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Notes: Italics indicate the referenced term is in the list of acronyms.

An extensive list of acronyms is on the ExxonMobil intranet at: Useful Links > Resources, Acronyms.

Acronyms Descriptions
∅ diameter
# number (in reference to wire gauge such as AWG)
µm micron (micrometer)
µSv microsievert (unit of radiation dose)
1-D one dimensional
2-D two dimensional
3-D three dimensional
2ooN two-out-of –N
A ampere
A/L artificial lift
A/U Operator A/U Operator
AA Area Authority
AA atomic absorption
AAL Authorized Approval List
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AARI Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
AASHTO American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
AAV annular access valve
AB able-bodied (seaman)
ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
ABS American Bureau of Shipping
AC air-conditioning
AC alternating current
AC/DC alternating current / direct current
ACB air circuit breaker
ACFM actual cubic feet per minute
ACFM alternating current field measurement (technique to detect cracks in welds)
ACLS advanced cardiac life support
ACM asbestos-containing material
ACODE Action and Cooperation for Development
ACRF Aircraft Charter Request Form
ACS American Chemical Society
ACS anticollision system
ACT automatic custody transfer
ACV annulus choke valve
APV approved contract value
ADCI Association of Diving Contractors International (formerly ADC)
ADDP Asset Development and Depletion Plan

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Acronyms Descriptions
ADDS airborne dispersant delivery system
ADE above-deck equipment
ADF automatic direction finder
ADR European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods
by Road
ADT atmospheric drain tank
AE analyzer primary element
AEIC Association of Edison Illuminating Companies
AET acoustic emission testing
AFC approved for construction
AFD approved for design
AFE authorization for expenditure (more common)
AFE Authority for Expenditure
AFE annular fluid expansion
AFE approval for engineering
AFFF aqueous film forming foam
AFLAS® a tradename of Seals Eastern, Inc. for a copolymer of tetrafluoroethylene and
propylene (TFE/P)
AFP Alternative Forms of Pay
AFT area field technician
AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation (French Standards)
AFU Authorization For Use
AFV automatic flow valve
Ag silver
AgCl silver chloride
AGA American Gas Association
AGL above ground level
AGT Authorized Gas Tester
AGU American Geophysical Union
AHM Airport Handling Manual
AHTS anchor handling tug supply (vessel)
AHU air-handling unit
AI analyzer indicator
AIA/NAS Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. / National Aeronautics
AIC analyzer indicator controller
AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AIME American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers
AIPO person to act in place of (for example, the OIM)
AIS automatic identification system
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AL artificial lift
ALARP as low as reasonably practical (or possible)
ALBP Asset Level Business Plan
ALERT Angola Local Emergency Response Team
aliquot subsample (chemical analysis)
ALT Asset Level Team

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Acronyms Descriptions
AM amplitude modulation
AM Area Manager
Am americium
AMASOT Association for Social Marketing in Chad
AMCA American Movement and Control Association
AMDEA amine (Aberdeen)
AML accepted manufacturers list
AMM Assistant Mooring Master
AM-S Analytical Methods - Specifications
AMSL above mean sea level
AMT Asset and Material Transfer form
AMV annular (or annulus) master valve
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AOG Aviation Operations Guide
AOM Area Operating Manager
AOM Asset Operations Manager
AOS ALGOA Offshore Services
AOV air operated valves
AP Accelerated Production
AP Accounts payable
AP annular preventer
AP annulus pressure
APBS accident prevention on board ships
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APG Administrative Percentile Group
API American Petroleum Institute
API MPMS American Petroleum Institute Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
API RP American Petroleum Institute recommended practice
APR air purifying respirator
APS Abandon Platform System
APT alternate path technology
ARC Account Reconciliation Custodian
ARI Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute
ARMEX® ARMEX is a registered trademarks of the Church & Dwight Company.
ARPA automatic ranging and plotting aid
ARR Applicable Regulatory Requirement Database
ASA Applied Sciences Associates, Inc.
ASC annular sample chamber
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASCSSV annulus surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
ASD azimuthing stern drive
ASF accumulator size factor
ASH analyzer switch high
ASHH analyzer switch high high
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing
AST Aviation Steering Team
ASTM ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing Materials)

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Acronyms Descriptions
ASV annular safety valve
AT analyzer transmitter
ATA Air Travel Authorization
ATEX ATEX (Atmosphères Explosibles) Guidelines under Directive 94/9/EC
ATG automatic tank gauging
ATL Asset Team Leader
ATLS advanced trauma life support
ATO actual takeoff (time)
ATPV arc thermal performance exposure value
ATS automated tracking system
ATS automatic transfer system
ATU antenna tuning unit
ATV assigned test value
AVE accuracy certification equipment
AVR automatic voltage regulator
AVR audio varisync relay
AVS abandon vessel shutdown (system)
AVTE accuracy verification test equipment
AWG American wire gauge
AWS American Welding Society
AWV annulus wing valve
BaCO3 barium carbonate
BaCO4 barium sulfate
BA breathing apparatus
BAC Board Audit Committee
BAC boiler automatic combustion
BAR builders all risks policy
bar one atmospheric pressure (14.7 psia)
bara bar absolute (pressure)
barg bar gauge (pressure)
B.A.S. basic allowable stress
BASEEFA British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment for Flammable Atmospheres
BAT borehole audio tracer
bbl barrel (42 gallons = 0.159 m3)
BBS behavior-based safety
BBS bulletin board system (computer related)
BCF bioconcentration factor
BCM bow to center manifold
BCP best current practice
BDT Bulk Delivery Ticket
BDV blowdown valve
Be beryllium
BestNet ExxonMobil network
BETX benzene, ethyl benzene, toluene, and xylene
BF&I Benefits Finance and Investment
BGG background gas
BHA bottom hole assembly

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Acronyms Descriptions
BHCT bottom hole cementing temperature
BHP bottom hole pressure
BHP brake horsepower
BHP&T bottom hole pressure and temperature
BHST bottom hole static temperature
BHT bottom hole temperature
BHTA bottom hole test adapter
BIP Bonga Infrastructure Project
BIS Budget Item Summary
BL bill of lading
BLPD barrels of liquid per day
BM bay module
BML below mean sea level
BMS burner management system
Bn Brinell hardness
BOD Board of Directors
BOD biological oxygen demand
BOD5 biological (or biochemical) oxygen demand, averaged over five-day period.
BOD28 biological (or biochemical) oxygen demand, 28-day test period
BOE equivalent barrel of oil (a global KPI in performance assessment)
BOG boil-off gas
BOL bills of lading
BOM bill of materials
BOP blowout preventer
BOP berthing operation platform
BOP balance of plant
BOPD barrels of oil per day
BOPE blowout prevention equipment
BOR blanket (purchase) order release
BOT Baker Oil Tools
BP bridge plug
BPD barrels per day
BPI Business Process Indicators
BPM barrels per minute
BPV backpressure valve
Bq becquerel (a unit of radioactivity and activity of radionuclides) See Ci and GBq.
BrF3 bromine trifluoride
BRT Bonny River Terminal
BS British Standard
BS&W basic sediment and water
BS&W bottom sediment and water
BS/MS Business Services (Controllers, Tax, and Treasurers) and Management Support
(Human Resources, Public Affairs, Law, and Security)
BSC Balance Sheet Coordinator
BSI British Standards Institute
BSTB billion stock tank barrels
BTC buttress-thread connection (pipe connections)
BTN Brussels tariff number

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Acronyms Descriptions
BTPO Building the Producing Organization
BU business unit
BU backup
BV Bureau Veritas
BWPD barrels of water per day
°C °Celsius
C&B Compensation and Benefits
Ca calcium
Ca annular capacity
CA certifying authority
CA Competency Assurance
CA consequence analysis
CAA Civil Aviation Administration
CABA compressed air breathing apparatus (See SCBA)
CaCO3 calcium carbonate
CAD computer aided drawing
CADWELD® CADWELD is a registered trademark of ERICO International Corporation.
CaF2 calcium fluoride
CAF Cost Above Field
CAIRS Computer Aided Inspection Reporting System
cal calorie
CALM catenary anchor leg mooring (buoy)
CAMS Corporate Asset Management System
CAOF calculated absolute open flow (potential)
CAPEX capital expenditure(s)
CAR client authorized representative
CAR construction all risks policy
CAR Contract Action Request
CARD Casing Pressure Anomaly Recording Datasheet
CAS Central Alarm Station
CAS Competency Assurance Standard
CaSO4 calcium sulfate
CB CALM buoy
CB circuit breaker
CBA cost benefit analysis
CBF circulation ball-firing (a term used coiled tubing operations)
CBM Capital Budget Manual
cc cubic centimeter
CC Change Coordinator
CC corrosion coupon
CCA credit coordination agreement
CCC central control console
CCD cargo control display
CCF composite correction factor
CCFU common file check
CCH Central Clearinghouse
CCL casing collar locator

