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e AREA 'Ac.E 7

A 0
PM.E 11



eOXYGEN #. "'~E 17


• ... ·
~ ~l

Hitachi H,.t
XX I B 0 M B ERe 0 M MAN D

4 May 1945
One Strike Gets Two Factories :3
30 More Airfield Missions 5
B-29s Assist in Okinawa Fight 5
Tokyo Arsenal Area 7
Numbered Targets in Tokyo Arsenal Area 8
Photo Coverage. 15-28 April 1945 10
The JAF and the 21ST BO.!CO!I
- 11

Japanese 10 Centimeter Gun Captured 15
Increase in Barrage Balloons Reported 16
Another Instance of Flak Damage by Fire
from a Surface Vessel 16
Oxygen _ Critical Flight Levels 17
Higher Mathe~atics 20
Air News from Honshu 20
m plo~~(; A.·~ter 11 r.:r~:7-~': l'·~il"""-: .),.t.
E STRIKE GETS 313T't "1""J
I ••

nl departure fro!!! the at-
""enty nine air~raft
"ine ~ofJped 541 X 535-poul'ld IJPs on
t~e ~lt~Chi plant. ~ight drooped
fro., this

L06 X 5v5-pound ","s on the Tac:liY.a_

The a
lr.s on
Yal'rfields since the last
. ':fa .:"ircr~ft ";omp=;ny ar.d one dropned
id on To~'o ~as a three-wlng 17 X 535-pound ~r5 on !~e~shiden
~/aagainst the '[i tachi Aircraft Visually fro~ 13,OOC fe,t to 15,oeO
.~ Tar"et 2009, on 24 April. f ~t throu£o 6/1" cloue and hllze.
P~ng' the °second bird l1i~h the
:>e bombs, the B-29s a15 a hl t the Visible bursts i~ the strike
by Tachikawa Aircraft Company, .jhotos of t1e flrinsry t~Bet indi-
get 792. cate the main pattern as covering
tnoq north~as t and s,)'1t':u1est por-
one hundred thirty one aircraft t:. .,.3 of the target erea. Snoke
e airborne at 0300 hours for the prohibits the plotting of o-hs in
sion, 122 of which were effec- the target. There are nu::erOU5
ve sorties. Clains against the hi ts in the large !!:a:'n engine asse~­
my aircraft were 17 destroyed, bly, building in the s outh',1es t cor-
probably destroyed and 25 dam- n:r of the phnt. There are 15 hits
d. "ive 1l-29s were lost (see on ~jor buildings of the TachiY~~a
ecial ,eports Section for Jap ac- Aircr~ft Company, two hits on han-
t of B-29s shot down). gars and several adqitional bursts
in the service ap~on area.
73RD '!lING
Three eneny aircraft ~ere ce-
Thirty four aircraft dropped 626 stroved four prob~bly destroyed
5-pound GPs on the Hitachi and hv~ da "aged. One '3-89 of this
t,eight dropped 134 X 535-pound vling was hit by flak over the,tar-
on Shizuoka and one dropped 12 get and crashed. One crashee sed
5-pound liPS on "hl,;:l>ou Visually burned at lwo.
10,500 to 11,500 feet through
a cloud and haze. 314 Tn ':TING

