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URL = {},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {i--vi},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Front Matter},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
author = {John Riordan},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {vii--x},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Preface},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {xi--xii},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Table of Contents},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>This chapter summarizes the simplest and most widely used material
of the theory of combinations. Because it is so familiar, having been set forth for
a generation in textbooks on elementary algebra, it is given here with a minimum of
explanation and exemplification. The emphasis is on methods of reasoning which can
be employed later and on the introduction of necessary concepts and working tools.
Among the concepts is the generating function, the introduction of which leads to
consideration of both permutations and combinations in great generality, a fact
which seems insufficiently known.</p><p>Most of the proofs employ in one</p>},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {1--18},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Permutations and Combinations},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>It is clear from the discussion in Chapter 1 that a generating
function of some form may be an important means of unifying the treatment of
combinatorial problems. This could have been predicted from the De Morgan
definition of combinatorial analysis cited in the preface, for if the latter is a
means of finding coefficients in complicated developments of given functions, then
these functions may be regarded as generating the coefficients, and their study is
the natural complement to the study of the coefficients. The beginnings of this
study are examined in this chapter.</p><p>First, the informal discussion of
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {19--49},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Generating Functions},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>This chapter is devoted to an important combinatorial tool, the
principle of inclusion and exclusion, also known variously as the symbolic method,
principle of cross classification, sieve method (the significance of these terms
will become apparent later). The logical identity on which it rests is very old;
Dickson’s<em>History of the Theory of Numbers</em>(vol. I, p. 119) mentions its
appearance in a work by Daniel da Silva in 1854, but Mont-mort’s solution in 1713
of a famous problem, known generally by its French name, “le problème des
rencontres” (the number of permutations of<em>n</em>elements such that no
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {50--65},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>Permutations may be regarded in two ways: (i) as ordered
arrangements of given objects, as in Chapter 1, and (ii) as derangements of a
standard order, usually taken as the natural (alphabetical or numerical) order, as
in this chapter. These two ways are related as noun to verb, or as object to
operator; the second is that naturally used in the study of permutations in the
theory of groups.</p><p>To indicate completely a permutation of numbered elements
as an operator, a notation like</p><p><tex-math>$ \downarrow \left( \begin{array}
{l}12345 \\25431 \\\end{array} \right)$</tex-math></p><p>is required, with the
arrow indicating the direction of the operation, the first line the operand,</p>},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {66--89},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {The Cycles of Permutations},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>Distribution has been defined by MacMahon, 1, as the separation of
a series of elements into a series of classes; more concretely, it may be described
as the assignment of objects to boxes or cells. The objects may be of any number
and kind and the cells may be specified in kind, capacity, and number
independently. Order of objects in a cell may or may not be important. When the
number of assignments is in question, the problem is said to be one of
distribution; when the number of objects in given or arbitrary cells is in
question, the problem</p>},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {90--106},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Distributions: Occupancy},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>According to L. E. Dickson, 4, to whose account of the history the
reader is referred for many interesting results, partitions first appeared in a
letter from Leibniz to Johann Bernoulli (1669). The real development starts, like
so much else in combinatoric, with Euler (1674),</p><p>The use of partitions in
specifying a collection of objects of various kinds has already appeared in Chapter
1, and naturally calls for an enumeration. A partition by definition is a
collection of integers (with given sum) without regard to order. It is natural,
therefore, to consider along with partitions the corresponding ordered collections,
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {107--162},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Partitions, Compositions, Trees, and Networks},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>This chapter is devoted to the enumeration of permutations
satisfying prescribed sets of restrictions on the positions of the elements
permuted. The permutations appearing in the problème des rencontres, described and
solved in Chapter 3, provide the simplest example of a restricted position problem
in which each element has some restriction (element<em>i</em>is forbidden
position<em>i</em>). A related problem is that called by E. Lucas, 11, the
“problème des ménages”; this asks for the number of ways of
seating<em>n</em>married couples at a circular table, men and women in alternate
positions, so that no wife is next to</p>},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {163--194},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Permutations with Restricted Position I},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
abstract = {<p>In this chapter the discussion of the topics introduced in Chapter
7 is continued, moving on to the staircase chessboards, the most famous example of
which is the ménage problem, to Latin rectangles which are closely associated, and,
finally, to the trapezoidal and triangular boards which appear in Simon Newcomb’s
problem. An interesting use of the last is in the recreation known as the problem
of the bishops. Each of these topics has a growing end and the treatment of the
text and its continuation in the problems merely serve to define the open regions;
a striking example is that</p>},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {195--238},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Permutations with Restricted Position II},
year = {1978}

URL = {},
bookauthor = {JOHN RIORDAN},
booktitle = {An Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis},
pages = {239--244},
publisher = {Princeton University Press},
title = {Index},
year = {1978}

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