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1. -20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 5. During the pro-democracy protests in China’s
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Tiannamen Square on June 5, 1989, a lone man
stopped a column of tanks after the army was
called in to ---- the protests.
1. There is clear evidence that improved
productivity is increasing the ---- of food and A) step up B) put down
resources faster than the demands of a growing
world population. C) take up D) rule out

A) evolution B) supply E) fall out

C) retreat D) conversion

E) depiction 6. Political ideology provides a framework for

thinking about politics, about policy issues, and
about ---- active a role government should have in
2. Cultures ---- from one society to another
because people in different societies are brought A) which B) that
up differently.
C) how D) whether
A) grasp B) suspend
E) what
C) stem D) vary

E) benefit
7. ---- progress toward equality in law, social and
economic inequalities between blacks and whites
3. It is believed that leaving a gang can have ----
consequences for the individual and potentially A) Due to B) Unlike
family member and in most cases the result is
inevitable death. C) As well as D) Despite

A) intuitive B) prone E) Instead of

C) dubious D) hospitable

E) disastrous 8. Among the poorest nations, evidence suggests

that as infant and childhood mortality rates
decline, ---- does the fertility rate.

4. Inequality of wealth appeared to be A) as B) which

diminishing until the mid-1970s, but in recent
years it has surged ----. C) nor D) as well

A) eagerly B) pointlessly E) so

C) hesitantly D) sharply

E) jointly 9. Humanistic psychology, like social psychology,

focuses on the whole person ---- on particular
defensive structures or behavioural responses.

A) rather than B) because of

C) by means of D) in spite of

E) on behalf of

1 Ankara Dil Akademisi

10. Socialists believe that wealth must be 14. A poll can provide accurate information as to
redistributed ---- all persons can share in the the opinions about a population ---- it is
benefits created by society. constructed scientifically and thoughtfully.

A) but B) so that A) until

C) before D) even if B) though

E) in case C) only if

D) so

11. In the last few decades the fertility rate in the E) unless
developed world ----, and with economic
development, fertility in Africa, Asia, and Latin
America ---- to decline before the end of this 15. It is unlawful for any firm or labour union to
century. discriminate against any individual in any fashion
---- his or her race, colour, religion, sex, or
A) declined / was expected
national origins.
B) has been declining / will be expected
A) in case of B) despite
C) will decline / has been expected
C) such as D) besides
D) declines / is being expected
E) because of
E) has declined / is expected

16. The extent ---- which and the methods by

12. The number of people affected by dementia which governments intervene ---- the economy
----, but most specialists say that’s largely because vary.
more of us ---- longer.
A) to / in
A) will be rising / lived
B) by / for
B) would be rising / have lived
C) on / with
C) may be rising / are living
D) at / upon
D) must be rising / were living
E) into / of
E) might have been rising / live

17. ---- illegally seized evidence may prove the

13. Spices ---- the status and allure that once ---- guilt of the accused, it cannot be used in court,
them alongside jewels and precious metals as the and the accused may go free.
world’s most valuable items.
A) Provided B) Just as
A) lost / have placed
C) Once D) Although
B) are losing / would place
E) Since
C) lose / place

D) have lost / placed

E) were losing / had placed

2 Ankara Dil Akademisi

18. Poverty occurs in many kinds of families and

in all races and ethnic groups. ----, some groups
experience poverty in proportions that are
greater than the national average.

A) Moreover B) As a result

C) Instead D) Otherwise

E) However

19. It is impossible to provide a complete

description of all the class differences that have
been reported by sociologists; ----, class lifestyles
overlap, and in America there are no rigid
boundaries between classes.

A) moreover B) even so

C) hence D) rather

E) for example

20. Ordinary men and women are driven by

forces in society that they ---- understand ----

A) such / that

B) as / as

C) whether / or

D) neither / nor

E) more / than

3 Ankara Dil Akademisi

21. - 25. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.

As parents we tend to have high expectations of 24.

our first child, and (21) ---- parents in particular
(22) ---- their success as parents by comparing the A) resisting
development of their child with others. This is
B) to resist
dangerous, unnecessary and does not actually give
a true of reflection of where your child is in terms C) having resisted
of their development, (23) ---- all children are
different. It is far healthier (24) ---- the temptation D) to be resisted
to compare your child to others, and instead just
E) being resisted
be happy that they are healthy and thriving, and
make the most of the baby years of your first child
as you will never have that time (25) ---- again.

A) competitive
A) for B) in
B) affluent
C) back D) under
C) legitimate
E) through
D) dormant

E) considerate


A) measured

B) used to measure

C) are measured

D) will measure

E) have been measured


A) yet B) so that

C) until D) since

E) even if

4 Ankara Dil Akademisi

26. - 30. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada

numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A genetic analysis of 13 Gypsy groups around 29.

Europe has revealed that the arrival on the
continent of their (26) ---- from northern India A) set
happened far earlier than was thought, about
B) sets
1,500 years ago. There were already some
linguistic studies that gave clues to India and C) will set
genetic studies too, (27) ----without being precise
about the where or when. Gypsies are originally D) had set
thought (28) ---- from Egypt and some of the
E) would set
earliest references to them in English, dating back
to the 16th century, call them "Egyptians".
However, a new study now (29) ---- their arrival in
Europe in the sixth century – a time when Britain
was still in its early post-Roman era. Early A) for B) by
European references describe wandering, nomadic
communities who were known (30) ---- their music C) with D) at
and skill with horses.
E) on


A) settlements B) menaces

C) insights D) ancestors

E) descendants


A) as B) so

C) though D) when

E) for


A) having come B) coming

C) to come D) come

E) to have come

5 Ankara Dil Akademisi

31. - 42. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. While of course the problem of food scarcity
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. is connected to death rates and quality of life
issues, ---- .

