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 infers the particulate nature of matter 1. Jay-ar Gwapo heats water until it boils.
from demonstration The water changes from liquid to gas in
the form of water vapor. What can you
infer about the component of water
why it changes its state from one to the
a. Water made up of molecules
that may break apart and
changes when heated.
b. The particles of water splits as it
was heated, thus change into
c. Water is made up of particles
where these particles farther
moved apart to each other
when heated and move freely.
d. Water changes to air when
 explains the properties of solids, liquids, 2. A stone is considered solid. What are
and gases using the particulate nature the characteristics of the stone why
of matter they classify it as solid?
a. The stone have particles far
apart to each other; it has no
fixed shape or volume. It will
follow the shape of its container.
b. b. The stone has fixed volume
but do not have fixed shape, it
tends to flow freely.
c. It has fixed volume and fixed
shape; the particles are closely
packed thus it is rigid and tends
to resist any change in shape.
d. none of the above
 uses the particulate nature of matter to 3. Why do ice turns into water as it
explain: absorbed heat from the environment?
- melting a. The particles of ice move
- freezing apart from each other as it
- evaporation absorbs heat amounting to
- condensation its freely movement causing
it to flow.
b. The rigid and compact
molecules of ice break and
start to move apart as it
absorbs heat.
c. The molecules of ice move
closer as it absorbs heat
making it to flow.
d. A and B
 explains physical changes in terms of 4. What happens to the arrangement
the arrangement and motion of atoms and motion of molecules of gas matter
and molecules when it changes its state to liquid?
a. The molecules of the gas
matter go nearer to each
other making it move closer.
b. The molecules of the gas
matter contracts and
become rigid.
c. The molecules of the gas
matter spreads that makes it
more diffuse.
d. none of the above
 uses models to represent elements, 5. Which of the following illustration
compounds, and mixtures illustrates compounds?




 writes the names and symbols of the 6. Ar, As, Mg, Po; Hydrogen, Lithium,
first 20 elements Carbon. Which of the following
corresponds to the names and symbols
of the elements mentioned?
a. Argon, Arsenic, Magnesium,
Polonium; H, Li, Ca
b. Arsenic, Argon, Magnesium,
Polonium; Hy, L, Ca
c. Argon, Arsenic, Magnesium,
Polonium; H, Li, Ca
d. Arsenic, Argon, Manganese,
Polonium, He, Li, Ca
 names and describe the subatomic 7. Your teacher asks you to describe
particles neutrons, what description can you
give in class?
a. Describe neutrons as
positively charged.
b. Describe neutrons as
particles of negligible mass
c. particles with charge
numerically equal but
opposite in sign to that part
of electrons
d. particles with 0 electric
 determines the number of protons, 8. In an atom of zinc, 65Zn30, the
neutrons, and electrons in an atom respective numbers of protons,
neutrons, and electrons are:
A. 30, 35, 30
B. 30, 65, 35
C. 35, 60, 35
D. 65, 35, 30
 recognizes that an element is identified 9. In application of A and Z, the atomic
by the number of protons in the number of an element indicates the
nucleus number of
A. neutrons plus the number of
protons in the nucleus
B. electrons in the nucleus
C. neutrons in the nucleus
D. protons in the nucleus
 explains how ions are formed 10. Which of the following best describes
the formation of ions?
A. Ions formed when an element
loses electron.
B. Ions formed when an electron
added to an element.
C. Ions formed when there is a loss
or additional in electron.
D. Ions formed when a proton
added to an element.
 writes the formula of common ions 11. What is the chemical formula of
potassium phosphate?
A. PO3-2
B. PO2-2
C. PO1
D. PO4
 traces the development of the 12. Trace the development of the periodic
periodic table from observations based table using the following data:
on similarities in properties of elements I. John Newland, an English scientist
noticed that properties of elements
repeat with every eighth element.
He attempted to arrange the
elements using the octave as a
basis in 1864.
II. Lothar Meyer, a German chemist
was a contemporary of Dmitri
Mendeleev in that he also
discovered the relationship
between atomic mass and
elemental properties. However, he
did not publish his results in time.
III. In spite of Mendeleev's version of
the periodic table being accepted,
it contained a fundamental flaw.
