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STRUCTURE OF pMYRIAD (in progress – very rough order only)

Explain form. Explain force. Explain phorm. Explain phorce. Go into detail of the
different types of phorm. Show how we create phorm and how it is created for us.

1 – Our biology
2 – The development of our biology
3 – the development of our brain
4 – acting forces
 biological needs
 common pressures
 advertising
 social engineering
 technology
4 – acting forms
5 – acting phorces -
 prejudice
 neuroses
 blindspots
 programming
 natural inclination
5 – acting phorms
 vantage/pterraces
 psychological pressures
 cultural pressures
 social pressures
 self pressures
 physical pressures
 emotional pressures
 propaganda
 conspiracy
 chemistry
 biology
 body language
 non-verbal communications
6 – history of geometry
7 – development of mathematics
8 - emergence of abstraction
9 – the power of one (insynsian)
10 – what is a phorm?

11 – what is a phorce?
12 – social neuroscience
13 – quantum theory
14 – old jung old freud (old mind theory)
15 – a modern analogy of the mind
16 – questioning mathematics / geometry
17 – a 5th force
18 – doubting infinity

Recent changes – grouped disparate notes in appropriate sections.

Reading PGE 247 Aristotle...

reading Neuro-science Textbook

already read – euclids window, mindwar, scientific american, subliminal.


Pterrace (Vantage)

Why pMYRIAD? Subliminal means in latin, “below Threshold”. Thresholds sequel
was not about the subliminal – but the new-liminal – the desire to present an as yet
relatively unknown field of study of immense importance to the future of humanity
early, before its anticipated time of several decades before occultists learned of it.
Thus pMYRIAD builds on an existing phoundation it does not lay another – and it
invites others to add stones to its monumental epitaph that we may each of us and
One of THEM rise far above the sands toward the sun of blinding illumination.

It seems that mathematics, geometry, physics, magic, SNS, logic, and all other
attempts to classify material into neat categories has failed due to the bleeding into
other spheres that occurs because of the nature of Phorces and Phorms.

Change enough words and you relocate space and time and thought.

Them is neither an in-group or an out-group but a loophole out of any grouping to

recognize that we have changed geometry because of that in-group and thus empathy
and awareness of the corresponding shadow we create with any in-group of an out-
group. So we wear a symbol, encoded with all the things we know our unconscious is
capable of, to create and retain consciously a firm bridge of remembrance in the
conscious mind of the shared influence of the unconscious – lest we forget. We were
perceived as belonging to a controversial group. Now that we have divorced from it
and can help shine a light on SNS, it is likely to change our in-group through co-
operation of goals...

-deliberately imposing more than one perceptual analysis onto an object or person to
disrupt bias of categorization and consciously remind ourselves that our brain is
processing information quickly, with regard to certain modes electro-laid to serve us
in very specific ways of survival, but which can often wrongly inform us.
For instance, we take a picture of a person we consciously do not like. And we begin
to weave different stories about who this person 'is'. Here I use an alien to emphasize
the randomness of our assertions, the conviction we rapidly come to hold of them as a
true picture, and the tragedy that they are almost always wrong.

(a) This is Jim. He is 35. From Texas. Comes from a small family, his mother works
in a delicatessen, his father passed away. He is able to solve a rubix cube in blistering
time. He is kind to his dog. He hates the smell of his neighbours cooking. When he is
45 Jim will be helping his community recover from a tornado strike that kills 17. He
will be hailed a hero. He will write one book, it will not be successful but it will
attract his most beloved in this world, Janet.

(b) This is Jim. He is 12 and lives in a caravan on the outskirts of Broome. He is the
youngest of a family of six who are wealthy. Jim wants a bike for christmas so he can
join in with his friends, Dale and Jason who use the local bmx ramps. He likes
pancakes and will shortly experience the death of his mother. He will travel the world

and be imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. He will be acquitted after six years
and return to Australia where he will return to Broome and end up, knowingly, hiring
the boy at his firm who bullied him the most badly in school. He will treat him well.
He will be struck down by a car aged 56 and live out the rest of his life in a
wheelchair (76).

By people-watching we experience a chance to visit first-hand with our prejudices by

playing amatuer detective, thinking we can know a person by what they wear, say, do,
where they are, how they move, - but here is the best opportunity to scattertype
silently, applying characteristics to such unaware individuals because our conscious
assumptions are almost incorrect as regards the finer details of other humans and the
lives they lead and characteristics they are in fact in possession of.

'This is Jim'. Is common to all scattertypes when scattertyping an individual whose

name we know. If we do not know the person we can scattertype their name. Age. In
fact in does not matter whether we know someone very well or not – it is still
possible to scattertype them, to apply what-ifs, and imaginary values and decorations
to them. We do this all the time regardless – but where scattertyping differs is that it
suggests once we have formed an image of someone – to then apply a scattertype to
consciously remind ourselves that there are many unknowns about the individual and
to remember that whilst we are adept at isolating some truths, we are hopeless at
gauging others. Very few of us will ever be Sherlock Holmes. By doing this several
times, we may be able to dislodge the faith we have in our assumptions that emanate
from older parts of our brain that we have the right blueprint – and remind ourselves
that we can have more than one until otherwise certain. The essence being that we
cannot be certain from observation and presumption alone. What next? – if we can
train ourselves to be less sure of our judgements, will we lose a valuable developed
instinct that keeps us relatively informed of risky environments and people? No – as
the term THEM implies, we merely try to develop both, not as competing functions,
but orderly functions. We allow our natural function to perform its routine scan and
superficial analysis – then, WE, step in and scattertype as a secondary procedure.

We question our assumptions at least once.

We try to identify our prejudices and assumptions.
We listen to our subconscious prompting us with information.
We participate in our conscious evaluations – we do not let them run themselves.

To remind ourselves that we are One of THEM is to use a short word that signifies
awareness of thousands of mental processes at work and our limitations, functions,
adaptions, and ability for social perception. THEM is ambiguous. It is a deliberate
attempt to evolve beyond Insynsian.

And so THEM's Aeye recieves a second Ring enjoining its raw emanation of piercing

insight and hostile introspection evolving it to an encapsulated system of Theph
inside the human skull.

the act of supplying exhaustive reason to our choice or action by written list – and
eliminating all reasons that arise as conscious fabrications and mis-steps in an attempt
to single out the unconscious factors.

PMYRIAD is a hefty collection of information about phorce and phorm but it is only
another Threshold. Each reader is encouraged to take the clues, leads and hooks
offered in it and place themselves in environments where they can learn more of
each, using the categories given as general guides of spheres of import and influence
on these matters. Read about SNS, study sociology and perform your own tests, see
for yourself what is claimed in textbooks, find new and old ways to study your own
body and its limitations, its idiosyncracies, its adaptions and weird problems – like
blind spots, visual dominance ratio, body movements, paralangue, proxemics. There
is no limit to what you can find out about yourself and others by investigating phorce
and phorm. Now, to make use of them is to understand what they do and why, and
reverse-engineer a way to make such things useful. (Insight roles – change word),
social experiment,
sabotage / inverse education, - i.e. if one recognizes that ones ego blurts out racist,
sexist, hostile, or other undesired phrases, one should endeavour to educate the self
with material that directly inspires empathy toward it – few will be able to overcome
their hatreds however as few care to, know to, or can be One of THEM.

Social Experiment. The readers of THEM have been subject to our phorms and
phorces, our sculpted expressions. It is counter-productive to explain the purpose of
many of THEM's written works, for they are intended to use phorms to provoke
certain reactions – which as in sociology, cannot be revealed to its subjects without
ruining the experiment. The problem with classical grimoires is that they enshrine a
particular Dark Age romanticism of seeking to reveal hidden things but sadly sustain
a preoccupation with hiding better things in the process. They tell you the method
but they also insist upon preparing the results – many fool themselves into attaining
an illusion that results in a likeness of the described reality – and for many this is
magic. Particularly so when the in-group claim to have seen supernatural entities or
conspire to given the impression of deep roots where there is only hollow ground. By
Radia Star, Here be Dragons, Heresy and others) not knowing what is being invoked,
provoked, or that something is being invoked/provoked, the conscious is limited in its
ability to interfere in unconscious automations. This is silent alchemy or

THEM's Aeye is a symbol of Far-Reaching Perception

New Map.

Idea for exercise: Them to write a letter to themselves to be opened five years in the

What does THEM wish to accomplish? Though I am certain many have said the same
– the time we live in now is very exciting. Personally, it is the most exciting time of
my life – I am thrilled to have been born at this juncture in time and space and
looking forward to the enormity SNS will shed on our psyches – the very thing I have
been trying to do via the occult and found difficult to reconcile with has been
burgeoning as a science in its own right. But let us not get too far ahead of ourselves
and distance the occult from the scientific. It is readily apparent in any field you wish
to research that at some point, often many points, there comes a confusing departure
from what is known into speculation. Every science therefore has its own event of the
known becoming hidden, or the hidden not yet being known – every discipline has its
event of the occult. Arguments rage over the most basic things which define us; yet
we function just fine without conclusions – but the desire of an objective world is not
just a fantasy that is prayed to be a reachable reality by those who oppose faith and
religion, but by our very psyches where what is required for the brain to function
optimally is the retainment of an illusion of an objective world.

What is THEM but I speaking on others behalf without regard for naught but I, as

Occlusion of Conclusion
a conclusion should, if we are to reinterpret classical literation in the light SNS has
shone on our mental processes, be at the top of an essay. It does not occur that a
subject is assigned objectively via an essay that analyses the facts in turn and then
decides at the end its verdict. The verdict is already decided with the facts presented
to support the Pre-clusion. The brain works in reverse to such practices but its
function of self-image is so strong, authors still traditionally place a conclusion at the
end of their work, indicating no change in perception of this particular aspect of
mental processing as regards forming opinions, has occurred, for hundreds of years.

There seems to be a sense that the occult is special for its metaphysical grasping,
struggling to justify certain concepts the order of the day deems absurd, but all
disciplines endure a similar event horizon.

A Modern Analogy of Anatomy of the Brain.

Or Phantom Quizzics (the orbital union of human psyches)
the tiers of the brain are exceptionally complicated – and is presently described as
having three tiers. T

101 the subconscious layer of reptilian impulse, layered over – then layered over
again by cortical structures allowing higher thinking.

Conscious analysis and focus, awareness, synchrony to help build new layer of
undividual. ((Powers of THEM, available only to introverts?))

beyond most ability to understand but a small portion of it – but this ratio is gaining
with the advent of social neuroscience (SNS) which for the first time, using fMRI
machines is allowing us to see activity in the brain as actions both physical and
mental happen. This science, just a decade old, is illuminating secrets of the
physiology of the human psyche like never before – leaving Jung and Freud's theories
nowhere to hide. This radical breakthrough is so large a departure from the theories
of the past which relied on speculation, and not the observation of oxygenation in the
brain allowing specific activities to be isolated to respective parts of the brain - it has
called for a division between the old unconscious and what is now being termed the
New Unconscious. A combination of social psychology, cognitive psychology and
neuroscience. Just ten years ago in 2001 the first ever symposium on SNS was held –
synchronously enough at about the same time this author was rapidly travelling down
a tangent path of militant occultism, it was spreading its wings unbeknownst to me.
SNS embodies what the former path never could – illumination, evolution,
inspiration, and keys to truly unmask THEM and the genuine powers and pressures of
Phorce and Phorm.
Since SNS will be the cornerstone, the very field that THEM's works slot neatly into
and will now join with – it is necessary to introduce the reader to SNS and to provide
what THEM has already begun to develop in the way of a short-hand map.

We can approach an understanding of this complexity through orienting the complex

material through a lens that is intimately familiar to all human beings – Society.
Firstly let us assert what is being studied here and the realm in which it takes place.

The area is the brain, inside each skull. The brain is composed of 3 areas

Firstly, we can do justice by using anthropomorphism and treating the layers of the
brain tissue as an entwined system of two immense and heavily populated sky-
scrapers that circle back on themselves to form closed rings, a gigantic city in
miniature for convenience termed the Phyctory (but shortened to Theph).

Like a nucleus they are orbiting one another – however to appreciate by analogy

many unknown and uncertain factors of its composition, function and make-up we
visually join the two rings as an impossible object, blurring distinct geometry and
indicating that a greater clarity is yet to emerge.

Secondly, we add a populace of content to the skyscrapers of Theph, illustrated by the

placement of windows and doors in the metaphorical millions. (Brain cell count –
info about brain etc). These apartments we populate with 'tenants' – each one as
individual as any of the seven billion human tenants on earth, with as many or more
idiosyncracies – but also share apt similarities.
As in the modern complexity of a suburb, city or high-rise, some apartments are
connected by terraces or externally/internally by hallways and staircases, some
windows share the same verandah, some tenants share their apartments with others.
The rings denote a living city. Some tenants live with family or know others who live
in areas far from their own as other members of their family, neighbours, partners –
even across town. Some tenants receive regular vistors, some are too busy or too
dangerous to be visited often or at all.

Psycitizens have ranging employment in Theph just as we do, with luxury jobs like
experiencing dopamine to unpleasant jobs like telling the ego, no.

Or the Anterior Cingulate Cortex – a brain structure which is involved in the

emotional component of physical pain and which neuroscience has proven is the
same structure associated with social pain.

Dorsal Striatum – responsible for mediating unconscious bias of similar traits.

Jobs include Maintenance, Finance, Administration, Security, Hitmen, Thugs and

Prostitutes. Whatever new knowledge we gain of the world of SNS, we may
transpose an appropriate function to a human phenotype, to easily and adequately
express it. For by using our over-developed humano-centric perspective we can with
ease stow the intricate complexities of the neural scape into tenants of a city with jobs
to represent the huge array of activities of the brain.

A thriving nightlife every bit as complex as the daylife. Social order and disorder at
odds, as in human society. The care of their psycity is paramount to some, whilst
others seek to burn it down or indulge in crimes. Some tenants conspire to use the
nuclear power of the Theph to power us for good, to harvest resources, attain
knowledge, assist in construction or repair of spaces – others seek only use the
mammoth powers of the Theph to burn the psycity to the ground and even lay waste
to other worlds.

In developed areas, Psycitizens enjoy a near instantaneous postal service which helps
support the economy of information and allows supra-communication, though from

time to time, bad weather, poorly developed infrastructure or even muggings prevents
the postal service from timely relays.

Again deriving similarity from human society - the tenants are socially diverse, living
in a multitude of locales of respective wealth or poverty. There are rich and poor
areas, domestic, commercial & industrial sectors, pleasant street blocks and
nightmarish ones. Some tenants pay their electricity bills (electrical functions used
frequently during processing) and are in good supply leading to repetitious factories
of thought, idea, activity – others are destitute and live in or on the edges of
crumbling ruins. Others still are ghost-towns, devoid of living tenants with smashed
panes or windows tightly nailed shut and whose denizens are shunned or feared. Still
others are completely insane, criminal and dangerous and have been locked away in
minimum and maximum security prisons and asylums. Despite best efforts, breakouts
are regular and police and the Censor must patrol daily.

Stairs, ramps, alleys and byways, overpasses and bridges stagger the physiscape of
Theph – many are heavily used on a daily basis by the throngs of tenants, others,
seldom or never used have fallen into ruin, they lead off into dark space illuminated
by the sole lantern of an un or disconnected ganglion. The renovation or building
project once begun in earnest lays abandoned, synapses protruding like live wires
from half-built structures unlikely to ever be completed. Some are works in progress,
and only left momentarily in limbo before being shaped into yet another architectural
marvel of Theph.

Throughout the psycity, the daily, hourly and even momentary activity of these
tenants – these psyctizens – (for they are not human, and we are best to abandon
'tenant' in favour of a new term to avoid confusion of metaphor with apparent reality)
have profound implications for the Theph.

Even as this complexity occurs daily inside Theph, it is exponential - for entire other
worlds, (Known collectively as the Diph or Dyph) orbit each complex (located in the
skulls of others) which pass into orbit with regularity or irregularity, and allow
interplanetary visitation between tenants of different worlds. This orbital nature of
humans passing into and out of physical proximity is termed Phantom Quizzics, a
play on Quantum Physics. It is difficult to speak of the brain, of electricty, of
anything in a singular vacuum, since physical implies a constant and objective
phenomena -when the time in which we live has been shaken to its foundations by

Though invisible for a long time, we have built machines that allow us to see these
psycitizens at work, and with such fine detail we can even read some of their mail or
build a database of who knows who.
There are however billions of tenants and knowing what each of them do for a living,

their social structure, their relationships and a reliable phonebook are years away. It is
difficult to gain access to the deep underground and sewers, high-rise apartments,
locked and special archives, cemetaries or the dead-psy – places of ruin where
psychaeology has yet to unearth the electrohistory of the psyworld for each world, or
places to dangerous to visit, where sealed tombs with frightening symbols engraved
on their mantle lay behind fierce protection barriers, buried to protect other tenants or
banished for the well-being of Theph.
There exists many thousands of Temples of worship, religiously attended by the
psycitizens in various degrees, some with throngs and others with a lone worshipper
still holding a candle for some long lost idol or overthrown ideal. New temples and
gods are discovered daily with inspired religious fervour and devotion as regular
therein as herein (on earth). On occasion, some phorm of zealotry becomes common
religion and throngs of worshippers send their favoured idols to the Ivory Tower; a
tall thin tower with no room at the top except for one idol at a time, before which lies
a mighty winding staircase that is of such grand length that information is often slow
to reach the tower with news of the psycity below.

There are temples, churches, universities, libraries, museums, markets, law chambers,
courts, prisons, schools, art halls, observatories, memorials, factories and a wealth of
other equivalencies.

The Limbic.

As in the world we know, the electrohistory shares a type of time but it is different to
linear chronology. It is a history with old families and syndicates, enforced by
underworld gangsters, wealth and elite landowners, respected across Theph and with
frequency, beyond the Dyph. These are psycitizens who have lived in an area for
generations (with 90 years being an approximate length before expiry) but the sub-
history of which shares a collective evolution over millions of years, while the
electrohistory is far more recent, (spanning approx 75 years per person). These are
grand architects, developers, council who plan and give permission for grants, land,
new construction and oversee it. When buildings are constructed they suffer from the
same pitfalls as modern day ones – they may be built quickly and suffer from internal
weakness of structure or faulty wiring, they may be sited wrong, the workmen may
be shoddy and leave much to chance to cut corners, they may be torn down or
collapse of their own accord. New buildings may also be paragons – a stunning
architectural showcase. The majority of these tenants belong to old families who keep
to themselves, who seldom reveal themselves to us but are known throughout Theph
by some of its psycitizens as the equivalent of the Illuminati. These oldest derive
from the Reptilian limbic system. They oversee military applications and basic
functions, eating, breathing, heart rate, sympathetic nervous system and
parasympathetic nervous systems, endocrine, neuro-muscular, organs and all key

functions of the human organism. The Limbic system includes a ring of structures
such as the Ventromedial prefrontal cortex, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex,
amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, components of the basal ganglia and
sometimes the orbitofrontal complex.

