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Presented by: Derek Zaccheo,

Steven Kreeley,
and Gary Reiff

 Corrosion a major issue in

reinforced concrete structures
 Protective coatings on rebar within
concrete matrix
 Chloride attacks, carbonation and
alkaline reserve losses mainly
 Volume of corrosion products
exceeds volume of steel, creating
tensile stresses
 Tensile stress leads to cracking,
spalling, potential failure of

 Carbonation and/or chloride induced corrosion primary causes

 Both causes are functions of electrochemical processes
C A R B O N AT I O N - I N D U C E D

 Carbonation depth w ithin concrete influences amount of resulting


 Carbonation Depth Factors:

 Cover Thickness  Cement Composition
 Carbonation Resistivity  Calcium Oxide Content
 Effective CO 2 Diffusion Coefficient  Wetness Time
 CO 2 Binding Capacity  Ambient Temperature
 Curing Condition  Relative Humidity
 Age  Environmental Conditions
 Cement Type  CO 2 Surface Concentration

 Chloride attacks typically in

marine environments
 Carbonation/Chloride
induced corrosion avoided
w ith epoxy coated rebar
 Epoxy Advantage: safeguards
against generalized corrosion
 Epoxy Disadvantage: still
prone to localized corrosion
and microcracking

 Reduction of rebar cross section

 Reduction of rebar load capacity
 Increase in volume of corrosion product w ill cause
expansion, cracking , and spalling

 Memory alloys can be used

as rebar instead of
traditional steel
 Highly resistant to slow ly
occurring corrosion
 Nickel-Titanium alloy (NiTi)
typically used
 Corrosion rate a function
of the metals used in the

 Fibers act as a safeguard

betw een the concrete matrix
and the encased rebar
 Typically polypropylene (PP),
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and
hooked-end steel fiber used
 Responsible for transport of
corrosive elements
 Hooked-end steel fiber w ill
cause corrosion first
 generates localized corrosion
of the fiber itself

 Concrete cover refers to minimum distance

from member face to rebar
 More difficult for chloride ions to reach

 Aided by use of admixtures:

 Cathodic Inhibitors - form insoluble film on cathodic
surfaces (effective)
 Anodic Inhibitors - form insoluble film on anodic surfaces
(more effective)
 Organic Inhibitors - block cathodic AND anodic absorption
reactions from occurring on rebar (most effective)

 New hybrid fiber reinforced

concrete (HyFRC) delays
cracking up to strains
surpassing those of
conventional steel rebar

 Consistently outperforms
traditional plain/reinforced

 Can be used w ith traditional


 Includes the following:

 Silica fume – counteracts

penetrating chlorides and Ca(OH) 2
 Latex – minimizes pores
 Methylcellulose – similar effects as
silica fume, but not as significant
 Carbon Fibers – decreases electrical
resistivity of concrete (should be
used with silica fume)
 All are easy to use and cost -effective

 Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs)

used to mitigate corrosion AFTER
member is affected
 Carbon or glass fibers used:
 Carbon more typical despite
higher initial cost (performs
better)  Manufactured as plates or
w raps to cover
 Wraps most commonly
used to simulate anodes

 Use of environmentally friendly

 How to measure degradation
and lifespan of rebar coatings

 Industrial know ledge of epoxy

 How to stop localized
 How to replace coatings

 Continue research on behavior of

environmentally friendly coatings
in accordance w ith EPA
 Create models that simulate
coating decay for various
environmental conditions
 Use of NDE testing and improved
 Utilize code to improve lifespan

 Tw o types of steel reinforcement

 Chloride-induced
 Carbonation-induced
 Epoxy coatings great protective
measure (but potential localized
 Different fibers, memory alloys,
admixtures, and FRPs aid in mitigation
 Corrosion a fundamental key to
determine structural lifespan

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