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Natural Disasters: A Framework for

Research and Teaching


Natural disasters are defined in this paper by relating the impact of extreme
geophysical events to patterns of human vulnerability. Hazard perception is shown to
be a factor that limits the mitigation of risk. The historical development of disaster
studies is traced and five different schools of thought are identified. The current
International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (ZDNDR) is evaluated critically
zclifh regard to its potential for unifying the disparate strands of knowledge and its
scope as a vehicle for education.
A pedagogical framework for disaster studies is presented. Time and space provide
valuable unifying factors, while the subject matter can be differentiated according to
the continua and dichotomies that it presents. In disaster studies as in other branches
of higher education, an ecocentric approach is preferable to a technocentric one, as
inany of the poorer nations of the zuorld, which are most afflicted by natural
catastrophe, will have to rely for mitigation on maintaining their ecological
sustainability, instead of depending on sophisticated technology. Valuable insights into
the impact of environmental extremes on mankind are gained from the study of
disasters as human ecology.
The United Nations has designated the framework for teaching it at the level of
years 1990-2000 as the International Decade adult education.
for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR). The key to a successful didactic ap-
Education is a vital component of this global proach to natural disasters is to consider
initiative to reduce the toll of casualties and them as whole phenomena, in which the
destruction caused by natural catastrophe, demands of the problem (such as search
and it is primarily at the post-school level and rescue, the provision of shelter and the
that tomorrow's hazard managers and management of mass casualties) replace
scientists will be instructed and trained. narrow disciplinary specializations. Thus, in
Obviously, it is essential that they be given the emergent field of disaster studies it is
a broad and rigorous grounding in the imperative that the approach be fully inter-
theories, methodologies and examples that disciplinary. Moreover, there is consider-
constitute the "proto-discipline" of natural able scope for considering disasters within
hazards and disaster studies.' In this paper the compass of ecology, as extreme forms
I review the past development and current of ecological - or more properly human
state of this field, examine some of its ecological - relationships.*
theoretical underpinnings and propose a


220 David Alexander

ESSENTIAL DEFINITIONS total - impact of elements

risk hazard at risk
According to Burton and Kates (1964,
p. 413) ’‘Natural hazards are those elements vulnerability of
in the physical environment [which are] elements at risk
harmful to man and caused by forces
extraneous to him”.3 Turner (1976, All the constituents of this equation
pp. 755-756) offered a more detailed defi- may vary. While in certain fields the impact
nition of disaster, as of natural hazards is fairly immutable, or
” . . . an event, concentrated in time and subject to definablenatural trends, in others
space, which threatens a society or a relatively it can be altered by human activity (as in the
self-sufficient subdivision of a society with cases of induced seismicity, flooding related
major unwanted consequences as a result of to the “greenhouse effect” and subsidence
the collapse of precautions which had hitherto resulting from groundwater withdrawal).
been culturally accepted as adequate”. Planning laws, development initiatives and
From this it is clear that disasters occur evacuation plans are examples of measures
which can alter the number of elements at
when physical impacts coincide with
risk. Their vulnerability is a function of
human vulnerability, and that the concept
three factors (Alexander, 1991):
of risk principally involves the likelihood of
loss sustained by elements in the human
total risk risk
landscape which are threatened by future
vulnerability = amplification - mitigation f
hazard impacts. These impending losses measures measures
can be mitigated by adjustment in the form
of modifications to extreme natural events, risk
reductions in human vulnerability, or in the perception
last resort by taking emergency action factors
(Kates, 1971).
In cases where there is some degree of Risk amplification occurs as a result of
choice, risks are assumed because they the continued development of past and
entail benefits to the risk taker. Thus, the future disaster areas, but it can be reduced
impact of disasters can be viewed as a by mitigation efforts. Micklin (1973) lists
simple conceptual equation (Burton, Kates four ways in which the latter can be applied:
and White, 1978): engineering mechanisms, including
technological innovations and
net impact total benefits total costs
of disasters = of inhabiting - of disaster -
risk zone impact symbolic mechanisms, including
culture and its constituent norms and
costs of roles;
adaptation regulatory mechanisms, defining
to risk public policy and social control;
distributional mechanisms, which
According to an alternative formulation4
specify the movement of people,
the sum total of risk is a product of the
activities and resources.
magnitude and extensiveness of the natural
hazard impact, the number and size of The extent of risk amdification or
elements at risk, and their vulnerability in mitigation will depend on the degree to
terms-of probable levels of damage and which it is perceived. Mileti (1980) noted
destruction: that perception can be divided into that
Natural Disasters: A Frameuiork for Research and Teaching 211

