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Nutritional Guide Lines for

Children. M a jo r S mi t h L i e s
E l e m en t a r y S c h oo l .
This photo allows young
students to comprehend nu-
trition in a visual way.
Class Scheduled Times
August 27th at 6pm-8pm
November 10th at 6pm-8pm
February 13th at 6pm-8pm
April 16th at 6pm-8pm

Nothing Tastes as good

This pamphlet will give as Healthy Feel.
students a few guide lines
to healthy eating and ser-
vices to help students and
August 2018
parents live a healthy life Student/Parent Nutrition Class SU M TU WE TH FRI SA
style if they choose to do 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
C o o rd i n a t o r: J a c q u e l i n e M e d r a n o
The back of the pamphlet 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
will also list nutritional 12345 Lebron Ave. El Paso Tx, 79903
class that will be held at 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Phone: 915-269-4378
school for everyone in the
community. Fax: 915-614-4378 26 27 28 29 30 31
Don’t forget to mark the 1st meeting on
your calendar!
Servings for a Healthy Diet

Grains Exercise is just as

½ of your daily servings
should consist of whole-grain. important as your Listed below is our school nutri-
tionist and other nutritional re-
(Six servings per day) diet! courses that can benefit your fam-
Vegetables ilies health. Hope to see you in
You should eat a variety of Children and young adults in our classes!
vegetables. (Three to Four the age span of 6-17 should
servings School Nutritionist
be receiving at least 60
per day) 915-851-1236
Fruits minutes or more of physical
Also eat a activity each day. The activi- Clean Eating Nutritionist
variety of ties should consist of medi- 915-222-333
fruits. um and high intensities Clean Easting Dietitian
(Four serv-
ings per (High intensity is recom- 915-752-3684
day) mended at least 3 days of the
Dairy Prod- week). On three days of the
ucts week activity should also in-
Fat-Free or Low-Fat are recom-
mended. (Two to Three servings clude muscle and bone
per day) strengthening.
Meats, Poultry, and Seafood
Only lean meats are recommend- For Adults who want to be
ed. (Three to Six ounces (cooked) healthy it is recommended
per day) they either get 150 minutes of
Fats and Oils
Use Liquid vegetable oils and soft
medium intensity or 75
margarine most often. (Two serv- minutes of high intensity in
ings per day) aerobic activity a week, or a
Nuts, seed, and combination.
Only need to be taken (Three to
Four times per week)
Sweet and Added Sugars
Try to avoid as much possible
(Zero servings per week)

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