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Zumbido no ouvido 1488513

Abund�ncia Financeira 318 798
Agorafobia 909841319 8049
Ajuda r�pida ( emerg�ncia) 938179
Alcan�ar meta 894 719 7848
Alzheimer 481854383
Amor 888 412 1289018
AMOR ( f�rmula) C43H66N1201252
Amor Eterno 888 912 818848
Ansiedade 51949131948
Arquivos da Alma 51847181 211
Arrumar emprego 493151 864 1491
Atividade art�stica 519417 418614
Autocura do corpo 91 87948181
Boa reputa��o em rela��o ao seu trabalho 419 818719 914481
Carreira 21461 8319 917
C�lica intestinal 8123457
Coluna lombar 498 217 218 227
Coluna vertebral 214 217 000 819
Comportamento ( geral) 519515 619711
Comportamento agressivo 419317 064891
Compreens�o 39119488061
Concentra��o da Aten��o( processo nervoso) 519688 01971
Conex�o com a luz do Criador 12370744
Consci�ncia 548 917 818
Corre��o de resultado em Cart�rio 91738919
Criar circunst�ncias favor�veis 419 488 71
Cura Universal 3396815
Desenvolvimento Eterno - Princ�pio da imortalidade 419 318 88941898
Desenvolvimento profissional 138
Determina��o e foco para Aprendizagem 212585212
Difundir a luz e o conhecimento no facebook 519648718
Disseminando conhecimentos sobre a Terra 9721854218
Dist�rbios de qualquer g�nero 942181942
Dist�rbios do sono 514248538
Doen�as infecciosas 5421427
Ebola 5184599
Efici�ncia na gest�o 81319719
Ego 5184913196197190000
Egocentrismo 584916819 97894141
Eliminar efeito colateral de quimioterapia 4812813
Equilibrio Adrenalina 53142184161
Equilibrio dopamina 5821545
Equil�brio geral dos horm�nios 38649129871
Equil�brio Noradrenalina 49874121861
Equilibrio oxitocina 3194812 1961
Equilibrio serotonina 5148123
Fonte de desenvolvimento 417584217888
Fonte de desenvolvimento eterno 917532178919319
Formar nova consci�ncia coletiva 915777918934198
Harmonia geral 14111963
Harmoniza��o ambiental 97318541218
Harmoniza��o das plantas 811120218
Harmoniza��o em animais 555142198110
Harmonizar a psique 8345444
Harmonizar Ambiente Familiar 285555901
Harmonizar o Presente 71042
Infec��es bacteriol�gicas 9198310917
Intui��o elevada 35986
Limpar mem�ria emocional 61 988 184 161
Doen�as Tumorais ( Livrar do Tumor) 8214351
Melhora a mem�ria 5893240
Nervosismo 48154211
Neuroses 48154211
Nicotina � parar de fumar 1414551
Norma Divina 58160129471
Normaliza��o dos problemas na economia dom�stica 137142133914
Normalizar financeiro 71427321893
Obter rela��es harmoniosas em fam�lia 285555901
Otimiza��o do trabalho 419 814
Padr�o para valores laboratorias 1489991
P�nico 489314 81961
Para abrir o 3� olho 881 881 881
Para as coisas em harmonia 917253481
Para nos harmonizar 5154 891
Paz interior 1001105010
Permancer centrado 71381921
Pineal 519 317 819 217
Presen�a do Criador 1231115025
Processamento de Informa��es 5555555
Prote��o contra exposi��o de radia��o 91297189194198
Prote��o de todo o organismo 9187758981818
Prote��o Geral 9187756981818
Psicose man�aco-depressiva ( = dist�rbio bipolar) 5142188948
Radiculopatia Discog�nica (acomete as ra�zes nervosas) 5481321
Replicar o DNA conforme a Norma do Criador 641 849 8989
Resist�ncia do doente ao tratamento 548 498 319 317
Resist�ncia do Inconsciente 548491698719
Salva��o e desenvolvimento harmonico 1784121
Sa�de perfeita 1814321
S�ndrome afetiva (depress�o) 548142182
Solicita��o Impulsiva 591814918791 068
Solu��o para todos os problemas sociais 8137 142 133914
Stress 8421432
Transformando tempo em dinheiro 414 81 88
Transformar informa��o negativa do Passado, do Presente e do Futuro 91371985
Transformar o negativo em positivo 1888948
Tudo � poss�vel 519 7148
Tudo ficar� 100% 918197185
Vida eterna 1489999


(Por Adriana Rios )
Luz pura do Criador 12370744
Presen�a do Criador � 1231115025
Reconstitui��o do Corpo Humano - 918794918
Recupera��o r�pida da sa�de - 19751
Rejuvenescimento - 2145432 e2213445
Replicar o DNA conforme a Norma do Criador - 641 849 8989 319817318
salva��o macro para (lugar e/ ou toda a Terra)971391817
preven��o de poss�veis cat�strofes e desastres globais e locais, inclusive
terremotos 888918491648
cura da Terra
Transformar informa��o negativa do Passado, do Presente e do Futuro 91371985
Transformar o negativo em positivo 1888948
Tudo � poss�vel 519 7148
Tudo ficar� 100% 918197185
Interromper imediatamente o plano negativo.......478132148.
Harmonizar qualquer situa��o de stress: 297140851.
Escudo de Prote��o � 814418719
Prote��o Geral - 9187756981818
Prote��o de todo o organismo - 9187758981818
Prote��o pessoal (Talism�) - 817219738
Parar instantaneamente o plano negativo � 4748132148
Prote��o de perigo e consequ�ncias negativas - 71931
Talism� 817219738
Filtrar tudo que � negativo, injusto e destrutivo.......3194987813.
Paz � 1001105010
nome) : 1814321.
Padroniza��o do futuro, um futuro ideal - 813 791
Para que Todas as pessoas tenham um futuro feliz - 97317819
Para abrir o 3� olho 881881881
Desenvolvimento Harm�nico Solu��o imediata para problemas no presente (bom para
aparelhos quebrados tamb�m) � 741
Usar junto com a sequ�ncia do perd�o 706
limpar MEM�RIA EMOCIONAL (61 988 184 161)
(91371985). Esta �ltima sequ�ncia, conforme a S�lvia Vaz de Lima j� explicou, �
para limpar aquelas informa��es do passado que est�o influenciando negativamente o
nosso presente e que, se n�o tratadas, v�o continuar "contaminando" o futuro.
Arquivos da Alma 51847181 211 Existe um ponto arquivo na alma do ser humano em
que todas as informa��es sobre sua individualidade est�o arquivadas. Trabalhando
com esse conhecimento no ponto arquivo cada ser humano pode ser reestruturado.
PURIFICA��O GLOBAL ATRAV�S DOS PORTAIS C�SMICOS - 91981371"Grabovoi, apresentou
algumas novas sequencias que trarei em meus novos semin�rios.S�o sequ�ncias para a
purifica��o (limpeza) do pr�prio Ser, que s�o feitas utilizando-se a energia de
Portais existentes do Universo, que s�o canalizadas e trazidas para est� dimens�o
(Terra), onde passamos por um per�odo intensamente complicado. Aqui est� uma dessas
sequ�ncias. O m�todo consiste em concentrar-se na sequ�ncia, visualizando-a � sua
frente, onde cada numero emite uma luz branca. O resto, a sequ�ncia far� por si
Estado de calamidade P�blica: 1231115025 -
Presen�a do Criador 97318541218 -
Harmoniza��o ambiental 71931 -
Prote��o de perigos e consequ�ncias negativas 4748132148 -
Parar imediatamente o evento negativo 319817318 -
Salva�ao macro -
C�digos que devemos trabalhar para abrirmos nossa mente para as mudan�as...
Limpeza emocional.......61 988 184 161.
Harmonizar passado.......781909425.
Transformar negativo em positivo......1888 948.
Harmonizar psique.......8345444.
N�o repeti��o de problemas.......91371895.
Filtrar tudo que � negativo, injusto e destrutivo.......3194987813.
Resist�ncia do inconsciente......548491698719.
Harmonizar eventos.......218914819.
Ajuda r�pida......938179.
Interromper imediatamente o plano negativo.......478132148.
Voltar a liderar a pr�pria vida......918714.
Encontrar um local adequado para trabalhar......918 098 14.
Estou pronta e aberta para novas experi�ncias em minha vida......46965168812.
Final Feliz....21.
Ajuda r�pida ( emerg�ncia) 938179
N�o repeti��o de problemas.......91371895
Para Bondade interior - ser gentil consigo mesmo - 97132185191
Paz Interior - 1001105010
Super Satura��o Mental - 2184 17488901
C�digo PARA UM FUTURO FELIZ (97317819)
Harmonizar a psique 8345444
Auto dom�nio: 548 49 18917
Auto estima - 49181951749814
Neutraliza os medos - 489 712 819 4
Sistema nervoso central - 291 384 074 217
ANSIEDADE (51949131948)
MEDO (real ou imagin�rio) (489 712 819 48).
Depress�o - 519514 319891
NORMA DIVINA 58160129471 - Porque precisamos de normas e leis, de regras e respeito
ao pr�ximo.
EXPANS�O DA CONSCI�NCIA (1888888 9 1). Aten��o: existem dois espa�os nesta
sequ�ncia, os d�gitos "9" e "1" est�o isolados dos demais por espa�os.
AMOR ETERNO - 888 912 818848
AMOR GERAL - 888 412 1289018 Segundo um livro do Grabovoi sobre f�rmulas qu�micas,
essa seria a f�rmula do AMOR - visualize a f�rmula, enquanto mentaliza a sequ�ncias
acima - C43H66N12O12S2 Acredito que essa f�rmula deva ser utilizada sempre , mais e
mais a cada dia. Vamos encher o mundo de AMOR. O nosso e os universos vizinhos. S�
assim teremos receptor forte para trabalharmos e entendermos a sabedoria e o poder
de Deus. A formula do amor acima � para ser lida - apenas leia a f�rmula.
REGRA DOURADA: 591 718 9181419 ... Este c�digo atrai somente pessoas afins � nossa
vibra��o... Tamb�m consiste em... tratar os outros da maneira que voc� quer ser
tratado. Reciprocidade... Aquilo que voc� envia, � o que recebe... Ent�o voc�
atrair� a energia ressonante .

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EXERCICIOS de concentra��o diaria.pdf

Lumena Brizzi Guedes
1 de fevereiro �s 12:37
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Gabriela Maisonnave Raffone
27 de janeiro �s 11:03
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
16 de janeiro �s 19:58
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C�digos C�ncer, Toumores

Lumena Brizzi Guedes
29 de novembro de 2017 �s 11:35
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c�digos Harmonizar, v�cios etc.

Lumena Brizzi Guedes
26 de novembro de 2017 �s 13:32
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
15 de novembro de 2017 �s 16:04
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
17 de outubro de 2017 �s 11:22
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
13 de outubro de 2017 �s 23:01
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
9 de outubro de 2017 �s 23:03
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Doen�as Psiquicas
Lumena Brizzi Guedes
9 de outubro de 2017 �s 23:02
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
4 de outubro de 2017 �s 21:41
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SUIC�DIO ..........
Lumena Brizzi Guedes
17 de setembro de 2017 �s 16:26
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
9 de junho de 2017 �s 11:40
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
4 de janeiro de 2017 �s 18:10
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Wallpapers Celular Grabovoi - 101 imagens ...

Lucas Alves
3 de janeiro de 2017 �s 11:04
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Lumena Brizzi Guedes
29 de novembro de 2016 �s 22:17
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Grabovoi d� v�rias sequ�ncias para o alco...

Lumena Brizzi Guedes
18 de outubro de 2016 �s 13:45
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c�digos 01 diversos
Malu Arag�o
10 de outubro de 2016 �s 11:22
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Sobre Tecnologia: Regenera��o Celular

Duxinha Pant
6 de outubro de 2016 �s 14:48
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Duxinha Pant
6 de outubro de 2016 �s 14:43
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Daniela Silva

Sheila P. DA Silva

Selma Pereira

33 min
Syl Signoretti

Fabiano Fernandes Garcez

Jose Carlos Pereira DA Silva

Sinara Moro

Paulinho Sandro Kim

Marcia Portella

Emilio Celso de Souza

Alexandre Pereira da Silva

Ana Maria Zamprogno Suriani

Rita De C�ssia Sousa

Agostinho Rogerio Gentini

Al Reiffer

Christiane Lucas Potes

Donizeti Camargo Ferrantin

EL Vandum Verhaeren Emile

Emerson Mendes

Ibrahim Netinho

Jacqueline Guimar�es

Jos� Luiz Ventura

Jos� Paulino Padovani

Juliana Biggi

Karina Oliveira

Lu Ungarelli

Lurd Costa

Maria Jansen

Maur�cio Temochko

Nathan Kanagy

Paty Bruno

Priscila Biggi

Regiane Silva
Rosana Da Silva

Rosangela Adorno

Siusi Cor

Vilemar F. Costa

Y�ra Pontes

Cleber Gemelgo

Paulo Alfredo Fadel

Alfredo Jos� Luciano

Leandro Bernardo

Fechar nota


Lumena Brizzi Guedes�Ter�a-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

289 471 314917 in�cio de uma atividade / trabalho
619 71421841 Fluxo de dinheiro real
819 419 714 independ�ncia econ�mica
318612518714 Fluxo de dinheiro
589 317 318614 Renda (dinheiro e bens recebidos por pessoas f�sicas e jur�dicas, na
forma de comiss�es por servi�os prestados. A renda � caracter�stica da esfera n�o
produtiva (com�rcio, bancos, bolsa de valores, transportes, comunica��es, etc.
548 491319614 EMPR�STIMO Fonte de circula��o de capital
8 918 014915 6481 neg�cio de sucesso
519 7148 tudo � poss�vel
894 719 78 48 voc� sempre pode alcan�ar a meta
17981 fortalecimento do resultado
17981 fortalecimento do resultado
98948121971 O trabalho sazonal ( limitado a �pocas )
741 Solu��o imediata para problemas no presente (bom para aparelhos quebrados)
71427321893 Prosperidade
61931851971 �Lucros- o principal objetivo do neg�cio; em condi��es de mercado - um
formul�rio convertido de mais-valia.
721345817 - para cancelar a a��es negativas por parte das for�as da ordem, nos
termos do quest�es jur�dicas
187219 - Padr�o para a assinatura de documentos legais + norma de eventos futuros.
975198931- decis�o favor�vel para a atribui��o de habita��o social
4194817881 direito � propriedade privada
7988194998 Direito � Moradia
91888944219 Direito a indeniza��o, uma indeniza��o do Estado
918197185- sequ�ncia de precis�o absoluta, de que tudo � realizado 100%
97538159 �solu��o de problemas particulares
5217319 - tomar uma decis�o correta e precisa
318 798 abund�ncia financeira
PROCURA/DEMANDA EFETIVA (significa entrada de dinheiro dos consumidores,
proporcionando uma oportunidade de pagar por sua necessidade de bens materiais e
servi�os). 819 71249141
VENDAS INTENSIVAS ( venda de produtos de uso di�rio que produtor de mercadorias
vende atrav�s de v�rios pontos de venda, com procura previstas desses produtos.)

VENDAS EXCLUSIVAS (as vendas do produtor de mercadorias de produtos pr�prios num

dado mercado atrav�s da �nica representante do com�rcio atacadista ou varejista)

VENDAS DO PRODUTO (a quantidade de produtos acabados vendidos no mercado e que foi

pago pelo comprador.) 54121381948
� 41981971981-crescimento de uma pequena empresa para uma empresa de m�dio.
� 719 419 811 - desenvolvimento de neg�cios internacionais.
� 819 419 714 - a independ�ncia financeira de uma empresa de pequeno porte.
� 914 819 87 - ajudar as pessoas a adquirir o conhecimento de tecnologias para a
nova consci�ncia atrav�s de sua empresa.
� 518 491 617 - a cria��o de uma fonte independente de financiamento para as
tecnologias de desenvolvimento eterna.
� 419 875 - organizar-se melhor, a fim de aplicar com �xito as tecnologias de
desenvolvimento eterna.
� 514 918 919 - aquisi��o de novos conhecimentos e que necess�rio Gere uma
estrutura de neg�cio eterno
� 914 419 81 - criar prioridade para um determinado evento administrador ao inv�s
de suas necessidades de tempo.
� 419 814 - otimiza��o de seu trabalho: o que prestar aten��o e o que n�o!
� 419 818 719 914 481 - desenvolvimento de uma boa reputa��o para as pessoas que
ligam para o seu trabalho.
� 814 418 719 -Cria��o de rela��es harmoniosas com a fam�lia e amigos.
� 519 498 719 41 - desenvolvimento de tecnologias de neg�cios em produ��o e vendas.

VENDAS INTENSIVAS ( venda de produtos de uso di�rio que produtor de mercadorias

vende atrav�s de v�rios pontos de venda, com procura previstas desses produtos.)

