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TH£MARCH;ori>IM^ V HBLATldi^g'WIlEl:

Vol.25. Mb. C (a«efgia Sldt* d^Iltgt lor Womia* IflUodgtriOo, Qa.

Phi U Elects;Sii(f ^ :
Outstanding HE Girls
Phi Upsiion Omicron, national
honor fraternity for home econo^
mjcs majors has recently initiated
Second Concert
The protlems of Human Relations will be stabbed at from six new members into its local*
all angled this week on the campus as faculty members are chapter.
asking Dr. O. W. Warmingham to bring his messages to ,the New Members are Jean Bridges,
classroom as well (;is In platform/addresses, dorm'? discussions, M.sicon; J^etty Nunn,' Commerce; The "Baltimore f Syinphony: :.0r-
Letty Pryor, Leslie; Bai'bara Pear?. chestra will makb its second.' ap- ';fUi\l
personal confttbs/arid cbftee'.^t?h^sr-''- ;• ' .••;.k>^^•-•.:•- • ; ^••••: iM&ri;Tifton, Mary Phelps pearance on this, campus Wednes- • •-•'H''ii
Similar to the programs^plahri^'for the Religious Emphasis bbro; and Mary Yarbrbugh, Edi- day evening, at. 8:30 p^m. The 7,5
Week the leaders and advisers of the YWCA hove designed lon. piece orchestra will meet the stu-
the week's program to fit the needs of all the students. • dents majoring in music, mem-
Born in Cuddapah. India, Dr, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j j ^ ^ g ' bers of the Milledgeville A Cap-
Warmingham comes to the United
States to study and after graduat-
ing from the University of "Wis- Soloists; Bieginis
'Hog Calling'To pella Choir.and tlje Colonnade
staff at a reception in the; Alum-
nae Guest Hous6 following the
consin, he did graduate work at concert.'.- ..•.-•:.:: ;r..:>. ,.-.: ;•..•,.";
Boston University. He has done 1951 Concerts
advanced work in philosophy and The Milledgeville College A - Dft. JAMiBS PAUL KENNEDYf
Be Feature of The Symphony,, under the di-
rection of Reginald Stewart will
theology in Oxford, England. He Cappella Choir began its 1951 Bowling Oreen Stftt« University perform as a part of the annual
is a teacher, lecturer, philosopher, season with a. concert in the San-
a student and reader in the fields dersville Baptist Church on Sun-
of literature, the fine arts, and day evening. Soloists for the sea-
Roosevelt Ball concert series.. ;
In its thirty-fif,th year, and nin-.
Was your roommate born in a th season under Mr. Stewart, this
also an author and poet. son have been announced by Max orchestra is generally recognized
Noah, director of the choir and barn? If so, why not enter her in
Students serving on the steering the hog calling contest to be held, as one of the country's major
*vf committee include; Mary Black- head of the music department. Jan. 27 at the Rooseyelt Ball? If symphonic organizations.. Dur^
mon, Washington; Carolyn Had- Soprano soloist for the year your roommate is the lucky win- ing recent musical seasons it has
den, Augusta; Doe Durrance, are Jean Starr, Claxton, Peggy Jo ner — now brace yourself — she played throughout the United
Claxton; Joan Radford, Camak; Mitchell, Perry, Jo and Harriett A concert in Milledgeville has will be crowned "Miss Iron Lungs States and Canada. It-.has.'giYeh
Ellen Jones, Lyons; Shirley Bryn- Casteel, Lavonia. Contralto solo- been included in the southern tour of 1951." Two representatives successful concerts in New "York
dt, Fitzgerald; Jane Rider, Wash- ists are Annette Johnson, Siloam, of the nationally known A Cap- from each dormitory will be chos- City, at Smith College, Duke "Uni-
ington; Ann Graham, Warner and Betty Le Roy, Tignall. pella Choir of Bowling Green en to participate in the contest. versity, Florida State University,
Robins; Miriam McCuUough, The choir will include tours of State University, Bowling Green, The "Dream, (jirl" contest con- Washington
in many
and Lee College and
other eastern and south-
Woodbine; Gertrude Cox, Milled- Georgia, concerts in and around Ohio. ' ducted at GMC, and the "Dream ern communities.
geville; Jane Bailey, Augusta; Milledgeville and a spring tour Conducted by Dr. James Paul Boat" contest of GSCW will cul-
Joanne Hamby, Augusta; Alice to Chicago in their years brochure. Kennedy, 54 students will sing minate also at the Roosevelt Ball, The Baltimore ' Syihphoiiy Or-
ann McKinley, Harlem; Huanne They will sing at the Lawrence- sacred and secular numbers in wliich, marks the end of the chestra was • the ' first American
Burnett, Covington; Mir- vilie Baptist Church, on Sun. Feb. Russell Auditorium Georgia State "March of Dimes." symphony orchestra, to be sup-
iam Dunson, Commerce; Delores 4. College for Women Saturday, Handbills will be distributed ported by municipal funds. Part
Wheeler, LaFayette; Olive Boline, Feb. 10,, at 8 p.m. during the middle of the week to of its financing stiir is appropriat-
YWCA executive secretary; and all Jessies 'and Jimmies. These ed by the City of Baltimore, but
Pat Wall, Savannah. Last fall the .National ' Broad-
handbills will serve to show which for eight years. Baltimore citizens
The week will officially be
. opened with an address in Chapel
Paper Sponsors casting Co. chose the Bowling
Green Choir to open its series of
coast-to-coast • broadcasts-. . of
class from G S C W and which have contributed to its support.
company from GMC has the larg- Reginal Stewart, Scottish-born
on Jan. 21 and each evening there Christmas choral music. est attendance at the Ball. There is conductor.! who'.5rece;ntly became
will be a platform addres and
dorm discussions. The speaker
will be a platform" address and
Dream Man One NBC executive commented
tliis month that the choir is the
a detachable coupon on the hand- an American, has a^chieved^'&ter-
bills, which is to be filled in for national .distinction.,-He has, been
class attendance, and dropped guest conductor of such' orches-
lectures and personal conferences GMC Holds Similar best college choral group he has into a box at the Ball. Also on the tras as the New Yo.rk Philhar-
with the students. There will be heard' in recent months. coupon are two statements to be nioniCi the NBC, the BBC, the De-
coffee hours in the Y Apartment Femme Selection , ,The..BowUng Greei\..s checked, - one • to the. effect that thistroit, the ^ Chicago,,. and many
after the platform addresses in the cently made reccjpds and appear- contribution was a real personal others. ' • •'' ;
evenings. Dreamboat contest coming up! ed on television. sacrifice, and the other to the ef- " The concertmaster^ and assistant
Interested laymen in Milledge- Again this year the GSCW Dr. Kennedy is a composer, ar- fect that the contribution was conductor Jan Tomasow, (distin-
,. ville, and nearby town's are in- Dream Man wiU be selected to be ranger, organist, concert pianist, made from loose change. There is guished young ^iolinist who has
vited to take advantage of these displayed as Jessie's pride and voice and piano teacher and play- no significance attached to these been associated for the past six
programs and join the G S C W herb. But this year, there's a new er of the campus carillonic bells. two statements, however all con- years'with the National Symphony
, students in their consideration of twist—you'll have to pay for him. At Bowling Green he is the di- tributors are urged to check them. Orchestra as conc^rtmaster. He
'V this all-important-phase of today's And the more he costs — well, rector of choral activities and a As has been the custom, there appeared •vt^ith the- Paris Sym.
problems. ^ ; surely the better he'll be. professor of music. Each year he will be no corsages. Jessies are when he was,only,22 and has.-been
A penny a'vote will be the price takes the choir and the men's and urged to suggest that their es- prominent in music festivals in
—and you're iirged, to stuff the women's glee clubs on extensive corts donate their corsage money, S.A., including his'native Argen-
Pi Gamma Mu Elects ballot box as often as you can af- concert tours. He, is in great de- or at least a part of it, to the tina, -••• ,: ;;••'•" ••;• '. :•;.•-•..••
ford for the man you'd most like mand as a guest conductor. "March of Dimes'' instead. Contri-
to get lost with in the new Skunk Dr. Kennedy taught at Hiram butions will be welcomed, not only
10 Students, Two Staff Hollow. The money will be used College before joining the Bowling from the G'uys, but from the Dolls,
for the March-of-Dimes fund, and Green faculty in 1936.
The local chapter of Pi Gamma the lucky man will be announced as well. A big floor show is pro- Dr. Herlin Speaks On
•Mu, national honorary social at the Roosevelt Ball—in the pro- The National Composers Clinic mised, and music will be provid-
science society has announced its per style of the woman's-coUege- has given its highest recognition ed by the GMC Kaydets and .Mas- Finland Irt Assembly
new members, arid thie speaker loves-one-man idea. Voting must, to a sonata and a symphonic poem sey's Revolving Revelers'. Dr. Hielsinki H. Heriiri, elevator
lor this months meeting. unfortunately, be on pictures entered Both
by Dr. Kennedy.
he and his wife'were Me- Other features to listen for are manufacturer• of Helsingi.' Fin-
Carolyn Angliri and Kitty alone—as circumstances forbid various radio skits which will be land, and one of Rotary Interna-
Marie Smith, Milledgeville, La- our having them here iri flesh and thodist "preachers' kids'." The tional's outstanding personalities
Kennedys ^ave four. children and presented over WMVG during the
vinia Whatley, Claxton, Jimmie muscle at the present time. week. Also, nightly .on Moonlight spoke to the student body and the
Sue Bennet, . Mannassas, Eloise Picture^s Ayill be collected in the collect antique furniture.' Milledgeville Rotarians -on Friday,
Melodies, ia' record will be play-
Blackburn, Sandersville, Ann dorms Tuesday. The fiiist elimina- The professor is a graduate of ed and dedicated to polio victims, Jan. 19.
•Johnson ,Augusta, Mary Lu Ric- tion wiU be held Wednesday in William Penn College, Northwes- and all who support the "March Mr. Herlin is a,leading indus-
hey, Douglas, Dorothy Mayfield, the foyer to,the; student union. tern University and the Univer- of. Dimes."
Macon, are the students who were Thursday, the second elimination, sity of Iowa. He also studied at trialist and citizen,from a country
elected to membership for the and Friday, the final elimination the University of California and famous for its integrity, its an-
'year. Misses Olive Boline and Isa- to find the one man that Jessie Matthay Pianoforte School in cient rocks and its languages that
is so old as to be, of unknown
bel Rogers, religious, activities herself has chosen among all the London England.
staff were also elected to member- rest.
Harriett May Awarded origin.
ship. ' Soap-box politicking and corner Frosh Chemistry Prize Mr. Herlin is in the United
Dr. George iBeiswanger, head of bribing are all permitted — even States in his capacity as one of
fine arts, will address the group encouraged — because the more Westininster Group
.' ' .*•• .

