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ALUNO:_________________________________________________________ VALOR: 2,0 PONTOS

A. Complete com os comparativos ou superlativos dos adjetivos entre parênteses.

1. How is your mother today? Is she any ……………………………………..? (Good)

2. In India May is ……………………………………… than June. (Hot)
3. Julie is …………………………………….. than her sister. (Pre y)
4. Who is the …………………………………… girl in your class? (Beautiful)
5. Which is the …………………………………….. of all metals. (Precious)
6. Her husband is ten years ………………………………………… than her. (Old)
7. All of us are bad singers, but I sing the …………………………………….. of all. (Bad)
8. I think you require a …………………………………….. diet. (Nutritious)
9. Which is the …………………………………… part of India? (Dry)
10. It was the ………………………………….. moment of my life. (Proud)

B. Complete os espaços com o comparativo adjetivo de inferioridade ou de superioridade.

Por exemplo, smaller (para 'small') e more intelligent (para 'intelligent').

a) My city is _______________________ (old) than yours.

b) Jane is _______________________ (pretty) than Melissa.
c) Kevin is _______________________ (attractive) than John.
d) Dogs are usually _______________________ (heavy) than cats.
e) Watching a film in DVD is _______________________ (cheap) than going to the theater.
f) This comedian is so funny! He's even _______________________ (funny) than the one we saw
g) This brand of pastry is _______________________ (good) than the brand I usually buy.
h) The book I'm reading is much _______________________ (interesting) than the other I read last
i) English is much _______________________ (easy) to learn than German.
j) Jake is _______________________ (young) than his sister.

C. Escolha a melhor altenativa para cada frase a seguir.

1- Meet the 9 CEOs with ___________ reputations. (Conheça os 9 CEOs com a pior reputação.)

( ) the worst ( ) the badest

2- What’s _________ car in the world? (Qual é o carro mais rápido do mundo?)
( ) the faster ( ) the fastest

3 - Watch _________ videos on YouTube. (Assista os videos mais populares do YouTube)

( ) the more popular ( ) the most popular

4 – These are__________ smartphones of 2014. (Estes são os melhores smartphones de 2014.)

( ) the goodest ( ) the best

5 - London was considered _____________city to live in the world. (Londres foi considerada a
cidade mais cara do mundo para se viver.)

( ) the more expensive ( ) the most expensive

6 - What are _________mistakes managers make? (Quais são os maiores erros que gerentes

( ) the biggest ( ) the most big

7 – It’s simply __ book I had to read. (É simplesmente o livro mais chato que tive que ler. )

( ) the most boring ( ) the borinest

8 – Buy ________ airline tickets online! (Compre as passagens aéreas mais baratas

( ) the more cheap ( ) the cheapest

9 – Find out _____________ beaches in the world chosen by millions of travelers. (Descubra
as prais mais bonitas do mundo eleitas por milhares de viajantes.)

( ) the most beautiful ( ) the beautifulest

10 - ____________________Man in the World is a character in an advertising campaign for

the Dos Equis brand of beer. (O homem mais interessante do mundo é um personagem de
uma campanha publicitária da marca de cerveja Dos Equis.)

( ) the most interesting ( ) the more interesting

1. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde
à tradução mais adequada da forma
adjetiva destacada a seguir: 6. Assinale a alternativa correta:

Literally thousands of parts are used to make Our next examination may be _____ the last
up even the SMALLEST family saloon. one.

a) o menor a) more bad than

b) o maior b) more worse than
c) o pequeno c) much bad than
d) o grande d) worse than
e) o amplo e) more badly than

2. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde

à tradução mais adequada da expressão,
em destaque, a seguir: 7. Peter's house is _____ mine.

Você é a pessoa MAIS INTERESSANTE que já a) larger as

conheci. b) most larger than
c) larger than
a) the more interesting d) so large than
b) the interestinger e) more large than
c) the most interesting
d) the much interesting 8. He is _____ boy in town.
e) the best interesting
a) so rich
3. Indique a palavra que significa "mais b) richer
forte": c) the richest
d) richest
a) larger e) the most rich
b) clearer
c) higher 9. A lion is _____ than a dog.
d) better
e) stronger a) strong
b) strongest
4. Assinale a alternativa que completa c) more strong
corretamente a sentença: d) stronger
e) most strong
Of all the movies I have seen lately, the
one I saw yesterday was _____. 10. Assinale a alternativa que preenche
corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:
a) worse.
b) worst. This hill is _____ than I thought it was.
c) the worse.
d) the worst. a) more lower
e) the most worse. b) lowest
c) lower
5. Choose the correct grammatical answer: d) more low
e) more high
I have been studying _____ I can to learn

a) as hard as
b) so hard as
c) as harder as
d) so harder so
e) so hard so
11. Indicate the alternative that best 16. Papyrus was used ____________ than
completes the following sentence: paper.

