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VHDL-Basic Language Elements

VHDL - Lesson Two

• To Learn:
– The basic elements of the VHDL language
• data objects
• literals
• operators
• object declarations (how to associate types with

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– Two kinds of identifiers in VHDL:
– basic identifiers and
– extended identifiers
– Basic identifiers: composed of a sequence of one or
more characters
– legal character:
– upper-case (A ……Z)
– lower-case (a….z)
– digit (0…..9)
– underscore ( _ )
– first character must be a letter
– last character may not be an underscore
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– two underscore characters cannot appear consecutively
– lower-case and upper-case letters are considered to be
identical when used in basic identifier:
example: COUNT, Count, coUNT are all refer to the
same basic identifier
– Extended Identifier: sequence of characters written
between two backslashes
– any of the allowable characters can be used,
including characters like !, ., @, and $.
– Lower-case and upper-case are distinct.
\Test\ , \-25\ , \2FOR$\ , \.~$*****\ , \--\\--\

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– Comments: must be preceded by two consecutive hyphens
– can be appear anywhere within a description
-- this is a comment; it ends at the end of the line
-- always continue your comment on the second line
entity xxxx is end; -- can be after declaration

– Reserved words: listed at the end of every book on

– cannot be used as basic identifiers

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Data Objects
– A data object holds a value of a specified type
– object declaration:
-- data object called COUNT, which can hold integer
-- value
– Every data object belongs to one of the following four classes
1. Constant
2. Variable
3. Signal (can be regarded as wires in a circuit)
4. File

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Data Objects
– constant declarations:
constant rise_time:TIME :=10ns; --object rise_time, which
-- can hold a value of type TIME, and the value of 10ns
-- assigned to the object at the start of the simulation

constant bus_width: Integer:=8;

constant no_of_inputs: INTEGER;

-- constant has not specified
-- such a constant is called a deferred constant

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Data Objects
– Variable declarations:
variable CTRL_Status: BIT_VECTOR (10 downto 0);
variable SUM:INTERGER range 0 to 100:=10;
variable found,done:BOOLEAN;

– Signal declarations:
signal clock:BIT;
signal data_bus:BIT_VECTOR(0 to7);
signal gate_delay:TIME :=10ns;
signal init_P: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0):=
(0 => ‘1’, others => ‘U’);
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Data Objects
– File declarations:
file file-names: file-type-name [[open mode] is string-expression];
– string expression: interpreted by the host environment
as the physical name of a file
– mode specifies whether the files is to be used as
read-only or write-only, or in the append mode
is “/usr/home/jb/add.sti”;
file VECTOR: BIT_FILE is “/usr/home/james/add.vec”;
--default is READ_MODE

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Data Types
– Every data object in VHDL can hold a value that belongs to a
set of values by using the type declaration
– Certain types, and operations that can be performed on
objects, are predefined in the language
– The declarations for the predefined types of the language are
contained in package STANDARD
– The language also provides the facility to define new types by
using type declarations
– Also a set of operations can be defined on these new types
– It is possible to derive subtypes from predefined or user-
defined types

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Data Types
– A subtype is a type with a constraint
– The constraint specifies the subset of values for the subtype
– The type is called the base type of the subtype
– Subtypes are useful for range checking and for imposing
additional constraint on types
subtype MY_INTEGER is INTEGER range 48 to 80;
-- MY_INTEGER is a subtype of the INTEGER base type
-- and has a range constraint

type DIGIT is (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘8’, ‘9’);
subtype MIDDLE is DIGIT range ‘3’ to ‘7’;
-- DIGIT is a user-defined enumeration type. MIDDLE is subtype
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Data Types
– Subtype could not impose a constraint
subtype NUMBER is DIGIT --NUMBER is a subtype with no constraint
-- the subtype simply gives another name to an already existing type

– Types in VHDL language can be categorized into four major

– Scalar types
– Composite types
– Access types
– File types

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Data Types
1. Scalar Types
– There are four different kinds of scalar types:
– Enumeration
– Integer
– Physical (not supported by synthesis tools)
– Floating point (not supported by synthesis tools)
– Integer, floating point, and physical types are classified as
numeric types
– Enumeration and Integer types are called discrete types

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types: A set of user-defined values
consisting of identifiers and character
type enum_type_name is (enum_value {,enum_vlaue});
enum_type_name is the identifier name of the
enumerated data type

enum_value is an identifier or character literal

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:

type MVL is (‘U’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’);
subtype ARITH_OP is MICR_OP range ADD to MUL;
Examples: of objects defined for these types
signal CONTROL_A: MVL;
signal CLOCK: MVL range ‘0’ to ‘1’; --CLOCK restricted to ‘0’ or ‘1’
--range constraint can be specified in an object declaration

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
- The order in which values appear in an enumeration type
declaration defines their order
type Micro_op is (Load, Store, Add, Sub, Mul, Div);
The binary numbers assigned to the above examples
would be:
Load = 000, Store = 001, Add =010, Sub = 011,
Mul = 100, Div = 101
- These assigned numbers enable relational operators to be
used on enumerated types
example: if (load < store) then
© Ali Elkateeb, 2000 Programmable Logic Course Basic Language Elements 16
Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
- The values of an enumeration type are called enumeration
type car_state is (stop, slow, medium, fast);
-- enumeration literals are stop, slow, medium and fast
-- the object of car_state may be assigned only these values

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
- If the same literal is used in two different enumeration type
declarations, the literal is said to be overloaded
type MVL is (‘U’, ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘Z’);
type TWO_STATE is (‘0’, ‘1’);
-- ‘0’ and ‘1’ are two literals that are overloaded since they
-- appear in both MVL and TWO_STATE types.