Harriett May, Pembroke, fresh- the directors of Rotary Interna-

on the subject, "Toward a Theory money the fund provides the big- men chemiistry major, was winner tional for ,1950-51. He is in. the
of Ethical Theories." ger the March of Dimes fund will To Attend Meeting of the first term chemistry award South because of his friendship
grow. So. gals, put your man in for the highest average in Chemis- with a Birmingham Rbtarian with
the contest and then pitch in there The annual Westminister Fel- try durihg fall 1950. whom he has worked, closely, and
SENIOR P.E. MAJORS TO and fight for him. lowship Conference will meet on was in Milledgeville because of
OBSERVE SCHOOLS There will also be a simHiar the campus of Mercer University She was preisented the "Hand- a dinner. ac.quainjtance recently in
The Senior Physical Education contest at GMC to select their Feb. 2-4. Registration cards for book of Cheijiistry" with full de- Enitland with Missv Annie • Wells
;M:ajors, along with Dr. Manches- Dream Femnie fatalle.. the meeting should be in Macon tails engraved; in gold on t)if| daughter of Dr. .Guy :H. Wells. .

ter, will leave January 29,thi on byi Jan. 25. cover durihg I her Chemistry lti2
a field trip to observe the Physical Pl);ysical Education Majors in- class last yve&k, by Dr. J. F. Vin- The Helsinki.industrialist is a
Education Program in the pubUd cliide: Lucy Bonnell, Barbara The main speaker of the meet- cent, . professor of, physics and. .foymer Rotary (Jovernor of ,Find-
schools in Columbus, Georgia,,; At Webber, Kathryn Wll(l?, Kathtyn ing will be Dr.;J. .M. Godd^rd; •chemistry,'.,.,;,,,, -,., ,,,.. ,.=';„,, ' i'ihland and will make nriany tiaiks
tl»e same^
„.« ^„...« , Phillips, Dot. W?ird,,Ca'mile; Burns, board of secondary schools.and
they.jyiU .observe
.......^ —<,...-- Harriet(&|[ayi9 the daughter of tb 'American grbUp»^ he is in
the Recreatiohal Pr6gTai|i of the; Mai^y Quinn HarVey,'flViUie Hfeh^^ colleges of DetatUir, and Rev. M. Mr; and y AlTtis; Marcus D; May^ thirppuntry. Ife stalked <to^.aj(i,e^
parkk of fhiat city. They retiini'to-derson; Louise Br6\^h, and Dot C. Mclvero, Jstudent, minister 9X Pemlirblfe: Se is a member oi the cation ^uo.up at Georgia tlech on
ciropUs on Jfiihvair 31st. Senior Pinta^ .!>:,„, the Universjity,of Alabama. A Cappella choir. Friday,.'Jai(i."m' "•''- -^'^''>'-'in
•~.,a: vie..i;„ ii'-'i.r
\iyo It. •'i!j.:yr;:ii.
;, J';.•.!

