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Simulation Training for Advanced Airway

Management for Anesthesia and Other

Healthcare Providers: A Systematic Review

Karen E. Lucisano, CRNA, MSN

Laura A. Talbot, RN, EdD, PhD, GCNS-BC

We studied the current literature on human patient tion evaluation for a variety of medical, nursing, and
simulation for preparing anesthesia and other health- allied health providers and students. Only 6 studies
care providers for advanced airway management. A addressed the use of simulation as an educational or
systematic review was conducted of articles published evaluation tool to enhance training of anesthesia pro-
between 1990 and 2009 on advanced airway manage- viders in difficult airway management. Those studies
ment for patients undergoing anesthesia and patients included analyses of different types of training and
who are not. The search used 4 electronic databases: the perceived value of simulated training, and evalu-
Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Litera- ations of equipment. Few studies have analyzed the
ture, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science. effects of this modality on trainer skills and patient
We included 34 articles in the analysis; 15 were safety. There is a clear need for well-designed studies
experimental or quasi-experimental designs, 8 de- to examine these effects.
scriptive studies and reports, and 11 analyses of
equipment or technique evaluations using simulation. Keywords: Difficult airway management, general anes-
The majority of the studies included simulation educa- thesia, patient safety, simulation training.

nability to secure the airway during the induction practitioners require recurring practice to hone their
phase of a general anesthetic has the potential for skills for rapid resolution. To avoid the risk of harming
substantial morbidity and mortality. Comorbid con- patients, a structured simulation training protocol may
ditions likely to pose a substantial risk of hypoxic be used to prepare anesthesia providers for difficult
injury during induction include pregnancy, multiple airway management.
trauma, and obesity. Obesity is of particular concern Human patient simulation offers the ability to provide
because it increases the risk of difficult airway in addition anesthesia students and providers a structured and stan-
to reducing the functional residual capacity and increas- dardized experience and to demonstrate proper manage-
ing metabolism, ultimately leading to a reduction in the ment of uncommon but high-risk events with no danger
time a person can tolerate hypoxia. In the United States, of injury to a patient. This article reviews the literature
more than 30% of adults and 15% of children are obese.1 on human patient simulation for training anesthesia and
This high prevalence of obesity and the need to act rap- other healthcare providers for advanced airway assess-
idly and efficiently to ensure an uninterrupted supply ment and management.
of oxygen have led to the need to ensure that anesthesia
providers are competent in the knowledge and technical Search Strategy
skills of difficult airway management. We used 4 electronic databases: Cumulative Index to
In an effort to improve outcomes, the American Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL; January
Society of Anesthesiologists has adopted an algorithm 1, 1995 to September 25, 2009), MEDLINE (January 1,
that can be followed when an anesthetist is unable to 1990 to September 25, 2009), PsycINFO (January 1, 2000
establish an airway using traditional methods. However, to September 25, 2009), and Web of Science (January 1,
despite these guidelines, malpractice claims related to 1990 to September 25, 2009). For the CINAHL search,
failure to secure the airway persist.2 we used the following search terms: “airway manage-
Typically, novice practitioners learn airway manage- ment” and “simulation.” This search obtained 16 “hits.”
ment on real patients using a bedside apprentice model. We searched MEDLINE using 2 indexes: the PubMed
Exposure to real patients is essential, but substandard index, using the search terms “airway management” and
performance can put patients at risk, especially when “simulation” and “anesthesia,” which generated 44 hits,
traditional airway management is ineffective and an and by the CSA Illumina index, using the search terms
alternative approach is urgently needed. Even seasoned “airway management” and “simulation,” which generated AANA Journal  February 2012  Vol. 80, No. 1 25

