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One day, a donkey was carrying two heavy bags of salt

on its back. It was a hot day and the donkey was very tired.
After walking for a long time, it reached a river.There was a
small wooden bridge across the river.

The donkey began to cross the bridge. Sundenly, it

slipped and fell into the river. The salt was carrying
dissolved in the water. The donkey was happy because the
bags were now very much lighter.

A few days later, the donkey was going home the same
way. This time he was carrying two bags of cotton wool on
its back. Upon reaching the river, the donkey jumped into
the water. The cotton wool soaked up the water and became

The donkey tried to get out of the the water but

could not do so. The two bags of cotton became so heavy
that the donkey was soon drowned.


Cheating does not lighten one’s burden


Long ago, dogs and wolves lived together in the jungle. They
went to the farms to steal chickens for food. The farmers
lit fires to keep the wolves and dogs away. The wolves were
frightened of the fires but not the dogs.

One day, a dog said to his friend,the wolf,”I’m going to

steal a chicken for us. Wait for me in the jungle.” On
reaching the farm, the dog was caught by the farmer.
”Please forgive me and I promise to take care of your
chickens from the wolves,” said the dog.

The dog was very faithful to the farmer and took

good care of his chickens. The farmer gave him bones and
meat to eat every day.

Meanwhile, the wolf was still waiting in the jungle for

his friend’s return. Till now, one can hear the wolf howling
when night falls. It is calling for the dog to return to the


Choose your friends wisely


A crow was eating a piece of meat on a branch of a

tree. Under the tree was a fox watching the crow closely.
The fox wanted the meat very much. It began to think of a
way to get the meat.

The fox called to the crow and said,”you are brave and
strong but it’s apity you can’t sing.” “I’m sure all the animals
will respect you more if you can just sing them
asong,”continued the fox. The crow thought for a while.

“Who said I cannot sing?” he asked the fox. He

wanted to show the fox that he could sing. When he open his
mouth, the meat fell to the ground. The fox quickly picked
up the meat and went away.

The crow was very sad and ashamed of himself. He

had been tricked of his food by the fox.


Don’t be tricked by the sweet words of others


One day, a hungry fox was looking for food when it saw a
rabbit. At once it ran after the rabbit. The rabbit ran into a
small hole. The fox tried to follow the rabbit but the hole
was too small for him.

The fox tried again and again to squeeze himself into

the hole. Finally, he succeeded in getting into the hole. In
the hole, the fox saw the frightened rabbit. He caught the
rabbit and ate it.

After eating the rabbit, his stomach was very full. Then
he decided to go home. The fox tried very hard to squeeze
himself out of the small hole. However, he could not get out
because his stomach had grown bigger.

The fox had to stay in the hole untill he was hungry

again. When he got out after three days, he was very tired
and thin.


Don’t be greedy and act stupidly


In a jungle,lived a nasty crow. The crow was very sad

because it could not sing as well as the other birds. One day,
the crow met a magpie. The magpie was singing a sweet song.

The crow asked the magpie to teach him to sing. At

first the magpie refused because he did not like the crow.
The next day, the crow asked the magpie again and this time
he agreed. The magpie had thought of a plan to kill the crow.

“If you want to sing as sweetly as I do, you must do

what I say. You must not eat anything except drink only dew
drops for seven days,” said the magpie to the crow.

The crow followed exactly what the magpie said. Day

after day, he drank only the dew drops. Finally, the crow
became so thin and weak that he died from hunger on the
seventh day.


Don’t try to do the impossible.


An Arab traveller was crossing the desert with his

camel. Soon it was dark. He put up a tent for the night. Then
he tied his camel to a stick outside the tent.

In the middle of the night the camel felt cold. It

asked its master for permission to put its nose inside the
tent. Not long afterwards, it wanted to put its head in the
tent. The Arab agreed.

A few hours later, the camel was shivering. It asked

to be allowed to put half of its body inside the tent. The
camel was still shivering. Suddenly, it pushed its whole body
into the small tent.

The Arab was pushed out of the tent. No matter how

hard he tried, he could not drive the camel out of the tent.