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Acronyms Descriptions
CCM Cost Center Manager
CCP compressor control panel
CCR Central Control Room
CCR Cargo Control Room (sometimes used on sea vessels such as an FSO or FPSO)
CCR/COM Central Control Room and Communication
CCRO Central Control Room Operator
CCT Crisis Communications Team
CCTV closed circuit TV
CDBM Completion Design Basis Memorandum
CDF discounted cash flow
CDFR discounted cash flow rate
CDFT critical device function testing
CDS Costa del sol
CDST closed drain sump tank
Ce cesium
Ce-137 A radioactive isotope of cesium (cesium-137)
CE Conformité Européenne (European health and safety product label)
CE controllable equipment
CEC cation exchange capacity
CEDCV continuously energized directional control valve
CEDRE Centre de Documentation de Recherche et d'Experimentations
CEI Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
CEN/CENELEC European Committee for Standardization / Electrotechnical Standardization
CER Central Equipment Room
CER Cost Estimate Report
CFC chlorofluorocarbons
CFC controlled foreign corporations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations (United States)
CFWT causal factor why tree
CG center of gravity
CG connection gas
CGF Central Gathering Facility
CH4 methane
CHAF compact housing adaptor flange
CHARM chemical hazard assessment and risk management
CHAZOP controls, hazard, and operability
CHAZOP computer hazard and operability (studies)
CHE cargo handling equipment
CHGP cased hole gravel packed
CHO Cargo Handling Operator
CHOP Community Health Outreach Plan
CHS Comité Hygiene et Sécurité
CI contour interval
CI correlation index
CI corrosion inhibitor
CI chemical injection
CI continuous improvement

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Acronyms Descriptions
Ci curie (a unit of radioactivity and activity of radionuclides) (1 curie = 37 GBq)
See GBq.
CIBP cast iron bridge plug
CICAG Critical Instrument Controls and Alarm Guide (an element of the Facility
Integrity Management System [FIMS])
CIF cost, insurance, and freight
CIMS Controls Integrity Management System
CINCS Compliance Initiatives and Noncompliance Situations
CIRP completion, insertion, and removal under pressure
CIS Compliance Initiative Situation
CIU chemical injection unit
CIV chemical injection valve
CL control line
CL classification level
cm centimeter
cm2 square centimeter or centimeters squared (area)
cm3 cubic centimeter (cc)
CM condition monitoring (often used in vibration testing)
CM cooling medium
CMD Cameroon Maritime Directorate
CMHEC carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose
CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System (See IPES.)
CMS Condition Monitoring System
CMT chemical management team
CNA Clean Nigeria Associates
CNIIMF Central Research and Design Institute
CNL compensated neutron log
CNT compensated neutron tool
Co cobalt
Co-60 A radioactive isotope of cobalt (cobalt-60)
Co-v Co-venture
CO carbon monoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide
CO3 carbonate
COA Crude Offtake Agreement
COD chemical oxygen demand (See BOD.)
CoE Center(s) of Expertise, Human Resources organization that is a part of the Global
Human Resources Services' Global Compensation and Benefits Design group
COEP crude oil export pipeline
COI conflict of interest
COP code of practice
COP critical operating parameter
COPAS Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies
COR closeout report
COR cuttings oil retention
Corod™ continuous rod
COS carbonyl sulfide
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

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Acronyms Descriptions
COTCO Cameroon Oil Transportation Company
CoUR cost of unreliability
COW crude oil washing
cp centipoise (units of viscosity)
CP casing pressure
CP cathodic protection
CP cathodic potential
CP corrosion program
CP corrosion protection
CP Competent Person
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPA closest point of approach
CPD Cameroon Petroleum Directorate
CPDM Cathodic Protection Database Manager
CPI cost per equipment installed
CPL correction factor for pressure of liquid at metering conditions
CPLm correction for pressure of liquid at the meter
CPM counts per minute
CPMS casing pressure management system
CPMT Chad Project Management Team
CPP controllable pitch propeller
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPR cost per repair
CPR customer property receipt
CPS correction factor for pressure of steel at metering conditions
CPS counts per second
CPS cycles per second (1 hertz = 1 cycle per second)
CPU central processing unit
CPU control processor unit
CQ&Q Certificate of Quantity and Quality
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
CRA corrosion-resistant alloy
CRBBM control relay block and bleed mechanism
CRF Charter Request Form
CRO control room operations
CRO Control Room Operator
CROP Crane Operator
CRT cathode ray tube
CS carbon steel
CS catering personnel
CS2 carbon disulfide
CSA Canadian Standards Association
CSA Contract Service Alliance or Agreement. Same as LTSA.
CSB casing stabbing board
CSB central starter boards
CSC car sealed closed
CSCC chloride stress corrosion cracking
CSD critical safety device

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Acronyms Descriptions
Csg casing
CSO car sealed open
CSP contractor self-assessment
CSS Classification Society Surveyor
CSV Crew Supply Vessel
CSW 1 - % S&W
CSWIP Certification Scheme for Welding and Inspection Personnel (in the U.K.)
CSWP Code of Safe Working Practices for Seamen
Ct capacity of tubing
CT coiled tubing
CT computerized tomography
CT current transformer
CTB check the box entity
CTF Central Treatment Facility
CTF crude oil treating facility
CTL coiled tubing logging
CTL correction factor for temperature of liquid at metering conditions
CTLF coiled tubing lifting frame
CTLm Correction for temperature of liquid at the meter
CTO compensatory time off
CTP casing test pressure
CTPS composite temperature or pressure sample
CTS Cameroon Transportation System
CTS correction factor for temperature of steel at metering conditions
CTU coiled tubing unit
cu capture unit (measurement unit for neutron capture cross-section [Σ] values)
(See Sigma [Σ])
Cu copper
CU color unit (a measure of chemical concentration, similar to ppm)
CUF corrosion under fireproofing
CUG computer user group
CUI corrosion under insulation
CuSO4 copper sulfate
CV choke valve
CV crown valve
CV continuous velocity
CV curriculum vitae (resume)
CVA Certified Verification Agent
CVI close visual inspection
CVL continuous velocity log
CW compressibility of water
CWE cold water equivalent
CWP critical work permit
CWU concentric workover unit
d day
D darcy (unit of permeability measurement)
D depth

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Acronyms Descriptions
D&C drilling and completion
D&ID duct and installation diagram
D50 diameter where 50% is larger and 50% is smaller
d/t diameter of pipe (d) divided by wall thickness (t). A dimensionless number used
to determine various aspects of pipe strength and stress.
DA dedicated aircraft
DAFW days away from work
DAHR dual agent hose reel
DARPS Diffstar Absolute and Relative Positioning System
DAS dissipation array system
DAU data acquisition unit
dB decibels
dBA decibels A scale
DBB double block and bleed
DBM design basis memorandum
DBTS Design Basis Threat Statement
DBV double block valve
DBVS dual ball valve sampler
DC Day Chef
DC direct current
DC drill collar
DCDA driller's control and data acquisition
DC-E or DCE Drill Center East (Erha project)
DC-N or DCN Drill Center North (Erha project)
DCR driller's control room
DCS distributed control system
DCS digital control system
DC-W or DCW Drill Center West (Erha project)
DD down days (aircraft)
DDM Document Development Methodology
DDP Document Development Plan
DDP Design Development Project
DF drill floor
DFO Documentation for Operations
DE drive end
DE diatomaceous earth
DEEST double-ended selective shifting tool
DEET diethylmeta-toluamide
DES drilling equipment set
DFO documentation for operations
DG Class DG Class: The Class of Dangerous Goods (also known as the Classification
Code) reflects the primary hazard of the substance concerned (such as
flammable, corrosive, poisonous, radioactive)
(See International Maritime Dangerous Goods)
DGA dissolved gas analysis
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DHPT downhole pressure and temperature
DHSIT downhole shut-in tool

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Acronyms Descriptions
DHSV downhole safety valve
DIAC Data Integrity Assurance Council
DIAF Data Integrity Assurance Framework
DIC difference in conditions
DIL difference in limits
DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung e. V. (German Institute for Standardization;
similar to US ANSI)
DKNT De Kastri Marine Terminal
DL dielectric loss
DLE dry low emission
DLH DeLong Hersent
DML contracted SBM employee
DEMOB demobilization (See MOB/DEMOB.)
DMV diaphragm motor valve
DNV Det Norske Veritas (Norwegian Risk Management firm)
DOAG Delegation of Authority Guide
DOC Diving Operations Coordinator
DOD domestic operation Delaware
DOE Department of Environment (Angola)
DOO daily operating orders
DOR Daily Operations Report
DOSH Department of Occupational Safety and Health
DOT Department of Transportation
dP differential pressure
DP differential pressure
DP drill pipe
DP dynamic positioning
DPAH differential pressure alarm high
DPAL differential pressure alarm low
DPI differential pressure indicator
DPM disintegrations per minute
DPMS drilling power management system
DPOR Daily Production Operating Report
DPR Department of Petroleum Resources (Nigeria)
DPR Director of Petroleum Resources
DPM disintegration per minute
DPS disintegration per second
DSA double studded adapter
DSAW double-submerged arc weld
DSC digital satellite calling
DSC digital selective calling
DSHA defined situations of hazard and accident
DSM drilling support module
DSR Documentation Status Report
DSRA debt service reserve account
DST drill stem test
DSV diving support vessel
DT density transmitter

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Acronyms Descriptions
DTR digital trunk radio
DTT differential temperature tool
DV dedicated vessel
DWP Drill Well Proposal
DW deadweight
DWT deadweight ton
DWT dividend withholding tax
E&I Electrical and Instrumentation
E&P Exploration and Production
E&PD Exploration and Production Division (Nigerian National Oil Company)
E&RC Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
EA environmental audit
EAA emergency assembly area
EA&RC Environmental Affairs and Regulatory Compliance Unit
EADS Employee Assessment and Development Summary form
EAFE Europe Australasia Far East
EAME RRT Europe, Africa, Middle East Regional Response Team
EAPL Esso Australia Propriety Limited
EAR Environmental Aspects Register
EARL East Asia Response Limited
EAS Environmental Alignment Sheets
EAS exposure assessment strategy
EAT Esso Angola Travel
EBP Environmental Business Plan
EBS Environmental Baseline Study
EBW exploding bridge wire
EC energy component (See PI/EC)
EC European Commission (of the European Union)
EC Emergency Committee
ECC Emergency Control Center
ECC Emergency Command Center
ECC Emergency Coordination Center
ECCN Export Control Classification Numbers
ECD equivalent circulation density
ECDIS electronic chart display and information system
ECI Exxon Company, International
ECMG External Compliance Monitoring Group
ECR Engine Control Room
ECRO Engine Control Room Operator
ECT Emergency Control Team
EDD Equipment Degradation Document (Used in the development of equipment
strategies. See PESTRA.)
EDF Environment Defense Fund
EDMS Electronic Data Management System
EDP electronic data processing
EDP Emergency Departure Procedure
EDP emergency depressurization (Aberdeen)