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
- The predefined enumeration types of the language are:
1. Character: includes 191 characters of the ISO eight-bit
coded character set.
- Values belonging to the type character are called
Character literals and are always written between
two single quotes (‘ ‘).
© Ali Elkateeb, 2000 Programmable Logic Course Basic Language Elements 19
Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
2. BIT: has the literals ‘0’ and ‘1’
3. BOOLEAN: has the literals FALSE and TRUE
4. SEVERITY_LEVEL: has the values NOTE, WARNING,
5. FILE_OPEN_KIND: has the values READ_MODE,
6. FILE_OPEN_STATUS: has the values OPEN_OK,
© Ali Elkateeb, 2000 Programmable Logic Course Basic Language Elements 20
Data Types - Scalar Types
Enumeration Types:
- STD_ULOGIC is an enumeration type (defined in
type STD_ULOGIC is ( -- is used for single bit data type
‘U’, --Uninitialized
‘X’, --Forcing unknown
‘0’, -- forcing 0
‘1’, -- forcing 1
‘Z’, -- high impedance
‘W’, -- Weak unknown
‘L’, -- weak 0
‘H’, -- weak 1
‘-’ -- Don’t care

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Integer Types:
- defines a range of integer numbers
type type_name_identifier is range integer_range;
where: type_name_identifier is the identifier name of the
data type
integer_range is the defined subrange of integers
type CountValue is range 0 to 15;
type WORD_LENGTH is range 31 downto 0;
Note: there is no difference between using to or downto when declaring integer
© Ali Elkateeb, 2000 Programmable Logic Course Basic Language Elements 22
Data Types - Scalar Types
Integer Types:
- Values belonging to an integer type are called integer
- 56623
- 6E2
- 98_71_28 -- underscore has no impact on the
-- value of the literal, I.e., 98_71_28 is
-- same as 987128
- Integer is the only predefined integer type in VHDL
- Integer type is implementation-dependent
- must be at least cover the range from -(2^31 -1) to +(2^31 -1)

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Composite Types:
- Represents a collection of values (elements) which
together constitute an array or record
- individual elements of an array must belong to the
same type while record elements may be of a
different type
- Composite array data type: useful for modeling linear
structure such as RAMs and ROMs.
type address_word is array (0 to 63) of BIT;
type data_word is array (7 downto 0) of STD_ULOGIC;
type ROM is array (0 to 125) of data_word;
- It is possible to specify arrays to any dimension (synthesis
tools support one or two dimensions)

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Composite Types:
- Composite record data type: useful for modeling data
type PIN_TYPE is range 0 to 10;
type MODULE is
SIZE :INTEGER range 20 to 200;
end record;

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Data Types - Scalar Types
Other scalar types:
- The physical and floating point types will be discussed
briefly later on
- Both physical and floating point data types are not
supported by synthesis tools
Other Categories of data types:
- The Access and File types will be discussed briefly
later on
- Both access and file types are not supported by
synthesis tools

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Expressions, Operators
- An expression comprises of operands and operators
example: Y <= A -Z
where: (-) is operator
A, Z are operands
- We covered in details many operands
- classified into six categories:
1. Logical operators
2. Relational operators
3. Shift operators
4. Adding operators
5. Multiplying operators
6. Miscellaneous operators
© Ali Elkateeb, 2000 Programmable Logic Course Basic Language Elements 27
1. Logical Operators:
- and, or, nand, nor, xor, xnor, not
- These operators are defined for
- the predefined types BIT and BOOLEAN
- one-dimensional array of BIT and BOOLEAN
- The operators nand and nor are not associative
example: A nand B nand C -- is illegal
- Parentheses can be used to avoid this

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2. Relational operators:
= /= < <= > >=
- The result type is always the predefined type BOOLEAN
- The = (equality) and /= (inequality) are predefined on any
type except file types
- The operators <, <=, >, >= are all predefined on any
scalar type, e.g., integer or enumerated types or discrete
array type (i.e., array in which element values belong to
discrete type)
example: BIT_VECTOR’(‘0’, ‘1’, ‘1’) < BIT_VECTOR’(‘1’, ‘0’, ‘1’)
is true since comparison is performed one element at a time from left to

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3. Shift Operators:
sll srl sla sra rol ror
- each operator takes an array of BIT or BOOLEAN as the
left operand and an integer values as the right operand and
performs the specified operation
example: “1001010” sll 2 is “0101000”
“1001010” rol 2 is “0101010”
“ 1001010” rol -1 is “0100101”
-- with negative number, the opposite action is

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4. Adding operators
+ - &
- For (+) and (-) operators must be of the same numeric type
- For & (concatenation) operator can be either a one-
dimensional array type or an element type
‘0’ & ‘1’ results of “01”
- & useful for separate signals are to be grouped into one bus
signal Dbus: std_logic_vector(0 to 7);
signal Ctrl:std_logic_vector (5 downto 0);
signal enable, RW:std_logic;
Dbus <= Ctrl & enable & RW;
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5. Multiplying operators
* / mod rem
- * is for multiplication
- / is for division
- mod is for modulus
- rem is for remainder
- * and / are predefined for both operands being of the same
integer or floating point, the result is also of the same type
- the rem and mod operators operate on operands of integer
types, and the result is also of the same type

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6. Miscellaneous operators
abs (absolute)
** (exponentiation)

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