In one diagram explaining why Special Relativity dislikes Non-Locality two people
facing each other are unable to agree which direction is forward, backward, left or
right because from their individual perspectives – they are each seeing the correct
view. The problem arises though because there are no such thing as directions – they
are a result of our 3 dimensional bias, neither of them are right, there is only relative
perception brought about by our 3 dimensional body. The concept of directions is old
and has been a cornerstone of human navigation for time. But if you set up such
models you constrain yourself to the view that our view has meaning. People disagree
about time and space – this is the essential crux of special relativity. It seems so
obvious that its hard to understand how this took such a long time to be developed
and accepted.

What magic and quantum physics have in common are an essential optimism that
abandons the hopelessness of a Singularity or Insynsic world view where everything
can be explained neatly with the bias that what works for one works for all.
Logical positivism (“If it's not verifiable by experiment, it's meaningless”),
Instrumentalism (“if the predictions work, why worry about what brings them
about?”) and philosophical relativism (“statements can't be objectively true or false,
only legitimized or delegitimized by a particular culture”).

Working with Phorms has brought about all three of these mindsets as conclusions.
Magic in particular suffers from the stigma of non-repeatable results. The very basis
of the medieval grimoire was based on the impressions that by doing A it resulted in
B. And that anyone who followed the same steps could reproduce identical or at least
similar results.
The failure of this to be true for all who employed a grimoire has led to cynicism
regarding their vehicle as unnecessary and a product of imagination, wishful thinking
or charlatanry.
Not being able to replicate the results of grimoires, incantations, or those modern
guides that use similar principles - self-help books – or indeed make true for oneself
what others promise to be attainable by following such steps – a phorm which is used
in nationalism, religion, politics, societies, and generally anyone who wishes to sell
an idea – does tend to result in a period of logical positivism wherein one grows tired
of metaphysics, speculations, guidance and suggestions of the nature of reality for a
more centred perception of what reality is from ones own standpoint – in extremis –
this leads to scorn for all manner of subjective realms such as dreaming, imagination,
prophesy, divination, and other occult practices, as well as unverifiable hearsay,

reports, journalism, the claims of others, particularly non-popular areas such as the
supernatural. Useful as this vantage is, it is only one of many. The experience of
knowing one has experienced something, sharing it with another, and having the
other outright refute the existence of the event despite one knowing it happened is a
catalyst that often leads one to re-question logical positivism.
The common denial of the event of rape is one instance where this is a common
event. Despite the intense trauma endured that leaves scars and pain in the victim
which can be like the result of extreme torture – the physical injuries often fade, the
emotional scarring is superficially invisible and all that is left is the testimony or
silence of the victim.
If something I endured leaves no marks, no physical traces to prove it existed, it is
very hard to prove it happened at all. This is enshrined as a universal practice of
humanity to conceal its deeds. Torture victims and political prisoners are often kept
detained without knowledge of their whereabouts – sometimes to kill them – but also
often to allow the visible signs of mistreatment such as bruising, bleeding, burns to
heal or subside so that when they get to court or released it is difficult to prove
mistreatment. The requirement for proof works greatly to the advantage of many
humans and many professions. The noble art of proving truth as envisioned by the
Greeks is often denigrated to a war between lawyers and who spins the best story.

It is quite incredible the extent to which such vantages or 23 syndromes can interlock
with the mind of a person and reorient their entire reality based on such a narrow
wedge of available perceptions. It is impressive how greatly an idea can have the
effect of controlling the way a person does things to match the motto of a simple idea
to the point that it delimits their reality and reason;- to the point where the very facts
of the existence of an irrational state and skewed perceptions that also operates in the
mind daily due to the over-bearing self-assurance of the ego are completely ignored
or painted over.

Splitting into realist and unrealist camps limits what can be learned from refusing to
explore the other. It seems to be that some human beings do not like to sit on the
fence of things but to firmly know one way or another a single set of truths to be self-
evident. Others enjoy the nebulousness of the inability to pin down the mechanistic
causality of the universe. We occupy a strange mid-ground between these two in
pursuit of the 361 degrees of Phorm;- a desire to super-saturate ourselves with the
Phorm in order to weaken its tissues and punch a hole right through the other side;- or
said another way to exhaustively explore it until it gives up its essential principles
and the secrets of its Phorm.

There is something that can be learned from any Phorm;- and this is where and how
One of THEM differentiates from those who believe either one or the other to be
representative of the truth;- but at all times it is to walk a tightrope;- trusting the ego
to navigate without sacrificing its self-identity;- whilst in all ways adorning itself in

the armour of an idea.

It occurred to me as I was rising in the air looking out of the small sealed window of
the airplane watching the houses and cars recede into the far distance – that at some
point the cars cease to be visible. I know they are there, I've been in one travelling the
road below in a taxi not a few hours before and yet they are invisible as I ascend. The
clouds begin to roll in as we rise above them too and form what I first thought looked
like cotton wool – then I realize as we gain altitude that it is not wool but the
resemblance of our skin when under a microscope, - the Earths skin, - at this Vantage
– has gaping holes in it, it might be raining or sunny below in the various parts of the
country but I will never know because we are above the weather. Though the world
below seems so small, I know the size of those mountains and hills that look like
patchwork – how much bigger and detailed it all is, and how distances telescope
when we land and I am on the earth the size of a human being – yet another Vantage
– and all the buildings and landscapes dwarf me – and inside them – individual rooms
and halls, and in each room more things, each with their own increasing layer of
vantages and mini-worlds from the microscopic to light to the quarks and leptons of
quantum physics... An enormous rainbow arcs across the curvature of the worlds
edge, a brilliant lightshow of the visible spectrum met in the middle by a similar
display of a midnight blue hue that appears to fight for domination of the skyspace.
And as I review the day it dawns on me that this is the perfect name for the interlaced
telscoping/microscoping simulteities. Vantages. And these cars becoming invisible
via relative ascent is the apt metaphor for the ability of our reach to observe.

Vantage/Pterrace – a level of analysis a certain distance inward or outward

on or in which perception is bounded within specialist or stratified limits (i.e.
Riemannian, Euclidean, or Relativist space and apprehension) i.e. topology examines
a certain size object such as fits the size of mountains, ranges, valleys, hills, plains,
seas – but does not include pterraces above such as whole planets nor pterraces below
such as atomic level structure but land-sized features – this is to pterrace phorm (or,
terraform, (pterraphorm – to mentally dictate groupings in order to treat of the phyrm
in size-equivalent groupings). It treats the Phyrm with contracted amplitudo wherein
the grouping of objects related to one another is decided by the pterrace of size.
*The Latin word for Size is amplitudo. The Latin word amplitudo is defined as size, breadth,
dignity, grandeur, greatness.

As I take heed of the macro-micro interelation and watch from my seat as the
passengers mill about selecting their bags, timing their movements on the crowded

plane aisle, as I think about what humans might tell us about the world of secret
physics at large, just as science observes the planets to make inferences about the
near miracle invisible, Do quarks and leptons fall asleep? Is the observation of
particles existing momentarily or haphazardly in fact the particles entering a type
of sleep - just as humans shut down and turn off their consciousness when they
enter such a state periodically? Is this why neutrinos change their type as they
move, just as humans don and shed clothes, temperatures, demeanours? Are we are
sub-replica of the neutrinos?

Are our difficulties caused by the fact that there is something so much faster than
the speed of light that we are in fact doing everything backwards? Is there a veil, a
curtain of crazy of chaos, just as the asteroid belt separates mars and earth, is there
a fundamental flaw in our observation that is causing massive static, until we can
break through and find the silence of insight on the other side - re: the preons?

Books are portals. Information is an entanglement. When an author thousands of

years ago set out to express their ideas, they had no way of knowing that the
longevity of those writings would come this far into the future, who or how it would
affect specific people, or that it would directly influence any particular person across
the span of 2,500 years and relay those expressions as if the author were speaking in
the now.
This is one example of entanglement or non-locality. Aristotles phormation
(comprising all his sentience both conscious/unconscious, chemical, electrical,
nature-binded phorce) affects me and my phormation

(PHORMATION: A collective total of vantages that cover all perceptual viewpoints

of what ones own being is – electrical, chemical, biological, animal, physical, natural,
mind, body, thought, generative, accident, chaos, purposeful, lifecycle, mental,
spiritual + )

as if he had tugged on strings connected to my being through vast tracts of time;-

strings that had by chance or purpose slipped through awkward gaps of space
dodging entropy and destruction to deliver those messages as if from the living voice
with the elegance of an electrical pulse travelling through a net-worked labyrinth of
fibre-optic cables.

The attitude underlying the essential meaning of THEM has always been a staunch
individualosophy that holds in its hand a compression of all possibilities, the
dissolving of realities vantages and phorms that suggest absolutes in the desire to
create an undividual that is affected differently and can affect phorms so as to
increasingly cease to be lead by unconscious commands and sufficiently understand

them to collapse, tame and ride the wild beasts of contradiction.


What is observable about the patterns of science? What do all theories have in common? What is this ultimate
theory of everything that is so desperately sought? It is simply why to the power of why. It is, as observation after
observation will attest, our nature to distort any and all answers to create questions. This is the ultimate theory of
everything and applies to all things and the thingless. Humans must always have something to work toward –
whether it be the phorces of the phyrm that bid us to replicate the invisible workings of the universe finitely
changing its composition – a result of the dynamics of change and time - a product of our biology and a necessity
of our function as relates to the world about us – an ingrained, learned or instinctual desire for insynsian or an
objective unity that suits our inhabited toolbox – or some other unknown compulsion that has been a driving force
since humanity came to be – we must always have something to work toward, both individually and collectively –
some new state to reach, some new puzzle to ponder, even if we must dig up the neatly manicured lawns we verily
stand on to provoke the violence of unique stimulus:- we echo the phyrm (universe) albeit from a vantage that
changes its pitch and reverberation depending on from where and how we yell. We can compress all complications,
all problems, all puzzles, all questions into this simple elegant formula.
If the ground is too hard, we make it soft.
If the wall is too low, we build it higher.
If a circle is too perfect, we ellipse it.
If a theory is to perfect, we struggle to eclipse it.
Merely because of Yy

No matter how bizzarre the join – all things are equalized by Phorm.
No matter how many Phorms – all things are equalized by the Phyrm.


In former phases, the Temple of THEM has adopted mantles of the occult, of magic
and metaphysics to explore the themes with which it is interested, and which
themes served to flesh out new boundaries, possibilities and frameworks through
various approaches of mental, physical and psychological experiences.

This incarnation of THEM you are reading now, marks a temporary watershed;-
There will always be a time for and a focus on intense spirituality and religion,
for dark mysteries and ritual, - we have built various Temples dedicated to such
pursuits with no intention of desecrating them now with an ultimatum of belief.

But herein we are branching out into a new frontier with which we are only vaguely
familiar – and for the purpose and duration of this new enquiry: leaving the
magic behind.

Evolutionarily, we have now passed through the Threshold and our paradigm using
magic will undergo a transformation into science, neurophysiology, physics and
a heavy emphasis on extracting the keys from these fields that will shed new
light on the world of Forms and Forces.

Other Authors on Form...


[Before you begin reading – take a piece of paper and draw the Illuminati seated at a

The most difficult part of Forms and trying to explain them is the sheer magnitude of
Types of FORM are so vast and varied that they do not easily allow a definition since
they may be imagined or conceptual or geometric mass or a single word or complex
network of ideas or many other things besides. To this end I have set out to apply
loose working definitions to demarcate aspects of these phenomena.

PHORM:- The official spelling of THEM's concept of forms. The 'P' indicates an
element of Psychology or involvement of the mind in the phenomena of creating or
perceiving form as opposed to a solely matter-based or physical object separate from

THE LAW OF PHORMS: All forms, are temporary. This is the one constant they
share. Even though some forms last longer than others – they all decay and are
perpetually changing or seen to be changing owing to our relativity as observers and
our own change. This applies to all political and religious forms. Like chromosomes
they multiply, divide and multiply. Schisms are inevitable.

INTERPRETIVE SHELL – All forms are interpreted upon contact with them by the
mind as a genetically developed instinct of survival, safety and control. This allows
us to use our Simulteity log to identify the form as a threat or utility, assess its uses,
facets, meaning, composed material, spatial relevance, proximity to other forms,
other combinations with other forms and general purpose. i.e. a Chair.
This interpretive shell is unique to each individual by relativity and may contain
elements of analysis that are not present in other individuals schemata;- i.e. using the
chair for S&M bondage, firewood, or escape;- pending the environment and event the
chair is interpreted.
An expert in furniture may see different aspects than an amateur and be able to date
it, identify its maker or place of manufacture, assess structural weakness or strength
in relation to other chairs or assess it with a more extensive catalogue of comparisons.

HOLDING CONSENSUS – Many forms have a shared consensus that holds true
across the majority if not universally the mind. Many people use chairs to sit on. It is
a device that elevates one off the ground - for which reason it may be assumed that
the floor be dirty or unclean to eat from but is a practice that hails back aeons. The
chair is of extreme antiquity and simplicity, although for many centuries and indeed
for thousands of years it was an article of state and dignity rather than an article of
ordinary use. It was not, in fact, until the 16th century that it became common
anywhere. The chest, the bench and the stool were until then the ordinary seats used
in everyday living, and the number of chairs which have survived from an earlier date
is exceedingly limited*

PHOTOSPATIAL VISIBLITY – Depending on the acuity of your vision or ability to

see it a form may be apparent to you well before it is apparent to others. Also
depending on the relativity of your proximity and direction to the form you may be in
a better location to see it than others;- i.e. the entire earth from outer space, or an
object of interest in the horizon, or visible only by moving slightly in another
direction such as the next step up.

The human eye is extraordinarily powerful; here is a brief explanation of its limits.

The Earth's surface curves out of sight at a distance of 3.1 miles, or 5 kilometers. But
our visual acuity extends far beyond the horizon. If Earth were flat, or if you were
standing atop a mountain surveying a larger-than-usual patch of the planet, you could

perceive bright lights hundreds of miles distant. On a dark night , you could
even see a candle flame flickering up to 30 mi. (48 km) away.
How far the human eye can see depends on how many particles of light, or photons, a
distant object emits. The farthest object visible with the naked eye is the Andromeda
galaxy, located an astonishing 2.6 million light-years from Earth. The galaxy's 1
trillion stars collectively emit enough light for a few thousand photons to hit each
square centimeter of Earth every second; on a dark night, that's plenty to excite our
Back in 1941, the vision scientist Selig Hecht and his colleagues at Columbia
University made what is still considered a reliable measurement of the "absolute
threshold" of vision — the minimum number of photons that must strike our retinas
in order to elicit an awareness of visual perception. The experiment probed the
threshold under ideal conditions: study participants' eyes were given time to adapt to
total darkness, the flash of light acting as a stimulus had a (blue-green) wavelength of
510 nanometers, to which our eyes are most sensitive, and this light was aimed at the
periphery of the retina, which is richest in light-detecting rod cells.
The scientists found that for study participants to perceive such a flash of light more
than half the time, the subjects required between 54 and 148 photons to hit their
eyeballs. Based on measurements of retinal absorption, the scientists calculated that a
factor of 10 fewer photons were actually being absorbed by the participant's rod cells.
Thus, the absorption of 5 to 14 photons, or, equivalently, the activation of just 5 to 14
rod cells, tells your brain you're seeing something.

THE OSTENSIBLE CRUCIBLE – The simulteity of locations in which information

about the form are held and the subjective arguments for appropriate repositories. i.e.
one person may insist that forms are products of the mind, others of matter, some a
combination of the two. Whether in the head via neurophysiological processes, the
hypocampus, the mind, memory, i.e. storage processes inside the skull, the ocular, as
well as innate to the form itself. When we see a star we in fact see light from the star,
when we see anything we are seeing the reflection of light. ...

ANOMALIC EMBRACE – A child may invariably find the uses of the chair differ
because of their size in relation to it. Whereas the adult is likely only to sit - The
chairs may form a bridge, a cubby house with a blanket draped over it, be tipped
over, be imaginarily encased and used as a vehicle;- an artist may transfigure the
chair by altering its material or structure and by adding to or subtracting various
elements from it. They may see some anomalic use for the legs or the seat;- and in
both of these cases, the form of the chair is under review or investigation by the
anomalic embrace which breaks the holding consensus of the article down to allow
the chair to be re-assessed or re-assigned.