Good to excellent results were Thirt eight aircraft dropped

orted, With two concentrations 729 X 53~ pound GPs on the prim:ry
bursts centered on the primary. - dr ned 44 X 'i~5-
t!lrget. Three oP., wa Airerart
lie obscured most of the target pound G?S on the Tac~i~~ X 535-poti,d
the strike photos, but severe P13nt and one dropper eld' visually
ge was reported in the large GPS on Ya tSU"'t'a l~i~~ feet t.'lrough
engine assembly building and from 12.000 0 , There \fere
direct hits 'llere s:"n <:>n b',ild- 6/10 cloud a~d haze.' b17
"h large :nain ass em
~n the s outhvles t par tion of hits on "fa th "itachi plant and a
Pant. dther hits were made building 0 ,e" bursts in the
the edge of a small uniden- concentration of f the plant.
ed factory near the' Shizuoka northwest section 0 •
aft Engine Plant. ir raft were de-
?lve en<l1l\Y a jy destro/ed ana
line en
dest emy fighters were claimed strayed. 10 proba~-29 was lost to
~ ro~ed, nine probably de- 13 damaged. One e t and four pII1'a-
hit ~v~~:..n..~a~ged. One B-29 flak over the tsrg 0 en. one air-
~ ~~"Q sae'n....MJlO!-!!E::.:.~ __ ~ _
~eMrally meager end inaccurate.
OMORE Thh we! the Ul'st or the air_
field miSSions to be Covered by
flghter escort. Crews b<X!lblng "'0.
t lS11ue of this publ1-
kubu reported Seeing 20 to 25 or
the 95 airborne P~5ls. No B_2g,
were lost but there were 21 early
tM ~red thI'OUgh Bomber Com- return!.
elt1C11l C~e J!U5!on No. 81. In the
..,eIstr that was 1fI'lttenthe 27 tprll, 108 throuAA 113, !be
,..k !if;eestrike attacks ma(1e has six-m ss onson tlitrdm' were
_btl' ~o 113. All of these 11115- against airrh1ds at ItUlD1. l1ya.
zald, Kokubu, JUyakonoJo, Y.anoya,
Jtllped except No. 96 on 24 April,
:;;~~a1nst airfieldS on Kytlshu. and Kush1ra. All three wings par.
t1cipeted. One hundred ten or 12:3
21 ~~l1sSiOnS 62 through 90: airborne banbed the assigned pr1m_
rarii~ were-ol G , ~noya, RanoyeE, ary targets visually rra:l 11,000 to
en r.okUbU. l'llshira, Tach1ara1 and 16,500 feet through O/lQ to 2/10
l~ AuC1eld'. The three wings cloud With excellent to unobserved
n;:pu ed 195 aircraft which dropped results reported. Enemy air oppo.
811 tollS or GP and 157 tons of l'rag sitlon was generally moderate to
b(IIN thl'cugh CAW to hazy weather, weak, flak heavy and medium, meager
t'rlll12,OOO to 19,000 feet. Thirty to mo!lerate, mostly inaccurate.
l\1oe tollS were dropped on other One aircraft of the 73rd \'Ilna went
tll'lets. One hundred seventy enemy down. near Agrihan. 'n1e cr8'll' bailed
Iire"art were Sighted and 100 ot out and all but one were rescued.
tbt:l i:lde unaggressive attack3. One aircrart or the 314th 'I1ill& was
nat ns hellVY, meager, inaccurate lost to enemy action after being
co murata, continuously pointed hit by air-to_a1r phosphorus bOlll.b
IIlIl barraga types. One ene1llY air after 1eavlng the target. Four
:rt las destroyed, three probably crew m(lllbers were seen to parachute
JtI':i'os~.arli 17 daoaged. No B-29s end it Is belin"ed they It'ey have
been nicked up by a sub. (Secret)

