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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Arabic Quran (‫)قرآنا عربيا‬

24 May 2015 – 06 Shaban 1436

َ ‫س ۡو َرةُ ال َم‬
Arabic Quran (‫ – )قرآنا عربيا‬Surah Al Masad (‫سد‬ ُ )

 There are five ayat in Surah Al Masad, and masad is the palm fiber which is mentioned as the last
word in this surah.
 The mission of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬is to preach to the people to tell them about Allah (swt). So he
gathered his tribe and family to tell them, ‘I am a warner to you of a severe punishment’. No one
said anything except for Abu Lahab, who is the uncle of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, and said ‘tabat laka’,
meaning may destruction be upon you, subhan Allah. Not everyone in the Prophet’s (‫ )ﷺ‬family
believed him, there were those who denied as well.
 Both Abu Lahab and his wife Umm Jameel were attacking the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, trying to put him
down but Allah (swt) never puts His Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬down, so this surah was revealed. This surah is a
miracle because it was revealed while Abu Lahab and his wife were alive and it said they will be in
the hellfire and what they will do there. They could have easily said we believe and refute the ayah,
but they didn’t change. And this shows it’s truly from Allah (swt) and many people entered Islam as
a result of this surah after seeing that Abu Lahab die on disbelief, subhan Allah.
 It’s very embarrassing to have an entire surah revealed with the name as well, subhan Allah. This
truly shows that it is Allah (swt) Who honors and dishonors. Your belief is your honor.

Ayah 1

 ( َّ‫( ) َتبَّت َيدَا أَبِى لَهَب َو َتب‬Perish the two hands of Abû Lahab (an uncle of the Prophet), and perish he!)

Its meaning (‫)معناها‬ The Word (‫)الكلمة‬

 It means loss and invocation for destruction (‫)خسارة ال ربح الدعاء بالهالك‬. ‫َتبَّت‬
 Abu Lahab said (‫ ) َتبَّت‬to the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and now Allah (swt) said it to Abu
Lahab. Imagine a human being saying this to a human being, but Allah (swt)
saying it, subhan Allah. That’s why it’s not about what people say, but imagine
standing in front of Allah (swt).
 This is disgrace and humiliation from Allah (swt) (‫)ذم من هللا تعالى‬.
 Two hands  (‫ ا‬+ ‫)يد‬ ‫َيدَا‬
 The hands are specifically mentioned because it is the hands that earn and act.
 Abu Lahab is the nickname given to him because of the glow in his face, but ‫أَ ِبى لَهَب‬
this shows to not be impressed with the person’s outer appearance, your value
is the belief in your heart.
 Lahab means blazing fire (‫)لهب النار‬
 (‫ تب‬+ ‫ )و‬ and perish, perish is mentioned twice in this ayah, first for his َّ‫َو َتب‬
hands, and then completely
 If you are with Allah (swt), Allah (swt) will be with you, but if you are against
Allah (swt), nobody will be with you, subhan Allah. When Abu Lahab put down
the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬didn’t defend himself, rather Allah (swt)
defended the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and revealed this surah. This shows you don’t
need to defend yourself by yourself, ask Allah (swt) and He will defend you.

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Arabic Quran (‫)قرآنا عربيا‬
24 May 2015 – 06 Shaban 1436

Ayah 2

 َ ‫( )مَا أَغ َنى عَنه مَاله ۥ َومَا‬His wealth and his children will not benefit him!)
( َ‫ڪسَب‬
 All of his wealth, children and position didn’t avail him from the punishment. This shows that only
your faith and taqwa will avail you.

Its meaning (‫)معناها‬ The Word (‫)الكلمة‬

 Negate (‫)نفي‬ ‫مَا‬
 It comes from (‫)غني‬, to not need (‫)غير محتاج‬ ‫أَغ َنى‬
 Your position, rank, nationality, wealth etc will not protect you from the
punishment of Allah (swt) (‫)لم تغن من عذاب هللا‬. Only your faith and good deeds
will protect you and give you security.
 For example, Nuh (as) – his son and wife were not availed from the
punishment of Allah (swt) though they are part of a family of a messenger of
great determination, subhan Allah.
 (‫ ه‬+ ‫ )عن‬ from him, referring to Abu Lahab ‫عَنه‬
 (‫ ه‬+ ‫ )مال‬ his wealth ‫مَاله ۥ‬
 (‫ كسب‬+ ‫ ما‬+ ‫ )و‬ And what he earned َ‫ڪسَب‬َ ‫َومَا‬
 Maybe he did good in front of the people but he disbelieved in Allah (swt), so
all that he did will not avail him. He will just get praise from the people, subhan
 People are looking at others according to what they have, what they wear,
what bag they carry, what car they drive. Outer doesn’t give you value, it’s the
faith and taqwa. And there are people giving up their deen for material things,
they think that’s value, subhan Allah.

Ayah 3

 (‫( ) َسيَصلَى َنارا َذاتَ لَهَب‬He will be burnt in a Fire of blazing flames!)

