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Math Lesson Plan- Topic 8.

4- Tens and Ones:

Teacher____Aja Harvey_____________ Grade Level_______1st__________

I. Content and Standards:

a. 1.NBT.B.2- Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent
amounts of tens and ones.

b. MP.2- Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

c. MP.4- Model with mathematics.

d. MP.7- Look for and make use of structure.

e. MP.8- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

II. Prerequisites:

a. CC.2.1.K.A.1 Know number names and write and recite the count

b. CC.2.1.1.B.1 Extend the counting sequence to read and write numerals to

represent objects.

c. CC.1.OA.C.5- Relate counting to addition and subtraction

d. 1.NBT.A.1- Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this
range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a
written numeral.

III. Essential Questions (provide a framework)

a. Why is it important to group by tens and then count the leftovers?

b. What digit in a multi-digit number represents the tens? The ones?

IV. Instructional Objective:

a. Students will be able to count tens and ones to find two-digit numbers.

V. Instructional Procedures:

a. Solve and Share- Morning Math Message and at smart board with partner.

i. Working with math partner, students receive a bag of 26 cubes.

ii. Students make first guess without taking the cubes out of the bag.

iii. At math, students will make a second guess, taking the cubes out
of the bag.

iv. Students will then confirm how many are in the bag by counting
and compare to their guesses.

b. Guided Practice- at smart board

i. How many 10’s?

ii. How many 1’s?

iii. How many altogether?

iv. Do you understand?- How are these numbers the same? How are
these numbers different?

c. Independent Practice- work with math partner

i. Complete 3-5 with partner

ii. #6- We’re looking for a number with the same number in the tens
and ones. What does that look like?

d. Math Practices-at smart board

i. If there are 3 packages of 10, how many 10’s are there?

ii. How many ones do we have?

e. Exit ticket

i. Students will be given a number and must break the number into
the tens and the ones.

VI. Materials and Equipment:

Smart Board, Envision Math Interactive Digital Book, student math journals,
bags of 26 unifix cubes.

VII. Assessment/Evaluation:
a. Journal work

b. Observation of student activity

VIII. VII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities:

a. High-level students

i. Students will be pulled by teacher for extension work.

b. lower level students

i. Students will be worked with in small group or individually during

independent work.

IX. Technology:

Smart Board, Envision Math Interactive Digital Book

X. Self-Assessment:
Student engagement, student responses to questions, student work in math
journal, observation during activities, and exit tickets will serve as an
immediate evaluation of the specific lesson and previous lessons.

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