31. If people begin to question the legitimacy of A) the situation is similarly dire when it comes to
institutions that is, governments, the military, adequate food
and so on, ---- .
B) whether the conditions of poverty create a
A) legitimacy depends on people believing that the culture of poverty or vice versa
exercise of power is necessary and valuable to
society C) the number of welfare recipients in the nation
dropped by more than half by 2008
B) individuals who control certain valued resources
and are likely to control other resources as well D) the consumption potable water decreases the
likelihood of illnesses
C) institutional positions in society would not
provide a continuous and important base of power E) it also is associated with issues of crime,
violence, and political instability
D) then they will no longer feel morally obliged to
abide by them

E) people concluded that they have been treated

unfairly and discriminately

32. ----, no society has entirely eliminated male 34. The earliest writing dates from just 6000 years
dominance. ago, ---- .
A) As women are as heavily burdened by divorce A) but language in its modern form emerged long
as men before then
B) Although some societies have reduced sexual B) so they may have had more advanced
inequalities communication from beginning
C) While women became nurses based on C) since each model of protolanguage makes
gendered expectations different predictions about its origin
D) Just as women are an increasing presence in D) whereas language was originally conveyed by
world politics gestures, rather than speech
E) Unless women exercise more political power in E) as writing developed as a convenient way to
societies where they make huge contributions to keep records of produce and accounts of trade
economic life

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35. Certain events seem to stay with us as 37.----, warfare often broke out over contested
particularly vivid and detailed memories for years issues of vassalage.
afterwards ----.
A) As smaller or larger manors were ruled by local
A) though researchers have developed a good lords with their own courts and soldiers
understanding of the factors that influence the
B) So long as emperors were able to exercise
contents of our memories
effective rule outside the bounds of Germany
B) for example, it can be intensely frustrating to
C) If Popes in the tenth and early eleventh century
forget someone’s name at a party
hadn't given way to a series of reformers
C) if they are unusual, arousing or associated with
D) While the feudal system, for much of the time,
strong emotions
preserved the peace in a fragmented Europe
D) in that they are critically involved in
E) Because few political systems have shown the
consolidating memories into long-term storage
adaptiveness and longevity of feudalism
E) even if some treatments have been shown to
help people with impaired memory

38. Unlike women who are more likely to eat,

36. Emerging economies are catching up with
pray, and talk to friends and families to cope with
advanced world and are predicted to overtake
stress, ---- .
many of them by 2020, ---- .
A) it has been recognized as a public health
A) which will cause a substantial shift in the global
balance of economic power
B) men tend to drink, smoke, or ignore the
B) although income per capita will remain the
problem when faced with a stressful situation
highest in the world's emerging economies
C) there is no difference in the experienced social
C) as the global economic downturn has had a
stressors and health stressors between genders
significant impact on the country
D) women report higher levels of chronic and daily
D) so the increase in average population age and
stressors than men
rising unemployment rates is contributing to this
slowdown E) which may be protective factors against the
incidence of depression and anxiety disorders
E) unless various measures are taken to boost the
economy that has contracted in recent years

7 Ankara Dil Akademisi

39. Students cannot learn to think critically, 41. ----, they are ready to put the two together
analyse information, communicate scientific and begin reading.
ideas, and make logical arguments ----.
A) If children have trouble translating letter
A) unless they are permitted and encouraged to do symbols orally
those things over and over in many contexts
B) Once children develop alphabet knowledge and
B) however, teachers need to provide students phonemic awareness skills
with challenging but attainable learning tasks and
C) Even if children develop sound recognition
help them succeed
through systematic synthetic phonics teaching
C) what is more, students are quick to pick up the
D) Though parents often feel relieved that they are
expectations of success or failure that others have
more independent now and read aloud to them
for them
D) as they have some experience with the kinds of
E) While eading books with rhymes helps develop
thought and action that are typical of those fields
a child’s awareness of the sounds in our language
E) or else they need guidance, encouragement,
and practice in collecting, sorting, and analysing
evidence, and in building arguments based on it

40. When they encounter new experiences,

children look for information that they can use to
confirm, add to, or change their ideas, -----,

A) therefore, an environment that stimulates

learning and development is necessary to ensure
children reach their learning potential

B) in other words, the involvement of parents and

carers with their children’s schooling contributes
to children’s achievement at school

C) however, it allows them to use basic logic and

gradually develops their capacities for thinking
through such situations

D) similarly, children already have certain

knowledge and skills by the time they start school

E) for example, when a child experiences a new

event, he or she first tries to understand the new
experience by matching it to pre-existing ideas