pertaining to the likelihood of damage and facilitate human adjustment to the physical
that relating to the role of mitigation. The world through social organization".
level of perception will depend on the Although an all-embracing concept such
ability to estimate risk and perceive its as human ecology is capable of unlfying dis-
causes, the level of past experience with parate subject matter, it has not been
hazards, the propensity to deny that a risk adopted universally. The increasing div-
exists, the level of access to appropriate ision of knowledge into disciplines, which
information and the size of the unit have in turn spawned sub-disciplines, has
analysed. Preston et al. (1983) described the meant that natural hazards and disaster
psychological adjustments which are studies have had to struggle for identity
necessary to reduce "cognitive dissonance", against a wide range of groups and sub-
which they defined as the psychological groups, many of which have substantial
discomfort that arises when two conflicting overlap and common ground but often very
beliefs are held simultaneously, as when a different viewpoints, approaches or objec-
person perceives his environment to be tives. Regrettably, the field has responded
hazardous, but continues to live in it. to increasing disciplinary specialization by
becoming fragmented. Hence, the following
schools of thought and expertise can at
present be identified.
In the English-speaking world the field of
natural disasters has grown in close associ- (1) The geographical approach to natural
ation with the applied natural and social hazards stems from Harland Barrows'
sciences, but has suffered from problems of work in the 1920s on human ecological
fragmentation and over-specialization, as adaptation to environment (Barrows,
well as the insuIarity that disciplinary 1923) and Gilbert F. White's seminal
studies tend to foster. To some extent this 1940s monograph on flood perception
has prevented it from acquiring a separate (White, 1945, 1973). Social science
identity. methods are widely used and emphasis
During the last 125 years there has been is given to the spatio-temporal distri-
a gradual shift of emphasis in the natural bution of risk, impacts and vulner-
and social sciences from the impact of en- ability (Palm, 1990).7
vironment upon mankind to humanity's (2) The anthropological approach, as
impact on environment (Holt-Jensen, 1988). evinced by the work of Torry (1979a),
In one sense, disasters represent an extreme Dudasik (1982) and Oliver-Smith (1990)
class of human-environmental or ecological has focused on the role of disasters in
phenomena.s They cannot truly be con- guiding the socio-economic evolution
sidered natural, in that human vulnerability of populations, in dispersing them and
seldom results from purely natural states in causing the destruction of civiliz-
(rather than locational decisions based on ations (although Torry [op. cit.] noted
socio-economic criteria) and human in- that the last of these is very debatable).
tervention often results in aggravated risk A strong concern for the Third World
of geophysical impact.6 Hence, because has led anthropologists to search for the
they represent an environmental imperative threshold points beyond which local
to society, natural disasters have been communities can no longer provide the
studied using the tenets of human ecology, basic requirements for survival of their
which Mileti (1980) defined as " . . . seeking members. They have also studied the
the determinants of human behaviour in "marginalization syndrome" arising
natural environment, and the processes that from the impoverishment of disad-
212 David Alexander

