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Computrrs & Strucrum Vol. 57, No. 3, pp.

407420, 1995
Copyright B; 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd
0045-7949(94)00630-x Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0045-7949/95 $9.50 + 0.00



Y. M. Desai, P. Yu, N. Popplewell and A. H. Shah

Faculty of Engineering, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 5V6

(Received 18 March 1994)

Abstract-A computationally efficient, finite element idealization is presented to analyse galloping, which
is characterized by large amplitude vibrations of iced, multi-span, electrical transmission lines. A
three-node, isoparametric cable element having three translational and a torsional degree-of-freedom at
each node is developed to model a conductor. Support insulator strings and remote conductor spans are
represented by linear static springs. A transmission line’s interactions with a support tower are modelled
through the tower’s equivalent stiffness at the conductor’s suspension point. An expedient time marching
scheme is developed to obtain the envelope of galloping. The scheme can be utilized to integrate dynamic
equilibrium equations involving not only geometric and material nonlinearities but also nonlinear
damping. Time integration is performed in the sub-space to minimize computational effort. The finite
element model has been employed to successfully simulate field galloping records. It is shown that it is
necessary to consider a multi rather than a single span for a conservative estimate of the galloping
amplitudes to enable sufficient clearances to be designed between adjacent conductors.

1. INTRODUCTION field [l, 11, 121. Such interactions can alter a line’s
aerodynamic characteristics significantly. A finite el-
The galloping of an electrical transmission line may ement (FE) or a finite difference (FD) based model,
occur when an iced conductor’s cross section pro- in conjunction with a time marching algorithm, can
duces aerodynamic in a steady airflow, which
forces, easily accommodate various interactions as well as
cause the line to oscillate. The resulting amplitudes the effects of a nonlinearity. For example, the gallop-
can induce inter-phase clashing which may create ing response of a transmission line’s span has been
severe disruptions in the electrical power supply and simulated (without considering the effects of adjacent
damage to insulator strings, support hardware and spans on the galloping amplitudes), for up to 50 s, by
tower components. Severe galloping (and the com- White [13] and Lee [ 141 using FE models and by
bined effects of ice and wind loads) can cause cascad- Gawronski [15], who utilized a FD model. Because a
ing of the transmission line. The catastrophic nature periodic or quasi-periodic state is often associated
of the problem has led to extensive field, experimental with galloping field records [ 1, 1 I], a numerical simu-
and theoretical investigations [l-3]. The scope of this lation performed over a short duration may be
paper, however, is confined to a theoretical investi- difficult to interpret. On the other hand, a numerically
gation. simulated periodic state requires disadvantageously
Several simplified theories-describing either protracted computations because transmission lines
purely vertical oscillations [4, 51, or coupled vertical are lightly damped at the low, 0.1-3 Hz, frequencies
and torsional oscillations [6-81, or coupled vertical, typical of galloping. It has been reported by Parkin-
horizontal (along the wind’s direction) and torsional son [5], for example, that more than a thousand cycles
vibrations [9, IO]-have been proposed to analyse the may be required before a periodic state is reached,
problem. (Refer to Refs [I, 21 for details.) All of the even for a single degree-of-freedom (DOF) system. It
simplified studies pertaining to discrete models con- can be easily envisaged that the computational effort
sider only a unimodal oscillation in each global will increase many fold when a multi-DOF system is
direction for a single span line. While such models considered. Therefore the choice of an appropriate
provide an overview of a line’s susceptibility to element and, to a greater extent, an efficient time
gallop, the actual problem may be overly simplified. marching algorithm is extremely important.
For example, nonlinear, geometry dependent, time A variety of elements-ranging from a simple
varying, nonuniformly distributed aerodynamic loads two-node to a sophisticated higher order element-
and the resulting large amplitudes of vibration can have been employed previously to analyse the static
cause interactions between various vibration modes as well as the dynamic response of cables. These
and also between adjacent spans and their support elements have been reviewed in Refs [I&181. A
hardware. Indeed, the motion of an insulator string computationally efficient yet accurate three-node, iso-
and modal interactions are often observed in the parametric cable element was developed by Desai

