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AHA ACLS Acute Coronary Syndrome Algorithm

Symptoms Indicate possible Ischemia or


EMS and Prehospital Care

 Monitor support ABC’s. Readiness for CPR and/or defibrillation
 Obtain 12-Lead ECG; (STEMI) ST elevation should be reported to the receiving facility
 Medications to give: Aspirin, Oxygen, SL Nitroglycerine and Morphine
 Hospital should prepare to respond to STEMI
Must be performed immediately
Must be performed in less than 10 minutes

Immediate ED Assessment & Treatment:

Provide nitroglycerine sublingual or spray
12 Lead ECG (if not done pre-hospital) Perform brief, targeted hx. & physical exam obtain
Obtain vital signs; O2 sat Review fibrinolytic checklist. Check
Oxygen if O2 sat < 94%; 4L then titrate contraindications
Provide Aspirin 160-325 mg Obtain cardiac marker levels, electrolyte, and
Provide nitroglycerine sublingual or spray coagulation tests.
Establish IV & give Morphine if needed Portable chest x-ray (<30 min.)

ST Elevation ST depression Normal ST

(STEMI) (NSTEMI) segment

• Start appropriate therapies: Heparin, Elevated Troponin or • Possible admission: monitor serial
NTG, β-blockers high-risk patient ECG and cardiac markers.
• Reperfusion Therapy STAT Signs for invasive therapy: • Consider non-invasive testing like
Continued chest discomfort treadmill or thallium stress test.
Continued ST deviation
Unstable hemodynamics
Symptoms ≤ 12 hrs Heart Failure
NO Ventricular Tachycardia
Develops 1 or more:
• ECG changes (ST elevation/depression)
• Troponin Elevated
YES • Worsening chest discomfort or
Adjunctive Therapies arrhythmias
Nitroglycerine (IV/PO)
Heparin (IM/IV)
Possibly: β-blockers NO
Possibly: Clopidogrel
Possibly: Glycoprotein Iib/IIIa inhibitor

 Goal for stent placement or balloon • Admit to monitored bed • Abnormal results from non-
inflation should be within 90 • Continue ASA, heparin, and other invasive diagnostic tests
minutes indicated therapies. mentioned above
• ACE Inhibitors/ARB • Abnormal results from ECG or
 Goal for fibrinolysis should be 30 • Statin Therapy YES troponin
minutes • Expert consultation to assess
cardiac risk factors

Discharge and schedule


© 2016 Jeffery Media Productions

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