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Lesson Plan Instructions

Your final task in your field experience will be planning, teaching, and reflecting upon a reading lesson.
Though it is not a requirement, I highly encourage you to try using a reader’s workshop format with a
read aloud component to teach your lesson.
Work with you teacher to determine the standard, resources and student learning activities that would be
best for you to use.
You may teach your lesson to the whole class or a small group, depending on teacher preference and the
current situations in your classroom.
Follow the lesson plan format below to guide your lesson.
Your lesson plan should be somewhat scripted.
Our work in Module 6 will support your work for this lesson plan activity.
You will need to both plan your lesson and record yourself teaching your lesson. Though your lesson
will last for longer than 10 minutes, I will watch the video for 10 minutes. No students need to be in your
video, though they may be if the teacher ok’s it. It is best to record the mini-lesson portion of your lesson
for this assignment.
Video Instructions-
● Create a video using any video recording tool you have access to (a phone or your computer will
work fine). I will watch up to 10 minutes of your video to assess quality instruction and provide
feedback using the rubric.
● Upload the video to YouTube and change the privacy settings of the video as unlisted.
● Embed the video into the dropbox. (your dropbox will contain both your lesson with reflection
and your embedded video).
College of Education

Standards w/Assessments Named-Write standard out and label it correctly! :

Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or
steps in technical procedures in a text.

Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and
clarify a text.

Learning Target (I can statement in student speak): I can make connections between the steps in
technical procedures from the text.

I can explain how specific images clarify a text.

Criteria for Success (this should be tied to your assessment and is measurable):

Assessment: Filling out the chart and completing the steps to create the musical instrument

Type of Lesson: Guided Reading

a. What different instructional strategies and learning activities do you plan to use to engage students in
the lesson and to enhance their learning? Provide a rationale for your choice of each strategy/activity.

 We will be reading the story together, each student taking turns reading a sentence or two. While
after finishing the page discussing what the pictures are telling them. Such as with the instructions
for creating the musical instruments.

b. How do the instructional strategies connect to the learning goal(s) to facilitate student learning?

 Having the pictures clarify the text for the students, especially when used following the
directions. And also when the story showed how the instruments are used.

Contextual Factors:

a. Describe your classroom. Include the grade level, content area, subject matter, and number of
students. Provide relevant information about any of your students with special needs.
 2nd grade with 17 students. Three to four students leave during the time that I will be there for
Title/Speech. Be working with the students in groups, dividing up the classroom into two groups.
I will be working with the students at the back of the classroom around their big table.
b. Describe any physical, social, behavioral, or developmental factors that may impact the instruction
that occurs in your classroom. Mention any linguistic, cultural, or health considerations that may also
impact teaching and learning in your classroom.
 For those students who will miss reading the story but will be there for making the instruments.
Getting them caught up to what we completed when they were gone.
c. Describe any rituals and routines that you have observed the classroom teacher doing that you may
also want to implement for a successful lesson.
 Explaining to the students what materials they will need to bring to the table, and also the ones
that will be used when making the instrument.

Materials and Resources Needed:

Text title: Make Your Own Music!

Lexile or Grade 2nd Grade

Level of the text

Other Required Anchor chart, paper towel tube, rubber bands, and wax paper

Resources Reading Strategies Book - 1.4 Pictures as Stepping - Stones

(website you used
to support
planning, etc)

A. The Lesson (Including a time frame may help in planning.)

Introduction (2-3 minutes)- (Think about the connection on pages 87-89 The Art of Teaching Reading)

Getting attention Clap a pattern that they have to repeat.

Relating to past experience Have you ever help your parents cook dinner, follow a recipe.
and/or knowledge
Creating a need to know How to create musical instruments with home supplies.
Sharing objective, in general Following step by step directions.

1. Methods (core of the lesson) (time frame: total of 30-40 minutes with worktime)
Before Reading 1.4 Pictures as Stepping Stones
(Think about the
teaching phase on  Pictures show the outcome of the instrument and after show the steps to
take to get there.
pages 89-91 in The
 It connects how the different instruments come together to create music.
Art of Teaching
Reading) Be sure
you include a
strategy from The
Reading Strategies
During Reading- I Do (modeling-Making your thinking visible)
List specific
questions and - After reading the story, we are creating an instrument, I will go step by
step following the directions. They will follow along with me. Using the
pages you might
strategies with what comes next after each step until completed.
ask them
(Think about the We Do (Asking questions, and giving them a chance to try whatever strategy or
active involvement concept your teaching)
phase from your –
91 -94 in The Art of - Before we create the instrument, we will be filling out an anchor chart
over the information they get from the story and cite what page it is on.
Teaching Reading).
Be sure to model
the strategy you
choose from The
Reading Strategies

After Reading- Review the strategy one more time.

What might
You do (what can they do to show progress/mastery in the concept or topic)
students practice in
- Have the students create their instrument on their own, but I will be
their independent there for guidance when needed. See if they are able to following
reading time directions to create the instrument.
(Think about the
link—pgs 94-96 in
The Art of
Teaching Reading)

Student Worktime: - After reading we will fill out the anchor chart that helps students find
Time Frame:_____ and cite information from text.
Describe what - When completed we will be moving on to create the musical instrument,
having them following directions.
students will be
doing to practice
what you have
taught. This will
be during a
reading workshop.
This should be very
closely connected
to the after reading
Closure: - Bring students back and discuss music and instruments. And how the
Time Frame:_____ pictures helped the students create their instrument and helped them
Think about the comprehend the informational text.
follow-up pgs 96-
99 in The Art of
Teaching Reading.
Make sure to tie
this back to the
learning target of
the day