408 Y. M. Desai et 01.

et al. [18] to perform a geometric nonlinear, static be employed here because of the nonlinear damping
analysis of cable-supported structures experiencing terms which arise from the velocity dependent aero-
purely translational deformations. All matrices were dynamic loads. The Runge-Kutta (R-K) algorithm,
computed explicitly to reduce computational effort. on the other hand, has been employed in Refs [ 15,211
This element will be enhanced here to include the to compute galloping by converting the second order
torsion which is observed often in the field 11, 1 I]. An dynamic equilibrium equations to a set of first order
explicit mass matrix will be derived for this element. differential equations. In fact, a combination of
The effects of insulator strings and remote spans of fourth and fifth order R-K algorithms [22], which use
a multi-span transmission line (like the one shown in a variable time step length, has been reported to be
Fig. 1) will be modelled by using linear springs. The very accurate and efficient [23]. Nevertheless, an ex-
support tower’s equivalent stiffness will also be incor- tremely small time step (which adversely affects the
porated at the conductor’s suspension point to allow computational efficiency) is still required to compute
interactions between a tower and a conductor’s the envelope of galloping during the transient as well
motion. Interactions between adjacent spans; differ- as the periodic phase-otherwise a peak amplitude
ent span lengths; a variation in the wind speed as well might be missed. (The envelope provides the infor-
as the ice shape across conductor spans; and the mation to design sufficiently wide clearances to avoid
possibility of support towers having unequal el- “flash-avers”.) As an alternative, an expeditious sec-
evations will all be considered in the formulation ond order, finite difference algorithm is developed in
leading to a detailed analysis. this paper where central and backward difference
The numerical effort required to compute a re- operators are used to approximate the accelerations
sponse of a particular model depends solely upon the and velocities, respectively. This algorithm results in
choice of an appropriate time integration scheme. few arithmetic operations for a given time step com-
Subbaraj and Dokainish [19,20] have reviewed com- pared to a R-K algorithm.
monly used schemes to integrate the dynamic equi- Galloping frequencies usually range from 0.1 to
librium equations. An explicit, second order central 3 Hz [l]. Hence, it is unnecessary to consider high
difference scheme as well as implicit Newmark-fi and frequency modes in the time integration. Conse-
Wilson-Q time marching algorithms have been uti- quently, time integration is performed in the sub-
lized widely for problems involving a geometric or space, rather than the original full-space equations, in
material nonlinearity. However, such schemes cannot order to reduce computational effort. Also, the initial


- Rigid tower

represent coupling wtth

remote spans

Fig. 1. Model of a multi-span transmission line.

Transmission line galloping 409

time conditions can be provided easily to start the dot superscript indicates differentiation with respect
time integration process when sub-space equations to time, 1.
are employed. The static configuration of a transmission line
The usefulness and advantages of the formulated subjected to ice and mean steady wind loads can be
model will be demonstrated by simulating a field computed iteratively [ 181 by incrementing {q} and
galloping record [l I] and by employing a multi-span modifying [KT] in the static equilibrium equation [i.e.
line. eqn (1) with (4) = (4) = 01. Alternatively, if either
the sag or the tension of a conductor is known at the
tower connection points for each span having a
uniformly distributed static load, the exact static
The transmission line shown in Fig. 1 is assumed profile can be computed, span-wise, by solving the
to have nP nodal points. The equations of motion are catenary equations [25].
derived from the static configuration of the trans- Element mass, damping and stiffness matrices as
mission line by employing a variational principle [24]. well as the external load vector are derived for a cable
They take the form element in the following subsections. Details of the
modelling of a support tower, remote spans and
(1) support insulator strings are also given.