Targeta 2009
c:"aft Plant northeast
(The Httach! Air...
ot Tokyo) and
l!2 Am.!. 91
Itts- "ri'"1ha-r,
tlal.t.aka arxl
through 95: Tar-
KUshlra. ll1'yazak1,
Kanoya Airfields.
Ibet7 three aircraft ctropped 426
Target 792 ('l'aehlkawa Alrcraft Com...
pany) are shown un~er attack by the
. , of GP on the primary targets.
.. ib'oPPed 4.5 tons on ShiraiZu
CltJ, !Iombill& was from 14,000 to
XU Bomber COlllllland on 24 Aprll. The followirll; article was
C'::ontldent1al) 11,~ teet and weather CAW. Sev- prepared by Navy Liaison, XXI
tlt7 ~icht attacks were made by en- Bomber Command.
tIJ ficht81'S, or which three prob_
Ibl1lare destroyed and five dam- The B-29 strikes aga1.l1.9'1; the
'Pd. I'lak 'lras generally heavy, airfields on Kyushu were cade at
::alar to lIIOderate and inaccurate the request or the U.S. Navy and in
S13~~ate. One aircraft from the direct tactical support of the op-
Ith ing,returning early, crashed erations at Ok1nawa. This makes
erl!l'1; dItched. OQe base, injuring 11 crewmen. Naval operations there of direct
rIsk W'U heavy, interest to the XXI Bomber commend.
Against the three wIn!' thna ltt¥jttll.!l. throwr:h 107: Tar_
.ere 249 attacks b)'" en$llly alreratt
tans. and secure te .- tftll
ho Dliss 1188. cOlIIINl 4. ~
lalla ~reusa, ~ta:-s-am, Toml_ Naval aviation has had two lllain
SZOOWld, scattered .trO:~1IlI" Itkl.' ~~bari.
I t'wo b.taDees ot 811"-to-a1r Nittagahara, I.llya_ functions in the invaslon or the
llpoQ . exploalon, .C~,. e1t~ Unit1ds , Kokubu and ~!lyakonojo
I 01a
If.e reported, both urwuceellstu1. Ryuk;yuS. It has operated in direct
i One I1"Tln« dropped -rope-BIte- _et.. !tttt a1t-b on ~j()uShu. Of 255 a1r_ wpport or the troOps cturing the
rectanaulu obJ ectl "';-~. 195 ~4 orne by the three Wlngs,
rapClrt. A nUlllber Y6 lII""::
al strips two teet 10Jt& and three actual laoding and. in the r1&ht1 ng

IncheJ _Ide. One .n.~

rr 77 4'218!!
"sa obaerved strat1ng B-29 pazos..
on the ~ound which. ap • ..
8C aircraft.
IlIOVed In· an arc Un'
(Secret) •
t~P!:lg 1P~i;ary targets by radar,
"~"iOOo't o. tona of GP baDbs
~.lO e f),Jd, 0 ..... ,000 feet thr~h
hsl\101l ~ No enellly aircraft op_
enC~ntel'ed. Flak was
tion has been to gain control or
the a1r and thUi protect the sr-
that haS followeCl. Its second tune-

and surtace units t'rCil the attaclal

• S ot Jap plan" .._

, ~!~ll'~;·;"/.~;""
~ ..
:~(;f he turne6 over to ShinS h ..../e
Durlne; 'the S,.fre 'e6 ' ••,'1 "lr
25 A!'rn \1~er~Cld fr~el~i!t
T'rQ tlA VY. G::\ OUP~ 2, ?4? planes estroj'e(l t·,~
ticn. Of thes~n the O"'"~":;:
The forces available for this Task :"orce 58 621,:no'!t~
..... ork consist rr.alnly of t,ro groups. b;r CITE planes 5 \'I'!I'@ -"'"~
Task Force 58 and the CITEs. The Force 51, and thand ~'~
BritiSh, navy e b&~ lit,
former 1s composed of the ~ssex
the Army Air ~~o search pl.•.~ ~4b,;:d;';;;it¥i"C&A
..«tf&~~".-,;;.,.p~.-..: -...._~~

class CVs, the lighter eVLs I and rces, """II,
their screening battleships, cruis-
ers fond destroyers. .\11 of these Despite this th
ships are modern and fest, thus f~.icte~ conSi~e~abie 1!1;;s~
forming a hard-hitting, highly mo_ a1 units part1cipat~ da.".att~
bile unit. The eVEs and their s ton. During the ~ 10 t:.t, ~

screen of older ships form Task the operation we h1rst til ,&~

Force 51. which 1s slower but still Sh1ps1Ia4~'

