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Volume VII. Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Ga., February 2, 1932 NUMBER 11

Beeson Announces H o l i d a y s
J . O* Martin Visits Campus Students To Spend Easter
Fails to Begin "As I Look Into
These Beautiful Faces".
RACE Sunday at Their'l Homes
Saturday night Mary Bell Gibson, DEAN SCOTT NAMED
G. S. C. WV Students enjoyed' a Business Manager of The Colonnade PRESIDENT FOR 1932
delightful spedch by Mr. J .0. Mar- declared the Seniors winner of the "Spring Holidays will begin
tin, of the State Department of Edu- contest held last week on the cam- Thursday, March 24 and end
Dr. Edwin H. Scott, Dean of Teach- Monday, March 28. There! will be
cation, during the chapel hour, Jan- pus. This victory entitles them to the ers College, delivered the main ad-
uary "29. a special train over the Central
privilege of editing the next edition dress at the sixteenth annual session
Introduced by Professor Thaxton, of the Colonnade. Their staff will be of Georgia Railway leaving Mil-
of the Association of Georgia Col-
who presided over the exercises dur- elected Tuesday morning in chapel ~j.vs\ iuj\nui \aiM\anj. \AION\ mm ledgeville at-8:10 a. m. March 24.
leges. The subject of the speech was,
ing the absence of President Beeson and immediate work will begin on The Beauty Spceial will leave At-.
"Subject Assignments to High School
and Dean Scott, as "an old friend the paper. lanta at 2:00 p. m. March 28 and
T:\achers as Found in the State of
whom we are always glad to see arrive in Milledgdville about 6:30
Each class gave their loyal sup- Georgia," and a detailed series 'of
again," Mr. Martin began his inter- port during the campaign and the p. m. All students are expected to
charts showing statistics on this
esting talk with a claim to kinship Colonnade is starting off this semes- be in the dormitory by 10:30 p.
topic were used as illustrations by
with the College: being a son-in-law J ter with more enthusiasm than ever m. Monday, March 28.
of G. S. C. W. through his marriage: before'. "One week-end visit 'wili""ca-
Dean Scott is Vice-President of ' permitted before* the time of
to Lurline- Parker, who was one,of The next edition of the Colonnade We the members of the! Sopho- the Association, which met January
our most outstanding students while (the Senior edition) will be printed Spring Holidays."
more Class of the Georgia State 29 and 30, at the. Piddmont Hotel
here, thai became a member of the in magazine form and dedicated to College for Women wish to ex- in Atlanta. Besides making the main J. L. BEESON. -
extension department of the college. the sweethearts of the' G. S. C. W.' press our deep sorrows on ac- address, Dean Scott presided at the
Mr.' and Mrs. Martin took, not students. This entire edition will be count of the untimely de'ath of our Propaganda concerning hoidays
afternoon session.
long ago, a trip around the world, printed in red ink. fellow classmate, Vivian Loyd. We will meet its usual fate in the publi-
The discussion centered on Dc!an
on which they met many interesting cannot understand why such a cation of President' Beeson's an-
Individual copies will be sold next Scott's address was led by Dr. W. L.
characters and enjoyed the wonder- Tuesday afternoon at the same' stand beautiful young ' life ' should be • nouncement that spring holidays will
Downs, Supervisor of High Schools
ful scenery. According to Mr. M'artin that was used during the Colonnade taken, but we realize that God begin Thursday, March 24 and end
in the state of Georgia.
some of the most interesting people campaign. The copies. will be ten must have had a better purpose Monday, March 28. Freshmen, Sopho-
It was at the Saturday session of mores, juniors, and seniors have gain-;
were: cents a copy. for hei\ The members of the this meeting that Oglethorpe Uni-
v "Professor Albert Einstein. . . . Sophomore Class will always ed enough experience in speculation
Why not send the boy friend or versity was dropped from the As- to insure another "Wall Street-
small, stocky, with a large htjad, cherish her memory because of the sociation list after Dr. Jacobs had
true love (have it your way) this Slump" and another financial depres-
bobbed hair, always tousled, and place she has filled in our hearts. failed in his attempted resignation
attractive edition of the Colonnade sion. But future financiers must of-
having much the appearance of a ^Committee from the Sopho- for the University.
rather than a trite valentine. He'd ten resort to absurb means-of train-
porcupine's bristles. Frau Einstein, more Class:) Dr. Scott was elected president
appreciate it lots more and at the ing !
from the rear and viewing only the MARGARET K. SMITH of the association for the next year.
same time you'd bd keeping the
head, is exactly like thd Professor. LUCY HEARN The Beauty Special will make its
Colonnade out of debt.
