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Why is there so much corruption in

Indonesia today? How can you explain it

from a psychological perspective?
6 Answers

Brett McGuire, lived in Indonesia

Answered Jan 5 · Author has 396 answers and 602.1k answer views

I think it depends on what type of corruption you are talking about.

High level corruption — the stuff you read about it the paper — that’s good old fashioned
greed. The reason we see so much of it is opportunity. The system is undeveloped and in itself
sometimes corrupt, which makes it easier to steal (let’s call it what is is: theft). The higher up the
hierarchy you are, the more you can steal. The difference here is that we don’t have the checks
and balances you find in more developed countries that are designed to prevent theft from the

Institutionalised corruption — unofficial fees and traffic tickets — is more complex.

Sometimes it’s opportunism, sometimes it’s greed. Sometimes it’s a way to supplement salaries.
Motivation and cause varies depending on the government department, the official and (very
relevantly) where you are.

I don’t believe Indonesians are psychologically prone to corruption. It’s simply a matter of
circumstance. There is a lot of money flowing through the economy, and many many
opportunities to dip your fingers in.

LThe notions I will use in answering your question are:-

1. Hebah

2. upah

3. ubahsuai

4. cara ganti (alternatif)

5. jalanan hati dan akal dari zaman gua ke zaman maju sekali (Majapahit) sampai ke
6. pengubahan cara perintah dari perintah kampung ke perintah raja-raja (ketuanan) ke
perintah kerajaan/pusat (ketuanan)

Corresponding, in English:

1. Gift

2. Wages

3. Adaptation

4. Alternatives

5. Mental evolution of Indonesians from caveman days to now. With a point in between
being Majapahit governance times

6. Governance methods from kampung as sovereign to kingdoms as sovereigns to

kingship as sovereign

Q: Was there corruption when the first kampung in Indonesia emerged?

A: In all likelihood, no,

Q: Is there corruption in kampungs in Java within the village?

A: No. (or nothing noteworthy)

Q: So, where in the social graph frim caveman days to now, might corruption become a norm?
Ketuanan. Unquestionable power. Just as it did with brahmins and mandarins working for
feudals and royals elsewhere in the world.

To be continued.

There is a lot of cognitive dissonance going on, not just in Indonesia, but worldwide. People
know corruption is wrong, yet it is supported when votes are surrendered to politicians.

This is how corruption works in government controlled by political parties:

The world today is a network of corrupted governments. This corruption exists because the
power of votes is transferred to politicians from the Electorate.

When this happens, politicians now control government contracts, can add, edit, or delete
policies, and can do the same to tax laws. Each of these areas (contracts, policies, and tax laws)
are a source of revenue from bribery for the politicians in control.
All government contracts are open to bribery. Politicians are in a position to accept bribes. If
Company A offers more money to politicians for a government contract than Company B,
Company A gets the contract and the politicians get the money. This is government corruption.

If a supporter of a political party needs a policy change in order to make more money, the
politician is happy to comply, for a per centage of the profits. This is government corruption.

If a supporter of a political party complains that more money could be made if taxes were not so
high, tax changes are made. The more complicated the tax system, the more corruption involved,
and the more profits made by politicians.

After the Magna Referendum:

… the world is different. Corruption has been removed from governments worldwide. Where
politicians had accepted bribes before, Elected Members in the new governments can not be

Government contracts will never be poisoned by bribery. They will be open and fair.

Government policies will guide us to a better society, greater Prosperity, and greater

The new tax system for each country will come from proposals submitted to government,
reviewed by the Electorate, and voted on in a referendum. The same process will determine
universal healthcare system for each nation.

The sooner the Magna Referendum, the sooner the solution to Mars in 70 days, one of the many
benefits of global Open Science, which, by the way, will create millions of jobs fed by a
24/7/365 free system of education and training.


50 Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Christopher Hart

Andres Su, Software Engineer (2016-present)

Updated Jan 20 · Author has 59 answers and 32.5k answer views


I think because the mental and the routine. Do you believe in quote that said if you have no
integrity in small stuff ( being late, littering), you will have no integrity at a big stuff too? I think
Indonesia has lost their integrity for small things. For instances, red light, zebra cross. They
always be rebellious. They passed through red light, white line in zebra cross. Littering is such as
a normal thing and everyone did it. Do you see how such a mindset create us today? They won't
corrupt, if they used to obey small rules, used to not being late, used to not tolerate anything
which can harm people. The reason is they used to not obey rules, used to dishonest thing. And
they become compromising everything that will benefit them. I saw some police still want to be
bribed. I still see how people can be hired to deliberately make a provocation.

This is additional :

111 Views · View Upvoters

Dennis Butler, teacher of appropriate agriculture at Indonesia (2008-present)
Answered Jan 14 · Author has 240 answers and 90.2k answer views

I was A2A so I will give my theory, maybe I am wrong.

I believe it started with the Dutch colonization of Indonesia.

The Indonesians where used as virtual slave labour. They were not even allowed to learn the
Dutch language, because the indigenous population would know what Dutch didn't want them to

So the only way to gain power and prestige was with corruption. You gained a higher station in
life with money. This has continued up to the present.

Now the ordinary Indonesians don't know what is corruption and what isn't.

As an example, my wife worked for a multinational corporation part of her duties was
purchasing from suppliers.

She came home one day and that one of the suppliers was going to give her a camera.

I asked if he was giving everyone in the office a camera. She said no only me. I told her cannot
take it. Because it was corruption. No it's a gift for me. It's a gift if everyone gets one, but a
corrupt payment if only you the purchasing officer.

What happens when you find a cheaper supplier and asks why you don't buy from them. You say
you are too expensive then he says I gave you a camera.

Or a politician is giving money to buy votes. I say that's corruption they say he is corrupt for
giving but I am not for taking.

My 14 year old stepdaughter had her exam results, she had 78% for Bahasa Indonesia which is
not her native language which is Bahasa Jawa, 75% for Bahasa English which she cannot speak
or read with comprehension. The school change the test scores to keep their funding higher. I
know many friends of my daughter and none are competent in Bahasa English but all got high

So the corruption is part of life here.

226 Views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Christopher Hart

Chris Prakoso, I am Indonesian :)

Answered Jan 8 · Author has 4.5k answers and 10.2m answer views

Today? You should see how it was before reformation time (Soeharto era)!
In those days, you won’t get anything done without giving money to the official, in every single
point in the process!

Today at least the people get caught and persecuted for high level offense, and public offices are
trying to clean themselves up.

I experienced this when the last time I went to apply for a KTP (ID Card). It went very smoothly
and quickly, and I only paid the official fee, once.

This wouldn’t happen in ORBA time.

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