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Tcl {See help on these commands:

after fcopy load seek vwait

append file lrange set while
array fileevent lreplace socket
bgerror flush lsearch source
binary for lset split
break foreach lsort string
catch format msgcat subst
cd gets namespace switch
clock glob open tcl_endOfWord
close global package tcl_findLibrary
concat history parray tcl_startOfNextWord
continue http pid tcl_startOfPreviousWord
dde if proc tcl_wordBreakAfter
encoding incr puts tcl_wordBreakBefore
eof info pwd tell
error interp read time
eval join regexp trace
exec lappend registry unset
exit lindex regsub update
expr linsert rename uplevel
fblocked list return upvar
fconfigure llength scan variable
} {-nousage-}
after {Tcl command: Execute a command after a time delay} {cancel|idle|info|ms
append {Tcl command: Append all of the value arguments to the current value of
variable varName.} {<varName> [<value> <value> <value> ...]}
array {Tcl command: Manipulate array variables.} {<option> <arrayName> [<arg>
<arg> ...]}
bgerror {Tcl command: Command invoked to process background errors} {message}
binary {Tcl command: See 'binary format' and 'binary scan'.} {<option>}
break {Tcl command: Abort looping command.} {}
catch {Tcl command: Evaluate script and trap exceptional returns.} {<script>
cd {Tcl command: Change working directory} {[<dirName>]}
clock {Obtain and manipulate time.} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
close {Close an open channel.} {<channelId>}
concat {Tcl command: Join lists together.} {[<arg> <arg> ...]}
continue {Tcl command: Skip to the next iteration of a loop.} {-noargs-}
dde {Tcl command: Execute a Dynamic Data Exchange command} {servername|execute|
poke|request|services|eval <args>}
encoding {Tcl command: Manipulate encodings} {convertfrom|convertto|names|system
<args> ...}
eof {Tcl command: Check for end of file condition on channel.} {<channelId>}
error {Tcl command: Generate an error.} {<message> [<info>] [<code>]}
eval {Tcl command: Evaluate a Tcl script.} {<arg> [<arg> ...]}
exec {Invoke subprocess(es).} {[<switches>] <arg> [<arg> ...]}
exit {See 'quit' command} {}
expr {Tcl command: Evaluate an expression.} {<arg> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
fblocked {Tcl command: Test whether the last input operation exhausted all
available input.} {<channelId>}
fconfigure {Tcl command: Set and get options on a channel} {<channelId> [<name>]
[<value>] [<name> <value> ...] }
fcopy {Tcl command: Copy data from one channel to another.} {<inchan> <outchan> [-
size <size>] [-command <callback>]}
file {Tcl command: Manipulate file names and attributes.} {<option> <name> [<arg>
<arg> ...]}
fileevent {Tcl command: Execute a script when a channel becomes readable or
writable} {<channelId> readable|writable [<script>]}
flush {Tcl command: Flush buffered output for a channel} {<channelId>}
for {Tcl command: ``For'' loop } {start test next body}
foreach {Tcl command: Iterate over all elements in one or more lists.} {varlist1
list1 [varlist2 list2 ...] body}
format {Tcl command: Format a string in the style of sprintf.} {formatString [arg
arg ...]}
foreach {Tcl command: Iterate over all elements in one or more lists.} {varlist1
list1 [varlist2 list2 ...] body}
format {Tcl command: Format a string in the style of sprintf.} {formatString [arg
arg ...]}
gets {Tcl command: Read a line from a channel} {<channelId> [<varName>]}
glob {Tcl command: Return names of files that match patterns} {[<switches>]
<pattern> [<pattern> ...] }
global {Tcl command: Access global variables} {<varname> [<varname> ...]}
history {Tcl command: Manipulate the history list} {option args...}
http {Tcl command: Client-side implementation of the HTTP/1.0 protocol.} {options
if {Tcl command: Execute scripts conditionally.} {expr1 [then] body1 elseif expr2
[then] body2 elseif ... [else] [bodyN]}
incr {Tcl command: Increment the value of a variable.} {<varName> [<increment>]}
info {Tcl command: Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter}
{<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
interp {Tcl command: Create and manipulate Tcl interpreters} {<option> [<arg>
<arg> ...]}
join {Tcl command: Create a string by joining together list elements.} {list
lappend {Tcl command: Append list elements onto a variable.} {<varName> [<value>
<value> <value> ...]}
lindex {Tcl command: Retrieve an element from a list.} {<list> <index>}
linsert {Tcl command: Insert elements into a list} {<list> <index> <element>
[<element> <element> ...]}
list {Tcl command: Create a list.} {[<arg> <arg> ...]}
listbox {Tk command: Create and manipulate listbox widgets} {<pathName>
