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Name __________ Class ____________



1 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past
Continuous form of the verbs of the verbs in brackets.
0 Are you going (go) out with anyone at the moment?

1 Please don’t talk to me now! I ________ (text) my boyfriend.

2 I usually ________ (send) two or three emails to friends most days.

3 Where ________ (you / go) for your last holiday?

4 We ________ (come) out of the cinema when we ________ (see) John. He was with Paula.

2 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect form of
the verbs of the verbs in brackets. Use the continuous form if possible.
0 I have read (read) that book three times.

1 I went to Greece in 2011 but it wasn’t my first visit. I ________ (go) there before that visit.

2 Dave works in Manchester. He ________ (work) there since 2008.

3 Sally ________ (fall) in love! His name is Harry.

4 I ________ (arrange) to meet Kate later. Do you want to come?

5 Can I use the computer now? You ________ (talk) to Maggie on Skype for hours!

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. There are two extra words.
fond cousins company

rows close laugh chat trust

0 We have a great relationship, we’re really close .

1 Mark and Jennifer have a lot of ________. They disagree all the time.

2 I really like Sue. I’m very ________ of her.

3 We like each other’s ________. We enjoy spending time together.

4 I think he’s honest and you can depend on him. I ________ him completely.

5 We have a lot of fun. We always have a ________ together.


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4 Choose the correct answers.
My parents 0____c____ divorced when I was ten. Two years later my mum got married again to a man she
________ at school with. They 2________ married for six years now. My stepfather 3________ two boys
from his previous marriage. They 4________ with us at the moment because their mum is ill. One of my
cousins, Kate, 5________ with us since Christmas because her parents 6________ in France at the
moment. They’re only there for six months and Kate 7________ to change schools. My older brother and
his girlfriend are here too. She 8________ Spanish and he met her when he 9________ in Spain last year.
They 10________ out together since then. It’s never quiet here!

0 a get b are getting c got d had got

1 a is b has been c was being d had been

2 a are b were c have been d have been being

3 a has b is having c has had d has been having

4 a stayed b are staying c were staying d have been staying

5 a lives b is living c was living d has been living

6 a work b are working c had worked d have been working

7 a doesn’t want b wasn’t wanting c didn’t want d hadn’t wanted

8 a is b was c has been d had been

9 a studies b was studying c has studied d has been studying

10 a go b are going c have gone d have been going

5 Complete the text with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word has been given.
People used to 0 __meet__ their friends face-to-face, but things are different now. How do you keep
i________ touch with your friends? If you are like a lot of teenagers, you use a social 2n________ site
such as Facebook. However, according to many experts, technology may be getting in the 3w________ of
real relationships. It’s 4u________ to each of us to make an effort to spend time with our family and
friends. We should get 5t________ as often as possible. Meeting up will help us build better relationships.



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NAME _______________________________ SKILLS 1B
1 Read the article and put sentences A–H in the correct gaps (1–7). There is one extra sentence.
A It is used to show warmth, reduce tensions and get conversations going.

B There are many variations – traditional nuclear families, single-parent families and step-parents and

C If there are problems, they discuss them.

D Older family members can make an effort to talk about the things children and teens want to talk

E If you have something to discuss, write it down first.

F Research has also shown that people in close families are generally also good listeners.

G So what can you do to improve communication?

H Our non-stop modern lifestyles can make this difficult, but it is vital for good communication.


How well does your family communicate?

Nowadays there is no ‘typical’ family. 1________ However, it is not the type of family that determines how close the
members are, it is the way they communicate. In families where there is good communication, people are much closer
than in families where there is less or no communication.
Research has shown that close families have several things in common. Firstly, communication is open and respectful.
________ They don’t blame or criticise each other or avoid conflict. Members speak honestly with each other and they
also often end up agreeing to disagree because they respect each other’s opinions. Secondly, they see each other regularly.
________ Spending time together allows communication to happen naturally and in a relaxed way. Thirdly, they use
technology to help communication, not interfere with it. Mobile phones and the internet are used to keep in touch.
Television and film provide opportunities for discussion of different topics.
These three habits are not the only characteristics of good communicators. 4________ They listen and ask questions, they
don’t just imagine what another person might be thinking. In addition, they discuss interesting and challenging subjects,
not just problems – and everyone is allowed to have their own opinion. Finally, humour plays an important role.
________ It also helps with anxiety and problems. Close families laugh together a lot.
________ Being honest and respecting others’ opinions is a good start. Apart from that, families should make time to do
things together. Meals, for example, are an opportunity to exchange news and views and have fun. 7________ For young
people, discussing things is a good way of working out their own feelings and opinions about different issues. The skill of
communication can be learned and practised, so take every chance you can. Good communication can improve every part
of your life – not just make your family closer.

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2 2 Listen to six interviews. Match speakers 1–6 to the things they say (A–G). There is one extra
1 Speaker 1 ________ 2 Speaker 2 ________

3 Speaker 3 ________ 4 Speaker 4 ________

5 Speaker 5 ________ 6 The interviewer ________

A discovered he/she had similar interests to his/her partner the second time they met.

B believes that love at first sight might be possible although it has never happened to him/her.

C thinks that it is possible to fall in love with someone who is not right for you.

D often has arguments with his/her partner although they have similar tastes.

E thinks love at first sight was invented to sell romantic books and films.

F has been married for over thirty years and is still in love.

G thinks that a lot of young people have an over-romantic idea of what love really is.


3 Complete the presentation with one word in each gap. The first letter of each word has been given.
In this talk, I’m going to 0look at relationships in Australia. The 1p________ of young people (aged 18–24)
that were in relationships went down from 25% in 1986 to 16% last year. However, there is a reverse
t________ among older people. The number of people aged 75 or over who are married has 3g________
u from 34% in 1986 to 42% last year. This 4f________ reflects the fact that people are living longer.
Another thing I’d like to 5c________ on is the fact that in this age group, 63% of men are married, but
only 27% of women. The 6n________ of married women is lower because women live longer on average.
So, to 7s________, fewer younger people are married, but the number of older people still married has



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