Einstein's eyes are flashing;- one DOT SMITH SENIORS WIN OVER usual trip; leaving the college at 8:10
does not wonder at their ability to VIRGINIA TANNER SOPHOMORES IN BASKETBALL a. m. Thursday and returning about
pierce the heavens. He speaks sev- PRESIDENT BEESON VISITS GRACE CREEL Saturday afternoon saw a fast 6:30 p. m. Monday.
eral languages; but'only broken Eng- ATHENS HATTIE CARTER 'game between the Senier and Sopho- This announcement marks a new
lish, and uses his. lack of knowledge 'HELIA \HARNE|SBURGER more basketball teams, resulting in policy in regard to holidays. Previous-
of English to avoid contacts he does Friday, January 29, President J. NELLIE STAPLETON , the victory of the Seniors, the score ly there have been both fall and
not wish to make. The man is wholly L. Beeson wdnt up-to Athens to see MIRIAM LANIER being 33 t o l l . The game was charac- spring holidays. Last year the time
unconventional; what he finds to Chancellor Snelling of the University MARJORIE McMICHAEL terized by fine team work and good alloted for the sophomore! and senior
put on when-he gets up in the morn- of Georgia. It will be remembered CAROL REED*' sportmanship. class trip was combined with that al-'
ing, he puts on, be it pajamas, coat that Chancellor Snelling was recent- CHRISTINE GOODSON lowed for spring holidays. Beginning,
of one color and pants of another. ly appointed by the Board of Reg- DR. THOS. B, MEADOWS GOES, in September 1931 students were per-
During the Christmas celebration ents as head of the University sys- CALIFORNIA mitted one week-end visit home each
'orj. board the ship, Mr. Einstein tem, of which G. S. C. W. is a DR. FLOYD COMPLETES Dr. Thomas B. Meadows, associate month. One weekend vjsit will be
granted the passengers the privilege branch. • PROGRAM FOR FOREIGN professor of psychology, left Mil- permitted before March 24. Inconse-
of hearing him play the violin, which LANGUAGE GROUP ledgeville) Sunday, January 24, for quent of these week-end trips, the
appears to be his hobby. He plays California, where he will continue to usual fall holdiays were abolished.
Dr. Juanita H. Floyd, President of
(Continued on ; p a g e four) SUSIE DELL REAMY TAKES the Modern Foreign Language Group pursue graduate work on a special
MARIE TUCKER'S PLACE of the Georgia Education Associa- degree in Education and Psychology.
t tion, has just completed and maileJd During; the absence of Dr. Mea- PICTURES OF DORMITORIES
PRACTICE HOUSE INTERIORS Due tcr the resignation of Miss ,for publication the program for the dows, Miss Hic^len Southwell, who MADE FORi FIRST ,1932
ARE PHOTOGRAPHED Marie Tucker, critic in the* inter- meeting of this group to be held in completed work for her Bachelor's SUMMER SCHOOL BULLETIN
mediate grades of the Peabody Prac- Macon Friday, April 15, 1932. degree at the end of the first semes-
Sunday afternoon, while1 a tea tice School, Miss Susie Dell Reamy There will be an informal luncheon ter, will assist Dr. Webber with the Wednesday afternoon Dean Scott
was being held at the Practice is now on the Practice School Faculty at the Hotel Lanier at one o'clock ctiementary psychology courses, so and Mr. Eberhart made a tour of the
House sponsored by the Home in her place. S'usie Dell completed P. M. after which a delightful speak- that Dr. Webber may take advanced college dormitories to select, with
Economics Department • of Georgia the w o r k for her degree in er will address the group. courses himself. the help of the individual matrons,
State College for Womenn, January January and assumed the duties of The regular Vmeeting will be held suitable views to be printed in the
24, pictures were", taken of the living her position on a fulltime basis. She later in the afternoon, at which time ENTRE NOUS ELECTS .'< NEW new summer school bulletin which
room; dining-room, and of the has been a student assistant for two some of the most prominent tejachers OFFICERS will probably be released early in
front of the exterior. years,, and before that, held a place of the ;Sitate will speak. Dr. Floyd A't a business meeting of the March. • '
A new group. of girls, all from in the college library. Miss Reamy is has been assisted in the arrange- French Club, Entre Nous, Thursday, Since Mansion, .Mansion'Annex,
Atkinson Hall, are now in charge an outstanding student, both scholas- ment of the program by the other January 28, with past-president and Atkinson had been. featured in
of the Practice House. They are: tically and in extra-curricular activi- officers of this, group who are!: Prof. Elizabeth Cowart presiding and Dr. previous editions, 'it| w|as T$tho-ujgiht
Rose Hutchins, Vivian Barnwcjll, ties; she has served on Y. W. C. A. Hal Hulsey, Atlanta,' Vice-President McGe'e', faculty advisor, correcting best to take pictures of other dormi-
Lillie Minter, Elma Hudson, Jranie Cabinet, Colonnade Staff, Corinthian and Miss Caroli'n |Eakes ,Grit*fin, exam papers in the back of the room, tories this spring.