Its meaning (‫)معناها‬ The Word (‫)الكلمة‬

 (‫ يصلى‬+ ‫ )س‬ he will be burnt ‫َسيَصلَى‬
o (‫ )س‬ near future (‫)المستقبل‬
o (‫ )يصلى‬ to be burnt
 Abu Lahab will be burnt in the hellfire in the Day of Judgement because of his
disbelief. Never think that Allah (swt) is being unjust, the hellfire is the justice
of Allah (swt) because His signs were constantly being shown to them but they
didn’t take it.
 Fire of the hereafter (‫)نار اآلخرة‬ ‫َنارا‬
 The fire of the hereafter is seventy parts to the fire of the duniya. No one
wants to be in the hellfire or say it’s ok to be there for a while and then get
taken out, subhan Allah. The hellfire is truth (‫)النار حق‬, it’s not something that
Allah (swt) is telling us to scare us. The hellfire is a creation of Allah (swt) ( ‫النار‬
 The ones who obey Allah (swt) will enter paradise and the opposite is true.

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Arabic Quran (‫)قرآنا عربيا‬
24 May 2015 – 06 Shaban 1436

That’s why messengers and books are being sent.

 We need to be scared from the hellfire because then we will seek refuge in
Allah (swt) from the hellfire. And the hellfire will say to keep him away. The
hellfire has feelings and it speaks.
 The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said the hellfire and paradise are so close to us like
shoelaces. For this reason, use your health before you’re sick, use you’re youth
before you’re old, and while you’re alive before you’re dead. Don’t say my
family or children will intercede for me. You cannot depend on anyone.
 Fire that is surrounded from all sides (‫)النار محاط بها من كل جانب‬ ‫َذاتَ لَهَب‬
 The dwellers of hellfire are surrounded by hellfire, their beds are fire, their
drink is fire, their clothes are fire, may Allah (swt) protect us from the hellfire.

Ayah 4

 ِ ‫( ) َوٱمرَ أَته ۥ حَ مَّالَ َة ٱلحَ َط‬And his wife too, who carries wood (thorns of Sadan which she used to put on
the way of the Prophet (SAW) , or use to slander him).)

Its meaning (‫)معناها‬ The Word (‫)الكلمة‬

 (‫ أمرأته‬+ ‫ )و‬ and his wife ‫َوٱمرَ أَته ۥ‬
o (‫ )و‬ and (‫)عطف‬
o (‫ )أمرأته‬ (‫ ه‬+ ‫ )امرأة‬ his wife, Um Jameel is the wife of Abu Lahab
 This is the miracle of the Quran, the verse was revealed about them while they
are alive that they will go into the hellfire, and still they didn’t believe. They
could have fooled the people and said we believe, but they couldn’t even do
that, subhan Allah. This truly shows it’s from Allah (swt), someone reverted as
a result of this Surah because how can someone be told of their end and not
even change, subhan Allah.
 Carrier, it comes from (‫ )حمل‬which is to carry ‫حَ مَّالَ َة‬
 She used to carry wood and thorns every day and put it in the way of the
Prophet (‫)تحمل الحطب و تلقيه في طريق النبي صلى هللا عليه و سلم( )ﷺ‬. Imagine all of
this physical struggle for evil, subhan Allah.
 She was so determined to harm the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬. Though he was being
harmed verbally by Abu Lahab and physically by his wife, the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬
didn’t seek revenge or say anything. Rather Allah (swt) revealed a verse about
them, Allah (swt) defends the believers, they’re not defending themselves, but
Allah (swt) is defending them.
 Wood ِ ‫ٱلحَ َط‬
 She was so determined to hurt the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, so what was prepared for

Ayah 5

 (‫جي ِدهَا حَ بل مِّن َّم َس ِد‬

ِ ‫( )فِى‬In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad (palm fibre))
 This is her punishment in the hellfire.

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬
Arabic Quran (‫)قرآنا عربيا‬
24 May 2015 – 06 Shaban 1436

Its meaning (‫)معناها‬ The Word (‫)الكلمة‬

 In her neck (‫)في رقبتها‬ ‫جي ِدهَا‬ ِ ‫فِى‬
 Rope ‫حَ بل‬
 From palm fiber (‫)ليف‬ ‫مِّن َّم َس ِد‬
 It’s so stiff and strong. She died as a disbeliever. She not only rejected the
Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, but harmed him as well, this is transgression. The Prophet
(‫ )ﷺ‬didn’t want anything from them except to believe in Allah (swt).
 Those who don’t want to follow the truth will oppose it in every way possible.
They want to put off the light of Islam by talking bad about it, and as a result
people become curious and they end up finding the truth. They find out that
Islam is the religion of peace and freedom. Islam teaches you that you’re not
attached to anything tangible, but the divine. Islam doesn’t go against our
nature, but goes with it – it makes you want (‫)ال اله اال هللا‬.

May Allah (swt) accept from all us and forgive us. Ameen.

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