VENDAS EXCLUSIVAS (as vendas do produtor de mercadorias de produtos pr�prios num

dado mercado atrav�s da �nica representante do com�rcio atacadista ou varejista)

VENDAS DO PRODUTO (a quantidade de produtos acabados vendidos no mercado e que foi

pago pelo comprador.) 54121381948
VENDAS DE VAREJO (actividade de venda de bens e servi�os para a popula��o, ieto
consumidor final no mercado dom�stico para uso pessoal. 498712674918
31 Day Concentrations
Created: 08 November 2014

Russian Knowledge
This is the creators knowledge we always had within. Easy to learn. New creator
Russian transformation knowledge for healing and soul connection. Developing your
intuition using the skills you were born to remember. Manifesting to the creators
(Gateway to Transformation by Russian founder Grigori Grabovoi)
Number Codes - Each color has a frequency from the light spectrum, the same can be
said for numbers and number codes. In the new knowledge much can be achieved with
number codes each number has a special frequency and each number code has a
particular sequence of frequency seen as vibrations. Apart from their own
vibrations each number contains a code, a key of information which stands for a
process and spiritual condition.

The regeneration of Health with Number Codes

Every number has a spiritual and energetic vibration structure, with its own
effectiveness; completely independent of which language the number is spoken. Such
a vibration structure is behind every word and every sound. The same applies to
series of numbers, because each number vibrates in a certain frequency. Series of
numbers have their own correlating vibration structures. Areas of your
consciousness are connected with numbers. By concentrating on numbers, vibrations
will be activated in these areas. Grigori Grabovoi has published two important
books on this subject: �Regeneration of Health by concentrating on numbers� and
�Methods of concentration for every day�. Accordingly, the number is a solid method
of control. Numbers are also connected, by control, with the spiritual level.
Concentration on numbers helps the development of spirit and consciousness. Number
Codes help to structure our consciousness. This is the bearer for control of our
health and events. While focusing on numbers you should be aware of your body by
feeling and seeing it completely healthy. This is important for a fast recovery to
the NORM. Be open to this creative process. The goal is always the NORM.
The method of curing any diseases using Number Codes is as simple as it is
effective. In Grabovoi�s first book he names thousands of diseases and assigns each
one a Number Code. These Codes may consist of five, seven, eight or nine digits.
For the control of events, ten, eleven or twelve digits exist. While you focus on a
specific Code, you heal yourself of this disease. Naturally the question arises:
Why is the method as simple as it is effective? Every illness is a deviation from
the NORM. The deviation can be expressed in various cells, in whole cells
associations such as organs, or in functions of the whole organism. The cure for
the disease just means a return to the NORM. The Codes provide this return. While
you focus on them, you are becoming adjusted to the state which is the NORM. The
result is the cure of the disease.
For a better understanding of the healing process here, read something about the
vibration system and the �Pulse of the Universe�: Each of us can hear our own
heartbeat, and feel our pulse. In our body every cell has its own rhythm. There is
also the rhythm of organs and their relationship to each other. Our life is rhythm.
Planets revolve in periodic orbits around the sun. For the Earth, this means a
constant change of the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, high and low
tide, dry and rainy seasons. The earth rotates on its axis and we experience this
as day and night. At the micro-cosmos level the same happens: Electrons revolve in
defined orbits and rhythmic movements around the atomic nucleus.
We can compare our organism with an orchestra, in which musicians play a harmonious
piece of music by playing notes. A piece of music played by an orchestra sounds
different to when played by individual musicians playing their respective
instruments. In this case sound effects of the individual depend on the melody
played and on the sound of the instrument. This can trigger very different emotions
in the listener. If a single musician in the orchestra plays a wrong note, then he
disrupts the harmony of the whole orchestra. The same happens in our organism. The
rhythm of each cell disrupts or harmonises the whole organism. Therefore, the sound
in our body should always be harmonious. When a cell of the body differs from the
NORM, it means the emergence of a disharmony of the whole � as a result, a disease.
We are the conductor of this orchestra who can restore the harmony in the body.
We can also observe rhythm where it cannot be detected at first sight. Let�s look
at a rainbow. We see the beautiful bright colours. What are these colours from a
scientific point of view? Our perception of colour is based on the effect of
electromagnetic waves with different frequencies. The frequency of the colour
�purple�, for example, is doubling the frequency of the colour �red�. Depending on
our perception of colours we find different frequencies, vibrations. Each colour is
assigned to a specific frequency. All the images for example, in television are
just a mixture of three colours, red, green and blue. The optimal image for us is
created when each of the three colours appears in the right proportions and the
correct brightness. Each new colour from the spectrum therefore prduces its own
effect. The same can be said of Number Codes. Each number has a special frequency
and each Number Code has a particular sequence of frequencies, seen as vibrations.
Apart from its own vibration each number contains a code, a key-information, which
stands for the spiritual condition of process:
Effect, Action
Result, Completion, Fulfilment
Interaction, Connection with the outside world
Interaction, Connection with the inner world
Base or Light
The Power of Love
The Number of the Creator
'0' Transition, the transitional space in which something changes its quality (zero
space). Transformation of all towards the creator.

1st Day of the month:

On the first day of the month you should fulfil concentration on the right foot.
This concentration connects you with the supporting point in the external world.
Consciously, you press your feet against the Earth. The Earth in your consciousness
is a bearing support. The control in the system of complete restoration is based on
the idea that the supporting point is simultaneously the point of creation. Since
it is also the point of creation, with the help of this concentration. However,
carrying out this concentration you can develop your consciousness right away. You
realise that based on the same principle which accounts for everything growing and
developing on the Earth, plants for example, and even the matter of your own body
appear. Based on the same principle you may build any external reality.
Understanding of this underlies this concentration. However, carrying out this
concentration you may not think about this deep-laid mechanism. Just concentrate on
your right foot and simultaneously imagine the desired event in your consciousness.
That mechanism of construction of the reality that has just been described will
work automatically And you will receive the desired event in a harmonic way.
Because this control simultaneously provides harmonisation of events.
This exercise may be fulfilled several times a day. Concentration on a seven-digit
number: 1845421 Nine-digit number: 845132489
On this day you should concentrate on the World, on all objects of the World and
feel, that every object of the world will prompt you the decision like a whisper of
the wind. By being aware that every object is a part of your consciousness you will
experience THAT harmony, which is sent to you by the creator.
2nd day of the month:
On this day you should carry out a concentration on the little finger of your right
hand. Simultaneously you should focus on your objective in your consciousness. This
exercise may be fulfilled several times a day. You can choose any interval between
the exercises, convenient to you. You may start another concentration after 20
seconds, or you may do one after an hour. You decide on the duration of each
concentration. Rely on your intuition. Learn to listen to your internal voice and
follow what it tells you. The above refers to all exercises. In principle, doing
this exercise you don�t need to be immobile. You may touch something with the
little finger of your right hand. This is not the main thing. Act the way that is
more convenient to you. The following is important here. On the whole, you have a
lot of perceiving elements. Besides the mentioned above little finger there are
nine other fingers and many other parts of your body. Out of many perceiving
elements you should currently only concentrate on the little finger of the right
hand. The control becomes more harmonious. Seven-digit number: 1853125: Nine-digit
number: 849995120
On the second day of the month you should look at the harmony of the World in
relation to yourself. You should create this World the same way the creator did.
Look at the World and you will see that picture of how the world looked in the
beginning. Look at the World and you will see who you are in this current world.
This way our World will be forever in eternity.
3rd Day of the month:
On the third day of the month you concentrate on plants. You can imagine a plant or
look at a real plant. During the concentration you may just look at it. Then you
concentrate on its shape. In this concentration we use the Method of Reflection. We
do so to allow you to imagine how the desired event is being created in the
reflected light of the plant. Even better, don�t just imagine this event, but
really see it. You create it in reality. The event built with the help of this
concentration is proven to be harmonised. This process contributes to the fact that
the plant already harmonically exists in this world.
Seven-digit number: 5142587; Nine-digit number: 421954321.
Look around and you will that there are many different worlds. Look at that World
YOU need. Approach this world and expand it. Become an eye witness of this world.
Approach it and place your hands on it and you will feel the warmth spreading from
your world. Bring the world closer towards you and look at the creator. Listen to
what advice he gives you. You may compare this knowledge with your own and receive
the eternal World.

4th day of the month:

On this day you concentrate on crystals or stones. You can also take a grain of
sand. Having chosen a stone you start concentrating on it. Then place a specific
sphere around the stone, which is the sphere of information. Consciously you see
all personal objectives entering this sphere. You simply insert your personal
objectives into this sphere. By doing this you perform control by concentration.
Seven-digit number: 5194726; Nine-digit number: 715043769.
Recognise the degree of reality that you obtain by the concentrations. The methods
demonstrate harmony. One method is the result of the previous, as if you walked
down the street observing how each step is the result of the previous one. After
sitting you can stand up and see that each movement can be different. One movement
can be the result of a previous movement and at the same time it can become a new
previous movement. Imagine the World as if it were uninterrupted as if each
movement of this world only concerns you as an integrated personality. As soon as
you feel that unity of the World, which you obtain by using concrete methods of
control in this World and with this World, then your World will be everywhere. You
will come to it. You will take into your hands and your hands will become that
world which holds your World. And you will see that you are getting in touch with
the eternal World, the World of all Worlds. It will be unique for everyone. It will
be a collective World you have chosen, and that everyone has chosen. Create this
world, in a way that it is ideal for everyone AND for yourself. You must perceive
the ideal state for all mankind and yourself in your integrated World, as well as
in the integrated World of all people.
5th day of the month:
On the fifth day of the month you concentrate on the elements of reality, which
occur, as a result of their interaction with other elements of reality. If you
observe an object, you focus your consciousness on this object. Due to your
connection to this object, this element of reality will receive a certain degree of
YOUR concentration and a certain volume of YOUR knowledge. This part of your
condition and knowledge the object transfers to other elements of the reality. If
you look at one object after interaction it transfers something from itself to the
external environment. You may, of course, concentrate on only ONE element. While
concentrating this way you should simultaneously imagine your desired event by
concentrating on a so-called secondary element (object).
Seven-digit number: 1084321; Nine-digit number: 194321054.
When you look at the sky, you know that the earth exists. Vice versa, if you look
at the Earth, you know that there is a sky. If you are in the earth (in a tunnel,
cave), the sky above still exists. These simple truths are the source of the
eternal World. Connect the sky with the Earth and you will see that everything that
is under the Earth can be above the Earth. Go into spirit and find the resurrected
where they exist. Combine the infinity with the truth of the World and you will see
that the World is infinite. If you realise this, you will see the creator. He gave
you all you have. Create the same way as the creator has created. The creator is
your friend and loves you. Reach out your hands towards Him and create the same way
he creates. You are his creation and you ARE a creator. Only the creator can create
creators. You should be in harmony with your creator. You should be open for Him
and you should be eternal in all of your manifestations, in all of your creative
work. Anything you want to correct, you may always correct. Anything you want to
create, you may create in any place at any time. For fulfilment there is the
Eternity. For your actions, the Eternity is multiplied by the actions of the
creator. You are that one, whom the creator has seen in you, whom he has created.
However, you are also that one, the creator wants to personify with his actions in
the same infinity, in which you see yourself. The creator, who is present in you
with each of your actions. Contact Him and you will receive harmony.
6th day of the month:
Today we will concentrate on the change of structure of our consciousness by the
amount of concentration employed for the perception of remote elements. You should
use this method if the desired event is to happen at a specific place. To do so you
have to direct your consciousness towards this place, or if you do not wish an
event to happen at a determined place you should neutralise the negative
information, which means that you are requested to split your consciousness at this
place. As a result, a vacuum is created which leads to a non-realisation of the
unfavourable event. You achieve the realisation of the desired event in a chosen
place. By concentrating on remote elements of your consciousness, you use that part
of your consciousness which is responsible for the perception of remote elements.
When doing this you can perceive remote physical objects in reality just as you see
them with your habitual viewing capabilities. When you focus on the desired events
in your consciousness, this will happen on that specific place you imagine. The
more remote the areas of your consciousness are where you place the information,
the better the information will be processed and the more perfect will be the
realisation of the desired event. The event will come into reality at the indicated
place. This is the objective of scattered attention. Once your attention is
scattered in your consciousness you can neutralise the negative information so that
it will no longer be perceived, as if it had never existed
Seven-digit number: 1954837 Nine-digit number: 194321099
If you look at the World as if it was reversed, or upside down, you should always
know that any reversed, scattered or compressed world is nevertheless a world of
unity, harmony and beneficence! Behind this world there is always the creator�s
will. You can be eternal when you realise that you have always been eternal and
will remain eternal. No structure, no information, can change this will.

7th day of the month:

On the 7th day of the month you should concentrate on awakening the deeper layers
of consciousness. Often times this takes place subconsciously when we stare or fix
our gaze on clouds, trees or out-of-reach objects. For materialisation of a desired
object or realisation of some event it is necessary to process large volumes of
information. Deeper layers of consciousness provide super-fast processing of this
information. This knowledge is used by following this method: Pick your cloud and
project your desired event onto this cloud. The same you can do onto a remote leaf
of a tree. By using distant out-of-reach objects, you stimulate the deeper layers
of your consciousness and the desired result is very fast. The realisation of the
event takes place on a harmonic level, because the cloud cannot destroy nor can a
leaf cause harm.
Seven-digit number: 1485321; Nine-digit: 991843288.
You are aware that the World develops through your actions and interaction with the
creator�s will. You also see the World as that creation, acknowledged by everyone.
If you want to change the World in accordance with your desires, first bring your
desires to universal wellbeing and they will be confirmed. Your health will become
strong and universal wellbeing will be achieved. This universal wellbeing is an
action of the World that leads YOU to the kingdom of the creator and also gives YOU
universal and individual life for all time.
8th day of the month:
On this day you learn to control by concentrating on the consequences of events.
Imagine that you are sitting by the lake, watching a sailboat passing by. In front
of the boat the water is calm, waves are created behind it; the wake of the boat.
The waves are made as a consequence of the boat passing by. Let�s look at a leaf
growing on a tree. This leaf can be considered a consequence of the trees growth.
Clouds appear and first drops of rain fall on the ground. Raindrops can be
considered as the consequence of a clouds existence. There are numerous similar
examples around us. You chose any phenomenon and concentrate on one of its
consequences. Simultaneously you keep in mind your desired event. The event becomes
real. This method of control is very effective. It can also help to change past
Seven-digit number: 1543218; Nine-digit number: 984301267
You see that the continuous line of the figure eight connects the Worlds, which you
have already met during the previous seven days. And just like your World is
connected with all the Worlds, you will recognise that your soul contains as much
as happiness as the World is diverse. Perceive each small part of the World as
universal joy, and then you will realise that this joy is eternal. Good deed is
also eternal. In this condition of happiness you will rise up your hands (raise
your hands) and will see the impulse of the beneficence of the creator who sends
you to eternity. See Eternity where it is. See Eternity where it has always been
and you will be the creator of the Eternity, in a place where it does not exist for
anybody else. When you see Eternity and create it, you will always be eternal,
everywhere and in everything and in any world. Eternity create you in the image of
the creator. By creating Eternity you will create yourself. By creating yourself
you create Eternity, as well as Eternity can create another Eternity like the
creator created everything simultaneously.