Maddox and Frances Goss. Staff, and as an officer of various Secretary. ' • the following officers were elected A long view of the recent addition
Miss Rosabel Burch' has been in clubs,'being President of the Educa- The meeting last year was re- for the spring term: President: Mary to Atkinson Dining Hall was taken^
Practice House as faculty advisor for tion Club during 1931. garded as one of the finest ever Befll Gibson'; Vice-President—Eliza- the decorated tables, radio, soft
the past month or six weeks, and Although regretting Miss Tucker's held, and it is hoped that the com- beth Cowart; Secretary—Anne Pfeif- lights, and piano, making a very
she returned to Ennis Sunday, Jan- resignation, we wish her happiness ing one will be equally interesting. fer; and. Treasurer—Margaret K. attractive picture, due to the super-
uary 31. in whatever field she enters, and A cordial invitation I s extended Smith. M'iss Smith.,however, handed vision of Mrs. Hall. ' .;• C
Taking hefc- place is Miss.Stella E. desire to commend the President for to all teachers of Modern Languages in an immediate resignation, which Mrs; Kiser helped Deatf; Scott and
Steele, who will manage things for his wise choice of Miss Reiamy, who in the State to attend both the lun- will be tak'(|n' up at the next meet- Mr. Eberhart in selecting an inter-1
the' next month. is from Quitman, Georgia. cheon and the regular meeting. ing of the club. v (Continued on page four) >i
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Hie Colonnade
Faculty Notes A
Dr. A. C. Hunter has received an
invitation to attend a meeting of
the Southern Association of Teach-
ers of Speech to be held in April at
Wesleyan College,. Macon. For The Alumnae For G. S. C.
The members of the Dramatic Di-
vision of the Literary Guild under
Cross ihre.Camper I always, like to get news from
the sponsorship of Dr. A. C. Hunter
are working up the Old English Mo-
Published Weekly By Students By Phillip Space home, don't you? Yesterday I got a ifexxxx^^
rality Play, "Everyman,"* to be pre-
of The letter from my sister, a rare thing,
\ sented in the near'future. Senator James Hamilton Lewis,- of _ . M y Southland
Georgia State College for Women in which she attempted to give me NOTED JOURNALIST TO No sharpness in the beautw of
I know, 'cause it's been overlooked Mr. R. L. Ramsey, principal of Illinois, who will make the George.
Corner Hancock and Clark Sts. CROSS THE CAMPUS the news of, five weeks in three ADDRESS ANNUAL MEET
Fulton High School, Atlanta, and Washington Day address' Saturday, My Southland:
Milledgeville, Ga. By Phillup Space three times already. I'm putting the pages—and succeeded. Maybe you'd
Rev. B . J . Smith, Secretary North February 20. But fragrant softness in her air,
Dear Folks: in this column this be interested in what she said about
"Entered as second-class matter Georgia Conference Board of Edu- Mr. Roe was born at Porter's A softness, too, that's seen else-
Thanks, Colonnade, for the cut week, and no .sausage* and pancakes her best friend. Yes? Well, here it is. Herman Roe and Other Prominent
October 30, 1928, at the post cation, were guests in the home" of Mills, Wis., June, 9, 1886. He was where—
at the head of my column. Guess like we cooked in the cabin the other "Mary Jane has just left she came Writers to Speak At G. P. Institue.
office Milledgeville, Ga., under Dr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Wynn over graduated from St. Olaf college in In gray pennants of Spanish moss,
something had to be done to make night would, last long enough to get bursting in just a few minutes ago
the Act of March 3, 1879." the week-end. . . 1908, and for two years was princi- Swinging in winds which lightly toss
it interesting. However, I can't old! 'Miss Rogers was official chap- with a letter in.her hand she acted The leafy tops of oaks that shade,
$1.00 per year
possibly use the phone without a
wire. Am sending a coil of telephone
lind to !be connected up by the
eron and brought some real maple
syrup. Sue Standard was F. F. (Fisics
firemake'r); Liz C. was official talk-:
so thrilled that I thought somebody
had died and left her a gold mine
or. a, goldfish, or something. As soon
Among, the faculty attending the
Emory University Charter Day Din-
ner at the Baldwin Hotel Monday
4 \y ... Herman Roe, field director of the
National Editorial association, will
be one of,the ; principal speakers at
pal •; of the high school at Anoka,
Minn. In June, 1910, Mr. Roe ac-
cepted the city editorship of the
Give sanctuary,'rest, and aid,
To carolers in moss-gray coats
Editor-in-Chief:— printer. Thanks. evening were Misses Helen, Greene, Northfield News, purchasing the pa- Whose mimicking and flute-clear
er; Mary Jane Lane and Mary New- as she calmed down enough to push the Georgia Press Institute, to be
Mary Snow Johnson Hallki Smith, Polly Moss, Ruth Stone, per two months afterwards. notes
I'm dreadfully worried! To the by, chief cooks, and can they cook! her hair out of her eyes so she could held at the; Henry W. Grady School
Managing Editor:— Lady of "May I Present," what final- Ora Quinn and Regina Wilson were began making passes at me with the Lena Martin and Dr. W. T. Wynn. . Minnesota Assm Secretary Express the sweet tranquillity
of Journalism, University of Geor-
Margaret Trapnell ly uncle George? It's so entertainers. -(Sorry Martha Lynch,' letter and yelping, The Emory Alumnae on the. campus For four years Mr. Roe served as In that haven of ecstasy—
gia, February 18-20, Prof. John E.
