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33. What one of the following statement is true ? (2) provides protection, anchorage and absorption
(l)Toadstool is an edible fungus. the alga
(2) Rust fungi are homoecious. (3) provides food for the alga
(3) Parathecium is fruiting body. (4) releases oxygen forthe alga
(4) In mushroom gills produce basidia 42. Fungi growing on rotten wood are called
Match Column I with Cclurrm IL (l) bracket tun$ (2) coral fungi
Column-I Column-Il (3) puffballs (4) toadstools
(Spores) (Organisms) 43" Naked cytoplasm, multinucleated and saprophytic are
(A) Ascospores p. Diatoms characteristics of
@) Endoryores q. Agaricus (l) monera (2) protista
(C) Auxoryores r. Bacteria (3) tunei (4) slime moulds
@) Basidiospores s. Yeast 44. An association between roots of higher plants and
t. Nephro,lepis
(l) A-s, B-r, C-p, D-q (l) lichen (2) fern
(2) A-s, B-p, C-r, D-q (3) mycorrhiza (4) blue green algae
(3) A-S, B-p, C-t, D-q
(4) A-s, B-t, C-p, D-q 45. Members of phycomycetes are found in
(1) aquatic habitats (2) on decaying wood
According to recent classification system, Mucor is (3) moist and damp places (4) all of the above
classified under
.Eb. vAM
(l) plantkingdom are
(2) animal kingdom (1) saprophytic bacteria (2) saprophytic fungi
(3) both plant and animal kingdom
(3) symbiotic fungi (4) symbiotic bacteria
(4) a separate kingdom 47. Phycology is the study of
Heterothallism means
(l) algae (2) tungi
(l) fusion of two gametes from two thalli of opposite
(3) bacteria (a) all the above
strains 48. Which one of the following statements conceming
(2) fusion of two gametes from thalli of similar strain algae is wrong ?
(3) formation of a zygospore partheno-genetically (1) Most algae are photosynthetic.
(4) torula stage (2) Algae can be classified according to their
Which of the following plants and its mode of nutrition is
(3) A1l algae are filamentous.
not correctly matched ?
(4) Spirogtra does not produce zoospores.
(1) Cuscuta Stem parasite 49. Which among the following shows that two species
(2) Mucor Autotoph algae are closely related ?
(3) Orobanche Root parasite (l) They both respire and release COr.
(4) Drosera Insectivorous (2) They both found in the same habitat.
Yeast are economically important because they
(3) They both reproduce asexually.
(l) (4) They both have same type of pigments.
spread plant diseases
(2) spread animal dis€ases 5(}. A filament of an alga can be differentiated from that
(3) areusedinteaandtobacco industry fungus as
(4) are used in wine and baking industry (1) cells are uninucleate in algae whereas they
multinucleate in fungi
:,9" Yeast is not included in protozoars but in fungi because
(2) chlorophyll present in algae and absent in fungi
(l) ithas no chlorophyll
(3) presence of cellulose cell wall and chlorophyl
(2) some fingat b/phae grow in such a way that they
cells in algae while chitinous cell wall and
grve the ap,pearance of pseudomycelium
chlorophyllous cells in fungi
(3) it has eukr-votic organisation (4) algae are green and fungr are non-green
(41 cell wall is made up of cellulose and reserve food
51. Digestive system is complete where
material is stalch
4il" (1) all the digestive glands are present
Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched (2) both anus and mouth are present
(1) Rhizobium Parasite in the roots of (3) digestion occurs in the caviqy ofdigestive tract
leguminous plants (4) digestion occurs in the individual cells lining
(2) Mycorrhizae - Mineral uptake from soil digestive trac!
(3) Yeast Productionofbiogas
52. Non-chordates have
(4) Myxomycetes - Ringwormdisease
(1) notocord
There exists a close association between the algae and the (2) dorsal tubular nerve blood
fungus within a lichen. The fungus (3) pharyngeal gills cleft
(1) fixes the atmosptneric nitrogen for the alga (4) absence ofhepatic portal system

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