9th day of the month:

On the ninth day of the month concentrate on the most remote area as well as
closest points of your consciousness. It means that in this method of concentration
you transfer the most remote areas of your consciousness into the most approached
ones. The objective is that your most remote areas and the most approached areas of
your consciousness become one. In this case you will be able to get a single
impulse in order to construct your goal. And as soon as you achieve this you will
become an expert in control. Then it will be enough just to imagine the positive
state of spiritual mood, for everything to be good. You just have to wish for
everything to turn out well, and it will happen. The single impulse develops a
special spiritual state which is not exactly related to the intellectual mind. In
this state you don�t necessarily have to think. There may be just an intention for
the good or for an establishment of harmony. Being in the state of such a positive
mood causes the implementation of desired life events. This method of concentration
isolates a special form of perception. The perception is in your consciousness;
this perception is a part of your consciousness. You deliberately structure it in
such a way, so it will WORK. This given method of concentration affects in-depth
issues of control on the basis of your consciousness.
Seven-digit number: 1843210; Nine-digit number: 918921452
If you look at the world as the core of the matter, then you will see that
everything that exists in nature, for example, a man, an animal, every molecule,
and even that thing which hasn�t been created yet, has one and the same basis of
the creator who showed us the mechanism of creation. Having seen how to create
everything you will be creating everything. Through the depth o your inner-self,
you will see how your inner-self develops together with the whole Universe, until
your inner-self expands and turns into a World. You are the World. You are reality.
Look at the whole World with different eyes; look at this world with your own eyes
and you will see your soul. Look with your soul and you will see the World as it
is. You can correct the world the way it should be, for the achievement of
10th day of the month:
On this day you concentrate on as many objects of external reality as you can
capture simultaneously with only one impulse of perception on all objects. Prepare
yourself to perceive all objects accessible to your perception in only one moment.
In the beginning of course this can only be achieved partially. Your objective is
to concentrate on all objects at the same time. Gradually you will gain possession
of such ability. However at the initial stage you will only get some information
about each object, for example only the information that they exist. In order to
receive more information about an object you just have to find the right point of
concentration and tune in to it. You will be able to get access to all spheres of
control. With this method of concentration you learn to control more volume of
information. This control can be fulfilled on the intellectual or the spiritual
level. One example: Imagine you see a computer in front of you. Just by taking a
look you know how to operate it and what kind of possibilities it has to offer.
This concentration method allows you to obtain information about any object,
because you learn how to control with variable objects of information.
Seven-digit number: 1854312; Nine-digit number: 894153210
The combination of two numbers: the digit ONE and ZERO has initially led to your
perception of the World such as if zero has already bee present in the digit one.
If you look at the number one and increase it consciously around the number zero,
you perform an action. This action and your act should be harmonic, because each of
your actions may increase YOU quantitatively and qualitatively. You are a
manifestation of the World. You should be there where you are, and you should be
there where you are not. You should be everywhere since you are the creator.
Harmonise the world with what you see. Listen to your inner self and own thoughts.
Your harmony should lead to Eternity. Resurrection is an element of Eternity like
immortality and resurrection are just parts of this Eternity. You should find true
Eternity for yourself, because immortality and resurrection are just parts of this
eternity. You should be the creator of all and everything. You should know and
clearly imagine what follows resurrection and immortality. True immortality
delivers the next level of Eternity, the next level of the World and the next level
of your personality. You should be ready for it and always know that other tasks,
the tasks of Eternity, have been given to you. Tasks you are going to face by
creating new worlds. These Worlds you build in your consciousness, like ONE and
ZERO to form the number TEN. You will receive this world when you become eternal.
You ARE eternal. You are eternal and immortal. Your immortality is in yourself. You
should just become aware of this. Get to this level by using logical action,
similar to joining ONE and ZERO and you will receive immortality in each of your
actions in each of your steps.
11th day of the month:
On the eleventh day of the month you concentrate in events where animals connect
with man. For example, you have a dog, or a cat, or bird, let�s say a parrot,
living in your house. Think about the deeper reason of your contact with these
animals. What is your point of view and what is their point of view? When you
become aware of the processes of perception and thinking of other participants of
interaction you will be able to enter the structure of control of reality.
Seven-digit number: 1852348; Nine-digit number: 561432001.
Just as you increased the value of one by ten times by adding the digit zero, you
will receive the next number by adding the digit one to the number one. Number 11
is personification of the World which is inside of you, which is visible to
everyone. You are that essence which is always visible to everyone. Everyone can
receive your harmonic experience, that one which you received in your development.
Share your experience and you will obtain eternal life.
12th day of the month:
On this day you concentrate on phenomena, which can raise a question on creation of
the whole. For example, a goose or swan lost a feather. In this case you have to
concentrate on thoughts of how to return the feather to its original place. How
could this be achieved? It means you are trying to understand how the single whole
can be created or reconstructed. Or let�s consider another example: a leaf falls
from the tree. How can we return the leaf to its original place in order to have
the tree and the leaf in its initial appearance? This is the concentration on how
to assemble separate elements of reality into a single whole, which is their Norm.
In this concentration as well as in many others you may consider yourself as an
object. This way you can reconstruct any of your organs.
Seven-digit number: 1854321 Nine-digit number: 485321489
Unite yourself with the world as you take the world in your actions and you will
see that your actions harmonise everywhere and always. And you will see that the
creator when giving you his blessing wanted union with you. You should have union
where the creator has his development. The development is the union with the
creator. In the real and uplifting development, in each moment of your movement,
unification comes into existence. You move and develop yourself towards Eternity,
and this will be your unity with the creator forever in your eternal development.
Eternity of life is the true unity with the creator.

13th day of the month:

On the 13th day of the month you should concentrate on an unknown, single element
of reality. Suppose you perceive some object. It may be, for example, a truck, a
palm tree, or a rock. It doesn�t matter what kind of object it is. The main thing
in this case is that in the chosen object you deliberately isolate some of its
fragments, some parts. A truck, for example, you can imagine consisting of many
separate parts. So, your task here is to find existing connections between the
separate parts. And when you find these connection and simultaneously keep in mind
the desired object, (for example, healing someone or acquiring the ability of
clairvoyance) you achieve realisation of this event. In such a way you can perfect
your abilities to control reality.
Seven-digit number: 1538448; Nine-digit number: 154321915
You will see those faces which the World created before you. You will see those
mechanisms, which the World created before you. You will see the World, which had
been before you. And you will feel that you have always been, and you transfer this
feeling to these faces. With this feeling rebuild these mechanisms. And you will
see that everything around you, artificially, reproduced or naturally created, that
everything is the creator. He personifies himself in everything that you see.
Personification is that World which is being created. This way you can find any
technology of spiritual, intellectual, man-caused, are surely creative development.
Look at the development, as equal in rights to the universal development of any
element of reality and any object of information, and you will see that essence
which is our soul, your personality and your creator. The individuality of the
creator and creation by Him of everyone underlays is World harmony, which is
inherent in everything, has always been and understandable everywhere. The creator
who has created you and only you has individually created everyone at once. In the
same way, create the World individually and at once simultaneously for everyone and
for all times and spaces.
14th day of the month:
On this day of the month you concentrate on the movement of objects surrounding
you. You watch them and ask yourself a question: Why is the cloud moving? Why is it
raining? Why can the birds fly? Why is all that happening altogether? Find for
yourself the informational essence of each event. When you concentrate and
simultaneously keep in mind the required, event, you achieve its realisation. And
simultaneously you perfect yourself in the mastery of control.
Seven-digit number: 5831421; Nine-digit number: 999888776.
On this day you should see your hands as hands reflecting the light of life. On
this day you should see your fingers as fingers reflecting the light of the hands.
On this day see your body shining in the clear light of the creator, shining with
the clear light of love, goodness and health which shines for everyone, shining
with the clear light of this knowledge which shines above eternal life. On this day
you can feel this knowledge of eternal life. You can adjust to this knowledge on
any other day, and you can always ask anything that you want for getting eternal
life and universal creation. You can experience this knowledge and practice it, and
show it to others. When time no longer measured as time and space you can always
apply to me and you can always come to me with a request for help, with a request
for a talk, with a request for an event or just in order to connect. You are free,
as free as you have always been. Make it a rule, distribute this rule to others and
you will get eternal life there where we all are. You will get everything that is
always provided. And this principal is always there and is trustworthy and true for
everyone, and you are already the one who you are in Eternity, because you are
already Eternity itself.
15th day of the month:
On the second day of the month you practiced concentration on the little finger of
the right hand. On the fifteenth day you can use some other parts of your body for
this purpose, for example, other fingers, or nails, or something else at your
discretion. Then the concentration is carried out the same way as for the second
Seven-digit number: 7788001; Nine-digit number: 532145891
On This fifteenth day of the month you can feel this creator�s blessing, which is
sent down by the Universal mind, which is it grateful to the creator for its
creation. For creation of every of its elements and for creation of such of its
status that it can reproduce the Universe, since the creator is present everywhere.
And due to this principle feel the gratitude of a plant and an animal towards you,
feel the gratitude of another person and feel their love. And you will see that you
love them. The love includes creation, blessing and universal penetration. And
common love, achievable by everyone, this is the creator, who personified the World
in your manifestation. You are a manifestation of love of the creator, since he is
the love in relation to you. You initially received the creator�s gift and you are
him, you are a creator, because you are created by the creator, by the eternal and
all-embracing creator; go that way, where he is, since he is everywhere. Go that
way where he calls, since he calls everywhere. He is where you are; He is
everywhere you are. You are in the movement of the creator; you are a
personification of his Eternity. Go along with the concerns of the creator, he
created the eternal World in universal mutual development, and you will see that
the World personifies eternal you. You are a creator who creates the eternal and
the creator created you eternal when creating the eternal World.

16th day of the month:

On this day you concentrate on the elements of the external reality which contact
your body. Since childhood we have remembered a wonderful phrase, �The sun, air and
water are our best friends�. In this concentration you are trying to become aware
of interaction with these friends. You concentrate on the warmth, which is given by
the beams of the Sun falling on you. You feel their touch; you feel the warmth
given by them. You feel a light wind blowing on you. You feel its breath. This may
also be a strong blast of wind. This may be quite still air. And if at the same
time it is very hot and the humidity is high, you simultaneously feel warmth, air
and moisture on your cheeks. You may enjoy the refreshing action of the water when
you wash your face, take a shower or swim. These concentrations can be also done in
the cold wintertime. During a warm season, especially in summer at the beach, all
your body can enjoy the contact with the sun, air and water. A contact with the
ground can be added here. These concentrations are very important. Doing them you
enter deliberate interaction with the elements. It is clear that you can do this
practice every day. If, during the concentration, you simultaneously keep in mind
the required event, you achieve its realisation.
Seven-digit number: 1843212; Nine-digit number: 123567091
Feel the harmony where it is, and it is everywhere and always. This is the harmony
of the creator. Feel the harmony where it is and will be. This is the harmony of
your development. Feel the harmony where it is, was and will be, and where it
wasn�t and isn�t but where it will always be. This is the harmony of change. This
is the harmony of transformation. This is the transformation into eternal life.
Come to yourself everywhere, and feel this harmony everywhere, and you will see
that you make the World harmonic forever in its eternal status of stability. You
are the fighter, but in eternal creator�s blessing for eternal life and eternal
17th day of the month:
On the seventeenth day of the month you should concentrate on the elements of
external reality, which, from your point of view, always surround you. This si the
space surrounding you � the Sun, the Moon, constellations known to you and all of
everything like that based on your understanding � and it always exists. You should
concentrate on any of these elements and simultaneously, as always, keep in mind
the required event for its realisation.
Seven-digit number: 1045421; Nine-digit number: 891000111
Look with the all-seeing eye after resurrection of everyone and everything. And you
will see that restoration of the World is that reality in which you live. And you
will feel that you are in the eternal World. Move forward along this path and you
will see the way which calls you. Go along this path and you will see the creator
who is eternal and you will enjoy eternity; and this enjoyment is the eternity of
life; and the creator is exactly that creator who created you; and his love is
infinite; and his simplicity is trusting and he is as simple and transparent as you
have imagined, as you thought about Him before; and he is as kind an constructive
as you knew before. He is your creator and he gives you the way. Go along his way,
since his way is your way.
18th day of the month:
On this day of the month you should concentrate on immovable objects. This may be a
building, a table, a tree. Choose anything you like. Further on you have to find
the individual essence of the chosen object, its meaning. The essence for you means
that you should understand what this object means to you. During the concentration
you should keep your required event in mind in order to manifest it.
Seven-digit number: 1854212; Nine-digit number: 185321945
You go that way, where people are. You go that way where events are. You work where
the resistance is. And when you see this resistance it becomes transparent, its
strength weakens and you see the World of the Eternity even if the resistance is
still present. Go and be everywhere you want to be. You can be everywhere. You can
embrace the whole world and its welfare; that is why, you should fight the
resistance for the welfare of the eternal life; and the resistance will break down
and you will see the light of the eternal life and you will perceive it. And this
will be realised forever and all times.

19th day of the month:

On the nineteenth day of the month you should concentrate on the phenomena of
external reality, in which something, which previously had existed as a single
whole, turns into a collection of separate elements. An example of such a
phenomenon is a cloud, which turns into raindrops. Or another: the crown of a tree
turning into separate falling leaves. Throughout the concentration on such
phenomena you are trying to find the laws which could prevent their development. To
find such laws is the sense of this concentration.
Seven-digit number: 1254312; Nine-digit number: 158431985
The struggle of the spirit for its true place in the World, as well as the struggle
of your soul for personification of the creator, makes your intellect and your mind
become controlled. Your consciousness becomes universal and your part of the
consciousness becomes the common consciousness. You become who you are. Your
eternity is revealed in your thoughts, your thoughts becomes eternity, your
thoughts make the World eternal and you will be where you are, and you will be
where you aren�t, and you will always be, though the World consists of time
intervals, and where you will be the time interval will become the World and the
space will join the eternity, and the time will retreat and you will be in movement
and you will be in eternal time, and you will feel the eternal time, and this
eternal time will come to you. Every moment of your time is an eternal one. Feel
the eternity in every moment and you will see that you have already achieved it.
20th day of the month:
On this day you should concentrate on remote areas of your consciousness. Your task
is to help other people. Imagine that you want to explain something to another
person. To explain what he/she doesn�t know or doesn�t understand. As a matter of
fact we already know that in reality every person possesses all knowledge, his soul
initially has everything. That is why your task is to help him realise information,
which he already has. By the way, genuine understanding is exactly connected with
awareness of the knowledge available in the soul. The easiest way to awake a person
to awareness of required information kept in his soul through the remote areas of
his consciousness. The easiest way to reach them is through remote areas of your
Seven-digit number: 1538416; Nine-digit number: 891543219
Look at the world from the highest position of your consciousness, form the deepest
position of our soul and the most spiritual passion to universal welfare. Look at
the world in such a way as if it is just being created and create it as it is now.
However, creating is as it is. Simultaneously, change the state of the World with
its vices for the better, towards creation and eternal life. And you will see that
the vices are not vices at all, but a wrong understanding of the World. Understand
the World correctly as it is given to you by the creator, and you will see that the
creator is everywhere and that correctness is everywhere, you should make just one
step towards, not just negate, and come to this correctness forever and for good
and you will see that the world has transformed. And you will see that the universe
has become yours, and you will see that the creator is pleased with you, and you
will see that you are the creator and able to create everywhere, always and
forever, and you are a helper of the creator, and you are a helper of anyone else
and you, as the creator himself, are creating a creator and here you come to the
point of unity of everyone. And this point of unity of everyone is simply your
soul. Look at it and you will see the light of life. This light of life is created
by your soul. The luminescence of your soul is the thing, which calls you upwards,
afar and in breadth, the luminescence of your soul is the World. You see the World
because your soul sees it. You see the soul because you have eyes of the soul. Look
at yourself from all sides, and you will see a common unity with the entire World
which exists everywhere and always. Your thought is the thought of the World. Your
knowledge is the knowledge of the World. Distribute the knowledge of life and
distribute the light of your soul, and you will see the eternal life in such a
state, as you are in it. You will see that the eternal life has been with you for a
long time; it always is, was and will be. The eternal life is you.
21st day of the month:
On the twenty-first day of the month you should concentrate on the series of
numbers, going in reverse sequence. A specific example: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10.
Numbers appearing in these sequences should be from 1 to 31 (the maximum number of
days in the month). So there are 31 numbers at your disposal. When you compile
sequences from these numbers, rely upon your internal feeling.
Seven-digit number: 8153517; Nine-digit number: 589148542.
Watch how mountain stream runs down the mountains. Watch how snow melts. Look at
these pictures, as if you have seen them by eye. You will see that your thoughts do
not differ from your eyes. And you will see that your consciousness doesn�t differ
from your body. Any you will see how your soul builds your body. Remember this
knowledge, transferring it from one second to another, and turning a moment into
eternity you will be building yourself eternally, as you lived before with no
effort, and thus this eternal construction is the eternal life. Build other objects
around yourself on the basis of the same principle, build worlds. Create joy and
sow wheat, create bread, give tools and give machines and make machines harmless,
not destructive and you will see that you live in this World, and you will see that
this is sent down to you and that the creator and your consciousness are revealed
in this machine. Stop a machine if it threatens. Build the body if it is ill;
realise resurrection if someone has passed away, prevent anyone else from passing
away. You are a creator; you are a maker; take, act and go forward in harmony with
the entire world, in harmony with everything created, in harmony with everything
that will ever be created in the entire eternity and in the manifestation of the
World, and in harmony with yourself.

