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Bill Rivers, DVM, PhD Radiology

Animal Radiology Consulting

3191 Summit Road Telephone: 650-738-0901
San Bruno, CA 94066 Cell: 650-730-0764 FAX: 650-392-8250

Board-Certified Radiologist American College of Veterinary Radiology

Digital Radiographic Interpretation Report

Requesting clinician: Dr. Raminder Dadwal

Hospital name: Curtner Pet Clinic
Owner’s name: Grant
Patient name: Jasper
Film date: 1.16.2018
History summary: 7 months MN Bengal with history of positive Fecal PCR for FIP. Owners noted
pet has not been playing well for last 2 days painful when picked from chest area
QAR, dehydration 5%,temp 104.4,RR 60,pink tacky gums.

Three view thorax/abdomen: 9 images total are submitted. Patient appears thin but adequately fleshed.
The visible mediastinum and pleural space are unremarkable. The pulmonary vasculature is decreased in
size. The cardia silhouette size is low normal; vertebral hear score is 7.3. The visible thoracic cage is
unremarkable. The liver, spleen, GI tract, and what can be seen of the urinary bladder is unremarkable.
Renal sizes are normal with lengths 2.3 x L2.

Diagnostic Impressions: Dehydration/hypovolemia. Definite cause for thoracic area pain is not apparent
based solely on images submitted.

Date: 1.17.208
Bill Rivers, DVM, PhD, ACVR
Bill Rivers, DVM, PhD Radiology
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Radiology

Images are submitted as jpegs. The cranial most thorax is excluded from the lateral views submitted.
Suggestions for further patient management: Examine skin of thorax for any puncture wounds if patient
is exposed to other animals. Consider further evaluation with neurologist consult to further define source
of pain as clinically indicated.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your animal health care team!

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