PSYCHOMETRY – Psychological Geometry or Psychometry can be either Intended
or Chance. Functional Geometry should not be confused with Geometric shapes
specifically built with an intent to manipulate or elicit certain responses, emotions or
Many forms have a direct correlation between the Geometry of the Human Form and
the Form itself and the Psychological integration that fits the Form with specific
pressures to manipulate specific Human Emotions. Again we may cite the not-so-
humble chair.**
Intended Psychological Geometry is imbued by the forms architect to induce a certain
emotional state whether it be comfort or discomfort in degrees or extremes. Many
torture devices have precisely this characteristic psychometry because they induce a
sense of restriction or complete immobility and powerlessness. Whilst these may
appear to be ancient devices, they and many more sophisticated, horrific and
ingeniously cruel devices capable of inflicting atrocious agony are employed by
Governments and Military, Police and Paramilitary, Regimes and Reactionaries, right
across the world since ancient times and today (See Amnesty International);- with
being tortured or torturing someone being as common for many as making a cup of
tea in the morning might be for you.
What is darkly fascinating about them is the shapes in which they have been crafted
have been moulded to fit (or not fit) the geometry of the human body – as a reaction
to its shape. They each use knowledge of the physics of the human body to cause
intense suffering and are shaped precisely to do so. Further knowledge of human
anatomy influences the shapes of them as well – i.e. as well as knowing that the
socket of an elbow joint cannot be bent backwards without excruciating pain a
torturer tends to know or learn how much pressure must be applied to make it do so
and the amount of pressure that will cause it to break or dislocate and
correspondingly the geometric design of machinery that can perform the desired
function. Bone is extraordinarily strong — ounce for ounce, bone is stronger than
steel, since a bar of steel of comparable size would weigh four or five times as much.
A cubic inch of bone can in principle bear a load of 19,000 lbs. (8,626 kg) or more —
roughly the weight of five standard pickup trucks — making it about four times as
strong as concrete.
Still, whether or not bone actually withstands such loads depends heavily on how
quickly force is delivered. When you perform CPR, you can give chest compressions
and not break any ribs, but if you apply the same amount of force quickly instead of
slowly, and you can end up having rib fractures. When it comes to unleashing force
quickly, boxers can generate up to 5,000 newtons of force with a punch, more than
that exerted down by a half-ton on Earth's surface. When it comes to kicks they can
obviously generate more force, since there's more body mass behind it. After looking
at kicks from several different fighting styles, experts were found to generate up to
9,000 newtons with them, equal to roughly a ton of force. A quick, sharp blow that
delivers some 3,300 newtons of force has a 25 percent chance of cracking an average

person's rib. It takes more force to fracture the femur — maybe some 4,000 newtons
— since that long thighbone is meant to support the body. The amount of damage a
blow inflicts also varies due to factors such as the amount of muscle or fat covering a
bone and the angle at which the blow lands, as well as the age and health of a person,
which can affect bone strength. The knowledge of these limits may be imbued in the
design of a machine or device which will correspondingly require a special geometric
shape capable of performing the required physics. A baton for instance fits into the
hand, is capable of being moved at rapid speed, can be made of hardwood or steel
and can with repeated beatings eventually fracture and break bones. The tools we
create to do our job depend on our understanding of Forms and Forces.
The shape of some devices is not deliberate but a necessity to perform a certain task –
i.e. a torture rack. To fit the human body onto it – it must be a certain height and
length to match the average human body. But with the psychology torture these
principles of design can often be reversed such as the cages in which victims are
forced to not quite stand or not quite sit. The level of understanding of this principle
of design will determine whether the tool created for the task is of an elegant design,
or a hulking machine – though physics will create its own thresholds which cannot be
exceeded or gotten around.
Nowhere I think is Psychometry more widely prevalent and reaches it depths more
soundly than in the field of architecture and the construction of buildings. It is small
wonder that the Stone masons were so revered or that the psychology inherent in the
soul of cities is altered by the inclusion or subtraction of various monuments, statues,
infrastructure and buildings and the deliberate or accidental arrangements in which
they are placed within that city that either compliment or contradict a space – lending
aura and personality to it, deadening or livening it, with intended and unintended
effects both short-term and long-term.
Chance Psychometry are forms that happen to take on relevance as if intelligently
designed to perform the function we have assigned to it. Chance occurences of
psychological geometry can be seen in forms that we interpret as specific shapes such
as markings on the Shroud of Turin or natural formations that take on determined
shapes such as the Horse-head Nebula.

MONIKER – The common function applied to a form to name, describe or otherwise

categorize it.

BLACK CLAY (Egypt in Coptic) – There are two convenient ways to discern forms.
The first is that they are composed either by nature, man, or accident of the raw
elements chemicals and compounds of matter. What we term these forms is a
convenience, even as it is an integral function – it is nonetheless the interpretative
shell. If we touch a wall we can feel it – that is, we can feel resistance, temperature,
solidity, texture. If we push it it may not move and we sense its mass. By touch alone

we can determine the raw nature of Black Clay in its endless variations of sensory
feel as it actually is – but to describe it we must superimpose over it an interpretative
shell. For it is the nature of the Dexter to categorize what it senses in order to make
sense of it and apply meaning and utility.
If we hold an apple its feel is Black Clay, calling it an Apple is Interpretative Shell.
This Clay is the material of which matter is composed existing in a raw un-named
state in staggering complexity and also effortless simplicity. The effortless simplicity
because whatever it is, it simply is – it exists through its own flux with nature. The
complexity because of the relativity we apply from all our different vantage points
perhaps as an American, a Sudanese, a specific American, a specific Sudanese, a
biologist, a fruit grower, a chemist, a naturopath, a fruit picker and so on. The holding
consensus makes it an apple for many but not for all. It may be shunned in some
cultures and embraced in others, shunned by some individuals and embraced by
others for any number of reasons. But if humans did not exist to name it – it or
something like it, would still grow, without any knowledge that it is supposed to be
known as an Apple but just exist as it is, whatever it is. The Black Clay has many
anomalous compositions as humans continue to discover – such as new species,
giant crystals underground, water on mars and persists of its own accord with or
without us. We have some influence over it and that is where the second kind of form
comes in.

The second way to discern forms is that some have Intent or are STRUCTURED
CLAY. People say certain things to influence others to think certain things. People
frame situations in various light to achieve an agenda whether it be telling a white lie,
confessing to being abducted by aliens, or blaming someone for eating the last piece
of cheesecake. We do certain things, perform given actions to achieve some result or
reaction. We place our will into things as if animating a golem or automaton, robot
even, to do what we want them to do. But in many cases, perhaps almost all, imbuing
Intent is rarely a Singular intent but a chaotic collaboration of Collective Will. It is
often characterized by consensus agreement where additions and alterations occur to
meet various standards, whether they be approval of superiors, fashion of the times,
political or religious pressure, technology and materials available, skill and training
of executors, cultural aesthetics and difficulties and challenges imposed by other
forms and forces. The architect(s) of the United States Capitol for instance wanted the building to reflect the
function that was to be performed within it but lacked the imagination and artistic
skill to accurately execute this task single-handed. Only through intense collaboration
(and slave labour) was it achieved and a mish-mash of individual ideas and skills
required to birth what no single individual actually wanted or could have achieved on
their own.
Another way to talk about form being imbued with Intent is through its Symbolic
Gesture. For instance, when we take a brief look at some of the ways in which certain
features were laid out in the Capitol we become aware of the Purposefulness and

Intent with which it took on the shape it did to cause certain connections, experiences
and responses to occur by those who used or visited it:
Under the Rotunda there is an area known as the Crypt. It was designed to look down
on the final resting place of George Washington in the tomb below.
A star inlaid in the floor marks the point at which Washington, D.C. is divided into
its four quadrants; however, the exact center of the city lies near the White House.
Eleven presidents have lain in state in the Rotunda for public viewing, most recently
Gerald Ford. The tomb meant for Washington stored the catafalque which is used to
support coffins lying in state or honor in the Capitol.
The Hall of Columns is located on the House side of the Capitol, home to twenty-
eight fluted columns and statues from the National Statuary Hall Collection. In the
basement of the Capitol building in a utility room are two marble bathtubs, which are
all that remain of the once elaborate Senate baths. These baths were a spa-like facility
designed for members of Congress and their guests before many buildings in the city
had modern plumbing. The facilities included several bathtubs, a barbershop, and a
massage parlor.
A steep, metal staircase, totalling 365 steps, leads from the basement to an outdoor
walkway on top of the Capitol's dome. The number of steps represents each day of
the year.

The Sympathy of architecture symbolically represents a wholistic category of its

subject matters respective features and ethos (in this case all of the key factors of the
history, purpose and power of Congress); it reflects important numbers, dates and
events, and places emphasis on various factors such as achievements, scope, purpose
through sympathetic symbolism by matching the geometry of its material and shape
to reflect concepts and ideas. How many visitors could know this unless told? Would
you feel or notice such Intent in architecture – perhaps wonder why there were so
many pillars, or equate the star on the floor with the greater concept of the quadrants
– or would you feel merely displaced by the unusual design? How conscious we are
of these inlaid secret meanings architects have imbued the forms with is an
exceptionally interesting subject;- marketing, packaging, advertising, are some of the
most powerful human forces there are for controlling choice, technology, public
awareness, interpretative shell, consensus holding and second perhaps only to
violence as a force of co-ercion. It is doubtful that anything can ever be designed by
one architect since they are rarely allowed free-reign and must consult with others
whom have contracted them to build something to achieve a specific purpose – and to
achieve such things requires many hands and many minds all of whom influence or

want to influence the final design;- as well as natural or imposed limitations that
prevent, cause change, or force alteration to a design;- the architect themselves must
draw on what has been created before by similar principles of collectivism.

NYW WYRMS – As a unified collective, Forms may be said to be composed of a

substance that is capable of taking any shape, material or concept. Rather it is those
elements identified in the periodic table of which they are chiefly composed and the
dizzying interactions they perform when exposed to one another (Fusion), in isolation
over time (Decay) etc. On a molecular level these interactions are of great
fascination as they surely occupy a grand seat in the operations that forms perform
that the human eye cannot naturally see or only see with special equipment. As you
read this article, or receive any new stimulus or information you are assessing it. If
you are actively learning from the information you may mentally begin to adjust your
understanding of the subject matter by dismantling existing notions to be replaced
with updated or improved ones.
This may involve trimming an unwanted fact or myth from your knowledge about the
subject matter and re-forming a new idea or set of ideas about it. When you are in the
mental process of breaking the existing form down and replacing it – this is nyw
wyrms. The analogy being that new ideas worm their way into your existing
schemata of the subject matter causing a geometric realignment and new shape to be
created. This is not to say that your concept of 'Prawn Farming' is round or triangular
but that the set and sub-sets of your knowledge of prawn farming have specific
inclusions that are relevant and exclusions that are irrelevant lending a certain 'shape'
to your ideas as a key fits to a lock.
The more you know about Prawn Farming, the more intricate the key and more
demanding the lock.

Nyw Wyrms (New Worms) has an odd spelling like other terms used because they are
meta-concepts;- it is only an analogy that something swims around or burrows like a
worm into something else and causes it to decay or become something else;- an
artistic metaphor. This convenient inaccuracy has been acceptable from our platform
of working within the occult and will always be a temptation where knowledge peters
off into darkness of the unknown - but it is not acceptable working from a platform of
psycho-social studies.
If we put a frozen pizza in the microwave we can heat it. If we put it in for an hour
we can reduce it to black carbon. If our ideas are tested we may alter them. If our
ideas are put under great pressure and stress we may completely transform them or
have them transformed for us. The analogy suggests that there is a common invisible
creature in the trillions that acts as a building block for the composition of forms;- in

the case of Black Clay this is the chemical make-up of various forms of matter. In the
case of mental ideas an infestation of creatures into the core of an idea that multiply
with one another and the old idea, kill off or force to leave Oldyr wryms (Older
Worms) and cause the original form to change into some other new form. Worms are
appropriate because they burrow into the ground, can be cut in half and still live, have
many individual segments and work together as a whole. They digest nutrients from
the dirt and expel waste. They leave castings.
We often feel that something new has gotten into our brains when we are excited by a
new idea. We can think about the advantage of accepting the new idea in parts or
whole whilst still retaining the existing view we have of its subject matter. Our
thoughts are impossibly complex when broken down into segments, but we must
break them down into segments to make use of their full potential and attain subtlety
and complex variations. We take what we think is useful and discard the rest. But we
always retain echoes and memories of previous ideas even if only as a comparison of
a new ideas superiority, similar to old castings or skins – and may even revert back to
using these old castings or skins as part of or a whole whenever there is call for it or
we psychologically regress.

The task of the Temple of THEM over the next five years will be to learn share and
analyze existing theories of neurology, physics, and noetics to sharpen the detail on
what are as yet fuzzy approximations relating to the neural processes that contribute
to form. Without foreknowledge of what has been explored and which processes
share similarity with concepts put forward by THEM we cannot know if we have
double up and given a new name to an already existing form that may be better
explained by specialists. As time progresses we will update relevant sections.

APPLIED VERTICE – The points of description used to define or pull an object out
of quantum/space. “Red”, “Round”, “Ball”, “Mine”,”There”. Etc.

MICRO-VERTICE – The esoteric belief that each applied vertice consists of smaller
units indicated as thus: R.E.D.RO.U.N.D.B.A.L.L.M.I.N.E.T.H.E.R.E – that each
letter or sound has its own particular secret geometry that causes it to be combined
with another letter but not others. Why for instance do we refer to ourselves as I and
not J or Z (with the one exception of the so-named rap artist).

Geodesic = shortest route.

LOGIC notes

141 Riemann – what is common to all math/space theories is us at the fulcrum of
proof – what if earth were square or we had eyes in the back of our heads – this
would immediately invalidate curved space/time. Can we step out of ourselves as the
centre of each of our universes, and more than that, escape the prejudicial examples
we give that relate the earth in humanetry?

Newtonian determinacy is challenged by acknowledgement of Insynsian – the desire

to singulate reality by phorce.

Hilbert 1930 – identified points in space with numbers by turning points into numbers
hilbert translated fundamental geometric concepts and axioms into arithmetical ones.
Thus proof of any geometric theorem translates to an arithmetical or algebraic
manipulation of co-ordinates.

Grelling and Nelson Paradox 1908: the words are treated as intrinsically objective –
we sustain their meaning through agreement to honour the term supplied, but which
terms have been deliberately posed against each other to create an impossible
problem. It is impossible because one assumes one is not allowed to alter it – but to
make the best of it (forced choice) – and this is what causes paradox – being asked to
reconcile impossible terms after one's agreement to honour them. What we forget is
that none of the words are objective, we can change their meaning. Grouping words
is clumsy even if useful and relies heavily on our suspension of belief to objectify
such groups. This should be recognized and lapsed/relaxed where need be, i.e. just
place the word in either pool and treat it as belonging to that set because only from a
few vantages does it make any sense anyway. A paradox is simply a knot of logic that
works outside of the law of Insynsian which is so strong we cannot allow ourselves to
interfere with the paradox but stand in awe of it like Dorothy in awe of the great Oz.
We created the words, invested them with meaning, and can just as easily, de-
construct words and change their meaning. If the paradox is that it cannot fit into
either pool – we simply place all three pools into a larger pool called Form.
149 Kurt Godel 1930's a true statement that cannot be proved.


infinity is lazy.
Contraction of surplus and unit or bit. Replaces unprovable concept of 'infinity' with a
finite amount but one with a surplus of units that is undefined but not endless. i.e. a
surbit of stars.
Surbition: to deny the concept of infinity and use finite if uncounted units in ones
terms. Infinity – unprovable, and no examples exist.

A common example given of infinity is being unable to write down the largest
number because you can always add one. In theory you can. In practice, you can't.
The theory of infinity is confused with the existence of infinity. There is nothing
infinite. Even if a person lived their whole life writing down a number and adding
one, eventually they die. Even if they passed the tradition on to the next person, they
too eventually die.

The tradition of this might go on a few more generations but it has to stop because
other forces prevent the practice. We can say what if other forces did not prevent the
practice, but then enter back into theory, because other forces DO prevent the practice
and thus no example of infinity can be given. No proof supplied. Let us consider a
tradition that has been in longer existence, the culture of China. Some 5000 years. If
we represented each year by a jellybean, it would be enough to fill a large paint can
twice. Christianity would fill it once. Is this infinity? What about the stars or the
grains of sand – are these infinite? No. So why do we refer to them as infinite?
Because we cannot count them. (more...). The universe does therefore possess
objectivity because it does not have infinity. Nothing goes on forever because we
have no concept of forever, either. We use it like we do, but we don't. Forever relating
to a human lifetime of 70 years, at best.


Quantum physics describes force as interactions between particle exchanges.

All relativity is, is allowing there to be more than one observer comment. It is a good
step toward the state of THEM – but yet it is curiously twisted back into Insynsian –
the unified idea of one, the ancient apex of monotheist striving that has dumbed down
and hampered human ability to develop to think multiplicitously. Social media may
very well be another prong of this development as the arches of the mono-god
complex break down.
194 – jumps to wild statement. It is one thing for humans equipped with optics and
particular sentient biophysicality to witness relativity, it is another entirely to give the
same powers and assumed experience to objects.

What causes relativity? Prejudice in rellation to our adpations; being forward facing
eyes, forward facing feet, and the centrality of the gentials. We can only percieve 3
dimensions because that is how we are apphyrmed.

Secondly – human abstracts are the height of inaccurate fumbling – so what if one
person insists they are at rest and another that they are in motion – its only human
observation, and if maths which brazenly ignores messy things and trims things to
shape for convenience, is anything to go by – one or both of the observers is wrong.
It is the language used that create paradox, not the physics – sciences next big
breakthrough will come from a radical revision of of language, bringing it into
awareness of a higher level and appreciation for the flawed nature of current usage
that sustain error through isolating science from interior fundamental changes.

155 Newtonian Physics: Newtonian physics imply an object will continue in uniform
motion in a straight line (and) at constant speed unless acted upon by an external
force. But the “attraction of a game arcade” is not a force, but it might be a phorce
since it is the brain that registers interest;- is it gravity, em, weak or strong nuclear
force that causes someone to change course in the street and head toward the arcade?
Or none of the above – an unidentified force, called phorce – involving the human
thought processes. Or does electromagnetism thirst for reward, fire off electrical
impulses to the guidance and memory systems, engage the legs to start moving
toward the desired target. Do we, or does it? But which force is it – and why would
EM desire us to go to the game arcade?

(History of Gravity?)

189 – the length of objects depends on the observer who is looking.

196 – hans is at rest in motion at rest in motion. We are on a giant ball spinning
through space at some 18,000 km an hour. We are always moving. The common
sense of pterraces seems missing. Seat (at rest) – wheel (in motion) – horizon park (at
rest) – earth (in motion) – solar system (in motion) R over M divided by I. Where I
= inverse proportions by anyone along the chain not seated.

If we measure the side of a square with a ruler marked in inches, cms and some other
non-common measure we will find 3 different measurements. Time, is exactly the
same. What is your ruler?

“Einstein and other realists held that the whole point of physics is to come up with
some mental picture, however imperfect, of what objective reality is”

 and for the length of several decades this is precisely what the literature
favoured – hardening collective concepts of reality toward realism. Ideas too
far from this focus were deemed fringe, and received little support from the
established science where the holding of certain ideas, the challenging of time-
honoured facts, are taboos – and what is taboo in science is effectively closed
out. Until time passes and such ideas gain favour when the original ones fail to
achieve results. This is the kicking mule nature of humanity. It moves and
forms collective ideas in stubborn clusters and kicks out at anything that tries
to move a different way. This is observable in all of the history of inventions
for instance, where time after time, inventions are passed over at the time
because no-one has the foresight to see their application – only to be “re”
invented in a time later on. The fight that must go on to stand in the shadow of
the accepted facts of the day has seen us struggle time and time again to
achieve shared breakthroughs precisely because of such a kicking mule like
mentality that often misses, clouds and sabotages opportunities for leaps
forward in knowledge for various human-centred reasons. It is not enough for a
person to have a brilliant idea – they must convince others, they must seek
funding and permissions to implement it, they must struggle against existing
technologies and prevailing views, they must be careful not to fall foul of
politics and religion, to upset the apple carts – and eventually they must let
others take it from them to be used by the collective. This can hardly be short-
cut – this stubborness much as it may also hold us back, is the mainstay of
human progress – testing and trialling ideas that work, supporting economic
expansion for instance;- but it is the nature of Phorms – they are fragile things
that must fight to survive or have others fight for them. Some ideas are rogue,
and gather momentum that cannot be stopped no matter the political brakes
being applied – such as the notion of a round earth. These are ROGUE phorms.
But we must learn to appreciate them and their intrinsic beauty as equally
important elements in how phorms grow and die. There are ugly phorms,

terrifying phorms, unpleasant phorms, and resistance to let ideas blossom is
just another of their types. The secret life of phorms is as rich as it is difficult to
explore for it encompasses real and unreal, fact and fantasy;- THEM do not
decree which is valid but consider life an ongoing exploration to understand
them all.
 It is nice to believe that the descriptions handed down by those working in
various fields are descriptions of observed or somehow real phenomena which
we could see if we were to look into the electron microscopes or have access to
the advanced mathematical data they do. It is fair to trust that the observed data
was accurately described;- though we may very well personally have described
it differently if we could observe it for ourselves. It is one thing to read about
the world of micro-organisms – it is quite another to have looked through a
microscope and seen them for yourself. It is philosophy to discuss how
humanity could leave the planet – it is something else besides to have seen it
from space or been a visitor to the moon. It is one thing to hear about quantum
physics and light speed and black holes – it is quite another to witness it for
ourselves. If we could see or for ourselves perform some experiments that
allowed us to see or predict or guess at what physicists see – or see an atom, or
a molecule, or a quark we might be more inclined to believe in their testimony
in a quite different way because we might then be personally invested with an
experience of quantum physics having seen these things for ourselves. As it is
we have only their reports to base our findings on.

