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Okana says that without bitterness there can never be goodnes.

It describes you as a very volatile

person. When Okana comes out it brings destruction,tragety,turmoil. Even if okana comes in ire the ire
is only momentary Your sign came in Osogbo which is negative. what that means is that you will live the
bad part if you arent careful and follow everything that was advise to you. Specially the part about you
crowning ASAP because of health. Okana indicates that many things in your life must be changed.
Okana indicates tat you already know an dfeel this bad energies tat is why you came to foot of orula,you
already knew changes have to be done in order for you to stay alive,move forward and progress.

Okana also tells us as babalawos that your attention wavers you tend to not listen to what the orishas
tell you and that is one of the things you need to change. Many Orishas speak in Okana, Eleggua he will
lend you his power to overcome anything that can come your way.

Ogun also speaks in this sign his words are fierced and very dramatic howver they are necessary not to
scare you because the purpose here is not to scare you but to make you understand what is the worse
that can happen to you and with okana the worse will come true.

St Lazarous or Babalu aye soeak of sickness and disease however it also gives you hope that you can be
cured or treated so you can live an easy confortable life. However you should understand that the path
to healt will not easy . In santeria nothing ,absolutely nothing is fast,the saints take time to give you
what you want howver when you do get itll be forever,itll be something permanent. The saints test us to
see if we have strenght to go through the tribulations and to pass their test.

Obatala also speaks in Okana ,and as I mentioned before Okana means disease,destruction etc however
Obatala in Okana brings hope oh health and wealth.

All this saints are a team in Okana which are Moved by no one else than your own guardian angel which
in Your case is Yemaya,compare it to this sanits being workers each in their field and Yemaya being their
boss in charge of giving you what you need.

When okana comes out it signals instant transformation by your own actions.

Okana is harsh and it fortells bad stuff however it,it does offer help to you. As a Daughter of yemaya
your foundation is to receive Olokun. Olokun in this religion is everyones foundation,for health
,stability,money and sopecially for children of Yemaya olokun is a must.

Years from now you will realize that the step you took to receive olokun was the step that helpe you
crown and better your health,or situtation. You must work your Olokun on a weekly basis,
offerings,candles prayers,open it and talk to olokun,cry to your olokun. Until you crown olokun is pretty
much your yemaya so treated as if it was yemaya itself .

Anytime you receive $ sinbolically put some $ $1,$10,$20 to your olokun. Some people who want to
crown make an olokun piggy bank and put the $ on olokun and tell olokun this is for the crowning.
Realistically speaking nowadays we can't do that in case someone tries to rob your house that is why i
sais symbolically before.
when okana come sout it fortells of a chaotic period coming up for you. It can be chaotic on the things
that happen to you, or chaotic in the sense of your thought ideas,confusion.

okana signals that there is light at the end of the tunnel howver it also marks that in order to get to the
light you must travel through darkness in your everyday interactions w people, family problems, your
health, job,finances etc.

Okana affect your head, it clouds the mind,making rational thoughts impossible,thats is how you came
to orula an dthat is how you are. It makes you unable to think or trust your feelings.

Okana is false friends,theft,violence. Your heart,mind,body are exausted howver following the advice
youll be able to do more than just recover. Okana represents exhaustion,you feel worn out that is why
sometimes you settle becaus eyou are just too exhausted,which sometimes can give you thoguht of just
ending your life. Okana also talks about someone who is sleep deprived.

You think that your friends will be able to help you becaus ethat is how you are Okana is someone who
is the worlds confidant but when it comes time for your friends to hear you and help you it doesnt
happen. You as okana are worried about your finances,goals,carreer (path),marriage,health and all of
these issues are yoru source of dispair.

Okana tells the person to avoid friends and family who do not listen to you when you need them. Okana
tells of a person who might appear happy and carefree however darness is inside already the person
feels overwhelmed,the smile is just a mask,you feel empty at times. you question your work,your
family,your existence, you even question god,the orishas. Suicide is not uncommon in okana,however
that is not the answer to your problems.

Okana argues with herself,you might hear voices ,thoughts almost all negative.You might come across as
deep pensive or lost in thought but in reality you are having a war within yourself. Avoid arguments or
disagreements with people because oKana will only make you get more angry an confused.

It also describes you as someone who very very stubborn and hardheaded,and that needs to change.

you should never be afraid to ask for help or advise specially from the orishas or elders in the religion
,we say that because sometime syou feels weir about asking for help. Okana has to be careful with fires
and accidents too.

okana signals a lot of crying because of financial dificulties, however the orishas say not to cry. Always
thank the orishas for the blessings you have ven if going through a hard time.

okana signal hypocondria ,okana always complains about helth issues and many are not issues at all. You
must be careful because eventually you will bring real sickness upon yourself. Okana also tells that your
enemy is the same person you feed or the sam eperson thats in your house w you in this case we
interper this as your own family,close family,mother,father ,best friend.

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