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Volume VIII. Greorgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., Tuesday, November 29, 1932. Number 10.

Students Go In Body To Dedication* Of A/umnae Members Present

Attend Kreisler Concert Library Dec. 17 Program Friday Morning
Appropriate Exercises To Be u Beauty
Many Former Students A Gift to the Museum Planned—Spalding Will Be Secession Congress Special'' Pro-
Here For Thanksgiving Of G. S. C. W. Speaker To Be Staged Here vided For Transporta-
Events and Home- Hon. Howard Ennis, state sena- The new InaDillard Russell Li- One of the main features of the
tion Of College
coming tor from Baldwin county, has pre- brary will be formally and official- Georgia- Bi-centennial to be pre Girls
sented-to the museum of the Geor- ly dedicated in exercises to be field rented at G. S. Ci'W. in February
Over two hundred and fifty G. gia State College for Women a in the auditorium? at i l o'clock The Alumnae of the Georgia
Will be the staging of the seces-
S. C. W. girls journeyed to Ma- unique gift labelled "a hinge to Saturday, December 17, Dr. Beeson sion congress in Milledgeville. Ar
State College for Women present-
con on the Beauty Special last the door of the old Milledgevilla announced recently. the congress lasted several days it
ed a program in chapel, Friday
Thursday .evening, November 24, penitentiary." When one sees it, Hon. Hughes Spalding, chair- cannot be given in its entirity, but
to tiSar Fritz Kreisler, world's he will ask "when is a hinge not a man of the board -of regents for morning, November 25, when many
enough will be shown to give the
foremost violinist, play in concert hinge?" and at first sight, the ttie' university system of Georgia, old students were visiting the
titory. Prominent statesmen con-
in the Macon Municipal Auditor- answer would be "when it is a will preside at th^ ceremonies and nected with the session will be
ium. hinge to' the penitentiary door." will make one' of l the principal ad- heard. As the students and visitors en-
Kreisler, accompanied hy Carl This hinge is a massive square dresses.' Detail's of the program Another interesting scene will
tered the auditorium, Miss Maggie
Lamson, was at his best. The au- of iron, in fact an iron pan, which have not been arranged, but will be a "nitrous oxide" party as
Jenkins, Alumnae director of mu-
dience, which was composed large- was imbedded in the cement iloor. be announced later. staged in the day of Dr. Craw-
sic, rendered an organ prelude.
ly of groups from Wesleyan, Mer- On one corner of this iron base is The Ina Dillard Russell Library ford W. Long. Miss Mary Lee Anderson, director
cer, G. S. C. W., and other col- the holder for the pivot on the was named in honor of the mother of the districts, read the scripture,
Dr. Johnson has announced that
leges in this section of the state, heavy door. The door also, which of Governor Ri'ctiard B. Russell after which the audience sang,
in the near future she will be able
thoroughly enjoyed the following revolved on this hinge, has been and the wife of Justice Russell, "Brighten the Corner."
to announce the entire cast.
program: donated to the museum. who served for several years a* Dr. Euri Belle Bolton, president
1. Kreutzer Sonata ....Beethoven 1 head of the, college board of trus- of, the Baldwin County Associa-
Corinthian Out
tees. The Russellfamily has been tion, welcomed the Alumnae back
Adagio sostenuto—Presto PROGRESSIVE TEA
Andante con' variazibhi invited to attend the opening, and With New Edition to the campus. Tribute was paid
Presto FOR Y. W. A. GROUP it is hoped that the governor will to Dr. J. Harriss Chappell, first
2. Concerto No. 3 (G major) make an address. College Magazine, Under New president of G. S. C. W., by Mrs.
Mozart Miriam Lanier Hostess to World Editor and Business Manager
, The library has been in use for Nelle Womack Hines. In her talk,
Allegro Education Members several weeks, aifd is complete ex- Highly interesting she reminded the audience that
Adagio cept for a few-'details. The for- "Thanksgiving" is the word for
,1 Rondeau (Allegro)
3. (a) Piece en forme de The first of a series of Progres-
mal opening has been delayed un- The Corinthian made its first
ifcil the board of regents could de-
appearance of the year on the
and, at that time, we
appreciation for
have aided in
Habanera Ravel sive Teas, sponsored by the Chris- cide upon the date. cpmpus last Wednesday. It con-
tains many original works by stu- making our college what it is to-
(b) La fille auk cheveux de ' tian- World Education Group of the
day. Tribute to Dr. Marvin M.
„„Jim„v.>v,..^:,^^..^-..»..-M,^..^.p.ebu^y -¥.• Wv-Gr Av; was 'given ,by Miriam Annual Aluninae dents and (by .alumnae.
Parks was given by Miss Rosabel
'(c)' Spanish Dance .:.,; ' Lanier last Saturday afternoon in The outstanding feature of the Burch who stated that he express-
' •" cte '•palia-kreisler Terrell B parlor. Ten members of Service Is Held issue is the publication of the ed the beauty of his age in his
(dj Tango '. Alberiiz-Kreisler the group were invited: Miss Former Students essays, poems, arid stories which building program. But, tribute is
(e) Caprice Viennois Gather For
Elizabeth McKoon presided at the were recently awarded prizes in given to him more for the inspired
Kreisler tea table. These teas are to be Thanksgiving Service—Appro- the contest sponsored by the Cor- lives of 20,000 girls than for his
(f) Liebesfreud given from time to time until each priate Program Rendered. inthian. work in brick, clay and mortar.