Ideas for Low level readers

differentiation Gifted Students
(account for all English Language Learners
IEP modifications
described in your
contextual factors)

Note: Make sure to attach copies of any worksheets that you use.


a. To what extent did the lesson, including instructional strategies, learning activities, materials,
resources, and technology, help to facilitate student learning? How does the evidence you collected
support this finding?
 Some things came up with and the 2nd graders had to go complete a project with the high
schoolers. So instead of getting a full 45 minutes to give my lesson. I was only given 20 minutes
to complete both groups. So, I had more on my lesson plan then I actually got to complete.
b. How did the students use the content presented to demonstrate meaningful learning? Provide specific
examples from the lesson and from the student work to support your analysis.
 Filling out the anchor chart like designed in the book, they got the concept quite fast. Did not
have to go specific with my instructions.
 Creating the musical instruments, they had to follow the directions. Occasionally asked for him
towards the end of the steps.
c. While you were teaching, what adjustments to the lesson did you implement for the
whole class to better support student engagement and learning? Provide examples to
support your decisions.
 Asking more questions then I planned on asking or thought I would ask. Kept the
students on track when reading the story. They wanted to jump right into making
the instrument, but had to refocus them into reading the story.
d. What steps did you take to foster teacher-to-student and student-to-student interactions?
How did they impact student engagement and learning?
 As students got into making the instruments, they started to get competitive.
Some were getting frustrated when their instruments were not working or turning
out like the others.
e. What feedback did you provide during the lesson to facilitate student learning? What
impact did the feedback have on student learning? Provide specific examples.
 Asking them questions throughout the story on how the instruments are used.
And what music is and have then heard it before, even though I knew the answer
to that question.
ELED 450 Field Experience Lesson Plan Rubric
Total Points Possible = 100

Proficient Basic Below Basic

5 3 1

Lesson 1) Goals of the lesson are clearly Goals/Learning Targets Goals/Targets are not
Standards and stated and aligned with are presentment but not aligned to the standards
Learning standards aligned and are not measurable
2)Learning Targets/Criteria for Or
Success being addressed are
Not measurable

Materials 1) Copies of materials (e.g., Partial Materials list and Materials list is not
instructional tools, independent materials present included
work, comprehension
questions, vocab lists for Appropriate Book Inappropriate Book
content, book, etc.)
Choice Choice
2) Takes into consideration all
of the technology components
(e.g., software, # of computers)
3)Book Choice is appropriate for
the type of balanced literacy
activity being planned for

Lesson Introduction components : Has 3 of the 4 Has 1 or 2 listed

Introduction A. Getting attention components written successfully
B. Relating to previous successfully
C. Creating a need to know

D. Sharing objective in general


Content 1) Specific instructional Successfully represents Successfully includes 3

Delivery examples 4-5 of the listed or less of the
2) Prompts as to what student components components successfully
will do or say
3) Examples to be used (How
you will Model)
4) Examples of questions to be
5) Embedded technology as a
natural part of instruction (not
required for read aloud).
6) An estimation of the time
required for each part of the
7) Enough details for a
substitute teacher

Closure 1) Listens to students' Includes 2 of the 3 Includes 1 of the listed

summarizations listed components components
2) Provides comments about
the lesson
3) Connects back to the
learning target of the lesson.

Assessment 1-Aligned to the standard and Includes 2 of the 3 Includes 1 of the listed
criteria for success. listed components components
2-Provides measurable data
3-A reflection is included
with specific examples of
student successes and needs
based on the assessment.

Contextual 1) Relevant learner Includes 2 of the 3 Includes 1 of the listed

Factors and characteristics listed components components
Differentiation 2) Adaptations and
(For Advanced) modifications for students
with special needs

3) Keep in mind instruction

for low, average and gifted

Video The student submits a video The teacher only The teacher showcases
of the lesson introduction and showcases 4-6 traits fewer than 3 of the traits
mini-lesson up to 10 minutes of a quality lesson of a quality lesson
in length

The teacher showcases the

following teaching traits
with a high level of

Teacher includes high quality

modeling in the lesson
Ie. fluent and expressive

Teacher thinks aloud while

reading to model what
“Good Readers do”
Teacher asks thought
provoking questions at
strategic places and allows
students opportunities to
discuss and interact.

Teacher models making

connections with the text,
and allows the students
opportunities to make

The Read-Aloud follows the

mini-lesson submitted.

Lesson Reflection provides consistent provides partial

evidence that evidence that provides minimal
demonstrates the ability to demonstrates the evidence that
identify specific teacher candidate’s demonstrates the teacher
instructional strategies, ability to identify candidate’s ability to
learning activities, specific instructional identify specific
materials, resources, and strategies, learning instructional strategies,
technology to help activities, materials, learning activities,
students who did not resources, and materials, resources, and
achieve the learning technology to help technology to help
goal(s); to use the analysis students who did not students who did not
of the lesson and the achieve the learning achieve the learning
evidence of student goal(s); to use the goal(s); to use the analysis
learning to guide planning analysis of the lesson of the lesson and the
for future lessons for the and the evidence of evidence of student
whole class student learning to learning to guide planning
guide planning for for future lessons for the
future lessons for the whole class
whole class

Add the total Average Score:

points used for
Scoring Guide
each section Percentage:
Find the average
Total Possible
Score Scoring Guide
Use the cut Average score of 5=Advanced 100%
scores to
determine Average Score =4-4.9=Proficient 90-99%
Average Score of 3-3.9=Basic 80-89%

Average Score of 2-2.9=Basic -= 70-79%

Average Score of 1-1.9= Below Basic 60-69%

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