stroyers and sl'l8ller ave
paclG a lot of power 1n the planes over 10 other Ships d ~
it ean launch. In addition, of extent by enemy !lct10~:'.8.£~tl
aged but not sunk. "nCl'<.lt!'
!tl:lll pages for names) are cluster"a in
course I are the search planes I both '!
C s, one c1n" one C1lE and 10 ' he XXI Boober co:nmand strike tl-e very center of the area, 205
land end sea types, Which are need- ships. Almost all or lbll of 1~p14 April against the and 206 actually touching each othe~
ed to provide constant patrol of cause~ by enemy aircraft lll!1. 'tokyo Arsenal area was the 1.evetments on some of the eT.ploSives
the area. ci~e attacks predomine.t1~. second of the three big raids buildings are so high t~o.t they
agaInst Toliyo City proper, and is reach above the or1gi:1al roc1'-l1M.
In past operations the eVE groups ¥YUSHU STAGIIlG A.~!.I. Ulltat1 Yel Y esti.-ated to have de- 110 regular pattern is follo'1l'ed 1n
have furnished most of the direct 5tt()jfld 10.'7 sc,uare ClUes of t.he the placement of these arsenal tar.
air 3UpjlOrt for the troops and the ~or'!1 cit.y. completed damage
KyuShu was the major It' assess:aen
gets, bUt in general they are grouped
comb~t air patrol~hich kept enemy t reportS have been hele. more or less concentrically around
area for these attackS and ;1~ liP pend1J'\g Tenet 205, the grest It.abash1 Ars·
plams away. The fast carriers continued to show large Il':II t~-phY, butgoodonreconnaissance the basis of
were largely free to l!I8ke diver- planes on many of the a1ttttl nasb re?orts,here are the results~ enal.
sion~ry strikes against the main Since Task Force 58 was rn The district is, or was,-ell
staging areas {'rom 'Ilhich the enemy stay in the i:nmediate rte~i 1M arsenal area is an ov81- criSs_crossed with rtre alle:;s and
air oppositi~n was expected to come Okinawa to help provide etlblt 52;el!, congested res idential and
I lD8in arteriesi although SO:!le of the
(witness the raids against Tokyo patrol, the Navy called oat' IntJstrtal district in the north- almost solid y bUilt-UP areas be·
during the Iwo operation). The Bomber Command for tactled .,est uction of Tokyo. It is bound- tween such fire breails are as large
success of these diversionary raids tance in the form of su1U1 ed OIl the north 'by the Sumida River as 3/4 mile on each side. Parks
did a great deal to reduce the the stagt"ng airfieldS. aM extends as far south as th~ and sane open drill grC'J.nd5 and.
eneny air opposition at the target
during and after the invasion. On 17 Apr 11 the x.XI 11_
~ct1on of the Chuo ~ailroad Line
;~~ in froe the \1est and the
similar spaces occur, Darticularly
toward the west. but by aM large,
the groun~ area waS cocpactly cov-
cand coc.-;lenced a seriell 'lZJ.eo ~ lallroad which, co:ning from
onUAWA TClUGH SmATION on the major y,yushU atr.'1 e:ea.~rth, practically bisects the ered. FINE INCEllDIARY TARGET
26 Apr.1l five attacks ht'a;
~e situation was different in in which approximatelY 000 ~
the case of Okinawa because of the dro1)pe~ upwardS of 4, HEA1flLY POPULATED Rarely haS such an opportunity
extremely large number of planes fragmentetion and ge~U for attack on industrieS dtrectl:1
that the enemy was able to throw banbs. 'nit 194.0 density of population contributing to the war-mak1ng pe-r-
against our invadin8 forces. The filure!l range frOlll 30,000 to 80,000 er of the enemY presented iueU.ble
Japs have also had more staging The number of eDllIll1~P""'. ~ square eile, pretty thick b}' And rarely doeS the inf'lam:na and
bases available for use. They have
made increasing use of various types
ually ~estroyed or d"
extent to which the air.~::..df,:
fll _tern standards. exPlosive nature of the indU5trles
within the target area reach sUCb •
of suicide planes. These factors 1ties were put out or OF-• • W1t~e character of the structures
for~ed Task ~orce 58 to stick close
to Okinawa and to expend a large
not known. In any ~.n'.
enemy air raids OD th' d-I
"',' ~ln the area varies f'r0lll crowded.
1\1 Ct:1Mntly '1I'ooden houses, to in..
gxploal ons during the 1:3-14 April
part of its efforts in maintaining gaged in the Okinawa o~ .. -..W,t1otlal buildings and of course 11115siOO were salci to ban b8f1D
I l1111es anY. 'nle completed
a :ombat air patrol around the im_ abruptly. Since 17 Aprl!.'.- 1ta arsenals which give the place seeD 100
mediate area. of the first B..29 att.o.~ damage assessment report will tell
the story. At pr•••nt·aU_~-AcaD
,-ensDa:!le. Severel of these are
tilt s~' as the photo on the next
"" .
been only one raid of aD1' .-
,eal1zing the importance of hold. haps the cocbinat1OD or do is liSt the taratU clUS 8J"'l'" 1D
ing Okinawa, the Japs have shown an plane attrition at th~_~· the area and Indicate tbl1 1M'
unusual aggressiveness in the use
ir planes. This is shown by
the disruption of th8 '~I _~e ~hree largest ones. Target surrerec! auaae•
by the B_29 at tae kS to&' .... , and e06, (see followlM
,be)' thnt wo have ~e • more than the Nips cOU lll
e dama~e that our
• L
~ll1tary Cunpowder
Army Branch po~der ractory
11111tary ',','orks. Taklnaga wa Arcy Arsenal
• e09
Inawashlro Transformln~ 1tation
Asahi Electro Cho~ical Company
r,lnugawa Steam Power Station
~ Arlllory Da!:la~ed
powder ?actory. Itabashi
Ordnance Storp.hf'luse
?olfder "agazine
Tnbata-Nipporl ~allroad Yards Dar;.e.ged
Government Steam Po~er Statlon Damased
Arcy Engineering School De..':laged
lIaval Gunpowder "'orks
!oho Steel -='oundry Co:npany
Nlppon ?iston ~lng Company (r8~8guchi)