Editorial Staff:-— will extend a special welcome to the The very soul dwelling within
Marguerite Arthur
pathetic, isn't it—the dear man with
so much trouble, and the bank bust-
Julia Bolton, and Jewell Ivy couldn't
come. Martha's sister came) and
" 0 , Lucile, the most exciting
Emory Glee Club which will come
Drewry has announced. secretary of the Minnesota'Editorial
association, and was chairman of My Southland. The Following Names Have Been
Marion Keith thing! A letter from Joe and guess Mr. Roe, who is a past president MONICA McRAE.
ed. Julia had a headache from too much to Milledgeville soon.. Thcl Welcome •their committee on cooperation with
News Editor:— what he says.' of the National Editorial association,
study. Couldn't account for Jewell Committee appointed from the local the University of Minnesota. Dur-
I really can't get much inspiration
Elizabeth Cowart
this morning. Maybe if I could smoke 'cause I couln't go out in town. No, "I never was much good at.guess- chapter is Misses Ruth Stone, Hallie and a prominent figure in other na-
ing a few months of 1931 he acted Added to The Colonnade Endorse-
Reporters:— l tionaland international journalistic
Helen Ennis IS a pipe like the Alpine Milkman, I Jo Hogan, I haven't forgotten. you.i ing and anyway she didn't give me
I'm going to confess that you and I time to guess. She just rattled on,
Smith, and,..Mr. Randolph Fort,
managing editor of the Milledgeville organizations, will be. the visiting
as field secretary for the association
in Minnesota.
could write something poetic— lecturer on journalism—a position
Jennie Lee Cooley
^ ^ D o v o t h y Fugitt
There's a girl on the campus were accused of climbing on the "Dc'ar Mary Jane, •, f i m c i s . • ,
which in former years has been held As state vice-president for Min- ment List During The Week:
Who likes to crochet cabin roof to get out of work. But Friends of Miss Nancy Park, of nesota he worked four years for the
•tpKW Rebecca Tortoert Do you know, the more I think by Director Willard G. Bleyer of the
We're asking E. Bell's just think, Folks, how inspirational LaGrange, are glad to welcome her National Editorial association. From
Josephine Cofer about you the more I- love you. I've School of Journalism, University of
To gc't in right away a view from the roof is—and that on the campus after an absence of 1923 to 1925 he was charman of
Sara Morgan been in lots of places, and met lots Wisconsin and Director H. F. Har-
Knitting needles and thread moon! It rose'- big and red and round several years.
Lucile Jones |^of girls. In fact, I've been all over rington of the M'edill School of Jour- the< adivertsing committee of the N.
Just so we can make thru the pines. (Please roll all "r's" Misses Lena Martin and Lila Rid-
the United States, but I've' never E. A., and "'he has served that or-
Ruth Vinson
Warm woolen socks for to get dramatic effect.) It was enough met a girl like you. You're the sweet-
dell spctat the week-end in Atlanta. . nalism, Northwestern university.
ganization in several other capaci-
Marjorie Ennis Geo. Harris Webber has been elec- Subjects to be discussed by Mr.
Chinese soldier's sakes. to make Dot Smith write poetry/ We est thing I've ever seen. Do you ties. Mr. Roe assumed the present
Copy Readers:—-
Claudia Keith
Speaking of lazy people-—Miss didn't have enough utensils to serve know you have more charm than any
ted Worthy Patron of the Milledge-
ville Chapter Order of the Eastern.""
Roe are "Master Builder,", which
will be this topic Friday, February office of field director in 1929. Patronize
Alice Brim
Virginia Hale
Y. W. C.-..A. Editor:—
, Helen Barron
Tucker says her Thursday S. S.
class is too lazy to stop on "rests."
