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Limba engleză, Clasa a V-a, INTENSIV

Numele şi prenumele elevului......................................

Data susţinerii testului..................................................

● Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor exerciţiilor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă
10 puncte.
● Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 minute.

I. Choose the correct item: 2px5 = 10p

1. We use a frying ________ to fry eggs.

a. pan b. dish c. plate
2. We eat soup with a ________
a. knife b. spoon c. fork
3. Pizza is my favourite ________
a. breakfast b. plate c. dish
4. I always have a small cup of ________ coffee for breakfast.
a. roast b. fried c. strong
5. Jane only has a ________ meal before she goes to bed.
a. polite b. light c. sweet

II. Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use each word only once 2px10= 20p


1. Can I have a _______ of bananas, please?

2. I want a _____ of cereals.
3. Do you like a ______ of lemon in your coke?
4. Can I have a ______ of cake, please?
5. Please give me that _____ of milk.
6. Can I have a _____ of Coke, please?
7. Can you get me a ______ of apple juice, please?
8. Can you open that ______ of mineral water, please?
9. Can I have a ______ of coffee, please?
10. I want a ____ of chocolate.

III. Read the text below:

Watermelon is a delicious fruit. It is called watermelon because it is mostly water. In fact it is 92%
It’s usually round and green on the outside. When you cut open a watermelon it’s red or yellow
inside. Sometimes there are black seeds inside and sometimes the watermelon is seedless.
Watermelons are grown all over the world. The biggest producer of this fruit is China. More
watermelons are grown in China than anywhere else in the world. Many people like to eat
watermelon, especially on a hot summer day!

A. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE: 3px5=15p

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 1

1. The outside of a watermelon is red. __________
2. When a watermelon has seeds they are usually black. __________
3. Some watermelons have no seeds. __________
4. Most people don't like to eat watermelon. __________
5. Watermelon is a fruit that is mostly water. __________

B. Fill in the Blanks with information from the text. Use only one word. 3px5=15p

1. Watermelons are 92% _________________.

2. Watermelon is a ________________ that grows in most countries.
3. The ____________ of a watermelon can be red or yellow.
4. More watermelons are ________ in China than in any other country.
5. People usually eat watermelons in __________.

IV. Write the plural forms of the words below:1px10=10p

1. potato - __________
2. knife - __________
3. strawberry - __________
4. bread - __________
5. milk - __________
6. cherry - __________
7. tomato - __________
8. sugar - __________
9. loaf - __________
10. egg - __________

V. Your birthday party is tomorrow. Write a note to your parents about the types of food and
drinks you want to have for your party. Mention at least 5 types of food and 3 types of drinks.
(30-35 words). 20p

Limba engleză, Clasa a V-a intensiv

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 2

I. Choose the correct item: 2px5 = 10p
1. a.
2. b.
3. c
4. c
5. b
II. Fill in the blanks with the following words: 2px10= 20p
1. Kilo
2. Bowl
3. Slice
4. Piece
5. Carton
6. Can
7. Glass
8. Bottle
9. Cup
10. Bar

III. Read the text below:

A. Mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE: 3px5=15p

B. Fill in the Blanks with information from the text: 3px5=15p

1. water
2. fruit
3. inside
4. grown
5. summer

IV. Write the plural forms of the words below: 1px10=10p

1. potatoes 6. cherries
2. knives 7. tomatoes
3. strawberries 8. sugar
4. bread 9. loaves
5. milk 10. eggs

V. Your birthday party is tomorrow, write a note to your parents about the types of food and drinks
you want to have for your party. Mention at least 5 types of food and 3 types of drinks. (30-35
words). 20p
1. task achievement - 5p
2. range of vocabulary – 5p
3. range of grammatical structures – 5p
4. effect on the reader – 5p

Clasa a V-a, intensiv 3

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