat dalam mengambil makanan ke dalam rongga mulut, mengunyah dan pencampuran
makanan dengan air liur, kemudian pindah makanan ke perut. Saluran pencernaan yang lebih rendah
termasuk lambung, usus kecil, usus besar, pankreas, hati, dan kandung empedu. perut menggunakan
asam dan enzim untuk pemecahan makanan. makanan dicerna, sekarang disebut berpadu, bermuara ke
duodenum. Nutrisi yang lebih dicerna oleh empedu dan pankreas jus kemudian diserap ke dalam darah.
nutrisi diserap perjalanan melalui sistem portal ke hati di mana mereka akan diproses. zat dicerna masuk
ke dalam usus di mana cairan dihapus. bahan yang tersisa, yang disebut kotoran, menumpuk di rektum
dan kemudian dikeluarkan melalui anus.

The liver

The liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are accessory digestive organs. Each has a special partin the
breakdown of food. The liver is the largest internal organ of the body. It lies on the upper right side of the
abdomen, just below the diaphragm. The liver processer food for the body, cleans the blood of toxins,
helps regulate sugar levels in the blood, and produce bile. The gallbladder is located underneath the liver
on the right side of the body. Bile from the liver is stored here. The pancreas is located behind the stomach.
It secretes pancreatic juice and insulin. As digested food from the stomach enters the duodenum, the
gallbladder secretes bile through the common bile duct and the pancreas secretes pancreatic juices
through the pancreatic duct. These two ducts join in the head of the pancreas. The mixture of bile and
pancreatic juices empties into the duodenum to further aid digestion.

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