vantaged groups in underdeveloped municable diseases whose incidence

societies. rates may increase during the dis-
(3) The sociological approach stems from ruption of public health measures
the work of Russell R. Dynes, Enrico following a disaster (Beinin, 1985;
L. Quarantelli and others. Vulnerability Manni and Magalini, 1985).
and impacts are considered in terms of (6) The technical approach prevails among
patterns of human behaviour and the natural and physical scientists (Smith,
effects of disasters upon community 1985). Emphasis is given to seismology,
functions and organization (Quaran- volcanology, geomorphology and other
telli, 1978; Drabek, 1986; Dynes, De predominantly geophysical approaches
Marchi and Pelanda, 1987).In addition, to disasters (Bolt et al., 1977; Stein-
psychologists have studied disaster in brugge, 1982).
relation to factors such as stress (Glass,
Clearly, the prevailing theories and
1970),bereavement (Church, 1974)and
models in hazard and disaster studies have
the "disaster syndrome", a psycho-
not succeeded in preventing the emergence
logically determined defensive reaction
of quite separate schools of thought that
pattern (Wallace, 1956).
deal with what are essentially the same
(4) The development studies approach
phenomena. Dichotomies exist between the
considers problems of providing aid
technocentric school, to whom the solution
and relief to Third World countries,
to the disaster problem lies in the ap-
and addresses questions of refugee
plication of measuring and monitoring
management, health care and the
techniques and sophisticated managerial
avoidance of starvation. Logistical as-
strategies, and the development school, who
pects are emphasized, as are nutritional
point out that, as a result of poverty, such
studies (Cuny, 1983; D'Souza and
luxuries are denied to the majority of
Crisp, 1985; Seaman, Leivesley and
disaster victims. Concomitantly, most of the
Hogg, 1984). Davis (1978) stated that
theory used by hazards specialists has been
over 80 per cent of disaster impacts
formulated for the developed world (es-
occur in developing countries,' and it
pecially the United States of America) and
is clear that the epiphenomenon of
is of doubtful validity elsewhere.
poverty increases human vulnerability
One opportunity to remedy these prob-
to natural hazards: locational con-
lems is presented by the IDNDR, which
straints tend to place the poor more
therefore merits a brief critical examination.
firmly in the path of impacts, while
credit, savings, capital and alternative
options that normally cushion the THE INTERNATIONAL DECADE FOR
impact are lacking (Tory, 1979a). In NATURAL DISASTER REDUCTION
addition, Rivers (1982) found that in
less-developed societies the burden of Dr Frank Press, the President of the U.S.
coping with disasters falls dispro- National Academy of Sciences, first pro-
portionately on the unemancipated posed the IDNDR in 1984 at the Eighth
woman. World Congress on Earthquake Engineer-
(5) A new field of disaster medicine and ing. Eventually, the idea was adopted by
epidemiology has recently been the United Nations, under Resolution 421169
founded. It focuses on the manage- of 1987.9 The United States continued to
ment of mass casualties, the treatment take the lead by issuing two prospectuses
of severe physical trauma and the on American efforts connected with the
epidemiological surveillance of com- Decade (U.S. National Research Council,
Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 213

1987, 1989). Several proponents and prac- tackle, all major problems of disasters
titioners have published their ideas on how around the world.
the Decade should be operationalized
Hence, in the eyes of some practitioners,
(Holland, 1989; Housner, 1989; Lechat,
the IDNDR has assumed the status of a
1990; Oaks and Bender, 1990).
“technofix”, in which the proponents of
It seems that the principal thrust of the
Decade will be to promote the international technology and hard science use it as a
sharing of ideas and data (through con- justification for generating yet more of the
ferences and other co-operative efforts), and same. Sociologists (Dynes, 1990), Third
World development specialists and ecolo-
the development of national and world-
wide networks for monitoring the agents gists (Burin, 1989) have been quick to point
which produce disasters. Laudable as these out the lack of reference to their own special-
ities. An extreme interpretation would be
aims are, the initiative has not escaped
criticism, calling into question the American that the Decade represents an attempt by
prediction that it will be possible to halve engineers and physical and natural scien-
the impact of natural disasters by the year tists to concentrate academic power and
2000. Mitchell (1988) has made the following funding opportunities into their own hands
points about the IDNDR in general and the in the name of applying their sciences.
Unless the character of the IDNDR
U.S. Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
changes as it evolves, it would seem that it
in particular.
offers only limited scope in the field of
ecological education. It can, however, be
(1) New research, such as that proposed
used profitably as a justification for any
under the auspices of the Decade, is
initiative to increase public or student
not easily justified when much current
awareness of disasters.
knowledge and expertise remain un-
(2) Broad, societal processes are not easy TOWARDS A PEDAGOGICAL
to change, yet are fundamental to FRAMEWORK FOR NATURAL DISASTERS
human vulnerability. They are not con-
Although the discipiinary structure of
sidered explicitly in the prospectus for
disaster studies is still fragmentary, the field
does not lack regularities. Some of these
(3) Expensive and sophisticated monitor-
take the form of natural or social “laws”
ing, experimentation and management
(albeit usually of the statistical variety), such
initiatives are unlikely to work in poor
as the following.
countries. But non-structural ap-
proaches and the applications of alter- (1) Geophysical events of high magnitude
native, low-level technology are not tend to occur with low frequency, while
receiving adequate consideration under those of low magnitude tend to be
the terms of the Decade. numerous in time. In physical terms,
(4) Co-operative science has a mixed the amount of work done by events
record of success in reducing the toll of of a given size is a product of their
natural hazards. Its efficacy should be magnitude and their frequency of
evaluated before any large new occurrence (the ‘magnitude-frequency
projects are proposed. principle”).
(5) As initially specified, the Decade lacks (2) People tend to overestimate the impact
a strong focus on a few relatively of disastrous or sensational hazards
simple issues. Resources will undoubt- and to underestimate that of pervasive
ably be insufficient to solve, or even hazards which claim only small
214 David Alexander