The performance was sponsored member has entertained. The pur- The .Alumnae section contains A quartet composed of Polly Moss,
by the Robert H. Williams "and pose is to raise money to be used The annual Alumnae Thanks- some poetry and prose by former Helen Long, Louise Albert and Nel-
Wesleyan It is in purchasing books on interna- giving service was held at the au- students who are still remembered lie Womack Hines sang an aiumnae
the first in a brilliant series of tional relationships. ditorium at 10 o'clock, Nov.'24. oh the campus. hymn which was written by Mrs.
concerts whic'h will' bring to Ma- Miss Rosabel Burch 'presided. There are also interesting book, Hines and dedicated to Dr. Marvin
con several famous musicians this Celebrates First She read the scripture and gave reviews and exchange articles. M. Parks.
seasbn; an inspiring prayer. Marion Keith is editor-in-chief,, In the absence of Dr. J. L. Bee-
Kreisler is touring the country Anniversary The theme of the service was and Helen Ennis is business man- son, president of the college, Mrs.
in a series • of' concerts before be- "Let us be thankful for our herit- ager.
The Home Management House age." Miss Bobby Burns, of the Beeson responded to a toast given
ginning to broadcast over nation- him by Miss Jessie Trawick.
wide net-works'. celebrated 'its first anniversary class of 1932, delivered a most in-
Wednesday night. All girls on the spirational talk along that line. H. S. 29 Girls Are Mrs. Mary Joyce Banks Ireland,
campus who havve lived' in the ;
Vera Hunt, last year's president first
Dinner Hostesses County AlurimaeVice president of the Baldwin
Extension Forester 1
house were invited to a' party. Tea of the Y. W. C. A., played a piano association intro-
College Visitor anil cakes Were served during the solo. The H. S. 29 girls who are liv- duced the speaker, Miss Esther
eVenir4'- Dancing' was' also en- The service was closed by the ing in the Practice House now Cathey, whom, she said, expressed
Mr. <D»UPre Barrett, extension joyed. Among the faculty mem- singing of the Doxoldgy. the true G. S. C. W. spirit in her
forester of the kgriCUlture depart-' bers present were Miss Clara 'were hostesses at a formal dinner life. Miss Cathey gave glimpses
ment of the University of Georgia, Hasslock, Miss Stella Steele and Saturday, November 19. The of the world in which she showed
was a visitor on the campus last Miss Rosabel Burch. Freshman Council guests were: Dean and Mrs. E. H. that Russia is ruled by a soviet
Tuesday. Mr.. Barrett gave an il- Holds First Meet, Scott, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wootten, government; Germany is still
lustrated lecture to the agriculture scarred by the World War; a war-
and geography classes. His sub- Terrells Enjoy
Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Tigner, Mr. like policy is predominating in
Freshman Council held its first;,
ject was tfe'preservation of for- End Dance meeting Tuesday, November 22, in ;Erwin 'Sibiey and Miss Clara Hass- France; the individual in Italy is
ests from fire. the "Round Room" of the Y. W. lock subriie'rged under the rule of Mus-
Terrell A entertained Terrell C. A. On> Sunday, November 20, they solini and the Pope; Japan is wide-
Classical Gftild Proper 'iFJaturday night at a dance Christine Goodson, vice presi-' were hostesses at dinner to Miss awake nation; Mahatma Gandi is
give in honor of the opening of the dent 'of the "Y" and student ad- Burma Gerrard, of Tate, Ga. the outstanding figure in India;
':'.'':J:!$0 Aid Needynew Recreation Hall. visor of Freshman Council, opened! 'Miss Gerrard received her de-: Ramsay McDonald is disgusted
The Classical' Guild. ..met last The hall was decorated in ferns the meeting with the roll call.| gree in Home Economics here in and discouraged in England: and,
After this, Miss Polly Moss, sec-' 1923, and is now teaching in At- in the United States, the youngest
Tuesday afternoon in Dr. Daniel's and flowers. Punch was served
retary of the, Y., gave a short talk lanta. She was the guest of Miss and most prosperous nation, the
class room. The _club decided to and dancing was enjoyed through- bread-lines and public hospitals
on the duties of the members of 'Rogers for the week-end.
help a poor family in town instead out the evening. cannot be over-looked. She stated
the council.
of having "the usual Christmas so- that crime alone costs the govern-
cial. A'fter the 'business session,; BOARD OF REGENTS Physics Minors On ment $16,000,000,000 a year, also
Miss Elizabeth Jones read "The TO MEET DEC. 16 Miss Horsbrugh Is Hike Thursday that 20,000 boys and girls were in-
Tail of thVPo'ssums." Dr. Daniel's' Hostess to Musicians terviewed at the police station in
gave a very interesting talk oh! The/Board of Regents will hold The Physics Minors and the Atlanta last year. She pointed out
Virgil. their regular monthly meeting at Miss Beatrice Horsbrugh enter- Chemistry Majors hiked out to how the girls who are now stu-
the Georgia .'State College for tained the iriembers of the col- Driftwood early Thursday morn- dents of G. S. C. W. may lend a
SconbMc Olul) Women oh Friday, December 16, lege orchestra Saturday afternoon ing to cook Thanksgiving break- hand to those in need and "bright-
i t ;12"o'clock'. at her apartment in the old Fer- fast. A short morning watch en the corner" wherever they
Menders On Hike* ThV^bard will be honor .guests guson horrie. j service was held. Mary Newby. may be.
