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How to use AS/400 Stored

Procedures with Net.Data

By Craig Pelkie
Net.Data is a great AS/400 Web development tool because it lets you get a result
quickly. Once you understand how to configure Net.Data and the basics of the
language, you can quickly create Net.Data macros to access database files on your
AS/400. You can use Net.Data’s default report processing to automatically generate
a resulting HTML display, or you can use Net.Data functions to completely control the
appearance of the Web page.
When you move beyond the basics, there are some questions you will probably want
to resolve. For example:
• How can you improve the performance of Net.Data macros that use SQL
• How can you access database files that do not have *PUBLIC authority and
that user profile QTMHHTP1 is not authorized to?
• How can you partition the workload of developing a major Web-based
One technique that you can use to help with those requirements is AS/400 stored
procedures. In this article, I’ll show you how some relatively simple stored procedure
code can be used to supplement your Net.Data techniques.

What is a stored procedure?

To use a stored procedure, you first have to understand what it is. On most
platforms, a stored procedure is simply a series of SQL statements and directives
that are run as a unit. The stored procedure can support input and output
parameters, and may return no or several result sets (a result set is the rows of data
returned as the result of running a SELECT statement). Stored procedures are
cataloged in the SQL system catalog using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
On the AS/400, the rules for stored procedures are somewhat relaxed, compared
with other platforms. For example, an AS/400 stored procedure can be written in any
one of several AS/400 languages, including RPG, COBOL, FORTRAN, PL/I, REXX, CL
and C. Stored procedures written in one of those languages are called external
stored procedures, as opposed to SQL stored procedures which are written entirely
using SQL statements.
External stored procedures do not necessarily have to include embedded SQL
statements, and they do not need to be cataloged.
To create external stored procedures that include embedded SQL statements, you
need the DB2 Query Manager and SQL Developer Kit, 5769-ST1. To create SQL
stored procedures on the AS/400 system, you need the SQL Developer Kit and the C
compiler, 5769-CX2.
Stored procedure or program call?
Net.Data for the AS/400 system supports both calls to stored procedures and calls to
other AS/400 programs. You can pass parameters to and from stored procedures or
other programs. The primary differences between the two types of calls are:
• Stored procedures are called from a @dtwl_sql type function in Net.Data.
Other programs are called using a @dtw_directcall type function.
• Stored procedures can return one or more result sets to the Net.Data macro.
Other programs can only return values directly to Net.Data through the
parameter list.
Because you will frequently need to work with a set of records in your Net.Data
macro, it is important to know how to work with stored procedures so that you can
easily get the required data from a result set.

A stored procedure sample

Figure 1 shows the sample Web page from a Net.Data macro that prompts for
parameters to retrieve a customer master record and a list of orders for the
customer. When the button is clicked, the Net.Data macro invokes an external stored
procedure written in RPG that returns two result sets to the macro.

Figure 1: The prompt form to get parameters for the stored procedure.
Figure 2 shows the resulting HTML tables that are automatically built by Net.Data.
The tables are based on two different result sets that are returned to the macro from
the stored procedure:
• A result set containing the customer data. This result set has only one row
(record) in it.
• A result set containing the list of orders for the customer. This result set can
contain from 0…n rows.
Admittedly, the automatic HTML tables do not look very good, but the macro is
intended as a “proof of concept”. Once the result sets are returned to Net.Data, you
can use additional Net.Data table formatting functions to create better looking HTML

Figure 2: The results of running the multiple result set stored procedure.

The Net.Data ResultSets macro

The following Net.Data macro is used to produce Figures 1 and 2, by invoking the
RPG stored procedure. The macro is invoked at the Input block, as shown in this
sample URL:

%{ Net.Data macro ResultSets.ndm %}
%{ %}
%{ Demonstrate calling stored procedure that returns %}
%{ multiple result sets. %}
%{ %}
%{ Copyright (c) 2001, Craig Pelkie %}

%{ Define Net.Data table variables %}

TABLE1 = %table
TABLE2 = %table

%{ SQL function to invoke multiple result set stored proc. %}
%function(dtw_sql) myProc(in char(4) customerID,
in dec(3,0) districtID,
in char(4) warehouseID,
out t1,
out t2) {
call resultsets

%{ Macro function - uses default report processing for table %}
%macro_function showTable(INOUT table) {


%{ HTML section - invoke stored procedure, display tables %}
%html(GETTABLES) {

<title>Net.Data macro using SQL Stored Procedure</title>

<h1>Net.Data macro using SQL Stored Procedure</h1>


@dtw_assign(DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT, "YES")

