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Emre PESMAN1, Deniz BAYRAKTAR2 and Metin TAYLAN3

This paper analyzes the effect of damping on nonlinear roll motion of ships advancing in beam seas. As it is known, roll
damping is a very important parameter in estimating ship responses in calm water and waves. Therefore, it has been
studied by many researchers in different ways. However, it seems that it has been far from being complete and much
work needs to be done towards thorough understanding of the phenomenon. This work estimates damping coefficients of
a ship by using available methods. Damping coefficients are broken down into various categories such as friction, wave
making, eddy making etc. Influence of forward speed is also considered in the analysis. Frequency domain solution of
roll motion equation is then found incorporating linear and nonlinear damping coefficients. Nonlinearities are introduced
in damping and restoring terms in the equation. It has been concluded that damping plays a very important role on the
roll motion of a ship and reduces peak amplitudes to a considerable level. Therefore, it must be treated with utmost care
since it dictates motion amplitudes directly.


Roll motion is the most important phenomenon for ships, The sample vessel is a mid-size, twin screw fishing
coupled with a few others, which may lead to capsizing. vessel. The characteristics and body plan of the ship are
Therefore, many researchers have been studying it in all given below:
aspects to find satisfactory answers to the physical
phenomenon. Damping on the other hand is the most LBP = 64.0 m.
important parameter in roll motion equation among B = 11.6 m.
others since it controls magnitude of the amplitudes. Depth = 7.32 m.
However, it is the most difficult parameter to estimate Draft = 4.48 m. (loaded)
because of its complex nature. There are several different Δ = 1556 tons
components in roll damping such as wave damping, lift GM = 0.78 m.
damping, friction damping, eddy making damping and CB = 0.449
bilge keel damping. The above-mentioned forms of CM = 0.852
damping were presented by Ikeda et al (1978) in a very LCF = 2.02 m. (aft)
comprehensive analysis of damping study. He introduced LCB = 1.17 m. (aft)
empirical methods in order to estimate various damping
components. Himeno (1981) analyzed many aspects of The ship is fitted with a set of bilge keels, shaft brackets
roll damping by conducting a series of model and fin stabilizers. Various loading conditions and
experiments towards better understanding of roll corresponding hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
damping. Schmitke (1978) also set out interesting ways characteristics of the ship have been used throughout the
to predict roll damping of naval ships. Haddara and analysis.
Cumming (1990) emphasized that inviscid damping was
a function of forward speed. Haddara and Zhang (1994) The fin stabilizers and rudders were not considered in the
carried out extensive experimental work with fishing analysis because of their functionalities. That means they
vessel models to predict damping characteristics of ships. are controlled actively to react to opposing forces and
They suggested a modification to Ikeda’s lift damping moment when needed. Other appendages on the other
formula based on the results of the experiments. hand, work as passive anti rolling devices and cannot be
Experimental investigation has been carried out by other controlled like others.
researchers as well.
Various hydrostatic and stability characteristics of the
This work makes use of the available roll damping ship were computed by using a commercial software
theories to solve a nonlinear roll motion model. It also package.
utilizes numerical simulation techniques to apply the Fin staEmre PEŞMAN 1 Deniz BAYRAKTAR 2 Metin
chosen model to a sample ship. The details of the roll TAYLAN 3
motion model, damping and other hydrodynamic
characteristics and sample model are given in the 1
following sections. Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Naval Architecture and
Ocean Engineering 34469 Maslak, Istanbul Turkey.
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Naval Architecture and
Ocean Engineering 34469 Maslak, Istanbul Turkey.
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Naval Architecture and
Ocean Engineering 34469 Maslak, Istanbul Turkey.
Dividing Equation (3) throughout by (Ixx + δIxx), and
substituting the values of coefficients C1, C3 and C5 are
substituted respectively, it takes the form;