22nd day of the month:

On this day of the month you should concentrate on such elements of reality which
are characterised by endless reproduction. A specific example: a notion of
eternity, or a notion of endless space. When you think, for example, about eternity
at the same time you should always construct the required event.
Seven�digit number: 853485; Nine-digit number: 198516789.
Your soul is a created structure; you soul is a re-creating structure. Watch how
your soul is creating, watch how it is reacting. During the act of re-creating, you
perceive your soul, open your world and look, where the creator has recreated
Himself, look at the mechanism of re-creating and you will see love. Love is the
thing which brings light to the world. Love is the thing on which the world is
being built. Love is the thing that always exists and was in the beginning. Look at
that one who created love and you will see yourself. Love belonging to you is you
belonging to love. Build with love, build with welfare, build with a great joy of
universal life and universal happiness and you will be able to see that joy which
is seen by everyone who is around you. See the joy of those who are around you and
your heart will be filled with happiness. Be in happiness; be in harmony and this
happiness will bring you eternity. Look with your eternal eyes, look with your
eternal body, and look at your relatives with your eternal seeing and grant them
Eternity. Look with your Eternity at all people and grant them Eternity. Look with
your eternity at the entire World, at the whole environment and grant them
Eternity. And the World will blossom, and a flower, which blossoms eternally, will
appear. This flower will be your World which is the World of everyone.
23rd day of the month:
On the twenty third day you should concentrate on the development of all real
objects in the direction of fulfilment of the tasks of the creator.
Seven-digit number: 8154574; Nine digit number: 581974321.
Look at the World, what there is to do in it, look at your social circumstances,
watch your feelings and look at them. See how your feelings are connected with the
events, why are you looking forwards, why can�t you feel, why do you feel, why do
you feel that you ate not different? Think why the word �differently� does not
exist in the world, since the world is unique and is varied in its unity. Think
about why the word �unique� also means �varied�. Touch the nature of something in
its specific individuality. Look at how it appears from all sides. Look at your
body and re-create it in one spirit moment. Look at your consciousness and create
it to be able to solve all your issues. Look at your soul and you see that
everything exists.
24th day of the month:
On this day of the month during concentration you should receive and object from??
the form of a man. For example, a DVD, a fountain pen, a plant. You should see from
which part of the man�s body it appears, let�s say a DVD appears. It means how to
realise the image of a man in order to receive a DVD.
Seven-digit number: 5184325; Nine-digit number: 189543210
You have seen that reality, which you have seen. You have come to that reality,
which you are. Look at all days from the first to twenty-fourth and you will see
that your love is endless. Look at the world, how you look with love, look at the
feeling, how you build it, look at the feeling as at the eternal creation and you
will come to love it as eternal. You come to it forever and you stay with it
forever. The creator created lovingly. You are thinking the creator�s creations and
you love. Love is life, and life is love. Display love where you appear, display
love in those places where you determine yourself, and predetermine yourself. Love
may not be always expressed by words and emotions. Wherever you create you create
25th day of the month:
On the twenty-fifth day of the month you may concentrate on any objects of your
choice. It is important to have several different concentrations and combine them
all into one concentration. Having analysed this collection, join various objects
of concentration into groups based on some sign. For example, a tape-recorder and a
cassette can be placed into one group because they add to one another when they
fulfil the task they are meant for. A tape-recorder and a receiver can be joined
into one group which you consider them ad goods produced on the basis of electronic
equipment. One group can include objects of the same type, for example, two
different books. However, if considering these books from the point of view of
their content, these books may appear in different groups if a combination of
groups will be based on the content. You see, you have complete freedom of creation
in this case. You may, for example, sit at home, look around and use its objects
surrounding you for this concentration.
Seven-digit number: 1890000; Nine-digit number: 012459999.
Come to the thought about yourself. Catch the thoughts about yourself as
reflections of yourself. See yourself as you see everyone. See yourself as you see
everyone. See yourself as you see a branch of a tree, a leaf of a plant, morning
dew, or snow on a windowsill. You will see those things which are eternal before
you. You will see that you are eternal.

26th day of the month:

On this day of the month you learn to see simultaneously the whole AND a part, the
common and the particular. Suppose there is a herd of cows in front of you. You see
the whole herd and simultaneously you can concentrate on any cow. Understand how it
lives, what it thinks about, how it will develop. Or you may look at an anthill and
simultaneously at one ant. With the help of this concentration you should
understand how with one look you can see at once the whole and its part, the common
and the particular. This concentration will help you to acquire this ability. You
will be able to see instantly both common and particular.
Seven-digit number: 1584321; Nine-digit number: 485617891.
Take into consideration that you develop internally. See that your development is
eternal. Busy yourself with all that is eternal. Since each movement is eternal and
each thing is a personification of Eternity and each personality is Eternity and
each soul is a multitude of Eternities. Go towards diverse Eternities from the one
Eternity and you will see that there is one Eternity for everyone. Come to this
through understanding of your soul and you will see that each thing has been
created by you. Apply this to the health of others and having cured another one you
will gain experience yourself. Curing of others is always an experience for you.
Restoration of everything is always an experience for you. Be good to more and more
people, give more joy and happiness and you will receive Eternity into your hands
in the form of a concrete technological tool of your consciousness. Spread the
consciousness to the rigid conditions of Eternity. There, where Eternity widens,
outrun it, outrun the Eternity in Infinity and you will see yourself s a
personification of the creator. You create in that place where Eternity is
widening, you are the creator of Eternity, you control Eternity and Eternity always
obeys you.
27th day of the month:
On the twenty-seventh day of the month you should do the same concentration as on
the ninth day of the month, but add to it an infinite development of each element
of the concentration.
Seven-digit number; 1854342; Nine-digit number: 185431201
Come to help those who need help. Come to help those who do not need help. Come to
help yourself, if you need help. Come to help yourself if you do not need help. You
are kind and you help. You are a creator and you have help. Every act of your
consciousness brings help to you. Everything created by you is a help to you. You
have an infinite number of helpers as well as you giving help to n infinite number
of others. You are in universal connections with everyone, you always help everyone
and everyone helps you. Being in universal connections and mutual help bring
society to welfare; give happiness to everyone and you will see yourself in
universal world harmony with everyone where the creator�s creation is everything
that has been created around you; it�s everything that has been created by you and
is the personification of the creator in everything created around you. The
personification of you as the creator will be revealed in your soul by
understanding the World in self-development thereafter. The infinity of life is the
infinity of the creator. To be infinitely living you should be being infinitely
created, you should be infinitely created. You may do so that your every thought,
your every movement, your every action creates Eternity.
28th day of the month:
On this day of the month you should fulfil the same concentration as on the eighth
day of the month but with one important difference. The difference is as follows.
You must have noticed that on the previous day, 27th, when determining the type of
concentration the numbers 2 and 7 were added: 2+7=9. In this case the situation is
different. The number 28 consists of two figures: 2 and eight. In this case the
number 28 should be perceived as follows; Two multiplied by eight. Not to add 2 and
8, but just to multiply. It means that eight is doubled. That is why the program of
the eighth day is repeated on this day. However this repetition should not be
strict, it shouldn�t be an exact copy of the previous work. You have to change
something. And first of all change something in yourself. For example, change
something in your vision of this concentration. While fulfilling it according to
the old scheme you should nevertheless see something new in it, to look at it from
another side. Your understanding as well as your perception of these concentrations
should be always widening and deepening. This is a creative process. It facilitates
your development.
Seven-digit number: 1854512; Nine-digit number: 195814210.
Look at yourself as you look at the whole World right away. Look at the creator the
same way as the creator looks at you and in this understand what the creator wants
from you. Look at his look and you will see his look. You will see that the look of
the creator is also fixed at the far phenomena of the World; and your task is to
control these phenomena of the World. You should harmonise any phenomena of the
World. This is your true task. You should give birth to the Worlds and create
Worlds which will always be harmonic. This has been your true task since your
creation. Since he, the creator has already created, since he, the creator has
already completed, your task is to go along this way since you have been created in
the image and likeness as the creator has been created. The creator created himself
and created you as well. Create yourself and create others. Create all others and
give universal welfare to everyone and you will have the World, which has been
created for you, and for everyone and the creator. Create for the creator since he
created everything. That is why whenever you create anything you create for the

29th day of the month:

On the twenty-ninth day you fulfil a presumptive concentration. On this day you
should look at all concentrations of this month from the first day to the twenty-
eighth. However you should perceive them in an impulse. It�s important. The way
covered within the month you take in with one single moment of perception. With
this you should do a certain analysis of your work. On this day you, so as to say,
create a platform for the work in the following months. You may imagine everything
you have done in the form of a sphere which you should place on an endless straight
line the initial part of which includes the following month. Thus you create a
platform not just for the next month but for your further infinite development as
Seven-digit number: 1852142; Nine-digit number 512942180.
Look at the World with your eyes. Look at the World with all of your feelings. Look
at the World with all of your cells. Look at the World with your whole organism and
with everything with which you can see and with everything you are. Look at the
World and yourself and inside of yourself. Look at the World understanding that the
World is around you and it envelopes you. Look at the reality, which gives life.
Look at such reality, which gives Eternity. And you will see that whatever you look
at there is only this reality that gives life and gives Eternity. And the creator
of this reality is the creator. The creator who has created this reality has
created eternal life and he sees you the same way you see yourself, and he sees you
the same way as you don�t see yourself, and he is your creator.
30th day of the month:
On this day you carry out concentration on the built platform. This concentration
lays the basis for your work in the following month. You should concentrate on the
harmony of the World. You should see it, find it, celebrate it, and admire it. And
at the same time you wonder how the creator could have created everything so
perfectly. You admire the harmony of the World as the consequence of perfection of
the creator.
Seven-digit number: 1852143; Nine-digit number: 185219351.
The principle on which you build all the previous days may be the main one on this
day, since in February, in the current system of chronology, 29 or 28 days, this
principle on the thirtieth day gets over to the first or the second day. So, this
unification shows the eternal cycle of life. Find the eternity in all your previous
harmonisations. Find this eternity in this simple example, since one month consists
of 30 days, another, February, of 29 or 28 days and just through one month February
we have the common joining of the figure 30 with the figure one or two. Joining of
the figures various by nature and the origin testifies to the unity and common
nature of everyone. Find common nature in everything, in each element of
information. Find common nature where it is not seen at once, and find it where it
is obvious, where it can be seen at once. Then you will see, you will become aware,
you will feel, and you will be inspired.
31st day of the month:
On the thirty-first day, you concentrate on the individual areas of each single
volume. Imagine a tree growing. You know that beneath the tree is soil, above and
beside it is air. All these individual areas combine themselves in your
consciousness in such a way that you see them as the eternal reconstruction of
life. Life is eternal. You need to recognise this. Think on this while you observe
the environment. Dissolve yourself in it and recognition of this truth comes to
Seven-digit number: 1532106; Nine-digit number: 185214321.
On this 31st day concentrate on yourself. You are absolutely healthy and all are
healthy. The World is eternal. All life events are creative. You see everything
only in a positive light. All around you is well. These exercises develop your
consciousness and your life events in a positive direction. You become absolutely
healthy and you come into harmony with the pulse of the universe. You yourself need
to decide which result is the most important for you at the moment. When you want
to achieve a certain result in a specific time frame put this time frame in your
objective and you achieve it through concentration. Also notice that these
exercises are creative exercises. The exercises develop YOU. With the help of the
concentration you are growing spiritually and you will already perform further
concentrations on a higher level. This process is infinite. After a short time you
notice that life has improved. To be precise, you yourself have changed it. You
have the control of your life in your hands.
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520 & 318 798 Ativa��o dos C�digos para o Dinheiro...

520 & 318 798 Codes Activation For Money...

Fechar nota


Lumena Brizzi Guedes�Ter�a-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2015

289 471 314917 in�cio de uma atividade / trabalho
619 71421841 Fluxo de dinheiro real
819 419 714 independ�ncia econ�mica
318612518714 Fluxo de dinheiro
589 317 318614 Renda (dinheiro e bens recebidos por pessoas f�sicas e jur�dicas, na
forma de comiss�es por servi�os prestados. A renda � caracter�stica da esfera n�o
produtiva (com�rcio, bancos, bolsa de valores, transportes, comunica��es, etc.
548 491319614 EMPR�STIMO Fonte de circula��o de capital
8 918 014915 6481 neg�cio de sucesso
519 7148 tudo � poss�vel
894 719 78 48 voc� sempre pode alcan�ar a meta
17981 fortalecimento do resultado
17981 fortalecimento do resultado
98948121971 O trabalho sazonal ( limitado a �pocas )
741 Solu��o imediata para problemas no presente (bom para aparelhos quebrados)
71427321893 Prosperidade
61931851971 �Lucros- o principal objetivo do neg�cio; em condi��es de mercado - um
formul�rio convertido de mais-valia.
721345817 - para cancelar a a��es negativas por parte das for�as da ordem, nos
termos do quest�es jur�dicas
187219 - Padr�o para a assinatura de documentos legais + norma de eventos futuros.
975198931- decis�o favor�vel para a atribui��o de habita��o social
4194817881 direito � propriedade privada
7988194998 Direito � Moradia
91888944219 Direito a indeniza��o, uma indeniza��o do Estado
918197185- sequ�ncia de precis�o absoluta, de que tudo � realizado 100%
97538159 �solu��o de problemas particulares
5217319 - tomar uma decis�o correta e precisa
318 798 abund�ncia financeira
PROCURA/DEMANDA EFETIVA (significa entrada de dinheiro dos consumidores,
proporcionando uma oportunidade de pagar por sua necessidade de bens materiais e
servi�os). 819 71249141
VENDAS INTENSIVAS ( venda de produtos de uso di�rio que produtor de mercadorias
vende atrav�s de v�rios pontos de venda, com procura previstas desses produtos.)

VENDAS EXCLUSIVAS (as vendas do produtor de mercadorias de produtos pr�prios num

dado mercado atrav�s da �nica representante do com�rcio atacadista ou varejista)

VENDAS DO PRODUTO (a quantidade de produtos acabados vendidos no mercado e que foi

pago pelo comprador.) 54121381948
� 41981971981-crescimento de uma pequena empresa para uma empresa de m�dio.
� 719 419 811 - desenvolvimento de neg�cios internacionais.
� 819 419 714 - a independ�ncia financeira de uma empresa de pequeno porte.
� 914 819 87 - ajudar as pessoas a adquirir o conhecimento de tecnologias para a
nova consci�ncia atrav�s de sua empresa.
� 518 491 617 - a cria��o de uma fonte independente de financiamento para as
tecnologias de desenvolvimento eterna.
� 419 875 - organizar-se melhor, a fim de aplicar com �xito as tecnologias de
desenvolvimento eterna.
� 514 918 919 - aquisi��o de novos conhecimentos e que necess�rio Gere uma
estrutura de neg�cio eterno
� 914 419 81 - criar prioridade para um determinado evento administrador ao inv�s
de suas necessidades de tempo.
� 419 814 - otimiza��o de seu trabalho: o que prestar aten��o e o que n�o!
� 419 818 719 914 481 - desenvolvimento de uma boa reputa��o para as pessoas que
ligam para o seu trabalho.
� 814 418 719 -Cria��o de rela��es harmoniosas com a fam�lia e amigos.
� 519 498 719 41 - desenvolvimento de tecnologias de neg�cios em produ��o e vendas.

VENDAS INTENSIVAS ( venda de produtos de uso di�rio que produtor de mercadorias

vende atrav�s de v�rios pontos de venda, com procura previstas desses produtos.)

VENDAS EXCLUSIVAS (as vendas do produtor de mercadorias de produtos pr�prios num

dado mercado atrav�s da �nica representante do com�rcio atacadista ou varejista)

VENDAS DO PRODUTO (a quantidade de produtos acabados vendidos no mercado e que foi

pago pelo comprador.) 54121381948
VENDAS DE VAREJO (actividade de venda de bens e servi�os para a popula��o, ieto
consumidor final no mercado dom�stico para uso pessoal. 498712674918

Lumena Brizzi Guedes�Segunda, 11 de abril de 2016

Fluxo de Dinheiro 318612518714
Corrija o tempo de eventos passados 498719418
O desenvolvimento de fontes de financiamento 518491617
518728398641 servi�o p�blico
Empreendedorismo 917 498 814 316
Energia para transformar 91809814
Ecologia 3.191.451.678.109.849
Para a distribui��o de Tecnologias ou qualquer neg�cio 7194198911
Previs�o de Neg�cios 514918919
Eventos Estrangeiros em Neg�cios 419814
Materializar os nossos planos e pensamentos 71941871
519 7148 Nada � imposs�vel
Desenvolvimento perceptivo 819716
Auto Organizar por mais tempo 518491617
Estabilizar neg�cio 41948871
Desenvolvimento Tecnol�gico 9,18711E+11
Tempo em Dinheiro 4148188
crescimento de pequenas empresas em m�dias e grandes empresas atrav�s da
aplica��o de m�todos de vida eterna e desenvolvimento 419 819 719 81
crescimento de pequenas empresas em m�dias e grandes empresas atrav�s da
aplica��o de m�todos de vida eterna e desenvolvimento 419 819 719 81
desenvolvimento de neg�cios em outros pa�ses 719 419 811
a independ�ncia dos pequenos neg�cios 819 419 714
ajuda r�pida para as pessoas, para que possam dominar as tecnologias de Nova
Consci�ncia atrav�s de seu pr�prio neg�cio 914 819 87
constru��o de uma fonte independente de tecnologias de financiamento do
desenvolvimento eterno 518 491 617
homem organizado aplica��o de tecnologias de desenvolvimento eterna 419 875
o desenvolvimento de capacidades para a governa��o previs�vel em um auto
-organiza��o pessoal 419 818 719 849
dom�nio de saberes e h�bitos necess�rios para neg�cios l�der eterno 514 918 919
que o tempo n�o � fator de um evento. 914 419 81
otimiza��o do seu trabalho - em que prestar aten��o e que n�o! 419 814
reputa��o -boa do p�blico em rela��o ao seu trabalho, que � voltada para a vida
eterna e desenvolvimento 419 818719 914481
o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de neg�cios em uma produ��o e vendas de acordo
com princ�pios de cura eterno desenvolvimento 519 498 719 41
o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de neg�cios em uma produ��o e vendas de
acordo com princ�pios de cura eterno desenvolvimento 519 498 719 41
voc� sempre pode conseguir o que voc� colocou como meta para todas as pessoas e
de si mesmo 894 719 78 48
corre��o de eventos passados nos neg�cios ... e, em seguida, concentrar-se no
seguinte n�mero: 28914801890498
corrigidos eventos passados no presente e futuro 91431289 � necess�rio
saber como usar o tempo 814 418 81
transforma��o do tempo em dinheiro 4148188
Log�stica do processo de gest�o, organiza��o e planejamento,produ��o
compra e venda:714891319481 ( Esta sequ�ncia refere se ao servi�o de correios)
O Extraordin�rio
Temas Pol�micos