1 . • ' ' • > :

The'Home'Economics Club hiked

* - — ' - ' • ' . : \

1 "at 'the''regular college chapel at

11 o'clock, Dec. 1%.

games, which
read a Thanksgiving* scripture,
Then, Vera Hunt "Gossipped"
prayer. 'France's Gartner'told about various alumnae who were
to Ivy's Woods Monday afternoon ;
for their third social of the year. ; The entire board will remain Were followed by refreshments of the history of Thanksgiving. visiting on the campus arid told in-
Ham sandwiches, coffee andt over night for the formal dedica- hot cocoa and cakes. After breakfast the group hiked teresting facts about others who
grapes were enjoyed. About tion "of "the''library'"on'' Saturday. 'Miss Horsbrugh was assisted by to the' basis, a spot so christened were not present at the exercises.
twenty club members were pres- 'Wh'iie'herV'trie" boardAwilf tie'guests' Miss 'Annette Steele, Louise Jeans' by "the Six Science Sophomores of The program was concluded by
ent. " of the colfege. "" '•"'• " "•' >) and Veronica Davis. •i' '28. singing the Alma Mater.
skill. Why should not the potential .citizen "-"'M-erf Lea clership •V.V.V > %V.V.V.V«%%%VVVAVVAW.V.VA^^^
The Colonnade devote a period of thought and study,; taf^he
coming privilege that she will enjoy ?. '(A>ra
we not the real' governing body, of our coun-
•, President 'Hoover, in a recent interview,
saidrthat America.riWas looking, to her colleges
M.T c of Philip)
try? Governing is an art. Who; has ever for,her future leaders. '', t ... VAWAVV.NVdWVW.V.V*
yet attained a masterpiece without prepara-
tion and thought?

Courage and .Go-Ahead Spirit

,; '.
»Ih the "colleges land universities of this land,
Thanksgiving is over, but its
spirit still lingers. My sophomore
boys.and girls, the future men.and women of J •friend says she hopes it lingers in
the nation, are being trained; trained not reality. Ice cream. L suppose ,she
only scholastic studies and in physical activi- means, and maybe turkey hash.
III 111 11 111 ill ll
Published Weekly By Students of The Lady Macbeth was the world's worst when
it came to driving a man into something that
ties, but in character. Speaking of Thanksgiving. Of
course I was thankful n' all but
From the group will probably come our really, don cha' krio"' I deeply' re-'
leaders of tomorrow. What kind of leaders gretted riot having the teeth of a
shark—all three sets. Through the Week Our Exchange Column
Corner Hancock and Clark Sts.
Milledgeville, Ga.
,was worse than the tar baby to get loose from
but in spite of her driving powers for the bad,
will they be? 1 • .
Really's and don' cha' kriow's
Narrow-minded, uninformed leaders'hinder, reminds me of what' my English
WANTS ADS With the Such is the life of a reporter!
While bridge authorities are
busy cutting throats about a new
slie did have one pretty good trait. She got By PHILLUP SPACE set of rules for a nation of bridge
often, more than they help. America need:; friend said to me about the Avon "Dodging bullets while chasin'-
"Entered as second-class matter October
cold feet when Duncan resembled her father leaders,;who are alert, openminded,' and not players. She said," "Really; .'yaT Long distance call from the fleeing bandits, uncovering coun- addicts to suffer by, those same
80, 1928, a t the post office Milledgevillo.. sleeping there, but she knew how to til Mac- kno', that word is Avon." "Some-'
What about? About a column." terfeit operations, being tossed addicted ones are apparently en-
bombastic in their attitudes. , ! ' ; : ' what like the a in a chicken I from the apartment of a gangster joying the brief respite to the full-
Ga., under the Act of March 3, 1879." beth 1 to "screw his courage to the, sticking i
SUBSCRIPTION RATE suppose, . Oh well . maybe "us
WANTED—Name and address of while seeking an interview, des- ^ est. Who knows but that some
point." President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt said, Amerikuns" will learn— cending to the bottom of the new convention may be born in
$1.00 "Per Year lady who appears at Kreisler
ocean in a small submarine life this brief space when every f e l -
i - - • • • , • , .

A lot of people today need their courage "Without leadership, alert and sensitive t o And say—are you troubled with performance in a green dress If things are getting rather
EDITORIAL STAFF change, we are bogged up or lose our way." a Jtalkative roommate?. I was , boat with the inventor on his low plays his own system, await-
screwed a little tighter in this business of the Thursday night. (The lady in the slack just about now, with Thanks-
(notice, past tense) —here's • the > - trial trip," such are a few of the ing instructions from a bickering
Editor-in-Chief v :....;............Virginla Hale Will -American youth let this, challenge fall green dress, not the performance). giving and Kriesler things of the
depression, and the sticking point is still remedy to you. You see, she uses experiences of Charles S. Flotz. seer.
