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At the end of the lesson, 95 % of the students should be able to:
a. define food web and food chain;
b. internalize the importance of food chain and food web as a functional feature of ecosystem; and
c. construct models of food chain and food web and energy and food pyramid.
A. Topic: Food Chain and Food Web
Sub- topic: Energy and Food Pyramid
B. Materials: Visual Aids, Activity Sheets, Flash Cards, Energy Pyramid Model and Paper Cups
C. Science processes: Creating Diagram and Constructing Models
D. References: Jesuniño R.A. and R. Domingo, Ed.D.Biology II. 44-47.
Santos, G.N. and A.C. Danac.2009. O-Biology II (1st Ed.) 84-86 P.Florentino St.,
Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City: REX PRINTING COMPANY,inc. pp.314-315.

E. Values: Respect, Environment friendly and Healthy living

A.Preliminary Activity
1. Greetings
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Sir!
How are you today?
We’re all fine, Sir.
That sounds good.
2. Prayer
Everybody please stand.
(The students will stand)
Ashley, lead the class with a short prayer.
In the name of the Father, of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Class, sit down.
(The students will follow)
3. Checking of Attendance
Class secretary, please check the attendance
of your classmates.
Yes, Sir!
Thank you.
4. Review
Yesterday, we discussed about biotic factors,
Yes, Sir!
Again, what are the biotic factors?
In an ecosystem, the biotic
components or factors refer
to living organisms composed
of producers, consumers, and
What is producer again? Give examples.
Yes, Mercedes?
It is an organism capable of
utilizing the sun’s energy and
other organic compounds
through photosynthesis. They
are also called “autotrophs”
because they produce their own
food supply. Examples of this are
trees and grasses.
Very good.
How about consumer, Jude? Cite an
On the other hand, it is an organism
that acquires nutrients and energy
from other life forms. They also
called “heterotrophs” means “other”
or “feeder”. Good examples of this
are animals and humans.
Wilbert, define what’s decomposer and
state examples of this.
A decomposer is also a heterotroph
that feeds on dead bodies of plants
and animals and bring about rotting
or decay as a result of their feeding
activities. Fungi and Bacteria are
examples of decomposers.
Very well said.
5. Motivation
Class. Do you want to play?
Yes, Sir!
If that’s the case, we’ll have an activity
called “Cups me up”. As the title implies,
I have here 20 cups. Each cup has certain
picture adhered to it. Right?
Yes, Sir!
Let’s divide the house first. The first column
will be group 1 and so, the second will be group
2. Understood?
Very well, Sir.
Now, I need three members from each group
to come in front to do the activity.
(The students will come in front)
Here is the mechanics of the game.
You’re going to build a pyramid of cups but in
order to do it. First, you need to identify what
are the producer, consumers and decomposers.
Now, if you think Cup A is being eaten by Cup B.
Place Cup B next to it. Meanwhile, if Cup B is being
eaten by another place the proceeding Cup C after it.
But if Cups A&B are being eaten by Cup D.
Put the cup above them. Do it until you completely
arranged all the cups up from one another
forming a perfect pyramid.

Did I make myself clear, class?

Yes, Sir!
You only have 3 minutes to accomplish the task.
The first team to finish it will be the winner. Your
timer counts now.
(The students will do the activity)
Time’s up! The winner is Group 1.
Clap yourselves class for your active
participation and coordination.
Who among you now can tell what these
pyramids demonstrate?
Yes, Ashley?
The hierarchy of biotic factors in
eating from one another.
Brilliant answer!
Who has another idea? Ok,
Richelle stand up.
There is a flow or chain of food among
organisms present there.
1. Presentation of the Lesson
What do you think now is our lesson for today?
Yes, Geremie?
I think it deals about food chain and
food web.
Precisely! That will be the center of our
discussion today which also includes the
Energy and Food Pyramid.

