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Saturday, 21st October 2017


Registration open at 08.00 a.m.

This event is free of charge

Last year, FPCI successully convened what was recognized by MURI House of Records as "the world's largest
conference focusing on Indonesian Foreign Policy". The conference was attended by around 6,000
participants from all around Indonesia and from abroad. Since then, the Conference on Indonesian Foreign
Policy has become the most anticipated foreign policy event in Indonesia. Our registration data reveals that the
conference is also attended by foreign policy enthusiasts from all over Indonesia.

We are pleased to announce that this year Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) will convene the
Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy 2017 in Jakarta on Saturday 21 October 2017. We expect this
year's Conference to be as big -- if not bigger -- than last year's CIFP. Our central theme this year is "Win-
Winning ASEAN, Conquering Globalization". This theme is chosen in line with the commemoration of 50
Years of ASEAN, and to zoom on the challenges of globalization which seems to take surprising turns in recent

CIFP2017 is pleased to invite all stake-holders in international relations -- officials, diplomats, business people,
military, researchers, public figures, lecturers, students, etc -- to attend this festival of diplomacy. CIFP2017
will also feature outstanding speakers from Indonesia and abroad to speak in the 12 sessions of CIFP.

To attend the conference, please register through:

The sessions to be held are:

1. Globalization Best Performers: the world’s competitive and innovative economies explain how they
struggle to reform

2. ASEAN at 50: Ideas to transform ASEAN for the next 50 years

3. A Confusing world order: Indonesia in A World of Trump, Xi JinPing , Putin, Modi and Abe

4. Diplomacy Clinic by Ambassadors

5. Maritime Fulcrum: A policy update on what has been done and what remains to be done

6. Indonesia and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: How Fast, How Soon, How Much and How Acvite
should our engangement be?

7. The Return of the Angels: 5 bidadari bicara mengenai arti Globalisasi bagi generasi Y

8. Diplomacy Clinic by Ambassadors

9. The South China Sea Disputes: will ASEAN and China find convergence?

10. Youth to Youth: 5 International Young Leaders discuss critical issues of our time

11. A discussion on Blind Spots, Stress Points and Potential Pitfalls in Indonesian Foreign Policy
12. Going global: Maverick local leaders talk about how they seized and conquered opportunities

13. Assessing President Jokowi’s Foreign Policy at midterm: The Score card so far, and What to watch
for in the next 2 years?

14. Strategic Trends to live and die for: 5 Thinkers each outline 3 major game-changers that can
potentially shape Indonesia’s destiny

15. ASEAN Centrality : Can ASEAN hold together amidst geopolitical shifts and evolving regional

16. ASEAN Corporate Champions : The challenge of going ASEAN and going global

17. A conversation with Indonesia's former foreign ministers about world affairs

18. Free Trade as Strategy for Globalization : Did we miss something, did others get an early start?

About CIFP :
Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy (CIFP) is an open, independent non-political forum which facilitates
public discussions on Indonesia's relations with the world in all aspect: Geopolitics, Globalizaion, Security,
Defense, Economy, Culture, Conflict Resolution, Environment, Youth, and many more.

CIFP is a festival of diplomacy that brings officials, Ambassadors, diplomats, politicians, celebrities,
businessmen, public figures, military, intelligent, experts, journalists, researchers, lecturers, and students.

CIFP is a "must attend" for international relations practitioners, thinkers, and enthusiasts who wish to expand
their knowledge and find new ideas. Some campuses make it mandatory for their students to attend CIFP due
to its enormous educational value to the students understanding of international relations.

Venue of CIFP 2017:

The Kasablanka, Kota Kasablanka Mall
Jl. Kasablanca Raya Kav.88 Jakarta Selatan 12870 (next to The Park Lane apartment)


Thank you for your kind attention.

Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal,
Founder of Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI),
and Team CIFP 2017
Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017
Registrasi dimulai pukul 08.00 WIB

Tahun lalu, Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI) menyelenggarakan konferensi

internasional yang diakui oleh Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI) sebagai “Konferensi terbesar di
dunia yang membahas kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia”. Konferensi ini dihadiri oleh sekitar 6,000
peserta dari berbagai penjuru Indonesia dan dari luar negeri.
Tahun ini, FPCI akan kembali menyelenggarakan Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy
(CIFP) 2017 di Jakarta pada hari Sabtu, 21 Oktober 2017. Kami berharap konferensi tahun ini
akan sebesar atau bahkan lebih besar dari CIFP sebelumnya. Tema utama tahun ini adalah “
Win – Winning ASEAN, Conquering Globalization”. Tema ini dipilih sejalan
dengan peringatan 50 tahun berdirinya ASEAN, dan mengingat tantangan globalisasi yang
dewasa ini mengambil arah yang semakin tidak menentu.
CIFP dengan hormat mengundang seluruh stakeholders hubungan internasional, antara lain
kalangan pemerintahan, diplomat, pengusaha, akademisi/dosen, kalangan militer, peneliti, tokoh
masyarakat, pelajar/mahasiswa, dll, untuk menghadiri festival of diplomacy ini. CIFP juga akan
mengundang pembicara – pembicara yang cemerlang dari dalam dan luar negeri untuk mengisi
12 sesi CIFP yang menyorot topik-topik terkini.
Untuk menghadiri konferensi ini, silakan melakukan pendaftaran
Sesi – sesi yang akan ditampilkan adalah sebagai berikut:

 Globalization Best Performers: World’s most competitive and innovative economies

explain how they struggle to reform
 ASEAN at 50: Ideas to transform ASEAN for the next 50 years
 A Confusing world order: Indonesia in A World of Trump, Xi JinPing , Putin, Modi and Abe
 Maritime Fulcrum: A policy update on what has been done and what remains to be done
 Indonesia and China’s Belt and Road Initiative: How Fast, How Soon, How Much and How
Acvite should our engangement be ?
 The Return of the Angels: 5 bidadari bicara mengenai arti Globalisasi bagi generasi Y
 The South China Sea Disputes: will ASEAN and China find convergence?
 Youth to Youth: 5 International Young Leaders discuss critical issues of our time
 A discussion on Blind Spots, Stress Points and Potential Pitfalls in Indonesian Foreign
 Going global: Maverick local leaders talk about how they seized and conquered
opportunities abroad
 Assessing President Jokowi’s Foreign Policy at midterm: The Scor e card so far, and What
to watch for in the next 2 years?
 Strategic Trends to live and die for: 5 Thinkers each outline 3 major game -changers that
can potentially shape Indonesia’s destiny

Tentang CIFP
Conference on Indonesian Foreign Policy ( CIFP ) adalah forum terbuka, non-politik,
dan independen yang memfasilitasi diskusi publik mengenai hubungan Indonesia dengan dunia
internasional dalam berbagai aspek : geopolitik, geoekonomi, keamanan, pertahanan, resolusi
konflik, ekonomi, budaya, lingkungan, generasi muda, dan lain – lain.
CIFP merupakan festival diplomasi yang mempertemukan pejabat, Duta besar, diplomat, politisi,
selebriti, pengusaha, tokoh masyarakat, kalangan militer, intelijen, pakar, wartawan, pengamat,
dosen, dan mahasiswa dan lain-lainnya.
CIFP adalah konferensi yang mutlak perlu dihadiri oleh praktisi, pemikir, dan peminat hubungan
internasional yang ingin menambah wawasan dan mencari gagasan-gagasan baru. Beberapa
kampus bahkan mewajibkan mahasiswa mereka untuk menghadiri CIFP karena kontribusi yang
besar dalam nilai-nilai edukasi agar mahasiswa lebih memahami hubungan internasional.

Tempat CIFP 2017:

The Kasablanka, Kota Kasablanka Mall.
Jl. Casablanca Raya Kav.88, Jakarta Selatan 12870 (dekat dengan The Park Lane Hotel,
bersebelahan dengan Casa Grande Apartment)

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Ambassador Dino Patti Djalal, Founder of FPCI
dan Tim CIFP 2017

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