2.1. The three-node cabIe element

after applying the boundary conditions. Here [Ml,
[C] and [KTJ are the global N x N structural mass, A conductor cable is divided into three-node iso-
damping and stiffness matrices, respectively, which parametric elements. Each cable element is referred to
are formed by employing the usual assembly pro- the fixed global X, Y, Z axes and the initial intrinsic
cedure over all the discretized elements. The {q} and coordinate, S, in the manner illustrated in Fig. 2(a).
{F}, on the other hand, are the global displacement By denoting the displacements in the X, Y and Z
and external dynamic load vectors, respectively. A directions to be U, V and W, respectively, and the


(x3rYJ.zJ)e- Nodal Coordinates

I I-- Ice


Fig. 2. Characteristics of a cable element: (a) three-node parabolic element; and (b) a reference cross
410 Y. M. Desai et a/.

rotation about S to be 6, the element nodal displace- shape in the y-z plane. Then the non-zero elements
ment vector, {qe}, is defined as of the symmetric matrix [p] are given by

PI.1 = P2.2 = P3.3 = P = P dA

s AT

where superscript T denotes the transpose. The global

coordinates and the displacements of a reference
cross section’s axis of rotation [see Fig. 2(b)] are
p2,4= -s,.= -
s AT
pz dA

given, respectively, by P3,4 = s: = PY dA

s AT

(X Y Z)T= i N,(X, Y, Zk)T (3)

k=I P4,4 = 1" = p(y*+z*) dA. (IO)
s AT
Ice build-up is often distributed non-uniformly along
(V V W 6)T=[N]{q’} (4) a conductor’s length. Consequently, the mass density,
p, the first mass moment of area about the y and z
where the parabolic shape functions, Nh:9 are axes (SJ and S,, respectively), and the mass moment
of inertia, I,,, can vary along the S axis. If the
respective nodal values are input [from eqn (lo)] as
pk, S,., , Sk and Z,, from the parabolic representation,
the expression

(5) =k$,Nk(iii S,., S:, 4,~)~ (11)

Here L, is the length of an element. Moreover, the is obtained. By following the standard finite element
shape function matrix, [N], is procedure [26], the element consistent mass matrix
takes the integral form
INI = tN,]U N,V,l N,V,ll (6)
where [I41 is the 4 x 4 identity matrix. [M’] = Lc[N]$][N] dS. (12)
2.2. Consistent mass matrix for the cable element
Elements of [Me] are integrated explicitly after substi-
A cross section of an iced conductor is shown in
tuting eqns (5) (6) and (9)-(11) in eqn (12). The
Fig. 2(b) where the local displacements u, u, w in the
resulting explicit form of [Me] is given in the Appen-
local x, y and z directions at a point P are

<u u w>~= tAIbWfj. (7) 2.3. Stiffness matrix for the cable element
The element stiffness matrix, [K;], is derived di-
Non-zero elements of the local to global, 3 x 4 trans-
rectly in the global coordinate system. Hence the
formation matrix, [A], are described by
computational effort necessary for the usual member
to global transformation is avoided advantageously.
A,,, = A,,, = A,., = 1
The [KF] is decomposed into
A,,, = --z
[Gl= WI + [Cl + tG1 (13)
A,,, = y. (8)
where [K’] and [K’,] are the elastic and initial stress
Let the [p] be defined as (or geometric) stiffness matrices, respectively. Fur-
thermore, [KL,] is the stiffness matrix due to the
eccentric ice weight, which is linearized in the vicinity
IPI= dAITIAldA (9) of the static profile of a conductor. It is presented
s AT
more conveniently in the Appendix. Details of the
where p(y, z) is the density per unit volume over the computation of [K’] and [K’,] are given in the follow-
total cross sectional area, A,, of the iced-conductor ing subsections.
Transmission line galloping 411

2.3.1. Computation of [PI. The strain {L} and The element stiffness matrix, [Kq, is computed explic-
stress {c} vectors for a cable, which can deform itly in the global coordinate system so that
axially as well as torsionally, are

[Kc] = r, AIBITID][B] dS. (23)

ICI= cc, co>T (14) s0

10) = mad + {%I. (15) Elements of [KY are detailed in the Appendix.
The L, is the Lagrangian strain along S [18] such that 2.3.2. Computation of [K: 1. The element geometric
stiffness matrix, [K:], is derived, by adopting the
axau ayav azaw
t,=--+__+__ standard procedure,
asas asas as as
The torsional strain, t,,, on the other hand is simply

%I= as. (17)

ISI = Tl?l
Furthermore, the elasticity matrix [D] and the initial
stress vector {oO) used in eqn (IS), are and