Maybt) that accounts for the large
number of Monday classes which
these young ladies acquired hurried-
with but everybody pretended that girl I've ever heard of?'
they were used to it. I suppose I
should say a good time was had by
all, but t h a t ' s understood when the
"The- rest of it was just about like
the first and it was seven pages long,
and I was tired, because I had been
Star. This is the highest position that
can be occupied by a man in this
order. v
r 19, and "Building Local Advertis-
ing," on which he will speak Satur-
day, v February 20.
Other Pr'cj-js Institute speakers
In December, 1931, he was named
secretary of the Newspaper Associa-
tion Managers to fill the vacancy
created by the death of "Ole Buck",
Mrs. Ireland
Miss Napier
Alumnae Editor:— Physics Minors go on a party. of Lincoln, Neb.
ly when she was' thinning out the to classes all day long. I went to LIFE'S SPECTACLES who were announced by Professor Miss Lena Martin
s S'usie Dell Reamy We sent a freshman out the other sleep right in the' middle of it. I Drewry this week are: Prof.' Rayr Among the man's other activities:
Society Editor:—
Margaret K. Smith
class the other day. I noticed.a sign
this morning in Dr. Johnson's room
dayito look for the lost chord. She's don't think she liked'it very much,
still looking. We also got a couple for all of a sudden I awoke—just You1 see things; just the color
mond B. Nixon, Emory , university,
who will speak on "The Newspaper
was his woi;k as president of the
Minnesota State fair., Later he was.
ers Miss Crowell
BUSINESS STAFF which said that it is against the law Of the glasses you look through."
of contributions for a fund to buy in time to hear the door of her room as a Social Institution," and H. -T. a member of its board of managers.
to take any courses this semester but
Business Manager:—
History 16. It read "None of courses
an awning for the sun dial. But the slam. I haven't seen "her all day to- Pei'haps you'd never thought it,•'•
But notice. It is true.
Mcintosh, editor and president of In 1924 he was secretary of the Re- Miss Harper
Mary Bell Gibson worst is the kind who. chased all over day. I wonder if she's sick or some*- The, Albany Herald. publican-state central committee.
Typists:— offered this semester fulfill consti:
the campus looking for a left-handed thing."
Nannie Lou Walden tion requirements except His. 16"
monkey-wrench! Well, this is a bor- Your glasses may be very dark. Two. others who have accepted in- Invited On Norwegian Tour Dr. Amanda Johnsdn
Well, What d' you know about that! vitations to address the institute are As an added distinction, Mr. Roe
Reba Paulk rowed typewriter and they charge Darkness and gloom then fill the
Wonder if trig, is constitutional. W. T. Anderson, editor, The Macon was one of Ijjhe 'twelve American Miss Virginia Satterfield
Exchange Editor:— 10c an hour for the use of it. They world.
Yes, I've gotten into that. „ It's not We recommend the old-fashioned Telegraph, who will speak on "Free newspaper men invited to tour Nor-;
Helen Barron might come home any minute and Nothing cheery then you see
ducking stool for the fiend in human dom of the Pre,ss, with Special Refer-, way as a guest of the Norwegian
Assistant Exchange Editor my fault. I just followed my nose—
andi there I was. Its the same kind
find me using it. .
form who says, and with a straight
'Though mirth around is whirled.
enee to Georgia Newspapers;" and government. Miss Mary Moss
Esther Barron Respectfully submitted,
of nose that led George Washington face, too, "Your shoes certainly do
Circulation 'Manager:— Whene'er the door to the soul is dark Miss L. R. G. Burfitt
to the cherry tree, you know. "The- PHILLUP SPACE. : look comfortable.".
Margaret Medlock And sadness, thrills you through,
Red and Black" says the smallest P. S. (Senior) Claudia Keith says Wei know quite well that then
Advei'tising Manager:—
Harriet Trapnell soldier in History was. the guard Paul Revere was a gossip! , Your glasses—they are blue. ,t Mrs. Hall
Advertising Assistants:— who slept' on his watch; Yeah May- P. S. (Junior) Dora Dell Downing I Speaking of my item stories, have
, Rebecca Markwalter be that was the largest watch. says the printers are certainly origi- •you heard this one? A young aviator Again I know when skies are bright
Sue Mansfield They say that all the news is so nal, fudging by the number of mis- contemplated a flight from Chicago And the sunshines gay o'er head,
Irene Parren old it can ,walk—well my club news takes in the Colonnade. They made to New York. The night watchman And every heart you meet is light
Virginia Tanner isn't and I'd like to see anyone say a blind word in my columnV The.ty of the port begged him not to at- The "Specks" you wear are red.