Physico-Che:::lical Industries. (Research) DlIoOaged

Oji Paper Company Damaged

Probable Powder Plant. "ir iog range - Cavalry grounds adjacent to the !::ast. D~.aged

lInldentified. la.!'(;e inst9.ll~tion. Probable light

Illetals plBnt. lrawaguchi)
~~el7. unidentified plant, prob3blv Oji ~3ctory of Chuo
r.oY-yo, Y..r.., 1'l8nufacturing ordnance fo:, tM ar~ and

ltabashi Ar~ .\rsenal ~nd Vil
navy. ":nong a 8roup of ::llants directly connected dt!'!.
~~enals. having secret ~ode syobols assigned the~.
er Such priVate firms ! not loc:!ted in thB a.-ea.
Probable po·r.der storage or arsenal.
,.". .'
entral Clnfol..f __ '~ldentiried industry.
203 I n_~ - _
Diesel J idoSha Co. autos/parts ell/dnes; Ale parts.
"cnishi Ph 0 t 0 "' orks. reported converte~ to f"uZlS,
ne &un Sight Circles, se!lsit1zed alu'=1inun sh~ts
~~i~Uku 1!l Station ~ YordS~ler nst outlet. oae
ree ~ost ljportant in TokyO.
7/0ro (OVERAGE
15 April thl'ouah 28 '\!lrll 1"'~5
I;lSS! 01 AH.ZA.
.. "" .... , .... ~ ... kyo
6" ,24" ,40"
ol'14~ 14 Apr TOKYO
6" ,1:::4" ,40"
S!!144 15 Apr TO~'o-Jrumano_
~:arnama tsu 6" ,24" ,40"
l:"'AC: I,. .'--- 1
IAbortive AIR "'ORCE
_..... - Apr l,;snce.Lea

In the latter
Apr Japanese Raval AJa;t or 1944 tt;e
>;II- J.." ( I .Lt>
Kyusnu ~as't 6: ~OUr.lllo ."'"* ,.. . " considered the supe i orce (usually
fUrume-8hlmonosekl went a major chang/ i or arc) under_
A series or Area Air organization.
ganized to consol1dat roups If8S or.
of battered naval ail' e the remnants
TOkyO_!lito 6" ,24" ,40" 1 F.~.... ments recovered at ~nits. Doeu_
close that th wo Ji12 dts.
psaka-Kyoto_Izu 6" ,24" ,40" !ppe1ar generalI;r ~~~~n~~i~;jiest
Tokyo-Osaka 6" ,24" ,40"
oce. defense • seareh all"
_ patrol. 0