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Acronyms Descriptions
EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid
EDU electrical distribution unit
EEA European Economic Area
EEAL Esso Exploration Angola, Ltd.
EEBA emergency evacuation breathing apparatus
EEBD emergency evacuation breathing device
EEC European Economic Community
EED electro-explosive device
EEH exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons
EEHI Exxon Exploration Holdings Inc.
EEMUA Engineering Equipment and Material Users Association
EEPCI Esso Exploration and Production Chad, Inc.
EEPNL Esso Exploration and Production Nigeria Limited
EER emergency electrical room
EER Environmental Evaluation Report
EER emergency evacuation and rescue
EER evacuation, escape, and rescue
EES Exploration Evaluation Study
Eff efficiency
EFI exploding foil initiator
EFL electrical flying lead
EFT electronic fund transfer
EGASPIN Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria
EH experienced hire
EHAP Employee Health Advisory Program
EHM equipment health monitoring
EHV extra high voltage
EI Energy Institute
EI early increase
EIA environmental impact assessment
EIB European Investment Bank
EIC Energy Isolation Certificate
EIC electrical isolation certificate
EIG Equipment Integrity Guide
EIR Extractive Industry Review (World Bank)
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EIV emergency isolation valve
EKhZ Russian agency or company for electro-chemical protection
EL electricity
EL elevation
ELSS Electrical Load Shedding System
ELT emergency localization transmitter
EM electric motor
EM ExxonMobil
EMBSI ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences, Inc.
EMCAPS ExxonMobil Capital Project Management System
EMCE ExxonMobil Canada Energy
EMD electromagnetic detection

17 July 2007 14

Acronyms Descriptions
EMDC ExxonMobil Development Company
EMDC-DO ExxonMobil Development Company—Drilling Operations
EMDC-Drilling ExxonMobil Development Company—Drilling Department
EMDS Equipment Master Data Sheet
EMF electromotive force
EMEC ExxonMobil Exploration Company
EMEPMI ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Malaysia, Inc.
EMEPS ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System
EMERS Emergency MEdical Response System (ExxonMobil)
EMF electromotive force
EMGMC ExxonMobil Gas Marketing Company
EMI electromagnetic inspection
EMLRFD ExxonMobil Load Resistance Factor Design
EMM engineering managed modification
EMM Environmental Management Manual
EMO Environmental Management Organization
eMOC electronic Management of Change application
EMOP Environmental Monitoring Program
EMOP ExxonMobil Operations
EMOP ExxonMobil Operated
EMP Environmental Management Plan (or Program)
EMP/PA Environmental Management Plan / Public Affairs
EMPC ExxonMobil Production Company
EMPG ExxonMobil Production Germany
EMPI ExxonMobil performance indicators
EMPOBP-M&R ExxonMobil Production Operations Best Practices for Maintenance and
EMpower ExxonMobil's proprietary reservoir simulation technology
EMPT Executive, Managerial, Professional, and Technical staff
EMR Environmental Management Report
EMR emergency management response
EMR electronic memory recorder
EMRE ExxonMobil Research and Engineering
EMRM ExxonMobil Risk Management
EMS Environmental Management System
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMT Emergency Management Team
EMTS ExxonMobil Travel Services
EMW equivalent mud weight (See FIT.)
EN European Norm (European Standards)
ENAS Esso Norge AS (Norge = Norway)
ENL Exxon Neftegas Limited
ENS Emergency Notification System
EOC Emergency Operations Center
EOI Exxon Overseas Investment Corp.
EOM end of month
EOR enhanced oil recovery
EOS equation of state

17 July 2007 15

Acronyms Descriptions
EOT end of tubing
EP electrical resistance probes
EP&R Emergency Preparedness and Response
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPC engineering, procurement, construction
EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contractor
EPC Engineering and Procurement Contract
EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer
EPI environmental performance indicator
EPIRB emergency position-indicating radio beacon
EPM Electrical Preventative (or Programmed) Maintenance
EPM ethylene propylene rubber
EPM electrical programmed maintenance
EPMI Esso Production, Malaysia, Inc.
EPO equipment performance objective
EPR ethylene propylene rubber
EPRG electric power group
EPRS emergency pipeline repair service
EPS Early Production System
EPR ethylene propylene rubber
EPR Exxon Production Research
EPSI Esso Pipeline Services, Inc.
EPU electrical power unit
EWMA exponentially weighted moving average
ER Engine Room
ER Emergency Response
ER electrical resistance
ER&E Esso Research and Engineering
ER&E Exxon Research and Engineering
ERA environmental risk analysis
ERC Emergency Response Center
ERM Emergency Response Manual
ERMG Regional Emergency Response Management Group
ERP Emergency Response Plan
ERP Emergency Response Procedures
ERT Emergency Response Team
ESB emergency switchboard
ESD emergency shutdown
ESD Equipment Strategy Development (Team)
ESDV emergency shutdown valve
ESG Emergency Support Group
ESG Environmental Safety Group
ESP electric submersible pump
ESP emergency shutdown procedure
ESS expandable sand screen
ESSDS electronic safety shutdown system
ET eddy current testing
ET export tanker

17 July 2007 16

Acronyms Descriptions
ETA estimated time of arrival
ETD estimated time of departure
ETF estimated time of finish
ETS Export Transportation System
EU European Union
EUDC Exxon Upstream Development Company
EUE externally upset end (pipe connections)
EUR estimated ultimate recovery
EWC European Waste Catalogue
EWMA exponentially weighted moving average
EWS engineering workstation
EXES Exxon Engineering Standards
EXIM Export/Import Bank
EZSV easy drill squeeze valve
°F °Fahrenheit
F fluorine
F&G fire and gas
FAAN Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria
FAB fire alarm button
FAC first aid case
FAD functional area detail
FAH flow alarm high
FAI first aid incident
FAL fixed asset ledger
FAL flow alarm low
FAP fire alarm panel
FAR U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations
FAS financial accounting standards
FASB Financial Accounting Standards Board
FAT factory acceptance test
FAT final acceptance testing
FAT first aid treatment
FBE fusion bonded epoxy
FBHP flowing bottom hole pressure
FBHT flowing bottom hole temperature
FBR fixed-bore ram
FC fail-closed
FC flow control valve
FCC Functional Change Coordinator
FCC Field Command Center
FCM Financial Coding Model
FCP Financial Control Plan
FCPA Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act
FCS fracture closure stress
FCTA first crystal to appear
FCV flow control valve (self acting)

17 July 2007 17

Acronyms Descriptions
FDA U.S. Food and Drug Administration
FDC formation density compensated (tool)
FDT Field Drilling Team (EEPCI)
FE flow element
FEA finite element analysis
Fe iron
Fe+3 or Fe3 ferrous
Fe2CO3 iron carbonate
FEED front end engineering and design
FEED front end engineering design
FEPA Federal Environmental Protection Agency
FER Far East Russia
FeS iron sulfide
FESCO Far Eastern Shipping Company, PLC
FFA fire fighting appliance
FFP Fire Fighting Plan
FFS fitness for service evaluations
FGD fire and gas detection
FGS fire and gas detection system(s)
FHCO Field Health Care Office
FHCT First Hours Communication Team
FI Finance
FI flow indicator
FIBC flexible intermediate bulk containers
FIC flow indicator controller
FID flame ionization gas detector
FIFO first in, first out
FIMS Facility Integrity Management System (OIMS 6-6)
FIT formation integrity test (equivalent mud weight, See EMD.)
FL fail last position
FL fluid level or fluid loss
FL fusible link
FL fusible loop
FLA full load amps
FLET flowline end termination
FLS First Line Supervision or Supervisor
FLS/ET First Line Supervisors and Engineering Technicians
FM Factory Mutual (electrical standards)
FM Flight Manifest
FM frequency modulation
FMCW frequency modulated continuous wave
FMD flooded member detection
FMEA failure mode and effects analysis
FMEnv Federal Ministry of the Environment (Nigeria)
FMM field managed modification
FMV fair market value
FMV fuel maintenance vessel
FO fail-open

17 July 2007 18

Acronyms Descriptions
FO flow orifice
FO fiber optics
FOB free on board
FOB freight on board
FOD foreign operating Delaware
FOEP First Oil Execution Plan
FOH FSO Document Guide and Operations Handbook
FOS Field Operations Supervisor
fps feet per second (preferred: ft/s)
FPSO floating production, storage, and offloading vessel
FPU floating production unit
FQI flow total indication
FR Field Requisition
FR flame resistant
FRA Foreign Resident's Administration
FRC fast rescue craft
FRC fire-retardant clothing
FRP fiber-reinforced plastic
FRP fiberglass-reinforced plastic
FRP fire retardant polyester
FRP facility response plan
FRR final rig release
FRSL Functional Reporting Special Ledger
FSA forward staging areas
FSD field shutdown
FSD full-scale deflection
FSIV fast support intervention vessel
FSIV facility supply and intervention vessel
FSL flow switch low
FSO floating, storage, and offloading (vessel or facility)
FSS fitness for service
FSSD field site shutdown
FSTN Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Supervision
FSV flow safety valve
FSV field service vessel
ft feet
ft-lb foot-pound (torque)
ft/s feet per second
FT-IR Fourier Transform - Infrared (spectoscopic analysis technique)
FT flow transmitter
FTA fault tree analysis
FTC foreign tax credit
FTD Fuel Transfer Document
FTE full time equivalent (a KPI in performance assessment)
FTHP flowing tubing head pressure
FTL floating transfer line
FTL fluid transfer line