Managing Editor Claudia Keith to the ground ? H. F . ' W . past and Christmas just a little
several notches away. Some people have a Ipana toothpaste and I use Jumbo Jr., star reporter on the New York
News Editor Alice Brim too far in the future to quite oc- I t seems as though the world
glue '(these are not advertise- WANTED—Bid to Mercer little Herald-Tribune, who recently ad- Wheooooo! Wasn't that a won-
Associate Editor Jonnibel Stevens way of folding up when something hits them cupy interest, just hold on a little
commencement. iL.. M. dressed the Emory Wheel staff would soon learn to take these 'erful Thanksgiving ? Even if
Reporters- and they are the people who swallow whole A Fourfold Reading Aim ments) so I put my Jumbo in the longer. The "Y" is going to "kill and Journalism students at Emory star falling predictions with a naughty clouds did give our'vita-
Helen Ennis, Frances Holsenbeck, Pauline pl^ce"" she keeps her Ipana—as a
everything they hear. They have heard that WANTED—Job with good pay a big one" before Christmas is University. grain of salt. Something is eter- min palpitater too much compe-
Reynolds, Virginia Tanner, Mary resuit—she's a stuck up gal—and entirely on us. And is it going to
Louise Dunn. i.,.. . . "Books should to one of these four ends con- and no work. B. J. J. The Tower Times, the publica- nally interfering to spoil the great tition. But jus' think—no more
life is unfair and they proceed to believe it quite speechless. be "Big?" Just wait and see. More
Y. W. C. A. Editor .. Eulalie McDowell duce,
This teaching professor must be WANTED—Longer sleeping hours fun than you have had m a long tion of the University of Roches- show. Star prophets had better ice cream 'till spring or some
without a struggle. They have heard that
Alumnae Editor Lavonla Newman For wisdom, piety, delight, or use." ter College for Women, likens a t a - e care lest they fall in the class other energetic season. Tsk, tsk.
there aren't enough jo"bs for all the popu- a wow. M. Phil. time. political platform to the back end WALII the weather man. . Alas 'n' alack.
BUSINESS STAFF ' —Sir John Denham; f'Tjhe girls who come back" But in the meantime, don't for- of a street car"—not meant to And no more pigskin races. Not
lation of their state, so they sit back and DESIRED to rent, borrow or buy
Business Manager Marjorie Ennis Out of the next four books t h a t you read, looked prosperous to me—how get the roommate or classmate in stand on, just to get in on." Just to prove that America takes that, we get to see, hear and yell
bemoan the situation. While they warm the a photo enough unlike me to flat-
Typists— "bout it? the infirmary or the hospital. If . Gentlemen who prefer blonds campaign speeches seriously—im- over all of 'em, but we do crave
could you-fit, to one of these sub- ter. I. E. G.
Bennice Johnston, Patty Sommerour, moaner's bench, they ijnake room for the you have some flowers to spare will find them at Wesleyan, ac- mediately following the victory of to, hear how dear li'l Johnny Ka-
. ', „ ^'-7 . . . . . . . . \.' , D i d y ° u ever feel rained on?
Elizabeth Wakeford other fellow to get a job. . . . •WANTED—Can opener. F. P. and would like to share them with cording to the Watchtower, Wes- Roosevelt the specifications for flookie broke away from the big
jects?. Perhaps not, but it is an interesting . ^ y o u s h o u l d h a y e b e e n afc ^
Exchange Editor Dorothy Maddox experiment which might be termed the four- ball game Thursday—the rained- DESIRED to hire—an official an- some one who is.sick, take them leyan newspaper. "Of the students the erection of a new "pen," somer brutes to shoot ten baskets on the
Advertising Manager Some philosopher once said that everything
Harriet 1 Trapriell nouncer. M. P. over to the hospital. It is a enrolled at this institution forty- where out west; were altered fifty thirty yard line. Bread baskets,
fold aim of "reading. ''Make, your reading give on-fellin' wasn't from rain tho'—
Advertising Assistant comes to-him whb waits, but . when .it gets
...Irene Farreh Oh, well, perhaps we'll all feel bet- mighty good feeling to know that four per cent are blonds, thirty- per cent, Maybe this country is of course.
you variety, in knowledge. For wisdom, "The WANTED—Curls. C. K. someone is thinking about you eight per cent are brunettes, eleven aot looking for "repeal.".
Proof Readers...Mary Newby, Vivian Yates there, it is "what is left" w h i c h usually is ter when Tech beats Georgia, Sat- Our illustrious roommate has
Golden of Georgia'," by Caroline Coupe'r urday. WANTED—Can opener. F. P. while you are '"all in." If you per cent "in-betweens," and seven been threatening to purchase bot-
Circulation Manager ....Sue Mansfield
not worth the wait- .This depression business,
Circulation A s s i s t a n t s - Lovell, which is the history of the islands off I'm yours 'till then—and then DESIRED to hire—an official an don't have time to do such things per cent are red heads." Wesleyan has the best wishes tled sunshine in case Papa Sol
is nine-tenths fact and jthe , remaining , .tenth though, Harriet Trapnell and her . T h e Campus Quill, Bessie-Tift of everyone for success in her dcesn't lighten her week-end. Such
Margaret Wenzel, Althea Smith, Anna the 'coast' of Georgia. For piety, "American I"m Tech's. uouncer. M. P .