33 hits. It is interesting that when we added “anesthesia” training process for anesthesia or other healthcare pro-
to the search term in this index, the number of articles viders, and clearly stated study objectives with measured
returned fell to 6. PsycINFO was searched with the terms outcomes. Of the 87 studies, 34 were considered further.
“airway management” and “simulation” and produced 4 During this phase, the full article was acquired and re-
hits. Finally, we searched Web of Science using “airway viewed in a more detailed evaluation. Of the 34 studies,
management” and “simulation” and received 126 hits; we 15 were randomized controlled trials,3-17 8 were descrip-
then refined the subject area to “anesthesia” and received tive studies,18-25 and the remaining 11 studies used simu-
32 hits (Figure). lation as a tool to evaluate equipment or techniques or
We independently applied the eligibility criteria for a specific simulator’s level of fidelity.26-36 In accordance
the review to the methods section of each article from with the predetermined inclusion criteria, 15 articles3-17
the selected databases. The criteria were as follows: (1) were included in this review (see Figure).
experimental or quasi-experimental design, (2) inclusion • Study Samples. The study samples varied widely.
of a simulated advanced airway management training They included physician and paramedic teams,7 re-
process for anesthesia or other healthcare providers, and spiratory therapists,6 flight nurses and paramedics,11
(3) clearly stated study objectives with measured out- pediatric residents and fellows,4 medical and dental
comes. We engaged in detailed discussions to resolve any residents,5,9,10,12,15 nursing students, and other students.8
disagreements on articles for study inclusion. There were 6 studies that included anesthesia residents
and/or anesthesia providers5,13-17 (Table 1). Samples
Results ranged from 12 to 120 subjects.
A total of 129 studies were considered for review; 41 • Study Purpose. Study purposes included the following:
were duplicates, and 1 was not available in English. The 1. An analysis of the effects of simulation on single or
87 nonduplicated articles were screened for possible multiple airway task completion7,11,12
inclusion in the review based on the predetermined in- 2. A comparison of the effects of simulation training
clusion criteria: use of an experimental or quasi-experi- over time 3,6,16
mental design, a simulated advanced airway management 3. An analysis of the effects of different types of simu-

and and
Total articles
= 129


PubMed, n = 44 n = 33 Science n=4 n = 16
AM & S & A AM, S n = 32 AM, S AM, S
Total nonduplicated
articles = 87


PubMed, n = 42 n = 11 Science n=4 n = 14
n = 16

Abstract screen/review
Delete 1 non-
English article

34 Articles further analyzed

8 11 Equipment or
Randomized controlled
Descriptive studies technique evaluations

15 Studies included in review

Figure. Graphic of Search

Abbreviations: CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature; CSA, CSA Illumina.

26 AANA Journal  February 2012  Vol. 80, No. 1

Type of airway Outcome measures
Study Purpose Sample Design simulation or results Conclusion

Johnson et al,17 Exploration of how 22 first-year anes-Baseline assessment of Pediatric and adult No. of correct diagnoses; All metrics improved in both groups; experi-
2008 principles of part thesia residents; in-training examination unanticipated difficult weighted task scores; mental group able to complete 9% more
task training (PTT) score, US Licensure
control group, stan- airway and other no. of correct responses tasks than control group; experimental
and variable priority dard didactic and Exam I-III; performance respiratory events to comprehension ques- group showed greater increase in correct
training (VPT) would simulation-based in 7 simulation-based tions; composite NASA- diagnosis from baseline (P = .249); per-
improve anesthesia training (n = 11); scenarios, graded at TLX scores (perceived ceived workload decreased by 30% from
residents’ adverse experimental group,the beginning and end physical and cognitive baseline in both groups
airway manage- standard and didac-of 1 year of training; workload)
ment and respira- tic training with scenarios were time
tory events addition of PTT andlimited; performance
evaluated by 2 indepen-
VPT training (n = 11)
dent, blinded observers
Pott and Determine whether Novice users of Bul- Prospective descriptive Intubation with Bul- Competence evaluated Course completed in ≤ 21 min, successful
Santrock,5 2007 a complex motor lard laryngoscope study lard laryngoscope; via a checklist; time to at first attempt to intubate, assembled and
skill can be taught (n = 28); attending instruction by Power- intubation, total time to successfully intubated in ≤ 5 min; showed
without the use of anesthesiologists, Point (Microsoft, prepare scope and intu- structured self-learning programs and mani-
active expert partici- anesthesia resi- Redmond, Wash- bate, and time used to kin simulation can be effective methods to
pation dents, and medical ington) presentation study the slideshow and teach a complex motor skill
students not experi- prepared by experts; practice
enced in use of Bul- Bullard laryngoscope,
lard laryngoscope endotracheal tube,
and manikin head
also used
Goldmann and Test the hypothesis Medical residents, Observational study Intubation of an adult Time to intubation Novices and experts improved time to
Steinfeldt,15 that a virtual reality novice nontraining using FOI intubation before and following a intubation VR FOI, only significant in novice
2006 (VR) airway simula- residents who did 4-d training period; time group (P < .001); in cadaver group, time to

AANA Journal

tor can be used to not use the VR sim- measured for an adult intubation the same in novice training and
teach fiberoptic ulator (n = 4); nov- virtual reality FOI sce- expert groups but longer in novice nontrain-
intubation (FOI) ice training group, nario and a fresh human ing group (P < .001); VR airway simulator
skills all residents who cadaver at 2 wk after seems to offer effective tool for training in
used VR simulator training FOI and may offer tool for assessment of
for 1-wk period (n = readiness before trainees attempt technique

February 2012
11); experts, attend- on live patients

ing anesthesiolo-
gists (n = 4)

