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LET Cerebreal Aerobics #3

Date: January 15, 2018

Instructions: Write your answer in a spelling booklet or notebook and submit by:
Section Eximous- Jan 19, 2018
Section Euneirophrenia- Jan 20, 2018
1. In the course of its development as a discipline, history acquires strength through its own methods of study
known as verification, authentication, corroboration, and ____________.
A. borrowing C. confirmation
B. familiarization D. credibility
2. The act of proving the truth, validity, or existence of the claim about a given document or artifact is known as
A. affirmation C. confirmation
B. proof D. verification
3. The act of providing more evidence or relevant materials in view of strengthening or reinforcing the existing
truth, validity, or substantiality of a claim about an artefact or historical record is called ________________.
A. substantiation C. proof
B. corroboration D. all of the above
4. The act of giving more tests which are usually sophisticated in order to prove the genuineness of an artifact or a
document at issue is________________.
A. authentication C. confirmation
B. final proof D. none of the above
5. Since not all events can be recollected and recorded completely, it is finally necessary for the historian to
A. remediate B. invent C. imitate D. reconstruct
6. From consequences that are known, antecedents may be inferred. To make this possible, it is necessary to
reason backward from ___________________
A. effect to cause C. consequent to antecedent
B. past to present D. future to present
7. For being a social scientist, a historian can make some predictions based on historical analogies and
A. intuition C. trends
B. logical reasoning D. educated guess
8. The method of historical presentation or treatments of events are the descriptive, analytic, comparative and
A. classificatory C. predictive
B. scientific D. evaluative
9. All the methods of historical presentation which seek to explain the past come in the form of
A. tale-telling C. narration
B. question and answer D. essay type
10. A secondary source who gives testimony to the occurrence of events at a given time is
A. an agent C. an eyewitness
B. a narrator D. a third witness
11. A historian, who is concerned only with establishing an account of past events, persons, places, or institutions in
a manner as accurate, detailed , and objective as his/her studies would permit, has for his/her guideline this
phrase “ the past for the sake of _________”
A. all time C. the past
B. the present D. posterity
12. A document is a written source of historical information.
A. true B. false C. it depends D. probably

