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«The end of a history», «collision of civilizations» and the valid prospects of

The American political scientist Fransis Fukuyama in 1989 has written article «the history
End?», and in 1992 — the book «The End of history and last person». Other American political
scientist Samuel Huntington (1927-2008) has objected F.Fukuyama in article «Collision of
civilizations?» (1993) and in the book «Collision of civilizations and transformation of a world
order» (1996). After that terms «the history end» and «collision of civilizations» were included
into a world political lexicon though the named works of both authors the majority of those who
thinks in the tideway of both strategy, didn't read.

If to address to these publications it will be found out that between both strategy there are no
essential disagreements, but each of authors focused the attention and attention of readers on two
different aspects of the same global historical process. And if to address to the real policy it will
be found out that both terms became slogans which affect mentality of politicians of the different
countries of the world and integrate their activity in defined egregorial algorithtms which
simultaneously works and on achievement of "the history end» (in sense of a celebration of
principles of the western liberalism), and on collision of civilizations which can result in quite
real end of history of a present global civilization. A question only in what of tendencies will

1) Whether «the history end» in sense of a global celebration of western bourgeois liberalism
will take place,

2) or stupid persistence of the West in this direction will lead to collision of civilizations with
prospect of the real end of history of a present global civilization,

3) or a certain third tendency will extinguish both named above.

However both author haven't seen the third possibility and to consider it didn't become.

From the point of view of both authors the higher form of the organization of a human society
can be realized only on the basis of liberalism ideals. So Huntington quotes Fukuyama:

«Probably, we become witnesses, — confirmed Fukuyama, — the history end as that: it means a
final point of ideological evolution of mankind and a universalization of the western liberal
democracy as final form of human board. Certainly, here and there in the third world conflicts,
but the global conflict behind, and not only in Europe can take place. In the non-European world
there were huge changes, first of all in China and Soviet Union. War of ideas has come to an
end. Advocates of Marxism-Leninism can meet still in places of type of Managua, Pyongyang
and Cambridge or Massachusetts, but the victory with triumph was gained by the world liberal
democracy. The future is devoted not to great fights for ideas, but is faster to the decision of
ordinary economic and technical problems. And all it will be boring enough».
Thus we will pay attention that Fukuyama writes about it not as about the come true fact but only
asserts that the western liberalism has already won sphere of struggle of ideas as "fascism" and
"Marxism" have shown the vital inconsistency that was expressed in defeat of Hitlerite Germany,
Italy and imperialistic Japan in 1945, and later of 40 years — that the USSR and China have
begun social reforms in which course principles of the western liberalism get into the
organization of life of their societies (including and the economy organization). As consequence,
in its opinion — owing to absence of any other competing ideas and orientation of broad
masses of the population for the present not the liberal states on consumption in the western
style is a matter of time when all states become it is unified in a western way liberal and motives
to any international conflicts will disappear. Fukuyama doesn't consider the scenario of the
further realization of process of global liberalization.

Huntington doesn't challenge the statement of Fukuyama about the superiority of the western
liberal democracy over the other historically known organizations of life of societies anywhere,
but specifies:

«The essence of the western civilization is the Magna Carta, but not the Magna MacDonald's.
That fact that inhabitants can't bite a hamburger, doesn't mean that they will accept the first».

Owing to "hamburger" acceptance (the West symbolizing consumer abundance), and aversion in
other regions of a planet of the western liberalism (which consequence is according to both
consumer abundance of the developed countries), — according to Huntington, — process
expansion of the western liberalism can lead not to its celebration in global scales, and to world
war which even in a non-nuclear variant of its current is capable to reject mankind in its
economic and common cultural development on many decades ago.