What examples of a one dimensional or even two dimensional object can we give? A
dot on a computer screen? Which is a signal of binary indicating the computer to light
up pixels – but if it is light that we are seeing then it is refracting something that
clearly has depth as we can see when passing light through a prism that it has depth
or bandwidth - thus the dot is visible because it is refracting light and light, small
though it may be has depth.

 note of expectaions: at the shop many strangers come in, up to thirty a day.
Few introduce themselves by name and are only in front of me for a few
minutes at most – most of which is not a duration of eye-contact. This omission
of their information is non-verbal and does not seem to be consciously
recognized by them.
 Sometimes, the phone rings and a person identifies themselves as 'Dan' –
during which they make many crucial assumptions that indicate how the brain
works. Firstly they assume that I will recognize their voice (which is often
altered by phone). Secondly they assume I will match their voice to their face.

Thirdly they assume I know their face, voice and can match their name to those
factors. Fourthly, and most curiously, it seldom occurs to them they have never
given me their name. His vision of coming into the shop, isolates me into his
world when he rings, thinking of our shop in which he stood chatting hours
ago. He unconsciously supplies the memory with a far different level of
communicated information than occurred.
 Dan tells me he was in the shop a few hours ago. In his mind, by his voice
alone I should recognize him though we may have exchanged as few as a
dozen words and I know no-one by the name of Dan.
 Now it gets interesting. When I press him for more information 'Dan who?' he
gets agitated and says 'You know, its Dan! I was in the shop a few hours ago!'
He is surprised, and even annoyed when I make verbal struggle sounds of
trying to recollect – his voice rises and delivers shorter sharper syllables but
immediately relaxes the strain in his voice when I feign knowledge 'Ah Dan,
no worries mate, what can I do for you?'. It is incredible that a person can have
such an intense sense of self-image that they project themselves into the
memories of others... that they assume because They know who they are, that
anyone else should know who they are. The same phenomena occurs with
email – people with names whom I do not recognize pop up and begin to talk
casually with me but I do not know who they are because they have no face or
pseudonym to identify them. Yet they expect me to know who they are – and
they don't even have a tone of voice let alone a face. This personal insistence of
the I is both remarkable – and dangerously inept.

From Scientific American Mind

36 – scattertyping has another version called cognitive reappraisal – revisiting and

de-negativising stressful situations.

38 – biology of resilence

63 – covers the phenomen of eye movements. Inattentional blindness. The eyes and
brain have difficulty finding an object if they don't know what it is – similarly, if they
do, they tend not to see other objects. When my ninja instructor told me that just by
draping a cloth over my head to decrease the shape of my head and shoulders and the
shine of my skin I could hide in plain view I was skeptical. One day I played hide and
seek with some others. Having few places left to hide that I hadn't used already I tried
to just be humourous and lay down in a corner of the yard under a vertical trestle with
a green camo cloth over the upper half and lay there patiently expecting the search
party to spot me immediately. (spot me immediately indicates unconscious
knowledge of eye movement factors) – they walked right by me several times and it
took them about fifteen minutes to realize where I was, right in front of them.

This phenomena of camouflage has always been of great interest to me. When
training on a night mission in a forested area in teams of ninja I surprised myself (and
others) with two standout techniques that employed deft camouflage. The first was
hiding in the roots of a tree trying to imitate the root system and not breathing and
consciously withdrawing my presence so that I was a null void. My black belt
instructor walked within half a metre of me, directly past my position. As I tagged
him from behind he was clearly surprised that I had 'come from nowhere'. The second
was seeing a group of enemy ninjas sneaking up the hill, armed with shinai. (bamboo
sowrds) I adopted their gait and crouch stance and began crawling up behind them.
They turned around when they heard me obviously startled and suspicious. I put my
fingers to my lips and largely ignored them, pretending to be staring intently up the
hill at the 'enemy' with them. I cemented my camouflage by crouch walking past their
position a bit so that my back was entirely vulnerable to them – perhaps thinking that
their enemy would never be so brazen or leave themselves so open they accepted me
as one of them. I signalled moving over to the right and let them pass, pretending to
keep an eye on the hill below. As they moved, I struck all three one after the other on
the ankle, hip and shoulder causing them to 'be out'. They stared at me in amazement
and confusion perhaps wondering why their side had struck them and then it dawned
on them what had happened.

65 low prevalence affect.

74 the danger of over-hyping SNS (taking a step back)
last page – mapping the human brain (developments)

From Leonard Mlodinows “SUBLIMINAL”

Late 1990's – fMRI become available / nerve cells. Circulation oxygen consumption.

46 Micro-saccades = jiggling movements by the 6 muscles in our eye some 100,000

times daily are the fastest movements executed on the human body.

49 Phonemic restoration = (the filling in of missing syllables with expected sound)

64 Memory consists of deep structure and surface structure. Deep structure = a

surbit+) surface structure = (8-10 secs)

86 TOM – Theory of Mind, six degrees of separation, six degrees of Intentionality.

113Branding someone with a phorm has a proven effect.

114 Science is still unsure how language evolved.

116 Muscles in the smile (zygomaticmajor + orbicularis oculi)

119 tie-signs (non-verbal cues of connection to a partner)

121 eye-time relative to social position. (visual dominance ratio)

123 automatic distance of mutual comfort (social re-positioning of bodies to match

preferred fields)

125 categories of non verbal communique – body movements, paralangue,


194 – Subliminal – mlodinow summarizes the unconscious.

205 motivated reasoning – how and why we fool ourselves.

206 Subliminal - How brains create unconscious biases.

The level of inflation and correct degree must maintain 'illusion of objectivity'.

208 What prompted my avid fascination with phorm and the influence of the mind
was the state of the world I inherited experience of post world-war 2. I tried to find an
objective account, naively believing history to be fact-based, tried and tested and
narrowed down through various reliable, incorruptible tribunes to cold hard truths on
which most could agree. What I found (E.H.Weber) account was that the phorm, then
a mere wyrm, of 'race' was a political invention, a motivator of simple elements in
human tradition that were exploited to exact certain phorces. I wanted to understand
this great war which had left so many dead, which had left such vitriol in the
memories of those who could recall it, of the actions of the soldiers, the civilians, the
allies and enemies, the politics and figures who had somehow lead the world into a
furious battle that had shaped the world in which I was born and where god and evil
stood diametrically opposed as if real phorces. Neither side, Nazi or Jewish could be
trusted to tell the truth, to reveal what happened – we know now that this is because
human perceptions differ widely from individual to individual, and each will swear to
his account, because they believe it accurate. Both sides embellished the role of the
other, both tried to play victim – began to show me there are two sides to every story
– but this is now exponentially more sides than two, including sides within our very
own story, let alone the competing stories of others. The causal meshing of sound,
action, emotion, event, time, space occurs – but we have no way to observe it as an
independent as it occurs outside of us and our perceptions – only to turn forces in
Phorces, and forms into Phorms.

Solving alzheimers, increasing multiplicity of mind without succumbing to

schizophrenia, respect for the dignity of humanity, changing the brain through re-
application of daily usage by breaking tradition and introducing new ones, to evolve
perception to a blinding light, to wake some in the dark and spread the wyrd, to make
a common tradition of SNS so more attention is given it and a critical mass attained,
to know whether suffering can be reduced.

From M.A.Aquinos Mind War

63 project stargate which aimed to study remote viewing failed because transmissions
of visual information to the brain do not occur outside of the visible EMS (approx
400-790 Thz).

64 aquino discusses ESP and NLP favourably as part of project jedi

66 – psycon #1 homo electromagneticus

#2 brainwave resonance
1-3hz delta waves: charac of deepl sleep
4-7hz theta waves: charac of high emotion, violence and frustration
8-12hz alpha waves: charac of meditation, relaxation and “searching for patterns”
13-22hz beta waves: charac of frontal brain activity, deliberate effort and logical
#3 magnetism (magnetic fields influence thought)
#4 chronobiology (time differences and affectation)
#5 proxemics (invisible proximity fields) FD/CD – keeping a lion at bay.
#7 color - spectrum of EMS
#8 shapes
#9 hypnotism
#11 fields
#12 magic

BRAIN sections

Fusiform – area in the brain that analyzes faces.

Orbitofrontal cortex associated with pleasure.



What is a vacuum?

Research – “Forced Choice” experiment

Idea? Write 3 books. One is this one, with accurate facts according to my
understanding and which champions all phorms as valid. One is a skewed version
which deliberately attributes the wrong names to the wrong discoveries, skews the
discoveries and facts. The third champions Insynsian – the apex of one singularity.
I also wanted to include the Lord's Prayer in the frontispiece of the book to indicate
how much phorm a power has. Such a prayer has no place within THEM's writing, so
how will the reader react to its presence? Will they see that it there to elicit a reaction
– will they be surprised, disappointed, confused, angry?

Relational vertices called Prepositions include: of, and, for, to, from, is, it, etc. ---
research more.

Neuro-Lingustic Programming (research)


141 c.1894 elliptic space – concepts of inbetween, behind, in front, inside/outside
cease to be simple concepts.
c.1900 mathematics viewed as logical abstract space not physical space.
Huygens 1678 – uses term ether or aether from aristotles 5th element.
1801 – Thomas Young shines two light beams through slits – finds interference.
1865 James Maxwell – electromagnetism.
Kant – time and space as products of perception.
Hilbert 1930 – identified points in space with numbers by turning points into numbers
hilbert translated fundamental geometric concepts and axioms into arithmetical ones.
Thus proof of any geometric theorem translates to an arithmetical or algebraic
manipulation of co-ordinates.

THALES - genius of geometry

PTOLEMY (Almagest)
Susskind, Bohr, Einstein



BODY LANGUAGE. Accounts for 93% of our communication.
Coaching in voice and posture, timing, cadence, pitch, are given to many people in or
seeking power, including politicians. This is an attempt to cover the natural
giveaways expressed through the face hands or body that indicate the truth – and
portray an artificial confidence, submission, humility, sadness, that is able to
convince the observer the phorm is authentic. In the late 1960's Dr Paul Eckman,
pioneered a study that found there to be 7 universal states of emotion that were found
to cross all cultural boundaries. By comparing the facial expressions of a group of
natives in Papua New Guinea, Japan and people in Western countries he found there
to be seven states: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, contempt, disgust.
Through a series of studies, Ekman found a high agreement across members of
diverse Western and Eastern literate cultures on selecting emotional labels that
fit facial expressions. Expressions he found to be universal included those
indicating anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Findings on
contempt are less clear, though there is at least some preliminary evidence
that this emotion and its expression are universally recognized.[13] Working
with his long-time friend Wallace V. Friesen, Ekman demonstrated that the
findings extended to preliterate Fore tribesmen in Papua New Guinea, whose
members could not have learned the meaning of expressions from exposure to
media depictions of emotion.[14] Ekman and Friesen then demonstrated that
certain emotions were exhibited with very specific display rules, culture-specific
prescriptions about who can show which emotions to whom and when. These
display rules could explain how cultural differences may conceal the universal
effect of expression.
By 1978, Ekman and Friesen had finalized and developed the Facial Action
Coding System (FACS) to taxonomize every human facial expression. FACS is an
anatomically-based system for describing all observable facial movement for
every emotion. Each observable component of facial movement is called an
action unit or AU and all facial expressions can be decomposed into their
constituent core AUs.[18] An update of this tool came in the early 2000s when
it was renamed F.A.C.E. (Facial Expression, Awareness, Compassion, Emotions)
and redeveloped as a tool to learn about identifying and recognizing facial
expressions in the human face.

Other tools have been developed, including the MicroExpressions Training Tool
(METT), which can help individuals identify more subtle emotional expressions
that occur when people try to suppress their emotions. Application of this tool
includes helping people with Asperger's or autism recognize emotional

expressions in their everyday interactions. The Subtle Expression Training Tool
(SETT) teaches recognition of very small, micro signs of emotion. These are
very tiny expressions, sometimes registering in only part of the face, or when
the expression is shown across the entire face, but is very small. Subtle
expressions occur for many reasons, for example, the emotion experienced
may be very slight or the emotion may be just beginning. METT and SETT have
been shown to increase accuracy in evaluating truthfulness.

Detecting deception[edit]
Ekman has contributed to the study of social aspects of lying, why we lie,
[19] and why we are often unconcerned with detecting lies.[20] In a research
project along with Dr. Maureen O'Sullivan, called the Wizards Project (previously
named the Diogenes Project), Ekman reported on facial "microexpressions"
which could be used to assist in lie detection. After testing a total of 20,000
people[21] from all walks of life, he found only 50 people who had the ability to
spot deception without any formal training. These naturals are also known as
"Truth Wizards", or wizards of deception detection from demeanor.[22]

Ekman is also working with Computer Vision researcher Dimitris Metaxas on

designing a visual lie-detector.[23] His research on deception inspired the
television series, Lie to Me, in which he served as a consultant; this was an
excellent opportunity for Ekman to spread his work on microexpressions, while
not directly accredited for his work, his work did eventually become part of pop
culture to some extent as a result of the show.

Contributions to our understanding of emotion[edit]

In his 1993 seminal paper in the psychology journal American Psychologist,
Ekman describes nine direct contributions that his research on facial expression
has made to our understanding of emotion.[25] Highlights include:

Consideration of both nature and nurture: Emotion is now viewed as

a physiological phenomenon influenced by our cultural and learning
Emotion-specific physiology: Ekman led the way by trying to find
discrete psychophysiological differences across emotions. A number of
researchers continue to search for emotion-specific autonomic and central
nervous system activations. With the advent of neuroimaging techniques, a
topic of intense interest revolves around how specific emotions relate to
physiological activations in certain brain areas. Ekman laid the groundwork for

the future field of affective neuroscience.
An examination of events that precede emotions: Ekman's finding that
voluntarily making one of the universal facial expressions can generate the
physiology and some of the subjective experience of emotion provided some
difficulty for some of the earlier theoretical conceptualizations of experiencing
Considering emotions as families: Ekman & Friesen (1978) found not one
expression for each emotion, but a variety of related but visually different
expressions. For example, the authors reported 60 variations of the anger
expression which share core configurational properties and distinguish
themselves clearly from the families of fearful expressions, disgust expressions,
and so on. Variations within a family likely reflect the intensity of the emotion,
how the emotion is controlled, whether it is simulated or spontaneous, and the
specifics of the event that provoked the emotion.

He went on to systematically categorize the movements of the muscles in the face

and broke down the complexity of the expressions into a type of alphabet so that
scientists could talk to each other and more accurately describe the movements of a
particular face. The Germans attempted this twenty years prior through their intense
interest in phrenomonology and the desire to prove the racial superiority of the Aryan
vs. the Jew. During which, across the lands they occupied, they studied the shapes
and sizes of the cranium, the grouping and prominence of facial features, blood type,
bone density, height, and other factors (LOCATE SOURCE) to confirm the
supremacy of the white skinned man as part of their political schtick. Whilst deemed
monstrous – it is comparable with the categorizations made by developed countries
for political security built on immense databases of human characteristics of all ages,
races, and cultures that has led to invasive procedures that silently scan, observe,
identify, and classify the face of every human being who enters an airport or other
location with IFRS (Intelligent Facial Recognition Software) fitted as a standard
technology. What was used to once indignantly vilify the research of the Nazi's is
now big business and a staple technology increasingly dominating our lives as an
invasive method to extract our true intentions, stripping us of one more layer of
privacy that was available to humans as part of their survival camouflage. Take for
instance this introduction by Noldus, a company that studies and sells technology that
analyses and classifies human behaviour:
Noldus Information Technology develops innovative solutions for behavioral
research on humans and animals. These can vary from industry standard
software packages and lab equipment to fully integrated observation labs
including training and support. With almost 25 years of experience we translate
your questions into practical and proven solutions and services. By executing
consulting projects such as recording videos, coding behaviors, and performing
data analysis, Noldus’ consultants add value to your research project.

Our systems have found their way to more than 5.500 universities, research institutes, and companies in over 75 coun-

We can even use the latest internet technology to remotely solve problems on your own computer.

When evaluating the emotional impact of video games, a number of measurements during interaction is recorded. Two
measurements are collected from the game pad: accelerometers record game pad motion, and the game pad buttons
provide data regarding the pressure applied during play. Published studies have shown that such data can in-dicate
points of player arousal

If you need to be mobile during observations, but also require accurate coding and analysis, Pocket Observer offers the best solution for your research
by combining the power of The Observer® XT with the portability of a handheld device. Pocket Observer allows you to code behavior while literally
looking over the shoulder of free ranging test participants, in just about any location.

Interestingly, it describes its innovations as 'solutions'. Indicating that it sells to those

who think non-transparent human behaviour is a problem. On of their technologies,
the Face Reader, has a base plate of seven base states as described by Eckman, and
uses 55 points on the human face. The Face Reader instantly maps the complex
muscle movements of the face, whilst coloured graph bars represent the type of
emotional state appearing on the face.

The human face provides a number of signals essential for interpersonal communication. It is one of our most direct means of communication and
allows us to recognize someone’s affective state and intentions. However, annotating facial expressions objectively can be a challenge. FaceReader™
is the unique tool that is capable of automatically analyzing facial expressions, providing users with an objective assessment of a person’s emotion.

▪ Increased accuracy and reliability.
▪ Objectivity in observations.
▪ No calibration necessary, but available when desired.
▪ Easy integration with The Observer® XT for advanced analysis.
▪ An API allows other software programs to respond instantly to the emotional state of a participant.
▪ Allows for analysis of elderly and children’s faces.
▪ Save time by analyzing multiple videos in groups.