8 Ankara Dil Akademisi

42. - 53. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye 43. The Silk Road was the name given in 1877 by
anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe the German geographer Ferdinand von
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi Richthofen to the ancient network of trade routes
bulunuz. linking China to central and western Asia, India
and the Mediterranean region.
42. The Middle East is fragile because of terrorism
and rapid urbanization, caused by extremely high
fertility rates, while Central America is afflicted A) İpek Yolu, Çin'i orta ve batı Asya’ya, Hindistan’ı
by natural disasters and homicide. da Akdeniz bölgesine bağlaması amacıyla eski
ticaret hatları ağına 1877 yılında Alman coğrafyacı
Ferdinand von Richthofen tarafından verilen addı.
A) Orta Amerika, doğal afetler ve cinayetten B) İpek Yolu, Çin'i orta ve batı Asya’ya, Hindistan’a
şikayetçiyken, Orta Doğu, çok yüksek ve Akdeniz bölgesine bağlayan eski ticaret hatları
doğurganlıktan kaynaklanan, terörizm ve hızlı ağına 1877 yılında Alman coğrafyacı Ferdinand von
kentleşmeyle uğraşmaktadır. Richthofen tarafından verilen addı.
B) Orta Amerika, doğal afetler ve cinayetten C) 1877 yılında Alman coğrafyacı Ferdinand von
etkilenmekteyken, Orta Doğu, yüksek doğurganlık Richthofen tarafından adı verilen, Çin'i orta ve batı
oranlarıyla beraber, terörizm ve hızlı kentleşmeyle Asya’ya, Hindistan’a ve Akdeniz bölgesine bağlayan
hareketlidir. eski ticaret hatları ağı İpek Yolu’ydu.
C) Orta Amerika, doğal afetler ve cinayetten D) İpek Yolu, Çin'i orta ve batı Asya’ya, Hindistan’a
etkilenmekteyken, Orta Doğu, aşırı yüksek ve Akdeniz bölgesine bağladığı zaman, eski ticaret
doğurganlık oranlarından kaynaklanan, terörizm ve hattına 1877 yılında Alman coğrafyacı Ferdinand
hızlı kentleşmeden dolayı kırılgandır. von Richthofen’un verdiği addı.
D) Orta Amerika, doğal afetler ve hastalıklardan E) 1877 yılında Alman coğrafyacı Ferdinand von
etkilenmekteyken, Orta Doğu, aşırı düşük Richthofen tarafından bulunan, Çin'i orta ve batı
doğurganlık oranları nedeniyle, terörizm ve hızlı Asya’ya, Hindistan’ı ise Akdeniz bölgesine bağlayan
kentleşmeyle kırılgandır. eski ticaret hattı İpek Yolu’ydu.
E) Orta Amerika, doğal afetler ve cinayete karşı
mücadele ederken, Orta Doğu, oldukça yüksek
doğurganlığa rağmen, terörizm ve hızlı
kentleşmeyle gündemdedir.

9 Ankara Dil Akademisi

44. Women’s rights are the fundamental human 45. Technology and globalization are significantly
rights that were enshrined by the United Nations transforming work; however, education and
for every human being on the planet nearly 70 training systems, having remained mostly static
years ago. and underinvested in for decades, are inadequate
for these new labour markets.

A) Kadın hakları, Birleşmiş Milletlerin 70 yıl önce

dünyadaki her kadın için kutsal olarak kabul ettiği A) Teknoloji ve küreselleşme önemli ölçüde
temel insan hakları demektir. çalışmayı dönüştürüyor; ancak, çoğunlukla sabit
kalmış ve on yıllardır yetersiz yatırım almış olan
B) Birleşmiş Milletlerin neredeyse 70 yıl önce
eğitim ve öğretim sistemleri, bu yeni emek
dünyadaki her insan için kutsal gördüğü kadın
piyasaları için yetersizdir.
hakları, aslında temel insan haklarıdır.
B) Teknoloji ve küreselleşme günümüzde çalışmayı
C) Kadın hakları, Birleşmiş Milletlerin 70 yıl önce
değiştiriyor; bu sebeple, çoğunlukla sabit kalmış ve
dünyadaki her bir kadın için kutsal olarak kabul
yetersiz yatırım almış olan eğitim ve öğretim
ettiği temel insan haklarıdır.
sistemleri, bu yeni ortaya çıkan emek piyasaları için
D) Kadın hakları, Birleşmiş Milletlerin neredeyse 70 kesinlikle yetersizdir.
yıl önce dünyadaki her kadın ve erkek için kutsal
C) Teknoloji ve küreselleşme önemli ölçüde
olarak kabul ettiği temel insan hakları
çalışmayı dönüştürüyor; ancak, çoğunlukla sabit
kalmış ve on yıllardır yetersiz yatırım almış olan
E) Kadın hakları, Birleşmiş Milletlerin yaklaşık 70 yıl eğitim ve öğretim sistemleri, bu yeni emek
önce dünyadaki her insan için kutsal olarak kabul piyasaları için yetersiz olabilir.
ettiği temel insan haklarıdır.
D) Teknoloji ve küreselleşme günümüzde çalışmayı
tetikliyor; ancak, daima sabit kalmış ve on yıllardır
yetersiz yatırım almış olan eğitim ve öğretim
sistemleri, bu yeni emek piyasaları için yetersiz gibi

E) Çoğunlukla sabit kalmış ve on yıllardır yetersiz

yatırım almış olan eğitim ve öğretim sistemleri,
teknoloji ve küreselleşme gibi yeni emek piyasaları
için büyük oranda yetersizdir.

10 Ankara Dil Akademisi

46. A variety of empirical studies have suggested 47. There are many different educational
that improving gender parity may result in philosophies that have developed over the years,
significant economic dividends, which vary some of which are teacher-centred and some are
depending on the situation of different student-centred, but they all have the same goal,
economies and the specific challenges they are and the goal is to provide students with the best
facing. education possible.

A) Çok sayıda ampirik araştırma, cinsiyet eşitliğinin A) Yıllar içinde geliştirilen birçok farklı eğitim
iyileştirilmesinin, farklı ekonomilerin durumuna ve felsefesi vardır ki bunların çoğunluğu öğretmen
karşılaştıkları çeşitli zorluklara bağlı olmaksızın merkezli ve geri kalanı da öğrenci merkezlidir,
değişen büyük ekonomik faydalar sağlayabileceğini ancak hepsi neredeyse aynı amaca sahiptir ve bu
ileri sürmektedir. amaç öğrencilere en iyi eğitimi vermektir.