13. to recreate the totality of historical facts in a way that preserves the integrity of the actual past is called
A. historical theory C. historiography
B. historical explanation D. all of the above
14. Subjectivity and objectivity correspond to the two sides of credible history which are imagination and fact, and
where objectivity is the treatment of historical facts characterized by ____________________.
A. sincerity C. open-mindedness
B. rationality D. detachment
15. The discipline of history provides the present and future generations their memorable events, lessons of the
past, and ____________________.
A. some artifacts for display only
B. the best for all ages
C. some examples of human action for present use only
D. Vital ideas for present and future guidance
16. Historical methods and knowledge belong to the _________________.
A. theoretical aspect C. practical aspect
B. technical aspect D. none of the above
17. The life of Jesus Christ in terms of his birth and death is a historical fact.
A. true B. false C. it depends D. probably
18. The view that all aspects of society get better and better in spite of negative events and/or social upheavals is
also known as perfectibilism. One of its proponents was __________________.
A. Adam Smith C. Dondorcet
B. Karl Marx D. J.S. Mill
19. The ideology of progressivism states that society continues to progress only. when there are no obstructions.
A. true B. false C. probably D. undecided
20. Chronology is a form of descriptive method in history which is done through sequential periodization. The latter
has often been found to be ___________.
A. unfounded B. misleading C. biased D. arbitrary
21. In order to bring out the intrinsic interest of the subject matter, the topic on hand, or a given narrative account,
truth and logic must be __________.
A. used alternately C. combined
B. separated D. used sequentially
22. The historian is interested in the past of _____________.
A. objects or persons and their times for their intrinsic interest
B. human groups and their social events, breakthroughs, and turning points
C. Civilizations and their preservation for posterity
D. all of the above
23. The cyclical, linear, spiral, and chaotic models of historical occurrences make up the
A. principles of history C. facts of history
B. historian’s ideologies D. theories of history
24. The linear pattern of history is used to justify the common view that historical events are unique and
A. repeatable C. irreversible
B. separable D. none of the above
25. The causal theory of historical explanation in the 18th and 19th centuries is the same as the theories of historical
A. true B. false C. probably D. undecided
26. The national character of Savigny, Montesquieu, and Vico; and the progress theory of Comte, Hegel, and Marx
are parts of the causal theory of historical _____________.
A. method of narration C. methods of inquiry
B. explanation D. none of the above
27. The ideology of positivism By August Comte is based on the theory of ___________.
A. periodical rebirth and decay C. progress
B. causation D. linearity
28. Besides being a narrator of the development of mankind, the historian is also _____________.
A. an amused observer of the human condition
B. an impartial spectator of social events
C. the guardian of cultural heritage
D. all of the above
29. According to Marx, a perfect society with its classless feature can be realized only through _________.
A. a revisionist approach C. education
B. piecemeal improvements D. revolution
30. From Comte’s positivistic perspective, historical changes come in three stages: the primitivism, the
metaphysical-theological, and the ___________.
A. modern C. scientific
B. ultramodern D. none of the above
31. For Hegel, a German philosopher of history, historical change occurs through the absolute Idea realizing itself in
time and space in ____________
A. an imaginary world C. a perfect environment
B. time out of mind D. the natural world
32. The specific importance of history to education lies on the records of breakthroughs, milestones, and pivotal
events it provides to education for the latter’s __________________.
A. main source of discussion
B. research topics
C. instructional content and guidelines
D. all of the above
33. The general importance of history to education consists of the function it provides the latter which are the
informative, the commemorative, perpetuating, unifying, and __________.
A. affirmative C. edifying
B. corroborative D. familiarizing
34. As the term suggests, the informative function of history is self explanatory while the instructive part deals with
lessons of the past which may be appealed to for ____________________
A. corrective purposes
B. the provision of guidelines and examples for present action
C. avoidance of the negative aspects
D. all of the above
35. The perpetuating function of history refers to the act of utting on a time-long basis the remembrance of
significant events, persons, and places in view of their unifying or edifying functions, among others.
A. true B. false C. not necessarily D. it depends
36. The unifying function of history refers to the function of harmonizing the valid interests of the past and the
sympathies of people long gone with some concerns of the _____________________________
A. new generation C. the present batch of citizens
B. current administration D. none of the above
37. the edifying function of history to education consists of the noble deeds of past heroes; the wise thoughts of
exemplary sages, philosophers, and mystics, an the great acts of _________
A. revolutionaries B. mystics C. saints D. mavericks
38. Commemorating the National Heroes Day on November 30 is a ________________.
A. socio-political
B. socio-historical example
C. historical legacy of the Spaniards
D. an example of the value of cultural identity
39. The development of national pride is an educational task that becomes possible only through a nation’s
A. cultural resources C. museums
B. historical legacies D. all of the above
40. The establishment of historical centers for each province for the informative immersion of both the youth and the
old is a socio-historical _________.
A. issue C. nuisance
B. concern D. none of the above
41. It is a socio-historical act to narrate the historic deeds and thoughts of the significant figures of a community for
the _________,
A. please of the fun-loving
B. improvement of children’s memory
C. benefit of historians
D. emulation of the social group
42. No village, community, or society has been established without any single socio-historical formative
A. condition C. principle
B. cause D. all of the above
43. The importance of historical records arises when a people find worthwhile elements from the record that benefit
the social group in terms of acquiring its own __________.
A. fame C. historical merit
B. cultural identity D. solidarity
44. Besides the technical criteria (objectivity, impartiality, and truth) in writing history, a historian can promote socio-
historical consciousness among his/her people by possessing the qualities of ________.
A. courage against vested interest
B. candor in the context of familiarity
C. empathy, tolerance, and sympathy in spite of the weaknesses and limitations of his/her subjects
D. all of the above
45. A historian who writes on a commission basis is likely to sacrifice historical merit in his/her writing
A. true B. false C. it depends D. not necessarily
46. With the advances in educational technology based on ICT, it is easy for education to develop the children’s
A. heroism C. historical-mindedness
B. objectivity D. historical preferences
47. History and education can be the ideal partners in promoting ________
A. patriotism C. internationalism
B. national leadership D. globalism
48. To guard against racism and national prejudice, a historian must also adopt the characteristics afforded by a
A. liberal mind C. cultural universalism
B. sociological imagination D. cosmopolitanism
49. Putting up monuments for heroes is a _____________
A. token of gratitude from the people
B. sign of cultural perceptiveness
C. cultural universalism
D. cosmopolitanism
50. It is necessary to be critical about any socio-historical decision
A. true B. false C. it depends D. not necessarily

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” ~ David Bly

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