First result set table:




Second result set table:



%{ HTML section - display page, get library name %}
%html(Input) {

<title>Net.Data macro using Multiple Result Set Stored

<form action="GETTABLES"

<h1>Net.Data macro using Multiple Result Set Stored


<font color="blue" size="-1">
This macro uses multiple result sets and the parameter passing


Enter the Customer ID (example: 0001):

<input type="text"
Enter the District ID (example: 001):

<input type="text"

Enter the Warehouse ID (example: 0001):

<input type="text"

<input type="Submit"
value="Run Stored Procedure">

The %define block

To understand how the macro works, start at the top in the %define block. I start by
setting the DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT option to “no” to prevent Net.Data from
automatically generating an HTML table when it retrieves the result set. Even though
I do in fact use the automatic HTML table generation feature later in the macro, this
technique shows what you need to do if you intend to intercept the table and use
your own set of Net.Data table handling functions to generate the HTML.
The DTW_HTML_TABLE option indicates that Net.Data is to use <table> type
constructs rather than the <pre> tag for table formatting when it generates HTML
tables. You should always include this option in your Net.Data define block.
The two %table variables are used to receive the result sets back from the stored

The %html(input) block

When the macro is invoked from the URL, it starts at the %html(input) block, which
is the last block in the source code. The entire block is simply HTML code that
displays the Web form shown in Figure 1. There are only a few items of interest in
this block:
• The <form> statement, indicating that the next block to be invoked is the
• The <input> tags, used to return form values FORM_CUSTOMER_ID,
When you enter values into the three input fields and click the Run Stored Procedure
button, the input field values are returned to the server and the GETTABLES block is
invoked. At that point, the values of the input fields are available to that block.
The %html(GETTABLES) block
Most of the action in the macro happens in the GETTABLES block. This block is an
%html block, since it is used to generate the HTML that produces the Web page
shown in Figure 2. Reading down through this block, you can see that there are four
Net.Data function invocations:
• @myProc invokes the myProc function, defined as a dtw_sql type function.
• @dtw_assign sets the value of DTW_DEFAULT_REPORT to “YES”.
• Two invocations to the @showTable function are used to format the two result
sets returned to the macro.

The myProc dtw_sql function

The myProc function is defined near the beginning of the macro. There are several
points to note about this function definition:
• The function type is dtw_sql. By defining the function as this type, I am able
to use Net.Data’s ability to return result sets to the macro.
• There are five parameters defined for the function. The first three are IN
(input) type parameters, meaning that the values are passed from the
Net.Data macro to the stored procedure. The last two are OUT (output) type
parameters, meaning that the values are passed from the stored procedure
back to the Net.Data macro.
• The IN parameters include both a data type definition and a placeholder
name. As with any call to another program, you must match up the
parameter data types and lengths, or you will get errors or unexpected
results. The parameter name does not need to match either the input field
name in the Net.Data macro or the actual name in the stored procedure.
Some examples you will see of Net.Data parameter names are as simple as
p1, p2 and p3. I chose to use more descriptive placeholder names so that I
can easily tell what the parameter is used for just by looking at the parameter
• The OUT parameters reference the previously defined Net.Data %table
variables. These parameter names are also not important.
The body of the function contains the call statement that invokes the stored
procedure, program RESULTSETS in library ND01. The procedure name apparently
must be fully qualified, as shown in the function. Net.Data does not seem to use the
value in the EXEC_PATH statement in the INI file to resolve the unqualified
procedure name. Also, cataloging the procedure using the SQL statement CREATE
PROCEDURE command did not help Net.Data resolve the unqualified procedure

Calling the stored procedure and getting result sets

Now that you understand the dtw_sql function used to define the parameters for the
stored procedure call, you can look back at the GETTABLES block to see how the
myProc function is invoked. The invocation of the myProc function includes the three
variables from the <input> tags, followed by the two table variables defined in the
%define block. Upon returning from the function call, the two result sets are
available to the Net.Data macro in the TABLE1 and TABLE2 table variables.
Note that the variables from the <input> tags do not need to be specified with the
Net.Data variable syntax. For example, I specified FORM_CUSTOMER_ID rather than
$(FORM_CUSTOMER_ID). The rule in Net.Data is that if a variable reference is not
ambiguous, you do not need to use the variable syntax. If a reference is ambiguous,
then you need the variable syntax to indicate that Net.Data is to replace the
reference with the value of the variable. For example, the following code shows an
example of an ambiguous variable reference:
<input type=”text” name=”FORM_CUSTOMER_ID” value=”FORM_CUSTOMER_ID”>
If your intention is to show the actual value contained in the FORM_CUSTOMER_ID
variable, then you need to specify the last part of that input tag as follows:

Processing the result sets

After the invocation of myProc in the GETTABLES block, I enable default report
processing with the @dtw_assign statement. That is followed by HTML to identify the
first result set, then an invocation of the @showTable function, passing it the TABLE1
table variable.
The @showTable function precedes the GETTABLES block in the code listing. The
function does nothing but receive the value of the table variable. Although the
function does nothing, Net.Data default report processing is now in effect, so it
generates a default HTML table to display the contents of the result set. As
previously mentioned, the resulting table is nothing special to look at (see Figure 2).
However, when incrementally developing a macro, I use this technique to view the
result set, just to verify that I did get back the data that I was expecting. At this
point, I can go ahead and continue development of the @showTable function to
include Net.Data table handling functions that let me have more control over the
resulting HTML.
The second result set (the list of orders for the customer) is processed in the second
invocation of the @showTable function.

The RPG stored procedure

The following source code is the RPG stored procedure. Most of the code consists of
the embedded SQL statements used to define the cursors that will be used to return
the result sets and the actual SELECT statements.

* Stored procedure, return multiple result sets
* For use with Net.Data macro to demonstrate multiple
* result set capability of Net.Data.
* Use the following command to compile this program:
* In the SQL environment, use the following command to
* catalog the stored procedure:
* create procedure resultsets
* (input p1 char(4),
* input p2 decimal(3,0),
* input p3 char(4))
* external name lib_name/resultsets
* language rpgle general

C* Parameters passed to stored procedure:
C* pmcust - customer ID
C* pmdistrict - district ID
C* pmwarehs - warehouse ID
C *entry plist
C parm pmcust 4
C parm pmdistrict 3 0
C parm pmwarehs 4

C* Execute SELECT statement for customer file (cursor C1)

C/exec sql
C+ declare C1 cursor for
C+ select * from csdb/cstmr
C+ where CID = :pmcust and
C+ CDID = :pmdistrict and
C+ CWID = :pmwarehs
C+ for fetch only

C/exec sql
C+ open C1

C* Execute SELECT statement for item file (cursor C2)

C/exec sql
C+ declare C2 cursor for
C+ select * from csdb/orders
C+ where OCID = :pmcust and
C+ ODID = :pmdistrict and
C+ OWID = :pmwarehs
C+ order by oid
C+ for fetch only

C/exec sql
C+ open C2

C* Set result sets to return cursor C1 and C2
C/exec sql
C+ set result sets cursor C1, cursor C2

C eval *inlr = *on

C return

Because this is an external stored procedure, as opposed to an SQL stored

procedure, you can include any additional processing required. For example, you can
work with data areas, data queues, AS/400 system APIs, and other types of objects,
just as in other batch-type RPG programs. In this example, I simply use two SQL
SELECT statements to get the requested data from the CSTMR and ORDERS tables.
The program starts with the *ENTRY PLIST, used to accept the incoming parameters
from the stored procedure call in the Net.Data macro. Note that there are only three
parameters in the parameter list (compare the list with the myProc dtw_sql block in
the Net.Data macro). When you code an external stored procedure that returns
result sets, you do not use parameter list entries for the returned result sets.
However, in the Net.Data macro, you need to specify the returned result sets as
parameter items following all of the other “real” parameters that are passed to or
received from the external stored procedure.
The first series of EXEC SQL statements declare a cursor named C1 that will contain
the result set returned from the SELECT statement against the CSTMR table. A
cursor is simply a construct that points to a result set. Operations in the stored
procedure take place in terms of the cursor. For example, the second EXEC SQL
block is used to open the C1 cursor, which actually runs the SELECT statement. After
executing the open C1 statement, the result set is available in the RPG program in
terms of the C1 cursor.
The second set of EXEC SQL statements declare the C2 cursor for the ORDERS table,
then open that cursor.
The two result sets are actually returned to the Net.Data macro in the third EXEC
SQL block, where the result sets are set to the two cursors. You can return up to 20
result sets to a Net.Data macro from each invocation of a stored procedure.