•••.;, I - ,:• I' r-r

iBECBEMniDER lDeWgate*Fi^<^«^''^^^' Through lanuary
phT^calEdClubHaa •ox Exhibitions An exhibit of paintings by
[TO Attend Convention
s t a y U p A * f J ° t ! f to e v e r y t o . The . Joint Meet With FTA worth » ptnnr •!»»•«•«" » ^
Delegates from "Rec" will at. Flash — The Tumbling "The Brutes")
ing REC •quipmwt^ _ vWm. members, (alias ""ra^rtlalt'eiTto^""
What Is Important ^^ .. K »«»™ ' ^ ' " i t l f p . S L d or not passed, Many questions were answered
lor perspective ^eachers^ *t «?®
Got yyout
^ , tiuXw
sk«t*» from
«»««j^;"J home iJCiCBuw-
'<« **»• Big Skating Party at , tend the state convention of the members, ^auaa *... _building
't^^ne e S w t will be ..een
^ t g ? * e month-.^»uar.
nole c l ' « ' ^ ^ ' \ ' » i " f a ^ ^ < S m l t t e e sometime joint meeting of the Physical Edu- ---- - - — v ..^„i Ing
Georgia Athletic Federation lor have just completed another dar- work-out Iri the P.E.
F B E S H M M I S P M S TOR HONOR and work-out
find that Iri they are just about The 27 pieces on exniou a*c
„ m b e d e c i d ^ by * « f ^ J ^ d student council cation Club and Future Teachers ^ r r ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ S ^ College women
Sir/onvention this year wUlb. u« pohmarv
• 2-3. ing
trim. As a sort the
of P.E.
"dress buildinj
rehear- oU? water colors, and pa^^s m
BylUMEWnZEL this week The student body a ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ of America on Thursday night, Play nigm — t*m. . the convention this year will be sal,"- -the ^ x,..*
club4.i,„„ n^o iust
members areabou giv- porlraits, la^scapes, ^.U M e ^
Ntw Toureament started. ing a series of two dembnstra
January 18, when Dr. Mildred REC Points aro duo Mondar held at Shorter College in Rome. figure ' « ; J " f ' Z i "»'«''
English gave a very apropos talk aftomooa. This organization is a branch of i'l T r f Art i*New Vork, Bing-
t t MteBe Women. Each member *'»"'• 1°,"^^ the sMond at Peabody. School of Art ' " " " , Sarasota,
en "The National'Situation and the
collo« National
may Athletic
have three Federation
offioal f ^ ' ^ f ,ast report many r^
r":d"rdn:>a"ed'o.nyonthe.unendln, its Relation to the Teaching Pro- Support your toam in Batkot* i S t e s oneofwhomisasopho.jSm«._^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ 3 , , bean ^ f ' a f d i a s ' c ^ d u ^ ^ h i s o w n
'"—""- waoh member
rie^ Maybe youhoveloo^edup and wondered ^ y b o d y ' s guess but o ^ ^ - ^ ^ classes, dorms, fession." She brought out the very Ball -> Spectators. 5 points
pointed fact that no teacher should per hour more, several members ox I'! made. " . ,^„, Fla., an ^"o^ ^^ present,
what it would be Ute to be up there. It is a won- :nuch talk back and ' ° f ™ ' ' ™ ^ 1^, w i t o t leave her job to go into the ser- Swimming Pool opened for Recreation Board, other than the ^^ announce that
and iust interested people that we are vice simply because she is afraid Recreational Swin — Mon^ official delegates, are planning t^l ^ ^ ^ / . " f ^ u r Junior Club mem-
TZ-.rr deriuHeeling, peaceful and serene. You feel very, of being drafted; but if she is call- Fri. 3:00 to 5:00. Sat. 2:00 to
ed upon by her country, she 4:00. attend the convention. y progressed to the Sen-
ECnOBIAL S I * « Btannan dose to God then. Maybe it is just because of the ° °'™'*' tr. think the rote will work- when The theme of the convention bers have p r g , ^^^^ ^^^ ^^.
should render her services will-
Editorto-Chiet—— — ^ c M i e Airanl childish noUon that we all nave
Idish noton have at one ume time ui
or u.,-
an- Neesie
..---•- seems ^° ^ ^^ ^^ ,ooms ^^^, ™«» after eleven.
=""-" ingly. She also stated that she had Tumbling Club meeting Tues* t h i s y e a r is "Tho't Swap" lor CluD.jney ^^^p ^^^^
girls may stay out of their l o " .^^^_ ^_ ^_,^ .much faith in the American peo- day Thursday afternoon.afternoon. wmuu
l lall
h ch „ „ .
'will infeature discussion
News Editor Carol lone* other that God lives in the sky. S ! ' ' c T , ^ ^ l r l s " a k e the responsibiUty fM <iulet
pie m this national crisis. To quote Jr. PaivTumblingciuti mMtina Club Tu««iav mee^g groups «.«.,^„colleges
• r answer
i - "1 regard *•to athletic ports,new daring song^i g^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^
tecnniqu^-^^ ^^^^
Feoturs Editor——— Patsy Montgomery You
You look
look out of the plane window down at the The Sonfori ^ ^ ^
out ot did when the rule w a s to_ questioi.!^^^^^
a d i S s and exhibits from the witnessed by the ?^udie^^^^^ L
Dr. English directly in her clos- Thursday W M U I L aafternoon. ^ "SltS^T^ Si ?niii» ^^.^^^^^^^^fV'^^s «f<»? eyes on. muus .-.
Associate Editor——
,,e Editor-—— e J h . At first you are shockea
_p<jt Dear earth.
_pa, shocked w by how now ^ » .'u"u' ^
. ^'.^= •, .^ -^ .^- •^ " " ' f j n , ^ at ^eleven.
1 ^ , „ . It„ «it wworks
„ . „lor
-- ing bit of advice, "Keep your chin Folk day CXvh
^'i^**^ ^"^ K^lub
"'•****' meeting
^ " ^ f
- K - e S i K i ' T n t r i o i ^ t iy : S S ? r ^ m S ^ f o f q u i tare