(18) [a = diag[l 1 1 01. (25)
ID]=2 [ BT GJ
The [K:] is approximated by employing a two-point
i%) = f<T M)‘, Gauss quadrature formula [26]. The explicit form of
[K:] is presented again in the Appendix.
where A, E and GJ are the cross-sectional area, 2.4. Formulation of the global damping matrix, [C]
Young’s elasticity modulus and torsional rigidity of
Modelling of structural damping is very difficult
the bare conductor, respectively. The T and Mare the
due to incomplete experimental data. Knowledge of
static tension and twisting moment, respectively. Fur-
damping in as many natural vibration modes as
thermore, BT in eqn (18) is an axial-torsional coup-
possible is certainly desired for a realistic formu-
ling parameter whose significance has been outlined
lation. Unfortunately, field measurements of conduc-
in Ref. 1271.
tor damping have been limited to only the lowest
By following the geometrically nonlinear, cable
frequency, purely vertical (plunge) and solely tor-
element formulation detailed earlier in [18], the
sional motions[6]. Therefore the elements of the
strain-displacement relationship matrix [B] can be
symmetric structural damping matrix, c,~, are ap-
obtained as
proximated here by assuming mass and stiffness
proportional Rayleigh damping [28]. Consequently,
PI = WI [BJ Ml w9

--__ az*aNk o The symbolic subscript k takes the value y when

I&l =
! as as as as as as
0 0 0

k = 1,2,3. (21)
i#3n, n=l,2,3 ,.., 3xn,, and 0 when i=3n.
Moreover, mij and kTij are elements of the structural
mass and stiffness matrices, respectively. The /$, and
/Jz in eqn (26) are computed from

Superscript * in the last equation refers to the de-

formed configuration shown in Fig. 2(a) and, further-
more, 2(tk2wk2 tk, wkl )

fik2= (w2 (27)

W Y* z*>r= (X Y z>r
where rk, and rk2 are measured damping ratios for
+(v v w>r. (22) two k modes having the respective natural frequencies
412 Y. M. Desai et al.

wk, and wkz. If the tkZ are not measured, the PkZ are Having determined C,, the element consistent load
considered to be zero in eqn (26) and pl, are simply vector, {Fe}, can be computed from

Pkl =2&w,,. w
{F’} = jO” [NIT{0 F, F_ IW,,)~~S. (33)
Alternatively, if the damping terms per unit cable
length are known, then a consistent matrix, [Cl, can At least five Gauss points are needed to integrate {Fe}
be computed by assembling the element matrices, due to the a3 terms in eqn (32) and the possibility of
[C’]. The [C-l is identical to [Me], except that the lJz varying along S. Hence, it is very expensive
elements of [F] used in eqn (12) are replaced by computationally to form {F} by assembling the el-
analogous, per unit length, damping terms. ement {F’} at each time step. Consequently, (F} is
assembled from the element lumped load vectors
2.5. Formulation of the external load tlector, {F}
The aerodynamic loads acting on conductors prone
to galloping are quite different from the conventional
loads encountered in other structural dynamics prob-
lems. They depend nonlinearly upon the geometry of 2Mo2 0 C,., F., MO,)’ (34)
the iced conductor and the relative angle of the wind’s
attack to the conductor, CLThe aerodynamic vertical where Fvk and Fzk are the magnitudes of the vertical
and lateral forces, F, and F,, and moment, M,,. per and horizontal loads at the kth node of an element,
unit conductor length are obtained conventionally by and MOk, k = 1,2, 3 is the corresponding moment.
measuring the quasi-steady, lift, drag and moment The aerodynamic force component in the X direction
experienced at various c( by a rigidly mounted, iced is neglected as a result of the usually shallow catenary
conductor sample in a wind tunnel. They take the profile (mid-span sag to span ratio < 0.03) of a typical
form transmission line.