Thus Huntington specifies in that fact that relative power of the West in its comparison to power
of other regional civilizations, progressively decreases from the XX-th century beginning that
only forces potential of such conflict of civilizations. And for it sense of the forthcoming period
of history not in actively to liberalize societies in other regions on western manners, and in
avoiding the conflict of civilizations and to rescue the West, having allowed to it time to realize
and meet a certain internal crisis. Huntington doesn't press in consideration of a being of this
crisis, but meaning its presence, makes following recommendations on the nearest historical

« to protect the western civilization, contrary to easing of power of the West, in interests of the
USA and the European countries:

• to achieve more political, economic and military integration and to coordinate the policy so that
to prevent the countries belonging to other civilizations, to use disagreements between the
western countries;
• to accept in the European Union and the NATO the western countries of the Central Europe,
namely: the countries of Vyshegradsky group, Baltic republics, Slovenia and Croatia;

• to support "westernisation" of Latin America and how much it is possible, close blocking of the
Latin American countries with the West;

• to constrain development of military power Islamic and Cin ( China and close cultures)
countries — both usual kinds of arms, and means of mass defeat;

• to slow down "drift" of Japan from the West towards the adaptation to China;

• to recognize Russia as the rod country of an orthodox civilization and the large regional power
having legitimate interests in the field of safety of the southern boundaries;

• to keep the western technological and military superiority over other civilizations;

• that is the most important, to realize that West intervention in affairs of other civilizations
is, possibly, unique most dangerous source of instability and the potential global conflict in
many-civilization world ».

But as distinction of regional civilizations on their ideals and traditions — an objective historical
reality, and those who thinks of "the history end» in terms, «collision of civilizations» in the
majority of these recommendations of Huntington didn't read, thinking in these categories and
political practice resulting from it work on realization of that is global-political scenario against
which self-realization Huntington has tried to warn, first of all, the western politicians, and as
also other readers.

Fukuyama characterizes culture of the West as culture of refined consumption and sees in
consumer well-being a support of liberalism and sense of life of the person and mankind:

«But as the human perception of a material world is caused by the comprehension of this world
which is taking place in the history also the material world can quite influence viability of a
concrete condition of consciousness. In particular, impressing material abundance in the
developed liberal economy and on their basis — infinitely various culture of consumption,
probably, feed and support liberalism to political sphere. According to a materialistic
determinism, the liberal economy inevitably generates also the liberal policy. I, on the contrary,
consider, as economy and a policy assume an independent condition of consciousness previous
them thanks to which they only and are possible. The condition of consciousness favoring to
liberalism, in the end stories is stabilized, if it is provided by the mentioned abundance. We
could summarize: The universal state is a liberal democracy in the political sphere, combined
with video and a stereo on free sale — in economy sphere ».

And in last paragraph of article draws prospect:

«The history end is sad. Struggle for a recognition, readiness to risk life for the sake of purely
abstract purpose, the ideological struggle demanding courage, imagination and idealism, —
instead of all it is economic calculation, infinite technical problems, care of ecology and
satisfaction of refined inquiries of the consumer. During the posthistorical period isn't present
either arts, or philosophies; there is an only carefully preserved museum of human history».

Huntington as in other and other western thinkers writing on themes of prospects of

globalization, and the politicians who are carrying out expansion of liberalism in practice,
Fukuyama don't object. In this orientation on unrestricted consuming as norm of life
misunderstanding by adherents of liberal culture of an essence of the person and a religion
essence is expressed to a civilization.

It was brightly expressed in civilization definition as specifically human phenomenon by


«A civilization, thus, — the highest cultural generality of people and the widest level of cultural
identification besides that distinguishes the person from other biological kinds. It is defined as
the general objective elements, such as language, history, religion, customs, social institutes, and
subjective self-identification of people».

Here comparison of the person to other biological kinds is important. As it is possible to

understand from this if animals in the wild nature consume only that inhabitancy the civilization
has provided to the person of possibility of consumption not only raw materials, but also all
gives them that people make from extracted by them in the raw materials nature.

Actually, all that, according to Huntington, distinguishes the person from other biological kinds,
doesn't express an essence of the person, and represents a consequence of others — deeper — the
valid differences of the person from representatives of fauna. As have shown researches of the
western zoologists, the culture is peculiar not only to the person, but also other advanced enough
biological kinds. Differently, presence of culture and (or a civilization bearing culture) isn't
characteristic feature of the person.