. ^ ' v ' ^ * ' ^? ' T K ^ . *°, ^**^!*^J' new daring techniques to be
e some-
Art Editor tor ^ ^-' "-"E. EW Knigh t^erything
v eyl ynn Knigh everything seems. It starts you to thinking thnking ° ^ "" ' ' ' °' °^ ^/ /^^ H^ ^7 ushould T d work lor for the underclassmen up, that's what I'm doing." activities, _and^ exhibits^ ^from the witnessed by the audiences. These
ts Editor ^ L.,„.,
o w ..^M
small rmA and inconseouenUal
inconsequenUal We we really
r e a l y are.
ore. The seniors then —^—_ M,S?m^)«ce Club meeting i r o r r r ^ a ? i v T \ ^- S^„« l ' " S„ f T»r«».
^ ^ ^ ,.,„„+e
^ ^ a^p something a Tumbling
you will Club pro-
Sports Editor Tue«iay and Thursday
" Z>. Campbell, Mau- Lhe vas, rolling farmlands of Illinois and Indiana look also KAMPERS CLUB ' S U h y r i r c h a r g e of this - h i - 1 demonstraxion J^nstraUonJivesJ^^^^^^^^^
,, pjesoott seemed^ ^ to ,„ inmK
^ ^ we* "t " "T• - -\ - -T
News Staff: Fran WaUace, » f ^ J ^ ^ ^ o o d , Sue ufe like squares
squares of of varying
varying shades
shades oiof green
green on on a
a check-
check- Dr.
Dr. ^1 ^^ J^^^^^^~^ " ^vileges in talking
^ e g e s in talking about
about wheth-
Ladies, Hampers Klub has real-
ly been on the go this quarter-
Take advantage of our Laice
S u r a l and Hesbit Woods Re. bit. GAFCW 1950-51
6*^-- % ~ ,M bet-
\/Ji^^ m
^ reen r e e nMiller,
M i t oNan
. N LeMster,
° ° l * " ' kaweu
' f ^ r Kvi,H.
^ r M a r s h a Ue eS S^ .^ . The maiestic. Smokies look Uke.smal hislng r«hte - f ' J ' ^ f J ^ ^ , , be out of their rooms
The majestic. Smokies look like. smol fusing rights with P . „, ,h«ir rc^ms not with things that take energy, creational fadUties Officers of
understand, but with relaxation J S e t b a U Practices - Kh*; ^^liresident, .acWe t e n . , V »' ^ ^ ^ 4 Moore .or a - d a « v .
r"*:ujr,a this vears demonsirauwn
Peek, Alora Wade, Pat Ridgeway, Norma Marshall erooor . , ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j U j or
S T i n the land. You can see to the bottoms of er or n ° " ° J « ' . ^ ! ^ ^ „ „ , h Dr. Prescott is of a n around the'campfire. Our supper dule posted in basement of cf- Secretary-Treasurer, Bar-ratc^Sgiisy-sdemons^^^^^^^^^ Just to give you a brief idea oi 5
Feature Staff: ]eaxi Culpepper, Claud Bloodworth, he r i v e r a n d highways are only ribbons alss- after f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " o f Philosophy he seems specialties are spegetti and chile, P.E. Building. ?ark Webber. G.S.C.W.; Council L^^at to expect from the Tumbte^^
made by our expert cooks. After Play the game and Wm or Member Sue Grimsley, Shorter ^his year. well, have you ever seen
ern Automobiles and trucks moving along ' ' ' " ^ ^ ^ " ' f ^ „ ^ j ^ " " ^ e T e e l about some of our rules... eating our DELICIOUS grub, Losip. Be Game.
June Neteel. Sge; Faculty Advisor, ^li^ord Live^ollf ^o-^-^^^^^^^^ ^ e r
Sossing each other in a senseless, irregular pat-Uo know ^ ^ ° ' J l ^ ' , h i d e n t s should leom early we'uns gather 'round the camp-
BUSINESS STAFF fire to sing, play impressions, and Lewis. U. of Ga. I J ^ g T ^ a f tower J^^^^^^^^^ -^
S ^ r L e l y visible. Yet God takes care of There ^ ' ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . They ore becoming the like. Our meetings, as you see, COACHES AND OFFICIALS .rected before your eyes? If no .
Biisiness Manager
Business Manager . ]oaxia Sut«
'fafhteenBenefieldLg^h each one of us. He feeds and clothes each.froil each.iiou ,to decide ' ° ™ h e y enter college and chances LUB FORMED 1: orunbu MODERN DANCE CLUB
are unplanned and friendly. We CLUB then your reporter rcpwi.^* advises,
" i , ' ~ rinb "don't
Assistant Business Manager Kathleen Benefleld
l " " * a n t Business Manager—Kathlee^^^^^ Dean ' " ^ a n form ,hat is seemingly • • invisible' " to someone °''"^' r ' " a f ^ of their rooms at home after are very proud of our three " The Ree Association is nroud to ^^^^^ ^°^ ^ ^ " wondering what xneii j u « c _ v., _ g Club de-
Pot Dean The Rec Assoeiation
Honorary Members this year, Miss The Rec Association is proua to ^^^^^ ^^ is proud to th^relt^an-ge creatures w
creatures were that « e * a t I m i ^ t h ^ y e a r s ^ «
A. ^ i t o r - - J ^ ^ ^ M e o d ^ ^ L h o lives in the sky^ ^ ^ h e X ^ o o ^ U s ^ e eleven. _ ^ or even if it Davis, Miss Vichee, and Miss a „*"'«'<^« S S ^. ^Qu nnpw new^ ^ dclub
u b »on^campus, S . i „ere g - g -n*«^„«^™un_d
wandering arounu around v;aiiif—
P -U i i^^nstraiion
" — .^ ,.j jygt- -
Smith, who, along with our ad- S T ^ c h e s a ' ^ d Officials Club^ ^ I the answer - they ^ « I f J - ^ ^ ^ ^ / T ^ S g C l S demon-
^ - - - - - ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ \ Z r J . ^ ^ t naked hills in trees H the 'plan d o ^ ^ " ' J ^ ' ^ ^ j , ^ , will happen. visor, Miss Chapin, have added a T i ' l S ^ . r i n t i s °this
Membe?sS?in c l ' uclub
b ° i is
s opened Lj^ose « « « ^alfwho
gais who are worWng workmg ]*« '»-*rJ
l^e lo^^^^^^^^