Mackenzie et Compare perfor- 48 trauma patient Nonexperimental, Performance defi- 28 performance defi- Compared with video analysis, other types
of reports missed the majority of deficien-

Vol. 80, No. 1

al,14 1996 mance of deficien- encounters observational study ciencies in airway ciencies in 11 cases
cies of airway man- management as cies; most frequent deficiency,

continues on page 4
continued from page 3

Type of airway Outcome measures
Study Purpose Sample Design simulation or results Conclusion

agement captured identified by the by video analysis; no per- failure to adhere to operating room pro-
by 3 types of self- anesthesia record, formance deficiencies cedure; use of video analysis to identify
report with those the anesthesia quality noted; 2 deficiencies performance deficiencies and their factors;
identified by video assurance report, and noted on the anesthesia use of a no-fault self-reporting mechanism

AANA Journal

analysis posttrauma treatment record; PTQ identified may be useful
questionnaire (PTQ) 8 of 11 cases in which
compared with video deficiencies were noted
analysis by video analysis
Goldberg et Evaluate the risk 40 patients ran- Controlled prospective Intubation using air- Risk assessed by No significant differences between the
al,13 1990 of a simulation domly assigned to study way adjunct changes in vital signs, groups in any outcome indicators except

February 2012
drill designed to 2 groups: control oxygen saturation, EI; 5 EIs in the simulation group and none

increase the skill group (n = 20), ischemia, arrhythmias, in the control group (P = .001); hazards
of anesthetists in intubation by stan- esophageal intubation posed by EI should be considered before
dealing with unex- dard techniques; (EI), or pulmonary aspira- simulation drill is replicated
pected difficult simulation group tion
intubations (n = 20), intubation

Vol. 80, No. 1

of a difficult airway
simulated and per-
formed with the
aid of endotracheal
Kuduvalli et Measure the 21 British anesthe- Prospective case- 2 scenarios in adult Management of scenar- CI scenario: Significant increase in time
al,16 2008 effects of training tists control interventional simulated patients: 1, ios scored by 1 observer to insert laryngeal mask airway (LMA) or
on compliance with study; performance in cannot intubate, can- based on “ideal” man- intubating LMA at 6 - 8 month interval (P
national guidelines 2 scenarios measured not ventilate (CICV); agement plan derived < .05); significant reduction in deviations
for management of at baseline and 6-8 2, cannot intubate, from DAS guidelines from guidelines at 6 - 8 wk only; CICV sce-
unanticipated dif- wk and 6-8 mo after can ventilate (CI) nario: Significant, sustained improvement
ficult airway and/ training on the Difficult in technical skills of cricothyroidotomy (P
or ventilation, more Airway Society (DAS) < .05), no significant reduction in mean
specifically, effect algorithm duration of oxygen saturation from base-
of formal training on line, which was no longer present at 6-8
performance over mo; significant reduction in deviations
time from guidelines at both times (P < .05);
In both scenarios, sustained reduction in
improper use of equipment (P < .05)

