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Muscle relaxants are widely prescribed for acute back pain,

often in conjunction with an over-the-counter or prescription pain medication. They are generally prescribed for a short time to
relieve pain in the lower back or neck caused by muscle spasms, also called muscle cramps.

The medication is generally used for a few days and up to two weeks, but is sometimes prescribed for chronic back pain or
neck pain.

Muscle relaxers are often prescribed for acute back pain, like that which comes from

Muscle relaxers are a group of drugs that have a sedative effect on the body. They work through the brain, rather than
directly on the muscles. Common side effects include drowsiness and constipation. While it is important to take drowsiness
into account during the day, the sedation can be helpful at night, when pain might otherwise interfere with sound sleep.

If a medication seems to cause problems, it is important to notify the doctor. Each medication works a little differently, and the
doctor may be able to prescribe another that fits the individual’s needs better.

Article continues below

Common Uses for Treating Back Pain

There is some evidence in the medical literature of effectiveness of muscle relaxants when used for acute back or neck pain
on a short-term basis (e.g. up to one or two weeks). They can promote recovery by blocking the feeling of pain, so patients
can get the rest they need to heal.

Common uses of muscle relaxants for back or neck pain include:

 For muscle spasms

Muscles spasms occur when a muscle—or muscles—tighten up or cramps suddenly. The pain can be severe.
When this happens in the back or neck, it is often caused by lifting a heavy object or twisting the body, leading to a
strained muscle. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed along with pain relievers to ease the spasms.

 Emergency room care

Checking to see if there is a serious problem is the initial focus of emergency room treatment for back pain. If the
situation is not related to a serious underlying issue, such as an unstable fracture or a tumor, the patient may be
prescribed muscle relaxers with painkillers for a short time to treat an intensely painful sprain or strain of muscles,
ligaments, or tendons.
 Following spine surgery
Muscle spasms are common following surgery, even if the original pain has eased. In some cases, the muscle
spasms occur in parts of the body well away from the surgery. Muscle relaxants are often given in the hospital and
patients may receive a prescription during the initial days or weeks of recovery at home. The doctor’s directions, and
directions on the pill bottle, should be followed closely. It is useful to discuss in advance whether the doctor wants the
medication to be taken on a set schedule, to stay ahead of the pain, or to be used as needed. It may be helpful to
stagger doses of pain medication and muscle relaxers, rather than take both at the same time, so there is always
some medication in the body and the pain does not become too intense as the medication is wearing off.

See Practical Advice for Recovering from Back Surgery

 During physical therapy

Muscle relaxants may be prescribed while the patient is starting a new physical therapy program. The muscle
relaxant may aid in range of motion during physical therapy, may help alleviating anxiety related to starting with
physical therapy and exercise, and may aid in pain related to possible pain flare-ups related to muscle spasm.
Muscle relaxants can be helpful in temporarily alleviating symptoms in the lower back. Some research indicates that
pairing analgesics with muscle relaxants enhances the effect of analgesics alone.

Concern About Overuse

Despite widespread prescribing, the use of muscle relaxants is controversial in the medical community.

The growing use of these medications has drawn concern about overuse, adverse side effects, and limited evidence of their
effectiveness—especially when used on an ongoing basis for a chronic condition.

Research is mixed on muscle relaxers. A number of research studies and analyses have found muscle relaxants to be more
helpful than a placebo in easing symptoms of nonspecific acute low back pain in the short term.2,3

Other research, however, found that people visiting an emergency room for back pain received no additional benefit from
taking muscle relaxers.

Kyphosis Prognosis

 Download PDF CopyKyphosis is a condition in which the thoracic spine is abnormally curved, in the vertical plane,
backwards. It is often postural, but may also be due to abnormal vertebral development or shape. The excessive
degree of curvature may cause problems in organ-systems such has the heart and lungs.
Mild Kyphosis
Most patients have mild kyphosis, which does not require treatment beyond taking over-the-counter pain-relieving
medicine for lower back pain, and exercise to strengthen the back muscles. Physical therapy is best combined with
core exercises, such as martial arts or Pilates. This also controls and gets rid of back pain if done regularly.