does it will be interestmg to e w h _ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ special spice to our club. r l ! ^ . « n . interested in the current U a d this quarter to brmg you that strations, DUI ^ ^^^^ (n
and plants of every color of His rainbow.
Twilight doorway
So small and inconsequential are
If you feel tired and worn-out InoTand
'^°'.;ies awhoSkes a written test ^,„derful Modem
X r a S nVtechniques.^^ you are^^l^^'^^}^\^^,'^lZn^^^^
still ^/orxder- six or seven girisuy.^^^^^^^^ ^<^' «^« 3-M
^^ we » -ofthat we on Thursday afternoons, give 50c illes and coaching techniques. L^ March. If you are ^tjilJ^^J^^^': "^^^^^^^ recommen-
Sun lingered only a - - ^ ^ ^ J ^ ,,,,, ,,adle, So
'^ small and . inconsequenuui
_, ™ „inin,la "~ a -few real trienasrui^ - -
to Miss Chapin by Wednesday ?asriuarter
ing at 4:15 at Nesbit Woods Thurs ^our
the members of this ^ g ^hy they look so strange, yfjjh° Jf^^^^,;,^!^^^^^^
r ^ a r t e r the members of thi L g why ^^^^^^
afternoon and come to our meet- f»iuo w e r e v c i j helpful
club were
. Xvolleyball
^ b a l l season
• • - - r — in making Should know by now ^^^? J J f ^ mr S^^^^ ^'^? m
toat tell Season a succes^l after ^ . P ^ r w d . i O t , i n a e ^ ^ f e ^ U ^ ^ J ^
a succes. like'to be thril-
toat tell us
us something?
something? If
If we
we are
are as
as importan
i™P°rtan to
'o a° | day afternoon. We have .made Even bigger, p l ^ g ^ ^ ^ g ^
. ' ^ : : ' ^ m t ^ ^ on t h e . With a twinlda
imDortaht we
p l r so great, how very important we sho^d
shouia oe
be ™ E M A B C H OF ^
I each other. What others 'bink of "s toJd be ^, , y i . . ^ ^ ^
^.^ M a r # M
• • plans;;t9.;do sdnie hiind-jcr^i^'w^ made for the Bagket^.^1. Season^ You are in for a treat this year
this quarter. We will make bill* Fach dormitory will have a XOU are ui lui » *».,-.
xuu »**-.,, .„ ^^ ^^^ y^^^^
^n^l Dance your *•*** „
^ ^,.
folds, keycases, copper trays, onach who is trained to fmd just. for JQ^ the
the recital
reciiai will be the best one {, posit your dimes at the ROOM-
jeweliy, and bead belts. Remem-
, ^^s^S^^theSk^^E^^^^^^^ SiB<^tdst„,rit*^H;^|t»^'W^
ImBOrtdBtr.,: It ,5tiouia,.ce »fi^'.>vu.,.,, - - ; ^ . ^ , . _ ,
and courteous to our fellow men and to help and
T,"r^f^^^a^="« ""'^ ber, our membership is never ^ ^ f v^u tod yourself crippled ^t. we have a program filled I
closed, and you are invited to join r J J r Kod ofhpre L atocrip carry shot.incTheywu*.ijwill^ith
•-- xne ximc new lu^ andju»**v*
exciting •^*--dances. At
relt Ball Saturday night
;.K«K;-'^'yg^,yelvetshqvrt;; :;,•-••• . -v ., :.^,.^*««„c fo OUT ellow men a n a lo "-^^i^ - " - kles. Quarters, iwy ^-^"^ i — • us anytime I fi.A
f . n 'titution
bt thire tochanges.
iarry thei/»e
worry of 1are
the time choreographing
tote care of each other. ^ ' are iust as etfectlve as » u » . , » • - • - new ruleand to inform you Y*"" of busy
tiramas, auujunior
*j-i*w«*— members
; " - v - 1 - ^ • , . „ January 22th, the club
I ^nini.wm new officiate
lifntion Slleandchanges.
to at inform
keepingTheyou offi-
time, of Uramas,
Liub? busy and lyricals.
well, they are The
busy senior
advis-j Monday, January^
T h r a l l started in the sky, but I'd like to bring ^ ^ e quality of being '^^^'9^- ^^u ^ BASKETBALL •„ic. sTore
and win
will nfficiate
at aU at keeping
games. We xime,
realize ^ub?
i„g theWell,
well, tney
juniors are
plus uu^y
busy «v*»«-
advis- «*«—^^. -
preparm, . ^^^ ^ ^^^^^
g^s ^^ ol ^
s wui oiiitiaic Th*,^/and
w^-Mlizeh-- •v,^ ^nninrsIvricals.
nlus The senior
Brcparmg ^
i, i ^ to e L h - t o the eorth of the GSCW = o m p ^ - L e a r we need all ot t^em^md <^ m u d ^ ° ^ a ^ ^ ^ antsTo^e
and score at
di« aU^^^^^
e ^^-„e_„ #oul. 5ng
c^fmrm the juniors
Pmuo plus
dances andP f P^^f^
a fe\ J,^<i f ^ , t S G ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Letters To The EdUor: tJie
At last' the long-awaited sea' ?hat no ofSial cin see every foul, several group dances and a ^^^ t^e ^usman Good^^ ^.^^ ^ ^ ^
W h X r or not you believe in the honor system, ^ ^ ^^^en to help carry out the worlc son has arrived at G.S.C.W., and
DR. WELLS ANSWERS RECENT it should be important to you to " ' " l " " ^ ^ ^ " J ' S dimes started. ' '. its really starting off with a bang! 1^^ ?t mav seem at times that ^^ets, trios, etc. ^^^^ « was grdnu ^ ^Q^e,
We have nine teams: Sanford, En- ? w havTopt cTiUusions, -~ but, Th^ club was honored the 20th their joy of dancmg ana
EDITORIAL Ihonor. « vou are at a l l ^ a l U ^ . ' ^ ^ » ^ ^ J ^ , I , w looked her up and down. She looked nis. two from Bell, two from Ter-
rell Proper and A. and three from
Terrell B and C and Bell Annex. S
Practices will last through Febru- NICK Murphy, aiuvyiiy,
Sa?fy Pope. Fran- student - teaching in Brunswick, 1 hopes, and recital.
Hif^ks. Patsy — i^^^^^M^M^^^^^^
ary 7th. Three practices are re-cine Ennis, Frances Hicks, Patsy
quired for participation in the Evans, Daryl Tumlin, Dot Ward,
tournament. The Dormitory Tour- Louise Brown, Kat Willis, Kat
The per capita cost of education ai ovs^t, .- i^all and quiet hours shouia oe imvw'^- - nament February 8th, so come Phillips, Camile Bums, Willie I-.'