B) Çeşitli araştırmalar, cinsiyet eşitliğinin B) Yıllar içinde geliştirilen birçok farklı eğitim
önemsenmesinin, farklı ekonomilerin durumuna ve felsefesi vardır ve neredeyse hepsi aynı amaca
karşılaştıkları belirli zorluklara bağlı olarak değişen sahiptir ki bu amaç öğrencilere en iyi eğitimi
önemli ekonomik faydalar oluşturabileceğini ileri vermektir, ancak bunların çoğunluğu öğretmen
sürebilir. merkezli ve bir kısmı da öğrenci merkezlidir.

C) Çeşitli ampirik araştırmalarla, cinsiyet eşitliğinin C) Yıllar içinde geliştirilen bazıları öğretmen
geliştirilmesinin, farklı ekonomilerin durumuna ve merkezli ve bazıları öğrenci merkezli olan birçok
karşılaştıkları belirli zorluklara bağlı olarak değişen farklı eğitim felsefesi vardır, ancak hepsi aynı
önemli ekonomik faydalara yol açacağı ileri amaca sahiptir ve bu amaç öğrencilere mümkün
sürülmelidir. olan en iyi eğitimi vermektir.

D) Çeşitli ampirik araştırmalar, cinsiyet eşitliğinin D) Bütün eğitim felsefelerinin aynı amacı vardır ve
iyileştirilmesinin, farklı ekonomilerin durumuna ve bu amaç öğrencilere mümkün olan en iyi eğitimi
karşılaştıkları belirli zorluklara bağlı olarak değişen vermektir, ancak bunların bazıları öğretmen
önemli ekonomik faydalar doğurabileceğini ileri merkezliyken bazıları öğrenci merkezlidir ve yıllar
sürmektedir. içinde geliştirilen birçok farklı eğitim felsefesi
E) Çeşitli ampirik araştırmalarda, cinsiyet eşitliğinin
iyileştirilmesinin, çeşitli ekonomilerin durumuna ve E) Yıllar içinde geliştirilen birçok farklı eğitim
karşılaştıkları belirli sıkıntılara bağlı olarak çeşitlilik felsefesi vardır ve hepsi aynı amaca sahiptir ki bu
gösteren kayda değer ekonomik faydalar amaç öğrencilere mümkün olan en iyi eğitimi
doğurabileceği ileri sürülmektedir. vermektir, ancak bunların bazıları öğretmen
merkezli ve bazıları öğrenci merkezlidir.

11 Ankara Dil Akademisi

48. Öğretmenler, çocukların bilişsel ve sosyal- 49. Yasa, tüzük veya diğer yetki biçimleri
duygusal gelişmelerinde onlara öğrenme fırsatı tarafından kontrol edilen bazı ekonomik
vererek temel bir rol oynamaktadırlar ve etkili faaliyetler ve süreçler olmasına rağmen,
sınıf yönetimi bu öğrenmeye zemin ekonomik davranış koordinasyonuna ve tahsis
hazırlamaktadır. sorununa egemen yaklaşım pazardır.

A) Teachers play a complementary role in the A) Even if there are some economic activities and
cognitive and social-emotional development of processes that are controlled by law, regulation or
children when they give them the opportunity to other forms of command, the dominant approach
learn; besides, effective classroom management to the coordination of economic behaviour and the
certainly sets the stage for this learning. allocation problem is the market.

B) Teachers always play a role in the cognitive and B) Even though there are many economic activities
social-emotional development of children as well and processes that should be controlled by law,
as giving them the opportunity to learn, and so regulation or other forms of command, the
classroom management may set the stage for this dominant approach to the coordination of
learning. economic behaviour and the allocation problem
must be the market.
C) Teachers must play a fundamental role in the
cognitive development of students by giving them C) Although there are some economic activities
the opportunity to effectively learn, and strict and processes that are controlled by law,
classroom management sets the stage for this regulation or other forms of command, the
learning. dominant approach to the coordination of
economic behaviour and the allocation problem is
D) Teachers are expected to play a fundamental
the market.
role in the cognitive and social-emotional
development of children by giving them the D) When there are some economic activities and
opportunity to learn, and classroom management processes that are controlled by law, regulation or
effectively sets the stage for this learning. other forms of command, the dominant approach
to the coordination of economic behaviour and the
E) Teachers play a fundamental role in the
allocation problem can be the market.
cognitive and social-emotional development of
children by giving them the opportunity to learn, E) There may be various economic activities and
and effective classroom management sets the processes that must be controlled by law,
stage for this learning. regulation or other forms of command, but the
widespread approach to the coordination of
economic behaviour and the allocation problem is,
in fact, the market.

12 Ankara Dil Akademisi

50. Teknolojik bozukluklarla birlikte eğitim 51. 1920'lerdeki dil reformlarından önce,
sistemleri ve iş piyasaları arasındaki Türkçe’nin resmi biçimi Arap harfleriyle yazılırdı,
bağlantısızlığın, birçok kişinin geçim kaynağı için ve dilbilgisi ve sözcük dağarcığında kullanılan dil,
istikrarsızlık ve güvensizlik yarattığı bugün artık iyi konuşulan dilden belirgin olarak farklılık
bilinmektedir. gösterirdi.