Voc� est� aqui: P�gina Principal O Extraordin�rio Temas Inexplicados

Os C�digos de Grabovoi
Acessos: 54107

19/01/2015 - Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (nascido em 14 de novembro de 1963 no

Cazaquist�o) � um m�dium russo que afirma a possibilidade de abolir a morte,
ressuscitar mortos, curar o c�ncer e AIDS, teletransporte, e identificar e resolver
a dist�ncia mec�nica e problemas eletr�nicos em avi�es, esta��es espaciais,
esta��es de energia el�trica at�micas e quaisquer outras constru��es t�cnicas.
Ele discute suas habilidades em seu livro de tr�s volumes, �A Pr�tica do Controle,
o caminho para a salva��o�. Doutor em Ci�ncias, e acad�mico graduou-se na Faculdade
de Matem�tica Aplicada e Mec�nica da Universidade Estadual de Tashkent - com
especialidade em mec�nica, em 1986. Possui uma forma��o em sa�de. Ele � tamb�m um
acad�mico da Academia Internacional de Informatiza��o. Membro Correspondente da
Academia de Ci�ncias da R�ssia. Conselheiro do Federal Aviation Service da R�ssia.
Seus livros explicam como a descoberta do campo criativo da informa��o ou da
energia da consci�ncia, podem manifestar fisicamente qualquer informa��o ou objeto
que voc� desejar, assim como tamb�m aqueles que n�o est�o sujeitos ao continuum
espa�o-tempo, ao converter essa informa��o em forma geom�trica conhecida. Isto �
por que os n�meros de Grabovoi podem ser usados para diagn�stico remoto,
regenera��o da mat�ria, dentro de qualquer per�odo de tempo por meio da
transforma��o do tempo em forma de espa�o. O objetivo do ensino de Grabovoi,
segundo o pr�prio, � transmitir o conhecimento do Senhor para as pessoas de todo o
mundo, a fim de salv�-los de uma poss�vel cat�strofe global e possibilitar que cada
um possa alcan�ar sa�de perfeita, imortalidade f�sica, ressuscitar em seus corpos
f�sicos todos os que se j� se foram e proporcionar o desenvolvimento construtivo,
harmonioso e eterno de toda a humanidade.
Ele alega habilidades pessoais de controle remoto da mat�ria f�sica a qualquer
dist�ncia, cura de centenas de pessoas doentes, incluindo c�ncer e aids, sem mesmo
estar presente no local. Esses fatos s�o certificados pela medicina tradicional e
comprovada por declara��o autenticada de pessoas curadas. Usando sua clarivid�ncia
ele consegue examinar remotamente aeronaves, para descobrir poss�veis defeitos,
trabalha com materializa��o, desmaterializa��o e teletransporte. Ele regenera at�
mat�ria destruida. Ele quer que essas habilidades sejam aprendidas por todos, para
que assim possam usar esses dons para evitar cat�strofes, atrav�s da cria��o, sem
destrui��o. Ele tamb�m afirma-se como um segundo advento de Cristo na Terra.
Gobovoi, � uma for�a t�o grande e desconhecida que as autoridades russas, receosas
das implica��es que seus ensinamentos e pr�ticas poderiam ter sobre a popula��o
local, o colocaram na pris�o por 11 anos com acusa��es falsas de charlatanismo, de
onde foi liberado h� menos de 6 meses.
Grabovoi, atrav�s dos seus livros, liberou uma s�rie enorme de sequ�ncias num�ricas
para serem utilizadas como "rem�dios" para os principais males que afetam a
humanidade, sejam eles na �rea da sa�de, do comportamento, da sorte e do destino de
cada ser humano. Uma das maiores autoridades sobre os ensinamentos de Grabovoi no
Brasil � Dulce Ferraz, que � professora licenciada, autorizada a ministrar cursos
sobre seus ensinamentos, quando perguntada sobre comprova��o da efic�cia dessas
t�cnicas, nos informa que -Grabovoi trabalha somente com documentos registrados em
cart�rio. Se algu�m chega com um problema de sa�de, ele pede laudos m�dicos, os
registra e trabalha a pessoa. Depois ele pede que a pessoa retorne ao seu m�dico,
refa�a os exames e os traga de volta para que sejam registrados. Ele tem um livro
s� com registros de casos. A seguir ela transcreve os emails trocados de um dos
casos que ela tratou:
N L escreveu:
Oi, Dulce!!!! Boa noite! Querida, tenho uma amiga-irm� que sofreu uma queda e
quebrou o zigom�tico da face em 2 partes. Est� sofrendo bastante. O m�dico aguarda
para ver se precisar� cirurgia, porque o osso tamb�m afundou. Pensei imediatamente
em Grabovoi. Voc� pode ajudar com algum trabalho para que esse osso se recupere de
forma a prescindir da cirurgia?? A boca dela s� abre 3 cm e precisa abrir 4,5 no
m�nimo... Agrade�o a aten��o.
Dulce Ferraz:
Oi N, boa noite!!
Pe�a para ela visualizar seu pr�prio rosto absolutamente perfeito e manter esses
n�meros sempre perto dela, para ela poder visualiz�-los diariamente. Pode escrever
em um esparadrapo e colar no travesseiro, colar em garrafinha de �gua, para imantar
a �gua e beber dela. Pode visualizar uma esfera dourada e colocar esses n�meros
dentro e coloc�-lo na regi�o afetada.
Ossos da face - 219 715 819 815 Zigom�tico - 899 817 818 317 e 519 312 819 212
Protus�o do Zigom�tico - 319 712 819 212 Arco Zigom�tico - 528 317 918 917 Extens�o
do Zigom�tico - 419 312 214 222 Linha jun��o zigom�tico om maxilar - 214 711 898
211 Cabe�a da articula��o mandibular - 548 321 848 721 Bjs
N L:
Dulce, minha amiga usou a sequ�ncia num�rica e est� �tima. Nem precisou operar o
osso do rosto... Gratid�o!!! Ai, ai... Melhor vir aqui!!!! quando ter� curso em BH?
Essas sequ�ncias num�ricas de 7, 8, 9 e 11 d�gitos s�o encontradas nos livros de
Grabovoi. Infelizmente ainda n�o h� nenhum traduzido em portugu�s. Em rela��o �
maneira de usar esses c�digos, Dulce nos ensina: -Para usar sem conhecer o m�todo,
a melhor forma � mentalizar as sequ�ncias, sempre visualizando a situa��o em
perfei��o... a coisa j� realizada. Pode escrever e colar no corpo , em garrafas de
�gua e ir bebendo durante o dia, colocar em agenda, carteira... enfim ser criativo.
No caso de querer tratar de v�rios assuntos simultaneamente, ela afirma que �
poss�vel, mas � prefer�vel tratar de um assunto de cada vez, para facilitar que a
pessoa tenha a percep��o do movimento que est� acontecendo.
A seguir algumas sequ�ncias num�ricas fornecidas por ela para
assuntos gen�ricos, por�m de interesse de grande n�mero de pessoas.

Amor - 888 412 1289018

Amor eterno (incondicional) - 888 912 818848
Paz - 1001105010
Prosperidade - 71427321893
Abund�ncia Financeira - 318 798
Harmoniza��o Universal - 14854232190
Sustentabilidade ambiental - 97318541218
Emagrecer - 4812412
Depress�o - 519514 319891
Desemprego � 318514517618
Consci�ncia Elevada - 519 377898 997
Problemas de Pele (e tamb�m ven�reos) - 18584321
Rejuvenescer - 2145432
Pregui�a - 318 41791844
Queda de cabelo (calv�cie) - 5484121
Problemas nos dentes - 1488514
C�rie - 5148584
Esmalte do Dente - 618 374 898 161
Carisma - 491718594817
Determina��o - 498518498
Prote��o - 9187756981818
Escudo - 814418719
Talism� - 817219738
Depend�ncia qu�mica - 5333353
Alcoolismo - 148543292
V�cio em Nicotina - 1414551
Determina��o e foco para aprendizagem - 212585212
Empreendedorismo - 71974131981
Compreens�o - 39119488061
Para se Apaixonar - 515889
Para atrair a pessoa ressonante (Regra Dourada) - 591 718 9181419
Tudo � poss�vel - 519 7148

Uma s�rie mais de 1.000 de c�digos referentes a problemas espec�ficos de sa�de

podem ser encontrados nesse site (em espanhol):
Para quem quiser se aprofundar mais nos estudos sobre Grabovoi, esses grupos do
Facebook possuem arquivos com textos originais, explica��es e milhares de
sequ�ncias num�ricas:

N�MEROS QUE CURAM - C�digos de Grabovoi

10/04/2015 - Em �N�meros que curam� Grigori Grabovoi re�ne mais de mil doen�as, e a
cada uma � atribu�do um n�mero de 7, 8 ou 9 d�gitos. Ao se concentrar em uma dessas
sequ�ncias num�ricas, a cura come�a. Como algo t�o simples pode ser t�o eficaz? A
doen�a � um desvio por parte do organismo e cura sup�e o retorno ao natural. Os
n�meros geram vibra��es que podem ajudar o corpo a tomar o caminho de volta �
normalidade. A base do sistema � formada pelas sequ�ncias de n�meros de sete
d�gitos. Para problemas mais espec�ficos podem ser usados oito e nove d�gitos.
A concentra��o no n�mero ou n�meros apropriados deve ser realizada pelo pr�prio
paciente. Quando n�o tem um diagn�stico espec�fico deve se concentrar na sequ�ncia
num�rica do cap�tulo que inclui doen�as do mesmo tipo. A concentra��o pode ser
feita em qualquer momento e s� pode ser realizada pelo paciente. Este, pode ver,
imaginar ou escrever o n�mero em quest�o, ou utilizar qualquer outro m�todo que
imaginar. A compreens�o do papel que a mente desempenha no desenvolvimento e na
elimina��o da doen�a � vital neste momento.