<[, F: MC,)’ 2.6. Modeling remote spans and support-insulator

= fpai, %d<C, (Co C:(a) dC,,(a))T (29) Remote spans are modelled as linear static springs,
K sr, in the X direction. The KS, is added to the
where pair, d and C,, i = y, z, 0 are the density of air, diagonal entry (in the assembled matrix [Kr]), which
the bare conductor’s diameter and the load co- corresponds to the U displacement of the simply
efficients, respectively. Moreover, the relative wind supported, tower hardware to conductor connection
speed, Ure,, as well as c( are approximated tradition- point. By following the formulation of Veletsos and
ally as [8] Darbre [29], Ksr is computed from
I L piLi
-_=-+ (35)
K ST AE 12H’
where L and L, are the total and horizontal span
Here U, is the mean wind speed normal to the lengths of the iced conductor cable between adjacent
conductor and R is the characteristic radius corre- towers, respectively. The p!, on the other hand, is the
sponding to a reference point where the instan- total vertical load intensity and H( = T(&S/aX)) is the
taneous angle of attack is computed. horizontal component of the static tension.
The C,., i = y, z, B are determined at discrete u from A support insulator string, which is considered to
quasi-steady, wind tunnel experiments on iced con- be a single, vertical rigid bar pin connected to the
ductor samples. The discrete C, themselves can be tower’s arm, is also modelled as a linear static spring
used, in the time integration process, after scaling c( which has components, K,, and K,:, in the X and Z
such that the origin CI= 0 corresponds to the static directions, respectively. The K,, and K,, contribute to
equilibrium position. An interpolation can then be the diagonal stiffness terms associated with the corre-
employed to determine the C, at any intermediate CL sponding U and W displacements. It can be shown
In the present work, cubic polynomials that [30]

K,.v=t(p,L +!$)
C,=a,a +a,cc 2
+a,g 3
; i = y, z, 0 (32)

are employed to expedite the computation. The a,,, 2H

K,, = K,, + -
j = 1,2,3 are obtained from a standard, least square L,
curve fit to the experimental data. The constant terms
a, are omitted in eqn (32) because they are utilized where the L, and W, are the length and weight of the
in the formation of the static loads. insulator string, respectively.
Transmission line galloping 413

3. TIME INTEGRATlON OF DYNAMIC For the subsequent time steps t = 2Ar,

3Ar,. . , t + At:
In order to perform time integration, the dynamic
equilibrium equations (I) are transformed to set in
the sub-space corresponding to N, principal coordi-
-& {91,-A,- [c*l{ri}, 1(41)
nates, as

[Z]{rj’J+ PI(v) = v*J - [c*l{ril (37)

where Iti>,+*,=~oisi,+, -4{r71,+ {vL). (42)

The {q) at time t can be obtained from eqn (38). This

algorithm will be employed in the next section to
simulate field galloping records and to demonstrate
the advantages of the model.


The formulation presented in the previous section

was coded in FORTRAN-77 and implemented on a
HP 9000/730 workstation. The computation of [K,]
and [M] was verified for a span of several different
transmission lines by comparing the natural frequen-
Here [I] is the N, x Np identity matrix and [4] is the cies and mode shapes of the first eight, predominantly
N x Np eigenvector matrix, which is computed from vertical, horizontal and torsional modes with those
the free, undamped oscillatory system [M]{q} + obtained by solving a cable’s partial differential
[K&q} = 0. The [a] in the above expressions is the equations of motion. A total of 10, three-node cable
diagonal matrix of the squared natural frequencies, elements per span were used in each case. Even for a
wf, of free undamped vibrations. relatively high eighth frequency, the maximum devi-
A second order, finite difference algorithm is de- ation from the analytical values was less than 3%. On
rived to solve eqn (37) by expressing the acceleration, the other hand, a maximum error less than 0.3% was
{q}, and velocity, (q}, in terms of central and back- obtained in the eighth mode when the number of
ward difference operators, respectively. Note that {tj} elements in a span was increased to 20. However, the
at instant t does not involve the unknown displace- use of 20 elements is computationally much more
ments at instant t + AZ (where At is the time step), demanding so that 10 cable elements per span are
due to the use of the backward difference operator. utilized subsequently.
Hence, there is no need to factorize the nonlinear Excellent agreement was found between dynamic
damping matrix which stems from {F*}. Therefore, responses computed by using the new time inte-
unlike conventional time marching schemes em- gration scheme and the R-K algorithm [22] with a
ployed in a geometrical and material nonlinear, struc- constant time step, At, of 0.001 s. However, compu-
tural dynamic analysis, the algorithm presented tational effort increased three-fold when the R-K
below can be used to integrate dynamic equilibrium algorithm was utilized. Thus the proposed scheme is
equations which also involve nonlinear damping computationally more efficient than the R-K algor-
terms. ithm for the given time step for the problem at hand.
A periodic response could have been computed even
Time integration algorithm more efficiently, however, by initially using the R-K
At time t = 0: the initial (TV},, and (v}, are known. algorithm with a larger time step when the amplitudes
Then, for the first time step (i.e. t = At), the following are still growing and then the new scheme could have
formulae are employed been used to compute the envelope of the motion.
Such a hybrid approach, however, was not at-
The applicability and advantages of the finite
element procedure are demonstrated next by employ-
ing two illustrative examples.
+(& PI - Ic*l)wo] (39)
4.1. ExampIe 1. Simulation of afield galloping record
A field record of a one loop per span galloping