Continua, dichotomies and polychotomies in disaster studies

Confinua in hazards and disasfers:

anthropogenic disaster t-) natural disaster
sudden impact disaster ++ creeping disaster
short-term aftermath ++ long-term aftermath
(restoration) (reconstruction)
scientific organization:
technocentric approach t-) ecocentric approach
natural hazards t-) environmental geology
(social science) (natural science)

risk amplification
attitudes and approaches:
symbiosis with environment
parasitism (exploitation)
risk reduction
optimizer t-) satisficer
mitigation .-, laissez faire
environmental determinism

probabilism - possibilism

Dichotomies and polychotomies:

recurrence interval time-scale of

for most disasters geological events
[IO-’-IO* years] [103-109 years]

simple impact composite disaster secondary disaster

[earthquake] [earthquake & tsunami] [post-earthquake fire]

structural mitigation non-structural mitigation

[retrofitting of buildings] [insurance]

numbers of victims each time they (4) As physical or emotional distance from
strike (Preston et al., 1983). the disaster increases, so the level of
(3) The more chronic and well-known the psychological impact falls, unless
threat, the more integrated it will be death, destruction or loss increase pro-
with the local culture, the more portionately. This is Turner’s modifi-
uniform will be the reaction to it and cation of Kastenbaum’s so-called ”Law
the less shifting will be the focus of of Inverse Magnitude” (Turner, 1976).
concern (Anderson, 1967, p. 304). (5) Rather than stimulate a massive out-
Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 215

migration of displaced populations, TABLE 2

most disasters give rise to a ”conver- Structural and non-structural methods of
gence reaction”, in which many groups disaster mitigation
and organizations come to the disaster
area (Fritz, 1957). Structural methods:
Retrofitting of existing structures
Hence, there is ample scope for basing Reinforcement of new structures
the teaching of disaster studies on verifiable - design features

generalizations. However, there are also - overdesign

considerable uncertainties. For example, the Safety features
process of turning the prediction of an - structural safeguards

impending impact into a public warning, - failsafe design

and of ensuring that appropriate action is Engineering phenomenology

taken (such as evacuation), is a very impre- Probabilistic prediction of impact strength
cise one in which the warning message is Nun-structural methods:
as likely to be ignored or misinterpreted as (a) short-term:
it is to be heeded (Foster, 1980).In consider- Emergency plans
ing the role of information in inducing - civil
people to take immediate action to prevent - co-ordinator(s)
the worst effects of disaster, Sims and - police and firemen
Baumann (1983) were only able to conclude - Red Cross and charities
with the following highly tentative state- - volunteer groups
ment: ”Information may lead to behaviour - medical services
change . . . under highly specific conditions - military forces
. . . if properly executed [i.e., delivered to Evacuation plans
recipients] . . . with specific targets”. - routes and reception centres
Another focus for study is the presence - for the general public
of various highly significant continua, - for vulnerable groups: the very
dichotomies and polychotomies in the field young, elderly, sick, or handicapped
(Table 1).For instance, a basic dichotomy Prediction of impact
exists between structural and non-structural - monitoring equipment
methods of hazard mitigation (Table 2). The - forecasting methods and models
former involve engineering methods and Warning processes
architectural design, while the latter com- - general message
prise most other methods, including oper- - specialized warning (e.g. ethnic)
ations research, land-use planning, risk
(b) long-term:
analysis and economics.
Building codes and construction norms
One of the most significant of the
Hazard microzonation
continua is that which exists between dis-
- selected risks
asters that strlke abruptly (e.g., earthquakes
- all risks
and tornadoes), and those that have long
Land-use control
drawn-out impact and are hence known as
- regulations, prohibitions, moratoria
“creeping disasters” (e.g ., desertification
- compulsory purchase
and accelerated soil erosion). Tables 3 and
Probabilistic risk analysis
4 show that the geophysical agents which
produce disasters can be classified, not only
according to speed of onset, but also with
Education and training
respect to potential duration of forewarning
216 David Alexander