what the other fellow tells you". And' the infirmery committee will be de- publication, came in with the news efforts to raise some greatly need- extravagance. She's entirely too
O'Lcary, Grace Paulk, Martha, Sher-
wood, Ruth O'Kelly. Poets and Their Theology" by A. H. Strong, WANTED—Ham sandwich. Dr lighted to help you out. This 'that King Arthur and his . .court ed funds. Wesleyan i s : a land
person who talks most; about life getting bright a chee-ild for that. What
which gives'the religious poetry of our great- j Departure Scott. group will gladly receive any do- were at Bessie Tift recently for mark in education for women, not will the neighbors think? (As
him down, is the person who is riding highest nation, flowers, books, on maga- /in._impressive "Round Table Cere- only in Georgia but in the entire
est American poets. . For delight—a^gay novel WANTED—-Watch that will run zines, that you wish to have the U they were capable).
In Face of Responsibility because the man wh'6 is really down is so A struggle in the darkness,
Dr. M.
mony." nation. Such an institution as Wes- Zounds! (Our English ancestry
like "The Golden Years," by Philip Gibbs, and '"shut-in:." enjoy.
busy struggling to keep] his head above the Two startling screams in the We wonder if the freshmen at leyan will not be allowed to die, showing up.) We were on the
Before another four years have rolled by water, that he doesn't have time to talk. for use, something that will make you really night, DESIRED—Training in voice
Morning Wucch will be held on Emory are stlil wearing the fresh- Georgia is far too permeated with verge of overlooking our pal and
and America once again is fathered at the think, as "Modern Essays," by Christopher One a greeting to unwanted death, Marie T.
Wednesday morning this week. man caps or if they won the push che spirit of the great college to playmate Sandy Claus. ,(No, we
Lady Macbeth might help things along to-
Morley. Maybe you think that reading for. The other a parting to life. The subject will be "Christ's" At- ball contest with the sophs and allow it to pass on. Success, do riot live on the coast.)" We
polls to solve the vital question, of, who shall (
WANTED—Ear mufflers. Puss B titude Toward Obedience." Sun- though it may come in a slow pro-
day. . ..' . . . . , •'••:•'.* i - ' , ; , ; were allowed to discard them? un'erstand he has changed his
"be president of these United States,; the ma- useful knowledge is necessarily dull, but it Though one was adieu to life, WANTED—Half interest in hos- day morning services will be as cess, is inevitable. Here's t o . a name to Aunty Depression Claus.
is'not, and, to feel, that'., you are learning '•' And the other death beguiled, pital. M. L. C. usual in each dormitory. long and useful life for Greater
jority of the students now at G. S../C. W. will
Activity council will sponsor After Thanksgiving Wesleyan. And we ,thought it was a male.
have reached the age to exercise the great T Is; Life something that-can never be taken away from Both, were cries of agony, WANTED TO RENT—Small vespers on next Sunday night.
'S awful. Such disappointment.
As an ape killed a native child. Thanksgiving has come and Can anyone relieve our troubled
franchise of voting. you, is delightful. - ••.,.• •,.. house in Jacksonville, Fla. Must From all we hear this new campus Russia, that perpetual enigma,
Emerson wrote in his I Journal:... "Life Con- "Gwen Dale." "'•' mind? (No snickers amongst the
be furnished for two. W. R. organization is planning great gone, and as usual, Monday brings is running some grave risks these
I s this fact of any significance, to us as back row, please.) We would like
sists of What a Man'Is Thinking of All Day'." things. L5uch a live-wire group is the aftermath of a holiday. days. If she, isn't careful of the to know the ages of the actors in
students? Do the next four years not assume "It Is .Me >> Just a Case Of Just Too DESIRE to borrow—Boy frienu
sure to have something interest- The next week will probably be people she kicks out of her coun- "The Age for Love." Some ro-
When we apply, this statement to people for Christmas. Billy J.
the shape of a great period of training for Bad ing at vespers. greeted lil;e the morning after tho try, particularly authors of the mantic freshman inquires to find
Mothers who have labored for years to re- WANTED—A ring. V. Moore. On ThUiwa,/ night Miss Rogers Trotsky pattern, she is liable to
better and more intelligent expression.of in- about us we make" some istartling discoveries. night before. Everybody (that is out how long she has to wait be-
Oh yes, I know I loved you, will talk oil "Conditions in th<3 with the exception of a downcast- have all her little secrets told. And fore Romeo trips freshmanward.
dividual rights? To some,., the next four Life is fear for many people. Although out- move from their youngsters' conversation such WANTED—Better magazines. .0. World Ejfore the Coming of
i( Please notice I speak in the how • American magazines revel Some kind soul did put Flit on
phrases-as ;<It is me' 'and "Who are you look- looking few) have either had com-
yaers will be meaningless; but to those girls wardly normal, they fear for the safety or i Past), j . Christ and the Need for a Christ." m revealing Russia's little secrets. our (clock and now it is tickless.