Proof Readers:—• it is. It's too young to be printed. took the " i " out of "aim." tempt it. •
"'Mir. Jim,' says he, "I dreamed
' ' ' . ' . ' \ ! •

Emily Sanders would ' Then friends' some time, are wrong
GRAVE YARD last night that you tried it and
Marian Power Have held her close, perhaps too But when many faults you find,
crashed and were, killed." • ' Mrs. Branan
close, Change the "Specks" that then__you:
The aviator paid no.'.attention to
Here lies that splendid mark wear. ••.''''. > •
PRAYER FOR A FRESHMAN AT For her own best development; the night watchman, but started out
IM1D-YEAR See- i-f she sees another's problems That Jane was .going to make! and reached his,, destination safely.
They're fault—magnifying kind., Mrs. Bates i-./.-

clearly She let the good mark die He immediately rushed to a tele- Prejudice is a big black spot,
Dear God, she is as yet my little
Now, and is somewhat less selfish A week-end at home to take! phone, called the port, /and fired .the Placed before the sight; Mrs. Christian
Than-I, poor ,weak, and foolish, let night watchman, Why ,did' he fire That blinds part of our vision
Her second college term is just be- her be. the watchman? ,v And we can't see things right. Mrs. Key
Warning: No prize whatsoever is
ginning; .And hear me yet, oh "O. D.' offered for the correct solution. The There are "numerous other .blinders
She is just now adjusted to the ' Lord,— personal satisfaction derived ^should That are on your "Specks'" and
Miss Cone
wheels ' This prayer, that when she enters be sufficient.' . j <;.
That ever turn incessantly. classes new He walked upon the campus

So let's have a good spring cleaning

.•'••'• ,' • '".''••'
Mrs. Eiser
Dear God, she has done well these This term, may some professor trans- The crowd all gathered round And give, our "Spe,cks" a-, shine.-;
months,. mit beauty to 'Twas nothing more or less My dear Phillup Space,,
I know, although the report cards Her soul,' and help her heart and life Than a "Jimmie" of the town . Our correspondence has made me We may oft wear colored glasses, ,
Have not yet made the rounds with unfold feel so much that I knwo you, that Some times soiled/ ones too.

A's- m- B's, v ' '• As he would treat his own. His eyes were both a shining './• I almost wrote, "Dear Phil." I, just It 'is they, that cause much anguish
'Or even C's; I should be proud She has made friends, I know, and You could tell he was well pleased want to thank you for the suggestion Just as real things do. , ') V:r
Of any mark. It'is no way of meas- ; yet,— Because he'd never seen before as,to a method of using the slightly
uring Send Thou one of Thind own As many girls as these. new path. So you then be very careful,
My daughter's work, , a'letter or a disciples down . . . . ' Have you noticed that beside the Let no such things •your'-.;.vision.
number, , . ' ;i Her . Emmaeus Way, to show her And tl|en as dusk drew slowly nigh. artificial path; a narrow, but defi- :•.•.;•'• m a r . > ': :XrX '\^s.y^i--XW:-\^''-f
', Look in,(her..heart., ; -- flowers , and song, and Thee; Someone-thought-,',.they heard him nite little trail is being made? Well, Go facing.fairly,^squarely/;r;. Vi ;^x^:\

I \ Dear GoilM.see if^lJu^.'-^mV^heihas- And Thy strength -.growing in some • ,-'..; Sigh...;" , ;:>yi : . '•;' ': ,;, .;'•.', you look sometime,.,.'> ;. '- The world of things:,:ju'sj;;':;as}th)3y^|
V grown; up •' ,; ;-X.':;,;;[ •-•• • tree.v •••'.••'••.'. *, , "I'm thankful, Lord, that I could be i Sincerely yours) X\A^;:t'^;':'''-^ • •':":. .•*:', 'i':;-:;' a r e . I;'.'.-':.:!^^^11:;-',^'"-".-'. -v;;V V i : ; : ! ^ ^ " ' ^ i!- ^>;:1^-:J:'
0; D. before I have to die." / ! i
s A bit, away' from tender hands that
• r - V « ' " - w ^ l ! " ' " ' . . ' . . ' '.••••'"•'

wsmmt M jiiSIll
(Continued from page one) This is another one of those mys- Louise: How do you Kiple?. ,
tery columns whdre the mystery to
. classical stuff; you know what that January 29, school officials repre- be solved is the idenity of the au- Grady: Do you like Ghandi?
is, on the' piano, whqn you cross senting eight or ten counties were thor. After you read this mater- M. S. J.: Do' I? Especially five
your hands, that's classical. entertained at lunch by the Ge'orgia ial, if you live through it, I hope pound boxes.