C�digo 1888948 -Transformar Negativo em Positivo

Crie o seu pr�prio m�todo de concentra��o
Voc� pode se concentrar em um d�gito ap�s o outro, por exemplo, do primeiro para o
�ltimo n�mero ou selecionar determinados n�meros ou se��es da sequ�ncia. Isto vai
dar variedade a sua concentra��o. O m�todo de concentra��o na sequ�ncia num�rica
apropriada (ap�s o diagn�stico pr�vio) oferece uma oportunidade para curar a pessoa
ou profilaticamente melhorar sua situa��o.Voc� tamb�m pode cobrir as
interdepend�ncias entre v�rias doen�as.
Se voc� comparar a sequ�ncia de sete d�gitos de uma doen�a com outra de uma doen�a
diferente pode capturar informa��es sobre o significado das sequ�ncias, o que
conecta essas doen�as e seus m�todos de tratamento. � importante entender a
import�ncia de ter em mente a elimina��o desenvolvimento e doen�a. O conhecimento
apresentado neste livro pode ser aplicado tanto para o homem quanto para a
natureza, na preven��o de cat�strofes. E quanto mais r�pido for divulgado, antes se
obter�o os resultados, tanto � n�vel individual como coletivo.
Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (nascido em 14 de novembro de 1963 no Cazaquist�o) � um
m�dium russo que afirma a possibilidade de abolir a morte, ressuscitar mortos,
curar o c�ncer e AIDS, teletransporte, e identificar e resolver a dist�ncia
mec�nica e problemas eletr�nicos em avi�es, esta��es espaciais, esta��es de energia
el�trica at�micas e quaisquer outras constru��es t�cnicas. Ele discute suas
habilidades em seu livro de tr�s volumes, �A Pr�tica do Controle, o caminho para a
salva��o�. Doutor em Ci�ncias, e acad�mico graduou-se na Faculdade de Matem�tica
Aplicada e Mec�nica da Universidade Estadual de Tashkent - com especialidade em
mec�nica, em 1986. Possui uma forma��o em sa�de. Ele � tamb�m um acad�mico da
Academia Internacional de Informatiza��o. Membro Correspondente da Academia de
Ci�ncias da R�ssia. Conselheiro do Federal Aviation Service da R�ssia.
Seus livros explicam como a descoberta do campo criativo da informa��o ou da
energia da consci�ncia, podem manifestar fisicamente qualquer informa��o ou objeto
que voc� desejar, assim como tamb�m aqueles que n�o est�o sujeitos ao continuum
espa�o-tempo, ao converter essa informa��o em forma geom�trica conhecida. Isto �
por que os n�meros de "Grabovoi" podem ser usados para diagn�stico remoto,
regenera��o da mat�ria, dentro de qualquer per�odo de tempo por meio da
transforma��o do tempo em forma de espa�o. O objetivo do ensino de Grabovoi,
segundo o pr�prio, � transmitir o conhecimento do Senhor para as pessoas de todo o
mundo, a fim de salv�-los de uma poss�vel cat�strofe global e possibilitar que cada
um possa alcan�ar sa�de perfeita, imortalidade f�sica, ressuscitar em seus corpos
f�sicos todos os que se j� se foram e proporcionar o desenvolvimento construtivo,
harmonioso e eterno de toda a humanidade.
Ele alega habilidades pessoais de controle remoto da mat�ria f�sica a qualquer
dist�ncia, cura de centenas de pessoas doentes, incluindo c�ncer e aids, sem mesmo
estar presente no local. Esses fatos s�o certificados pela medicina tradicional e
comprovada por declara��o autenticada de pessoas curadas. Usando sua clarivid�ncia
ele consegue examinar remotamente aeronaves, para descobrir poss�veis defeitos,
trabalha com materializa��o, desmaterializa��o e teletransporte. Ele regenera at�
mat�ria destruida. Ele quer que essas habilidades sejam aprendidas por todos, para
que assim possam usar esses dons para evitar cat�strofes, atrav�s da cria��o, sem
Ele tamb�m afirma-se como um segundo advento de Cristo na Terra. Gobovoi, � uma
for�a t�o grande e desconhecida que as autoridades russas, receosas das implica��es
que seus ensinamentos e pr�ticas poderiam ter sobre a popula��o local, o colocaram
na pris�o por 11 anos com acusa��es falsas de charlatanismo, de onde foi liberado
h� menos de 6 meses. Grabovoi, atrav�s dos seus livros, liberou uma s�rie enorme de
sequ�ncias num�ricas para serem utilizadas como "rem�dios" para os principais males
que afetam a humanidade, sejam eles na �rea da sa�de, do comportamento, da sorte e
do destino de cada ser humano.
Grabovoi trabalha somente com documentos registrados em cart�rio. Se algu�m chega
com um problema de sa�de, ele pede laudos m�dicos, os registra e trabalha a pessoa.
Depois ele pede que a pessoa retorne ao seu m�dico, refa�a os exames e os traga de
volta para que sejam registrados. Ele tem um livro s� com registros de casos.
As sequ�ncias num�ricas de 7, 8, 9 e 11 d�gitos s�o encontradas nos livros de
Infelizmente ainda n�o h� nenhum traduzido em portugu�s.
Para usar sem conhecer o m�todo, a melhor forma � mentalizar as sequ�ncias, sempre
visualizando a situa��o em perfei��o... a coisa j� realizada.
Pode escrever e colar no corpo , em garrafas de �gua e ir bebendo durante o dia,
colocar em agenda, carteira... enfim ser criativo.
No caso de querer tratar de v�rios assuntos simultaneamente, ela afirma que �
poss�vel, mas � prefer�vel tratar de um assunto de cada vez, para facilitar que a
pessoa tenha a percep��o do movimento que est� acontecendo.
A seguir mais sequendcias:
1 � Situa��es cr�ticas de sa�de � 1258912
Ataque card�aco � 8915678
Choque traum�tico e similares � 1895132
Insufici�ncia aguda cardiovascular � 1895678
Insufici�ncia respirat�ria aguda � 1257814
2 � Tumores � 8214351
Boca e garganta C�NCER � 1235689
C�ncer colorretal � 5821435
ESOF�GICA � 8912567
O c�ncer de est�mago � 8912534
C�NCER DE F�GADO � 5891248
C�ncer nos ossos � 1234589
C�NCER papila DUODENAL MAYOR � 8912345
LIPS c�ncer � 1567812
Extrahepatic BILIAR c�ncer do trato � 5789154
Cancro do ov�rio � 4851923
C�NCER DE MAMA � 5432189
C�NCER DE P�NIS � 8514921
C�ncer de pele � 8148957
C�NCER DE PR�STATA � 4321890
C�NCER DE PULM�O -4541589
C�NCER RENAL � 56789108
O cancro de tire�ide � 5814542
C�ncer uretral � 5891856
Cancro de bexiga � 89123459
C�ncer de intestino � 5485143
C�NCER vaginal e Genital Externo � 2589121
HEMATOSARCOMA E Linfoma � 54321451
Linfogranuloma (doen�a de Hodgkin) � 4.845.714
Melanoma � 5674321
Mesotelioma � 58912434
Neuroblastoma � 8914567
Plasmacitoma, mieloma m�ltiplo, linfoma
NO HODGKIANO � 8432184
Rabdomiossarcoma CRIAN�A � 5671254
SARCOMA Kaposi � 8214382
SOFT sarcoma de tecido � 54321891
Tumor cerebral ou medular � 5431547
TUMOR cavidade nasal e seios paranasais � 8514256
Tumoral na nasofaringe � 5678910
Tumor de c�lulas de ilhas � 8951432
TUMOR �TERO -9817453
Tumor da paratire�ide � 1548910
3 � Sepse � 58143212
A sepse (envenenamento do sangue) cr�nica � 8145421
A sepse (envenenamento do sangue) aguda � 8914321
4 � S�ndrome de Cid � 5148142
A coagula��o intravascular disseminada (DIC S�NDROME,
Coagulopatia de consumo) � 8123454
5 � As doen�as do aparelho cardiovascular � 1289435
Aneurisma da aorta � 48543218
Arritmia (arritmia card�aca) � 8543210
Aterosclerose � 543 21898
Asma card�aca � 8543214
Cora��o p�ra � 9874321
Azia � 8124567
Cardiomiopatias (cardiomiopatia) � 8421432
Cor pulmonale (congest�o pulmonar) � 5432111
Crise hipertensiva � 5679102
CRISE vasculariza��o 8543218
ADQUIRIDO defeito card�aco � 8124569
Cardiopatia cong�nita � 9995437
EDEMA PULMONAR- 543 211 12
Endocardite � 8145999
Doen�a isqu�mica do cora��o � ECI (DOEN�A
Coron�ria) � 1454210
Angina (angina de peito) � 8.145.999
HIPERTENS�O � 8145432
HIPOTENSI�N- 8143546
Infarto (ataque card�aco) -8914325
FALHA vasculariza��o � 8668888
MIOCARDIODISTROFIA � 30 8432110 (07)
Miocardite � 85432104
Neuropatia Auton�mica (DISTONIA VEGETOVASCULAR) � 8432910
MAJOR oclus�o da art�ria � 8153213
Pericardite � 9996127
VASCULITE sistemicamente 1894238
6 � Doen�as Reum�ticas � 8148888
Doen�as articulares � 5421891
Artrite de c�lulas gigantes (arterite craniana, ARTERITE
Takayasu ARTRITE � 8945432 artrite degenerativa (osteoartrite, osteoartrose,
artrose deformante, degenerativas DOEN�A COMUM) � 8145812
A artrite psori�sica � 0145421
Artrite reativa � (REITER S�NDROME) � 4848111
Dermatomiosite (polimiosite) � doen�a articular 5.481.234 tecido conjuntivo
SHARP) � 34 1484019 (26)
CORA��O doen�a reum�tica (febreReum�tica) � 5481543
Difusa Doen�as do Tecido Conjuntivo � 5485812
SCLERODERMA O ESCLEROSE sistemicamente 1110006 espondilite anquilosante (doen�a de
Granulomatose � 8943568
Lupus Eritematoso Sist�mico � 8543148
Periartrite � 4548145
Gout (GOTA) � 8.543.215
Rheumatism, perto do tecido mole JUNTAS � 1489123
Goodpasture (GLOMERULONEFRITE, pneumonia Hemorr�gica) � 8491454
s�ndrome Sjoegren (S�ndrome SICCA DOEN�A S�NDROME Mikulicz) � 4891456
Tenossinovite � 1489154
Tromboange�te obliterante (doen�a Buerger) � 8945482
Hemorr�gica vasculites (vasculite al�rgica, ROXO Henoch-Schonlein) � 8491234
A vasculite sist�mica (VS) � 1894238
7 � Doen�as Respirat�rias � 5823214
Antracose � 5843214
ASBESTOSE � 4814321
A asma br�nquica � 8943548
Aspergilose � 481543271
BRONQUIOLITE (inflama��o aguda DE Br�nquios) � 89143215
Bronquite aguda � 4812567
Bronquite Cr�nica � 4218910
C�NCER DE PULM�O � 4541589
Candid�ase pulmonar (pulm�o CANDIDIASIS) � 4891444
Enfisema PULMONAR- 54321892
Fibrose pulmonar (NEUMOESCLEROSIS) � 9871234
Pneumoconiose � 8423457
Pneumoconiose ORG�NICO DUST � 4548912
PNEUMONIA � 4814489
Aguda intersticial pneumonite (S�NDROME Hamman-Rich) � 4814578
Pleurite (pleurisia) � 4854444
PRETO doen�a pulmonar) � 8148545
Silicose (doen�a de POTTER) -4818912
Silicatose -2224698
Talcose � 4845145
8 � Doen�as Digestivas � 5321482
C�rdia acalasia (cardioespasmo, espasmo de hiato,
Megaes�fago EXPANS�O DO ES�FAGO idiop�tica) � 4895132
As alergias alimentares � 2841482
Amiloidose � 5432185
Ameb�ase -1289145
G�STRICA Aquilia � 8432157
Lentid�o do es�fago e do est�mago � 8123457
BERIB�RI � 3489112
CANDIDA (fungos na infec��o na boca MUSHROOM) � 54842148
Cardiospasm � 4895132
Cirrose Hep�tica � 4812345
Colecistite cr�nica � 5481245
COLITE � 8454321
Colite aguda � 5432145
Colite cr�nica � 5481238
DOEN�A FIEPATOLENTICULAR Degeneration (Wilson Konowalow) � 5438912
DIARR�IA � 5843218
Dispepsia (indigest�o) � 1112223
Dispepsia Funcional (EST�MAGO hiperacidez) -5484214
Discinesia BILIAR- TRATO DIGESTIVO discinesia 58432144 (Dispepsia, gastroptose,
Discinesia INTESTINAL � 54321893
F�GADO Distrofia � 9876512
Duodenite � 5432114
Duodenite aguda � 481543288
Duodenite cr�nica 8432154
Disbiose intestinal (INTESTINAL Disbacteriose) � 5432101
EDEMA fome (edema de fome, hidropisia A fome, FOOD DISTROFIA) � 5456784
A doen�a de Whipple�S � 4814548
Enterite � 8431287
Enterite CR�NICA � 5432140
Enterocolite � 8454321
Enteropatia do intestino � 8432150
Enteropatia exsudativa � 4812 3454
Enteropatia induzida por gl�ten (espru cel�aco, sprue NO TROPICAL Idiop�tica
esteatorr�ia) � 4891483
Enteropatia, DEFICI�NCIA dissacaridades � 4845432
ESCORBUTO � 5432190
Esofagite � 54321489
Espasmo intestinal (INTESTINAL C�LICA) � 8123457
Nontropical � 8432150
Sprue tropical (DIARR�IA TROPICAL) � 5481215
PRIS�O DE VENTRE � 5484548
Fleim�o EST�MAGO � 4567891
Gastrite � 5485674
Gastrite aguda � 4567 891
Gastrite cr�nica � 5489120
Gastroenterite � 5485674
Gastroenterocolite � 5485674
Gastroparesia (AGUDA G�STRICA folga) � 5485671
Gastroptose � 812 34574
Hemocromatose (Cirrose pigmentado, DIABETES bronzeada, DOEN�A DE FERRO SOBRECARGA,
TROISIER- HANOT- Chauffard) � 5454589
HEPATITE estridentes 58432141
Hepatosis � 9876512
Hepatosis AGUDA (T�XICO danos no f�gado) � 1234576
Hepatosis colest�tica (COLESTASE) � 5421548
Hepatosis CR�NICA (f�gado gordo, esteatose
F�GADO) � 5143214
Hiperbilirrubinemia Benigna � 845 148 51
Hiperbilirrubinemia Cong�nita � 8432180
Posthepatic hiperbilirrubinemia (icter�cia OBSTRUTIVA) � 54 8214321 (17)
Idiop�tica hiperlipidemia (hyperliproteinemia, LIPOIDIS HEPATOSPLENOMEGALICA) �
HIPERTENS�O portal- 8143218
Icter�cia � 5432148
Icter�cia FUNCIONAL � 845 148 51
Ile�te � 8431287
Insufici�ncia hep�tica � 8143214
Lymphangiectasia COLON � 5214321
INTESTINAL LIPODOSTROFIA (doen�a de Whipple) � 4814548
M� absor��o -48543215
Pneumatose G�STRICA � 54321455
Cr�nica Pancreatite-5891432
Cirrose PIGMENTO � 5454589
S�ndrome carcin�ide � 4848145
Hepatoesplenomegalia S�NDROME (DESORDEM HEPATOLIENALICO) -845 148
S�NDROME Superior art�ria mesent�rica (AMS) � 5891234
�lcera p�ptica do es�fago � 8432182
�lcera p�ptica de est�mago e duodeno � 8125432
SIMPLES �LCERA Intestino N�O ESPEC�FICAS � 48481452
�lcera de est�mago, SINTOM�TICO � 9671428
Jejunite � 8431287
Zinga � 54321481
9 � Doen�as dos rins e do trato urin�rio � 8941254
Amiloidose � 4512345
Anomalias do sistema urin�rio � 1234571
C�lica renal � 4321054