17 July 2007 19

Acronyms Descriptions
FTP file transfer protocol
FTP flowing tubing pressure
FTP fiber-reinforced plastic
FV flow valve
FVF formation volume factor
FVR full voltage reversing
FVS flow safety valve
FW fire water
FW fresh water
fwd forward (on a ship or sea vessel)
FWHP flowing wellhead pressure
FWKO free water knock-out
FWLO Fixed Wing Landing Officer
FWS full wellstream (flowline)
FWT field work teams
FWV flow-wing valve
FX foreign exchange
FY I/P and positioner ????
g gram
G&A general and administrative
G&G Geology and Geophysics
g/Nm3 grams per Newton meter cubed
GAAP generally accepted accounting principles
gal gallon
GBIH going back in hole
GBS gravity-based structure
GBq gigabecquerels (a unit of radioactivity and activity of radionuclides)
(1 GBq = 109 Bq) (37 GBq = 1 curie) See Ci and Bq
GC gas chromatography
GC&BD Global Compensation and Benefits Design
GC&P gas conversion and processing
GC/ECD gas chromatograph / electron capture device
GC/ELCD gas chromatograph / electrolytic conductivity detector
GC/MS gas chromatograph / mass spectrometer
GDP gross domestic product
GFCI ground fault circuit interruption (or interrupter)
GFCM Global Financial Coding Model
GGTN Gosgortechnadzor (State Mining and Industrial Inspectorate of Russia). As of
September 2004 GGTN has been absorbed by Rostekhnakzor (RTN), the Federal
Environmental, Technical, and Nuclear Inspection Service. (See RTN)
GI gas injection
GI/WI gas injection / water injection
GIH going in hole
GIL gas-insulated transmission lines
GIP gas injection platform
GIP gas in place
GIS Global Information Security

17 July 2007 20

Acronyms Descriptions
GIS Global Information Services
GIS global information system
GIS gas-insulated switchgear
GJ gigajoules [one billion (109) joules]
GL General Ledger
GLM gas lift mandrel
GLO General Land Office
GLR gas/liquid ratio
GLP good laboratory practice
GLV gas lift valve
GM Geiger-Mueller (tube or probe)
Gm3 billion (giga) cubic meters (109 m3)
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMP General Maintenance Person
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
GMT Greenwich mean time
GOC gas-oil contact
GOC General Operators Certificate
GOC Government of Chad
GOI Government of Indonesia
GOM Gulf of Mexico
GOR gas/oil ratio
GOST Gosudarstvenni Standart (Gosstandardt.) (Russian equivalent of ANSI), State
Committee for Standardization and Metrology See RTN.
GOV gas-operated valve
GP Global Practice (ExxonMobil Global Practices)
GP general practice
GP general purpose
GPA Gas Processors Association
gpm gallons per minute
GPS Global Positioning System
GPS General Project Specification
GPSA Gas Processors Suppliers Association
GPV Grid Point Values
GR gamma ray
GR/CCL gamma ray/collar locator
GR/N/CCL gamma ray/neutron/collar locator
GR goods receipt
greenfield A new project in an area with little or no existing infrastructure. The project is
being developed as part of a project's scope.
GREF Global Real Estate and Facilities
GRI Gas Research Institute
GRP generator regulation panel
GRP glass-reinforced plastic
GRT gross registered tonnage
GS Gathering Station
GS general specification
GSA Global Shared Applications

17 July 2007 21

Acronyms Descriptions
GSC Global Services Group
GSE ground support equipment
GSG Global Security Group
GSS global standards and security
GSSR general safeguards and security requirements
GSV gross standard volume
GTCC gas turbine centrifugal compressor
GTG gas turbine generator
GTPL General Third-Party Liability
GTS Global Telecommunications System
GUI graphic user interface
GV gross volume
GWP general work permit
h hour
H, h height
H2S hydrogen sulfide
HART Heuristic and Analytical Reporting Tool (data warehouse technology)
HAT highest astronomical tide
HAZ heat-affected zone (of metals during welding or cutting)
HAZCOM or HazCom hazard communication
HAZID hazard identification
HAZMAT hazardous material
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Review
HAZOPS Hazard and Operability Study
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
HC high cost
HC hydrocarbon
HCl hydrochloric acid
HCN Health Cooperation Network
HCPV hydrocarbon pore volume
HCR hydrocarbon relief (valve)
HCT hurricane, cyclone, tornado
HCV hand control valve
HCV hydraulic control valve
HDPE high density polyethylene
HE heat exchanger
HEC hydroxyethyl cellulose
HEPA high efficiency particulate air (filter)
HESQ health, environment, safety, and quality
HF hydrofluoric acid
HF high frequency
HF/SSB high frequency / single side band
HFAST Human Factors Analysis Software Tool
HFL hydraulic flying lead
HFO heavy fuel oil
HGOR high pressure gas-oil ratio
HHV higher heating value

17 July 2007 22

Acronyms Descriptions
HIC hydrogen induced cracking
HID hazard identification
HIP high impact polystyrene
HIPPS high integrity pressure protection system
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HLI hazard loss incident
HLO Helicopter Landing Officer
HLO Helideck Landing Officer
HLVI high learning value incident
HM heating medium
HMI human machine interface
HMI/SSC human and machine interface and supervisory controller
HMM Hydrocarbon Measurement Manual
HMS hydrometeorological station
HMV hydraulic master control valve
HNGS hostile environment natural gamma ray sonde
HOA hand-off automatic
HOA Heads of Agreement. This means the principle terms and commercial points of a
sales and purchase agreement have been agreed to, but no contract is yet in
HOC halogenated organic compounds
holdco holding company
HOOP hold-open (for example, hold-open module)
HP hand pump
HP high pressure
hp horsepower
HPAM hydrolyzed polyacrylamide
HPCT high pressure coiled tubing
HPD hearing protection device
HPG hydroxypropyl guar
HPHT high pressure, high temperature
HPM high performance process manager
HPR hydroacoustic position reference (beacon)
HPU hydraulic power unit
HPWC high pressure water cleaning
HQ Headquarters
HR Human Resources
hr hour
HR TES Human Resources Training and Educational Services
HRD Human Resources Department
HRS Health Reporting System
HRT hydrostatic reference tool
HRU hydrostatic release unit (used on life rafts)
HRWP high rate water pack
Hs significant wave height
HS hand switch
HS high side
HSC hollow steel carrier

17 July 2007 23

Acronyms Descriptions
HSD high shot density (for perforating tools)
HSE health, safety, and environment
HSE High Security Environment
HSEQ health, safety, environment, quality
HSEQ health, safety, equipment, quality
HSV hydraulic safety valve
HT high temperature
HTHP high temperature, high pressure
HTHT human-to-human transmission
HTML hypertext markup language (a web site programming language)
HTP hose termination piece
HTS high tensile steel
HTT hot tap tool
H2S hydrogen sulfide
HUC hook-up and commissioning
HUD hold-up depth
HUET helicopter underwater escape training
HV hand valve
HV high voltage
HV Vickers hardness
HVAC heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning
HVO Head Safety Delegate
HVP high vapor pressure
HVR Hydril variable ram
HWE health and working environment
hyd hydraulic
Hz hertz (cycles per second)
I iodine
I&A Information and Application Planning
I&E instrument and electrical
I&E instrumentation and electrical
I/F interface
I/O in/out
I/O input/output (data)
I/P current to pneumatic (I/P) converter
Note: I = electric current
IA instrument air
IA Isolating Authority
IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IAG International Advisory Group
IAP Incident Action Plan
IAS International Accounting Standards
IAS Intrusion Assessment System
IATA International Air Transport Association
IB ice breaker
IB tug ice breaking tug

17 July 2007 24

Acronyms Descriptions
IBEV ice breaking escort vessel
IBHP injection bottom hole pressure
IBOP internal blowout preventer
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IC Incident Commander
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICARS Incident and Corrective Action Reporting System
ICC Incident Command Center
ICC Isolation Confirmation Certificate
ICC International Code Council (issues standards, such as the International Building
ICC International Chamber of Commerce
ICCP impressed current cathodic protection
ICCP impressed current corrosion protection
ICO in-country organization
ICP initial casing pressure
ICP isolation control point
ICS International Chamber of Shipping
ICS Incident Command System
ICSS integrated control and safety system
ICT Integrated Computing Team
ID inside or internal diameter
ID Interim Directive
ID identification
IDC intangible development costs
IDC intangible drilling costs
IDEAS International and Domestic Enhanced Accounting System
IDLH immediately dangerous to life or health
IDM/3 Inspection Data Manager 3
IDP Individual Development Plan
IDP International Driver's Permit
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers (London)
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEG Inspection Engineering Group
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFC issued for construction
IFO Input from Others form
IFR instrument flight regulations
IFT interfacial tension
IG inert gas
IGG inert gas generator
IGS inert gas system
IGV inlet guide vane
IH industrial hygiene
IH Industrial Hygienist
IHTP inboard HTP