Ordering the elements by atomic
mass led to some elements being
out of place. In 1913, Henry
Moseley, an English chemist
decided to order the elements by
their atomic numbers.
IV. The first list of 23 elements was
compiled in the late 1790s by
French scientist Antoine Lavoisier.


 describes the arrangement of the 13. How the elements in the periodic do
elements in the periodic table arranged?
A. The elements in the periodic
table arranged in increasing
atomic mass.
B. The elements in the periodic
table arranged by year it was
C. The elements in the periodic
table arranged by its
decreasing atomic number.
D. The elements in the periodic
table arranged by increasing
atomic number.
 uses the periodic table to predict the 14. Element X belongs to Group 1. Which
chemical behavior of an element of the following best describes element
A. high electronegativity
B. B. high ionization energy
C. low electronegativity
D. a non-metallic element
 describes and groups elements as: 15. Which of the following best describes
- highly reactive metals He, Zr, Na, Cl respectively based on
- less reactive metals their reactivity?
- highly reactive nonmetals A. highly reactive metal, less
- nonreactive gases reactive metal, highly reactive
nonmetal, nonreactive gas
B. nonreactive gas, less reactive
metal, highly reactive
nonmetals, highly reactive
C. nonreactive gas, less reactive
metal, high reactive metal,
highly reactive nonmetal
D. highly reactive metal, less
reactive metal, nonreactive gas,
highly reactive nonmetal
 describes the coordinated functions of 16. How do the organs of the digestive
the organs of the digestive system system work/coordinated to perform its
I. The mouth composed of the
teeth, tongue, salivary glands
and muscles, where takes in
food to begin the process of
digestion. Then, the esophagus
which is long tube that carries
food from the mouth to the
II. Then the stomach stores
swallowed food and liquid,
mixes up digestive juices with
the food and liquid and sends it
to the small intestine.
III. The digested molecules of food,
water and minerals are
absorbed in the small intestine.
IV. Then the large intestine removes
solid wastes such as feces from
the body.
 traces the path of food as it is being 17. Trace the path of food as it is being
digested digested.
A. mouth – esophagus – stomach –
large intestine – small intestine
B. mouth – stomach – esophagus –
small intestine – large intestine
C. mouth – stomach – esophagus –
large intestine – small intestine
D. mouth – esophagus – small
intestine – stomach large
 explains how enzymes help in digesting 18. How do enzymes help in digesting our
food food?
 explains how digested food is 19.
absorbed through the villi and is
carried through the bloodstream to the
 illustrates how diseases of the digestive 20.
system are detected, prevented, or
 discusses contemporary health issues 21.
that promote proper nutrition and
overall wellness
 researches on certain technologies 22.
that are used to promote proper
functioning of the digestive system
 identifies organelles that are involved 23.
in cell division
 describes and compares the processes 24.
of mitosis and meiosis, and their role in
the cell division cycle
 compares the number of 25.
chromosomes of the daughter cells
resulting from mitosis and meiosis
 differentiates oogenesis and 26.
 explains the significance of meiosis in 27.
maintaining the chromosome number
 describes how the union of egg and 28.
sperm cells results to variation
 explains the concept of species as a 29.
reproductively distinct group of
 classifies organisms using the 30.
hierarchical taxonomic system
(domain, kingdom, phylum, class,
order, family, genus, species)based on
structure and function
 explains the advantage of high 31.
biodiversity over low biodiversity
 describes the transfer of energy 32.
through the trophic levels
 analyzes the roles of organisms in the 33.
major biogeochemical cycles and
 explains how materials cycle in an 34.
 suggests ways to minimize human 35.
impact on the environment
 describe changes caused by 36.
organisms in their environment to
ensure survival, which may affect the
 investigates the relationship of the 37. Jay Ar Gwapo is playing a big toy car
amount of force applied and the mass weighing 20 kg. He applies a force to
of the object to the amount of change the toy car which makes the object
in the object’s motion move. When Jay Ar applies greater
force to the toy car it makes the object
moves faster than the first. After that,
he decided to apply same force but
changing putting some stuff on the toy
car which increases its mass. He
observed that the car moves slower as
he adds stuff on the toy car. Through
this situation, investigate the
relationship of the amount of force
applied, the mass of the object to the
amount of change in the object’s
motion. What is the relationship?