Your focus in learning and active involvement

are the prerequisites of our lesson's objectives
because at the end of the discussion you
should be able to: define food web and food
chain; internalize the importance of food chain
and food web as a functional feature of
ecosystem; and construct models of food chain,
food web and energy and food pyramid.
2. Discussion
Do you want another game, class?
Yes, Sir!
This activity titled “Define Me”. I have here
two terms, the “Food Chain” and “Food Web.”
(I’ll post it on the board).
Everyone’s participation is a must.
What you’re going to do is, to think of word/
words/phrases only that you can
associate for each of the following two terms.
Did you get what I mean class?
Yes, Sir!
You are free to right your answers
within three (3) minutes. Are you ready?
Yes, Sir!
Your timer starts now.
(The students will do the activity)
After three (3) minutes.
Time’s up! Go back to your
proper seats now.
(The students will follow)
Give five (5) claps to yourselves.
Anyone from the group now who can
formulate a concrete or simple definition
of the word food chain from the
words/phrases you recently wrote and
associated to it. Yes, Monica?
(The student will answer)
Correct. Let’s clap for her. How about the other
one? Brave are you, Jude?
(The student will answer)
Very good! Let’s clap for him too.
Consequently, food chain is a single path
of transfer of energy in the producer-consumer
-decomposer system that involves a series of
repeated stages of eating and being eaten.
On the other hand, food web, is all of the
intertwined food chains that consists more
number of organisms and interactions among
Am I right class?
Yes, Sir!
I have here set of pictures on the board.
Who wants to go in front and arrange
the pictures forming a food chain?
Yes, Wilbert.
(The student will proceed)
Good try.
Now, who wants to make a diagram
of food web? Yes, Mary- joy?
(The student will do the task)
Class, these are examples of food chain and
food web. Aside from the transfer of food
from one another among organisms, what
else did you observe from their interactions?
You’re raising your hand, Joyce?
There is an energy transfer, sir.
Intelligent answer.
To better understand the transfer of
energy. I have here a model of energy
and food pyramid.
(I’ll show it to the class)
Nicole, What can you see in this model?
The numerical value for each of the
organism decreases from bottom to top.
Nice observation.
Truly, this model demonstrates a distribution
of Energy and Food pyramid through the
different trophic levels.
Why do you think so that there is a decrease
in the amount of energy that flows through
each trophic level?
Yes, Lea- mae?
For each kind of organism, it converts
some of its chemical energy to heat as it
builds ATP. Then, it causes to lessen the
amount of energy to be taken by another
organism at different Trophic levels.
Indeed, this shows that the transfer of energy
from one organism to another is not 100%
efficient. Meaning, there is always some
loss of heat energy. Isn’t it class?
Yes, Sir!
Now, that you have just realized the transfer
of energy by categorizing the organisms
according to their trophic levels.
3. Application
I have here an activity sheet provided for each
of you. I want you to answer it individually for
5 minutes only.
Before you do it, arrange your chairs one sit
apart from one another.
(The students will follow)
Alright, settle down. (I’ll distribute the activity
sheets to the students). This activity is an internalization
and recognition of your role in a food chain as the title
suggests. Your 5-minute starts now.
(The students will do the activity)
Time’s up. Pass your papers forward.
(The students will follow)
Good job, class!
You’re all performing in the class actively
and intelligently. You’ve done on the first part.
Now, for the second part of your activity,
based from your list or diagram of food chain
and food web.
Construct models of food chain, food web and
energy and food pyramid.
This time it will be a group output. Group 1 will do the
food chain model and Group 2, you do the food web
model. Of course, the last one will be Group 3.
Class, Could that be alright?
Yes, Sir!
I’ll give you 10 minutes to finish it.
Timer starts now.
(The students will do the activity)
Okay, your time’s up. Superb!
Congratulations for a job well done.
4. Generalization
Based from our discussion, What is food chain
again, Ashley?
It is a series of different organisms in
which each kind, except for the first,
feeds on the kind of organism before in
the series. The first organism in any food
chain is a food producer.
Correct! Renz, what about Food Web?
It is the interconnectedness of the
complex network of many food chains.