pany or two or three boxes, and
ing f6r?"'ma ! y leave off their praiseworthy, For I quit loving you last night, WANTED—Ride to N. Y. Tanner. In fact, it is so tickless that noth-
who have learned that behind every great their homes, their jobs, or fear that they will on top of that, all the excitement
movement, every, great accomplishment, is
but vain, endeavors. ' The National Council at Too bad our love didn't last. HAVE YOU HEARD? of hearing Kreisler. It is next PERSONALS ing less than a gustoful shaking
be dependent in old age} they fear for tfreir DESIRED to get in touch with will get • a murmur from it and
Teachers of English recently voted to approve thing to tlie feeling the little boy
endless thought, these coming years will be You/knew, for I had warned you, French student who has Saturday How some girls rate is still a ' Miss Elizabeth Wakeford spent that a flitful murmur. Maybe it
grades, their social contacts, ana the contem- the following, idioms as well established in (That if your love was true, morning free. F. W. has when he goes to his first fair
a heaven-sent opportunity to prepare to use mystery around these parts; We and hasn't any legs left to stand the week-end in Adel. has gone in for conservation of
' I•- good colloquial usage: I'd, be the only one you loved, * * « time. Also, the alarm has lost
that, prerogative granted by our g r e a t : con- plative difficulties they have a face every., day.. WANTED to borrow—Box of hear it rumored that a certain on when he gets off the swings.
" i t is me."| . ;And I'd love only you. Misses Mary Baker Black, Mary its voice and now the only ring-
stitution. .. :v. ,;.) ••••:•• r This gnawjng force eats away self confidence pills. L. M. table in Ennis dining room have But one redeeming feature of Ann Belcher, Elizabeth Astin, and bearing animal in our midst is the
"Who are you looking for?" Well—last, night you killed my a monopoly on certain radio pro- this affair is that there is only one Martha Strange spent the Thanks-
The thought that one would think" of pur- ; that might have made progress possible. WANTED TO RENT—Chains for bathtub. Weep, weep. And it
"Invite whoever you wish." love, evening shoes. Senior Ushers. grams. We still believe it was more page to tear off of the old giving holidays with Virginia isn't caused by a mental set.
chasing a dress, a pair of shoes, without a Life is money for others. They think about
"None are (expected." 'The bullet was a kiss,. the man know just exactly how calendar before we get a brand Hale. Did you hear G. O. chirping
definite reason for doing so and without i. And I was not the target,—for WANTED—Letter from Joha. new year and some brand new res- "I'm like a flame dying out in
it from the time the alarm clock goes off in faked because anyway how should olutions for these slightly used * * * •

much thought as to the appropriateness of "Everyone was here'but they all went home You aimed at my kid sis. B. H. Miss Frances Holsenbeck spent the rain!"? Some knowing pal
the morning until they; come home at night, they sat at the table and call the ones we have on our hands at
the article would bring forth an inundation early." ' i * the week-end at her home in At- informed us that she meant she
WANTED — Letter from Hall roll just going around the table. present.
and' sit1 fbr; hours'making figures in the mar- "Healthy climate." Now, it's just a case of just too
twice a day. R. M.
lanta and attended the Tech-Geor- was going up in smoke and that
of remarks on the absurdity of the idea. Yet, bad, We don't believe our radio has gia game. it was all caused by the outcome
gin of the evening newspaper. "Their blood "Pretty good;"-
it is appalling to think of the numbers of men
"Awfully cold." :
Too bad that we must part, WANTED—B. to come back. developed unforeseen powers o. ALUMNAE * * * of mid-semester brain. strainers.
and wqmen who desecrate the privilege they pressure' rises and"falls with the stock mar- But I warned you—don't' say I Johnie C. television as yet. Rebecca Torbert, Greensboro,
"I felt badly about it." ' didn't, Well, anyyway, the gentleman Cleo Gladys Eubanks is teach- went home for the week-end. After reading "Good Earth," we
have been given by thoughtless . a n d biased ket; their hearts echo the ticker." That I don't play with hearts. WANTED—Thanksgiving to last in gin Breman. * » » .
"Walk or drive or go slow." "in the box" should have seen tho wonder why it is that a Chinese
voting. For the scientist' life is truth. There is no "Gwen Dale." till Christmas. sensation he caused. And worse Willie Mae Heweet is teaching The following girls are spending will fight over China.
"Move quick."
than that, he even hinted that he in Madison. week-end away: Leoha Sheppard,
To vote a ticket because of popuiar fancy, time for anything else. He searches for days "Try and get well." WANTED—A boat to take this
or because the.neighbor is voting.that ticket and accepts'it in-spite of prejudices or opin-
Decision down to the office in. would have "to look into all this Louise Parks is teaching in the Savannah; Althea Smith, Cov-
A learned psychologist says
"Had rather." about all the G. S. C. W. girls." Kirkland school, Atlanta. ington; Miriam Lanier, Julia Baily
what a burglar needs is a hospital
can have none save ill results. To be true ions..,. The admission of these phrases to the status A ship is sailing: today, Yours as was (notice I speak One or two young ladies we no- Mary Jane Willis is teaching in and Elizabeth McKoon, Newnan,
treatment. And if one comes
to one's convictions; to be able to think clearly For Mexico and Monterey; in the past) ticed have been extremely fond of Summerville. Esther Adams, Billie Opie, Bee
For most people life is a mixture. Some
of respectability in our common speech, monkeying around our house, we'll
For gay cabelleroes and moonlight With love and best wishes. that song "Pleast." There prob- Ruby Jennings teaches in Draughn, Ruth Cheshire, Savan-
and see through a muddled political situation, nights'we go to our'rooms with a feeling of fix him so he'll get what he needs.
though not, of course, in our literary usage,, For music, romance and delight. And all other sentimental stuff. ably won't be any limit to its pop- Tampa, Fla. nah; Sue Mansfield, and Edwina
to allow no one to influence you, and to allow self-approval,' knowing that we have done our
ought to be a definite comfort to everybody. Philip Space. ularity now. Margaret Wixon is teaching Perry, Macon.