motion observed by Edwards and Madeyski [1 l] will
be. simulated in this example. Field measurements
414 Y. M. Desai et al.


Fig. 3. Lift. drag and moment coefficients of the D-shaped conductor used in example 1

were performed on a 125.88 m span of the Port Credit particular position was chosen as the reference be-
test line of Ontario Hydro which supported the cause the field record (reported in Fig. 4) had a static
virtually continuous, wooden D foil shown in Fig. off-set of a; = 10” in the torsional motion.
3(a). Physical parameters for the line have been Galloping was observed at a wind speed, normal to
obtained from Refs [IO, 311 and they are tabulated in the span, of about 4.1 m s- ’ so that the same value
the fourth column of Table 1. The quasi-steady, was employed in the computer simulation. The mid-
aerodynamic loads were measured in a wind tunnel span sag was 1.38 m under the effect of the conduc-
by Stumpf and Ng [32] for this D foil and they are tor’s self weight, loads due to the simulated ice and
given in Fig. 3(b). Curve fitted coefficients are pre- the lift force. Simple support (SS) type boundary
sented in the second column of Table 2 when the flat conditions (i.e. V E B = 0, U # 0, W # 0) were em-
face of the D is at 10” to the vertical axis. This ployed at each end of a line span to allow interactions

Table 1. Physical parameters employed to simulate galloping

For line in For line in
Parameters Notation Units example 1 example 2
Axial rigidity AE 10bN 13.30 25.53
Axial-torsional coupling B, N mradd 0 0
Torsional rigidity GJ Nm*rad-’ 101 153
Horizontal component of tension H 10’N 21.73 15.00
Diameter of bare cable d lo-’ m 18.8 23.5
Horizontal distance between L, m 125.9 125.0
adjacent towers
Equivalent stiffness of remote K, lO’Nm-’ 15.91 54.16
Damping ratio in the y direction lo-* 0.08 1.60
Damping ratio in the 0 direction :a 10-l 3.79 5.70
Mass per unit length p kg m-l 1.53 1.66
Mass moment of inertia per unit I 10-“kgm2m~ 57.02 1.56
First mass moment of area about s, 10-j kg m m-’ 0.459 2.122
the y axis
First mass moment of area about s: IO~‘kgmm-’ -0.145 -0.830
the z axis
Transmission line galloping 415

-400 I I I I 1-w I I K-L,,
0 .04 0.1 m
Measured -- - - Predicted *

Fig. 4. Comparison of measured and predicted single loop per span. resonant galloping at midspan in
example 1.

with the adjacent spans. Each insulator string, having pressions (38). Because the field record appeared to
length L, = 2.1 m and weight W, = 490 N, was mod- resemble a single loop per span galloping, only the
elled as outlined in Section 2.6 and support towers first three vibration modes-namely, the single loop
were considered rigid. The global structural mass and per span predominantly horizontal, vertical and tor-
stiffness matrices were formed with respect to the sional modes-were employed in the time integration.
static profile by employing the procedure detailed Galloping was simulated for more than 2000 s to find
earlier, whereas a Rayleigh damping matrix was a periodic response. Several initial time conditions
constructed from the damping ratios, 5, and &,, in the (i.e. {q},, and {q},) were tried and they all yielded the
first fundamental vertical (plunge) and torsional same mid-span response, which is compared with the
modes, respectively. analogous field data in Fig. 4. It can be seen from this
Time integration was performed on the sub-space figure that the computed and measured responses are
equations which were obtained by employing ex- in good agreement. Hence the finite element model,

uzx 180”



- 1 I I I I I I I I 1
t -2 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 3g2

Fig. 5. Lift, drag and moment coefficients of iced model used in example 2.