State College for Women in the new that no one is, good at solving mys-
"A n d Douglas Fairbanks: teries because I hajve'n't paid my
addition to the Atkinson Dining
small dark, like an Indian, probably life insurance since the depression. I had rather remain silent and be
because .he stays outdoors so much At any rate this space in the paper thought *a fool than to write a
and seldom wears a hat. He was Among the officals were:' Supt. column and remove1
" all doubt.—
M. L. Duggan, State Superintendent is "for the' students of the campus
very likable and would talk to any- to display their originality of what- Hence Adieu.
one . who w.ished. Especially agree- of Schools, who expressed for the ever' you have so get. to work and SO LONG!!
able to the natives of countries he guests their appreciation of the either pull some boners or get the
courtesy of the college; several
/ visited, Fairbanks was greeted by lowdown on someone else/. I don't If name appearsin this ad you
supervisors, Mr. J. 0. Martin, Mr.
the name he used in the "Thief of know the reason for the lack of or-
Bagdad". lOjOOO Philippines met him
Green, and Mr. Smith, and' many will get a garment cleaned
others. iginal contributions to this issue un-
at the docks when the ship reached FREE.
The meeting of the Association less the students didn't know that "CLEAN WITH SNOW"
the Islands, and took him to a hotel the writer and the space were at ' Margret Medlock
upon their shoulders. During this was held at the Baldwin County
their servicfl until the paper had Plain Dresses—65c Cash and Mildred Harvey
trip he lost buttons, shoe-laces, col- Courthouse. gone to press. The future is yours
lars", ties, and so on. As the ship —sieze the opportunity. , Carry. ODORLESS CLEANERS
sailed into Yokohama, photogrph-
. e,rs borded the ship, took pictures, MISS MYRICK ENTERTAINS
Have yjou heard about the op- Uniform Skirts—15c Cash and
and tied the films around necks of timistic girl who puts brilliantine on Carry.
carrier pigeons ,who flew back to Miss Lillas Myrick entertained her hair the night before* exams?
land; so that when we came down with supper at the G. S. C. W. hut Have You Seen The ^Newest in
the gangplank, newsboys were crying in Government Square Park Sunday Since we have so many twins on Beginning This Week We Will
•Extra/ Extra,' and Douglas Fair- night in honor of her guest, Miss our campus we thought that a word Dry Clean A Garment FREE, for ' Stationery?
banks' pictures were lUhd^r hea/d- Rebecca Higgison,. Industrial "Y" to the wise is sufficient—"We are The Pqrson Whose Name Ap-
' lines! Secretary at Macon, and a former twins and look alike. It's Ivory tone
When we pears in This Ad—
gi'aduate of this college: The other 1
"Another interesting character, guests were: Misses Sara Nelson; were at school my sister threw an
who is hard to describe because Jessie Trawick, Betty Ferguson, eraser and hit the teacher. She —49c—
whipped me. She didn't 'know the Mary Snow Johnson
there isn't much to describe, is Polly Moss, Rosabel Burch.
• Ghandi. Whefn Jimmy Walker and difference but I did. I was to
be i married but my sister arrived SNOW'S LAUNDRY & DRY HARRIS HALLS
Ghandi met, I don't know what they
talked about, because one was all GEORGIA HAS A GOVERNOR at the church first and married my
' clothes, and the other was none.' beau. . He didn't realize it but I CLEANING CO.
Ghandi looks like skin and • bones, From the Cleveland (Ohio) Plain did. But I got even with her for
all that; I died last week and they
Just Arrived
has cocoanut shaped head; wears Dealer Green St. Phone 440
"gold-rimm^nd specks on tip of nose. buried he'r."-—Enotah Echoes. SOLE MATE HOSE
A definite class of unknown ani- In The New Spring Colors-
Governor Richard B. Russell, of Dr. Johnson: Why did the! Colo-
mals was contacted in Tree-Dwellers Georgia, is setting a fine example in and New Low Prices—
of upper Manchuria. Physiologically, state economy. He has committed the nists object to having the English
they are very similar to us. The main state definitely to a pay-as-you-go soldiers come 'to America?
difference is one of intellect: they policy and to the elimination of red
are incapable of transmitting what tape in government operations. a
Bobby Burns :N They didn't want
standing army sitting around over
they have learned to their off-spring. here.