FaceReader works in three steps: face finding, face modeling, and face classification. Initially, an accurate position of the face is found using the
Active Template Method. Next, Active Appearance 3D Modeling is used to synthesize an artificial face model, which describes the loca
tion of 491 key points as well as the texture of the face. As a result, FaceReader can also accurately analyze facial expressions as a test participant
moves their head. Finally, the face classification delivers the output of six basic expressions and one neutral state. When desired, you can use the
automatic calibration to tailor the analysis of facial expressions to a specific person. You can either run the calibration before the analysis or
continuously during the observation.
additional classifiers
In addition to the six basic expressions, FaceReader also automatically classifies mouth open-closed, eyes open-shut,
and eyebrows raised-neutral-lowered. This feature will save you valuable time when coding video. FaceReader also
registers head orientation and gaze direction. This provides you with valuable supplementary data in addition to the
facial expression analysis.

video stream, image, or live analysis

You can work off-line using video, on-line for live analysis using a USB webcam or IP camera, or you can upload still
images to be analyzed. If you plan to analyze multiple videos, you can analyze them in a group. Once you select the
videos to be analyzed, the software does the work for you.
When analyzing from video, you can choose an accurate frame-by-frame mode or skip frames for high-speed analysis.
The best results are achieved using diffused frontal lighting on the test participant; Noldus provides illumination for
optimization of your set-up. You can follow the emotions of your test participant if their orientation, movement, and
rotation is within certain limits.
FaceReader can quickly detect interesting episodes, even in long series of events. The computer does the work for you!

You can choose to analyze the whole video or only parts of it. Moreover, FaceReader includes a basic person
identification algorithm, allowing subjects to be recognized after initial input of the original facial image. After the
analysis, you can export data together with the identity profiles.

Facial expressions can be visualized as bar graphs, in a pie chart, and as a continuous signal. A gauge display
summarizes the negativity or positivity of the emotion (valence). The timeline gives you a detailed visual
representation of the data. A separate reporting window dis-plays a pie chart with percentages, a smiley, and a traffic
light, indi-cating whether a person’s mood is positive, neutral, or negative.
All visualizations are given to you in real-time and may be viewed afterwards.
In addition to analyzing expressions, FaceReader can classify faces based on the following characteristics: gender, age, ethnicity, and facial hair
(beard and/or moustache). FaceReader can accurately read the faces of children > 3 years and elderly people. Although you can analyze all ethnic
groups, FaceReader is currently not well-trained to work with children from East Asia or South-East Asia. The test database is still being expanded.
Glasses may also interfere with the analysis process.
using facereader with the observer xt
FaceReader is compatible with The Observer XT. This offers a unique solution for synchronization, integration, and
analysis of FaceReader data with other data, including but not limited to manually logged events, physiological data,
keystrokes, screen captures, eye tracking data, etc. Analyze the full context: what user interface is the test participant
looking at while showing anger? Or what is the increase in heart rate frequency when the test participant was looking
scared at a particular image? Classifications can be exported to analytical and database programs such as Microsoft
Excel or (in plain text format) to any other preferred software package.

real-time access
Facial expressions detected by FaceReader can be accessed in real time by other applications, making the program an
ideal tool for research on affective computing and the design of adaptive interfaces. A FaceReader API has been
developed. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates their interaction, even if the
program runs on another computer in the network. In other words, it allows other software programs to respond
instantly to the emotional state of the participant.
research areas
▪ Psychology – How do people respond to particular stimuli?
▪ Education – Observing students’ facial expressions can support the development of educational tools.
▪ Human-Computer Interaction – Facial expressions can provide valuable information about user experience.
▪ Usability testing – Emotional expressions can indicate the ease-of-use and efficiency of user interfaces.
▪ Market research – How do people respond to a commercial?
▪ Consumer behavior – How do participants in a sensory panel react to a stimulus?

Theme™ detects statistically significant time patterns in sequences of behaviors. These so called T-patterns are based on the timing of events, relative
to each other. This can give striking new insights into the structure of behavior that cannot be found with the naked eye or with any other method.
▪ Get new and unexpected insights.
▪ Experience more power than with other sequential analysis methods.
▪ Unravel the time structure of behavior at any level of detail.
▪ Detect subtle differences in behavior that other methods cannot detect.
▪ Get quantitative results suitable for statis-tical analysis.
▪ Use a program that is sensitive to patterns, though insensitive to random variation.
▪ Analyze raw behavioral data – little or no data pre-processing and post-processing necessary.
▪ Based on a published

on-site behavior recording
Some phenomena are difficult to study in a lab, such as habits during a family dinner, or children in a classroom. In
those cases, you can achieve the best results with live and on-site observation, using our compact portable lab.

four examples of custom-made solutions

restaurant of the future
The Restaurant of the Future is a unique environment where scientists can observe restaurant frequenters in
conditioned situations for a prolonged period of time. Research may include behavior, food choice, design and layout,
influence of lighting, presentation, traffic flow, taste, packaging, preparation, and countless other aspects in-volving out
of home eating and drinking. As one of the ‘founding fathers’, Noldus equipped the restaurant with the latest computer
and video technologies, including The Observer XT for visualization and analysis of consumer behavior. We also
performed the complete on-site installation, and trained the researchers to conduct the con-sumer behavior research.

A restaurant or an observation lab? Researchers can watch every table and every visitor with hidden cameras. They control all conditions, from the layout of the counters
to the lighting of the room.

forensic field lab

Within the research project CSI The Hague, the premier forensic and technological companies in the Netherlands are
combining and developing technologies to digitize and visualize the crime scene. In the near future, we will be able to
feel, smell, hear, taste, and observe in virtual reality all the evidence that was present at a crime scene. This ‘freezing’
of the crime scene provides great opportunities for reconstruction and testing hypotheses or witness statements. Not
only will there be a virtual lab, but there will also be a house where forensic researchers can be observed and trained in
a real-life exercise. It will be very useful for education, training forensic researchers, and for experimenting with new
methods and techniques. CSI The Hague will stimulate innovation into forensic investigation and help to solve crimes.
Noldus is excited to be one of the partners in this project.

remote and flexible eye tracking

If you are interested in your test participant’s response to physical objects such as posters or product placement, you
can use a contact free eye tracker. It provides you with data such as area of interest, views, pupil dilation, blinks, and
gaze position. The gaze path can also be overlaid on a picture. The desktop eye tracker also produces a video on which
an overlay of for example the eye movements can be placed.

Do you want to investigate the interaction between users and a mobile device, such as a smart phone, MP3 player or PDA? In that case, our specially
developed Mobile Device Camera is what you need. Just clip it on the device and start filming. It also records sound to capture user comments. Our
Mobile Device Camera is compatible with The Observer® XT, creating a powerful system for Human Factors research on mobile devices.

fit the design to your observations

It is more important than ever to know how users operate a mobile device. The number of small mobile devices has
grown enormously. Most people today have at least one cell phone, an MP3-player, and a remote control. Designing
them is a challenge. They are small, have few controls, hold a tiny screen (if any), and often contain a dazzling number
of functions. With our Mobile Device Camera you can easily study how they are operated in real life situations, and use
the results to create the ultimate mobile device.

understanding the user

Efficient design starts with understanding the user. Understanding begins with observation. But how do you observe
interaction on a small device? The Mobile Device Camera was created to do just that. It is a small camera you can
easily mount on a device. It captures key strokes, taps on the screen, or scrolling. Moreover, it also captures the way
the user works with the device, the way it is held, and the user comments.

the inner world

Although your test participant may appear to be calm, he or she may be concealing a considerable amount of stress. To
reveal this level of stress, you can combine behavioral coding with physio-logical measurements acquired with a DAQ
system. For example, skin conductance is a method of measuring the electrical conductance of the skin which is used
as an indication of psychological or physiological arousal. A combination of physiological and behavioral data can
provide you with essential information that will help you to further understand and explain your participants’ behaviors.
In some cases, you might find that your test participant is tense due to environmental variables, such as the behavior
of another person, or the difficulties that the software presents the test participant with. Of course, we can also support
you in measuring heart rate, skin resistance, skin temperature, muscle tension (EMG), neuronal activity (EEG), and

This type of research is used in many fields besides security, such as marketing or
consuming research; and used to determine important things like how people react to
certain foods. It also maps what has been referred to by THEM as the Sinister
Grotesque. Those frames of movement between base states of expression that are not
generally observable because the face is in constant motion. In being able to record,
slow and move through video frame by frame points of unintended expression that
last maybe half a second are claimed to exist that betray the spoken words with
subconscious flashes of true feeling. These near invisible states are referred to as
micro-expressions. Other technologies analyse Voice Recognition based on changes
of pitch and cadence to determine the credibility of a speaker, i.e. to determine if they
are lying.

In effect, these technologies are stealing the natural function of the face to conceal
our emotions away from us – and laying the processing unit of the brain bare. The
brain relays messages to the voicebox but it does not do so instantly – and there is a
struggle between what we know to be true, and how we try to sell something else and
it is in these moments of conflict between what we want to say and what we really
feel that various indications reveal our struggle and indiscretion. Without being able
to see body language, it is far more difficult to determine the validity of a statement
or integrity of a speaker. It is when they are coupled that we are given more clues that
synchronize with one another to deliver a congruence that analyses subconscious
behaviours. Some of the tips Noldus offer to facilitate the recording of the face are as

1 Record video
It may sound very simple, but recording video and playing it back enables more detailed
analysis of facial expressions. When only annotating events and facial expressions live

without recording it on video, it is likely the annotator may miss essential information.
When making video recordings, it can still be difficult to record the face.
2 Use a stationary microphone and chair
Platt et al. (2013) gave a great tip on how to keep a participant from moving/ shaking/
turning his or her head. They placed a voice-recording instrument in front of the
participant and asked the participant to speak in the direction of the device. The
researchers explained that this limited the participant from turning to face the interviewer.
He/she only turned to the interviewer to exchange information and these parts were
irrelevant for the study and therefore later excluded. Furthermore, one can easily imagine
what happens when a participant sits on an office chair. Therefore, Platt et al. fixed the
chair and table so that no turning was possible.

3 Good illumination of the participant’s face

Whether working in a laboratory or on-site, adequate illumination is of great importance.

This is especially true when using software such as FaceReader to recognize facial
expressions because good lighting can increase the reliability of your results. For example,
Danner et al. used FaceReader software to automatically analyze facial expressions of
participants drinking fruit juice. Their set up provided sufficiently accurate data to detect
significant differences in facial expressions elicited by different orange juice samples
(Danner et al. 2013). A set up can be optimized by using photo lamps. This results in
diffused frontal lighting on the test participant. Strong reflections or shadows (for example
caused by lights from the ceiling) should be avoided.

4 Lower frame rate

When using the software to analyze videos, make sure to select a frame rate that suits
your research needs. A lower frame rate will allow for a faster analysis while still providing
the results you need. Gorbunov (2012) used FaceReader software to analyze every third
frame of the video. They explain that they chose this frame rate in order to reduce the
computational time needed for the generation of the data describing facial expressions in
a quantitative way, and the computational time required for the analysis of these data. In
this particular case facial expressions were measured in the Mars-500 isolation
experiment. In his dissertation, Gorbunov explains that the chosen frame rate still enabled
them to get smooth dependencies describing the facial expressions.

5 Record context

Now you know how to measure facial expressions, it is important to look at the context of
behavior. You can choose to include more measurements in your study, such as eye
tracking, physiological measurements, and screen capture technology. Answer for example
this question: at what user interface is the test participant looking or which events
occurred in the room while the facial expressions recognized as ‘happy’ were recorded?
Taking the context into account can complement the strengths of facial expression
analysis by revealing the environmental cues and context that shape facial expressions
and emotions.

The nature of science, of scientific study, demands a certain detachment from the thing
one is studying. We can see here the cold way in which the user is instructed to pose a
person this way or that, deliberately cause them to look toward a certain spot, and the
length to which the data gathered extends. Test participants are human guinea pigs
assisting in the collaboration of technologies that will strip humanity of its secrets but also
its soul. We used to buy things based on necessity – now we increasingly buy things
because of controlled choice and because we cannot resist them; because everything that
makes us intuitively, impulsively, protectively, shy away, reject, turn down something, and
the behaviour we use to hide our true feelings to spare someone else's, to protect
ourselves, to camouflage embarrassment, shame, guilt, dislike, like is being reverse
engineered into products to artificially replicate a pleasing symbiosis with us by exploiting
our vulnerabilities by mapping our vulnerabilities but also by increasing our vulnerabilities
by erasing our physiological and physical shields. Eckman identified more than 3000
meaningful facial expressions that most of us will react to. The magnitude of this escapes
most of us who are likely to be unaware of almost all of these consciously and react
automatically without being any the wiser.

What has contributed to my feeling that this is a huge part of Phorm? Each time I have
been through an airport, I am stopped and asked to submit to a scan. My face has little
to no emotion. Even most times when I am feeling emotion, there are no visible signs. My
partners, my friends, my colleagues have often remarked that I am difficult if not
impossible to read. Perhaps it is my distinct lack of emotion that marks me as a target of
'random' bomb searches. Perhaps it is because I do not blend in or show the normal signs
associated with moving through an airport that appear on others faces – perhaps it is this
void that leads them to think I am concealing my true intentions or thoughts by blanking

my face so as not to give a secret intention away. My partner remarked that it was six
years before she saw me actually smile, and saw my teeth. I'm told I have a very warm
smile, but I rarely use it. Most times because I know that I cannot fake a smile very well
because my eyes betray me. When I smile but my eyes don't match, I look frightening.

I have wondered for many years whether I am a sociopath or psychopath. But I don't
think I am. Despite having some psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies such as
planning in my head what I am going to say, or running variants of a conversation
through my head to find the right answers as practice; or watching and copying the
behaviour and movements of others including social cues not as natural impulses but
learned behaviour that greases social situations by doing the right thing at the right time:
I feel emotions and I have emotions. My work with black magical systems and
philosophies, adopted without restraint has had serious trauma and scarring because of
the conflict it creates between my ideal me and actual me. I often feel I am a mimic,
somehow inhuman because the majority of my actions are pre-thought out and practiced
in my head and this is a constant source of worry and perfectionist critique; I lay awake
analysing what I am going to say, what went wrong, what is socially acceptable to say,
what is the white knight thing to say, what are the wrong things to say, how I will say it,
react, or what points I will touch on -this is undercut by a deeply turbulent emotional
tsunami that I continually repress through stocism and self-control. It is as though I am
my own guinea pig, so detached from the moment of physical and mental spontaneity that
I am two. And when I get it wrong;- I rapidly lose that controlled composure. I sweat, and
fidget, and fume, but no matter how angry I am or annoyed I get with the other;- it
always come back to me and I place the blame squarely on my shoulders for not
navigating the minefield or situation correctly. That I use the word 'correctly' gives us both
an insight into just how fractured my emotional state can be; perhaps a touch of
obsessive compulsion bought on by a failure to address crucial issues in my life and
repress them;- because I wasn't always this way;- I was other ways, not better but similar
in neurotic dysfunction. My obsessive compulsion is not visible and so it does not interfere
classically with my life as other OCD's such as constantly needing to wash hands might.
But its quirky charm is that I am OCD about getting behaviour in situations right and feel I
have “gotten so good at it” that this minimizes the chances of people knowing about my
ongoing private headgame. It seems that there is not distinction possible between what 'I'
think/feel as opposed to what my ego or self-identity feels. I do not know if it is normal to
feel like there is a detachment from what the ego presumes to be the Self and what I
presume to be the Self – but there is. I credit my ego with genius, with absurdity, with

arrogance, with embarrassing outbursts, with uncontrolled hatred, with slips of the
tongue, with strength, with confidence, but all too often I find myself embarassed by it –
as if I were a spectator watching a car crash unfold and though I am ostensibly the cause
of it, can do nothing to prevent it from happening. This is where my conviction of an idea
of the subconscious rings true to me rather than just an academic acceptance of its
existence. There is occasional conflict between who I want to think I am and who I am –
or rather what we are. And this is insular to the concept of THEM – because it is natural to
condense all our functions into a single identifier under a name it seems difficult for some
to not be joined with their ego and channel both at once in the moment as a spontaneous
unity; and whilst I consider that this would be blissful unawareness of the struggle going
on inside ones head as One of THEM and would have its own set of problems; we happen
to know of the struggle and are placed in a particularly difficult situation of having to live
with a fractured consciousness where we second-guess our own being, are not in synch
with our ego, and marvel at the second life that emanates from our phorm without being
able to control it. This is not the same thing as Schizophrenia. It is not a complete divide
from one personality to another – it is learning that there is more than one driver in your
car and that you somehow have to share the wheel. What is usually the strength of the
ego is its ignorance of its failings or that it can fail - when we look at ourselves
introspectively and see that there is so much more going on than what HOPE or common
experience provides as a baseline, it is difficult not to feel overwhelmed by how limited our
experiences are in relation to all of the invisible phorces that act on us and of which we
only percieve a few consciously, the rest unconsciously. The question I find myself asking
is what is going into us that we do not notice? It is harmful or helpful? If we are what we
eat, are we also what we absorb? Can we control what we absorb? If not – can others?
Can we evolve our sentience to a level that can prevent unconscious absorption?

And it does not end here. The subliminal worlds are many – smell, feel, thought, and as
One of THEM the aim is to achieve an increase in the vast imbalance between what you
know about you and what others know about you.


beginning with Aristotle.

PROPOSITION. When referring to language as composed of duality what does this

actually mean? It has a lot to do with the adoption of the antique logical principles of
Aristotle and what is known as a proposition – which when coupled with a subject or
predicate – requires a sentence to be true or false. It is hidden in the foundation of
Greek logic that many of the factors that sustain Chrono-bet begin to surface and
force language to take a certain shape that injects it with true/false structure. In the
preface to Chapter 4 A discusses combinations that lead to affirmations and the
inherence of them to result in either a true or false result – whilst things said without
combination are neither true or false. i.e. “Horse”. vs. “The Horse won.” It is
therefore in the combination of predicate and subject that Chrono-bet emerges and
duality gestates as an inevitable result of such combinations.

