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CE - Interna
ational Jourrnal for Envvironmentaal Rehabilitaation and Conservation
Volume VI: No. 1 2015 [83
[ – 90] [ISS
SN 0975 - 62722]

Effect of
o post harrvest operrations on seed quality of Mun
ng (Physeoolus munggo L.)

n, Sanjiv1; Gadewar,
Charjan G Raajesh2, Lam h3, Lambat,, Prachi4
mbat, Ashish

Received: March 23, 2015

2 ⏐ Accep
pted: April 266, 2015 ⏐ Onlline: June 30,, 2015

Effects of Threshiing, drying and storaage mosst commonlyy occurring fungif irrespeective of
methods on seed qu uality of Muung (Physeoolus storrage periodss and storagge containerss during
mungo L.)
L were stud died. The seeeds threshed by storrage under am mbient conddition.
hand hadd maintaineed significanntly very low Keyywords: Muung | seed qualityq | thrreshing |
mechaniccal damagee to seedss and highher dryiing | containner | storage
germinattion, seedlling vigour and field
emergencce percentag ge. Drying ofo mung seeeds Intrroduction
at loweer temperaature (shade) recordded Munng (Physeollus mungo L.) is a rich source of
significanntly higherr germinattion, seedliing prottein but it is yet to gain impetuss in our
vigour and
a field em
mergence peercentage. The T couuntry. One of the major problems p
mung seeds stored d in polyeethylene baags encountered in urdbean prooduction in India is
recorded significan ntly higher germinatioon, the lack of goood quality seeeds. Seed yield
y and
seedling vigour and field emergeence and lessser its quality
q depend on a num mber of facttors. The
seed invaasion by funngal flora duuring storagee as timee of harveesting, methhods of thhreshing,
comparedd to jute andd cloth bags under ambient dryiing and stoorage of seeeds are am mong the
conditionn. It was also noted thatt Altrnaria sp.,
s major consideration in deciding thhe seed
Aspergilllus sp., Fussarium sp., Rhizopus sp., s quaality and prooductivity. Seed
S quality may be
Tricotheccium sp. And d Penicillium
m sp. Were the
t imppaired whilee the seeds are still onn mother
For corresspondence:
plannt (Pullock, 1972) Physiiomorphologgical and
phyysiological chhanges mighht set in, if thhe seeds
College off Agriculture (Drr. PDKV’s) Naggpur.
Sevadal Mahila
M Mahavidy yalaya, Nagpur are retained onn the motherr plant for a longer
Sevadal Mahila
M Mahavidy yalaya, Nagpur
duraation beyoond physiiological maturity m
Shri Mathuuradas Mohata Science
S College,, Nagpur
Email: lammbatashish@gm 83
Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