CM 57,3--E
416 Y. M. Desai et al.

in conjunction with a time integration scheme, can be Table 2. Experimentally determined aerodynamic
used to compute the galloping of a transmission line
conductor. For line in For line in
example 1 example 2
4.2. Example 2. Galloping oscillations @‘a three span at a;l = 10” and at a; = 180” and
Coefficient Uz=4.1ms-’ Uz=8.5ms-’
a,, -0.2992 -2.0821
To demonstrate the need for a multi-span model aJ2 0.4362 -0.0288
and to show the effects of coupling with adjacent ar3 0.2766 5.0779
spans and modal interactions, four situations are a,, -0.3290 -0.6644
considered next. The examples involve either a single a,> -0.9235 0.2196
or a three span line with the following boundary a:, 0.1930 0.3095
conditions: (i) one span line with SS; (ii) one span line allI -0.4543 0.1874
with dead end (DE) type displacements (i.e. a,, 0.1128 0.6924
U = V = W = t3 = 0); (iii) three span line with SS; alI3 0.2744 0.0323
and (iv) three span line with DE. Although the model
can account for an iced conductor’s cross section
varying realistically along the span, the line is as- shown in the third column of Table 2 whereas the
sumed, for simplicity, to have the uniform cross physical parameters used in the simulation are listed
section shown in Fig. 5(a). Experimentally deter- in the fifth column of Table 1. Ten cable elements
mined aerodynamic data are presented in Fig. modelled the span in the first two cases, whereas 30
5(b) [32] for this section. The curve fitted data are elements (10 elements per span) were utilized in the

I .o

E 0.2

c? 0

- 0.4

- 0.8

-o- Three span line with SS

- Three span line with DE
--O- - One span line with SS
_-_+__- One span line with DE A, (ml




z O.’
-0. I

- 0.3
1 1

Fig. 6. Showing (a) single loop per span; and (b) two loops per span galloping of the one and three span
lines considered in example 2.
Transmission line galloping 417

third and fourth cases. Thus, the discretized three lowing main observations can be made from the
span line had 61 finite element nodes, where node 1 periodic responses shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for the
and 61 represent the extreme left and right supports single and two loops per span oscillations, respect-
and nodes 21 and 41 correspond to the intermediate, ively:
SS nodes. (1) Single loop vibrations of SS and DE one span
The static profile was computed in each case by lines have different periods and amplitudes. On the
employing the procedure outlined in Ref. [18] for the other hand, the support conditions seem to influence
combined effects of ice and mean static wind loads. mainly the amplitudes and relative phase differences
The global [M] and [Kr] were formed by employing between the vertical and horizontal motions for two
the formulation presented in the previous section, loops per span vibrations of one span line and all the
whereas [C] was constructed by employing the <? and considered cases of three span line. Hence the support
<,, corresponding to the single loop, vertical and conditions influence the galloping motion of the one
torsional modes of a one span line. as well as the three span lines. Furthermore, it can be
The peak periodic, vertical oscillations are shown seen from Fig. 6(a) that the SS condition produces a
in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for single and two loops per span large amplitude motion, in comparison to a DE
galloping for all the four cases. Motions from the condition, in a one span line, whereas the converse
reference static position (referred to as zero displace- holds for a three span line. Thus both the SS as well
ments) in the y-z plane are also presented in these as the DE support conditions need to be considered
figures in order to compare the relative magnitudes of for designing a less galloping-prone line.
the vertical and horizontal displacements. The peak (2) Galloping amplitudes for single loop oscillations
single loop responses occurred at the central node of are always greater than those observed in two loop
the single as well as the three span lines. On the other motions, except for the DE one span line, where more
hand, the peak two loop responses happened at the than double the amplitude of the single loop case was
quarter-span nodes in the case of the one span lines produced. This exception supports the field obser-
and at the nodes located at distance 0.75 L, from the vation [I] that two loop vibrations are more common
extreme ends of the three span lines. Galloping was in a DE span.
simulated for over 2000 s in each case. Several initial (3) By comparing the response curves shown in Fig.
time conditions were tried and they all yielded an 6 for the one and three span lines, it is observed that
identical envelope for the periodic motion. The fol- the latter always produces large amplitude vibrations