Classification of disasters by duration of impact and length of forewarning

Duration of impact Length of forewarning (if any)

Type of disaster 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

Intense rainstorm
Frost or ice-storm
Volcanic eruption
Insect infestation
Coastal erosion
Crop blight D D

Expansive soil
Desertification ..
and precursors, as well as by frequency and oped country and generates an abrupt and
pattern of occurrence.1° massive demand for shelter. Table 5 lists the
Being a linear measure, time is essen- time-phases into which sudden or relatively
tially the "backbone" of disaster studies. For abrupt disasters are usually classified, and
example, Figure 1 illustrates the temporal gives three hypothetical examples. A more
sequence of solutions to the post-disaster simple approach would be to use only four
housing problem, with reference to a time periods: impact and emergency, repair
sudden-impact disaster that strikes a devel- of essential services, replacement recon-
Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 217

Classification of disasters by frequency or type of occurrence

Type of disaster Frequency or type of occurrence*

Lightning Random
Avalanche Seasonalldiurnal; random
Earthquake Log-normal
Landslide Seasonal-irregular
Tornado Seasonal; negative binomial
Intense rainstorm Seasonalldiurnal; Poisson
Hail Seasonalldiurnal; Poisson, gamma, negative binomial
Tsunami Random
Subsidence Sudden or progressive
Windstorm Seasonallexponential
Frost or ice-storm Seasonalldiurnal; Markovian, binomial
Hurricane Seasonallirregular
Snowstorm Seasonal; modified Poisson**
Environmental fire Seasonal; random
Volcanic eruption Irregular
Insect infestation Seasonal; random
Fog Seasonall diurnal
Flood Seasonal; Markovian, gamma, log-normal
Coastal erosion Seasonallirregular; exponential, gamma
Drought Seasonallirregular; binomial, gamma
Crop blight Seasonallirregular
Expansive soil Seasonal or irregular
Accelerated erosion Progressive (threshold may be crossed)
Desertification Progressive (threshold may be crossed)

* Frequency distributions adapted from Hewitt (1970, pp. 333-4)

** Eggenberger and Polya modification: see Hewitt (1970)

struction, and developmental reconstruc- Nevertheless, time and space both provide
tion (Kates and Pijawka, 1977, and other essential foci for teaching about the evolu-
sources). tion of particular disaster situations.
Geography is also relevant here, and Another framework for study is pro-
Figure 2 gives a simple model of spatial vided by the distributive effects of disaster
relations in disaster. Unfortunately, few (Table 6; Burton, Kates and White, 1978).
geographers have attempted to apply their As the magnitude of individual impacts
skills to spatial modelling of natural catas- decreases, so the size of the population
trophe (Alexander, 1989; Montz, 1982), and affected increases (Burton, Kates and White,
hence there is a dearth of models for the 1978).Using this framework involves start-
longer term spatial effects of disaster. ing with the medical, public health and
218 David Alexander


pending pending pending
survey repair resettlement









of the site

FIGURE 1 Shelter, rehousing and reconstruction after a disaster (the example of a developed country)


Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 219

MOOEL OF WALLACE (i956) -modified

5000 iW0 500 100 50 5 0 km


FIGURE 2 Simple rriodels of spatial relafzons in d i s a s t u

Summary of time periods in disaster (with examples)