The Organon (Greek: Ὄργανον, meaning "instrument, tool, organ")

is the standard collection of Aristotle's six works on logic. The
name Organon was given by Aristotle's followers, the Peripatetics.
They are as follows:
On Interpretation
Prior Analytics
Posterior Analytics
Sophistical Refutations

The order of the works is not chronological (which is now hard to

determine) but was deliberately chosen by Theophrastus to
constitute a well-structured system. Indeed, parts of them seem to
be a scheme of a lecture on logic. The arrangement of the works
was made by Andronicus of Rhodes around 40 BC.[1]
Aristotle's Metaphysics has some points of overlap with the works
making up the Organon but is not traditionally considered part of it;
additionally there are works on logic attributed, with varying
degrees of plausibility, to Aristotle that were not known to the

The Categories (Latin: Categoriae) introduces Aristotle's 10-fold
classification of that which exists. These categories consist of
substance, quantity, quality, relation, place, time, situation,
condition, action, and passion.
On Interpretation (Latin:De Interpretatione, Greek Perihermenias)
introduces Aristotle's conception of proposition and judgment, and
the various relations between affirmative, negative, universal, and
particular propositions. It contains Aristotle's principal contribution
to philosophy of language. It also discusses the Problem of future
The Prior Analytics (Latin: Analytica Priora) introduces
his syllogistic method (see term logic), argues for its correctness,
and discusses inductive inference.
The Posterior Analytics (Latin: Analytica Posteriora) deals
with demonstration, definition, and scientific knowledge.
The Topics (Latin: Topica) treats issues in constructing valid
arguments, and inference that is probable, rather than certain. It is
in this treatise that Aristotle mentions the Predicables, later
discussed by Porphyry and the scholastic logicians.
The Sophistical Refutations (Latin: De Sophisticis Elenchis) gives a
treatment of logical fallacies, and provides a key link to Aristotle's
work on rhetoric.

“In the Enlightenment there was a revival of interest in logic as the

basis of rational enquiry, and a number of texts, most successfully
the Port-Royal Logic, polished Aristotelian term logic for pedagogy.
During this period, while the logic certainly was based on that of
Aristotle, Aristotle's writings themselves were less often the basis of
study. There was a tendency in this period to regard the logical
systems of the day to be complete, which in turn no doubt stifled
innovation in this area. However Francis Bacon published his Novum
Organum ("The New Organon") as a scathing attack in 1620.
[2] Immanuel Kant thought that there was nothing else to invent
after the work of Aristotle, and a famous logic historian called Karl
von Prantl claimed that any logician who said anything new about
logic was "confused, stupid or perverse." These examples illustrate
the force of influence which Aristotle's works on logic had. Indeed,

he had already become known by the Scholastics (medieval
Christian scholars) as "The Philosopher", due to the influence he
had upon medieval theology and philosophy. His influence
continued into the Early Modern period and Organon was the basis
of school philosophy even in the beginning of 18th century.[3] Since
the logical innovations of the 19th century, particularly the
formulation of modern predicate logic, Aristotelian logic has fallen
out of favor among many analytic philosophers. “

Q - How common is Aristotelian Logic in daily conversation despite having fallen out
of favour by analytic philosophers?

Of the outer shell of forms, the raw unclassed thing, Aristotle called the Primary
Substance. And that without a Rock (Primary) the secondary substances could not
exist – for if there was no rock, it could not be hard, nor rough, nor solid, nor heavy,
nor there – the secondary substances such as description rely on the primary
substance which is the expersistence* of the thing itself.

*Existing and Persisting in Existing.

In 2b8 Aristotle identifies the nature of description as designed to convey information

biased to be as close to the thing as it can be. Thus names can hurt because they name
the substance of the subject at a vast distance from its substance.

Q – why do we differentiate between objects? If we are surviving, or often cannot tell

a threat is coming because of its camouflage, what use is our survival skill and why
do we still persist in differentiation?

4a10 – Aristotle begins to broach the subject of Simulteity.

4a11 – He begins to show perceptive fallacies. Thousands of years ago. If we read

something by a living author – even only a few years or days old – we may wrongly
believe that that view is still held by the author. Numerous times have I received
feedback on articles I have written where the reader has taken issue or seeks to
change my mind about something I have said – after as many as ten years – because
they have failed to understand that the text largely remains inert and unchanging in
time and space as if a footprint encased in stone, whilst the author has moved on,
changed and grown, even bought a pair of shoes. This appears to be particular to
forms and reactions to them;- text is like a wormhole that joins two separate spaces in
time together as if there were no space at all.

Page 11 of the Organon pdf: Aristotle says: Substance does not admit of variation of
degree. The most distinctive mark of substance appears to be that while remaining

numerically one and the same, it is capable of admitting contrary qualities. From
among things other than substance, we should find ourselves unable to bring forward
any who possessed this mark. Thus, one and the same colour cannot be black and
white. Nor can the same action be good and bad: this law holds good with everything
that is not substance.

Aristotle is shaping particular facets of phorm here that are heavily influential on the
way we think.
He says: it is by themselves changing that substances admit contrary qualities. More
over that opinions and statements do not change but come to change by the changing
of the substance.
Page 12 he explains why.

Discrete and continuous quantity. Page 13.

A describes relative quantities as an act of comparison – distinguishing between the

quantity that is intrinsic and the generalization made to describe it. Page 15.

Page 17. A points out that in defining contraries of every kind, men have recourse to
a spatial metaphor, for they say that those things are contraries which, within the
same class, are separated by the greatest possible distance.

Does this habitual act of creating contraries help shape perception – is it learned or

Page 20. “Occasionally, perhaps, it is necessary to coin words, if no word exists by

which a correlation can adequately be explained.”
pMYRIAD then, describes a solid shape (Pyramid), an anagram (since the letters are
jumbled), pMYRIAD a variety or array, and relates three distinct characteristics of
the work itself;- deconstruction involves the re-arrangement of shapes and forms; the
name of the shape encompasses the geometrical analogy used in my model of
thought which work towers above me its shadow stretching long out over the cold
sands from where I gaze upward in awe at the substance I study's magnificence and
craftship; and the reference to a huge variety captures the essence of the work which
is sporadic, non-chronological and extremely varied with little points and findings
scattered everywhere hopefully in a profusion that I can order top-down as a pyramid.
I am trying to use words as sculptures so that the very shape of them is expressed as
an empty container without the existing connotations attached to them. The way I use
words or letters when I create words is to try and make them do more than just tell
someone something obvious but try to capture something else by the specific
arrangements of them;-

Phorm must come about because of the complexity of different and even

contradictory (at first) notions I am trying to attach to a singular concept (as a word)
that explains and represents a multiplicity of things that Form simply does not. Form
has many meanings it is true – but Form indicates very specific boundaries that do
and do not apply to the substance I am trying to define. There is a psychological that
is to say, self infused, influence that we have on forms beyond our control;- as the
experiment of Observation causes things to change via the Observer effect.

Observer effect (information technology), the impact of observing

a process while it is running
Observer effect (physics), the impact of observing a physical
Observer-expectancy effect of psychology, how people change
their behavior when aware of being watched
Heisenbug of computer programming, where a software bug that
seems to disappear or alter its behavior when one attempts to
study it

What Phorm implies then, is that a Form may be strictly discrete and entire outside of
us but our act of observation suffuses Forms with particular influences that change
what they are to us;- that we human beings, are involved in the act of creating Forms
existence by virtue of psychical processes imposed (without knowledge) over them
that alters how they appear to us or exist for us; that we may also alter them through
our observation and particular psychic leanings/attitudes/23 syndrome and
personality and thus may not be able to observe them as they Are because such a state
is beyond us to observe. This observer effect has lead to the principles of quantum
theory which is something to be looked at in terms of explaining simulteity – how
things can be things, how things can be numerous things all at once, and how our
insynsian (if it exists) tends to condense possibilities into a single stream or
singularity thus editing or censoring what we observe.

If we are able to create new words – can we create new ways to join them that break
the true/false application or is that impossible? And is it necessary to or possible to
remove predicates from our language to remove the duality? (research other
languages to see if they have predicates. Ask Rex.)

Page 21. Ar. discusses correlatives and the relationship that joins certain terms to one
another and not others. Further, the necessity of coining changes to words to join
them or make them fit which he says is our duty.

21.Ar says Correlatives are thought to come into existence simultaneously. And
that they cancel each other out – if there is no double then there is no half. If
you create a form – i.e. “Phorm” it often has no correlative. Because it is not

able to have a correlative until it is defined;- and even then;- this new creation
of letters, used to express a concept in an idiosyncratic way;- is not part of the
stream of language. Likewise with Nuhrasis – Sruusis – Mvimaedivm –
Insynsian – these words denote individualistic ideas because I have attached
meaning to their definitions;- but they are without shadow just as “FgthtjMP”
is a meaningless garble unless it is assigned meaning. They are things I have
brought into existence to denote objects that exist, concepts that I have noticed.
22.Ar continues and says that it is not true however that all correlatives come into
existence simultaneously. The object of knowledge would appear to exist
before knowledge itself, for it is usually the case that we acquire knowledge of
objects already existing;- it would be difficult if not impossible to find a branch
of knowledge the beginning of the existence of which was contemporaneous
with its object.

23.Ar discusses perception and delimits the boundaries of perceptible. i.e. to

destroy perception you must destroy yourself. He outlays the limits of the
observer and the existence of the perceptible after the observer is gone.

Page 29. Ar discusses the quality vs the affection of a thing referring to the degree of
intensity and permanence of a specific defining characteristic. The 4th sort of quality
is figure and the shape that belongs to a thing; and beside this, straigthness and
curvedness and any other quality of this type; each of these defines a thing as being
such and such. Because it is triangular or quadrangular a thing is said to have a
specific character, or again, because it is straight or curved; in fact a things shape in
every case gives rise to a qualification of it.

Page 31 Ar says that a circle is not a triangle. Can manipulation of phorm, make it a
triangle? I think it can. If we draw a triangle and a circle what inferences do we
make? First that a circle has no SIDES, and a triangle has 3 SIDES. But this is an
inference drawn from the human observer perspective. What both shapes have
intrinsically in common is that they are composed of a line which has continuous
points. If we accept that these points are infinite, that another point can exist between
the first and second indefinitely then we must accept that of that acceptance, direction
suddenly loses existence. In the case of the line, all it is is one point after another at
infinite moments. What appears to be a corner, degree or joining line forming say the
apex of the triangle is only so from our human observer perspective (or our Hope) –
for the shape itself it has no degrees for none of the points are 360 degrees around
which a new vertice may be rotated some degrees to branch off from in some new
direction – from the shapes point of view made of a continuous line there are no
corners, no angles, no degrees but only continuity.
If we try to draw the joining lines of a triangles apex as a magnified elbow for
ourselves to illustrate how the points of the line join - we might draw two circles
which represent points that join one point to another. But a) if we only draw two

points there is no way to indicate direction or degree – the circles (points) do not
allow it. Only if we draw further points can we create the necessary illusion of points
joining and leading away from each other. But any two points prove impossible to do
this with and what is a line but one point after another, and any single link in that line,
identical to that before it? b) Even the points we draw to indicate the smallest
possible particles of join, create a vertex between them in which new points must be
inserted as is the continuous nature of a line, indefinitely until our HOPE exhausts its
range and must give way to actual geometry.

What is the key characteristic of Phorm? Division. This is why Aristotle broke it
down into Categories. The departure from the Singular begins with our 3d vision
which interprets the Phyrm. Without Division there is no Phorm, no sentence to make
meaning from, no building blocks to piece together tools and vehicles.

Page 33. Relying on concrete facts and not conjecture or reference to other
experiments or data others have conducted, Aristotle formed conclusions out of what
he observed to be at work based on his experience with them. Here he explains the
meaning of 'Opposites'.

Page 37. Ar writes “ Neither in the case of contraries, or correlatives, nor in the case
of privatives or positives, is it necessary for one to be true and the other false.”
“In short where there is no sort of combination of words, truth and falsity have no

Page 38. Ar writes: “In short, where there is no sort of combination of words, truth
and falsity have no place, and all the opposites we have mentioned so far, consist of

Page 43 – Ar begins to explain Simultaneous.

Page 47 – Aristotle on Interpretation... (!!!)

p56. Ar writes “The predicate cannot both belong and not belong to the subject at one
and the same time in regard to the future.”

pg60. Ar touches on Chronobet laying in the coupling of nouns and verbs. “Every
affirmation, then, and every denial, will consist of a noun and a verb, either definite
or indefinite. There can be no affirmation or denial without a verb; for the
expressions 'is', 'will be', 'was', 'is coming to be', and the like are verbs according to
our definition, since besides their specific meaning they convey the notion of time.”

Pg66. Ar touches on the Dialectical Question which is a question so framed as to

“give an opponent the chance of announcing one of two alternatives, which he
wishes...” Questions must then be put into a more definite form.

Pg75. Ar relates the meaning of the term 'possible' and states that one meaning of the
term possible “This last sort of potentiality belongs only to that which can be in
motion' – he thus explains that certain words refer to time, certain words refer to
motion – is this how language has come to take the shape it has and be ordered in the
way it is – because it reflects observed physics?

Pg76 = very cool paragraph summarizing Ar's aims and necessity as the initial
principle of existence and non-existence.

Pg85. Ar explains how 'is' is an affirmation always.

Pg136. Ar details Syllogisms and says “first we must lay down the subject and the
definitions and the properties of the thing, next we must lay down those attributes
which follow the thing, and again those which the thing follows, and those which
cannot belong to it. But those to which it cannot belong need not be selected, because
the negative statement implied above is convertible. Of the attributes which follow
we must distinguish those which fall within the definition, those which are predicated
as properties, and those which are predicated as accidents, and of the latter those
which apparently and those which really belong. The larger supply a man has of
these, the more quickly will he reach a conclusion; and in proportion as he
apprehends those which are truer, the more cogently will he demonstrate.”



People like fences. They like things to be seperate and discrete – even if reality is an

unbroken continuous line;- it is in their nature to want a reality that is bent to the will,
not a reality as it is or might be. The sense I got growing up was that Mathematics
was some superior elegant system that could elaborate things in a much finer way, in
neat, perfect components and ways that words or other systems could not match;- that
the world was made of numbers, and everything could be explained by them. It's
simply not true and my interest in mathematics has yeilded great disappointment at
the clumsy sloppiness of it (even as it is capable of elegance) which continually
paints over discrepancies just so that the system continues to work. In a sense these
embarassing failures for the lines to join neatly are simply explained away or simply
ignored;- to wit Science, Mathematics are no less products that require faith than
religion or the occult. There is no more truth in them than there is in anything else.
This is a product of HOPE and for various reasons it continues because a) the world
is the way it is because thats the way it should be, b) change is not about facts and
truth, its about funding and power c) what may be wrong is not as important as the
politics involved d) I don't hope to change the world only to understand it, I realize I
cannot change the world, and that it will never change. But it does not stop me
writing about the way I feel about it for I am a product of nature and merely a
reaction to some other process. It frustrates me and comforts be that the world is the
way it is. These things are accepted because like a house you must have foundations
on which to build and must agree on foundations to build the rest of the house. Once
the floor is built you can then tack on the rest of the building. But to get closer to
THEM its not enough to go along with the status quo however long its tradition of
acceptance but to open new enquiries into all sacred things. There is no superiority in
what I say and they say – merely a continuity of enquiry. My assertions are
theoretical too – and its all we have. I write them just because I am compelled to. And
what are THEM? Are they ancient spirits – no – they are occult principles of

Human Beings see in 3 dimensions and all with the human eye – most of the time.
This has caused the HOPE to create and repeat some interesting results. For instance,
lets question the concept of a Line. The definition of a line is that it extends
indefinitely in either direction and is a one-dimensional object. Euclid defined it as
having no thickness or breadth. Does the “line” exist? No.

If a line is just one point after another – and between any two points are infinite
points – we cannot draw this – and we cannot illustrate this except by using symbols
which equate to the process (abstraction) or by writing about it as a philosophical
construct. For one thing – lets slow down the creation of points... pretend we are the
pencil;- moving across the page. We create Point A, and then Point B – but somehow,
before we create Point C – we have to go back to between Point A and B to create
Point AB and BA, and so on – all instantaneously. So to do this in the world of 3
dimensions – each point between two more must be shown as smaller or inferred. Or
do these points create themselves?

Who has ever proved that between any other point there is another point? (Scientific
Measurement Unit List) To my knowledge – no-one. After a while observation gets
down too such abnormal measures that we cease to be able to sustain the location of a
given point. (String Theory / M-Theory) Who has ever shown a one dimensional line
that did not exist in three dimensions? To my knowledge – no-one. You cannot create
such a line without demarcating its existence using some kind of mass and even 1
micron is thickness. And without thickness – you can not see the line because there
would be no line.

Firstly – a line cannot be one-dimensional because nothing can be one dimensional in

three dimensional perception. Secondly, it has thickness and breadth. Thirdly, just
because it is beyond our HOPE – there is no such thing as one dimension. Humans
can only percieve in three dimensions. Only a theoretical line that has not been drawn
and is a figment of imagination or theoretical mathematics can have a single
This is one of the fundamental problems with the HOPE;- namely that people assume
the thing to be defined only by how they see it with human eyes – and yet we know
that different animals see differently because of their eye types and size in relation to
things, such as any might see a trickle of water or a downpour of rain in comparison
to us. That a mountain is huge close up but tiny from outer space. And because we
always draw the same line from the same vantage others assume it to be capable of
one dimension and many others simply accept this statement as fact. On what plane
can you draw a line that does not have thickness? If you draw one now, even with
your thinnest nibbed pen under a magnifying glass – can you declare that the line has
no thickness? Because if it doesn't – how do you see it with the naked eye?
Measurements such as microns are used daily by hundreds of thousands of
professionals to achieve chemical and other manufacturing precision on a scale of
microscopy that is well beyond the limits of the naked human eye to perceive. Even
these have thickness for they either have volume (such as a trail of carbon from a
pencil) or are defined by an absence of material demarcating the line (such as a

“A line is one-dimensional. It has zero width. If you draw a line with

a pencil, examination with a microscope would show that the pencil
mark has a measurable width. The pencil line is just a way to
illustrate the idea on paper. In geometry however, a line has no
width. “

- which illustrates that the Line is a mental construct and not an actual thing – it can
only live inside the mind and never be shown to exist. This twisting of reality is the
same force that creates the illusion that a square is any different from a hexagon or
triangle on the mental level as well as the physical demonstrations of each shape;-
only through HOPE are circles and squares percieved as different by the HOPE;- and

yet they are as vague in model as the continuous line is in the mental faculty. It is
perhaps these jumps to conclusions and the models used to convey them that have
shaped our technology and understanding and so confuse scientists studying quantum
mechanics – we are simply geared to see a certain viewpoint of nature from a very
specific size with very specific tools. A line then is like an Angel – it requires faith to
believe in it, it is a product of mental construct not actual reality. What then, is a
point? Can a point exist? Or is it yet another philosophical convenient 'close enough'
and stretched over a yawning chasm.

The surface of a compact disc may appear flat and one dimensional also – yet it is not
– on closer analysis we can see that it is its own world of valleys and canyons. Here is
the surface of a vinly record magnified 1000 times. It might as well be a photo of the
giant valleys on the surface of Mars.