But near Fitzgerald. It W W Miss Mary Lillian Murphy spent
the other fellow the right to vote his convic- best, ;; with ,a conscious glow of . satisfaction
All of us, after all, were using them and it let the ship sail without
me, ...... -, •....; MAN KILLED FREAK DEER Among the alumnae visiting on Vivian Williams teaches at Five Miss Susie Dell Reamy of the the week-end in Augusta.
tions unmolested,' is the only way fchat one over- a (Special, mission accomplished, Our
was high time the nation's millions were # • »
At port I must remain,: .. ,; CASCADE SUMMIT, Ore. (UP) the campus Thanksgiving were: Springs. Peabody Practice School and Miss
can hope to put in office honest, and* trust- thoughts',' too, liavd been generous and useful.
made honest speakers. The difficulty is that Louise Northington is teaching Mary Helen Mitchell spent last
worthy men, and the only way that one can' as* soon as one colloquial expression is given
On other nights,., a ^memory of Emerson's
My love is solemn, wise and true,
I've much more here to- gains Y —The freak deer killed by Roy
Temple had four • points on one
Theo Hotch, Helen Southwell,
Mary Bell Gibson, Ruth Perry, at New Bether, near Davisboro.
Mis's Faith Porch, of Marietta,
week-end at their homes in Quit- spent the Thanksgiving holidays
. -; "Gwen .Dale." side of its horns and two points Martha Oden, Mary Rogers, Bobby Beuna Hatfield teaches in Wil- man. at G. S. C. W. as the guest of
possibly hope to bring about sincere execu- words- would make us feel very uncomfort- the sanction of the literate, another terse,
on the other side. Burns, Doris Staed, Lucy Hearn, liamson county. • * * *

Misses Marion and Claudia Keith

tion of duty by the "men in office."' "'u - usuable, but ungrammatical, phrase is invent-
able'. .••'•Perhaps it would, be well to hang thia Eloquence and wit are admir- Hannah Forehand, Catherine Bla- Mary Bell Gibson is substitute Miss Helen Carrigan and Miss and Miss Bennice Johnston.
An athlete must devote months and years definition,-in our, rooms: "Life consists of ed and the troubles of conscientious mothers able qualities, but a city cannot . The most important nut about lock, Martha Callaway, Sara Gil- high school teacher in Commerce. Christine Goodson spent last Sat- * * *
be lighted by sky-rockets.—-Sir an automobile is the one under t h e libeau, Mary Snow Johnson, Mary Snow Johnson is teaching urday in Atlanta on business for Miss Helen Ennis spent the
to practice in order to gain perfection in his ( what man is thinking-all day." begin all over again.—Mobile Press.
Herbert Samuel. steering wheel. Loise Whaley. in the kindergarten in Atlanta. the Spectrum. week-end at her home in Atlanta.
G. S. C W. Alumnae Tea Enj oyed By COLUMBUS, Ohio (UP)—Jack ROME, N. Y. (UP)—Indians are BOSTON (UP)—Despite the de-
pression, 180 manufacturing com-
Keller, Ohio State University supposed to know their woods and
Many Out-Of-Town Visitors Friday hurdler, who was a member of the
American Olympic team last sum-
plants, but Thomas Pawlins, des-
cendent of Chief Skananandoa,
panies have started business in
metropolitan Boston this year, ac-
mer, has .developed into a good died here after eating a number cording to a Chamber of Com-
The G. S. C. W. Alumnae-tea iage plants, giant yellow chrysan- broad jumper l also, his coaches of toadstools which he thought merce survey.
was a very lovely affair of Fri- themums predominatng in the announced. Keller, probably will wore- mushrooms.
decorations. compete in both events : when the BEACH SANDS PANNED
day afternoon at which were as-
In the receiving line were the track season opens. He' isa se- STOCKHOLM HEALTH REVERE, Mass. (UP)—Groups
sembled a large group of former state alumnae officers, Gussie nior. BUDGET U P of unemployed have been digging
graduates of the college who had Tabb, president; Mary Joyce STOCKHOLM (UP)—The health and "panning" the sands on Re-
returned here for the annual home Banks Ireland, first vice president; HEALTH RECORD FAVORABLE department here has asked for vere Beach for coins, jewelry and
coming events. Annie Harper, secretary; Sara 28,000,000 kronor. to carry on its other valuables lost by bathers
Faculty members and out-of- Nelson, treasurer; two members HARRISBURG, Pa. (UP)—
Pennsylvania ..maintained a ."very work in 1933, which means an in- and visitors during the summer.
town alumnae, were the guests of of the executive committee, Kath- crease of some 400,000 kronor for
honor on this occasion and during erine Scott and Mary Lee Ander- favorable record of health" dur-
ing October, the state health de- salaries over the present year. Make he best of the troubles
the afternoon a number of the son; the officers of the Baldwin
local alumnae members called to county alumnae club,: Euri Belle partment reported here. Diphth- you have and don' hunt for more.
eria and typhoid fever followed a Genius begins where rules end.
welcome the visitors back to their Bolton, president; Dorothy Parks, We accept death; but who
Alma Mater. vice president; Florrie Moye, sec- "normal curve,'" infantile paralysis
after reaching its second highest wants to?