17 July 2007 25

Acronyms Descriptions
IIHL Corporate Illness, Injury, and Hazard Loss Reporting Guide
IIMS Incident Information Management System
IISS Incident Information Sharing System
IJ integral-joint (pipe connections)
ILLC International Load Line Convention
ILO International Labor Organization
IM information mapping
IM ice management
IM&T inspections, maintenance, and tests
IMCA International Marine Contractors Association
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods (See DG Class)
IME Institute of Makers of Explosives
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMGS International Medical Guide for Ships
IMM immediately or immediate notification
IMO International Maritime Organization
IMOHD International Medical and Occupational Health Department
IM/PS Investment Management / Project Systems
IMS Information Management System
IMT Incident Management Team
IMT International Marine Transportation Limited
IMV injection master valve
in inch
INFOSEC information security
INNET Intercompany Network
Intels Integrated Logistics Services
INTELSAT International Telecommunication Satellite Consortium
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
IOR Imperial Oil Resources (Canada, ExxonMobil)
IP inspection and testing procedure
IP Institute of Petroleum
IP intermediate pressure
IP ingress protection
IP (+no.) ingress protection, enclosure rating (+no.)
IPA Information Protection Advisor
IPES International Production Enterprise System (IPES is the upstream SAP system.
The Maintenance Module is used as the Computerized Maintenance
Management System [CMMS]. See SAP)
IPF Interim Production Facility
IPIECA International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
IPO injection pressure operated (valve)
IPO incident prevention observation
IPR Independent Project Review
IPR inflow performance relationship
Ir iridium
Ir-192 A radioactive isotope of iridium (iridium-192)
IR infrared
IR insulation resistance

17 July 2007 26

Acronyms Descriptions
IR inspection recommendations
IR voltage (V = IR, where: I = current, R = resistance)
IRAS Incident Reporting and Analysis System
IRG Initial Response Group
IRG Leader Initial Response Group Leader
IRIS Intelligent Remote Implementation System (Schlumberger tool)
IRP incident review panel
IRR internal rate of return
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IRTS internal tank tube inspection
IS Information Systems
IS intrinsically safe
ISA Instrument Society of America (now the International Society for Measurement
and Control)
ISCSSV injection surface controlled subsurface safety valve
ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISI-RUSL Inventory Solutions International—Rarely Used Inventory Stocking Logic
ISM International Safety Management code
ISMS Integrated Security Management System
ISO International Organization for Standardization (Abbreviated ISO in all
ISOS International SOS (Medical Emergency Assistance)
ISOS YBC ISOS Yuzhno Base Clinic
ISPS International Ship and Port Security
ISS Iron and Steel Society
ISSC International Ship Security Certificate
ISV injection swab valve
IT Information Technology
ITAF International Ticket Authorization Form
ITB Invitation to Bid (Same as ITT)
ITCZ intertropical convergence zone
ITOPFL International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Ltd.
ITP inspection and test plan
ITR inspection test report
ITT Invitation to Tender (Same as ITB)
IV independent verification
IVPC Integrated Vessel and Process Control
IVPCS Integrated Vessel and Process Control System
IWOCS installation/workover control system
IWT interest withholding tax
IWV injection wing valve
JAF job authorization form
JAR Joint Airworthiness Regulations
JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JF joint factor
JIB Joint Interest Billing
JIC Joint Information Center

17 July 2007 27

Acronyms Descriptions
JIT just in time
JOA Joint Operating Agreement
JOBS job observations
JMA Japan Meteorological Society
JSA Job Safety Analysis
JSC Job Safety Checklist
JT Joule Thompson
jt joint (drill pipe)
JV joint venture
JVO Joint Ventures Operations
JVP joint venture partners
k permeability
K kelvin (a measure of absolute temperature) K = °C + 273 (See °R)
K potassium
K' fluid consistency index
KAIS kilo ampere interrupting capability, symmetrical
KB kelly bushing
kbbl thousand barrels
KBC Key Business Component (of ExxonMobil)
kbd or kbpd kilo (thousand) barrels per day
KBOD or KBOPD thousand barrels of oil per day
KBWD thousand barrels of water per day
kbyte kilobyte
KCl potassium chloride
KDWT thousand deadweight ton
KF K-factor
KFK factor
kg kilograms
kgf kilogram force
kg/l kilograms per liter (density)
KGS Komé Gathering Station
kh permeability-height
KHI kinetic hydrate inhibitor
kHz kilohertz (See H.z)
KIMS Key Issues Management System
KIP an informal unit of mass, sometimes used by engineers to express the amount of
load on a structure. One kip equals 1,000 pounds (453.59 kilograms). The name
of the unit is an abbreviation of "kilopound."
km kilometer
km3 or Km3 thousand cubic meters (usual meaning in ExxonMobil manuals)
km3 cubic kilometer (1 billion cubic meters)
KO knock-out
KO drum knock-out drum
KO potassium oxide
KOT kick over tool
KP kilometer post
kPa kilopascal

17 July 2007 28

Acronyms Descriptions
kPad kilopascal differential
kPag kilopascal gauge
KPI key performance indicator
ksi thousand pounds per square inch
kt knot (speed)
kt kilotonnes (1,000 metric tons) See t and MT.
kT kiloton (1,000 English short tons) See T and MT.
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovolt-ampere
kvac kilovolt-ampere capacitive (synonymous with: kvar)
kvar kilovolt-ampere reactive (synonymous with: kvac)
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
KWV kill wing valve
L&SP lighting and small power
L or l liter(s)
LACT lease automatic custody transfer
LAH level alarm high
LAHH level alarm high-high
LAL level alarm low
LALL level alarm low-low
LAN local area network
LARRT Latin America Regional Response Team
LAT lowest astronomical tide
lat latitude
LAT Less above latitude
lb pound
LC letter of credit
LC level control
LC local currency
LC locked closed
LC lost circulation
Lc full crested thread length
LCC Local Community Coordinator
LCC Logistics Control Center
LCD liquid crystal display
LCIE Labatorie Central des Industries Electriques
LCM Lead Country Manager
LCM lost circulation material
LCN local control network
LCP local control panel
LCR local control room
LCS local control station
LCTD last crystal to dissolve
LCV level control valve (self acting)
LDHI low dosage hydrate inhibitor
LDM leak detection meter

17 July 2007 29

Acronyms Descriptions
LDT luminescent dosimeter tool
LED light-emitting diode
LEL lower explosive limit
LEL low effects limit (for toxic substances, used by the EPA)
LEL lower exposure limit (gases, chemicals, or radiation)
LER Lifting Equipment Register
LER local electrical room
LER local equipment room
LES linear operational service (Russian agency or company)
LET limited entry test
LFL lower flammable limit
LG level gauge
LG level glass
LGR Lifting Gear Register
LHB line handling boat
LHT line handling tug
LHV line handling vessel
LHV lower heating value
LI level indicator
LI loss investigation
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LIC level indicator controller
LIFO last in, first out
LIM line insulation monitor
LINC Latched Inductive Coupling tool (Schlumberger) Used with MSRT.
LIR local instrument room
LIT level indicator transmitter
LK Lower Cretaceous
LKO liquid knock-out
LKO lockout
LL lessons learned
LLE long lead equipment
LLP limited liability partnership
LMRA last minute risk assessment
LMRP lower marine riser package
LMS load management system
LMV lower master valve (on Christmas tree)
LNG liquefied natural gas (preferred over liquid natural gas)
LO Lead Operator
LO locked open
LOA length overall
LOAM Limits of Authority Manual
LOC Letter of Compliance
LOC Letter of Credit
LOI Letter of Instruction
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (UK)
LOP lube oil purifier
LOR lockout relays (equipment control)

17 July 2007 30

Acronyms Descriptions
LO/TO or LOTO lock-out/tag-out
LOT leakoff test
LOX liquid oxygen
LP loss prevention unit
LP low pressure
LP linear polarization
LPG liquefied petroleum gas (not liquid petroleum gas) examples: butane and propane
LPO loss prevention observation
LPR lower pipe rams (in a BOP stack)
LPR linear polarization resistance
LPS leased production system
LPS loss prevention system
LPSG low pressure steam generator
LPUMG linear production management of main gas pipelines
LQ living quarters
LQM living quarter module
LQM Laboratory Quality Manual
LRS low radioactive scale
LFRD load resistance factor design
LRSC Labor Relations Steering Committee
LS long string (pipe in wellbore)
LSA life safety appliances
LSA lifesaving appliance
LSA low specific activity (radioactivity)
LSA low-scale activity (radioactivity)
LSA locator seal assembly
LSC Logistics Steering Committee
LSH level switch high
LSH/L level switch high/low
LSHH level switch high-high
LSHH level shutdown high-high
LSHH/LL level switch high-high/low-low
LSL level switch low
LSLL level switch low-low
LSLL level shutdown low-low
LST Logistics Steering Team
LT level transmitter
LT low temperature
LTC long-thread and coupled (pipe connections)
LTEL long-term exposure limit
LTF lost time fatality
LTI or LT Iso long-term isolation
LTI lost time incident
LTI lost time injury
LTINR lost time injury notification report
LTIR lost time injury report
LTLP low temperature, low pressure
LTOI lost time occupational illness