Just because we draw a line on a piece of paper – or a wall – in some way implying
that the line drawn on a flat surface has no thickness

- for the material used to draw it if it be chalk, has mass and leaves its residue as
thickness. If we draw a line in sand using a rock which leaves no residue, the valley
of sand from the base of the indention to the top of the canyon walls defines its

Dr math writes: A line is a location that only extends in one dimension. It goes
infinitely long one way and infinitely long the other
way. Between any
two points in the line, there are infinitely more points.

Alternatively, you can think of a line as a single point

that moved in
two opposite directions forever. Actually, this whole
idea of motion
spurred another branch of mathematics called calculus.

From this tension of ideas upon which can then be loaded others – follows a train of
thought that expands because it has a foundation and propulsion by which to do so. It
leads to a branch called calculus. But what if the ideas tension were different and also
followed;- who knows where it could lead and what could come of it. This is the
point of pMYRIAD. We construct a mighty edifice depending on the foundation we
set out from that culminates in an apex.

What appears in the diagram to lead in 'direction' is also HOPE. There is no such
thing as direction, a line has no direction either. If it can – then a line must have
height or length. What frames the relativity of the elliptical shapes joined together in

the example is three things;- firstly the screen or piece of paper on which it is written
which creates an artificial frame. Secondly our own frame of perception which is a
wide ellipse that loses acuity as it nears the peripheral and thirdly the relation of the
sample in relation to the orientation of other objects.
of points one after the other – but also that a point is between any two points.
What is calculus?

And – if I create two points – what size is the point between those two points? – the
same size? How can it be the same size? We have to draw it smaller – and thus there
is something broken about this idea too. How can this point between points infinitely
- be illustrated in reality? Fractals? No. Philosophy, again.

If two points are on the same spot – its said they are same point. What does same spot
imply – some magical place or place of faith that can reconcile the impossible. And
when two points are separated by a lot of distance, they are still able to be the same
point. This is because there is only one point – singularity that joins everything,
viewed differently, depending on your size in relation to it.

The concept of a number line is also philosophic. It cannot illustrate infinity –

nothing can. We have no examples of infinity anywhere. At some point the line
ceases for us to be able to mark points along it – whether the paper collapses under
the yeild or we simply cannot see the marks clearly enough to differentiate their
boundaries. HOPE is rapidly exhausted and gives way via science and maths to the
occult. To magic. And to ideas that prove useful within our size frame – but are only a
fraction of the reality that is. The idea that there are infinite stars or grains of sand is
related to our size and ability to count them – our HOPE exhausts itself and we turn
to metaphor, but then treat those metaphors as actual phenomena upon which we then
base further metaphors. This is the process of abstraction, the genius of humanity to
make use of ideas in practical fashion – but many of them have no resonance with the
way the world actually is – and that, is what the Temple of THEM concerns itself
with. Getting closer to what the world actually is and does and in this we do not rely
on what others say but test it for ourselves. Can you draw a line with no thickness?
Can you draw the elbow that indicates direction by joining two points? Can you think
of any example of infinity that has been proven – or do humans just give up counting
and assume a thing goes on forever? We don't live long enough to test many things. If
we could write out all the numbers and use all the paper on earth, and still be able to
add one more, is this infinity – no – it is a metaphor. No one has actually tried and
assumes that numbers can always be added one more to – but only, because this is the
model by which numbers have been designed – not, because it is representative of
real things or limits, but a metaphorical construct and that is all.

Geometry is largely philosophy. Mathematics often handballs certain impossible

forms as not a part of math, but a part of geometry – as if brushing the shards of a
broken idea in embarassed faces under someone elses rug;- and as if that somehow
made it more tenable or real. So if at a certain point of analysis there is a bifurcation
or split in reality where there are no points, no lines, no conveniences but just
anomalies, inferences and good-enoughs – there is an event horizon of the HOPE.
There is a limit to HOPE which may differ to some small degree but in the majority
affects human beings the same way because they are possessed of similar equipment.
There is not then, 11 or many dimensions but one that acts differently depending on
our spatial location and size, within it.

What is Phyrm? Close your eyes. Experience the world without sight – this is Phyrm.

If we cannot reproduce proof of infinity then perhaps we should not use it – for it is
merely fluff that supports unreal structures. We should then say 'It has ending
possibilties – or finite examples' even to express large quantities beyond our measure.
We should cease to entertain the ideas and words that pretend of “infinite” or
“endless” or “without measure” and eliminate those concepts that do not withstand
inability to reproduce of our own accord in the world. There are thus no “lines” or
“points” except in the HOPE. One of the primary tasks of my learning was to acquire
a microscope and telescope to see for myself the world around me beyond HOPE.
Only if we employ mathematics as a symbolic analogy can we make a great many of
the leaps of faith to believe in concepts that do not exist in nature but are
superimposed such as infinity.

What object is there that can be one dimension. None.

What object is there that can be two dimensions? None.

All objects are 3 dimensional which is all they can be to us – that is the only way for
us to observe them thus what are called three dimensions are one single compact
dimension. Height, width, length, distance, speed are always finite. Nothing is
infinite. A line cannot have infinite points except in the imagination. These types of
abstract serve a purpose but they get us no closer to the Phyrm reality.

The over-importance on these concepts to detail reality and the Phyrm is debilitating.

Two lines in Euclidean geometry can have either no points

in common, a
single point in common, or infinitely many points in
common. If they
have at least two points in common, then they have
infinitely many in

common. If that happens, the two lines are
indistinguishable. If two
lines share two points, then they are the same line.

Infinity is not a mind-boggling concept it is a phantasy

that causes confusion when applied to the real without
the pre-loaded suppositions of what things are or
burdened by the explanations given to make things that
don't fit – fit.

Here are some common claims in Euclidean Geometry.

Can a line be extended in any direction?

In HOPE: Yes.

In the Phyrm: No. It cannot. There are limits placed on

all lines as to how far they can go by the geography of
the Phyrm.

Can a line contain points?

In HOPE: Yes
In the Phyrm: Yes.

How many points does a line contain?

In HOPE: At least two.

In the Phyrm: None. There are no lines.

Can it have more than two?

In HOPE: Yes.
In the Phyrm: No.

What is the least number of dimensions necessary for

a line to
In HOPE: One.
In the Phyrm: There is only One dimension which in the
HOPE is understood as three. Otherwise it is impossible
to see and remains an abstract.

Can a line be used to graphically represent the real
In HOPE: Yes.
In the Phyrm: No. Real numbers are no more real for being
called real.

Can two completely different lines contain the same

two points?
In HOPE: No.
In the Phyrm: Yes. Because all things are a single
continuous line.

Can two lines contain only two points in common?

In HOPE: No.

In the Phyrm: Yes. Because even 'curves' are the same

continuous line.

Can two lines be anything other than parallel,

intersecting, or

In HOPE: No.

In the Phyrm: There are no lines.

This is why quantum is so very difficult to apprehend –

and requires many dimensions to answer simple questions –
it answers only from the HOPE vantage;- resisting the
workload of specifying the dimensional values beyond
HOPE. From HOPE are formed theories that fit the world
from this vantage but not those of others; for instance:

A point is dimensionless, yes. That means that if you

took a ruler and

measured it any way you wanted to, you would always

obtain 0 inches.
Exactly 0 inches. Now, how do you stretch that nothing?
It is not
nothing. It is a point. It would be nothing if there were

no point,
but there is a point, hence there is something!

No. A point is not dimensionless just because our clumsy-

ass ruler measures in inches. The point may be a micron
across or invisible without an electron microscope;- but
you cannot illustrate a point that does not have 3
dimensions. 0 means nothing. Zero, means nothing.
Precisely why it creates problems is that there is no
such thing as nothing. There is only the HOPE of nothing,
and if we cannot see it, we assume space, because of the
relativity of our size. This is what THEM mean by a
human-centred perception. The world we cannot see just a
short pace beyond HOPE is one where everything crawls and
seethes with bacteria. There is never nothing – not even
in a vaccuum- for there are the surfaces of the vaccuums
container which it must always have by virtue of our
three dimensional structures which our technology cannot
escape. If we allow ourselves to accept the abstract as a
real thing, then we split ourselves off from the Phyrm.
If we accept that first, this definition of a point
stands then we should try to replicate it. Lets make a
point on paper. How is this dimensionless except from our
limited ocular viewpoint? It looks tiny, very small – but
only because of the limits of our equipment;- with the
right equipment this tiny point can be blown up thousands
of times its size using magnification. Part of the
problem here is the Chrono-bet – the author fixes the
point in a hypothesis that views it only from the HOPE;-
this happens all too often;- the fact is, once made, this
point has many lives of its own and many levels;- it has
3 dimensions because the only things that have no
dimensions, 1 dimension or 2 dimensions are things that
do not exist except in the imagination and as skewed
understanding of objects in the Phyrm due to reliance on
HOPE as the vantage point of the world and its contents,
forces and actuality.

So, in relation to a ruler yes you are always going to

get 0 inches because a ruler does not have the interest
of measuring anything except the level of things that
exist in HOPE;- if you use tools made from HOPE, then you
will naturally create results that conform to HOPE

So does a thing exist if we both imagine it to? Yes it
does – but again, consensus reality applies only to the
HOPE;- and it exists only in the HOPE;- not in the Phyrm.
If we both believe that a line can be drawn that can be
extended infinitely in either direction, that is a HOPE
we share;- but to try and do this, in the physical, only
shows that it cannot be done and is an idea only, treated
(mistaken) as representative of reality. So it exists as
a concept – but it has no existence in the Phyrm. (Firma)
You cannot draw a point that measures 0 inches across
because its measurement is relative depending on vantage.
From a specific distance using specific tools the figment
of the point can be seen as expected;- but seen through a
magnifying glass, microscope, electron microscope, the
point ceases to be what it appears from that limited HOPE
and opens into new worlds – as all things do when we
enquiry, deeply, and properly.

Pg222. Ar writes “...the predicate is always construed as

applicable to any and every instance of the things.'

pg235 Ar writes “That demonstration proceeds from the

necessary premisses is also indicated by the fact that
the objection we raise against a professed demonstration
is that a premiss of it is not a necessary truth –
whether we think it altogether devoid of necessity, or at
any rate so far as our opponents previous argument goes.
This shows how naïve it is to suppose ones basic truths
rightly chosen if one starts with a proposition which is
(1) popularly accepted and (2) true, such as the sophists
' assumption that to know is the same as to possess
knowledge. For (1) popular acceptance or rejection is no
criterion of a basic truth, which can only be the primary
law of the genus constituting the subject matter of the
demonstration; and (2) not all truth is 'appropriate'.”

page235 – Aristotle states what is now wrong with the

world and the transformation information has had on the
knowledge qualitative of people. They read and accept
facts, such as news, by equating A to C, letting others
denote B. They google and accept knowledge, quote facts
and findings, without knowing for themselves. They do not

mentally follow the causal chain of events that can be
predicated from action. This is why THEM must own a
telescope, a microscope and become explorers of new and
old and accepted facts, themselves, in person.

Through 235-237 Ar offers an analogy that could apply to

the process of (paraphrase) how Wisdom is achieved and
why it is impossible to pretend of it. What many have
read, is our conclusions, but they have not done the work
themselves. Thus they do not possess knowledge of the
work but only know our conclusions of the work. From this
they base their assumptions. There is also pressure to
conform to agree and affirm existing conclusions of the
work by presuming the outcome – few who wanted to belong
have ever said 'no, I didn't see anything, no, that
didn't do anything, no, you aren't achieving anything' –
consent of acceptance belies an ulterior motive separate
from genuine affirmation of wisdom or fact.

What is a subject – that which is being subjected to

enquiry. What is an object? We do not know and mistake it
for the subject. (See Observer Effect)

240 - “It is no less evident that the peculiar basic

truths of each inhering attribute are indemonstrable; for
basic truths from which the might be deduced would be
basic truths of all that is, and the science to which
they belonged would possess universal sovereignty. … But
as things are, demonstration is not transferable to
another genus, with such exceptions as we have metioned
of the application of geometrical demonstrations to
theorems in mechanics or optics, or of arithmetical
demonstrations to those of harmonics.”

THEM has the distinct character of having devised a

context that can jump effortlessly from 'genus to genus',
from object to object and to relate any two or more
things to one another as belonging to the same class = a
class called Phorm. In reply to the famous riddle posed
by the Mad Hatter to Alice during the Tea Party “Why is a
Raven like a writing desk?” - to which the intention of
Caroll's query was not intended to have an answer but
represent the absurd via nonsense – there is an answer.
The answer is simply “They both have nothing in common”.

What do lightening and your foot have in common? Nothing.
They both then, share the quality of having nothing in
common with one another. Though they are both very
separate, as are any other two objects one might pair to
show insoluble contradiction – they are nonetheless
connected by a unity of negation. the other things that
connects them universally is that they are Phorms.
Whether the acne on a mans face or the length of the
equinox on Saturn – both are Phorms; a product of
psychological inference and influence, and the specifity
of our interactions and interpretations of the Phyrm.

Geometry is symbolic – confusion reigns between what is

symbolic and what is actual.

Pg44. Ar writes “So demonstration does not necessarily

imply the being of Forms nor a One beside a Many, but it
does necessarily imply the possibility of truly
predicating one of many; since without this possibility
we cannot save the universal, and if the universal goes,
the middle term goes with it, and so demonstration
becomes impossible. We conclude, then, that there must be
a single identical term unequivocally predicable of a
number of individuals.” Property, ownership, division,
distinction – survival. It was necessary to develop a
means by which Phorm could be separated into individual
Things/Objects/Phorms to perform analysis, to snatch the
shapes out of the air as singularities, this is the
keystone of the HOPE. The more I read Aristotle, the more
I understand the necessity of naming things, of duality,
the particulars of common speech and action; the
necessity of what constitutes the habits of humanity. He
touches upon what if, but argues successfully for the
case of his subject matter to take precedence over other
routes of what is possible;- this is that previously
abstract Logos at work, living on the page and speaking
before me that I have heard indefinite amounts about and
the experience of the power and command of the Greek
Philosophers that has so gained reputation and respect
since it was given expression. It humbles me.

Pg245 – perhaps were Darryl drew the name of his nexio –

Interrogistic Methodologies.

Can a statement be true and false at the same time? One
statement can, yes.

Wiki stats that [HEGEL] and [HERACLITUS} accepted

contradiction (research this);- but it is without effort
that we reconcile any two statements which oppose one
another using Phorm. i.e.

Statement True: This was written on a computer.

In a sense, metaphorically, yes. In a literal sense, no.

Two statements however, prove more difficult if not


Statement True: This was written on a computer.

Statement False: This was written on a typewriter.

What are we analysing? If we analyse “This” we infer the

statement to be querying the whole statements
applicability – but while this analysis may capture the
whole of the statement in literal form and prose, it does
not capture the existences of the two statements
themselves as statements. We can focus on 'was' or
'written' or 'computer' and undermine the validity until
reaching absurdity;- or reinforce the same until reaching
universality (proposed universality). If we define 'this'
to mean the sentence was written on a computer or a
typewriter – one must be true and one must be false. The
truth seems obvious. Thus the statement that this was
written on a typewriter seems false. It cannot have been
written on both. It requires creative writing and
extenuation to make the statement true and false. i.e. we
could argue that the statement IS written on a computer
because I see it right before me at the present time. I
write in the past tense WAS despite its IS. Or, we might
query the definition of written when clearly it has been
typed or type written;- the keyboard is the manner in
which I am writing type the monitor by which it can be
viewed incidental to the typing. Or, query the term ON,
when IN a computer may be more applicable. In some sense
what the statement says is easily understood and true,
but there are others in which it is misleading,

inaccurate, and false. Which word structure do we give
precedence to;- implied meaning, or accuracy? Which ever
we prefer influences the truth or falsity of the
statement;- there is thus inherency for the statement
(and both statements) to be both. Until further facts are
provided and context agreed upon;- the terms remain
indeterminately proven either way. Thus it is possible
for a statement to be both false and true at the same
time during its early stages of life or expression;- only
to be forced one way or the other through the statements
further maturity. However, I, the writer, know whether
the statement is true or false, and which – if given two
more difficult truths, is factual. i.e. my name is
Damian. My name is Shaun. Those who cannot divine the
facts are then manipulated by evidence they can deduce or
that is supplied to them, by phorms, both mine which are
Phantoms, or external to my influence which is the Phyrm.

Russells Paradox:

Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves. If R is not a
member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself, and if it
contains itself, then it contradicts its own definition as the set of all sets that
are not members of themselves. This contradiction is Russell's paradox.

---R is one set representing other sets that are not members of themselves – it
is representative of a sub-set thus there are 2 sets, not 1. it is not applicable to
Russells Paradox since it represents the set of all members that are not
members of themselves, not R. Russell is naming R a Dog and trying to treat it
as a Cat. R IS a member of itself because it represents all the other sets – it is
therefore, distinct from the sets it represents. There is no paradox. R is the
major set, and the 'all sets that not members of themselves' the minor set.


The Novum Organum, full original title Novum Organum

Scientiarum, is a philosophical work by Francis Bacon, written
in Latin and published in 1620. The title translates as new
instrument, instrument of science. This is a reference
to Aristotle's work Organon, which was his treatise
on logic and syllogism. In Novum Organum, Bacon details a new
system of logic he believes to be superior to the old ways of
syllogism. This is now known as the Baconian method.
For Bacon, finding the essence of a thing was a simple process

of reduction, and the use of inductive reasoning. In finding the
cause of a phenomenal nature such as heat, one must list all of the
situations where heat is found. Then another list should be drawn
up, listing situations that are similar to those of the first list except
for the lack of heat. A third table lists situations where heat can
vary. Theform nature, or cause, of heat must be that which is
common to all instances in the first table, is lacking from all
instances of the second table and varies by degree in instances of
the third table.
The title page of Novum Organum depicts a galleon passing
between the mythical Pillars of Hercules that stand either side of
the Strait of Gibraltar, marking the exit from the well-charted waters
of the Mediterranean into the Atlantic Ocean. The Pillars, as the
boundary of the Mediterranean, have been smashed through
opening a new world to exploration. Bacon hopes that empirical
investigation will, similarly, smash the old scientific ideas and lead
to greater understanding of the world and heavens.
The Latin tag across the bottom is taken from Daniel 12:4. It means:
"Many will travel and knowledge will be increased".

Many argue that Bacon's work was instrumental in the historical

development of the scientific method. It is undeniable that his
technique bears a resemblance to the modern formulation of the
scientific method in the sense that it is centered on experimental
research. Bacon's emphasis on the use of artificial experiments to
provide additional observances of a phenomenon can often support
the conclusion that Bacon's process and the scientific method are
one, but Bacon himself should not be considered "the Father of the
Experimental Philosophy."[1]

SOPHISTRY (Research more...)