φ&& + bLφ& + b N φ& φ& + ωφ 2φ + m3φ 3 + m5φ 5

= λω e 2α m cosω e t


ωφ 2 = (5)
I xx + δI xx

4ωφ 2 ⎡ 3 Aφv ⎤
m3 = 2
⎢ 2
− 1⎥ (6)
φ v ⎣⎢ GMφ v ⎥⎦

3ωφ 2 ⎡ 4 Aφv ⎤
m5 = − 4
⎢ 2
− 1⎥ (7)
Figure 1. Body plan of the sample vessel. φ v ⎣⎢ GMφ v ⎥⎦


bL = (8)
In general, equation of nonlinear roll motion can be I xx + δI xx
written as follows;
Aφ&& + B(φ&, φ ) + C (φ ) = M (t ) (1) bN = (9)
I xx + δI xx
In the above equation, over dot denotes differentiation
with respect to time. More specifically, Equation (1) may Evaluation of linear and nonlinear damping terms bL and
be expressed as follows under the influence of regular bN are assessed by Ikeda’s and Himeno’s approach. More
sinusoidal waves; elaborate evaluation of the damping terms and their
effects on the motion characteristics are supplied in the
following sections. Other related coefficients of the roll
(I xx + δI xx )φ&& + B(φ&, φ ) + ΔGZ (φ ) motion equation are given in Equations (5) through (12).
= ω e 2α m I xx cosω e t
Equation (4) incorporates various effects of ship’s
dynamic and environmental parameters including
In the literature, representation of damping and restoring
damping, restoring and wave excitation. The righting
terms has been handled differently. The restoring term
which is chosen as an odd-order polynomial is also arms curve is approximated as a quintic GZ = C1φ + C3
3 5
nonlinear in nature. Restoring term in the equation may φ + C5 φ polynomial. Coefficients C1, C3 and C5 of the
appear as cubic or quintic polynomials depending on the polynomial are determined by a number of dynamic and
character of the GZ curve in question. Sometimes, even static characteristics of the GZ curve namely, metacentric
higher order polynomials may best represent a particular
height GM, angle of vanishing stability φv, and area
GZ curve, e.g. a seventh degree polynomial. However,
under the curve Aφv as follows:
higher order polynomials cause somewhat bulky
manipulations throughout the solution scheme.
d (GZ )
C1 = = GM (10)
If an equation of nonlinear roll motion is to be dφ
established under the above-mentioned assumptions, one
may end up with the following form:
C3 =
φv 4
(3 A φv − GM φ v 2 ) (11)

(I xx + δI xx )φ&& + BLφ& + B N φ& φ&

( )
+ Δ C1φ + C 3φ 3 + C5φ 5 = ω e 2α m I xx cosω e t C5 = −
(4 A φv − GM φ v 2 ) (12)

Solution of the equation can be made by a perturbation

method, Taylan (1989, 1996). Numerical simulation may
also be carried out easily by 4th order Runge-Kutta a. Friction
solver. b. Lift
c. Wave
CONDITIONS e. Bilge keel
Basically, there are two different displacement values
As a result of his work, empirical formulas were
used in the analysis as 1556 tons and 1909 tons.
introduced to estimate different components listed above.
However, three metacentric height values 0.43 m, 0.61 m
Furthermore, it is more appropriate to divide above-
and 0.788 m were taken into account. Therefore, four
mentioned components of roll damping as linear and
different stability conditions are considered in the
nonlinear as stated in Equation (3). According to this
systematic analysis, as follows;
classification, lift and wave damping will be regarded as
linear whereas friction, eddy making and bilge keel
1. Δ = 1556 tons, GM = 0.43 m.
damping will be regarded as nonlinear damping.
2. Δ = 1556 tons, GM = 0.61 m.
3. Δ = 1556 tons, GM = 0.788 m.
The effects of each damping component are investigated
4. Δ = 1909 tons, GM = 0.788 m.
on the sample fishing vessel by using numerical
simulation. Empirical formulations by Ikeda (1978) and
As was mentioned earlier, the vessel is fitted with
by Himeno (1981) have been utilized in the simulation.
various appendages. Only bilge keels were taken into
account for simplicity. Geometric details of the bilge
The procedure and relevant formulation to estimate
keels are given below;
damping components for this particular fishing vessel is
supplied in the Appendix. Based on the numerical
Length 32.00 m.
simulation, the damping characteristics of the sample
Depth 0.38 m.
ship are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
In order to see the effect of bilge keels, damping values
and corresponding roll amplitudes were calculated with 0.35
and without the appendages. Thus, eight different test b1h
0.3 b
conditions in total have been analyzed in total. L
Damping Coefficients

As far as environmental conditions are concerned, linear 0.2
sinusoidal wave characteristics were used disregarding
any phase lag between the waves and the motion. It is
obvious that wave slope plays an important role on the 0.1
right hand side of the equation. Three distinct wave 0.05
height/wave length ratios as 1/25, 1/50 and 1/60 are
selected within the scope of study.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Finally, speed of the ship has varied between 0 and 10
knots in order observe the influence of speed on roll Figure 2. Linear and nonlinear damping coefficients with
damping and eventually on roll amplitudes. respect to velocity.