Exactly! Who can describe again the Energy

and Food pyramid? Yes, Mercedes?
The producers found at the base of the
pyramid have the most energy available
to them, the primary consumers have
less, the secondary consumers have even
less; and so up to the top of pyramid. In
short, it shows the way how energy and
food transfer from one organism to
another in a pyramidal approach.
Very well, said.
5. Values Infusion
Now, what are the values you learned from
our discussion? Yes. Geremie?
I learned about to take care of the plants
and animals as well. Because, these are
the sources of our food. Without these,
we can’t satisfy and provide our needs.
We need also to plant more trees
somehow to maintain the stable condition
and interaction of organisms from one
another. In doing so, we need to respect
all creatures for us to be respected too.
Nice idea, Geremie.
Truly, we should not exploit the cycle of the
interaction of the organisms. It’s not solely
beneficial to them but most especially, it’s our
advantage after all and loss if we let ourselves
to abuse them.
Another who wants to try?
Yes, Dayshelle?
I learned that in order to be healthy we
need to eat nutritious foods such as
vegetables and fruits coupled with
enough amount of meat. I think so
because there is a greater amount of
nutrients and energy we can gain from
eating vegetables than meat.
Brilliant thought, Dayshelle.
In addition, in order for us to live healthy, we
should learn to eat vegetables and fruits because
these are good sources of nutrients that our
body needs to attain healthy living.
Remember health is wealth.
Answer the following questions. Enricle the best correct answer.
1. A diagram that shows the transfer of energy in one line as…
a. Food Web b. Food Chain c. Food Line d. Food Court
2. A _____ cannot make its own energy and eats only plants for their energy.
a. Producer b. Primary consumer c. Secondary consumer d. decomposer
3. A type of consumer that eats primary consumer is called ______?
a. Herbivores b. Prey c. Tertiary consumer d. Secondary consumer
4. From the following, which is the correct sequence for the flow of energy in a food chain?
a. Producers---Consumers---Decomposers
b. Decomposers---Producers---Consumers
c. Consumers---Decomposers---Producers
d. Consumers---Producers---Decomposers
5. An overlapping food chains in an ecosystem make up…?
a. Food web c. Niche
b. Food chain d. Symbiosis
Based from the diagram, where does the energy start in this food chain?
a. Plant c. Deer
b. Sun d. Wolf
7. A ______ makes its own energy and begins the food chain.
a. Consumer b. Producer c. Herbivore d. Decomposer
8. To show how many organisms are at each level of a food chain, ecologists use a model called?
a. an energy flow pyramid c. a pyramid of energy
b. a pyramid of numbers d. a food chain/ food web pyramid
9. A pyramid of numbers shows that in an ecosystem…
a. There are always a large number of producers at the bottom and fewer top consumers.
b. There are always a large number of top consumers and fewer producers.
c. There are an equal number of producers and consumers.
d. There are more top consumers than primary consumers.
10. Only a small amount of energy stored in food is available to the next organism in a food chain
a. There are more producers than consumers in a food chain.
b. There are fewer top consumers than producers in a food chain.
c. Primary and secondary consumers compete for food.
d. Most of the energy is used for life purposes.
11. Which food chain correctly describes the flow of energy in an ecosystem?
a. Grass >>> Cow >>> Human
b. Caterpillar >>> Leaf >>> Human
c. Cow >>> Grass >>> Human
d. Leaf >>> Bird >>> Caterpillar
12. Rabbits eat grass and other plants to survive, but they do not eat animals. What kind of animals are
a. Decomposers b. Carnivores c. Producers d. Herbivores
13. How do decomposers help other organisms in an ecosystem?
a. They break down dead organisms and add nutrients back to the soil that plants use.
b. They use the sunlight to make their own food that other organisms eat for energy.
c. They help disperse seeds for plant growth.
d. Decomposers do not help other organisms in an ecosystem.
14. In what order do a hawk, grass, and rabbit form a food chain in a meadow?
a. Hawk >>> Grass >>> Rabbit
b. Grass >>> Hawk >>> Rabbit
c. Rabbit >>> Grass >>> Hawk
d. Grass >>> Rabbit >>> Hawk
15. Which of the following lists only consumers?
a. Hawks, Lizards, Chipmunks
b. Acorns, Squirrels, Rabbits
c. Grass, Chipmunks, Eagles
d. Mice, Squirrels, Grass
Given are the names of organisms inside the box. Create diagrams of food chain and food web.

Sun Hawk Snake Fungi Rabbit

Cow Eagle Human Bacteria Tiger Frog

Grasshopper Rat Spider grass Fox Dragonfly Ant


Search about Nutrient Cycling and have an advance reading about the following.

a. Carbon Cycle

b. Water Cycle

c. Nitrogen Cycle

d. Oxygen Cycle

e. Phosphorous Cycle

References: M.D. Aquino, and E.A. Madriaga. 2013. Science Links. 84-46. P.Florentino
St.,Sta. Mesa Heigts, Quezon City:REX PRINTING COMPANY, INC. pp.192-194.


Laymar S. Guinucud

Karen Kresna P. Tumolva

BSEd-4A ( Phy. Sci.)



I. Purpose: To identify the part you take in the food chain as well as the source of energy
nutrients you possess.

II. Materials:

Green and Brown Crayon or Marker

Pencil or Pen

III. Procedures:

1. List the food you eat yesterday and the ingredients of each. Research the ingredients
of your food if needed. An example is given below.

My Food Record For The Day


Fried rice



2. Construct a food chain for each ingredient. If the food came from a producer, such as
flour from a wheat plants, show the energy transfer from sun to wheat plants using
arrows, as shown in diagram.


Sun Sun

Wheat Grass

Your Name Cow

Your Name
3. If the food come from a consumer, such as the beef from a cow make the whole food
chain diagram from the sun to producer to consumer, as shown in diagram B.

4. Make food chains for your entire list and use green crayon to highlight each producer
and brown for each consumer.

5. Construct a food web using your food chains.

IV. Observations:

My Food Record For The Da y

M y F o o d C h a i n

M y F o o d W e b

V. Critical Thinking:

1. What are the primary sources of energy for all of your food based on your food chain?


2. Which is the last link in your food chain? Are there other populations that get their
energy and nutrient from man?


3. How do you and the other consumers depend upon the sun for energy?


VI. Generalization:

What important role do you play in your food chain?

______________________________________________ ___________________

VII. Application

If one organism in the food chain/ food web is eliminated, what would likely to happen?



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