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Some Observations Lately Made at London Concerning the Planet Jupiter

Author(s): Mr. Hook

Source: Philosophical Transactions (1665-1678), Vol. 1 (1665 - 1666), pp. 245-247
Published by: The Royal Society
Stable URL: .
Accessed: 20/05/2011 20:35

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Transactions (1665-1678).
the fecond Face ofbMars,he could tot eeit the 14. and i 6. of
From all whichObfervationshe Judges it to be evident, thac
the Period of this Planets Revolution is notperform"cd in the
fpace of 2. hours io, minutes, but in about 24 hours 40 mi-
nates; more exaWly to be determin'dby comparingdiftant
Obfervations: And thatthofc who affirmthe former,mufthnive
been deceived by not well diftinguifhingthe two Faces, but
that havingfeen the fecond, taken it for the firat;
All which he concludes withithis Advertifement,that, v,lien
he definesthe time of the Revolution of Afar;,hedoes not fpeak
of its MeanRevolution, but onely of that, which he obferv'd,
whilfi MAarwasoppofite to the Sun; which is the Piorteftof all.
T'he in
of, maybefeeninthe annexed
Scheme; videl.
as S. Caffini obfervedit hMarch 3.
K. Oneof theFacet of Mi'lars,
(f6.n.) r666. in theEvening, with a Glaft of 24 Palmer.
L. bheotkerFace,as he'fnv-" it Febr.:. inthbEvenin.
M. Thefirf Face, at S.Campani famat Rome, March-3 x666.
in the Evning, rvitha Glaft of50 Pa/met.
N. Thejec!ind Face, as the famneCampani obferv'dit March lZ
in the Eveningj.
0. The Figui, of Mars, at it wa.rJfenat Rome bya Tekfrfopeof
Divini of 45 Pamnet,March 3.
P. The Figuireof the faiedPlanet, as it was feen the fame day and
hourat !ononiiaby Caflini; beingthat of tlie fecondFace.
Latelymackat Londonconcerning
'I hefe, as they were made, fo they were imparted,by mr.
as follows:
A. 666. IJune26. between 3. and 4. of the Clock in the
morning, I obferved the Body of Jut'iserthrough a 6o. foot-
glafs,and found the apparentDiatmeterof it thrioughthe Tube,
to be fomewhat more thani 2. degrees, that is, about fotI
thnesasbig, as the D'iameterof the Moonappearsto the nakted
Eye. I faw the Limb prettyround,and very well defini'dwith-
out radiation.T-he parts-ofthe'Phafi.rof'i'thad variousdegrees
of Light. Aboat a andf, the No-rthand Southpoles ofit. (in
thieFig.. 'twasfomewhatdarker, and by degrees it grew
brighter towards b. anide, two Belts or Zones;Ythe one of
which(b) was a fmalldark Belt croffinigthe Body Southward;
A,Jjoyninigto whichwasa fmnal Line of a fomewhatligyhter pait;
arid be-lowthat aga'in, Southwards, was the great bl"ackBeltc.
BetwCenthiat,and e, the other fmnaller black Belt, wasa pretty
large antd bright Zone; but the middle d-, wasfometwhatdarker
thanithe edges.Lperceiv'd,abou 3h,Iymlhnear the mniddle
of this,
a very darkjroNnd spot, like thatreprefentedatg, whichwas not
to be1percciv'dabout halfan hour before: And Iiobfervedit,
in about ro. minutestime to be gotten almoftto d, kceping
equialdiftance from the Satellei h, which moved alfcoWelt-
wardly, and was joynad to the Disk at i, at?32 ym- After
whnichi, the Air growing very hazy, and ( as appearedby the
IBhrofrope ) very lighitalfo ( in weighit)1Icould niotobferve it:
So that i't was fufficienitlyevident,that thisblack Spot was no-.
thiingelfe) fave the flhadowof the Satellesh, Etclipfinga partof
the Face of Jupiter. About two hoursbefore, I hadobfcrved
a large,darkerfpot in the bigger Beltaboutik, whiich in about
anihoturor little miore( for I did not exa2tly obferve the time,
nior draw the Figu~reof it) movinig Weftwards,difappear'd.
Abouta week before,, I difcover'dalfo, together with a Spot
inrthe Belt c. anotherSpot in the Belte, whichikept the fame
wayand velocity withthatof the Belts. Thc6bthe-r thireeSa-.
telitef( I'l the timneof thisEclipfe:madcby the Satellef, were
Welt wardsof the Bodyof clujiler; ;appearinigasbrightthrough
theC Tube, as the B3od(y of Juipiterdid to theinakcedEye, ari I
was able to fee thecm.longer thirouigh the'Tube,afterthecday.
lighitcamne ,thian I was ablc ke.. to the Bod-yof Jupiter-with-
my nlakedeye.
A late,Obfervationabout
june 29 x,666.betweenl i i; and rt. at niIglht.I obferved the
An)dyof aturnthrouIghia60.foot Tclefcope, and founditex-.
a&ly of the fhape reprefernted in'"theFzuyreR. The 1in" ap.
pear d of a fome what' brighterLight than the Body;aindthe
black lines a;a, croffing theRing, anidb b croffing the Body
(whether Shadows or notj difpute not) wverephaimlyvifible;
whenceI could manife6tlyfee, thatthe Southermtiftpartof the
Ring wason tbirfide of the Body,andthe Nortbern part,behind,
or covered by the Body:,

A Relation
Oafade$4fe andL ghtnig
This Relation was,written by that worthyGentleman, Tho-
mau NeatieEfquire,(the then HizgbSheriff of the County of
HampJz'ire,when this difafter hapned) to a Friend of his ini
London, -asfollows;
On the 2-4of Januaryi 66k1,onecMr.Broo4rof E-JampJlire, go,-
ing from Wincbeftertowardshishoufe nearAndoverin very bad
Weather, washimfelfflainiby Lightning, and the Hlorfe, hec
rode on, underhim. Fiorabou'ta milefrom-Wincbe,//er he was
found withhiisFace beate'ni'ntothe ground,one leg in the ftir-
rup, the other in the Horfesmane; hisCloathsall buirntoff his
backno apec as'bigas a handkerchiefleftintire,ad hishair
and all hisbody finged.Withlthe force,1that ftruckhimdown,
his nofe wasbeaten into hisface, andhis Chininto hi'sBreaft ;
where was a wound cut almoftaslow, as to his Navil;- and his
cloathsbei'ng, as aforefaid,torn, the pieces were fo fcatter,d
and conifum'd,that not enoughto fill the crown of a hat could
be found. His gloves werewhole, but his handsin themfing'd
to the bone. The hip:-boDeand flioulderof his Horfe burn't
and bruifed; and his faddle little pieces. This was
what appearfdto the Coroners"iniqueft, andfo is likely to be as
.neartruth.,as any is to be had.
Sofar-tbii Letter: Which.,if it hadcome foon enough to the
handsof the Publ//her, wouldhave beenjoyned to a-like F~e1a-
tion, inferted in the next foregoing Papers (Nuim. 13.)
of an accident hapn'd at a later time. With bo'thwhich.may
be comparedthe.Account, formerlypubliffiedin Latin by the
LearniedDr, Cbarletogv, concerning the Boy, that wasT1hunder-
LI ftruck
.7TheFtI^u'res of the Obsert ationr made in London r^"nert-4r.t!

tl7ic Obstu ato7 2 flup1iter. the Ft' u s of jItalan Obscruatio n s

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7Thelate Observ o Saturne.


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