(Ovchrovv and Kizilo ova, 1966). Dharmaling

D am havving cementeed wall, roof and flooor under
and Bassu (1988) reported that t the seeed ambbient conddition for 9 months. The
harvestedd at physiolo
ogical maturrity had highhest observations on moistuure contennt and
germinattion and vigoour than those harvestedd at germ mination tessts was condducted as prescribed
prematurre. Sangakkaara and Wannisekera (19990) in International
I l rules for seed
s testingg (ISTA,
reported that the mungbean
m seed quality not
n 19885). Two hunndred seeds were used too isolate
affected by hand threshing,
t d
drying at low funggi followingg standard bllotter and aggar plate
temperatuure and storing thhe seeds in metthods (ISTA A, 1976). TheT seedlingg vigour
polyethylene bags in low tem mperature and
a indeex was workked out folloowing the method of
relative humidity.
h As very little informationn is Alddul Baki & Anderson (1973). For filed
availablee on this asp
pect, hence an experiment emeergence testt, sowing of o mung seeeds was
was plannned to studyy the effect of
o post harvvest donne in random mized blockk design, withw four
operationns on seed qu
uality of muung. repllications witth inter and intra-row
i spacing of
1 feeet and 6 inches respecttively. Obseervations
Materialls and Meth hod for field emerggence were recorded daaily and
Plants of o Mung (Variety Tarm-2) T were finaally the estabblished seeddlings were counted
harvestedd at physiological matuurity (i.e. whhen afteer one monthh of sowingg. The experrimental
green podd turns in blackish greenn in colour) by dataa was statisstically scruutinized by random
cutting too a height of
o 5 cm from m ground levvel. p Panse annd Sukhatme (1967).
blocc design as per
Pods werre removed from the haarvested plaants
and driedd on the thrreshing flooor as per usuual Ressults and Diiscussion
method of drying. The T harvestted pods were Datta presentedd in the Taable 1 show wed that
divided in
i to 5 lots. First lot was threshed by macchine thresheed at 500 rppm results innto seeds
hand, 2 by stick beating 3rd
nd r
by machine withh significaantly maximum mechanical
threshed 300 rpm. 4 by 400 rpm rp and 5th by dammage (3.2%) which is foollowed by 400 4 rpm
500 rpmm separately y. Half threshed seeds of (2.66%) 300 rpm m (1.6%), sttick beating (1.4%),
each threeshing meth hods dried ini the sun anda andd hand threshhed (0.3%). Saini et al. (1982),
remaininng half threshed seed waas dried in the t Sanngakkara and Wanisekeera (1990) reported
sun and remaining
r haalf threshed seed was dried thatt the seedd threshed by handd lower
in shadee. Three day ys were reqquired for suns mecchanical dammage to seedd coat than machine
drying and
a 10 dayss were required for shaade threeshed.
drying too reach safe moisture
m conntent level (10
( In was
w observed form thee Table 2 that the
+ 1 %). The thresshed and dried d seeds by germmination percentage
p of mung seeds
different methods were kept in jute, j cloth and
a threeshed by different methods varies
polyethylene bags of 178 um of o size 20cm m x signnificantly annd it was highest in hand –
30cm resspectively of 1 Kg eachh and storedd in threeshed seedss (92%) whichw was closely
wire – mesh almirrah in massonry buildiing followed by stick-beatingg (96%), machine m

Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

threshed 300 rpm (8 80%), 400 rppm (79%) and a andd this resultss in reductioon of germinability
500 rpmm (75%). Th he germinatiion percentaage withh high num mber of abnoormal seedliings and
was decrreased with increasing in mechaniical dead seeds. Moorrison and Robertson, (1978),
damage to t the seed coat of munng. It was also a Sanngakkara andd Wanisekerra, (1990), Patil
P and
observedd that the ab bnormal seeddling increases Zodde, (1993). Seedling
S viggour index and
a field
with the increasing thet mechaniical damagee to emeergence perccentage alsoo followed thhe same
the seed coat of mun ng. The simiilar results also
a trennd of germinnation in muung. Similarr results
reported by Soesarsaano and Coppeland (19774), alsoo reported by
b Saini et al.a (1982) Patil
P and
Sangakkaara, Wanisek ker (1990), and Lambatt et Zodde, (1993) annd Lambat et al. 2011
al. (2011) Seedling g vigour inndex and filed Thee apparent influence of threshing,, drying
emergencce followed the sam me trends of metthods andd storage containeers on
germinattion. It was highest in hand-
h threshhed germmination, seeedling vigoour index annd field
seeds as compared to o other threshhing methodd. emeergence perccentage of mung seedss during
The efffect of seeed drying methods for storrage presennted in Taable 4. Thhe data
reductionn the moistu ure content to a desirabble indiicated that thhe germinatiion, seedlingg vigour
level is presented in Table 2. The ressult andd field emerggence percenntage of storeed mung
suggestedd that the th
hree (3) dayss were requirred decllined with increasingg storage period,
for sun drying
d t (10) dayys required for
and ten howwever the rater of losss varied with
w the
shade drrying to reaach safe level of moistuure metthods of thhreshing, drying and types t of
content (10 + 1%)). Study onn seed dryiing storrage containners used. A sharp decclined in
indicatedd that the gerrmination off sundried haand germmination, seeedling vigoour index annd field
threshed seeds was (85%) whhich is closely emeergence occcurred in seeds thresshed by
followedd by stick beating (800%), machinne- macchine 500 rppm, drying in i sun and stored
s in
threshed 300 rpm (7 75%), 400 rppm (70%) and a jutee, cloth annd polyethyylene bags during
500 rpm m (62%). As A against 92% 9 in hannd- storrage. Howevver, there was w practicaally less
threshed,, 87% in stick beatting, 85% in losss of germinaation, seedlinng vigour inndex and
machine--threshed 30 00 rpm 82% % in 400 rppm fieldd emergence percentage in seeds threshed
and 77%% in 500 rpm m in shade dried
d seeds. In by hand
h dried inn shade and stored in juute, cloth
shade drying,
d low
w temperatuure minimizzes andd polyethyleene bags duuring storagge for 9
scorchingg due to graadual loss ofo the moistuure monnths Sangakkkara and Wanisekera,
W (1990),
and theere was no adverse effect on Patiil and Zode, (1993) and a Lambatt et al.
germinabbility of seedds. The resuult confirms the
t (2011) also repported that the sun drrying of
findings of Philpot, (1976), Paatil and Zode, seedds harmful for germinaation. In the present
(1993), Lambat
L et al.
a (2011). In I sun dryinng, studdy, it was observed thhat the munng seed,
high ambbient temperrature develoop a rapid flow storred in polyeethylene baggs were undeergo the
of moistuure within thhe seeds cauusing stress and
a leasst amount off loss of geerminability to great
sun scorrching to the embryo and a cotyledoons exteent as com mpared to juute and clooth bags

Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

irrespectiive to thresshing and drying

d methhod succcessful carryyover of seeed during stoorage. In
Vanangaamudi, (1988 8), Shivankaar et al. (19990), the present study,
s the similar treends of
Likhitkarr and Charjaan, (1995) and
a Lambatt et germmination weere observedd in seedlingg vigour
al. (2011) also reported superiority
s of indeex and field emergence percentage of o mung
polyethylene bags ov ver jute and cloth bags for seedds during stoorage.

Germinatiion Analysis %
Mechanically Sound Seedling Field
T Normal A
Abnormal D
S. No. damaged seed seed Vigou
ur emergeence
methods seedling Seedling S
(%) (%) Indexx (%))
(%) (%) (
1 Hand –
H 0.2 99.8 9
91 5 4 1026 83
2 S
Stick 103 98.6 8
88 7 5 985 76
3 M
Machine- 1.6 98.4 8
83 111 6 909 70
3 rpm
4 4 rpm
400 2.6 97.4 8
80 144 6 882 65
5 5 rpm
500 3.2 96.8 7
77 177 7 816 61
S (m) +
SE 0.3 0.3 1
1.3 n/a n//a 70 1.4
C at 5%
C.D 1 1 4
4.1 n/a n//a 218 4.3
Germinationn % on the basiss of normal seediing % (ISTA, 19985). SE (m) + Standard
S Error mean,
m C.D. at 5%
% Critical Differrence
at 5%.

Table 1. Effeect of threshing methods

m on mecchanical damage to
seedd coat, sound seeeds and germinattion percentage in

Shade dryin
ng Sun dryiing
S. No Threeshing G.A. % G.A. %
1 Handd –Threshing 92 4 4 1076 83 85 8 7 902 76
2 Stickk Beating 87 8 5 987 76 80 12 9 873 70
3 Machine-Threshing 85 10 5 962 72 75 15 10 786 64
300 rpm
4 400 rpm
r 82 12 6 894 68 70 18 12 755 57
5 500 rpm
r 77 17 6 804 62 62 24 14 654 48
SE (m) + 1.4 N/A N/A 55 1.2 1.2 N/A N/AA 60 1.5
C.D at 5% 4.2 N/A N/A 168 3.6 3.7 N/A N/AA 180 4.5
(G.A.- Germinaation analysis, NS-Normal
N Seedlling, ABS- Abnoormal seedling, DS-Dead
D seed, SVI
S Seedling viggour index, FE-F
emergence. SE (m) + Standard Error mean, C.DD. at 5% Criticall Difference at 5%, Normal Seeddling % = Germiination%)