17 July 2007 31

Acronyms Descriptions
LTOIR lost time occupational injury report
LTSA Long Term Service Alliance or Agreement (Same as CSA.)
LU level unit
LV level valve
LV low voltage
LVP low valve procurement
LVPT low value procurement tool
LVS room LV switchgear room
LVSRA low voltage slip ring assembly
LV-UPS low voltage uninterruptible power supply
LWD logging while drilling
LWHP low wellhead pressure
µm micron (micrometer)
µSv microsievert (a unit of radiation dose) 10 µSv = 1 mrem (See Sv and mrem)
m meter(s)
M million or mega
M&E maintenance and engineering
M&R maintenance and reliability
M&RS maintenance and reliability system
M&S Materials and Services
m/s meters per second
M/U make up (assemble)
m2 square meter
m3 cubic meter (35.31 ft3)
m3pm cubic meters per minute (preferred: m3/min)
m3/stk cubic meters per stroke
m-kg meter-kilogram (torque)
ma milliamp
MAC manual alarm call point
MACP maximum anticipated casing pressure
MAOP maximum allowable operating pressure
MAP Mutual Assistance Plan (of the Oil Producers Trade Section) See OPTS.
MAP Measurement and Analysis for Production
MAP Maritime Port Administration
MAR Maintenance Action Request
MARG Management Assigned Rank Group percentile
MAROS maintainability, availability, reliability, and operability simulator
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973,
modified by the Protocol of 1978 (Marpol 73/78)
MARS multiple application reservoir simulation
MASIP maximum anticipated shut-in pressure
MASIP maximum allowable surface injection pressure
Mat&Cons materials and consumables
MAWP maximum allowable working pressure
MBAL Material Balance Software
Mbbl, MMBLS million barrels

17 July 2007 32

Acronyms Descriptions
MBC million barrels of condensate
MBD Marine Base Dispatcher
MBL minimum breaking (or failure) load
MBM mineral oil-based mud
MBO million barrels of oil
MBT methylene blue test
MC marine cost
MCA Maritime Coastguard Agency (United Kingdom)
MCB miniature circuit breaker
MCC Marine Control Center
MCC Main Community Center
MCC motor control center
MCD mechanical completion date
MCF, Mcf million cubic feet (also, thousand cubic feet)
(from the acronym list on the ExxonMobil intranet)
MCFD thousand cubic feet per day
MChS Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief Operations (Russia)
MCL Mobil Cepu Limited
MCM thousand circular mils (wire gauge) See mil.
MCP malaria control programs
MCP manual call points
MCP maximum casing pressure
MCS master control system
MCS master control station
MCTP maximum casing test pressure
MD measured depth
mD millidarcies
MDA material dispatch advice
MDBM Materials Design Basis Memorandum
MDF Main Distribution Frame
MDKB measured depth from kelly bushing
MDMT minimum design metal temperature
MDT modular formation dynamics tester
ME Maintenance Engineer
me/l meq/L is preferred (See meq/L)
MEEP mobilized and motorized equipment entry permit
MEG monoethylene glycol
MEGI Mobil Equatorial Guinea Inc.
megger megohmmeter
MEK methyl ethyl ketone
MeOH methyl alcohol or methanol
meq/L milliequivalents per liter (Similar to mg/L)
MER maximum efficient rate test
MERP Medical Emergency Response Plan
MERT Medical Emergency Response Team
MeV million electron volts
MF medium frequency
MF meter factor

17 July 2007 33

Acronyms Descriptions
MF-1 Material Manifest
MFD mechanical flow diagram (Similar to PFD, process flow diagram)
MFL magnetic flux leakage
MFL maximum foreseeable loss
mg milligram(s)
mg/L or mg/l milligrams per liter (mg/L is preferred)
MGLP maximum gas lift pressure
MGO marine gas oil
MGPS marine growth protection system
MGS mud/gas separator
MGS Miandoum Gathering Station
MHE materials handling equipment
MHE marine handling equipment
MHWS mean high water springs
MIP maximum injection pressure
ML medium level
MLWS mean low water springs
MHz megahertz
mi mile
MIC Mechanical Isolation Certificate
MICS Main Instrument and Control Subcontractor
MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
mil one-thousandth (0.001) of an inch
MIL Master Instrumentation List
MinPet Ministry of Petroleum
MIP maximum injection pressure
MIR Material Integrity Report
MIRU move in and rig up
MIS Information Management System
MIV methanol injection valve
MJ megajoules [one million (106) joules]
ML medium level
ml milliliter
MLA multilateral agencies
MLP most likely path
MLW mean low water
M million or mega
MM million (from Roman numerals where M = 1,000)
MM Mooring Master
mm millimeter
Mm3/d million cubic meters per day
MMbbl million barrels
MME major mobile equipment
MMG minimum measurement guidelines
MMI man-machine interface (See the preferred term, HMI)
MMR diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella
MMS Minerals Management Service of the U.S. Geological Survey

17 July 2007 34

Acronyms Descriptions
MMSCF or MSCF million standard cubic feet (from the acronym list on the ExxonMobil intranet)
(See M, MM, and MSCF)
MMSCFD or MMscf/d million standard cubic feet per day
MNSL Mobil North Sea Limited
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOB man overboard boat
MOB/DEMOB mobilization/demobilization Heavy lifts or Hot Work activities associated with
the movement of equipment during rig up or rig down operations—usually
associated with a major piece of offshore equipment, such as a modular drilling
rig, a coiled tubing unit, or a snubbing unit.
MOC management of change
MOC Ministry of Commerce
MODU mobile offshore drilling unit
MOEB million oil equivalent barrels
MOF Ministry of Finance
MOH Medicine and Occupational Health
MOL main oil line
mol mole (%)
moly molybdenum (Mo)
MON Mobil Oil Nigeria
MOP maximum operating pressure
MOPOL mobile police
MOSR Mineral Oils (Safety) Regulations
MOST Modular Operations Skills Training (packaged modular training programs)
MOU major offshore unit
MOV metal oxide varistor
MOV motor-operated valve
MP magnetic particle
MP Maintenance Planner
MP mile post
MPa megapascal (pressure)
MPBT mechanical plug back tool, or Possiset plug
MPC maximum permissible concentration
MPI management and protection of information
MPI magnetic particle inspection
MPL maximum possible loss
MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards
MPN Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited
MPN most probable number
MPS Machine Protection System
MPT management, professional, and technical (staff)
MPTP maximum pumping tubing pressure
MPU magnetic pickup
MPU magnetic speed pickup
MPV multipurpose vessel
MQC multi-quick connect
MQP maintenance quality plan
mR milliroentgen

17 July 2007 35

Acronyms Descriptions
MR Material Requisition
Mrayl megarayleigh or 106 kg/m2s (unit of measure for acoustic impedance)
MRB Manufacturing Record Book
MRC minimum required competencies
MRCC Main Rescue Coordination Center
mrem millirem (a unit of radiation dose) See rem and µSv.
MRO maintenance, repair, and operating
MRS Medical Resource Risk Assessment
MS Maintenance Supervisor
ms millisecond
mSv millisievert (a unit of radiation dose) (See µSv)
µSv microsievert (a unit of radiation dose) 10 µSv = 1 mrem (See Sv and mrem)
MS Maintenance Supervisor
MSA marine safety assessment
MSA Mine safety appliance
MSB main switchboard
MSCF, Mscf, or mscf million standard cubic feet (See MMSCF)
MSCFD or Mscfd million standard cubic feet per day
MSCI Morgan Stanley Capital International
MSCMD million standard cubic meters per day
MSD main safety delegate
MSDD Maintenance Spares Database Development manual
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet(s)
MSDT Maintenance and Spare Parts Development Team
MSE Malaysia Shipyard and Engineering
MSF module support frame
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration (US-based)
MSL mean sea level
MSM mud service module
MSRT MultiSensor Recorder/Transmitter (Schlumberger) See LINC.
MSS Management Support Services
MSS mooring support structure
MSST Marine and Shore Base Steering Team
MSV marine support vessel
MSV multi-service vessel
MSV mooring support vessel
MT Marine Terminal
MT magnetic testing or magnetic particle testing
MT metric ton (tonne) = 1,000 kilograms (See following Mt, MT, and t.)
Mt megatonne (1 million metric tons) See t and MT.
MT megaton (1 million English short tons) See T and MT.
MT merit transition
MTA millions of tons annually
MTB Marine Terminal Balance
MTBF mean time between failures
MTBR mean time between repairs
MTC medical treatment case
MTD metric tons per day

17 July 2007 36

Acronyms Descriptions
MTF Material Transfer Form
MTI medical treatment incident
MTI medical treatment injury
MTIN medical treatment injury
MTMT Marine Terminal Management Team
MTOI medical treatment occupational illness
MTQSMS Marine Terminal Quality and Safety Management System
MTRC Marine Terminal Response Center
MTS maintenance testing specifications
MTTR mean time to repair
MV manual valve
MV master valve (on Christmas tree)
MV megavolt
mV millivolt
MVA megavolt-ampere
mVa millivolt-ampere
MW megawatt
MW molecular weight
mWC meter water column
MWD measurement while drilling
MWP maximum working pressure
MWPT measurements while perforating tool
MWSP maximum well shut-in pressure
N newton (unit of force)
N neutron
N' flow behavior index
N/A not applicable
N/C noncontrollable equipment
N/C normally closed
N/O normally open
N-m newton-meter
N2 nitrogen
NaBr sodium bromide
NACE NACE International (formerly the National Association of Corrosion Engineers)
NACl sodium chloride
NAF non-aqueous fluid (used to describe synthetic, mineral, and diesel-base drilling
NAFPac gravel packing in non-aqueous fluid
NaI sodium iodide
NAIS New Affiliate Integrated Suitcase
NaOCI sodium hypochlorite
NAPE Nigerian Association of Petroleum Engineers
NAPIMS Nigerian Petroleum Investment Management Services
NAS National Aeronautics Society
NAVTEX navigation transmission exchange
NB nominal bore
NBC Nogliki Base Camp