A) It is well recognized that the disconnect A) Before the language reforms in the 1920s, the
between education systems and labour markets, official form of Turkish was written in Arabic script,
despite technological disruptions, is creating and the language in its grammar and vocabulary
instability and insecurity to the livelihoods of differed markedly from the spoken language.
B) Until the language reforms in the 1920s, the
B) It is now well recognized that the disconnect official form of Turkish must have been written in
between education systems and labour markets, Arabic script while the language in its grammar
coupled with technological disruptions, is creating and vocabulary differed from the spoken language.
instability and insecurity to the livelihoods of
C) Prior to the language reforms in the 1920s, the
official form of Turkish was mostly written in
C) It is now recognized that the disconnect Arabic script, but the language in its grammar and
between education systems and labour markets, in vocabulary differed slightly from the spoken
addition to technological disruptions, must be language.
creating instability and insecurity to the livelihoods
D) Following the language reforms in the 1920s,
of many.
the official form of Turkish was written in Arabic
D) It is today well recognized that the disconnect script, and the language in its grammar and
between education systems and labour markets, vocabulary markedly resembled the spoken
unlike technological disruptions, may be creating language.
instability and insecurity to the livelihoods of
E) With the language reforms in the 1920s, the
official form of Turkish had to be written in Arabic
E) It is now widely recognized that the disconnect script, but the language in its grammar and
between education systems and labour markets, vocabulary differed significantly from the spoken
together with serious technological disruptions, is language.
absolutely creating instability and insecurity to the
livelihoods of many.

13 Ankara Dil Akademisi

52. Ancak kadınlar, liderliği ve uzlaştırıcı rolleri 53. Bir avcı-toplayıcı, çoğunlukla evcilleştirilmiş
üstlendiklerinde ve eşit politik bir sese sahip türlere dayanan tarım toplumlarının aksine,
olduklarında, ekonomiler ve ülkeler kökten yiyeceğin çoğunun ya da hepsinin yabani bitkiler
dönüştürülecektir. toplayarak ve yabani hayvanları takip ederek elde
edildiği bir toplumda yaşayan bir insandır.
A) Even though women have taken all leadership
and peace-making roles and have a higher political A) A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society
voice, economies and countries will not be in which most or all food is obtained by collecting
extensively transformed. wild plants and pursuing wild animals, in contrast
to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on
B) Only if women can have taken leadership and
domesticated species.
peace-making roles and hopefully have an equal
political voice will economies and countries be B) A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society
radically transformed. in which most food is obtained by collecting wild
plants and wild animals, in contrast to agricultural
C) Women will have taken leadership and peace-
societies, which rely partially on domesticated
making roles and have an almost equal political
voice only when economies and countries are
completely transformed. C) A hunter-gatherer who obtains most or all food
by collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals,
D) Only because women need to take leadership
in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely
and peace-making roles and have an equal political
mainly on domesticated species, is a human living
voice, economies and countries cannot be radically
in a society.
D) A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society
E) Only when women have taken leadership and
in which food is obtained by collecting wild plants,
peace-making roles and have an equal political
similar to agricultural societies, which rely mostly
voice will economies and countries be radically
on domesticated species.
E) A hunter-gatherer who obtains all food by
collecting wild plants and wild animals, in contrast
to agricultural societies, which rely on
domesticated species, is a human living in a

14 Ankara Dil Akademisi

54. - 59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 55. Globalization divided China into two unequal
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için parts: the successful, aligned and satisfied people
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. on the top, versus the poor, frustrated and
marginalized on the bottom. The large-scale
outbreaks of social tensions in recent years,
54. Child labour was not an invention of the
including the tensions in Xinjiang and Tibet,
Industrial Revolution. Poor children have always
should not just be seen as isolated cultural or
started work as soon as their parents could find
political battles, but rather should be heard as
employment for them. ----. This changed with
both the battle cry of China’s new class struggle
industrialisation. The new factories and mines
and as a conflict of globalization. ----. In fact, all
were hungry for workers and required the
these issues are directly related to the factors of
execution of simple tasks that could easily be
globalization that have helped China rise. The
performed by children. The result was a surge in
opportunities brought by globalization have
child labour – presenting a new kind of problem
hidden costs.
that Victorian society had to tackle.
A) There is reason to celebrate; as China embraced
globalization millions of jobs have been created.
A) Industrialisation led to a dramatic increase in
B) Compared with where they were just 20 years
child labour.
ago, even the common people on the bottom have
B) The average age at which children started work seen their standard of living vastly improve
in early 19th-century Britain was 10 years old
C) Globalization has also tied Western leaders to
C) There was, therefore, considerable variety in the top of the bus, because a failed China would
the age at which children started work be catastrophic for the world’s economy

D) But in much of pre-industrial Britain, there D) One day we see China as an enormous global
simply was not very much work available for factory, and the next we view China’s domestic
children problems, such as the recent terrorist attack in
Kunming and tensions in Xinjiang and Tibet
E) All children laboured under the same
disadvantages, though, working for very low pay, E) Based on the recent public opinion surveys,
and usually working long hours as well Chinese citizens have frequently ranked
corruption, pollution, and social tension as their
top concerns

15 Ankara Dil Akademisi

56. ----. It, therefore, becomes difficult for non- 57. Reading regularly increases learners’
residential parents, 90 percent of whom are vocabulary especially where the children are
fathers, to maintain close ties with their children. oriented on the use of the dictionary whenever
For example, children spend significantly more they meet a new or difficult word in the text. ----.
nights with their mother than their father. Nearly The study stated that children who learn to read
50 percent of the children in one study reported by the time they are in third grade are less likely
not seeing their non-resident father in the past to drop out of school or engage in different vices
year, and the small number that had recently such as drugs, or end up in prison. The same
stayed overnight at the father’s residence did so research further revealed that reading increases a
for a special visit, not as part of a regular routine student’s ability to concentrate, which can
enhance some degree of comprehension and this
is the vital goal of reading for school children.
A) Divorce leads to a decline in the frequency and
quality of parent-child contact and relationships
A) As they read different texts written in various
B) Divorced mothers have particular problems with
forms they also learn different types of writing
their sons, though their relationship will likely
improve within two years
B) Another benefit, as stated by one of the studies
C) Compared with continuously-married mothers,
conducted in the United States, is that reading can
divorced mothers tend to be less affectionate and
develop positive values in children
communicative with their children
C) Reading is an active mental process where
D) Boys, especially if they live with their mother,
children use their brain
respond with more hostility to parental divorce
than girls do D) These are the component tasks of reading and,
they are progressive steps in learning to read,
E) Girls often far worse than boys when living with
which move from sounds, to words, to sentences
their father or stepfather after a parental divorce
and paragraphs