A. The change in object’s motion is
directly proportional to both
mass and force.
B. The mass of the object is
inversely proportional to object’s
motion but the object’s motion
is directly proportional to the
C. The change in object’s motion is
inversely proportional to force
but directly proportional to the
D. The mass of the object is directly
proportional to the object’s
motion but the object’s motion
inversely proportional to the
amount force.
 infers that when a body exerts a force 38. The twin son of Jay Ar Gwapo playing
on another an equal amount of force is outside their house. The twin had same
exerted back on it mass and the same improvised car
with the same mass also. The two
decided to play a bumping game
where the two will make their car
bump each other. In one moment, the
twin bumps the wall which makes the
two moves backward. Angel Locsin,
their mother, observed that as they
bump the wall with greater force, the
greater movement moving backward
the car is. In this situation, what can
you infer why do the car moves
background even without force
exerted to the car to move backward?
A. The backward movement of the
car is from the force exerted by
the wall as they bump it; the car
exerts a force as the wall exerts
a force equal to that of what
was exerted but in opposite
direction, which makes the car
moves in backward direction.
B. The backward movement of the
car is from the force exerted by
the friction on the wall as they
exert force on it.
C. The backward movement of the
car comes from the force they
exerted on the wall as they
bump it.
D. no inference can be made from
the situation
 observes and predict natural 39. What will happen to a balloon inside a
phenomena governed by laws of car as the car moves forward from
motion rest?
A. The balloons move forward.
B. The balloons move sideward.
C. The balloon move backward.
D. The balloons stay the same from
its original position as to that
when the car is at rest.
 demonstrates the effects of friction on 40. Which of the following demonstrates a
a moving body correct effect of friction on a moving
A. A ball is moving faster in a rough
surface than to a smooth
B. The toy car slides in a rough
surface but it stops as it reaches
a smooth surface.
C. A box of chalk travels farther
when it was slide in a smooth
surface than in a rough surface.
D. A mother chip of a pool slides
slowly as it reaches the rough
part of the pool table.
 relates the laws of motion to bodies in 41. How do you relate the laws of motion
uniform circular motion to bodies in circular motion?

 infers that circular motion requires the 42.

application of constant force directed
toward the center of the circle
 identifies the manifestation of 43.
centripetal force in real-life circular
 differentiates layman’s definition of 44. How does work in the concept of
work from mechanical work Physics differ from work as general?
A. Work as general refers to the
occupation or something we
do in everyday life while work in
the concept of physics refers to
the product of Force and time.
B. Work as general refers to the
application of force in a given
time while work in the concept
of physics refers to the product
of energy and time.
C. Work as general refers to the
occupation or something we
do in everyday life while work in
the concept of physics refers to
the product of Force and
D. Work as general refers to the
application of force in a given
time doing in a job while work in
the concept of physics refers to
the product of force and
 determining if work is present in a given 45. Which of the following situation
activity or not illustrates that work is present?
A. A boy pushes a cart with all his
force but the cart did not move.
B. The horse pulls the box to a 50
meter distance.
C. The waiter holds the case of
beer moving it to a certain
D. A lady carries her bag going to
the mall.
 relates power, work and time 46. What relationship is present between
power, work and time?

 computes for work done by a constant 47. A 50 kg crate is pulled 40m along a
force horizontal floor by a constant force of
400 N which acts 37o to the horizontal.
Determine the work done by someone
doing that work.
A. 1.2 x 104 J
B. 1.2 x 10-4 J
C. 1.2 x 104 N
D. 1.2 x 10-4 N
 differentiates potential and kinetic 48. What differentiates kinetic energy from
energy potential energy?