Creating and cataloging the stored procedure

The commands used to create and catalog the external stored procedure shown in
Figure 4 are included in the comments at the top of the source code. The only
required command is CRTSQLRPGI, to create the SQL RPG program. Although there
is no particular reason in this example to catalog the stored procedure with the
CREATE PROCEDURE command (an SQL command, not a CL command), you might
want to catalog all of your stored procedures so that you have an entry for them in
the SYSPROCS system table. If you catalog your stored procedures, you can run
queries against SYSPROCS to determine what stored procedures are available on
your system.

Benefits of stored procedures

So why go through all of this work, when it looks like you could simply enter the SQL
statements directly into the Net.Data macro?
In previous releases of OS/400, stored procedures were one of the primary methods
available to improve SQL performance, since the access plan for the query could be
computed and saved with the stored procedure. Upon invoking the stored procedure,
a number of steps in the query optimization phase could be bypassed, since the
system already “knew” about the SQL statement. With recent releases of OS/400
(V4R3 and above), there is now a system-wide cache or SQL package of previously
executed SQL statements. After the first execution of an SQL statement from any
environment (Net.Data, ODBC, etc.), the AS/400 system caches the statement and
its access plan information. The result is that the AS/400 system retains the
“knowledge” of the SQL statement and uses that retained information when it
encounters the SQL statement again.
So that leaves other reasons for stored procedures. One of the primary reasons you
should consider is that you can better secure your database if you insist that access
to the database is in terms of stored procedures, rather than “raw” SQL statements
from Net.Data macros (or other sources). As it stands, an SQL statement from the
Net.Data macro runs under user profile QTMHHTP1, so that user profile or *PUBLIC
needs to be authorized to the database file. If you don’t want to allow that level of
access to those user profiles, you can create a stored procedure using a user profile
that does have access to the database file, then change the stored procedure
program so that it runs under the owner’s authority, not the user’s authority. That
way, QTMHHTP1 invokes the stored procedure, but because the stored procedure
runs with the owner’s authority, it can access the database file.
Another reason to use stored procedures applies if you have a “division of labor” in
your environment. In many AS/400 shops, programmers do everything, including
user interface, program logic and coding, and database access. However, some
shops have distinct roles, including Database Administrator (DBA). One of the
functions of a DBA is usually the creation of stored procedures. The DBA then makes
the stored procedure available to other programmers, who work with the database in
terms of the well-defined interface of the stored procedure. Even if you are a “small
shop” and create all of the code for an application, it is worth considering separating
functions like this, so that all access to the database is through a few controlled
gateways (stored procedures), rather than the free-for-all of numerous SQL
statements from any number of Net.Data macros. As an added benefit, the stored
procedures can be used from other environments, including ODBC, JDBC or even
calls from other platforms.

A step at a time
It is important to understand that using stored procedures in your Net.Data macros
is not an all-or-nothing proposition. You can start by creating a stored procedure that
runs the SELECT statement that you already have in one of your macros, then
change that macro to use the stored procedure. As you develop more experience
with the technique, you may find that you prefer developing an application from
many smaller pieces that can be reused elsewhere.

Copyright © 2003, Craig Pelkie. All Rights Reserved

No part of this presentation or the accompanying computer source code may be
reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
data retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Craig Pelkie, who is the
author of the presentation and the computer source code.
All computer source code distributed with this presentation, either on diskettes, CD-
ROM, or available for downloading from sources such as the Internet is Copyright ©
2003 Craig Pelkie, All Rights Reserved. The source code is for use in computer
programs that you develop for internal use within your company, or for use within
programs that you develop for the use of your clients, when such programs are
compiled and distributed in an executable computer program such that no part of the
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No part of the computer source code distributed with this presentation shall be
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For any questions regarding your rights and responsibilities using the computer
source code distributed with this presentation, contact Craig Pelkie, Rochester
Initiative, who is the owner of the source code.


No representation is made that any of the programs, computer source code,
commands, or configurations described and depicted in this manual and on the
computer source code accompanying this presentation are error-free and suitable for
any application that you may develop. Craig Pelkie makes no warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose, with regard to the information, examples, and computer source
code presented in this presentation and on the accompanying diskettes. Everything
provided in this manual and on the accompanying diskettes is provided “as is”. Craig
Pelkie shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages or any
other claims, pursuant to your use of any of the techniques presented in this
presentation, or your use of the computer source code in programs that you develop,
even if Craig Pelkie has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
You are responsible for testing any and all programs, configurations, commands, and
procedures presented in this manual prior to using the programs, configurations,
commands, and procedures with important user data. You must ensure that
adequate and sufficient backup of important user data is available, in the event that
recovery of the important user data is required.

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