17 July 2007 37

Acronyms Descriptions
NBD next business day
NBV net book value
NC Night Chef
NC normally closed
NCAA Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority
NCC nonconforming condition
NCCP Navigational Central Control Panel
NCEF New Chemical Entry Form (see MSDS)
NCL neutron capture logging
NCR Nonconformance Report
NCR normal continuous rating
NCS noncompliance situation
ND no data
NDB nondirectional radio beacon
NDDC Niger Delta Development Commission
NDE nondestructive examination (Same as NDT)
NDT nondestructive testing (Same as NDE)
NEC National Electric Code (USA)
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NEPA National Electric Power Authority
NESC National Electrical Safety Code (USA)
NETA InterNational Electrical Testing Association (Note the N in InterNational.)
NETCEN National Environmental Technology Centre
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NG natural gas
NGL natural gas liquid
NGO nongovernmental organization
NGR natural gamma ray
NGS natural gamma ray spectrometry
NGT NGS tool
NH4Cl ammonium chloride
ni-cad nickel-cadmium (batteries)
NIDA National Institute of Drug Abuse (replaced by SAMHSA)
NIIMS National Interagency Incident Management System
NiMH nickel metal hydride
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA)
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
nm nanometer
NM or nm nautical mile (6,080 feet or 1,852 meters)
NM near miss
NMGS Nigerian Mining and Geoscience Society
NMI National Metrology Institute
NMPT non-MPT (See MPT)
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NMS National Meteorological Services
NMS north machinery space
NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compound
NNPC Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation

17 July 2007 38

Acronyms Descriptions
NO normally open
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOC normal operating conditions
NODC National Oceanographic Data Center
NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Australia)
NOJV non-operated joint venture
NOK next of kin
Non-MPT non management, professional, and technical (staff) See NMPT.
NOR Notice of Readiness
NORM naturally occurring radioactive material
NOX or NOx nitrogen oxides (NO2, NO3)
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPI net profit interest
NPS nominal pipe size
NPSH net positive suction head
NPT normal pipe thread
NPT nonproductive time
NPV net present value
NRV nonreturn valve
NRT net registered tonnage
NRTL Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
NRR noise reduction rating (expressed in dBA) See dBA.
NRV nonreturn valve
NSP North Sea Production (ExxonMobil)
NSP National Salary Program
NSV net standard volume
NTU nephelometric turbidity unit
NUE non-upset end (pipe connections)
NUI normally unmanned installation
NWBS net wet breaking strength
NWP nominal working pressure
NWS National Weather Service
NWT nominal wall thickness (of pipe)
NYSC Not Yet Safety Certified
NYSE New York Stock Exchange
O&G oil and gas industry
O&M Operations and Maintenance
O/W oil-water interface (See OWR)
O2 oxygen
OAE offshore assigned employee
OBA On Board Advisor
OBM oil base mud
OBO operated by others
OBQ on-board quantity
OBR Onboard Representative
OC Operations Center

17 July 2007 39

Acronyms Descriptions
OCB Overall Crude Balance
OCC Operations Control Center
OCH Operations Command Headquarters
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OCR Operations Control Room
OCTG oil country tubular goods
OD outside diameter
OD&S Operations Development and Support
ODME oil discharge monitoring equipment
ODT Operations Development Team
ODTCN Office Data and Telephone Cable Network
OEB oil equivalent barrel
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OFDA oil field development area
OFMM Operations Facility Modifications Manual
OGIP original gas in place
OGP The International Association of Oil and Gas Producers
OH Occupational Health
OH open hole
OHGP open hole gravel packed
OHMS Occupational Health Management System
OHTP outboard hose termination piece (HTP)
OI operations integrity
OI optical integrity
OIC Officer in Charge
OIC Operations Interchange Committee
OIIP oil initially in place (See OIP, OOIP)
OILMAP® software for predicting the trajectory and fate of an oil spill
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
OIMS Operations Integrity Management System
OIP oil in place
OIR Offense and Incident Report
OIW Oil in water
OJT on-the-job training
OLE object linking and embedding
OLF Norwegian Oil Industry Association
OLL offloading line (oil)
OLL offshore loading line
OLR Oiler (personnel position)
OLS offloading system (oil)
OLS offshore loading system
OLT Offshore Leadership Team
OM Operation and Maintenance
OMAR Opportunity Management and Resources system (software tool to capture and
track opportunities)
OMC Offshore Marine Coordinator
ONAPE Chadian employment office
ONC-DO Occurrence Notification Center—Duty Officer

17 July 2007 40

Acronyms Descriptions
ONGC Videsh Ltd. ONGC Overseas (Indian company part of the Sakhalin-1 Project)
ONES ONDEO Nalco Energy Services
OOIP original oil in place (See OIP, OIIP)
OOW Officer on Watch or Officer of the Watch
OP operations philosophy
OPB overall pipeline balance
OPC object linking and embedding (OLE) for process control
OPEB other postemployment benefit
OPEX operating expenditure(s)
OPF Onshore Processing Facility (at Chayvo)
OPIC Overseas Private Investment Corporation
OPL Offshore Production Lease
OPR Operational Trip
OPS Operations
OPTS Oil Producers Trade Section (Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
ORA operational risk assessment
ORB Oil Record Book
ORP Oil Spill Response Plan
ORS Operations Responsible Supervisor
ORT The Organization for Educational Resources and Technical Training
ORV open-rack vaporizer
OS operator station
OS Operations Supervisor
OSC On Scene Commander
OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan
OSD offloading shutdown
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSR oil spill response
OSRC Oil Spill Response Center
OSRCP Oil Spill Response and Contingency Plan
OSRL Oil Spill Response Limited (Southampton, U.K.)
OSROs Oil Spill Response Organizations
OSS one stop shop
OT Operations Technician
OTC Offshore Technology Conference
OTCC Oil Traffic Control Center
OTJS off-the-job safety
OTP operations test procedure
OTS Operational and Technical Staff
OWA Offshore West Africa
OWC oil water contact
OWP operator access to workplace
OWR oil/water ratio (See O/W)
OWS oily water separator
oz ounce
P phosphorus
P&A plug and abandonment

17 July 2007 41

Acronyms Descriptions
P&B Planning and Budgeting
P&I protection and indemnity insurance
P&ID piping and instrumentation diagram
P&ID process and instrumentation diagram
P&I Club protection and indemnity insurers
P&PMS Planned and Predictive Maintenance Systems
P&T pressure and temperature
p.u. porosity units
P/bbl pulses per barrel
P/gal pulses per gallon
P/L pipeline
Pa Pascal
PA Public Address (System)
PA Public Affairs
PA/GA Public Address / General Alarm
PA production annulus
PABX private automatic branch exchange (telephone and communications) (See PBX)
PADP Performance Assessment and Development Process
PAEAS Public Address and Emergency Alarm System
PAERO Public Affairs Emergency Response Organization (Chad)
PAGA Public Address and General Alarm
PAH polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
PAH pressure alarm high
PAHH pressure alarm high-high
PAL pressure alarm low
PALL pressure alarm low-low
PAPA prepare to abandon platform
PAPR powered air purifying respirator
PAR Postactivity Report
PAS Potential Assessment Summary
PAT Performance Assessment Team
Pareto an analysis method
PAW Performance Assessment Worksheet
PAX passenger(s)
PB push button
PBOP maximum anticipated subsea BOP pressure
PBR polished bore receptacle
PBTD plugged back total depth
PBU pressure buildup
PBX private branch exchange (a communications control system) (See PABX)
PC personal computer
PCB polychlorinated biphenyls
PCBA printed circuit board assembly
PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls
PCD pitch circle diameter
PCP pentachlorophenol
PCP progressing cavity pump
PCS platform control system

17 July 2007 42

Acronyms Descriptions
PCS process control system
PCT plastic-coated tubing
PCT pressure controlled tester or test
PCTV pressure controlled test valve
PCV pressure control valve
PCV production choke valve
PD positive displacement
PD pressure differential
PD Projects Department
PD meter positive displacement meter
PDAH pressure differential alarm high
PDBM Project Design Basis Memorandum
PDC perforating depth correlation
PDC polycrystalline diamond compact (drill bit)
PDCS power distribution control system
PDF portable document format
PDHG permanent downhole gauge
PDIC pressure differential indicator controller
PDIS pressure differential indicating switch
PDISH pressure differential indication switch high
PDISL pressure differential indication switch low
PDIT pressure differential indicator transmitter
PDM project development memorandum
PDM positive displacement motor
PDM positive displacement meter
PDM permanent downhole monitoring
PDMS Plant Design Management System
PDO Plan for Development and Operations
PDS Project Design Standard
PDSHH pressure differential switch high-high
PDSLL pressure differential switch low-low
PDT pressure differential transmitter
PDV pressure differential valve
PE professional engineer
PE Project Engineer
PE Production Engineering
PEAR People, Environment, Assets, and Reputation
PEL permissible exposure limit
PEL personal exposure limit
PELS Power Emergency Load Shedding application
PEP project execution plan
PESTRA Plant Equipment Strategy database
PET portable electronic thermometer
PF protective force
PFD personal flotation device (life jacket)
PFD process flow diagram (Similar to MFD, mechanical flow diagram)
PFD Planning for Development
PFP passive fire protection