His salary as a pilot is much higher _____. a) early

b) earlier
a) in comparison of teachers c) more early
b) to compare as a teacher's d) earlyer
c) than that of a teacher e) earliest
d) than of teachers'
e) than a teacher 17. The more I study __________ I know.

12. Complete: a) less

b) the more
John is _____ than the other students in c) the least
his classroom, but he is the _____. d) more
e) the most
a) younger – most intelligent
b) younger – more intelligent 18. The “Herald” is __________ newspaper in
c) more young – intelligentest the town.
d) most young – more intelligent
e) more young – most intelligent a) the importantest
13. Assinale a alternativa que preenche b) the more important
corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante: c) the less important
d) the most important
Paris is _____ than Rome. e) the importanter

a) the most beautiful 19. That table is __________ than this one.
b) small
c) more rich a) long
d) more beautiful b) more long
e) largest c) longest
d) longer
14. Assinale a alternativa que preenche e) most long
corretamente a lacuna da frase
apresentada: 20. This book is ______________ the last one
we used.
This is the _____ day I have ever had.
a) worst than
a) worse b) more good than
b) bad c) worse than
c) worst d) gooder than
d) less good e) best than
e) very bad
21. Have you heard about the _________
15. Assinale a alternativa que preenche news?
corretamente a lacuna da frase
apresentada: a) latest
b) lasted
Catherine is making _____ a dress. c) more last
d) most often
a) to him e) laterest
b) to her
c) himself
d) herself
e) they
c) É a parte importante do jogo.

22. She’s surely the ____________ girl in 29. English is the most popular language in the
town. world.
a) Inglês é um idioma muito popular no mundo.
a) prettiest b) Inglês é o idioma mais popular do mundo.
b) most pretty c) Inglês é o idioma menos popular do mundo.
c) prettier
d) prettiest 30. It happened when we least expected.
e) prettier a) Aconteceu quando mais esperávamos.
b) Aconteceu como esperávamos.
23. Riding a horse is not ___________ riding a c) Aconteceu quando menos esperávamos.
31. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo
a) so easy as correto das seguintes palavras,
b) easyer than respectivamente: Big and Good.
c) more easy than
d) the least easy a) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
e) so easy so b) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
c) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
24. Today the weather is ______________ d) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
than yesterday. e) more big/ most big // more good/ most good

a) more had 32. (FMU) That table is __________ than this

b) worse one.
c) baddest a) long
d) bedest b) more long
e) the worst c) longest
d) longer
25. The ____________ we study, the e) most long
33. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo
a) most – best correto das seguintes palavras,
b) more – worst respectivamente: Large and Small.
c) less – worst
d) less – worse a) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest
e) least – best b) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest
c) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest
26. Of all the movies I have seen lately the one d) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smalest
I saw yesterday was _______.
a) worse 34. Assinale a alternativa que expressa uma
b) worst comparação de igualdade.
c) the worse
d) the worst a) We are the world's leading producer.
e) the most worst b) You used to wait years to have a telephone
27. She was the most important person in his c) These resources are no longer exploited at the
life. cost of the environment.
a) Ela foi a pessoa mais importante na vida dele. d) Brazilians are as technology-hungry as
b) Ela foi a pessoa menos importante na vida dela. anywhere in the world.
c) Elas foram as pessoas mais importantes na vida e) We are the world's largest producer of sugar.
35. Escolha ( C ) para correct ou ( I ) para
28. It is the least important part of the game. incorrect ao analisar as frases a seguir.
a) É a parte mais importante do jogo.
b) É a parte menos importante do jogo. a) Dinah is better cook in town. ( )
b) Tennis is least popular sport in Brazil. ( )
c) She is the oldest teacher they have. ( )
d) Argentina is the least reliablest of them. ( )
e) He’s the funnier comedian I’ve ever seen. ( )

36. Write the comparative and superlative

forms of the words below. Follow the example:
Example: Short – shorter – shortest

a) early
b) big
c) wise
d) angry
e) heavy

37. They play tennis well but she can

_____play .
1 – better
2 – worst
3 – good
38. Delbra is the________person I know.
1 – worse
2 – worst
3 – bad
39. Nick is the _______shy person know.
1 – less
2 – least
3 – little

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