He has altered materially the New Spring Shoes, Pumps,
4 They can learn only what man teach- character of the government organ-
es " them. The dumbest Freshman thinks bac-
ization, concentrating all, adminis- teria is the back door to a cafe- Straps and jOxfords—Blocks
.. "The"Buddnists do not kill animals, trative operations as twenty depart- teria—Watchtower. •
and are astounded that we, who ments compared with more than one COLEGE DEPT. STORE
claim to follow Christ, not only kill hundred before the governor took The laziest' girl in the world
hold. 'Your Satisfaction Our Aim'
animals, but each other. handed in an examination paper in
which she said, "Please see Mary's
"It is, concluded Mr. Martin, "our . Under the terms of a recently en-
for my,answers."—Emotat Echoes.
great responsibility to teach young acted appropriation bill the governor, Students—
folks to-think and how to learn to may not approve requisitions for ex- /Make Our Shop Your
think; because it is only by our penditures in excess of the funds ac- Teehniflue is when you look bored
ability or disability to think that we tually avaiable in the treasury. eVen if you know the answer to the Headquarters for. Better
question.-—Hullabaloo. - ' All The New Colors.
raise or lower ourselves above or b',ef- i . . . Shoe Repairing
This Georgia experiment will be
-low the average." watched by every state in the union.' President Hoover's organization We Specialize This Season in— HARPER SHARPER
The applause which greeted Mr. The reorganization and its effects on unemployment relief has report-
Martin and his contribution to the ought to be watched by Washington ed that colleges and universities are $4.06, $5.00 and $6.00
chapel program was unusual in its and by county and municipal gov- cooperating to relievel unemployment
clamor and *. repetition, so that he ernments as well. by making it/ easier this year for If You Want The Best Shop At

was forced rto take an encore, which students' to finance themselves in
What Georga can do in balancing college, thus keeping them from join- CHANDLER'S LEADS
is an honor seldom accorded a chapel E. E. BELL'S
its budget every political subdivision ing the thousands seeking work.—•
speaker. Chapel time, be it known, is
in the country can do if it is willing. Wo-Co, Ala.
the time one gools to the dormitory
In all cases it may not be wis^e to Now It's Valentines!
for mail.
go as far as Georgia has gone in re-
fusing to approve expenditures "not 7*0 per cent of the men in Who's <
covered by money in the treasury, Who in America are college men, The Student's Store
but the. principle is sound. For a and only one person in a hundred
sharp reduction in public expendi- goes to college. Thus one college Fountain Pins, Pencils, School
tures rather than which budgets man out of every forty, achieves $upplies NEW BUS SCHEDULE
(Continued from page one)
ought to be balanced and kept in distinction* while one non-college CULVER KIDD
balance in the present state of bus- man in 10,000 achieves distinction. Bus Leaves for Macon
/lor in her dormitory, Terrell Proper; iness and industry.
—The Alabamiah.
the reception hall was photograph- 9:'00 A. M.; 2:25 P. M.
ed.', l ' A feature of the Georgia program
iW«ifc<U "Dear, 'to-morrow (is our 7:00 P.M. and 8:20 P.M.
' Individual suites of rooms, one particularly promising/ is the reor-
I* r 10th anniversary. Shall 1 kill the
from Ennis ,chosen by Mrs. Beaman, ganization dividing,') by four the
and 507-508 i from Bell Annex, se- number of departments, commissions
turkey?" • . All The Above Busses Make
; Hubbyr "No, let him live, he
lected Mrs. Christian, were pic- bureaus and boards. This will per- Connections for Atlanta.
didn't have anything to do with it."
tured. Because of these views ,pros- haps revive interest in the proposed
l nective summer 'school students will reorganization of the federal govern-
have a more accurate idea than &Ver ment at Washington, \ iand suggest "Jim proposed three times before Advertising Pays Provided Our Bus Leaves Miiledgeville for
before of the accommodations await- anew a manner of reducing expendi- I accepted him. Did,I do right?" Augusta
ing them at t*he Georgia State Col- tures that the budget director, the "Certainly, but * who we're ,the Friends Read Our Ads—
lege for Women. president and Congress have, all been other three girls?" 12:30 Noon—4:30 P.M. ;
slow to act upon. R.H.W00TTEN You Save 20 per cent on Round
. If, as they indicated a week ago, Two critics were discussing the
MISS MARY SMITH ADDED TO leaders of both parties in Washing- merits of a book when one' of them • • • " ' ' ^ T
' " • • . • • - . ' " '

HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY ton are. convinced of the importance an author himself.said,, MYou can't Schaffers Life Time Pens
of a-balanced budget and of the appreciate it if you never wrote a PHONEM
Miss Mary Smith, Reynolds, Ga., need for substantial Jrei'duction in book." '/ ".".;">•/ •'!;. •'...
Alumna of G. «S. C. W., will take public expenditures, they will not The other replied: "No and I never BUS STATION
the place of Miss Irene Cook on the pass up longer this opportunity to laid an egg, but I'm a better judge
Peabody High School faculty. effect important economies. , of an omelet than any hc-'n."


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