The person in biosphere of the Earth differs from all other biological kinds that is information-
algorithmical structure of human`s mentalities genetically isn`t programmed unequivocally,
and represents the result of the personal development proceeding both under the influence of
external circumstances, and on the basis of its own understanding.

If to remember school course of biology known for everything, and to glance in own mentality it
is possible to assert that behavior maintenance of biological «Homo Sapiens» is information-
algorithmics includes:
1) congenital to a component — instincts and unconditioned reflexes (both endocellular and
cellular level, and level of kinds of bodies, systems and an organism as a whole), together with
their covers developed in culture;

2) the traditions of culture which are above instincts;

3) own limited to feelings and memory understanding;

4) «intuition in general» — that involuntarily "emerges" on level of consciousness from

unconscious levels of mentality of the individual, comes to it from collective mentality, is
generation of delusions from the outside and obsession in inquisitorial understanding of this
term, and at the moment of occurrence doesn't find to itself an explanation on the basis of
relationships of cause and effect realized by the individual;

5) “God`s guidance”, carried out on the basis of all previous, except for delusions and obsession
as direct intrusions from the outside in another's mentality contrary to desire and the realized will
of its owner.

In mentality of any individual there is a possible or valid place to all to it. And depending on that
from the listed possesses the highest priority in mentality of the individual, the adult person is the
carrier of one of four types of a system of mentality:

• the “animal” type of a system of mentality is characterized by that all behavior is subordinated
to instincts and it are served by all abilities of the person, including and creative potential;

• type of a system of mentality of the “zombie” (“biorobot”) is characterized by that instincts are
subordinated to programs of behavior which have been introduced in its mentality by a society
while it grew, and from algorithmics which the individual independently can't leave owing to
any reasons.

• the “demonic” type of a system of mentality is characterized by that the individual lives by a
principle «I do whatever I want », rejecting the God`s guidance either unconscious or conscious.

• the “human” type of a system of mentality is the freedom understood as an clear conscience.
Differently, human type of a system of mentality — dictatorship of conscience on the basis of
belief to God (instead of beliefs in God).

Demonic and human types of a system of mentality are impossible without presence of the will
understood as ability to subordinate and the current of events round realized expediency.

Type of a system of mentality of the adult individual, predominantly steady in changing

circumstances of his life, — an education product. The situation, when the human type of a
system of mentality is not achieved by the youth beginning — a consequence of a stop or
perversity of development during earlier periods of life. Cultures in which reached human type
of a system of mentality at least by an old age make statistically insignificant minority, — are
defective. But these are cultures of all regional civilizations: the West, Russia, Muslim, Vedic
and other.

West problems consist that liberalism is not a personal freedom and not a society of free people
in the sense of an abbreviation specified above "freedom", and culture of the legalized
permissiveness and dishonesty. It is a consequence of that the West a civilization of slaves, it is
artificial created during realization of the bible project of enslavement of mankind on behalf of
God. It also causes aversion of the western liberalism adherents of ideals of all other regional
civilizations of a planet though inhabitants of the West of it don't understand though Zantington
and reminds them:

«The West has won the world not because of the superiority of the ideas (it is allocated by us
fat at citing: it is unique point on which Huntington and Fukuyama disagree), values or religion
(into which a small amount of representatives of other civilizations has been turned only), but is
faster the superiority in application of the organized violence. Inhabitants of the West often
forget this fact; inhabitants non-West never won't forget it».

And whatever own defects had been burdened other civilizations until the western liberalism
won't start to understand freedom as dictatorship of conscience on the basis of belief to God
besides churches and «the sacred writing», the West will endure becoming aggravated crisis as
God isn't indifferent to that occurs on the Earth.

If to understand mankind history as history of multinational culture carry-pour human type of a

system of mentality the mankind history also didn't begin. We live in the end pre-history of the
mankind on which extent children of the different people search for ways to humanity — a
global civilization of carriers of human type of a system of mentality in which multinational
culture all (can be for individual exceptions) reach it to the youth beginning and in which not to
be the person in the specified sense — it is a shame.

Internal Predictor of the USSR


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