Table 2: Efffect of threshingg and drying meethods on germinnation

peercentage, seedliing vigour indexx and field emerggence
peercentage in munng

During thhis study (T

Table 4) it was
w evident thhat prottection as poolyethylene bags resist moisture
the maxiimum numb ber of fungaal colonies did
d pennetration whhich helps in preventting the
develops in jute bag gs which arre followed by devvelopment of fungaal coloniess both
cloth baags and polytheylene bags duriing quaantitative annd species wise irreespective
storage. The
T polyeth hylene bags provided
p muuch threeshing and drying metthods. It was w also
Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

noted thhat Alterna

aria sp., Aspergillus
A sp. Fussarium sp., Penicillium
P s Rhizopuss sp. and
S. No.
N Drying Methods/
M Pack
king Methodss Germinatiion % Seedling Vigour Indexx Field emmergence %
Initial 9 Months Initial 9 Monthss Initial 9 Monthss
1 Hand th hreshed
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 92 83 1076 909 83 69
ii) Cloth bag 92 84 1076 920 83 71
iii) Polyeethylene bag 92 91 1076 1062 83 81
2) Sun drrying
i) Jute baag 85 69 902 752 76 56
ii) Cloth bag 85 70 902 769 76 58
iii) Polyeethylene bag 85 82 902 890 76 72
SE (m) + N/A 24 N/A 41 N/A 2.2
2 Stick beating
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 87 79 937 861 76 66
ii) Cloth bag 87 80 937 874 76 68
iii) Polyeethylene bag 87 85 937 906 76 75
2) Sun drrying
i) Jute baag 80 70 873 772 70 56
ii) Cloth bag 80 72 873 794 70 60
iii) Polyeethylene bag 80 76 873 852 70 66
SE (m) + N/A 3 N/A 42 N/A 2.8
3 Machinee-threshed (30 00 rpm)
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 85 70 912 764 72 56
ii) Cloth bag 85 71 912 771 72 57
iii) Polyeethylene bag 85 80 912 882 72 68
2) Sun drrying
i) Jute baag 75 58 840 8650 64 46
ii) Cloth bag 75 60 840 662 64 48
iii) Polyeethylene bag 75 70 840 769 64 60
SE (m) + N/A 3.1 N/A 44 N/A 3
4 Machinee-threshed (40 00 rpm)
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 82 62 894 662 68 50
ii) Cloth bag 82 64 894 686 68 51
iii) Polyeethylene bag 82 68 894 738 68 55
2) Sun drrying
i) Jute baag 70 56 761 542 57 42
ii) Cloth bag 70 58 761 607 57 43
iii) Polyeethylene bag 70 64 761 720 57 54
SE (m) + N/A 2.8 N/A 40 N/A 2.6
5 Machinee- Threshed (5 500 rpm)
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 77 55 867 534 62 40
ii) Cloth bag 77 56 867 542 62 41
iii) Polyeethylene bag 77 67 867 752 62 51
2) Sun drrying
i) Jute baag 62 40 654 362 48 25
ii) Cloth bag 62 45 654 400 48 30
iii) Polyeethylene bag 62 50 654 468 48 36
SE (m) + N/A 3.7 N/A 59 N/A 4
SE (m) + Standardd Error mean, (Normal seedlling % = Germ

Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

Table 3. Effect of threeshing, drying methods

m and sttorage containeers
on germinatiion percentage, seedling vigoour index, fieldd
emergence percentage
p in mung
m during stoorage.