Estimation of roll damping moments or coefficients are
extremely ambiguous owing to highly nonlinear nature of
the motion. Although extensive theoretical research, 0.25
Damping Coefficients

experimental work and numerical simulation studies have

been conducted on the matter, it is still far from being
complete. Unfortunately, it is not feasible to estimate roll 0.15
damping correctly from radiation theory only. Viscosity
of the fluid plays an important role in predicting roll 0.1

motion of ships. Haddara and Zhang (1994) have carried 0.05

out series of model test to show the influence of forward
speed in roll damping. Therefore, contributions from 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
various sources and interaction between them make
V (knot)
prediction of roll damping a difficult task.
Figure 3. Non-dimensional damping coefficients
Ikeda (1978) has broken down roll damping into five components with respect to velocity.
It is interesting to note that Figures 2 and 3 depict similar
trends as indicated by Ikeda and Himeno. 26 GM =0.43
GM =0.61

Roll Response Amplitude (Deg)

The main purpose of determining damping values is to 14
analyze their effects on roll amplitudes. Therefore, 10
several parameters such as ship displacement and GM, 8
wave characteristics and speed were altered 4
systematically and equation of motion was solved both in 2
time and frequency domains. Since combination of those 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
variables yielded so many different alternatives and Frequeny (rad/sec)
solutions in turn only a few are included in this paper due
to space constraints. Even though, a sample of graph is Figure 6. Effect of GM for Δ=1556 tons, V=0 knot and
given for each main parameter, similar trends have been H/L=1/25.
obtained for other alternative simulations.
Figure 4. shows the effect of speed for a specific loading
condition. 15 % increase is observed between peak 25

Roll Amplitude Response (deg)

amplitudes for 5 knots with compared to 0 knots. It H/L=1/50
should be noted that damping values are also susceptible 20

to speed variations. Figure 5 compares the roll

amplitudes for a particular loading condition with and
without bilge keels. The bilge keels damp the motion for 10
about 35 % at resonance frequency. The effect may be
different in magnitude for different test conditions.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
0 knot Frequency (rad/sec)
Roll Response Amplitude (deg)

20 5 knot
Figure 7. Effect of H/L for V=10 knot, Δ=1556 tons and
10 knot
GM=0.778m with bilge keels.

Figure 6 depicts the effect of changing GM for a constant
displacement. Increasing GM not only reduces peak
amplitudes but also shifts resonant frequencies to higher
values with no forward speed. Increased wave steepness
0 has a noticeable impact roll amplitudes in the negative
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 sense. About 40% reduction is expected going from 1/25
Frequency (rad/sec) to 1/60, Figure 7. Effect of increased displacement on the
peak roll amplitudes for the highest wave slope is shown
Figure 4. Effect of speed for H/L=1/50, Δ=1556 tons and in Figure 8.
GM=0.778m with bilge keels.

With bilge
Roll Amplitude Response (deg)

Roll response amplitude (deg)

Without bilge 35
15 30
10 20
5 10
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Frequency (rad/sec) Frequency (rad/sec)

Figure 5. Effect of bilge keels for H/L=1/60, Δ =1556 Figure 8. Roll response amplitude when H/L=1/25,
tons and GM=0.778m. Δ=1909 tons and GM=0.778m without bilge keels.
As expected, bilge keels are conventional and simplest
form of roll reduction devices. They may be expected to
0.2 reduce roll amplitudes by 30%-40% for this particular
sample ship.
Amplitude (rad)


Finally, the above assessment reveals that roll damping is
a very critical parameter in motion characteristics of a
ship. Therefore meaningful estimation of roll damping
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
may lead to more accurate prediction of roll
time(t) characteristics of a ship. In principle, it may be explained
as the energy balance between damping and excitation
Figure 9. Time history of roll amplitudes at ω=0.5
forces. Since wave and wind excitation can not be
rad/sec for H/L=1/25, Δ =1909 tons, GM=0.778m and
controlled, one may play around the damping forces to
without bilge keels.
enhance stability and motion qualities of ships to an
extent. It may be incorporated in the present weather
criterion towards better evaluation of dynamic stability of
0.2 φ&A ships.