ECL�MPSIA Renal 8149141
DOEN�A RENAL CR�NICA (insufici�ncia renal CR�NICA) � 5488821
Doen�a renal polic�stica (ERP) � 5421451
Insufici�ncia renal aguda � 8218882
GLOMERULONEFRITE (GN proliferativa difusa) � 4812351
Glomerulonefrite aguda � 4285614
Hidronefrose � 5432154
Nefrolit�ase (pedras nos rins) � 5432143
Pielite � 61 5432110 (10) PIELONEFRITIS � 58143213
TB renal 5814543
UREMIA AGUDA � 5421822
UREMIA CR�NICA � 8914381
Uretrite � 1387549
10 � Doen�as do Sangue � 1843214
Agranulocitose � 4856742
Anemia apl�stica (hipoplasia) � 5481541
Anemia hemol�tica auto-imune � 5814311
ANEMIA CONG�NITA, com a altera��o da s�ntese Porfirina � 4581254
Anemia Falciforme � 7891017
Anemia Hemol�tica � 5484813
Anemia megalobl�stica � 5481254
Aguda p�s-hemorr�gica Anemia (perda de sangue, AGUDA) � 9481232
Di�tese HEMORR�GICA- 5148543
DOEN�A di�tese hemorr�gica causada por um de THE
A doen�a de Gaucher (lipidosis cerebr�sido) � 5145432
Doen�a de radia��o aguda � 481543294
Stomatocytosis HEREDIT�RIA � 4814581
Favismo � 54321457
Hemoblastose OUT da Medula Espinal, HEMATOSARCOMA
E linfoma (linfocitoma) � 54321451
Hemoglobin�ria parox�stica noturna (HPN) � 5481455
Linfogranuloma (doen�a de Hodgkin) � 4845714
MIELOCITOSIS (LEUCEMIA Miel�ide Cr�nica) � 5142357
Neutropenia cong�nita � 8432145
Ovalocytosis HEREDIT�RIA (eliptocitose HEREDIT�RIA) � 51454323
Paraproteinemia TUMORES PRODUTORES � 0432184
Quimioterapia, EFEITOS COLATERAIS � 4812813
REA��ES leuc�micas � 5814321
TALASSEMIA � 7765437
Trombocitopatia � 5418 541
TROMBOFILIA hematog�nica � 4814543
11 � Transtornos End�crinos e Metab�licas � 1823451
B�cio end�mico � 5432178
B�cio difuso t�xico (doen�a grave) � 5143218
Defici�ncia de horm�nio do crescimento (nanismo Hipofis�rio) -4141414
Desenvolvimento sexual precoce � 4814312
Dist�rbios cong�nitos de diferencia��o G�NERO � 5451432
Diabetes ins�pido � 4818888
A doen�a de Addison (adrenocortical FALHA PRIM�RIA) � 4812314
Hipoparatireoidismo (TETANOPARATIROIDAL) -4514321
Hipopituitarismo (PANIPOPITUITARISMO, DOEN�A Simmonds) � 48143214
O hipotireoidismo (mixedema) � 4812415
OBESIDADE � 4812412
Oste�te fibrosa c�stica � 5481412
S�ndrome de Cushing � 54321458
TIREOIDITE � 4811111
TUMORES (VEJA TAMB�M � Acromegalia, virilismo, HIPERINSU- LINEMIA,
hiperparatireoidismo, FEOCROMOCITOMA) - 4541548
Virilismo � 89143212
12 � doen�as ocupacionais � 4185481
AGENTES doen�as ocupacionais
Doen�a profissional fatores de exposi��o F�SICA (DOEN�A VIBRATIONAL) -4514541
Doen�a profissional agentes de influ�ncia BIOL�GICA � 81432184
13 -Intoxica��o aguda � 4185412
CHOQUE exotoxic � 4185421
Dano hep�tico (f�gado t�xico) � 48145428
TRANSTORNO psychoneurotic PELA EXPOSI��O T�XICO � 9977881
AGUDA INTOXICA��O � A intoxica��o contato � 4814823
Venenos ingeridos � 5142154
VENENO DE INALA��O � 4548142
Envenenamento causado pelo SNAKE mordidas e
OUTROS animais pe�onhentos � 4812521
Picada de escorpi�o � 4188888
SNAKE BITES � 4114111
Vespa e picada de abelha � 9189189
14 � Doen�as infecciosas � 5421427
Ameb�ase � 79 1289145 (17) ANQU eu LOSTOMIAISIS � 4815454
�N�T�RAX � 9998991
Ascarid�ase (lombrigas infec��o) � 4814812
Bacterioses E. COLI (ESQUERIQUIOSIS) � 1.238.888
Balantidiasis � 1543218
Botulismo de origem alimentar � 5481252
A brucelose (doen�a Bang, FEBRE DE MALTA) � 4122222
Campylobacter jejuni � 4815421
CLONORQUTASIS (f�gado fluke PEST CHIN�S) � 5412348
RAIVA � 4891491
Difilobotr�ase (FISH tinham infec��o ou grande) � 4812354
difteria 5556679
Disenteria (shigelose) � 4812148
Encefalite transmitida por carrapatos � 7891010
DOEN�A Botkin � 5412514
Marburg v�rus da doen�a (FEBRE HEMORR�GICA DA Marburg, Ebola) � 5184599
Doen�a da arranhadura do gato (linfadenite subaguda REGIONAL) � 48145421
Enterob�ase � 5123542
Erisipela � 4123548
SCARLET (escarlatina) � 5142485
A esquistossomose (bilharziose) � 48125428
FASCIOLIOSIS (Fasciol�ase) � 4812542
P� � 9912399
FEBRE HEMORR�GICA com s�ndrome renal � 5124567
Febre Q 5148542
Tif�ide e paratif�ide febre (tifo abdominal) � 1411111
GIARD�ASE (giardia) � 5189148
Helmint�ase � 5124548
VIRAL hepatite A e B (doen�a Botkin) � 5412514
Herpes Simplex � 2312489
Hydrophobia � 4812543
Himenolep�ase � 54812548
Infec��o por Mycoplasma (at�picas PNEUMONIA, PNEUMONIA WALKER) � 5481111
Infec��es respirat�rias agudas (FRIO COMUM) � 48145488
A infec��o meningoc�cica � 5891423
Legionelose (doen�a do legion�rio) � 5142122
Leishmaniose � 5184321
Leptospirose (doen�a de Weil) � 5128432
Listeriose � 5812438
MAL�RIA � 5189999
Metagonimiasis � 54812541
Mononucleose infecciosa (doen�a Pfeiffer, BEIJO ILL) � 5142548
ORNITOSIS (psitacose) � 5812435
Parapertussis � 2222221
Pediculose (infesta��o por piolhos) � 48148121
A coqueluche (tosse convulsa) � 4812548
FEBRE � 8998888
Pseudotuberculosis YERSINIA- 514854212
RAIVA (hidrofobia, RAGE) � 4812543
Rotav�rus � 5148567
TEN�ASE � 4855555
T�TANO � 5671454
Tifo Epidemia � 1444444
Tifo TICK de Queensland (COLORIDO FEVER) � 5189499
Toxoplasmose � 8914755
Whipworm (tricur�ase) � 4125432
A tularemia � 4819489
CHICKEN POX � 48154215
Var�ola � 4848148
Var�ola minor � 4848148
Imunodefici�ncia S�NDROME DE V�RUS (HIV, AIDS) � 5148555
Lersiniose � 5123851
15 � Doen�as defici�ncia de vitamina � 1234895
Defici�ncia de Vitaminas � 5451234
Defici�ncia de vitamina A (defici�ncia de retinol) -4154812
Defici�ncia de vitamina B1 (tiamina) � 1234578
Defici�ncia de vitamina B2 (defici�ncia Riboflavina) � 1485421
A defici�ncia de vitamina PP B3 (defici�ncia de vitamina, NIACINA DEFICI�NCIA) �
A defici�ncia de vitamina B6 (piridoxina defici�ncia) � 9785621
Defici�ncia de vitamina C (�cido DEFICI�NCIA ASC�RBICO) � 4141255
Defici�ncia de vitamina D � 5421432
Defici�ncia de vitamina K � 4845414
16 � As doen�as infantis � 18543218
Alergia respirat�ria � 45143212
Anemia � 48543212
Anemia ferropriva � 1458421
A asma br�nquica 58145428
ARTEFATOS v�cuo (asfixia) � 4821543
Bronquite aguda � 5482145
Bronquite al�rgica � 5481432
Defeito cong�nito CORA��O (CRIAN�AS) � 14891548
Antitripsina, Alpha 1- 1454545
Diabetes insipidus � 5121111
DIABETES renal (rim glicos�ria) � 5142585
Di�tese al�rgica (predisposi��o a alergias) -0195451
Di�tese hemorr�gica � 0480421
Dispepsia PARENTAL � 8124321
Dispepsia SIMPLES � 5142188
Dispepsia T�XICA- 514218821
DISTONIA VEGETATIVE-circulat�rio � 514218838
A doen�a cel�aca � 4154548
Doen�a Hemol�tica REC�M-NASCIDO (DOEN�A Rhesus fetal eritroblastose) � 5125432
Doen�a hemorr�gica do rec�m-nascido � 5128543
A cardiopatia reum�tica � 5481543
Dores nas canelas (c�licas) � 51245424
Enteropatia exsudativa (enteropatia, PERDIDA PROTE�NA) � 4548123
CRIAN�AS DO ESTADO Subfebrile � 5128514
Estenose do piloro (estenose hipertr�fica do piloro INFANTIL) � 5154321
Fenilceton�ria � 5148321
A fibrose c�stica (mucoviscidose) � 9154321
HEMOFILIA- 548214514
Hiperplasia Adrenal Cong�nita � 54143213
HIPERTENS�O portal- 45143211
Hipervitaminose D � 5148547
Icter�cia neonatal (icter�cia neonatal) -4815457
Garupa (laringite subgl�tica, Garupa) � 1489542
Nefrite heredit�ria (s�ndrome de Alport) � 5854312
PNEUMONIA para neonatal 5151421
PNEUMONIA cronicamente 51421543
Pneumonite de hipersensibilidade (alveolite al�rgica) � 51843215
Piloroespasmo � 5141482
Reum�tica PURPLE (Henoch-Schoenlein, PURPLE SCHOENLEIN- Henoch) � 5128421
Raquitismo (defici�ncia de vitamina D, raquitismo) � 5481232
Rinite Al�rgica e Sinusite � 5814325
Sepsis neonatal � 4514821
S�ndrome de m� absor��o � 4518999
S�ndrome Alco�lica Fetal � 4845421
S�ndrome t�xica (COM EXICOSIS intoxica��o) � 5148256
SUBSEPSIS al�rgica (s�ndrome. Wissler) -5421238
T�TANO INFANTIL (espasticidade) � 5148999
Traque�te REA��O � 514854218
Intracraniana trauma do nascimento � 518999981
Tuberculose latente (TB assintom�tica) � 1284345
V�mitos � 1454215
Angioma (HEMANGIOMA) � 4812 599
Apendicite na Inf�ncia-9999911
Atresia retal 6555557
A atresia biliar-9191918
ATRESIA Intestino delgado � 9188888
Atresia do es�fago � 8194321
Atresia duodenal e estenose � 5557777
Cephalhematoma (subperiostal sangramento) � 48543214
Divert�culo de Meckel � 4815475
Es�fago, queimaduras qu�micas � 5148 599
Estenose pil�rica � 5154321
Fleim�o REC�M-NASCIDO � 51485433
SANGRAMENTO gastrointestinais � 5121432
H�rnia diafragm�tica � 5189412
Intussuscep��o, intussuscep��o � 5148231
OSTEOMIELITE epifis�ria � 12345895
Fenda palatina (l�bio leporino) � 5151515
Onfalocele (AMNIOCELE) � 5143248
Teratoma SACROCOXIGEAL REGI�O � 481543238
Cap�tulo 17 Obstetr�cia, doen�as femininas - 1489145
Amenorreia - 514354832
Anestesia durante o parto - 5421555
Anexite (inflama��o do ov�rio) - 5143548
Anomalias durante o parto - 14891543
Apoplexia dos anexos - 1238543
Asfixia do feto e rec�m-nascido - 4812348
Bartolinite - 58143215
C�ncer nos �rg�os femininos - 5148914
Ciclo anovulat�rio - 4813542
Cistoma nos anexos (ov�rio) (tumor epitelial) - 58432143
Cistos nos anexos (cistos nos ov�rios) - 5148538
Climat�rio, neuroses no climat�rio - 4851548
Coceira na vulva - 5414845
Colpite - 5148533
Corioepitelioma (c�rion carcinoma) - 4854123
Corte ass�ptico do cord�o umbilical - 0123455
Craurose da vulva - 58143218
Descolamento precoce da placenta - 1111155
Determina��o da data do nascimento - 1888711
Dismenorreia, hemorragia menstrual com dor - 4815812
Doen�as das gl�ndulas mam�rias (pouca produ��o de leite) - 48123147
Doen�as femininas - 1854312
Embolia do l�quido amni�tico - 5123412
Endocervicite - 4857148
Endometriose - 5481489
Endometrite - 8142522
Eros�o do colo uterino - 54321459
Esclerocistose no ov�rio (Stein-Leventhal) - 518543248
Excesso de l�quido amni�tico - 5123481
Fl�or genital (corrimento) - 5128999
Gonorreia em mulheres - 5148314
Gravidez - 1899911
Gravidez extrauterina - 4812311
Gravidez m�ltipla - 123457854
Gravidez prolongada - 5142148
Hemorragias ginecol�gicas - 4814821
Hemorragia uterina disfuncional - 4853541
Infertilidade - 9918755
Leucoplasia da vulva, no colo uterino - 5185321
Mioma no �tero - 51843216
Mola c�stica - 4121543
Ooforite (inflama��o dos ov�rios) - 5143548
Nascimento precoce - 1284321
Parametrite - 5143215
Pelve anatomicamente estreita - 4812312
Pelve patol�gica estreita - 4858543
Pelve estreita - 2148543
Per�odo p�s-natal normal - 12891451
Per�odo p�s-natal patol�gico - 41854218
Placenta pr�via - 1481855
P�lipos no colo e corpo uterino - 518999973
Prolapso do cord�o umbilical - 1485432
Prolapso do �tero e da vagina e �tero ca�do - 514832183
Rompimento nos �rg�os sexuais - 148543291
Salpingite - 5148914
S�ndrome adrenogenital - 148542121
S�ndrome pr�-menstrual - 9917891
Toxicose durante a gravidez - 1848542
Tuberculose nos �rg�os sexuais - 8431485
Vaginite (colpite) - 5148533
Vulvite - 5185432
Vulvovaginite - 5814513
Cap�tulo 18 Doen�as neurol�gicas - 148543293
Abcesso cerebral - 1894811
Amiotrofia espinhal - 5483312
Amiotrofia peroneal (Charcot-Marie) - 4814512
Aneurisma nos vasos que abastecem o c�rebro - 1485999
Aracnoidite - 4567549
Atetose - 1454891
Cefaleias - 4818543
Coma - 1111012
Corea - 4831485
Danifica��o nervosa por causa de reumatismo - 8185432
Desmaio (s�ncope) - 4854548
Distrofia hepatocerebral - 48143212
Distrofia muscular progressiva - 85432183
Dist�rbios do sono - 514248538
Encefalite viral - 48188884
Enxaqueca - 4851485
Enxaqueca na metade da cabe�a - 4831421
Epidurite - 888888149
Esclerose Lateral Amiotr�fica - 5148910
Esclerose M�ltipla - 51843218
Facomatose - 5142314
Herpes zoster - 5144322
Hidroencefalia - 81432143
Insulto cerebrovascular - 4818542
Insulto espinhal - 8888881
Meningite - 51485431
Miastenia - 9987542
Mielite - 4891543
Mielopatia - 51843219
Mielose funicular - 518543251
Miotonia cong�nita (S�ndrome de Thomsen) - 4848514
Miotonia distr�fica (S�ndrome de Kischmann-Balter-Steiner) - 481543244
Mononeuropatia - 4541421
Narcolepsia - 48543216
Neuros�filis - 5482148
Nevralgia do nervo trig�meo - 5148485
Oftalmoplegia - 4848532
Paralisia facial / neuropatia dos nervos faciais - 518999955
Paralisia familiar peri�dica - 5123488
Parkinson - 5481421
PC Paralisia cerebral infantil - 4818521
Poliomielite epid�mica aguda - 2223214
Polineuropatia - 4838514
Radiculite banal (radiculopatia dos discos intervertebrais) - 5481321
S�ndrome ast�nico - 1891013
S�ndrome de Eidi - 18543211
S�ndrome de Guillain-Barre (poliradiculite) - 4548128
S�ndrome diencef�lica (hipotal�mica) - 514854215
S�ndrome p�s-pun��o (ex. Ap�s pun��o do liquor) - 818543231
Siringomielia - 1777771
Tontura - 514854217
Trauma cr�nio-cerebral - 51843213
Tremor - 3148567
Tumores cerebrais - 5451214
Tumores na medula espinhal - 51843210
Tumores no sistema nervoso perif�rico (neurinomas) - 514832182