2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250
TIME (s)

2175 2180 2185 2190 2195
TIME (s)
Fig. 7. Showing (a) an overview; and (b) a partial enlargement of the vertical displacement at the eleventh
node of the three span line in example 2.
418 Y. M. Desai ef al.

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the financial support of the Canadian Electrical Association
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(CEA Project no. 321 T 672A) and Manitoba Hydro
dynamics-II. Implicit methods. Compur. Srruct. 32,
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Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of
21. F. Liska and S. Wright, Computer programs for calcu-
lation of limit cycle amplitude of a two-dimensional
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APPENDIX i=l,2,. .,6 (A7)


k;.,+,=k:,,, i= 132
A I. Elements of (M’]
The symmetric mass matrix [M’] of eqn (12) is given as k;,,+8=k:+,,.,,, j=l,2

kj,, +4, = k;,z+4r, i = 1,2

= 4,. w3)

The constants P4-P’,3. along with 1, n and i (where appli-

where cable) are listed in Tables A22A5. The g in eqn (A7) is the
gravitational constant. Stiffness terms, which involve S, in
eqn (A7). are computed by first linearizing the restoring
moment as gS, sin 0 % g&0 at the typical iced cross section
Pf,l= 36 shown in Fig. 2(b); and then forming the equivalent element
terms from

[K;_] = -g L’ [NITdiag[O 0 0 S.][N] dS (A9)
and s0

where S, is computed from eqn (I 1). The undefined quan-

tities in eqns (A4)-(A6) are
For j = 1,2,3,4, the symbolic variable Qi takes the value
p. S,, S: and I(,, respectively, at the k th node of the element. Ai;=i;.,-i;, i=l,2; j=l,2
Constants P’,, Pi and P; are listed in Table Al.
<i: ii i?>‘= <x: y: Z:>‘,
A2. Elements of [K“] and [K;,]
k= 1,2,3. (A(O)
The upper triangular terms of the symmetric matrices [K’]
and [K;_] of eqn (13) are derived as follows for a

Table A3. Constants P,. P. and P. of ean (A5)

Table Al. Constants P’,. Pi and P; of eqn (A3)
I i i i i+4 i+4 i+8
i 1 2 3 4 5 6 n j j+4 j+S j+4 j+8 jf8
p; 273 140 -21 112 -56 -21 P, 183 -216 33 272 -56 23
Pi 140 112 -56 1344 112 140 PS -33 56 -23 -112 56 -33
P: -21 -56 -21 112 140 273 PS 23 -56 33 272 -216 183
420 Y. M. Desai et al.

Table A4. Constants P,,, P,, and P,, of eqn (A6)

I i+4 i+4 i+8 4 4 8
n : : II2 8 12 12 i+4 i+8 i+8
PNI -15 16 -1 -16 0 1 16 -1 0
P,, 16 -16 0 0 16 - 16 -16 0 16
pi; -1 0 1 16 -16 15 0 1 -16

Table AS. Constants I, n and P’,, of eqn (A7)

I 41 42 43 48 85 12

n 4 8 12 8 12 12
p;, 7 -8 1 16 -8 7

A 3. Elements of [K:]
The symmetric geometric stiffness matrix [K:] of eqn (24) is approximated as


(7-6,24$)m (-8+&4fi)@l m

El =

(-8 + &4$)m



(7+&4&m 1 , i=l,2 6412)

and T, and T2 indicate the static tension at Gauss a,, = 1. It should be noted that the contribution
points 1 and 2 which are located at distance from the second term of eqn (All) is identically zero
s = L,($ - 1)/2$ and S = L.,(fi + 1)/2d from for a taut cable and it is negligible for a shallow
node 1, respectively. Furthermore, a,,=0 and catenary.

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