Table 1. Review of Clinical Research Studies of the Use of Simulation as an Educational or Evaluation Tool to Enhance Training of Anesthesia Providers
in Difficult Airway Management
lators and techniques on learning13 an effective tool to teach airway management skills and
4. An analysis of the effects of nonhuman interfaced provide support for techniques that may be used in the
simulation5,8,15 DAA for anesthesia providers.4,7-12
5. A study of the effects of an actual human-based Few studies established a valid method of evaluating
simulation4,9,10,17 the potential or actual effects of this training on patient
6. An evaluation of the types of methods used to assess safety and the transition of skills from the laboratory to
performance deficiencies14 the clinical setting. Of the outcome variables used to
• Outcome Measures. Outcome measures varied greatly detect learning in the simulation laboratory included in
and included the following: the review, most used objective measures of performance,
1. Single and multiple measures of performance com- including a weighted and nonweighted checklist, and/or
pared with a predetermined checklist3-7,9,10,12,16,17 time to completion of a task. The ways these skills trans-
2. Time to completion of a specific task4-7,15 and lated to bedside care and patient safety were investigated
number of attempts8,13 by only 1 study. Crabtree et al6 studied the correlation
3. Subjective and/or self-perceived value of the simu- between simulated performance of fiberoptic intubation
lated experience11 and clinical skills. Although they did not find a signifi-
4. Measurement of efficient and nonefficient time4 cant correlation, they believed their outcome measure of
5. Analysis of performance based on generally accepted “time to completion” not to be sensitive enough to detect
guidelines using several different reporting modalities14 improvement in overall skill performance.
Simulation can include the use of whole body, part
Types of Airway Management Evaluated trainers, virtual reality, and computer-based trainers.
Specific types of airway management evaluated included The task being taught, the availability of trainers, and
prehospital airway management,7,11 fiberoptic intuba- time flexibility seem to be the most important variables
tions,4,6,15 assessment skills and airway management of to consider in developing the most effective simulation
unanticipated adult and pediatric difficult airways,16,17 design. For example, Kuduvalli et al16 examined the
establishment of a mask airway during an arrest sce- effects on management of a patient with a difficult airway
nario,3,8,9-12 use of a specific intubation laryngoscope,5 using whole-body, scenario-based simulation training for
airway management of trauma patients,14 and the use of a group of nonnovice anesthesia providers. The purpose
an airway adjunct.13 of the training was to achieve competency in complex de-
• Difficult Airway Algorithm (DAA). Our review failed cision making and advanced skills. Fidelity to the actual
to identify a study of the effects of simulation on skill clinical environment was considered key in developing
improvement and retention for management of a patient the specifics of the simulated scenario. Pott and Santrock5
with a difficult airway using the nationally recognized studied the effectiveness of simulation in developing a
DAA from the United States. We identified 1 such study single complex motor skill (Bullard laryngoscope, Gyrus
in the United Kingdom. Kuduvalli et al16 evaluated per- ACMI, Southborough, Massachusetts). Self-instruction
formance using guidelines developed by the Difficult via a PowerPoint (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington)
Airway Society of the United Kingdom for management presentation and a part task trainer were used, and all
of unanticipated difficult intubation in adult nonobstetric learners were deemed competent after training.
patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the decay
of the effects of training over time. In this case-control Limitations of the Review
study, all participants underwent simulation-based train- As with all systematic reviews, the accuracy of a lit-
ing. The authors used a structured approach and found erature review depends on the appropriate use of search
that training effects were sustained at a 6- to 8-week terms and search procedures for the databases searched.
retest but not at the subsequent 6- to 8-month retest. Although we endeavored to use the broadest search terms
They also found a reduction in the misuse of equipment and worked closely with a librarian, if not described
with training. They concluded that training should be fully in the abstract, some relevant studies might have
repeated at 6-month intervals or less. been missed. Standardized outcome criteria by which to
measure the effects of training are notably dissimilar in
Discussion the studies.
Simulation has been used for airway management train-
ing by multiple medical and allied health groups. Study Recommendations
designs to evaluate the use of this training and teaching Additional research is needed to further evaluate the use
method have varied widely (Table 2). Despite their het- of simulation as a tool to teach advanced airway manage-
erogeneity, the outcomes of these studies support the ment to anesthesia students and current practitioners.
effectiveness of this training modality. Thus, findings of The DAA has been suggested as a potential basis on
this systematic review confirm that simulation may be which to design the simulation and subsequent evalu- AANA Journal  February 2012  Vol. 80, No. 1 29

Design Study
Sample Physician and paramedic teams 7
Respiratory therapists 6
Flight nurses and paramedics 11
Pediatric fellows 4
Medical residents and dental residents 9, 10, 12, 15
Nursing, dental, and other students 3, 8
Anesthesia residents and practitioners 5, 13-17
Purpose Effect of simulation on airway task completion 7, 11, 12
Comparison of effects of simulation training over time 3, 6, 16
Analysis of effects of learning 13
Analysis of effects of nonhuman interfaced simulation 5, 8, 15
Effects of human-based simulation 4, 9, 10, 17
Evaluation of methods used to assess performance deficiencies 14
Outcome variables Single and multiple measures of performance based on checklist 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17
Time to task completion/number of attempts 4-7, 15/8, 13
Subjective value of simulation training 11
Measurement of efficient and nonefficient time 4
Analysis of performance using different reporting modalities 14
Type of airway management Prehospital 7, 11
evaluated Fiberoptic intubation 4, 6, 15
Assessment skills and management of unanticipated adult and 16, 17
pediatric difficult airways
Mask airway during arrest 3, 8, 9-12
Nontraditional intubation equipment 5
Airway management in trauma patients 14
Airway adjuncts 13

Table 2. Comparison of Overall Design of Human Patient Simulation Studies

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3. Kovacs G, Bullock G, Ackroyd-Stolarz S, Cain E, Petrie D. A ran-
matter of if; it is a matter of when. Yet exposure to this domized controlled trial on the effect of educational interventions in
emergency clinical event is sporadic, as are opportunities promoting airway management skill maintenance. Ann Emerg Med.
for teaching during these events. High-fidelity human 2000;36(4):301-309.
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develop a standardized curriculum and outcome criteria skill. Can J Anaesth. 2008;55(2):100-104.
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