Protagoras was one of the most well-known and successful SOPHIST teachers.
He taught his students the necessary skills and knowledge for a successful life,
particularly in politics, rather than philosophy. He trained his pupils to argue
from both points of view because he believed that truth could not be limited to
just one side of the argument. Protagoras wrote about a variety of subjects and
some fragments of his work survived. He is the author of the famous saying,
“Man is the measure of all things,” which is the opening sentence of a work
called Truth.[3]




It was an old custom that boys and girls, having reached the age of puberty should
proceed to the island of Samothrace in a procession of garlanded boats to receive the
'initiation of youth'. This was a ritual in which they dedicated themselves to the
external formative forces which have created the world and which, on a higher level,
recreate in man an inner world. With profound knowledge, Goethe, in his Faust
mentions these mysterious gods of form, associated with the cult of the Cabiri.

TENDRIL CARD – HEROSTRATIA who burned the Library of Epheus

hey ike hings o e eperate nd iscrete – ven f eality s n nbroken ontinuous ine;- t s n
heir ature o ant eality hat s ent o he ill, ot eality s t s r ight e.

Such terms as acetylcholineactive-state curveactivity-cycleafferent fibresanatomical

muscleappliedaxon hillockcell bodycell membranecentral nervous
systemchangeschloride ionscircuit currentscompound action-
potentialconcentrationconduction-velocitycontractile elementcorrespondingcycle of
activitycytoplasmdampingdeformationdepolarizationdepolarizing currentdorsal
rootdynamic componentdynamic gammaseffectelectrical activityelectrodesend-
plateequilibrium potentialextrafusalFigurefiring-
frequencyforcefrequencyfusimotorincreaseindividual motor unitsinhibitory end
knobsinitial segmentinterneuronesintrafusal fibresintrafusal muscle-
fibresisometriclarge numberlengthlength-changemembrane potentialmicro-
electrodemotoneuronesmotor nerve-fibremuscle spindlenerve cellsneuromuscular
junctionneuronesnuclear bag fibresnuclear chain
ionsproducepropagatedreceptorsrecordingreflex responseregionrepetition-
frequencyresting membraneSchwann cellssensorysensory receptorseries elastic
elementservomechanismshorteningskeletal muscleskeletal muscle cellssodium
ionsspinal cordstatic gammasstimulusstretch reflexsynaptic patchestendon
organstension/length diagramtension/velocitytime-coursetransmitterusuallyvoltage
will likely come to be used frequently as specific physiological understanding
replaces our broad occult analogy.

Form can be said to be composed of a liquidity of elements that come together to
form great strength or a solid only to collapse in a puddle moments later. This idea
can be seen in strong arguments reduced to nothing by a counter-argument or
skyscrapers erected as part of a vision of the future, with cutting-edge architecture
and meaningful purpose that are in time abandoned and left to rust.

*In ancient Egypt chairs appear to have been of great richness and splendour.
Fashioned of ebony and ivory, or of carved and gilded wood, they were covered with
costly materials and supported upon representations of the legs of beasts or the
figures of captives.
Egyptians believed that the chairs needed to represent natural forms to avoid creating
chaos in the universe by creating an artificial object. This tendency is seen all over
Egyptian art and manufacture.

It was not, in fact, until the 16th century that it became common anywhere. The chest,
the bench and the stool were until then the ordinary seats used in everyday living, and
the number of chairs which have survived from an earlier date is exceedingly limited;
most of such examples are of ecclesiastical or seigneurial origin. Our knowledge of
the chairs of remote antiquity is derived almost entirely from monuments, sculpture
and paintings. A few actual examples exist in the British Museum, in the Egyptian
museum at Cairo, and elsewhere.

Before the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), the predominant sitting positions in the Han
Chinese culture and neighboring cultures such as the Japanese Culture, Korean
Culture, Turkic Culture in Central Asia and Tai Kadai Cultures to the southwest were
the seiza and lotus position on the floor or sitting mats. The earliest images of chairs
in China are from sixth-century Buddhist murals and stele, but the practice of sitting
in chairs at that time was rare. It was not until the twelfth century that chairs became
widespread in China.

In Europe, it was owing in great measure to the Renaissance that the chair ceased to
be a privilege of state, and became the customary companion of whoever could afford
to buy it. Once the idea of privilege faded the chair speedily came into general use.
We find almost at once began to reflect the fashions of the hour. No piece of furniture
has ever been so close an index to sumptuary changes. It has varied in size, shape and
sturdiness with the fashion not only of women’s dress but of men’s also. Thus the
chair which was not, even with its arms purposely suppressed, too ample during the
several reigns of some form or other of hoops and farthingale, became monstrous
when these protuberances disappeared. Again, the costly laced coats of the dandy of
the 18th and early 19th centuries were so threatened by the ordinary form of seat that
a “conversation chair” was devised, which enabled the buck and the ruffler to sit with

his face to the back, his valuable tails hanging unimpeded over the front. The early
chair almost invariably had arms, and it was not until towards the close of the 16th
century that the smaller form grew common.

The majority of the chairs of all countries until the middle of the 17th century were of
timber (the commonest survival is oak)[4] without upholstery, and when it became
customary to cushion them,leather was sometimes employed; subsequently velvet
and silk were extensively used, and at a later period cheaper and often more durable

Although English furniture derives so extensively from foreign and especially French
and Italian models, the earlier forms of English chairs owed but little to exotic
influences. This was especially the case down to the end of the Tudor period, after
which France began to set her mark upon the British chair. The squat variety, with
heavy and sombre back, carved like a piece of panelling, gave place to a taller, more
slender, and more elegant form, in which the framework only was carved, and
attempts were made at ornament in new directions. The stretcher especially offered
opportunities which were not lost upon the cabinet-makers of the Restoration. From a
mere uncompromising cross-bar intended to strengthen the construction it blossomed,
almost suddenly, into an elaborate scroll-work or an exceedingly graceful
semicircular ornament connecting all four legs, with a vase-shaped knob in the

The 18th century was, indeed the golden age of the chair, especially in France and
England (including Colonial America), between which there was considerable give
and take of ideas. EvenDiderot could not refrain from writing of them in his
Encyclopédie. The typical Louis Seize chair, oval-backed and ample of seat, with
descending arms and round-reeded legs, covered in Beauvais or some such gay
tapestry woven with Boucher or Watteau-like scenes, is a very gracious object, in
which the period reached its high-water mark. The Empire brought in squat and
squabby shapes, comfortable enough no doubt, but entirely destitute of inspiration.
English Empire chairs were often heavier and more sombre than those of French

The art nouveau school produced chairs of simplicity. The Arts and Crafts movement
produced heavy, straight lined, minimally ornamented chairs. The most famous being
the Michael Thonet Bendwood chair or the 'bistro chair' created in 1859 which has
revolutionized the industry and is still being produced today. Thonet's essential
breakthrough was his success in having light, strong wood bent into curved, graceful
shapes by forming the wood in hot steam. This enabled him to design entirely novel,
elegant, lightweight, durable and comfortable furniture, which appealed strongly to
fashion - a complete departure from the heavy, carved designs of the past - and whose
aesthetic and functional appeal remains to this day.

Last but not least: Neolithic Chair from 4750-4700BC Dicovered in Târpești Modern
day Romania, and exposed in Piatra Neamt Museum.

**What we inevitably find is that an object becomes so ubiquitously commonplace

that it fades from the items the mind analyses through routine and habit and the
relatively unchanging use and structural integrity – except of course when they break,
tip, or send someone to the floor amid fits of laughter from onlookers. The chair has a
fascinating history in terms of its geometric changes varying from culture to culture
and yet unified in its use as a seat for rulers and dignitaries until a relatively late
period in our history but its fashion conceals a device laden with psychology.

It's high back, as have many things of elevated stature emulating a proud priapus or
phallus have often been employed in royalty, government and other dignitarial roles.
The greater the power to be percieved - the higher the back of the chair. Knowing this
universal perception exists, some leaders understate their power by having a normal
backed chair or a minimum of adornment from where they speak – many muslim
mosques have this trait.

We see this elevation of height used in a variety of ways that often compliment the
chair and sympathetically transfer the height of the regalia to the words and stature of
the speaker. We know when we walk up to a counter that is high and the person
seated behind it lower, we sense on some level that something strange is occurring –
some barrier is being put up between us that makes us unequal but we often do not
consciously know what is happening psychologically. We sense only that the
geometry is strange. Consider this company who create chairs specifically tailored to
take advantage of geometry and its psychology;- keep in mind that the selling points
given are written by marketing and will not reveal the darker sides of each designs
psychology and how it will ultimately benefit the buyer. Just because a psychological
effort is made to cause the geometry of a form to manipulate someone – does not
mean it will;- but the intent that forms can be laden with can be eye-opening.

Subtle changes in elements such as pitch, height, padding, and seating configuration
can dramatically change a person’s mindset during an interaction--and even the
interaction itself.

The Good Deal Seat

When negotiating, it’s common to feel anxious about not getting the best deal--

especially in a situation like a car dealership where customers fear they lack
information to avoid being “taken for a ride.” In creating seating for the sales
process for one major car company, we empowered customers by allowing them to sit
forward and upright. Our research showed, perhaps counter-intuitively, that
empowering customers actually causes them to stay longer in the dealership and be
more likely to close a deal, creating a win for the company as well. It’s only when
people feel intimidated that they regain control by leaving the situation. By creating
an empowering experience, we help ensure they will return again to the dealership,
and refer friends as well.

The Get Well Seat

Nothing could be worse than feeling uncomfortable when you are sick. In helping
design Herman Miller’s Nala chair for medical settings, we took care to create
something that would remind patients of the comforts of home, rather than a cold
institutional environment. In addition, we put the arms higher and more forward in
order to allow patients experiencing pain or limited mobility to get in and out more
easily, and incorporated a pneumatic control to adjust to an infinite number of
inclines to maximize comfort. By making patients feel more independent, we help take
away some of the fears and difficulties in a time when they are not feeling their best.

The Financial Confab Seat

In recent years, banking customers have become less dependent on the traditional
bank teller and more confident managing their money for themselves online. Yet they
still need professional financial advice and consultation. When we helped banking
giant BBVA design a new service model for banking, we acknowledged this trend by
creating circular “pods” where customers could sit side-by-side with a bank
representative in a private space to review their finances. By allowing customers and
representatives to see the same information on the same screen, we created a more
collaborative environment. Customers can feel in control of their money, while at the
same time, they can learn from the expertise of the bank employee in making the right
financial decisions.

The Millenial Seat

The Millennial generation is all about equality: flattening hierarchies and up-ending
traditional formality with more free-form ways of interaction. In designing 2ovens, a
restaurant by the national Italian chain Bertucci’s catering specifically to
Millennials, we wanted to incorporate those values in the seating we chose. Instead
of chairs, we used tall stools that put diners on the same level with servers so they
can feel like they are hanging out together in a fun, open environment rather than
“being served.” The stools also enable spontaneous interaction with other diners,
allowing customers to catch glances across the room, to mingle with standing bar
goers, and stand up themselves to make an expressive point. The overall effect is to
create a high-energy social environment that offers Millennials the freedom to be


The Greek oral podium set the standard for maximum effectiveness in listening and
speaking – a style that has been adopted the world over in buildings and locations
where officials and leaders come to debate. High podiums which raise the speaker(s)
above the audience are commonplace psychological differentiations of power. Tall
banners, tall statues and monuments may accompany the chair as surrounding
backdrops. Where many wish to understate their power they will retain a level in
height equal to that of the audience;- however this may not be the wishes of the
speaker, but the architect. We may note that muslims do not seat but kneel The
geometry of the sitting human person is approximately 1.5m by 2m – thus to fit a
certain amount within a space requires a certain amount of height and a certain
amount of length. Where numbers are high this cannot help but extend the height of
the ceiling to allow the needed amount of oxygen and extend the length to fit in the
required amount of bodies. These buildings are laden with Symbolic gestures to God
or Higher Powers decorated with the most lavish, intricate, and incredible
architectural marvels, carpets, paintings, carvings, statues, flags, banners, stained
glass, ornate decorative bannisters. These are places intended to over-awe, to remind
a person of their place as mortal, to show the grandeur and god-like power attributed
to belief, to dazzle and marvel and wonder and see the enormous expenditures of
human genius and effort that have gone into creating a holy place, reverential nexus
of grand import or humbling sanctuary.

While all of these forms of seating have their advantages in service environments,
they also hold lessons for the office environment as well. Office chairs have
traditionally been about status--think Gordon Gecko in his big padded office chair (or
even the ultra-cool Hollywood exec in his Herman Miller Aeron chair). In today’s
office, however, it’s become more important to stress communication and
collaboration. The available seating should enable employees to shift between say,
upright seat for typing, a comfortable couch for creative work, a round table for
collaboration, or high stools to easily circulate in a working group. Creating a variety
of seats for different work habits not only enhances productivity but also improves
morale by making employees feel like they are able to operate at their maximum
The common thread tying together all of these modes of seating is an understanding
of the values and goals of the participants in an interaction. Once we understand
where a person “sits” emotionally, we can design seating that helps to support them
physically and psychologically--maximizing the productivity and enjoyment of the
moment of sitting down with another person. At a time when our social interactions
increasingly involve staring at screens, that may be more important than ever.

What should ALWAYS be foremost in the mind when reading about psychological
advantages that support people emotionally – is the power to also manipulate them
emotionally. In which chair did salespeople of this company sit their potential
buyers? Would their buyers have even been aware of this super-subtle manipulation
of their emotions through the geometry that supported them? Likely not.

Main Entry: shape

Part of Speech: noun, verb

Zeppelinistic, acicular, acinaciform, aciniform,actiniform, aculeiform, acuminat
e, acute, aliform,allantoid, almond, amentiform, amoebiform,ampullaceous, a
mygdaloid, anguiform, anguilliform,angular, ankyroid, annular, antenniform, a
pical,apsidal, arboriform, arciform, arcuate, ascidiform,asteriated, astroid, as
ymmetrical, attenuated,auriform, aveniform, awry, baccate, bacillary,baculifor
m, balanoid, belemnoid, beloid, biconcave,biconical, biconvex, bifurcate, bilat
eral, biradial,boluliform, botryoidal, botryose, brachial,branchiform, branching
, bulbous, bulliform, bursiform,cactiform, calamiform, calathiform, calceiform,
calciform, campanulate, canaliform, cancriform,cannular, capitate, capitellate,
carbunculoid,cardioid, carinate, caudiform, cauliform, celliform,celtiform, cere
briform, cheliform, cingular, circinate,circular, cirriform, clavate, claviform, clit
hridiate,clothoid, cochleariform, cochleate, coextensive,colliform, colubriform,
columnar, compass, concave,concavo, conglobulate, conical, conoid, convex,c
onvexo, corbiculate, cordate, cordated, cordiform,corniform, coroniform, corti
ciform, crenate,crenulate, cribriform, cristiform, cruciate, cruciform,cubic, cub
ical, cubiform, cuboid, cucullate,cucumiform, cucurbitaceous, cuneal, cuneate
,cupulate, cuspidate, cyathiform, cylindrical,cylindriform, dactyloid, decagonal
, decurved,decussate, deltoid, dendriform, dendroid, dentiform,disciform, disc
oid, dodecagon, dodecagonal,dolabriform, dolioform, drepanoid, egg, elliptica
l,elongate, embryoniform, ensiform, eruciform,fabiform, falcate, falciform, fas
tigiate, filiciform,filiform, flabellate, foliate, foraminous, forcepiform,forciform,
forficate, forficiform, fructiform, fundiform,fungiform, fungoid, funiform, furca
l, furcating,furcellate, furciferous, fusiform, galeated, galeiform,geometric, gl
andiform, globose, globular, guttiform,guttulous, hamiform, harengiform, has
tate,hederiform, helical, helicoid, hemihedral, heptagonal,herpetiform, hexag
onal, hexagram, hippocrepiform,holohedral, hominiform, homogeneous, hord
eiform,hyoid, ichthyomorphic, infundibuliform, interfacial,involute, irregular, is
omorphic, isomorphous, labial,lambdoid, lamelliform, lanceolate, leguminose,l
igulate, liliform, linear, linguiform, lobate, lotiform,lozenge, malleiform, mam

miform, mammiloid,mammose, manubrial, meniform, mitrate, moline,monilif
orm, moriform, morphic, morphous,mummiform, muscariform, napiform, nari
form,nasiform, natiform, nodiform, nodose, nodular,nonagonal, notched, nubi
form, nummiform,nummular, obclavate, obcordate, obcuneate,obeliscoid, obl
ate, oblique, obovate, obovoid,obtuse, obverse, octagonal, oculiform, odontoi
d,ogival, omegoid, ophidiform, orbicular, oriform,ostreiform, oval, ovate, ovoi
d, palaceous, palmate,pandurate, panduriform, papillary, papyriform,paraboli
c, parallelepipedal, parted, pateriform,peaked, pectinate, pediform, peltate, p
elviform,pemphigoid, penciliform, pennate, penniform,pentagonal, petaliform,
phalliform, phylliform, pineal,pinnate, pinniform, pisiform, plano, plasmic, pla
stic,pocilliform, poculiform, polygonal, polyhedral,pomiform, prismatoid, pris
moid, prolate, pulviliform,pyramidal, pyriform, quadrangular, ramiform,recliva
te, rectangular, rectilinear, regular, remiform,reniform, resofincular, retiary, re
troflex, retuse,rhipidate, rhombohedral, rhomboid, rostate,rostriform, rotifor
m, round, sacciform, sagittate,samariform, sandaliform, scalloped, scalprifor
m,scaphoid, scopiform, scrotiform, scutate, scutiform,scyphate, sectoral, sec
uriform, selachostomous,selliform, semilunar, serrate, shaped, sigmate,sigmo
id, siliquiform, similiform, soleiform, spatulate,sphenic, sphenoid, spherical, s
picate, spiciform,spiral, squaliform, square, stapedial, stapediform,stellate, st
elliform, stirious, styliform, subulate,sudiform, sycosiform, symmetrical, taper
ing,tauriform, tectiform, tentiform, terete, ternate,tetartohedral, toothed, tor
oidal, torous, trapezial,trapezoidal, triangular, trifoliate, trifurcate, trihedral,tri
lateral, trochlear, trochleiform, truncated,tubiform, tubular, turriculate, turrifo
rm,umbraculiform, unciform, uncinate, undecagon,unguiform, urceiform, urce
olate, ursiform, utriform,valviform, vasculiform, vermiculate, verruciform,villif
orm, virgate, virgulate, volute, vulviform,winding, ypsiliform, zosteriform, zyg


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