0.05 φA
1. Himeno, Y., “Prediction of Ship Roll Damping-State
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-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 of Michigan, 1981.
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Method for Ship Roll Damping”, Report No. 00405 of
Department of Naval Architecture, University of Osaka
Prefecture, 1978.
Figure 10. Phase diagram at ω=0.5 rad/sec for H/L=1/25, 4. Chakrabarti, S., “Empirical Calculation of
Δ =1909 tons, GM=0.778 m and without bilge keels. Roll Damping for Ships and Barges”, Ocean
Engineering, Vol. 28, pp.915-932, 2001.
Furthermore, time domain solutions and phase diagrams 5. Cumming, D., Haddara, M.R. and Graham,
of the roll motion equation may also be obtained for each R.,”Experimental Investigation of Roll Damping
case analyzed. Figure 9 and Figure 10 are examples of Characteristics of a Destroyer Model”, STAB ’90,
such specific solutions. pp.169-166, Napoli Italy, 1990.
6. Schmitke, R.T.,”Ship Sway, Roll and Yaw Motions
in Oblique Seas”, Transactions SNAME, Vol. 86, pp.26-
7. CONCLUSIONS 46, 1978.
7. Contento, G., Francescutto, A. and Piciullo, M.,”On
In this paper the effect of damping, wave and stability the Effectiveness of Constant Coefficients Roll Motion
characteristics and wave parameters on the roll motion of Equation”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 23(7), pp.597-618,
ships have been investigated by numerical simulation 1996.
techniques for a sample vessel. It has been shown that, 8. Taylan, M.,”The Effect of Nonlinear Damping and
wave steepness plays an important role on especially Restoring in Ship Rolling”. Ocean Engineering Vol.27,
resonant peak amplitudes regardless of variation of other pp.921-932, 2000.
parameters. The difference in the peak roll amplitudes 9. Taylan, M.,”Nonlinear Roll Motion of Ships in Beam
may be in the range of %25 to 40% between the lowest Waves”. Bulletin of the Istanbul Technical University 49,
and highest wave steepness values. pp.459-479, 1996.
10. Taylan, M.,”Solution of the Nonlinear Roll Motion
Increasing the speed from 0 to 10 knots also reduces peak Model by a Generalized Asymptotic Model”, Ocean
roll amplitudes by about %50. It should be noted that Engineering Vol.26, pp.1169-1181, 1999.
damping values are also affected by increased speed in 11. Zborowski, A. and Taylan, M.,”Evaluation of Small
this manner. It is not possible to get a linear trend in this vessels’ Roll Motion Stability Reserve for Resonance
manner. Stability characteristics which may be translated Conditions”. SNAME Spring Meeting/STAR
into different weight and centers that a ship undergoes Symposium New Orleans, U.S.A, pp. S1-2 1-17, 1989.
during her voyage also influence roll motion of a ship.
Shift in resonant frequency can be seen along with the
change in peak roll amplitudes.
APPENDIX A1 = 1 + ξ d −1.2 e −2ξ d
Following Ikeda (1978) and Himeno (1981), the
following empirical expressions have been utilized in the A2 = 0.5 + ξ d −1.0 e −2ξ d
calculation of damping coefficients;

Skin Friction: 1 ⎧⎪[( A2 + 1) + ( A2 − 1) tanh(20(τ − 0.3))]⎫⎪

BW = BW 0 ⎨ 2 ⎬
S = L(1.7 D + C B B ) 2 ⎪⎩+ (2 A1 − A2 − 1)e −150(τ −0.25) ⎪⎭

(0.887 + 0.145C B )⎛⎜ S ⎞⎟ + 2 * KG − D Eddy Making Damping:

re =
π BCRL is the bilge radius and is the function of DX, HOX
and BX
( ( ))
ν = 1.063 + 1.039(ρ − 1.025) + 0.02602(ρ − 1.025)2 ⋅ 10 −6
H OX = H OX ' =
Re =
( 2
0.512 reφ A ω ) 2D X D − C OG
ν AX σD − COG
σ= σ '=
C f = 1.328 ren −0.5 + 0.014ren −0.114 )
V A1, A2, M and H1 are functions of extinction coefficients
B f1 = 0.5ρre 3 SC f (1 + 4.1 ) from fitting the extinction curve in roll with a third
degree polynomial with respect to roll angle;
BF = φ A wB f1
3π 5 2
C F 3 = 1 + 4e −1.65 x10 (1−σ )
C F 1 = (1 + tanh(20σ − 14) )
Lift Damping:
C SL = LD 1
( )
C F 2 = (− 1 cos(σπ ) ) − 1.5 1 − e 5−5σ (0.5 − 0.5 cos(2πσ )
C LO = 0.3D π CF3 ⎡ 2M ⎤
γ = ⎢ RMAX + A1 2 + A2 2 ⎥
2(D − COG ) H OX 'σ ' ⎣ H 1 ⎦
C LR = 0.5 D

C OG = KG − D CP =
0.87e −γ − 4e −0.187γ + 3 )
If CM <= 0.92 κ =0 ⎛R ⎞
⎛ C F 1 BCRL ⎞⎛ C OG C F1 BCRL ⎞
C R = ⎜⎜ MAX ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜1 − ⎟⎟⎜⎜1 − − ⎟⎟
If CM >0.97 κ = 0 .3 ⎝ DX ⎠ ⎝ DX ⎠⎝ DX DX ⎠
⎛ C B ⎞
If 0.97 >= CM > 0.92 + C F 2 ⎜⎜ H OX − F1 CRL ⎟⎟
⎝ DX ⎠
κ = 106(C M − 0.91)2 − 700(C M − 0.91)3 1
Bex = ρD X 4 C P C R this is the effect unit length
2πD ⎛ B ⎞
kN = + κ ⎜ 4.1 − 0.045 ⎟ Be is the value of non-dimensional eddy making
L ⎝ L ⎠ coefficient along the ship;
1 ⎛ C C OG 2 ⎞
Bl = ρC SLVC KN C LO C LR ⎜1 + 1.4 OG + 0.7 ⎟ V
2 ⎜ C LR C LO C LR ⎟ CK =
⎝ ⎠ 0.04ωL

Wave Damping: 8 1
BE = φ AωBe
ω2D 3π 1 + CK 2
ξd =
Vω Bilge-keel Damping:
The normal force component per unit length is written as; BL : Linear damping coefficient
(BL=Bl + BW)
8 BN : Nonlinear damping coefficient
B BKN = ρrcb 3 bBK ωBCRL f 2 C D (BN=BE + BF + BBK)

bBK : Breadth of the bilge keel
Equivalent drag force; f : Correction factor to take into account
for the increase in the flow speed at the
bBK bilge keel
C D = 22.5 + 2.4 S : Wetted Surface Area
πrcb BCRL f BX : Beam of any station
DX : Draft of any station
f = 1 + 0.3e −160 (1−σ ) AX : Area of any station
rcb : The mean distance from the roll axis
The pressure component of damping per unit length due
to hull surface was obtained from the pressure
measurement on 2-dimensional hull surface, which was
caused by the presence of the bilge keels.

B BKH = ρrcb 2 D 2 ωBCRL f 2 ⋅

⎧⎪ ⎛ b BK ⎞ ⎫⎪
⎨− ⎜⎜ − 22.5 − 1.2 ⎟⎟ A2 + 1.2 B 2 ⎬
⎪⎩ ⎝ πrcb fBCRL ⎠ ⎪⎭

A2 and B2 are the functions which depend on bilge-circle

radius, ship dimensions and the dimensions of the
stations per unit length.


L : Ship length
B : Beam of ship
D : Draft
CB : Block coefficient
CM : Mid-section area coefficient
GM : Metacentric height
GZ : Righting arm
LCB : Longitudinal center of buoyancy
LCF : Longitudinal center of floatation
KG : Vertical position of center of gravity
Ixx : Inertia of ship
δIxx : Added inertia of ship
Δ : Displacement
ρ : Density of sea water
αm : Maximum wave slope
υ : Kinematic viscosity
ω : Frequency
ωe : Encounter wave frequency
φA : Roll amplitude
Re : Reynolds number
Cf : Friction coefficient
BW 0 : Radiation damping
BCRL : Bilge radius
Bl : Lift damping
BW : Wave damping
BE : Eddy making damping
BF : Skin friction damping
BBK : Bilge keel damping

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