by per
far thaft it in out and support your team.' As Henderson, Dot PUikston, and There was once a gul witti class, .G^
capita . ^ ° ^theJ^^neighboring
^^^^^ Ala- ^^^1
states of Ala-l will ^^
be ^T^^^^l
especially ll
necessary under
,^nnrtant thea new
to be friendrule
to | sit, ^right
y t t i ewhere 1 m ana
w y^^^^ ^^^ wp
^^^ *. ,.^
^ ^^^^^ soon as this tournament is over, Mary Quinn ,Harvey. (Oh, a devastating lassl)
bomabyandfar South
^^afi i ^Caroliria.
! . ! ^ ! . . Alabama
Alabama appropriates
appropriate. change. It should be important to be a friend to By the way, I'm livin in a big house with a lot we will have a double elimination And she landed here at gbodi ol' G.S.C.
$519,000 a year for 705 students in the Alabama the girl who is a little shy or perhaps different in o^ oihei girls. They say that all'the houses up here Class Tournament. This year we 'o;
Penguins Announce She got letters by the bales, Of'
are planning to have cheerleaders
College for Women; South Carolina appropriates some way from the rest of your friends. are named after men that did something for the for each team during the tourna- March Exlubition Fr.oin a hundred different' males,
$887,500 for 1244 students in Winthrop College; "^©s, it all stared in the sky, but you dont have school, but I caught 'em on that one. Did you ever ment. If you can't play basketball, And was spoken of in awe at G.M,C.
Georgia appropriates $411,000 for 810 students in to go up that high to discover what is important, here&nd of a Maw, theirs Belle
man named a piu™
Annex? -- -- you might enjoy being a cheer- The Penguin Club is on its I
GSCW, You ccn easily calculate the per capita You can learn that right here on earth—on the And' ^^^> ^^^^r's a Place down here at ttiis leader. Anyway, don't forget to way for an exciting demonstration
come out and yell for your team!! to be held March 2-3. So some girls who felt the lack
S ' ! - :- ». -: . _ e- „a. s „„^
ily— s^e
^ ^t^Q^
^ ^ ^Q^^s
^ ^ ig $5Qf, earth of the .GSCW campus.
S O W campus. l^ere school they call Sanly Ford. I ain't bin able NOTICE TO UPPERCLASSMEN: The. title is a "deep dark secret" Of this other Jessie's knack,
tp We hear those freshmen are real- and only in the depths of its soul
- tfind r rit tyet,
f obut^ there
i k mought
J i r i beS good
e . .fishin
call ly "on the ball!'-' can it be found. Be sure to leave
Sought to solve the secret of her sure success.
r i ^ a : f s r S r : - r s ' . . P e r s h i d e n t ^ ^ - 7 1 , ^ ^ , ^ , v....J KaHat' 556nd mv fishin tackle. They found her one and only rule,
J ^ t ^ t v e m m e n t . V o u ' d ^ t t e r J e U P a . to . i t those dates open.
Whether in or out of school,
Alabama's is -736. ^ ^ \ Letter To Maw-A Bit o t A t arce out his shootm iron anl clean it up, cause
Dance your dates and de* Make plans now to stay onj
Was never to let soil assail her dress.
poi^t your <Umes at the Roose> Campus for this important affair.
We might also ~ > ^ ' " . ' ^ ^ ^ " ^ a n s ' build-
appropriation for new b m U t o g s - ^ v ^ I
B , CAROt lOMES _ ^ h„ _. e„ .J .. ^ m ^ s ^
r U be some trouble around
f ? w t i r r o g r w to Wshlngton and take over
Tolt Ball Saturday night It can not be missed! Do all of
your going home before this par- On her first day here in town,
really a must! i
""'• ° r l e f r o i e ' t d " ! - * " at the Uni- D - ^ M o v . ^ ^^^^ ^ , ^^^ , ^ I T I O — • TlT'Govem ^^ = ^ ^ n o u g l h ticular weekend because it is) She had taken her best gown
r i t ; : w l ^ e " o T : : . = . n , has been set aside J^^];^_ , ^^ , ., hty UV^J^ ^ ] ^ ^ ^ : , , . 3 , ; ain't soyin that it mought not b e MCMILLAN'S SHOE plans The Penguin Club also has big Down to DEMPSTERS—and she found they met
to open the beautiful new Dovm to DEMPSTERS—and she found they met
far a needed science building ' > - ^ „ ^ , „ ^ ^ 1.,,, ^ ips so's ^^f^^'^ ^^ ^ birds here, U good tog. ^ ^ „ , , p hear SERVICE swlming pool in Covington, Geor- the test.
gia during the Spring Quarter. So, if your clothes look drab cmd glum,
^^'^fFlc^SleywMch=lestotheUni. n » e 0^^^^^^^^^^
Phone 3142 Since this is the first event of its
Join the other smart girls, chum,
kind to be participated in by the
GOOD SHOE REPAIRING Penguin Club, it is beihg eagerly And you'll find that DEMPSTERS always does 'em
° " T w h c l t r w o m ^ ' L o l l e g e does not receive and I^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ,^ T z ^ ' s ^ t niake General Wrecks out of ° " ° ' " ^ . - J X - awaited by the club members. best
versity whicn me Affu ^uich the writer of the ^ ""\ , evprvbodv down at Zeb s store, lu ,^ college to git a n eaay
I will say goodbye now with the ^71^ .-f
final notice—he on the lookout
We Deliver for the future plans of the Pen- Vl4
sound very nice in a l e ^ - , . . . ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ . ^^-^'^ ° J ' ^ ^ ' ^ ' h a g ^ d ^Jut. I don't
guinettes and their demonstra-
"Personalized Service
X n ' t h e survey . — e employed b y ^ ^ RAY'S SlIAK HOUSE Dry Cleaning - Alterafions - Laundry
• ^ " ^ W thd. GSCW
is .m^ ok^M
l n^g ^as^great, tf not y
port showed
showedNhat GSCWis g ^ „ ^, ,^,3 ^^_^^^^
^^ ^^ At ' f ' ^ ' ^ ^ , , ^ ^ s s they gave " P | ^ ° f ^ ! „ulck 1 i«^e" seen even nary a one. SAMDWICHES - DDWEBS