A. motion
B. position
C. transformation
D. direction
 relates speed and position of object to 49.
energy possessed
 compares the speed of sound through 50.
solids, liquids and gases
 infers how the molecular structure of a 51.
material affect speed of sound moving
through it
 investigates the effect of temperature 52.
to speed of sound through fair testing
 demonstrates the existence of the 53.
color components of visible light using
a prism or diffraction grating
 infers that color is a manifestation of 54.
visible light’s frequency or wavelength
 explains the hierarchy of colors in 55.
relation to energy
 explains that red is bent the least and 56.
violet is bent the most according to
their wavelengths or frequency
 differentiates between heat and 57.
temperature in the molecular level
 cites examples in real life and industries 58.
that apply expansion of materials (e.g.
expansion slots of bridges, wine
commerce, tooth filling materials)
 investigates the relationship between 59.
amount of heat transferred to
temperature difference or heat
capacity or mass using fair testing
 explains the conditions necessary to 60.
change the state of matter
 infers that change of state requires no 61.
change in temperature
 infers the relationship between current 62.
and charge
 creates models or cites analogies for 63.
electrical charge, current, voltage,
power and resistance
 differentiates voltage from current and 64.
identify which causes physiological
 explains the function of a resistor and 65.
identify household examples
 describes what a fault is 66. What is a fault?
A. The one that was formed when
the ground squeezed by forces
inside the Earth.
B. A depression that was formed
during an earthquake.
C. The break in the Earth’s crust
along which significant
movement has taken place.
D. It is where majority of all
Earthquakes occur.
 using models or illustrations, explains 67. Where do we compare the
how movements along faults generate propagation or production of
earthquakes Earthquakes?
A. Box attached with tapes or
rubber bands and moving it
B. A stick which breaks using our
bare hands.
C. Rulers attached to each other
using clay and pushing it away
until they break.
D. All of the above
 differentiates the epicenter of an 68. What is the difference between
earthquake from its focus epicenter and focus?
A. Focus refers to where the
earthquake originated while
epicenter refers to the point on
the Earth’s crust just above the
focus where damage is likely
B. Focus refers to the point where
the fault breaks while epicenter
refers to the effect of an
earthquake above the focus.
C. Focus refers to the movement
while epicenter refers to the
D. Focus refers to how wide the
damage is while epicenter refers
to the point where the
earthquake reaches.
 differentiates the intensity of an 69. What differentiates intensity from
earthquake from its magnitude magnitude?
A. intensity is the effect, magnitude
is what was recorded
B. intensity is what was recorded,
magnitude is the effect
C. intensity refers to the origin of
the earthquake, magnitude is
the direction of earthquake
D. intensity refers to the energy of
the earthquake, magnitude is
the destruction made by the
 Identifies faults in the community 70. Which part of Luzon where you can’t
find any faults on or in it?
A. Palawan
B. Benguet
C. La Union
D. Cebu
 differentiates between active and 71. Your community experienced
inactive faults earthquake in the past and expected
to have Earthquake in the future. What
can be said about the fault in your
A. Inactive
B. Active
C. Slightly Active
D. Slightly Inactive
 explains how earthquake waves 72. How do we know that the Earth’s
provide information about the interior internal structure in a certain area is
of the earth composed of rocks?
A. seismic waves move faster in
that area
B. seismic waves disappear in
this area
C. s waves didn’t move in that
D. p waves didn’t move in that
 explains how typhoons develop 73. Which description shows how tropical
cyclone was developed?
A. Condensation – circling – going
B. warming – rising – moving –
condensing – rising – circling
C. rising – moving condensation –
going up and circling
D. going up – circling – rising –
 infers why the Philippines is prone to 74. Why do the Philippines strikes by many
typhoons cyclones each year?
A. Because Philippines was
surrounded by bodies of water.
B. Because Philippines has 7K plus
C. Because cyclones hate the
D. Because the Philippines is near
the pacific ring of fire
 explains how landforms and bodies of 75. Why typhoons do became stronger
water affect typhoons while on the bodies of water while it
dies out or weaken as it hits landforms?
 traces the path of typhoons that enter 76. What can you infer about where a
the Philippine Area of Responsibility typhoon came from if it hits northern
(PAR) using a topographic map and Philippines?
tracking data A. at latitude of Visayas and
B. at latitude of Luzon and Visayas
C. at latitude of Malaysia and
D. at latitude of Borneo and
 compares and contrasts comets, 77.
meteors, and asteroids
 predicts the appearance of comets 78.
based on recorded data of previous
 explains the regular occurrence of 79.
meteor showers

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