The college tea room was beau- retary; Esther Cathey, of Atlanta,
Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Eeeson and point in 25 years fell off rapidiy,
tifully adorned with a profusion DRY CLEANING
of exquisite fall flowers and fol- Mrs. M. M. Parks. and other communicable diseases
were of average prevalence. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS
Dresses 39c
GIFTS AT THE 2 for ... 75c -T
: BELOIT, Wis. (UP)—A picture 3 for ... 99c
"That I extend my manners; T i s stone bearing a likeness of the FOR TOUCHDOWN
my breeding
'..hat gives me this bold show of
Goddess of Liberty and of Uncle
Sam is among the collections of
TRENTON, Neb. (UP)—Captain
Roberts of the Trenton high j
CORNER Free Cleaning—Agnes Devore
courtesy." —Shakespeare. beautiful and unusual stones col- school football team ran 102 yards '
Courtesy, as defined signifies lected here by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar for a touchdown on the opening
politeness, gentility, refinement, A. Burrull. The '"pictures" on kickoff of the first game of the t
breeding, culture, polish, elegance, this stone, found in the bed of a season.
;;ood humor, amiability, good creek near here, are in white set
in red and have resemblance to
:nanners, good hehavior, good
breeding, courteousness, respect cameo portraits.
Lind pink of politeness. CHRISTMAS CARDS,
Courtesy in the days of knights
and castles was an inherent qual« GLACIER PARK,.. Mont. (UP) GIFTS,
ity. Its very presence added gla- —Permanent museums will be
mour to the age where it so pre- erected at points of interest NOVELTIES
eminently existed. Too, the fine throughout Glacier National Park,
examples of courtesy demonstrat- Dr. G. C. Ruhle, naturalist, has AND TOYS v
ed in Shakespeare's plays are announced. Dr. Ruhle said that
somewhat responsible for the en- complete success had-attended es- P -*0=
joyment derived from them when tablishment of exhibits to date,
acted on the American stage to- and that a museum would be
day. placed a t Two Medicine camp
R. E Wootten
Can Jnis LsnrnrmAS
However, the quality of courtesy ground.
does not exist now as it did in .g/ iis pJPaS chic , curamf-
former years. One is easily able BARBER FOR 4 GENERATIONS CWJL0 ma pjjfljujuf
to recall the manners of the time, RAVENNA, Neb. (UP)—Frank Hats Greatly Reduced. Smart
"when mother was a girl," but it Eliftman, Ravenna barber, has New Sweaters. Hosiery and
is hard to define what modern shaved and cut hair for four gen- Christmas Novelties.
Americans would require as an erations of the Sherrard family.
equivalent to the courteous ways MISS BESSIE BLAND
of that period. Only a few of the ! FIRE COMES TO FIRE STATION
The Hat Shoppe cubrus u n u CUKnSJi,
masses of people are really edu-
cated in the practice of courtesy. PACIFIC GROVE, Cal. (UP)—
In some people, it is an inherent Fireman Dan McAnaney whistled \jjr\k OLMUJ-IA. \r\jur\
quality; in others, an acquierd at a fire as it rolled past the fire
art; while in others, it is still that station, grabbed a fire extinguisher REMEMBER OUR ADVER-
rrrnsan CMMA
elusive something that hinders and had the-blaze out before it TISERS—THEY HELP US TO
their popularity. could do any damage. The fire EXIST. •.
was burning the automobile driven
The gentliity that is acquired by Virgil McMillan, who stopped
by being courteous cannot be ob- when he heard McAnaney whistle. U l c u s aPcrls
tained by reading books of eti-
quette, or by imitating people who
seem to possess the esteemed qual-
ity, but it may be acquired by ODORLESS Imperial Hotel
practicing those virtues which 1 Dress ... 50e
make for the quality. 2 Dresses 85e
Peachtree at Ivy Street y ChouuSSUrWS Su p5>Oufl,
Whether one is sufficiently in- 8 Dresses $1.35 ATLANTA, GA.
terested in oneself to be courteous
depends upon whether he or she is Free Cleaning to Mildred Brine Atlanta's Friendly Ouustiis Comnrifl. w n ^ M cQorni" f//^
sufficiently interested in life to
accept it as it is,, or to better it Hotel
by reducing the chronic chaos thai
is now prevalent due to the pres-
ence of too many people who do
not know how to be courteous, or
Rates from $1.50
Garage Dining Room
bP" ctapui's "fy
are not willing" to be courteous.
What do you think?
SHOP Owned and Operated By
Emory University "fa-Lcte J) a. 'Rua
Delicious Toasted Cheese
After a while, bronze statues SANDWICHES—5c
\ c k JPcu PaX* U&-
will go up to men who brought Robert Carpenter,
about peace. Just Try One and Come Back
For More Manager


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