Dicas de como usar as sequ�ncias num�ricas

Concentra��o das Sequ�ncias Num�ricas

Concentre-se nos n�meros, apenas olhando uma sequ�ncia. Se forem v�rias sequ�ncias,
concentre-se em uma de cada vez.
Tamb�m � bom memorizar a seq��ncia de n�meros, para que voc� possa se concentrar a
qualquer hora.
Ou escrev�-la em um peda�o de papel v�rias vezes.
Voc� pode, tamb�m, recitar os n�meros ou cantar. Sempre n�mero por n�mero. Exemplo:
48154211 (quatro, oito, um, cinco, quatro, dois, um, um).

Visualiza��es s�o tamb�m recomendadas

A sequ�ncia num�rica saindo de um raio de luz e se iluminar.
Imagine as sequ�ncias num�ricas em 3D e, de prefer�ncia, na cor prata.
O trabalho com as cores tamb�m � indicado. Imagine os n�meros na sua cor predileta
ou naquela cor que vier � mente.
Voc� pode tamb�m trazer movimento aos n�meros, no qual eles se esticam, separam e
em seguida juntam-se em um ponto, etc.
Voc� pode tamb�m imaginar os n�meros em uma esfera/bola. A seguir, introduzir a
pequena esfera no corpo, no lugar onde d�i, por exemplo.
Imagine as sequ�ncias num�ricas sobre sua cabe�a e, a seguir, caindo sobre voc�
como a chuva. Se quiser colorir em luz prateada, ainda melhor!
Voc� pode escrever mentalmente sobre uma nuvem. Este modo de concentra��o � muito
bom, porque aqui voc� se concentra nas sequ�ncias num�ricas e em �reas distantes da
consci�ncia ao mesmo tempo. Concentrando-se em �reas distantes da consci�ncia os
resultados ser�o ainda mais r�pidos.
Nota: Se se concentra em �reas distantes da consci�ncia, o resultado � muito mais
r�pido e, portanto, a cura pode acontecer ainda mais r�pida. Concentre-se, por
exemplo: Nuvem, lua, sol, outros planetas, no infinito�
Tamb�m muito bom:
Se voc� escrever em um peda�o de papel e, sobre ele, por um copo com �gua por
alguns minutos. Pode tamb�m escrever na garrafa.
Voc� pode coloc�-lo no bolso do casaco, bolsa etc. Levando sempre consigo para
sempre dar uma olhada.
Distribuir v�rios peda�os de papel com os n�meros no lar, escrit�rio, no carro�
Voc� pode pendurar os n�meros, por exemplo:
Nas paredes, nas portas, na geladeira etc. Enfim, POR TODOS OS LUGARES!
Escreva num papel os n�meros e ponha embaixo do travesseiro ou cama, deixando-os
�trabalhar� durante a noite.
Escrever os n�meros numa folha de papel juntamente com a mais positiva formula��o
de seus objetivos. Ter esta folha sempre consigo para que possa sempre se
concentrar nela.
Escrever os n�meros na pele apenas com o dedo ou com caneta. Pr�ximo ou em cima do
local afetado. Nota: Use, de prefer�ncia, canetas com tinta especial, como para
tatuagem falsa. L�pis de cor ou corante para comida.
Voc� pode escrever em um peda�o de papel e, em seguida, por um esparadrapo, de modo
que os n�meros fiquem para baixo, quando voc� colocar sobre a pele.
Nota 1: Se voc� precisar de v�rias sequ�ncias de n�meros, concentre-se numa ap�s a
Nota 2: Se usar v�rias sequ�ncias, escreva-as uma embaixo da outra.
Nota 3: Se for escrever num local do corpo que esteja dolorido ou ferido, escreva
diretamente em cima onde d�i ou pr�ximo ao local ferido.
Nota 4: Visualize apenas o resultado, e n�o como vai ser resolvido!
Importante: Enquanto se concentra em uma sequ�ncia num�rica, tente visualizar o
resultado desejado e formular o mais positivamente poss�vel.
Por exemplo:
�Padr�o absoluto de sa�de�
�Padr�o da coluna vertebral�
�Norma absoluta da alma, esp�rito e corpo�
�Harmoniza��o de eventos�.
a de discutir os v�rios c�digos de cura e como us�-los. Estes c�digos s�o
ferramentas de cura qu�ntica que s�o seguros para uso em tudo e todos, e n�o t�m
efeitos colaterais.
Uma vez que eles s�o quantum, a inten��o e a energia da pessoa us�-los tem um pouco
de �efeito� no qu�o poderosos eles v�o ser quando eles s�o usados.
Nas m�os de algu�m com uma poderosa energia do cora��o � o que tem mais a ver em
sua for�a de vontade e sua capacidade de estar ativamente envolvido em sua miss�o
de vida e conectado a fonte do que qualquer outra coisa � eles v�o trabalhar,
Por exemplo, o meu filho tinha uma picada de inseto no nariz ontem em um
piquenique. Eu dei o c�digo para picada de inseto para o meu amigo, a m�e de outra
colega, pelo texto. Ela deu-lhe. E ele escreveu no ar sobre a picada. Cinco minutos
depois, ele estava jogando, sem dor. E eu n�o podia ver a marca da picada quando eu
peguei ele na escola 20 minutos mais tarde.
Com energias mais baixas eles ainda s�o eficazes, mas talvez n�o t�o dram�tico em
seus resultados
Saiba como eles ir�o funcionar com a pratica de sua utiliza��o.
Os espa�os entre os n�meros s�o IMPORTANTES � certifique-se de copi�-los exatamente
como est�o escritos para que produziram efeito.
Existem tr�s maneiras de usar os c�digos:
� Escrever na parte do corpo, ou numa etiqueta e col�-la no corpo em qualquer lugar
da aura.
� Escrever no ar sobre a parte do corpo.
� Se receber on-line no seu telefone ou tablet, amplie o n�mero na tela e segure-o
sobre a parte do corpo ou comida item que deseja aplicar o c�digo com a inten��o de
Em todos os tr�s m�todos, Arcanjo Rafael e a M�e Divina realmente ESTAR�O presentes
no momento e providenciar�o o poder de onde estiverem para o c�digo funcionar.
� a sua pr�tica, habilidade, desejo, inten��o e confian�a que far�o a diferen�a na
Cura partindo de voc�, atrav�s de sua aura para ajudar QUEM deseja curar.
Tamb�m existe uma forte influ�ncia das energias que est�o em Gaia, neste momento,
que est�o muito altas, desde os dias de Atl�ntida e Lem�ria � pense nisso como uma
�sopa de Energia�, que tamb�m fornece a energia essencial de cura para esses
c�digos funcionarem. Quanto maior for a vibra��o, melhor esses c�digos funcionar�o,
em todos os sentidos.
Sim. N�o h� mal nenhum em misturar esses c�digos. Eles podem ser usados quantas
vezes desejar para obter o resultado que procura.
Esta � a energia de cura. � como Reiki. Reiki sempre ajuda e n�o tem efeitos
colaterais. No entanto, a cura pode ocorrer em n�veis mais profundos do que aquilo
percebido pelos olhos. A doen�a � o resultado de um desequil�brio energ�tico que �
muito dif�cil para a maioria das pessoas. Enquanto o desequil�brio n�o for
corrigido, ela se manifesta no corpo f�sico. Ent�o lembre-se de que, quando estiver
usando medicina energ�tica, a cura ser�, tanto para o desequil�brio energ�tico
subjacente, como para o f�sico. �s vezes, a cura f�sica ocorre em primeiro lugar,
como no meu filho. �s vezes, a cura mais profunda acontece. De qualquer forma, a
cura est� acontecendo, tendo apenas que confiar nela.
Talvez nos tempos de Lem�ria e Atl�ntida sim. No entanto, hoje, com rela��o as
doen�as, existe uma tend�ncia para a cura que chamo de �Trabalhar seja como for�-
Ou �Cuide do Maior e Deixe o Resto�. O Dr. Masaru Emoto, um curandeiro maravilhoso,
insiste para que todos os seus pacientes continuem seu tratamento padr�o, com sua
�gua �equilibrando� a cura energ�tica, fazendo sua parte que junto com ele. Este �
o procedimento que eu recomendo � pense nestes c�digos como �camadas� poderosas
para serem adicionadas � sua, em todos processos de cura � muito parecido com o
Reiki que dou a meus pacientes, OU durante as cirurgias. Lembre-se que a medicina e
intuitivos m�dicos, tamb�m s�o os que d�o o diagn�stico e planejam o tratamento.
Eles est�o familiarizados com as doen�as e sua progress�o natural. � bom ter algu�m
com esse conhecimento para acompanhar o seu progresso e, talvez, ver o milagre dos
c�digos de cura diretamente atrav�s do resultado de seus esfor�os!
O amor � uma energia de vibra��o muito elevada. � essencial para a vida e para toda
a cura que se realiza, em tudo, em todos os lugares.
Os C�digos de cura v�o ser organizados por Sistemas e este documento ser�
atualizado � medida que mais e mais c�digos de Cura �v�m atrav�s� da M�e Divina,
Arcanjo Rafael, e a Fonte.
I. Sistema Nervoso Central.
� 23 74 555 para curar dores de cabe�a em geral.
� 58 33 554 para curar enxaqueca.
� 95 96 562 para a enxaqueca que n�o respondem a 58 33 554 ou dor de cabe�a de
outra forma n�o respondendo a 23 74 555 � por exemplo, dor de cabe�a, com in�cio de
gripe ou resfriado.
� 71 81 533 para dor nas costas em geral.
� 71 91 334 para lumbago.
� 87 47 838 para problemas com o nervo ci�tico.
� 78 78 833 para prolapso do disco intervertebral.
� 89 87 438 para um abaulamento ou h�rnia de disco intervertebral.
� 23 31 443 para a dor cr�nica em geral.
� 78 89 535 para os primeiros socorros em acidentes vasculares cerebrais no caminho
para o tratamento definitivo no hospital.
� 54 32 175 para a recupera��o de um acidente vascular cerebral.
� 88 21 233 por v�rus do herpes.
� 33 45 634 por danos celulares, de qualquer tipo.
� 88 33 421 para problemas de audi��o e surdez.
� 87 89 114 para Esclerose Lateral Amiotr�fica
� 29 56 932 para a dem�ncia
� 25 49 563 para Alzheimer dem�ncia (pode ser utilizado juntamente com 29 56 932)
� 42 37 346 para a irrita��o ocular, especialmente aquela que est� associada com
dor de cabe�a.
� 34 56 879 para o zumbido.
II. Para Problemas Psicol�gicos.
� 84 72 723 para v�cios.
� 78 19 335 para transtornos alimentares.
� 33 49 586 para a ansiedade devido � separa��o entre m�e e filho; para saudade.
� 25 36 397 para a doen�a de �lcool e seus abusos.
� 25 37 536 para as mem�rias dolorosas do passado, tanto conscientes e
subconscientes (PTSD).
� 86 42 789 para crian�as com not�veis dist�rbios comportamentais (ver aviso
� 25 36 933 para o transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG).
� 25 39 579 para o transtorno bipolar, manias.
� 25 33 698 para as v�timas de viol�ncia dom�stica.
� 29 63 586 para a depress�o em crian�as e adultos.
� 25 67 993 para se divertir! Ter uma vis�o mais positiva.
� 45 32 246 para a confian�a.
� 35 42 888 para a for�a de vontade.
� 51 86 923 para o aterramento.
� 45 88 623 para a concentra��o.
� 72 84 555 para ataques de p�nico.
� 42 58 725 para ataques de medo.
� 66 82 121 para ataques de raiva.
� 76 33 121 para pensamentos problem�ticos.
� 44 70 831 para refor�o do esp�rito de descoberta, aventura e entusiasmo pela vida
III. Cabe�a e Pesco�o.
� 13 14 335 para as alergias, em geral.
� 35 41 553 para dor de dente.
� 88 21 233 para as les�es do v�rus herpes.
� 22 55 732 para seios.
� 56 23 899 para a inflama��o do ouvido m�dio.
IV. Os Olhos e Vis�o.
� 77 78 176 para glaucoma, press�o elevada no interior do olho.
� 77 78 177 para catarata da lente do olho.
� 13 78 887 para ter�ol
� 44 37 224 para a conjuntivite.
� 29 37 853 para a melhoria na vis�o.
� 42 37 346 para a irrita��o ocular, especialmente aquela que est� associada com
dor de cabe�a.
� 99 65 491 por m� vis�o e cegueira de qualquer causa.
V. Sistema End�crino
� 44 34 131 para diabetes e balanceamento do n�vel de insulina
� 44 34 135 para �lcera diab�tica / infec��o dos p�s
� 31 22 778 para perder peso
� 86 86 694 para a regula��o da gl�ndula tire�ide
VI. Cora��o e Circula��o.
� 11 84 744 para a regulagem da press�o arterial, a ser usado para altas ou baixas
press�es igualmente.
� 98 88 119 para infarto do mioc�rdio, como primeira linha de tratamento a caminho
do hospital.
� 11 11 171 para a anemia e para o sangue saud�vel.
� 33 59 674 para a cardiomiopatia hipertr�fica.
VII. Sangue.
� 51 61 987 para o mieloma m�ltiplo
� 40 69 997 para o linfoma
VIII. Os pulm�es e respira��o.
� 21 22 413 para a asma.
� 84 72 723 para o v�cio (tabaco).
� 88 81 643 para a inflama��o dos pulm�es.
� 31 27 459 para a doen�a de altitude.
� 87 65 423 para desconforto respirat�rio.
� 27 38 963 para a doen�a pulmonar obstrutiva cr�nica (COPD).
� 20 53 961 para a doen�a intersticial pulmonar.
� 25 56 551 para diminuir as sequelas da apneia obstrutiva do sono.
IX. Sistema Digestivo.
� 83 33 889 para n�useas.
� 83 41 783 para enjoos de viagem.
� 87 47 988 para a hepatite de origem viral e outras raz�es.
� 22 35 966 para a hepatite C.
� 22 35 297 para a cirrose do f�gado.
� 72 48 496 para o c�ncer de f�gado, que � prim�rio � carcinoma hepatocelular.
� 45 39 373 para a pancreatite e suas sequelas.
� 64 47 196 para c�ncer de p�ncreas.
� 13 45 899 para dor de est�mago.
� 45 45 899 para diarreia.
� 87 45 675 para diarreia muito forte.
� 45 55 899 para a constipa��o.
� 25 35 896 para a constipa��o, que � cr�nica e de longa data.
� 25 39 963 para c�ncer de c�lon.
� 25 36 983 para o c�ncer retal.
� 42 53 899 para fins de balanceamento de um intestino irrit�vel.
� 33 37 899 para remo��o de parasitas, vermes, e tamb�m et�rica liga��es/parasitas.
� 35 87 225 para perda de apetite.
� 31 22 778 para perder peso.
� 78 83 434 para hemorroidas.
� 38 37 684 para o incha�o.
� 86 66 431 para a flatul�ncia
� 25 59 963 para f�stulas ent�ricas de intestino, bexiga, vagina, reto, outras do
intestino e pele.
� 27 55 362 para o refluxo g�strico.
� 38 97 143 para psilose cel�aca.
X. Sistema Renal.
� 68 43 833 para pedras nos rins
� 63 34 831 para pielite, inflama��o da p�lvis renal.
� 76 42 688 para o refor�o da fun��o renal
� 87 33 478 para a inflama��o da bexiga
� 25 26 332 para a cistite intersticial
� 20 02 936 para aqueles que est�o em terapia renal substitutiva � hemodi�lise e
di�lise peritoneal � a experi�ncia menos contratempos e os efeitos colaterais desse
tratamento e ter uma experi�ncia mais suave global. Isso inclui a coloca��o de
acesso para di�lise, mantendo o acesso de trabalho e aberto, e tolerar mudan�as de
fluidos e eletr�litos com cada sess�o de di�lise de qualquer tipo � hemodi�lise ou
di�lise peritoneal.
� 25 37 353 para a hipertrofia benigna da pr�stata
� 93 65 897 para a doen�a renal polic�stica
� 84 93 456 para a doen�a renal cr�nica
� 35 47 375 para a infec��o do trato urin�rio (ITU)
� 78 22 938 para o c�ncer renal
XI. �rg�os reprodutores feminino.
� 11 12 121 para um bom parto.
� 11 32 899 para sintomas com a menstrua��o, incha�o, a TPM, dor.
� 31 31 798 pr�-menopausa, peri-menopausa, menopausa e problemas.
� 88 21 233 para o v�rus do herpes.
� 38 31 418 para remo��o de verrugas.
� 25 38 576 para c�ncer de ov�rio.
� 56 93 787 para c�ncer de ov�rio metast�tico.
� 79 37 854 para o c�ncer de mama.
� 23 42 197 para infec��o por fungos.
� 29 35 531 de c�ncer uterino � endometrial.
� 92 96 144 para o c�ncer do colo do �tero.
XII. �rg�os reprodutores masculino.
� 88 21 233 para o v�rus do herpes.
� 38 31 418 para remo��o de verrugas.
� 25 37 353 para a hipertrofia benigna da pr�stata.
XIII. Ossos, articula��es e doen�as auto-imunes.
� 34 41 323 para artrite e artrose.
� 26 51 329 para artrite� doen�a articular degenerativa (DAD).
� 53 23 411 para sarcoide equinos (n�o tenho certeza se isso se aplica para
sarcoide humano tamb�m).
� 83 73 879 para afec��es reum�ticas.
� 43 14 223 para a inflama��o geral.
� 35 31 223 lugares para purulentas de inflama��o.
� 44 34 135 para �lcera diab�tica/infec��o nos p�s.
� 33 45 634 por danos celulares, de qualquer tipo.
� 78 43 149 para entorse.
� 33 14 871 para a psor�ase.
� 20 06 391 para a artrite psori�tica.
� 81 74 311 para o eczema em geral.
� 29 58 321 para a displasia cong�nita de quadril.
� 86 47 890 para os ossos mal curados.
� 95 66 331 para granulomatose de Wegener.
� 88 45 363 para dores musculares, especialmente ap�s o exerc�cio.
XIV. Doen�as Infecciosas.
� 88 21 233 para o v�rus do herpes.
� 43 14 223 para a inflama��o geral.
� 35 31 223 lugares para purulentas de inflama��o.
� 44 34 135 para �lcera diab�tica/infec��o dos p�s.
� 38 89 332 para a redu��o da febre.
� 33 45 634 por danos celulares, de qualquer tipo.
� 38 31 418 para remo��o de verrugas.
� 23 31 878 para a varicela.
� 86 42 789 para as condi��es t�picas da inf�ncia e doen�as (ver aviso legal).
� 25 37 661 por MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus resistente � meticilina).
XV. C�ncer
� 14 44 338 para todos os c�nceres, em geral.
� 33 45 634 por danos celulares, de qualquer tipo.
� 64 47 196 para c�ncer de p�ncreas.
� 25 39 963 para c�ncer de c�lon.
� 25 36 983 para o c�ncer retal.
� 40 69 997 para o linfoma.
� 25 38 576 para c�ncer de ov�rio.
� 56 93 787 para c�ncer de ov�rio metast�tico.
� 79 37 854 para o c�ncer de mama.
� 11 47 382 para o carcinoma de c�lulas de Merkel.
� 29 35 531 de c�ncer uterino � endometrial.
� 92 96 144 para o c�ncer do colo do �tero.
� 78 22 938 para o c�ncer renal.
XVI. Traumas, em trauma contusos e penetrantes, devido a acidentes
� 44 56 789 cicatriza��o de feridas abertas (escrever no ar acima da ferida).
� 33 78 133 cicatriza��o de ferimentos graves no abd�men quando a cirurgia n�o est�
� 44 57 678 cura de fraturas expostas, quando a cirurgia n�o est� imediatamente
� 78 43 149 para entorses.
� 19 19 311 para queimaduras, tamb�m queimaduras solares.
� 18 19 811 para os primeiros socorros para insola��o pensado juntamente com outras
� 33 14 993 para insola��o.
� 25 36 897 para a dor no local da cirurgia depois que tudo � curado.
� 31 27 459 para a doen�a de altura.
� 25 33 577 para quando voc� bater-se e isso d�i � trauma leve.
XVII. Doen�as de Pele.
� 87 68 433 para al�vio da coceira.
� 22 33 311 para picadas de insetos.
XVIII. Cura de Natureza Espiritual e Consumo de Alimentos.
� 24 46 713 Neutraliza��o de alimentos geneticamente manipulados, ou OGM.
� 82 41 576 C�digo muito poderoso e eficaz para neutralizar OGM (cuidado com as
pessoas sens�veis � energia que podem se sentir este �impulso� e certifique-se
sempre. Aterre-se cuidadosamente antes de usar este c�digo. Isso � mais poderoso do
que o primeiro c�digo, porque a energia de cura que � transmitido a partir Esp�rito
� mais intensa do que o primeiro c�digo).
� 24 57 892 Neutraliza��o de todos os componentes t�xicos introduzidas para
alimento de processamento.
� 24 67 987 Neutraliza��o de aditivos de alimentos para facilitar a produ��o de
redu��o de custos, e n�o de sa�de.
� 24 60 123 Faz frutas e legumes amadurecem � plena maturidade para o m�ximo de
� 42 67 982 Salvar alimento quase estragados a ser comest�vel (provar� ok).
� 99 42 167 Neutraliza o efeito de etanol (EtOH, ou �lcool). Use com cuidado onde o
�lcool � usado para inibir o crescimento microbiano nos alimentos ou rem�dios.
� 88 44 578 Aumenta a nutri��o do alimento que d� vida (pode ser combinado com
outros c�digos) Se desejar usar apenas um c�digo, use este.
� OS C�DIGOS DE �GUA � para equilibrar as energias masculinas e femininas, escrever
esses dois n�meros em lados opostos do recipiente de �gua 99 77 654 e 44 111 66 �
isso cria um v�rtice que coloca a cura para a �gua que se pode beber para
equilibrar as energias dentro de si e sua fam�lia e seu local de trabalho (escrev�-
lo na m�quina de caf� e refrigerador de �gua!)
� 33 37 899 para remo��o de parasitas, vermes e tamb�m liga��es/parasitas et�ricos.
� 86 45 378 para os seres humanos e animais que tenham sido expostos a altas doses
radia��es, que possa ser letal por algum tempo. (Este c�digo deve ser usado somente
nestas circunst�ncias. � muito poderoso e de outra forma poderia causar danos).
� 76 76 893 para a fibromialgia
� 88 44 242 para a abertura do terceiro olho, todavias somente se for permitido em
seu plano de vida atual
� 88 26 789 para a abertura do chakra da garganta para uma melhor capacidade de
comunica��o (use somente com a permiss�o do seu Eu Superior e guia intuitivo toda
vez que for usado � h� risco de um efeito colateral de energia �jam� que pode ter
de ser lan�ado por um Mestre de Reiki na pessoa que usa-lo sem essa permiss�o. Esse
� um poderoso c�digo).
� 88 76 543 para a abertura do chakra do cora��o quando ele est� fechado � bom para
a baixa autoestima, falta de amor-pr�prio, baixa autoaceita��o e les�es profundas a
n�vel de alma. N�o ir� resolver o desequil�brio c�rmico, mas d� um bom suporte no
processo de cicatriza��o. Use com permiss�o de seu Eu Superior ou Orienta��o
Interior se usar em si e tamb�m com a permiss�o a n�vel de alma, se usado para
ajudar a curar outro.
� 88 27 465 para a autocura da alma. Com este c�digo, energias de cura qu�ntica s�o
fornecidas para acelerar o processo de cura da alma. O que, de outra forma levariam
anos, pode ser curado por um amador, ser� realizado em semanas ou meses. Tal como
acontece com outros c�digos de natureza espiritual, n�o se esque�a de verificar com
o seu Eu Superior ou Orienta��o Interior a adequa��o do seu uso.
� 51 86 923 para o aterramento
O Arcanjo Rafael informa sobre o C�digo 86 42 789:
Este c�digo � seguro para uso em crian�as � h� uma fun��o de seguran�a para a
energia � n�o muito intensa e n�o podem causar danos.
Trata-se de um c�digo de duplo prop�sito, um para preocupa��es
mentais/comportamentais e outro para doen�as comuns da inf�ncia.
Para o TDAH: continuar todos os medicamentos prescritos por um m�dico, pois a
retirada abrupta pode ter consequ�ncias substanciais para a sa�de de seu filho.
PARA SUSPEITA DE TDAH: N�o existe nenhum dano no uso do c�digo, mas se n�o houver
melhora, por favor, levar a crian�a para um tratamento m�dico pleno.
Este c�digo pode nunca ser aplicado em animais � a energia � t�o forte que vai
mat�-los EM POUCO TEMPO.
Para usar o c�digo corretamente:
� Escrever o c�digo na regi�o do peito
� Colocar a pessoa em repousar durante pelo menos uma hora sem grandes tens�es, n�o
dirigir ve�culo de qualquer tipo � a capacidade de resposta fica limitada por
v�rias horas
Este c�digo pode ser usado com as mesmas instru��es para o sarampo, rub�ola
(sarampo alem�o), nariz, dor de ouvido/garganta, atribu�vel a inflama��o e
Use o seu cora��o e sua orienta��o interior.
Pratique at� que sinta que tenha a habilidade de aplic�-los com o m�ximo benef�cio.
Pe�a por toda a assist�ncia divina para ajud�-lo toda vez, tambem para corrigir
eventuais erros que possa acidentalmente cometer ao us�-los.
Com Amor.

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