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Acute Wheeze Flow-Chart: For children 2-16 years

Start by assessing severity and treat accordingly

Mild Moderate Severe Life threatening
• SaO2 >94% air • SaO2 ≥ 92% air • SaO2 <92% in air • SaO2 <92% in O2
• Mild recession • Can talk in short • <5yrs: RR >40, HR • Pallor/ cyanosis
• Mild to moderate sentences >140 • Poor respiratory
wheeze • Moderate recession • ≥5yrs: RR>30, HR >125 effort
and wheeze • Unable to talk/feed • Agitated
• Marked recession • Reduced GCS
• Silent chest

Blp Paed Reg

Give Oxygen if needed to keep saturations >93%. High flow oxygen

Salbutamol via spacer Salbutamol via spacer Burst therapy of Back to back nebulised
Reassess after 20 Reassess after 20 minutes Salbutamol and salbutamol and
minutes and repeat if and repeat if needed up ipratropium via spacer ipratropium
needed up to 3 doses to 3 doses (nebuliser if not tolerating • Obtain IV access
spacer or sats <92%) every • U&E and blood gas
Consider oral If response to 1st Salb: 20minutes • IV hydrocortisone
prednisolone if: a) Good consider re- • IV magnesium bolus
Needs >1 dose categorising to mild Oral prednisolone, (or IV
salbutamol and/or: b) Poor Inform Paed Reg hydrocortisone if vomiting) REASSESS and if poor
• Known asthmatic but continue to manage. response:
• ≥5 years old Add ipratropium to REASSESS and if poor • Continue nebulisers
• < 5 years with multi- remaining salbutamol. response: • Give IV salbutamol
trigger wheeze • Repeat burst: bolus and then infusion
Oral prednisolone if: • IV magnesium bolus or if salbutamol toxicity,
• Known asthmatic • IV salbutamol bolus+/- give IV aminophylline
• ≥5 years old infusion • Call consultant +/-
• Consider if <5 yrs and anaethetist and CATS
multi-trigger wheeze

Assess response to treatment after 1 hour and 2 hours and re-categorise


Only discharge if stable Keep O2 SaO2 >93% Keep O2 SaO2 >93% Continue nebulisers
and requiring Salbutamol Continue salbutamol Continue salbutamol Give IV salbutamol +/-
every 3-4 hours every 1-3 hrs as needed every 30-60 minutes aminophylline if not
already done so.
Complete 3 days of Safe to discharge when Continue ipratropium
prednisolone if started. only requiring salbutamol every 20 minutes for first 2 Consider 2 dose IV
every 3-4 hours hours and then every 4 hours magnesium + antibiotics
Discharge with asthma plan.
Complete 3 days of Reassess frequently Call anaesthetist and
Advise review within 48 prednisolone if started. If no improvement and not CATS
hours by GP already done so give: Do CXR and gas
Give asthma plan. • IV magnesium If deteriorating consider
• IV salbutamol bolus +/- intubation and ventilation
Advise review within 48 infusion
hours by GP Admit HDU
Medication Doses for Acute Asthma
Bronchodilator therapy through MDI (Metered Dose Inhaler) with spacer should be first line as it is associated
with fewer side effects.

Burst therapy refers to 3-Sets of inhalers/nebs (back-to-back). *Atrovent is only given in sever and life
threatening asthma attacks!
Route of Dose Dose Comments
administration < 5 years ≥ 5 years
Each Set MDI and spacer 6 puffs Salbuatmol 10 puffs 1 puff = 100mcg
SaO2 ≥ 92% air 1 puffs Atrovent* 2 puffs Atrovent*
Nebuliser 2.5 mg Salbutamol 5mg
SaO2 <92% in air ---mg Atrovent* ---mg Atrovent*

Medication Route of Dose Dose Comments

administration < 5 years ≥ 5 years

Salbutamol MDI and spacer 6 puffs 10 puffs 1 puff = 100mcg

Nebuliser 2.5mg 5mg

Ipratropium Bromide MDI and spacer 20 mcg (I puff) 20 mcg (1 puff) x 6 20-40 mcg every 20
(Atrovent) ratio: 1:6 salb min for first 2 hrs
Nebuliser <2 years 125mcg 2-12 years 250 mcg
2-12 yrs 250mcg > 12 years 500 mcg

Prednisolone Oral 20mg 40mg Consider carefully if

<5 years (see
Hydrocortisone Intravenous 4mg/kg every 6 hours (max 100mg) Give if vomiting or
Or if weight unavailable use: life-threatening
< 2 years 25mg episode of wheeze
2-5 years 50mg
> 5 years 100mg

Magnesium Sulphate Intravenous 40mg/kg (max 2g) Give over 20 min

Bolus If overweight use “ideal weight” based on BP+ Cardiac monitor*
their height centile or chart in back of cBNF Can repeat within 1-2
hrs (further doses
need Mg Levels)

Salbutamol Intravenous bolus < 2 years 5mcg/kg Single bolus

Please use the Salbutamol ≥ 2 years 15mcg/kg (max 250mcg) Give over 3-5
sticker (kept in HDU on Ifor & If overweight use “ideal weight” based on minutes
ED) their height centile or chart in back of cBNF Cardiac monitor*
Intravenous 1-2 mcg/kg/min (If weight over 40kg, Monitor side effects
Infusion calculate rate on 40kg) including lactate and
If overweight use “ideal weight” based on K+.
their height centile or chart in back of cBNF Cardiac monitor*

Aminophylline Intravenous 5mg/kg (max 500mg) Give over 20-30 mins.

Please use the Aminophylline loading dose If overweight use “ideal weight” based on Cardiac monitor*.
sticker (kept in HDU on Ifor & their height centile or chart in back of cBNF Give antiemetics.
- Loading not needed if
ED) on oral Aminophylline.
Intravenous < 12 years 1mg/kg/hr Cardiac monitor*
infusion > 12 years 0.5-0.7 mg/kg/hr Give antiemetics
If overweight use “ideal weight” based on Levels 4-6 hrs
their height centile or chart in back of cBNF

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