Mild to Moderate Kyphosis

Mild to moderate kyphosis is initially treated with a back brace, until bone growth stops at around 15 years. Surgery is
not recommended in most cases due to the risky nature of the procedures. Thus, only severe kyphosis is routinely
corrected by surgical techniques, most commonly spinal fusion. This is more so if cardiorespiratory problems arise
due to kyphosis. Furthermore, a very prominent curvature, which causes severe intractable pain or compromises
spinal integrity, is also an indication for surgical intervention.

In the case of postural kyphosis, correction of posture, along with the avoidance of activities like carrying heavy loads
on the back, usually leads to a good outcome.

Scheuermann’s kyphosis (i.e. developmental kyphosis) can be treated depending on the person’s age, gender,
magnitude of the curve and its rigidity. This curve usually increases during the growth spurt and may thereafter
become static. If the curve is severe, surgery is advised, but the prognosis for normal spinal function is extremely
good, because the condition does not progress afterwards.

With congenital kyphosis, surgical correction is often advised. Surgery is usually followed up by back bracing for
several months to allow the spine to heal properly without undergoing strain. However, this does not restrict normal
physical activity after about a month or two. Athletics should be resumed only after full and normal spinal function is
recovered, which is within a year post-operatively.

Skilled surgery and careful follow-up produce a normal spinal outcome in the vast majority of cases.

Complications of Surgery
Spinal fusion is rarely required, but may entail complications, such as:

 Post-operative infection
 Hemorrhage around the surgical site
 Nerve damage with loss of visceral function, such as bowel and bladder continence

Prognosis without Treatment

Untreated severe or progressive kyphosis is also associated with limiting complications, which can significantly reduce
the quality of life. These include severe and chronic back pain, back deformity, poor respiratory capacity and
neurological symptoms and signs, such as limb paralysis or weakness.

Reviewed by Jonas Wilson, Ing. Med

Bagaimana Mengobati Kifosis?

Pengobatan kifosis akan tergantung pada tingkat keparahan dan penyebab yang mendasari.
Dalam kasus penyakit Scheuermann, seorang anak mungkin menerima terapi fisik, bracing atau kawat penyokong,
atau operasi korektif. Dalam kasus infeksi, pasien akan diberikan obat antibiotik.
Dalam kasus tumor, operasi pengangkatan mungkin diperlukan. Untuk kasus osteoporosis, mungkin akan diberikan
suplemen kalsium dan vitamin D untuk mengobati kerusakan tulang guna mencegah semakin memburuknya kifosis.
Untuk kifosis yang disebabkan oleh sikap tubuh yang buruk, maka tidak memerlukan perawatan agresif.
Langkah-langkah berikut ini akan membantu meringankan gejala:
Obat pereda nyeri (analgesik) Fisioterapi (untuk membantu membangun kekuatan otot sehingga kembali normal)
Yoga (untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tubuh dan membangun kekuatan, fleksibilitas, dan berbagai gerakan)
Penurunan berat badan
Penyokong (pada anak-anak dan remaja) Perawatan chiropractic (untuk memperbaiki keselarasan tulang belakang)
Operasi (pada kasus yang berat)
Apa resikonya jika Kifosis tak diobati? Bagi kebanyakan orang, kifosis tidak menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang
serius. Hal ini tergantung pada penyebab kifosis itu sendiri. Jika disebabkan oleh sikap tubuh yang buruk, maka
biasanya seseorang menderita sakit dan sesak napas yang akan bertambah buruk di kemudian hari. Mengobati
kifosis sejak dini dengan memperkuat otot-otot punggung, fisioterapi, atau terapi chiropractic mungkin dapat
membantu mengurangi rasa sakit dan gejala lain, tujuan jangka panjangnya adalah meningkatkan postur tubuh yang
X-rays, CT Scans and Ultrasound

Advantages Disadvantages

 Of X-rays: Produce clear images of bones  Of X-rays: They are ionising so they can cause cancer if exposed
and metal
 to too
 Of CT Scans: They produce detailed
images. They can also be used to diagnose high a dose.
complicated illnesses. The images are high
resolution. They also can be 3D images so  Of CT Scans: They use more x-ray radiation than normal x-rays so the
can be used in the planning of complicated
patient is exposed to even more radiation,
 so have an increased risk of developing cancer, so not used unless
 Of Ultrasound: They are non-ionising so
aren't dangerous on developing foetuses. really needed.

 Of Ultrasound: They produce fuzzy images so it is hard to diagnose

a lot of problems using this type of scanning

 that's why it is used mainly for pre-natal scanning.


They are good for the type of role that they perform.

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