Purely hypothetical examples

Time period Earthquake Tornado Riverine
~~~ ~

”Incubation” or return period 150 years 5 years 100 years

Immediate precursor period none 20 mins 15 hours
Impact 100 secs 5 mins 36 hours
Aftermath or crisis period:
Isolation 8-48 hrs* 2 hours 2 hours
Search and rescue 2-7 days 12 hours 3 days
Repair of basic services 4 weeks 3 weeks 5 weeks
The long term:
Restoration-reconstruction 12 years 2 years 4 years
Developmental reconstruction 25 years 3 years 12 years

* Time lapse represents centre-periphery dichotomy


220 David Alexander

sociological side of disaster, and moving on TABLE 6

progressively to the engineering, architec- Distributive effects of natural hazards
tural, sociological and economic aspects. and disasters*
The fundamental principle underlying
these approaches is that the key to the S mat 1 popu 1ation affected,
adequate development and teaching of dis- concentrated effects
aster studies lies in making them interdis-
ciplinary; in particular by concentrating on Death (mortality)
the unexplored ground at the point of con- Injury (morbidity)
tact between scientific specializations (e.g., - trauma
between geomorphology and architecture, - severe (hospitalization)
human perception and volcanology, engin- - slight (out-patient treatment)
eering and human behavioural patterns). - disease
This w d require a considerable accession of - starvation and malnutrition
ingenuity and inventiveness on the part of - psychological injury
scientists and teachers who are unaccus-
tomed to break ground outside their own Bereavement
specializations, or to study unfamiliar Homelessness
subjects. - permanent (reconstruction or
It is thus necessary to refocus natural migration)
hazards and disaster studies from the - temporary (repair)
current fragmentary approach to one that
is much more unified and hence much more Unemployment
capable of giving birth to coherent theories Damage and destruction of assets and
of wide general applicability.The key to this possessions
is to treat hazards and disasters as complete
phenomena. A general examination of the Economic loss
nature and evolution of the event, in other - loss of income or investment,
words of its phenomenology or problematic, indebtedness, bankruptcy
will determine which are the most pressing Disruption of activities
questions that it poses, and hence which is
the combination of disciplines and methods Voluntary donation
that can be employed to solve them. This Mandatory taxation
will require re-education of practitioners at
both the theoretical and the applied levels, Large population affected,
so that they have a much wider and more well-distributed effects
integrated knowledge of natural events and
* After Burton, Kates and White (1978)
their human consequences.
The unified strategy outlined here will
only be successful in research and pedagogy bute to each aspect.
if the problem is conceptualized in terms of Political aspects of disaster also deserve
its constituents, independently of any to be examined. With regard to public
disciplinary constraints. This has been administration and natural catastrophe,
attempted in Table 7, which lists some of Olson and Nilson (1982) classified politics
the main geophysical and socio-economic into participatory, specialist, pluralist and
aspects of disasters .I1 Table 8 reconceptu- elitist forms, and public policy into distribu-
alizes a selection of these in terms of the tive, constituent, regulative and redistribu-
disciplines that have something to contri- tive. They noted that political culture,
Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 221

TABLE 7 versy. Hewitt (1983) argued that the direc-

Aspects of disasters pertinent to their tion of causality has been mistaken by the
management majority of scholars in the field. In catas-
trophe nature is seen to decide which social
Physical occurrence: conditions or responses will be significant.
Probability Hewitt has argued that vulnerability and
Frequency human social organization are, instead, the
Transience (duration) critical determinants of both risk and
Physical magnitude impact. This view is reinforced by Kreps
Energy expenditure (1989)and Drabek (1989),who both redefine
Physical effects: direct, indirect and disasters as ”non-routine social problems”
secondary (my emphasis).
Area affected: directly and indirectly
Degree of spatial concentration or CONCLUSION: HUMAN ECOLOGY AND
Volume of products (e.g., lava,
floodwater) Natural hazards should be considered in an
integrated way in terms of their geophysical
Predictability: impacts, their human repercussions, and
Short-term (for avoiding action) the opportunities for monitoring and miti-
Long-term (for structural and non- gating them. The last of these questions
structural adjustment) poses the dilemma, which is well-known to
Con trollability : environmentalists, of to what extent techno-
Can physical processes be modified? centric, rather than ecocentric approaches
Can physical energy expenditure be are capable of mitigating hazards. The view
reduced? that technology will eventually triumph
Can effects be mitigated? over catastrophe is still fashionable, but is
Can effects be modified? increasingly subject to criticism and doubt.
Economic power, the force behind tech-
Socio-culfu ral factors: nocentrism, is related to the seriousness of
Belief systems inherent in societies disaster impacts in a non-linear way that is
Degree of knowledge of risk tempered by political factors and the
