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Name: Miss Abby Nickell Date: February 5-9

Subject: Mathematics Topic: Decimals

Grade: Fifth Length of Lesson: 5 days

The Big Idea: Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals using a variety of

Standard: Numbers and Operations in Base 10

Cluster: Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers

Objective: M.5.10 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using
concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between related operations, relate the strategy to a
written method and explain the reasoning used.

Specific Objective: Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals with 70%
accuracy on post assessment.

Decimal notes Worksheets (5th grade folder) Testing Folders** Diner Math
Dry Erase Markers

Direct Instruction:
Monday -Teacher will complete 1 addition and 1 subtraction problem on board.
Review steps and solve.
-Teacher will write multiplication problem on board.
Review steps and solve
-Teacher will write division problem on board. (With and without decimal in divisor)
Review steps and solve
Tuesday -Teacher will review multiplying and dividing decimal steps orally.
- Teacher will complete example problem on board.
Wednesday Teacher will review addition, subtraction, multiplying, and dividing steps orally.
Thursday Teacher will project study guide on board.
Teacher will review each problem and call on student to solve.
Friday Teacher will proctor test.

Guided Practice:
Monday –Teacher will write multiplication problems on board. (3)
Teacher will call on student to solve.
- Teacher will write division problems on board. (3)
Teacher will call on student to solve.
Tuesday- Students will solve 4 practice problems.
Teacher will review problems on the board.
Thursday- Students will complete study guide with teacher.
-Students will complete diner math with a small group.
Lesson Closure:
Monday Students will complete exit slip.
Tuesday Teacher will review practice sheet.
Wednesday Teacher will spilt students into two groups.
Teacher will write decimal problems on the board.
1 member from each group will race to the board and solve problem.
*winning team will get 5 dojo points
Thursday Students will write in planner to study for decimal test.

Independent Practice:
Monday Students will complete multiplying decimals sheet for practice.
Students will complete dividing decimals sheet for practice.
Tuesday Students will complete multiplying and dividing decimals sheet for practice.
Wednesday Students will complete mixed decimal sheet for a grade.
Thursday Students will complete diner math with a small group.
Groups will have waiter/waitress and customers.
Students will order and pay.
Students will add and subtract decimals/money.
Friday Students will complete decimal unit test.
Students will complete Moby Max lesson after test.

Wednesday Students will complete decimal sheet for a grade
Friday Students will complete decimal unit test for a grade.
Students will complete Moby Max lesson for a grade.
Monday Teacher will check student understanding while reviewing problems and steps on the
Tuesday Teacher will assess student understanding while checking practice problems.
Wednesday Teacher will evaluate student understanding while completing lesson closure.
Thursday Teacher will check student understanding while completing study guide.
-Teacher will check student understanding while completing diner math.
Friday Teacher will check student understanding while completing Moby Max lesson.

Lesson Reflection:

Monday The students did very well with the addition and subtraction portion of this unit, so
today we moved on to multiplying and dividing. The students enjoy division, so I think this unit
will go well. The students are struggling to remember to line the numbers up right to left and not
by decimals, so this was something I had to emphasize all day.

Tuesday I had the students complete an entry slip as soon as they got into the room. Then I did a
quick check while the students were doing a bathroom break. AWFUL. The students got their
steps right, but made very careless mistakes like 8+5=15 and saying 32 will not go into 64.
Several were bad about not putting their decimals. So, today we completed a lot of practice. By
the end of the period they were doing much better. I gave the students some practice problems to
do on their own and then I worked in small groups with some students.

Wednesday The students loved the relay we completed on the board. It came down to a tie
breaker because each side missed one problem. I was glad the students were so excited about this
activity. I did not do competitions like this often, but they do a lot of different similar things
among their groups.
Thursday The students competed the Dibels test for majority of the class period, so we were not
able to complete the study guide. However, after the students completed the Dibels there was
about 20 minutes left in class, so I allowed to play with the diner math. They loved it. I was
afraid they would think it was childish, but it was a hit.

Friday The students completed Dibels testing again today, so unfortunately I did not have them
in the classroom to complete the study guide. However, the students loved the diner math so
much that I decided to make them packets to use as their study guides. I do not like to give
“homework” over the weekend, but the students enjoyed this so much, and several asked if they
could take the menus home! I thought this would be perfect and they didn’t seem to mind.

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