renders such efficient ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J ' J ^ ^ ^ ^ e d friends His nae is Candy, and \^^^,^ you do in a tub.) ^ ^^^^Y
, o n likes this makes some of our suppo Candy ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ,^ ^^ ,, Taps|
envious of our ^ c c e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ i d e n t . » U s t mght some 9i
time cnjoylni the first basket-
Dr. FiillMon Play Night Plans ball outinig of ^ c year.
'V Announcement comes from tiie Lasi( Saturday night, Janua^ 20,
Winter Quarter Play Nite Mana- Bprinjf^Mt G.S;C.W/ aod •} «lfO; #^:
gers that beginning Saturday spirit of the occasion. DahclDg,
bBsketbjftl|», fUijs-pong, d^Qk - ten-
Iiagg,"vfi^i.,^^•d^ras8€^ ,.by,,, Rev. night at 7:30v;iRt<^^^vtKere nis, " (darts, "and cards we'rib jpla^ed
will start a campus-wide Bridge
Claud >,Euilertoiijl^(lurmg .|B 'jpoune faculty members, are , urged •••to in the , gym ^ while dow^aii^
sponsored, ^by Wesley Foundation sign up on the sheet which wilU b^ swimming took place and tetinis
Januaxv 22^24 atv4:l^ in Jthe Mer Tournamen^. -, Both strident; .and wsls'b^ir-g placed,put oh the Uje^t-
thodist Churcln.^ Basement. . ;, '[ posted in the S.U. iQxtt w^eek; pre-
'ed:,Miirttv!/.;^;'!'J?'^-''''!'''''''• "",-
Wesley < Foun'ilation, also t sppi>«. vious to.the beginning night.^Ypu ; Flans are in jthemakinjg for both
sors a Book Review eaeh Satur- are asked to sign up in, Pf^irs, a bridge , and ,piug-pong tourna-
day at 4 o'clock. These reviews, which together, in toe ment in..the. near future, so shar-
are led by members of the GSCW tournament. Come on out, gals, pen yoijr wits and, your strength
faculty. The past two reviews and show'm you're a "Card and come join ttie fiih every Sat-
were conducted by Dr. W, T. Shark.»' . urday night..
Wynn, who talked on "Why Some "We're having a party, and the
Literature Lives," and Miss Hal- people are nice." That in a nut-
lie Smith, Who reviewed "Stories shell has been the spirit of play- Folk Club To Present
of the. Famous Hymns We Love." nite this quarter. The number of
The regular Wesley Foimda- pecpie participating has been Mexican Fiesta a m iMfl h« it kHR linct fMi
4 fOM vatcli cltantd? Watchait
H M othM iMckiiitni.raqoireperi-
tion schedule includes: krge, but for all the ifun that's Folk Club is continuing practice e4k elMlRiiig le kttp fhii vheth
jr SundayrSchoollO:OOA.M. being^had, it seems 4here; nwjgl-bft forthe/rfWexicanFiesta.which they ,M|Rf 'Misil. U f m prtvtnt dlirt
Supiieripli^creatioi^r^nd; Forum a >bt"ofvpeopie .whb'doh't^k •willi.priesent at:.:a. .future ', date. miii Mjbetif hiB tli* rfiticfltt mrk-
'kbbut''what'r''iPrtfng'.oh.vt'!^^ •'[ .^Qjnje^ thirty niembers come out kfli sf yow. vftdk:
•••mM '5:30?tQ!!TiQ:!P;Mi'(j:^:;r::-:rr-;v: J
Vespers 6:00 to 6:1S Wednesday, The first Saturday night, for ^very Tuesday iafternoon to learn ' . ' ' • • ' '•• , • * ,

