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Contributions of j.

j thomas, ernst rutherford and neil bohr in the field of

1. 1. Prepared By-Meeran Ali AhmadClass IX-ARoll No-08
2. 2. What Is an ATOM?The smallest unit ofmatter that retainsthe identity of thesubstance is
knownas atom.
3. 3. Sir Joseph John Thomson
4. 4. Thomson’s model of atom(Plum pudding model) The plum pudding model of the atom by
J. J.Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897, wasproposed in 1904 before the
discovery of the atomicnucleus. In this model, the atom is composed ofelectrons (which
Thomson still called "corpuscles",though G. J. Stoney had proposed that atoms ofelectricity
be called electrons in 1894 surrounded by asoup of positive charge to balance the
electronsnegative charges, like negatively-charged "plums"surrounded by positively-charged
"pudding". Theelectrons (as we know them today) were thought tobe positioned throughout
the atom, but with manystructures possible for positioning multiple electrons,particularly
rotating rings of electrons (see below).Instead of a soup, the atom was also sometimes
saidto have had a "cloud" of positive charge.
5. 5. • In this model, the electrons were free to rotate within the blobor cloud of positive
substance. These orbits were stabilized inthe model by the fact that when an electron moved
fartherfrom the center of the positive cloud, it felt a larger netpositive inward force, because
there was more material ofopposite charge, inside its orbit ( Gausss law). In
Thomsonsmodel, electrons were free to rotate in rings which werefurther stabilized by
interactions between the electrons, andspectra were to be accounted for by energy
differences ofdifferent ring orbits. Thomson attempted to make his modelaccount for some of
the major spectral lines known for someelements, but was not notably successful at this.Still,
Thomsons model (along with a similar Saturnian ringmodel for atomic electrons, also put
forward in 1904 byNagaoka after James Clerk Maxwells model of Saturnsrings), were earlier
harbingers of the later and moresuccessful solar-system-like Bohr model of the atom.
6. 6. Contributions- Thomson devised the famous plum pudding model ofthe atom, in which
electrons were compared to negativeplums embedded in a positively charged pudding.
Theidea was wrong, and his successor at Cambridge,Ernest Rutherford, was soon to
develop the nuclearmodel of the atom. Thomson investigated positive rays, which consist
ofionized atoms, beginning in 1906. He was able to use acombination of electric and
magnetic fields to separatedifferent charged atoms of elements on the basis of
theircharge/mass ratios. Thomson was a great advocate of pure research, incontrast to
applied research, declaring: Research inapplied science leads to reforms, research in
purescience leads to revolutions, and revolutions, whetherpolitical or industrial, are
exceedingly profitable things ifyou are on the winning side.
7. 7. Ernst Rutherford
8. 8. Ernst Rutherford’s model ofatom The Rutherford model or planetary model is amodel of
the atom devised by Ernest Rutherford.Rutherford directed the famous Geiger-
Marsdenexperiment in 1909, which suggested onRutherfords 1911 analysis that the so-
called"plum pudding model" of J. J. Thomson of theatom was incorrect. Rutherfords new
model forthe atom, based on the experimental results, hadthe new features of a relatively
high centralcharge concentrated into a very small volume incomparison to the rest of the
atom andcontaining the bulk of the atomic mass (thenucleus of the atom).
9. 9. • Rutherfords model did not make any new headway inexplaining the electron-structure of
the atom; in this regardRutherford merely mentioned earlier atomic models inwhich a number
of tiny electrons circled the nucleus likeplanets around the sun, or a ring around a planet
(such asSaturn). However, by implication, Rutherfordsconcentration of most of the atoms
mass into a very smallcore made a planetary model an even more likelymetaphor than
before, as such a core would contain mostof the atoms mass, in an analogous way to the
Suncontaining most of the solar systems mass.
10. 10. Contributions- After Rutherfords discovery, scientists started to realizethat the atom is
not ultimately a single particle, but is madeup of far smaller subatomic particles. Following
researchwas done to figure out the exact atomic structure which ledto Rutherford’s gold foil
experiment. They eventuallydiscovered that atoms have a positively-charged nucleus(with an
exact atomic number of charges) in thecenter, with a radius of about 1.2 x 10−15 meters x