r.yushu South
6",24" ,'tv" ,
--- Events at Okinawa indicate
th~/apanese have com:nitted pra~~t
ca 'I all their ca!lbBt naval ~
~nits. plus a few arlllY units, lI:C:t.
TokuY8ma-~shu s. 6" ,24" ,40" I ~ ........- y medium beabers. to the "defense"
of Okinawa.
Since the prioary cdssion of the
6" ,24" ,40" , - ~ XXI Bomber coa:nand is strategic
bombing of Japan and since the Jap-
anese have c~itted their cccbat
Y.\.ikushlma_ t ll to-
Toyama Takayams_
6" ,24".40" I 'oed neval air force to the defense of
Okinawa, it appears th!lt the !'lip..
l111geta Nl1hama ponese ArIllY fighter force is the
major defense unit .which will at-
Y.yushu E. &: S._ /6 ,24 ,40
11 11 11 I 'oed tempt interception of B-29s f'!'ca
the ~:ar lanas. 'M'lree facts substan-
Xurume Yatsushtro-
Shlmonosekl tiate this statement:
NagoY8_J(.yoto rail'*" (l) The naval air InstallatloM

6" ,24" .40"
6".24" ,40·
.... are for the IDost part located 1ll
Kyushu and the south and west eod
of Honshu, In the prOX1ll1 t1 or tbII
TOkyO-~lto_Nagoya Abortive 110 Nanse! Shoto. cur naTY reports
heavy enea1 losses or Jap naftla1J'-
J(yushu. 10/10 cloud' 110 cratt staged frCIII these ar...•
Kyushu Abortive (2) Fighters . t by t!l.. 11111_
of the XXI Bomber C~ bI" bHD
Kyushu E. & S._ .ost17 er'f/I1 tt&bter t7P'!. IftD
6",24",40· durIng ..d1ua alUt;Qdt .1111011I.
Kure llH.1ama

. ,'... .",.
• ,.1.
: .
, < Tht lattAr f'UrtbIJ" .IUbStan'iat-

'-~ .. ~
Jan claims of beating up the f"br about all hou
;8-29S' I'1hic~ at tacked the Hitachi day in raids r frOi'l 0820
and Tachikawa aircraft plants on 24 stallations. on O\lr 1l1~
Anril (see page 3) were, as usual,
grossly exaggerated. '~e .lost five
B-29s on that day. Here 1S the ac- "OUr air defense
count given by the Jap Home Service cOllbining air and laUni s, l
]adio, Tokyo, the. following day. intercepted these p~d 'lli.;
1100 the air force anes ,;
"The war results achieved in the the war results or ~:!.It
battle of interception against the and 20 damaged. so,:\
B-29s which attacked the Tachikawa
area yesterday morning were revealed "However. later contir
as 46 planes either shot down or vealed that, adding the re~;
damaged. cO!J\pl1shed by anti-aircraft
, added seven more planes.~.
"The main force of approximately suIts of yesterday's battl!~
120 Variana-based B-29s attacked terception as a result a:.'
the Tachikawa area, and also the 13 shot down e,"~" dal:Ar.:,
Shizuoka and Hnki areas Viere at- total of 46 shot down or 1.-
tacked with a portion of the force (Restricted) '-


The following items summarize (4) l.litsubishi tells autt~
recent Japanese pronouncements on abundant lumber supplY IS ~
the air situation. These items do should resort to wooden P
not necessarilly reflect the views come necessary.
or opinions of the editors Of the
Air Intelligence Repol t.

(1) Steady supply of ".I:rcr~l't to

Okinawa must be maintained 7'lOU h
"ar workers produce ":ac.' • 11' •• t~-i~l
under incredible c~ndition~'ca~sed
by enemy raids,theY'must never fal
ter before enemy aSsaults.
(2) Jap I~perial Headquart

announced total of 111 B_2~;s has

shot dawn and more than 150 ~~re
big bombers damaged in last t 0 er
~ecutive night raids on .ro..... 100 con•
•.., 0 area
(3) Director of Aircraft •
qlade statement to Jap ""t~dnance
Dis return from Okinl!'ra t on upon
his inspection of Jap' 8irC~;~g or
ories hit by American bombe fact.
~.~_ ,,~. pe~!,le to su >'ply mo,.~~~~1::.

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