E) Beginning readers must also understand the

concept of the alphabetic principle in order to
master basic reading skills

16 Ankara Dil Akademisi

58. The Internet can increase the speed and 59. There has long been an important African
accuracy of communications between suppliers, American presence in the Great Plains. African
distributors, and customers. Furthermore, the Americans were there in the early years of
Internet's low cost allows companies of any size exploration, through the conflicts over slavery in
to be able to take advantage of value-chain Kansas, on the cattle drives, and in the celebrated
integration. ---- . For instance, using e-mail to black frontier regiments. As "Exodusters" they
notify customers instead of using regular mail were part of the pioneer settlement of the
helps for reducing cost. Selling to distant region, and in the twentieth century they moved
customers using the company web site may allow to new urban frontiers in Plains cities. As
revenue improvement or generation. These sales elsewhere in the country, African Americans have
may not have been materialized otherwise or been victimized on the Plains, most drastically in
selling digital products such as songs or computer the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921. ----
software or distributing software through the

A) However, the Great Plains has also seen some

A) The ultimate goal of an e-business is to
of their greatest triumphs, such as the victory in
generate revenue and make a profit, similar to
Brown Valley
traditional businesses
B) Nebraska, for example, reported eighty-two
B) The major constraints of this include shortages
African Americans in 1860, mainly free, and an
of infrastructure, price of Internet access,
1856 count in Kansas listed 400 African American
education and lack of content
C) Consumers browsing online stores can easily
C)Moreover, the antislavery debate was not
search to find exactly what they are looking for
limited to politics but raged among ordinary
D) E-commerce may improve value chain by citizens across the land
identifying new opportunities for cost reduction
D) Therefore, in one of the great migrations in U.S.
E) Even the smallest online retail sites can sell history, African Americans left the rural South for
products and turn a profit with a very simple the cities of the Northeast
online presence
E) When it came to finding the truth or writing
editorials, the journalist was known internationally

17 Ankara Dil Akademisi

60. - 65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 62. (I) When entering into a new culture, you will
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü go through cultural transition, and you may go
bozan cümleyi bulunuz through a bit of culture shock. (II) Culture shock is
a term used to describe the anxiety produced
when a person moves to a completely new
60. (I) People often hold irrational beliefs, which
environment. (III) This term expresses the lack of
we broadly define as unfounded, unscientific, and
direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or
illogical assumptions about the world. (II) Although
how to do things in a new environment, and not
many irrational beliefs exist, belief in conspiracy
knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. (IV)
theories is particularly prevalent among ordinary,
Relaxation and meditation are proven to be very
nonpathological citizens. (III) Conspiracy theories
positive for people who are passing through
are commonly defined as the assumption that a
periods of stress. (V) The feeling generally sets in
group of people colludes together in secret to
after the first few weeks of coming to a new place.
attain evil goals. (IV) While conspiracies can and
do occur, and hence not all conspiracy theories are
irrational, many conspiracy theories that citizens
believe are unlikely in light of logic or scientific A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
evidence, including that the pharmaceutical
industry deliberately spreads diseases, or that
climate change is a lie fabricated by scientists. (V) 63. (I) Between 1943 and 1947 the author Thomas
According to them, the desire to make sense of the Mann wrote a novel about the German psyche. (II)
world is of particular importance to people when The profession of his main character? A composer.
they lack control or when they are uncertain. (III) Germany also produces some of the world's
most famous beers, including Becks and Stein and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V is the third highest beer-drinking country after the
Czech Republic and Austria. (IV) Germany has been
a focal point of music composition since the
baroque period. (V) The three Bs – Bach,
Beethoven, Brahms – are just the tip of the

61. (I) As children spend time with other children,

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
they become more alike. (II) By the time children
are about 3 years old, they have already begun to
form their gender identity. (III) In other words,
they are aware of the fact that they are boys or 64. (I) Democracy, as we know it today, is a
girls and that there are certain behaviours, relatively recent phenomenon. (II) Unfortunately,
activities, toys and interests that are played with the very same reasons that make democratization
more often by boys and girls. (IV) Gender important make it difficult to achieve. (III) While
differences in children’s behaviours and some of the Greek city states and medieval Poland
interactional patterns also begin to become had regimes that had democratic aspects, modern
apparent by this age. (V) For instance, boys are democracy only dates from the late 18th century.
more active, physical and play in larger spaces (IV) To be considered democratic, a country must
than girls while girls are more compliant, prosocial choose its leaders through fair and competitive
and play closer to adults than boys. elections, ensure basic civil liberties, and respect
the rule of law. (V) Some observers also claim that
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V a democracy has to have a capitalist economy and
a strong civil-society and civic culture, although
not all political scientists would include these two

