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Complementery Food
 European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and
Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition

In Australia, it is recommended that infants are exclusively breastfed until around
6 months of age when solid foods are introduced, and that breastfeeding is
continued until 12 months of age and beyond, for as long as the mother and child

Formula feeding

 If an infant is not breastfed or is partially breastfed, commercial infant

formulas should be used as an alternative to breast milk until 12
months of age.

Introducing solids

 At around the age of 6 months, infants are physiologically and

developmentally ready for new foods, textures and modes of feeding
and need more nutrients than can be provided by breast milk or
formula. Delaying the introduction of solid foods beyond this age may
increase the risk of developing allergic syndromes.
 By 12 months of age, a variety of nutritious foods from the five food
groups is recommended, as described in the Australian Dietary
Fluids other than breast milk or infant formula

 Exclusively breastfed infants do not require additional fluids up to 6

months of age. For formula-fed infants, cooled boiled tap water may
be used if additional fluids are needed.5 Cow’s milk is associated with
iron deficiency in infants under 12 months but pasteurised full cream
cow’s milk is an excellent source of nutrients in a mixed diet in the
second year of life. Fruit juice is not necessary or recommended for
infants under 12 months of age.6 Sweetened drinks are associated
with dental caries. Tea, herbal teas and other drinks are of no known
benefit to an infant and could possibly be harmful.
Foods that should be avoided
 Avoid giving whole nuts and similar hard foods to young children aged
less than 3 years to reduce the risk of choking.
 To prevent botulism, do not feed honey to infants aged under 12
 Unmodified milk from animal sources should not be given as a main
drink before 12 months.
 Cow’s milk should not be given as the main drink to infants under 12
 Pasteurised cow’s milk is an excellent source of protein, calcium and
other nutrients and may be introduced as a drink at around 12 months
of age and be continued throughout the second year of life, and
 Low-fat and reduced-fat milks are not recommended in the first 2
years of life.
 Soy (except soy follow-on formula) and other nutritionally incomplete
plant-based milks (e.g. rice, oat, coconut or almond milk) are
inappropriate alternatives to breast milk or formula in the first 12


 Exclusive breastfeeding for approximately 6 months.

 Continue breastfeeding until the baby's first birthday or longer while mutually
desired by mother and baby.

Bottle Feeding:
Practice appropriate bottle feeding practices:
Avoid bottle propping
Only breastmilk or formula in bottle unless otherwise directed by physician

Food Introduction:
Introduce solid foods around 6 months of age
Expose baby to a wide variety of healthy foods
Also offer a variety of textures

Healthy Snacking:

After 9 months, offer 2-3 healthy and nutritious snacks per day
Maintain fruit and vegetable consumption after finger foods are introduced

Foster Self-feeding:

Babies are encouraged to use spoons and fingers to feed themselves

Babies are encouraged to drink from a cup starting at 6 months of age
Parents recognize hunger and satiety cues
Healthy Drinks:

Babies should drink breastmilk or formula for the first year of life
Try to avoid introducing juice until child is a toddler. If juice is introduced, wait until 6-9
months and limit consumption to 4-6 ounces
Avoid introduction of sugar-sweetened beverages

2. (Sumber:
uidelinesforMedicalInternsBangladesh.pdf )

3. Leukosit pada Pemeriksaan Feces Lengkap


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