llength {Tcl command: Count the number of elements in a list} {<list>}
load {Tcl command: Load machine code and initialize new commands.} {<fileName>
[<packageName>] [<interp>]}
local {create an object local to a procedure} {<className> <objName> [<arg>
<arg> ...]}
lrange {Tcl command: Return one or more adjacent elements from a list} {list first
lreplace {Tcl command: Replace elements in a list with new elements} {list first
last [element element ...]}
lsearch {Tcl command: See if a list contains a particular element} {[mode] list
lset {Tcl command: Change an element in a list} {<varName> [<index>] <newValue>}
lsort {Tcl command: Sort the elements of a list} {[options] list}
msgcat {Tcl command: Tcl message catalog} {option args...}
namespace {Tcl command: create and manipulate contexts for commands and variables}
{[<option>] [<arg> ...]}
open {Tcl command: Open a file-based or command pipeline channel.} {<fileName>
[<access>] [<permissions>]}
package {Tcl command: Facilities for package loading and version control.}
{<option> <args>}
parray {Tcl command: Prints names and values of all array elements} {<arrayName>}
pid {Tcl command: Retrieve process id(s).} {[<fileId>]}
proc {Tcl command: Create a Tcl procedure.} {<name> <args> <body>}
puts {Tcl command: Write to a channel} {[-nonewline] [<channelId>] <string>}
pwd {Tcl command: Return the current working directory} {}
read {Tcl command: Read from a channel} {channelId numBytes}
regexp {Tcl command: Match a regular expression against a string.} {[switches] exp
string [matchVar] [subMatchVar subMatchVar ...]}
registry {Tcl command: Manipulate the Windows registry} {option args...}
regsub {Tcl command: Perform substitutions based on regular expression pattern
matching.} {[switches] exp string subSpec varName}
rename {Tcl command: Rename or delete a command.} {<oldName> <newName>}
return {Tcl command: Return from a procedure.} {[-code <code>] [-errorinfo <info>]
[-errorcode <code>] [<string>]}
scan {Tcl command: Parse string using conversion specifiers in the style of
sscanf.} {string format varName [varName ...]}
seek {Tcl command: Change the access position for an open channel} {<channelId>
<offset> [<origin>]}
set {Tcl command: Read and write variables.} {<varName> [<value>]}
socket {Tcl command: Open a TCP network connection.} {([options] host port) | (-
server command [options] port)}
source {Tcl command: Evaluate a file or resource as a Tcl script.} {<fileName>}
split {Tcl command: Split a string into a proper Tcl list.} {string [splitChars]}
string {Tcl command: Manipulate strings} {<option> <arg> [<arg> ...]}
subst {Tcl command: Perform backslash, command, and variable substitutions.} {[-
nobackslashes] [-nocommands] [-novariables] string}
switch {Tcl command: Evaluate one of several scripts, depending on a given value.}
{[options] string {pattern body [pattern body ...]}}
tcl_endOfWord {Tcl command: Returns the index of the first end-of-word location
that occurs after a starting index start in the string str.} {<str> <start>}
tcl_findLibrary {Tcl command: Search standard locations for tcl extension
libraries.} {basename version patch initScript enVarName varName}
tcl_startOfNextWord {Tcl command: Returns the index of the first start-of-word
location that occurs after a starting index start in the string str.} {<str>
tcl_startOfPreviousWord {Tcl command: Returns the index of the first start-of-word
location that occurs before a starting index start in the string str.} {<str>
tcl_wordBreakAfter {Tcl command: Returns the index of the first word boundary
after the starting index start in the string str.} {<str> <start>}
tcl_wordBreakBefore {Tcl command: Returns the index of the first word boundary
before the starting index start in the string str.} {<str> <start>}
tell {Tcl command: Return current access position for an open channel.}
time {Tcl command: Time the execution of a script.} {script [count]}
trace {Monitor variable accesses} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
unknown {Handle attempts to use non-existent commands.} {<cmdName> [<arg>
<arg> ...]}
unset {Tcl command: Delete variables.} {name [name name ...]}
update {Tcl command: Process pending events and idle callbacks.} {[idletasks]}
uplevel {Execute a script in a different stack frame.} {[level] arg [arg ...]}
upvar {Tcl command: Create link to variable in a different stack frame.} {[level]
otherVar myVar [otherVar myVar ...]}
variable {Tcl command: create and initialize a namespace variable.} {[<name>
<value>...] <name> [<value>]}
vwait {Tcl command: Process events until a variable is written.} {[<varName>]}
while {Tcl command: Execute script repeatedly as long as a condition is met.}
{test body}