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

18 Ankara Dil Akademisi

65. (I) Population ageing is in many ways a

demographic success story, driven by changes in
fertility and mortality that are associated with
economic and social development. (II) Progress in
reducing child mortality, improving access to
education and employment opportunities,
advancing gender equality, and promoting
reproductive health and access to family planning
have all contributed to reductions in birth rates.
(III) Between 2006 and 2014, Micronesia raised the
age of retirement from 60 to 65 years. (IV)
Moreover, advancements in public health and
medical technologies, along with improvements in
living conditions, mean that people are living
longer. (V) Together, these declines in fertility and
increases in longevity are producing substantial
shifts in the population age structure, such that
the share of children is shrinking while that of
older persons continues to grow.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

19 Ankara Dil Akademisi

66. - 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. We can infer from the passage that ----.
A) Caucasian people once lived in America after
Europeans discovered this new world
History holds many oddities that we may never
fully understand, either through incomplete B) all native tribes of America are alleged to use
documentation, disinterest at the time, or simply a the same language despite differences in cultures
big question mark that hangs over all. Among C) Europeans were not successful at taming the
these are mysterious tribes of people that have new world and its native peoples
been encountered and confronted in all corners of
the globe, often vanishing before we really D) European adventurers were not the first people
understand them and leaving us perplexed at just to arrive in the new world Americas
who they were or where their origins lie. One such
E) no matter what tribe Europeans encountered,
tribe was a mysterious group of Native Americans
they left fear over those peoples behind them
who appeared to explorers as something quite
European in nature, although their ways and
beginnings have always been cloaked in shadows.
Known mostly from historical accounts, their
origins remain murky, their lineage uncertain, and
they are a historical curiosity we may never fully
understand. During the era of early European 68. According to the writer, ---.
contact, the native peoples of North America held
A) the most interesting thing about the native
many curiosities for explorers and settlers coming
tribes of the new world is that they were rich in
to this new, wild land. These tribes were
cultures and languages
numerous, and displayed rich variety between
different cultures, as well as myriad languages, B) European adventurers who went into the new
customs, and traditions that inspired awe, wonder, world experienced fear more than any other
curiosity, bafflement, and even fear in the feeling when they encountered the natives
European adventurers who bravely delved into this
uncharted new world and tried to tame it. Yet as C) besides new peoples Europeans met in the new
fascinating as these new peoples were, perhaps world, what amazes him most may be the native
the most interesting was an alleged tribe of tribe said to resemble Caucasian
natives who were said to look decidedly Caucasian D) it is likely that history holds many mysteries of
in nature. native American tribes due to a political cover-up

66. It is stated in the passage that it seems E) now it is too late for us to try to learn who those
unlikely for us to have a complete grasp of the mysteries tribes or where their origins lie
history because ---- .

A) the scholars do not display sincere interest to

solve out the mystery

B) we have so many oddities in history that it is

unreasonable to try to prove them through
documentation one by one

C) there are insufficient documents besides the

lack of interest at that time

D) modern world’s interest is limited to the

European history and its mysteries

E) focusing solely on the mysterious tribes leaves

us perplexed, which may be desirable for some

20 Ankara Dil Akademisi

69. - 71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. We can understand from the passage that ----.
A) researchers can one day come up with a totally
human-like machine with artificial intelligence to
You might presume, or at least hope, that humans make it work in social research field
are better at understanding fellow humans than
machines are. But a new MIT study suggests an B) humans expect to be better understood by
algorithm can predict someone’s behaviour faster other humans rather than machines, even if the
and more reliably than humans can. Max Kanter, a opposite is the reality
master’s student in computer science at MIT, and C) there are competitions for the machines like the
his advisor, Kalyan Veeramachaneni, created the Data Science Machine in order to establish their
Data Science Machine to search for patterns and reputation in the sales markets
choose which variables are the most relevant. In
three competitions with human teams, a machine D) the researchers who developed the Data
made more accurate predictions than 615 of 906 Science Machine are now world-famous and may
human teams. And while humans worked on their set up their own businesses soon
predictive algorithms for months, the machine
E) the Data Science Machine is still an exciting
took two to 12 hours to produce each of its
project developed at MIT by two researchers and
competition entries. For example, when one
needs to be studied more meticulously
competition asked teams to predict whether a
student would drop out during the next ten days,
based on student interactions with resources on
an online course, there were many possible factors
to consider. The Data Science Machine performed 71.The passage is mainly about ----.
well in this competition. It was also successful in
two other competitions, one in which participants A) the scientific methods Max Kanter and Kalyan
had to predict whether a crowd-funded project Veeramachaneni employed to develop the Data
would be considered “exciting” and another if a Science Machine
customer would become a repeat buyer. As a
B) in which fields the Data Science Machine can be
result, to human’s own surprise, it seems that
helpful to the humanity
today machines are more successful than humans
at both understanding and predicting human C) how better the Data Science Machine than
behaviours. humans at analysing human behaviour

D) the types of competitions the machines like the

Data Science Machine are taking part
69. It is stated in the passage that a machine with
an algorithm ----. E) why humans are worse at understanding and
predicting their own human fellows’ behaviours
A) is better than human fellows at understanding
human behaviour in terms of speed and reliability

B) is now successfully proving its reliability in three

competitions against other machines

C) was able to predict which salespersons would

increase the sales most in one month in a certain

D) seems to be rejected by the governmental

bodies given the privacy issues

E) is also potentially helpful to determine the

criminal acts before they are committed

21 Ankara Dil Akademisi

72. - 74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 72. It is clear in the passage that in order to
cevaplayınız. reduce the number of workers per pensioner, ----