Percentage of fungi encounntered on Mungg seeds

S.Noo. Treatmeents A B C D E F
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 Hand Th hreshed
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 1 6 3 144 1 4 1 20 N//A 6 N/A 1
ii) Cloth bag 1 6 3 100 1 6 1 22 N//A 5 N/A NN/A
iii) Polytthylene bag 1 2 3 6 1 1 1 4 N//A 3 N/A NN/A
2) Sun Drying
i) Jute baag 1 5 2 155 N/A 7 N/A 10 N//A 5 N/A 1
ii) Cloth bag 1 5 2 166 N/A 8 N/A 16 N//A 5 N/A 1
iii) Polytthylene bag 1 3 2 7 N/A 1 N/A 12 N//A 2 N/A NN/A
2 Stick beeating
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 2 6 2 155 N/A 8 1 24 1 7 N/A 2
ii) Cloth bag 2 7 2 166 N/A 9 1 20 1 9 N/A 1
iii) Polytthylene bag 2 1 2 100 N/A 4 1 10 1 2 N/A NN/A
2) Sun Drying
i) Jute baag 1 4 2 200 N/A 10 N/A 20 N//A 3 N/A 1
ii) Cloth bag 1 4 2 144 N/A 9 N/A 24 N//A 4 N/A 2
iii) Polytthylene bag N/A N/A 2 8 N/A 2 N/A 14 N//A N/A N/A NN/A
3 Machinee-threshed (300 0
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 1 5 3 188 1 8 1 27 1 9 N/A NN/A
ii) Cloth bag 1 6 3 166 1 5 1 24 1 8 N/A NN/A
iii) Polytthylene bag 1 1 3 9 1 1 1 12 1 2 N/A NN/A
2) Sun Drying
i) Jute baag 1 5 3 200 N/A 6 1 24 N//A 18 N/A NN/A
ii) Cloth bag 1 5 3 188 N/A 4 1 14 N//A 15 N/A NN/A
iii) Polytthylene bag N/A 1 3 100 N/A N/A 1 8 N//A 2 N/A NN/A
4 Machinee–threshed (400 0
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 1 6 3 277 1 14 1 24 1 9 N/A 1
ii) Cloth bag 1 6 3 199 1 9 1 19 1 8 N/A 2
iii) Polytthylene bag 1 1 3 166 1 1 1 2 1 2 N/A NN/A
2) Sun Drying
i) Jute baag 1 6 2 311 N/A 19 N/A 25 N//A 10 N/A 2
ii) Cloth bag 1 5 2 299 N/A 14 N/A 19 N//A 10 N/A 2
iii) Polytthylene bag 0 N/A 2 188 N/A 5 N/A 3 N//A 3 N/A NN/A
5 Machinee-threshed (500 0
1) Shadee drying
i) Jute baag 1 6 3 277 1 19 1 30 1 15 N/A NN/A
ii) Cloth bag 1 5 3 211 1 12 1 25 1 10 N/A 1
iii) Polytthylene bag 1 2 3 122 1 12 1 15 1 2 N/A NN/A
2) Sun Drying
i) Jute baag 1 5 2 288 1 19 1 34 N//A 15 N/A 1
ii) Cloth bag 1 4 2 200 1 12 1 29 N//A 9 N/A 2
iii) Polytthylene bag N/A N/A 2 100 1 7 1 11 N//A 2 N/A NN/A
Total 29 106 65 3118 15 150 21 424 122 155 0 220
A-Allternaria sp., B. Aspergillus sp. C- Fusarium sp., D-Peicillium sp.,
s E-Rhizopus sp.
s And F- Trichhothecium sp.,1-Standard blotterr paper method teest,
2- Agar
A plate methodd.

Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83 – 90 

Table 4: Effecct of threshing, drying

d methods and
a storage
containers on incidennce percentage of
o fungal flora onn
Munng during storagee.

Charjan et al.. /Vol. VI [1] 2015/83
2 – 90 

Trichotheecium sp. were

w the most commonnly levels. Agron
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a mungeann. Seed Res.. 16(2): 168--172.
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m be beccause of higher
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h leachiing of sugaar which cauuse Lam
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p in the
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f getting beetter yield. The
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