[AtomicMass Number]1/3. Since electrons were found to be evensmaller, this meant that the
atom consists of mostly emptyspace. Later on, scientists found the expected number
ofelectrons (the same as the atomic number) in an atom byusing X-rays. When an X-ray
passes through anatom, some of it is scattered, while the rest passes throughthe atom.
Since the X-ray loses its intensity primarily dueto scattering at electrons, by noting the rate of
decrease inX-ray intensity, the number of electrons contained in anatom can be accurately
11. 11. Neil Bohr
12. 12. Bohr’s model of an atom In atomic physics, the Bohr model, introduced byNeil Bohr in
1913, depicts the atom as asmall, positively charged nucleus surrounded byelectrons that
travel in circular orbits around thenucleus—similar in structure to the solar system, butwith
electrostatic forces providing attraction, ratherthan gravity. This was an improvement on the
earliercubic model (1902), the plum-pudding model(1904), the Saturnian model (1904), and
theRutherford model (1911). Since the Bohr model is aquantum-physics–based modification
of theRutherford model, many sources combine thetwo, referring to the Rutherford–Bohr
13. 13.  The Bohr model is a primitive model of the hydrogen atom. As atheory, it can be
derived as a first-order approximation of thehydrogen atom using the broader and much
more accurate quantummechanics, and thus may be considered to be an obsolete
scientifictheory. However, because of its simplicity, and its correct results forselected
systems (see below for application), the Bohr model is stillcommonly taught to introduce
students to quantum mechanics,before moving on to the more accurate but more complex
valenceshell atom. A related model was originally proposed by Arthur ErichHaas in 1910, but
was rejected. The quantum theory of the periodbetween Plancks discovery of the quantum
(1900) and the advent of afull-blown quantum mechanics (1925) is often referred to as the
oldquantum theory.
14. 14. Contribution- The Bohr model of the atom, the theory that electronstravel in discrete
orbits around the atoms nucleus. The shell model of the atom, where the
chemicalproperties of an element are determined by the electronsin the outermost orbit.
The correspondence principle, the basic tool of Oldquantum theory. The liquid drop model
of the atomic nucleus. Identified the isotope of uranium that was responsible forslow-
neutron fission – 235U. Much work on the Copenhagen interpretation of
quantummechanics. The principle of complementarity: that items could beseparately
analyzed as having several contradictoryproperties.
15. 15. Conclusion Chemistry is the science of atomic matter,especially its chemical reactions,
but alsoincluding its properties, structure, composition,behavior, and changes as they relate
thechemical reactions. Chemistry is centrallyconcerned with atoms and their interactionswith
other atoms, and particularly with theproperties of chemical bonds. Chemistry isused by us in
our daily lives though we do notrealise. Chemistry is also known as ―THECENTRAL
SCIENCE‖. It is difficult to imagine your life without theknowledge of chemistry
Structure of the Atom
Mouseover the particles for an overview

All matter is made up of

atoms. An atom is like a
tiny solar system. In the
center of the atom is the
nucleus which is a
cluster of protons and
The protonshave
a positive electric
charge while
the neutrons are
electrically neutral. The
nucleus makes up
almost all of an atom's
mass or weight. Whirling
at fantastic speeds
around the nucleus are
smaller and lighter
called electrons which
have a negative electric

An atom has the same

number of electrons (-
ve charge) and protons (+ ve charge) to make the atom electrically neutral. An extremely
powerful force, called the nuclear force, holds the protons together in the nucleus as they
naturally repelled one another electrically.

The atoms of each chemical element have a different nucleus. An atom of hydrogen has
one proton and no neutrons. An atom of nitrogen has 7 protons and 7 neutrons. Heavy
elements have a large number of protons and neutrons. For example, the most
common isotope of uranium, uranium-238 has 92 protons and 146 neutrons in its nucleus.

The drawing on the left shows a carbon atom with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons.

Two-part curriculum package for teaching the structure of atoms with Teacher's Guide and
Student Activity Guides
4.26 MB, 91 pages (with bookmarks added) - Published by Cambridge Physics Outlet

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