# Tk commands
Tk {See help on these commands:
bell grab place tk_getSaveFile
bind grid radiobutton tk_menuSetFocus
bindtags image raise tk_messageBox
button label scale tk_popup
canvas labelframe scrollbar tk_textCopy
checkbutton listbox selection tk_textCut
clipboard lower send tk_textPaste
destroy menu spinbox tkwait
entry menubutton text toplevel
event message tk update
focus option tk_chooseColor winfo
font pack tk_chooseDirectory wm
frame panedwindow tk_getOpenFile
} {-nousage-}
bedit {Tk command: interactive edit of bind script.} {<tag> <sequence>}
bell {Tk command: Ring a display's bell.} {[-displayof <window>]}
bind {Tk command: Arrange for X events to invoke Tcl scripts.} {<tag> [<sequence>]
bindtags {Tk command: Determine which bindings apply to a window, and order of
evaluation.} {<window> [<tagList>]}
button {Tk command: Create and manipulate button widgets.} {<pathName>
canvas {Tk command: Create and manipulate canvas widgets.} {<pathName>
checkbutton {Create and manipulate checkbutton widgets} {<pathName> [<options>]}
clipboard {Tk command: Manipulate Tk clipboard.} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
destroy {Tk command: Destroy one or more windows.} {[<window> <window> ...]}
entry {Tk command: Create and manipulate entry widgets.} {<pathName> [<options>]}
event {Tk command: Miscellaneous event facilities: define virtual events and
generate events} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
focus {Tk command: Manage the input focus} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
font {Tk command: Create and inspect fonts.} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
frame {Tk command: Create and manipulate frame widgets} {<pathName> [<options>]}
grab {Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window sub-tree.} {<option> [<arg>
<arg> ...] }
grid {Geometry manager that arranges widgets in a grid} {<option> <arg>
[<arg> ...]}
image {Create and manipulate images} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
label {Create and manipulate label widgets.} {<pathName> [<options>]}
lower {Tk command: Change a window's position in the stacking order} {window
menu {Tk command: Create and manipulate menu widgets.} {<pathName> [<options>]}
menubutton {Tk command: Create and manipulate menubutton widgets.} {<pathName>
message {Tk command: Create and manipulate message widgets.} {<pathName>
option {Tk command: Add/retrieve window options to/from the option database}
{<option> <args>}
pack {Tk command: Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity } {<option>
<arg> [<arg> ...]}
panedwindow {Tk command: create a panedwindow widget} {<pathName> [<options>]}
place {Tk command: Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet placement} {<option>
radiobutton {Tk command: Create and manipulate radiobutton widgets.} {<pathName>
raise {Tk command: Change a window's position in the stacking order} {window
scale {Tk command: Create and manipulate scale widgets.} {<pathName> [<options>]}
scrollbar {Tk command: Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets.} {<pathName>
selection {Tk command: Manipulate the X selection.} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
send {Tk command: Execute a command in a different application} {[options] app cmd
[arg arg ...]}
spinbox {Tk command: Create a spinbox widget.} {<pathName> [<options>]}
text {Tk command: Create and manipulate text widgets} {<pathName> [<options>]}
tk {Tk command: Manipulate Tk internal state.} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
tk_chooseColor {Tk command: pops up a dialog box for the user to select a color.}
{[<option> <value> ...]}
tk_chooseDirectory {Tk command: pop up a dialog box for the user to select a
directory.} {[<option> <value> ...]}
tk_dialog {Tk command: Create modal dialog and wait for response.} {window title
text bitmap default string string ...}
tk_getOpenFile {Tk command: pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to
open.} {[<option> <value> ...]}
tk_getSaveFile {Tk command: pop up a dialog box for the user to select a file to
save.} {[<option> <value> ...]}
tk_menuSetFocus {Tk command: used by the menu to save current focus and set the
focus to <pathName>.} {<pathName>}
tk_messageBox {Tk command: pops up a message window and waits for user response.}
{[<option> <value> ...]}
tk_popup {Tk command: Post a popup menu} {menu x y [entry]}
tk_textCopy {Tk command: Copies the selected text in the widget specified by
<pathName> to the clipboard.} {<pathName>}
tk_textCut {Tk command: Copies the selected text in the widget specified by
<pathName> to the clipboard and deletes the selection.} {<pathName>}
tk_textPaste {Tk command: Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the insertion
cursor in the text widget specified by <pathName>.} {<pathName>}
tkwait {Tk command: Wait for variable to change or window to be destroyed.}
{(variable|visibility|window) name}
toplevel {Tk command: Create and manipulate toplevel widgets.} {<pathName>
winfo {Tk command: Return window-related information} {<option> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
wm {Tk command: Communicate with window manager.} {<option> <window> [<args>]}

# IncrTcl commands
incrTcl {See help on these commands:
body class code configbody delete
ensemble find itcl itcl_class itcl_info
itclvars local scope
} {-nousage-}
body {incrTcl command: change the body for a class method/proc.}
{className::function args body}
class {incrTcl command: create a class of objects.} {<className> <body>}
code {incrTcl command: capture the namespace context for a code fragment.} {[-
namespace <name>] <command> [<arg> <arg> ...]}
ensemble {incrTcl command: create or modify a composite command.} {<ensName>
[<command> <arg> <arg>...]}
scope {incrTcl command: capture the namespace context for a variable.} {}
{delete class} {incrTcl command: Deletes one or more [incr\ Tcl] classes called
name.} {<name> [<name>...]}
{delete namespace} {incrTcl command: Deletes one or more namespaces called name.}
{<name> [<name>...]}
{delete object} {incrTcl command: Deletes one or more [incr\ Tcl] objects called
name.} {<name> [<name>...]}
{find classes} {incrTcl command: Returns a list of classes found in the current
namespace context.} {[<class_name>]}
scope {incrTcl command: capture the namespace context for a variable.} {}

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