Complexity of social system and its tendency to accumulate physical capital and
constituent groups thus increase vulnerability (Figure 3).
Adaptation, in varying degrees, is the
key to the human ecology of natural dis-
expressed as power relations, may inhibit asters. It can take any of four forms
decision-making by preventing a latent (Alexander, 1991).
issue, such as a disaster mitigation strategy,
from becoming a question for decision.” (1) Persistent occupation of the hazard
Furthermore, Mitchell et al. (1989) argued zone despite the risk involved: (a) with
that political questions may provide a comprehensive measures for risk
context which on occasion actually over- mitigation and hazard abatement; (b)
shadows the impact of natural disaster. with only warning and evacuation
Although it is not difficult to map out measures; or (c) without any protection
the fundamental elements in natural disas- measures (the state of maximum
ter and relate them to each other (Tables vulnerability).
1-8), the exercise is not without contro- (2) Cohabitation with the damage caused
222 David Alexander

Principal disciplines involved in disaster studies

Aspects of the Example type of disaster

disasters problem Earthquakes Floods Hurricanes

Physical impact
- Magnitude and geology, physical meteorology,
frequency seismology, hydrology, oceanography
statistics statistics
- Geographical geology, geographical meteorology,
location and extent physical hydrology remote sensing
~eograPhY /

- Physical processes geology, hydraulics, atmospheric
at work seismology physical physics
- Risk to individuals medicine, public health public health
(mortality and public health
- Damage and architecture, architecture, architecture,
destruction structur a1 structural structural
engineering engineering engineering
- Other effects: economics, perceptual economics,
e.g. economic, engineering geography, geomorphology
psychological geology, geomorphology
sociology, etc
Predictability of impacts
- Prediction seismology hydrology climatology,
techniques meteorology,
remote sensing
- Scope of prediction geology, statistics meteorology
. and likelihood seismology
of success
- Structural and architecture, civil structural
semi-structural structural engineering engineering
- Non-structural economics, actuarial planning, public
planning science, administration


Natural Disasters: A Framework for Research and Teaching 223

impact of on

technology and
fixed capital
cause damage to
increase in scope
and complexity-

FIGURE 3 Level of economic development and severity of natural disaster (modified from O’Keefe, in
T o r y , 1979, p . 537)

by past disasters (the state of rnaxirnurn Bunin (1989) argued that the IDNDR should
geographical inertia). take place explicitly within the compass of
(3) Abandoning damaged or destroyed efforts to maintain ecological sustainability,
structures, but relocating within the as the main scope for disaster mitigation in
risk zone (the case of secondary geo- the less developed nations lies in protecting
graphical inerfia). their natural resources. Disasters must,
(4) Migration to safer zones: (a) planned; however, be presented as holistic, inter-
or (b) unplanned. disciplinary phenomena, as the boundaries
between disciplines tend to impede under-
As Parker and Harding (1979) have standing and restrict the creation of theory.
noted, by emphasizing adjustment, adap-
tation and perception, the study of natural
disasters draws attention to the dynamic Notes
relationship between humanity and en- This paper was read at the International Con-
vironment and can be an excellent means ference on Environmental Education, “Strategy
of enhancing environmental awareness. for Lifelong Environmental Education in the
The field can also be broadened to embrace USSR”, held at Kazan’ University in the Soviet
ecological destruction (Ball, 1979). In fact, Union from 28 October to 3 November 1990


224 David Alexander

under the auspices of the State Committee for odology which is closely related to that
Higher Education. I thank my Tatar and Russian employed in earthquake intensity scales.
hosts for their interest in and support for this Finally, social aspects of taxonomy are dealt
work, especially Dr Marat Khabibullov, Inter- with by Kreps (1989) and his collaborators
national Programmes Co-ordinator, and Dr Yuri in the same volume (e.g., Drabek, 1989).
Kotov, USSR People’s Deputy. 11. An earlier and more discursive approach is
to be found in Stoddard (1968).
1. In this account the terms ”hazard” and 12. Boyce (1990) has chronicled a powerful
“disaster” will be used synonymously. 1 will example of how he believes this is being
not consider the so-called ”technological” done with regard to the flood problem in
hazards and disasters (such as nuclear Bangladesh.
accidents, toxic spills and urban fires) and
the effects of armed conflict. References
2. However, the anthropologist William I.
Torry observed (1979a, p. 377) that . . . an
I’ Alexander, D.E. (1989) Spatial aspects of
ecological perspective is curiously absent earthquake epidemiology. Proceedings of the
from the hazard research literature”. lnternational Workshop on Earthquake Injury
3. According to Torry (1979b), Burton, Kates Epidemiology for Mitigation and Response, Johns
and White (1978) confer three distinct Hopkins University, Baltimore, July 1989,
meanings on the term “hazard”: the agent 82-94.
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