the most part, was relinquished to the dances symbolic of our neigh- I f f n y t a f M f t yew wsleh tnubh PROMPT SERVICE
P.M. the sophomore and faculty volley- bors to the soiuth. PRICES
Book Review 4:00 to 5:00 Satur- ball enthusiasts, who performed in .flfts feevivte Watehmatttt
day P.M. At the January 16th meeting, mkkiM fitCf. REASONABLE
an excellent exhibition game. Af- It was decided that Folk Club
Dance your dates and de- ter a battle to the finish, the sophs v/ould furnish breakfast for the
posit your dimes at the Ribpse- bowed to the mighty faculty, in Austrian dancers who will be on
veil Ball Saturdar aSgliti; a trying loss. Dancing, ping-pong, campus January 22 and 23. 146 W. HancockSt.
tumbling, darts, and general chat- Officers of Folk Club are presi-
Listen to W M-V G Sat- ter filled the rest of the evening. dent, Jo Ann Suter, vice-presi-
urday 10:30 a.m. and 'eac^ On January 13, basketball seem- dent, Katherine Willis, secretary, Phone 5118
evening at 10:15 p.m. tht ed to take the center of attention. Dot Dendy, and dance chairman,
Dance of Dimes. Everybody had a thrill packed' Willie Henderson. I



•,:, r •

••*:• »'



YES,..Compare Chesterfield with the brand you've
been smoking... Open a pack . . . enjoy that milder
Chesterfield aroma.
And-'tobaccos that smell milder smoke milder. So
smoke ChQsterfiddS'--'prove they do smoke milder, and they
'"• - - ' ^ ' i V


h '.- '.
1,, ^ ''^^ '. , "y"'.r:.
t ij, >•• i^''M •>i;<-is ,, i
i f ) l , LnarTT * M H M TOMCCO C »

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