Beware of a person who always asks for favours.


An ant fell into a stream. It tried very hard to get out of

the water.

A dove was on a tree by the side of the stream. It saw

the ant struggling in the water.

“I must save the ant,”said the dove. The dove then dropped
a leaf in to the stream. The ant crawled onto the leaf. The
dove saved the ant.

One day, a man was hunting near the stream. He saw

the dove on a tree. He lifted his gun to shoot it.

The ant sw the hunter, “I must save the dove,” said

the ant. It crawled onto the man’s left leg and bit it.

“Ouch,” yelled the man in pain. The dove heard the

noise and flew away. The ant saved the dove.

A thirsty crow was flying about. It was looking for

water. All the ponds, well and rivers were dry.

After some time, it saw a pitcher. It quickly flew

down. There was some water in the pitcher.

The crow tried to drink the water. It could not reach

the water.

Suddenly the crow had an idea. The crow picked a

pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.

The water rose a little. It dropped more pebbles into

the pitcher. Slowly, the water rose to the top.

At last, the crow was able to drink the water.


Rahim, Abu dan Kamal are good friends. They are at the
beach. Abu likes to find for shells. Rahim likes to catch
small crabs.

Kamal sees a big bird. It is on the rocks. He walks

towards the rocks. He climbs on the rocks. Kamal likes the
big bird. He want to catch it.

The big bird flies away. Kamal is angry. The tide comes
in. The water is around the rocks. Kamal is scared. He sees
Rahim and Abu. Kamal Shouts to them. “Help! Help! help me.”
Rahim sees Kamal on the rocks. He calls to Abu.

Rahim sees a rope. He picks it up. Abu sees a raft. Abu

points to the raft. Rahim and Abu run to the raft. Abu ties
the rope to the raft. Rahim ties a stone to the rope.

Rahim throws the stone to Kamal. Kamal catches the

stone. He pulls the rope. The raft comes close to the rocks.
Kamal jumps onto the raft. He throws the stone to Rahim
and Abu.

Rahim and Abu pull the rope. They pull the raft to the
beach.Kamal jumps off the raft. He is safe. They are happy.

Murad lived in Kampung Pasir Putih. He was an active

boy. He enjoyed playing with his friends.

One day, he and his friends were playing near Pak

Abu’s house. There was a big jar in front of the house.
The jar was full of water.

Murad wanted to show to his friends how brave he

was. He climbed up the the jar. He slipped and fell into
the jar.

“Help! Help! Help!” he shouted.

Murad ‘s friends were frightened and did not know

what to do. Just then, Musa came along. Murad’s friends
told him what had happened.

Musa quickly picked up a big stone and threw it at the

jar. The jar broke and the water flowed out. Murad was
saved. He thanked Musa for helping him. Murad had
learned a lesson.

Swans live in the water. They are beautiful. They are

big, white and they have long necks. Ducks live in the water
too. This story is about a baby duck.

This ducks has some eggs. She is sitting on them. She

sits and she sits and she sits, and one day........
the eggs breaks!

One....two.....three....four......and five baby ducks come out!

Look, four baby ducks are pretty. They are little and
soft and yellow. But one baby duck is ugly and grey.

“It’s sunny and warm little duck. Come play and swim .” Said
their mother.

No. I don’t want to play and swim. I want to hide. I’m ugly
little grey duck.

The next season, the weather is cold and windy. “Let’s fly
away little duck, said the mother little duck.
No. I don’t want to fly away. I want to hide. I’m ugly little
grey duck.

Now, the little grey duck is alone. The weather is cold.

It is wet and windy. The little grey duck is cold and hungry.

One day, the weather is warm and sunny again. The

ducks fly home. They are not baby ducks now. And some
swans come to the water too.

Hello, It’s sunny and warm again. Come play and swim .” Said
the swan to the little grey duck.

No, I don’t want to play and swim. I want to hide. I’m ugly
little grey duck.

No,you are not little duck. And you are not ugly. Look in the
water, my friend.

I see a swan! Look! I’m a swan. Now, I’m not an ugly little
grey duck. I’m a beautiful white swan.

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