All men are created equal, but they do not stay A) the OECD has prepared a plan that may work
that way for long. That is one message of a report out the problem
this month by the OECD, a club of 35 mostly rich
democracies. Many studies show how income gaps B) pensioners must give up some of their social
have evolved over time or between countries. The benefits like medical care services
OECD’s report looks instead at how inequality C) governments should promote early starting age
evolves with age. As people build their careers, or to work
don’t, their incomes tend to diverge. This
inequality peaks when a generation reaches its D) retirement age can be raised, even if it has
late 50s. But it tends to fall thereafter, as people some drawbacks
draw redistributive public pensions and quit the
E) workers must be deterred from retirement
rat race. Old age, the OECD notes, is a “leveller”.
given the lower incomes of the retired
Will it remain so? Retirement, after all, flattens
incomes not by redistributing from rich seniors to
poor, but by transferring money to old people
from younger, working taxpayers. There will be 73. In the passage “All men are created equal, but
fewer of them around in the future for every they do not stay that way for long” means ----.
retired person, reducing the role of redistributive A) people in developed countries offer more
public pensions. One logical response to the opportunities to their citizens
diminishing number of workers per pensioner is to
raise the retirement age. But that will exacerbate B) the more some men work, the richer they get
old-age inequality, if mildly. Longer careers will regardless of their ages
give richer workers more time to compound their
C) equality among men varies according to what
advantages. And when retirement eventually
age they are at in terms of financial conditions
arrives, the poor, who die earlier, will have less
time to enjoy their pensions. D) being equal depends on how it is defined given
the social rights provided to the migrants

E) as for women and refugees, they may have

inferior status than men in some countries except
OECD members

74. The OECD report mentioned in the passage is

about ----.

A) what to do in order to overcome inequality

B) how inequality shifts with aging

C) why retired people are a burden on taxpayers

D) when exactly working people should retire

E) which investment tool best pays off after


22 Ankara Dil Akademisi

75. - 77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 75. It is clearly stated in the passage that
cevaplayınız. Instagram ----.

A) has the most engaged users compared to other

Although Instagram is known for promoting social media platforms
everything from clean living to mental health,
some accounts do cause us to feel like failures in B) is a great for those who love taking pictures and
the life department. Scrolling through endless uploading them right away for others to see
photos of flawless faces and toned bodies can C) actually strengthens friendships, offers a sense
leave you exhausted and losing a grip on what’s of belonging, and provides emotional support
real. After all, we know that many celebrity photos
are heavily edited yet our attempts to rival Kylie D) can cause people especially young women lose
Jenner and co are never-ending. Now, a recent their self-esteem due to comparing themselves
study has confirmed that Instagram is more with photos of others
damaging to our self-esteem than traditional
E) is as effective as magazines and adverts in
magazines and adverts. A study asked 150 female
reducing our self-esteem
undergraduates if they had compared themselves
to someone else over a five day period and
whether that physical comparison was made after
looking at social media, traditional media or in 76.According to study conducted with young
person. The results showed that women rarely women, ----.
compare their appearance to the figures shown in A) men spend more time on social media than
magazines but that they do every single day on women
social media. They reported feeling that others
looked better than them on social media – B) women never compared their looks to real
probably because we all post the most attractive people in daily life
photos possible. The female participants also said
C) women felt more confident and better about
they were in a worse mood after scrolling through
themselves when they glanced photos on
Instagram and were more motivated to start a diet
or other forms of weight loss. Only young women
were tested in this body image study but research D) Instagram introduces many benefits like clean
suggests that men too may be affected. living and mental health

E) women felt inferior in the face of perfect photos

and got into awful mood

77. What would make the best title for this


A) The Pros and Cons of Instagram

B) Instagram and Celebrities

C) Social Media and Mental Health

D) Instagram the Main Culprit behind Low Self-


E) What to Share on Istagram

23 Ankara Dil Akademisi

78. - 80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. The writer believes that ----.
A) the problem of food scarcity cannot be solved
soon as there are no efforts to reduce waste food
An obvious but often neglected recommendation
to solve food scarcity is to reduce waste in the B) it is impossible to end food waste from
food system. Roughly 30 percent of the food producer to consumer totally
produced on the planet is discarded, lost, spoiled C) the food waste in poorer countries has nothing
or consumed by pests. In rich countries, much of to with infrastructure
the waste takes place at the consumer end of the
system, in restaurants and trash cans. Simple D) the solution of reducing waste in the food
changes in our daily consumption patterns - system is mostly ignored by rich people
reducing oversize portions, food thrown in the
E) unless important steps are taken to eradicate
garbage, and the number of takeout and
food waste, nothing can be achieved
restaurant meals - could significantly trim losses,
as well as our expanding waistlines. In poorer
countries, the losses are similar in size but occur at
the producer end, in the form of failed crops, 80. What would make the best title for this
stockpiles ruined by pests, or food that is never passage?
delivered because of bad infrastructure and A) How to Grow More to Feed the Rising
markets. Improved storage, refrigeration and Population
distribution systems can cut waste appreciably.
Although completely eliminating waste from farm B) Solutions to Curb Skyrocketing Population
to fork is not realistic, even small steps would be
C) The Food Waste in Poorer Countries and
extremely beneficial. Targeted efforts especially
reducing waste of the most resource-intensive
foods such as meat and dairy could make a big D) Time to Reduce Food Waste
E) Who to Blame, Consumers or Producers

78. It is stated in the passage that ---- .

A) lowering the portion size in the restaurants will

not be enough to reduce food waste

B) more than a third of food is lost during

transportation to the consumer in rich countries

C) consumers in poorer countries waste as much

food as those in rich countries

D) modest shifts in everyday food consumption

not only diminish food waste but help us lose

E) there is no difference between poor and rich

countries in where and how food waste occurs




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