17 July 2007 43

Acronyms Descriptions
PFTS procedure to function test
PG power generators
PGT power gas turbine
pH measure of alkalinity or acidity
PH public health
PHA preliminary hazard analysis
PHA Process Hazard Analysis
PHC Port Harcourt
PHCP Public Health Control Program
PHRA Public Health Risk Assessment
PHRO potentially higher risk operations
PI polarization index
PI pressure indicator
PI productivity index
PI Plant Information System (PI server)
PI/EC Plant Information System / Energy Component Computing System
PIA post impact assessment
PIC Person in Charge
PIC pressure indicator controller
PIC Project Inspection Coordinator
PID photo ionization detector
PID proportional, integral, derivative
PIMS Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System
PIN product identification number
PIO plan for installation and operation
PISHAZOP Protective Systems Hazard and Operability
PIT pressure-indicating transmitter
PIT pressure integrity test
PJ pup joint
PJO Personal Job Observation
PLB personal locator beacons
PLC programmable logic controller
PLC process logic controller
PLEM pipeline end manifold
PLQ personnel living quarters
PLT production logging tool
PLX process shutdown with blowdown
PM preventive maintenance
PM programmed maintenance
PM passenger miles
PM Pumpman
PMA plant management area
PMC piping material class
PMG Personnel Matters Guide
PMI positive material identification
PML probable maximum loss
PMO project management office
PMP Preferred Medical Provider

17 July 2007 44

Acronyms Descriptions
PMP preventive maintenance program
PMS preventive maintenance system
PMT Project Management Team
PMV piston motor valve
PMV production master valve (on Christmas tree)
PN polynitrite
PNC pulsed neutron capture
PO Production Operations
PO Protection Officer
PO purchase order
PO problem closeout
POB pay on behalf
POB personnel onboard
POB List personnel onboard List
POBP Production Operations Best Practices
POBP-M&R Production Operations Best Practices for Maintenance and Reliability
POBS project objectives and strategies
POC Point of Contact
POCR Production Operations Change Report
POD Production Operations Department
POEMS Production Operations Energy Management System
POFB Produced Oil Field Balance
POINT plan, observe, inform, note, track
POL personnel on location
POL petroleum, oil, or lubes
POOH pull out of hole
POP persistent organic pollutants
PORT pressure operated reference tool
POS Production Operation System, a series of best practices manuals
POS project objectives and strategies statement
POS positioning system
POSC Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation
POSMOOR position mooring control
POSMOOR position mooring system
POSS Project Objectives and Strategies Statement
POT Powered Orienting Tool (the Schlumberger POT-C)
PP power plant
PP production platform
PP production pressure
PP polypropylene
PP&E property, plant, and equipment
PP/T production pressure and temperature
PPA property protection areas
ppb parts per billion
ppb pounds per barrel (preferred to use lb/bbl)
PPD pour point depressant
PPE personal protective equipment
ppg pounds per gallon

17 July 2007 45

Acronyms Descriptions
ppm parts per million
PPM planned preventive maintenance
PPM Pressure Protection Manager
PPO production pressure operated (valve)
PPS Physical Protection System
ppt parts per trillion
PPY pressure transmitter signal converter element
PQC production quality codes
PQP project quality plan
PQR Procedure Qualification Record (welding)
PR pipe rams (in BOP stack)
PR pressure regulator
PRCi Pipeline Research Council International, Inc.
PRD pressure relief device
PRH pitch, roll, and heave
PRM Production Reference Manual
PRN Production Readiness Notice
PROPSIM phase behavior simulator
PRS pipeline receiving station
PRS position reference system
PRS pressure reducing station
PRSP poverty reduction strategy paper
PRV pressure relief valve
PS persons served
PS Pump Station
PSA Procurement Services Advisor
PSA Production Sharing Agreement
PSA project service agreement
PSA periodic system analysis
PSAU process and signal acquisition unit
PSC Production Sharing Contract
PSC Process Safety Coordinator
PSCN Power System Control Network
PSCSSV production surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
PSD pressure shutdown
PSD process shutdown
PSDC Project Specific Design Code
PSDH pressure shutdown high
PSE pressure safety element
PSHA preliminary seismic hazard assessment
PSH pressure switch (or safety) high
PSHH pressure switch (or safety) high-high
PSH/L pressure switch (or safety) high/low
PSHH/LL pressure switch (or safety) high-high/low-low
PSI Process Safety Information
psi pounds per square inch
psia pounds per square inch absolute
psig pounds per square inch gauge (gauge pressure)

17 July 2007 46

Acronyms Descriptions
PSL Product Specification Level (an API designation)
PSL pressure switch low
PSLL pressure switch low-low
PSM Process Safety Management
PSO Plant Services Operator
PSP Production Services Platform
PSSDS Process Safety Shutdown System
PSSR Pre Start-Up Safety Review
PSTSs Project Specific Technical Specifications
PSV platform support vessel
PSV platform supply vessel
PSV pressure safety valve
PSV pipe safety valve
PSV production swab valve
PT liquid penetrant test
PT potential transformer
PT power turbine
PT pressure transmitter
PT pressure-temperature
PT production technician
PTB Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PTI positive target identification
PtP or P-to-P Purchase-to-Pay
PTP pumping tubing pressure
PTS Personnel Tracking System
PTW permit to work
PTWS Permit To Work System
PU production unit
PUL Production Unit Leadership
PULT Production Unit Leadership Team
PV pore volume
PV pressure valve
PV pressure vessel
PV plastic viscosity
PVC polyvinyl chloride
PVP present value profit
PVT pressure, volume, temperature
PVT pit volume totalizer
PVV pressure vacuum valve
PWA problem well advice
PWARL projects within affiliate review limit
PWC Price Waterhouse Coopers
PWFB Produced Water Field Balance
PWHT Post-weld heat treatment or treating
PWM pulse width modulation
PWV production wing valve

17 July 2007 47

Acronyms Descriptions
Q allowable leak rate (gal/hr, m3/hr, l/min)
QA quality assurance
Q&A questions and answers
QA/QC quality assurance and quality control
QAC Quality Assurance Coordinator (or Representative)
QAM Quality Assurance Manual
QAM quality assurance manual
QAP quality assurance plan
QAS quality assurance system
QASA Quality Assurance System Audits
QC quality control
QCPS Quality Control Practice Spreadsheet
QI Qualified Individual
QIT Qua Iboe Terminal
QMS Quality Management System
QP quality plan
QP&G quality practices and guidelines
QRA quantitative risk assessment
QRBP quick release bridge plug
QSMS Quality and Safety Management System
R recommendable
R&R rest and relaxation
°R degree Rankine, (a measure of absolute temperature) °R = °F + 460° = 9/5(K)
See K.
RA radioactive
RA risk analysis
RA risk assessment
RACI responsible, accountable, consult, inform (levels of involvement) (See RASCI
RAF Royal Air Force
RAM random access memory
RAM reliability, availability, and maintainability
RAMS Risk Assessment and Management Study
RAMS Risk Assessment and Management System
RAPID Reporting, Allocation, Production Information Database
RASCI chart Chart describing responsible, accountable, supporting, consulted, and informed
parties for an activity (See RACI chart.)
RASR Risk Assessment Summary Report
RBI risk-based inspection
RBI risk-based integrity
RBIM risk-based inspection and maintenance
RBWS risk-based work selection
RCA root-cause analysis
RCC Rescue Coordination Center
RCFA root cause failure analysis
RCI reservoir characterization instrument

17 July 2007 48

Acronyms Descriptions
RCM Regulatory Compliance Manual
RCM reliability-centered maintenance
RCP resistor-controlled cathodic protection
RCU remote control unit
RD restricting device
RDT reservoir description tool
RE Reservoir Engineer or Engineering
Red Book System of Management Control—Basic Standards (SMC)
REL recommended exposure limit
rem roentgen equivalent man (a unit of radiation dose) 100 rem = 1 Sv (See Sv)
RF radio frequency
RF rig floor
RF Russian Federation
RFE Request For Exception
RFP Request for Proposal
RFQ request for quotation
RFS Request for Services
RFT repeat formation testing (or tester)
RHC retrievable hollow carrier
RICE responsible, informed, communicated, endorsed (process map)
RIH run in hole
RKB rotary kelly bushing
RL Repair or Remanufacture Level
RM rate per mile
RMP Revenue Management Plan
RMS Risk Management System
RMS, rms root mean square
RMSR Risk Management Summary Report
RMU ring mains unit
RN-Astra RN = Rosneft (Rosneft Petroleum Company in Sakhalin)
RNIM redundant network interface model
RO restriction orifice
ROB remaining on board
ROC rate of change
ROC remote operation control
ROCE return on capital employed
ROE radius of exposure
ROE rules of engagement
ROI return on investment
ROP rate of penetration
ROS residual oil saturation
ROV remotely operated vehicle
RosMorRechflot Russian Federal Agency for Sea and River Navigation
ROW right-of-way
RP recommended practice
RPE respiratory protective equipment
rph revolutions per hour
rpm revolutions per minute

17 July 2007 49

Acronyms Descriptions
RPP Radiation Protection Program
RPS Radiation Protection Supervisor
RQ reportable quantities
RRCS Rig Remote Control System
RRP Reclamation and Remediation Plan
RRT Regional Response Team
RSC Right-of-Way and Socioeconomic Action Manual Coordinator
RSChS Russian Unified State System of Prevention and Response to Emergency
RSG Reservoir Surveillance Group
RSG Regional Support Group
RSMC Regional Specialized Meteorological Centers
RSO Radiation Safety Officer
RSP remote set point
RSP reservoir surveillance plan
RSP ring seal packer
RSPL recommended spare parts list
RSS Radiation Safety Supervisor
RST reservoir saturation tool
RT radiographic testing
RT revenue ton
RTD resistance temperature device or detector
RTES Regional Training and Education Services
RTHs Regional Telecommunication Hubs
RTN Rostechnadzor (The federal agency performing government regulation of
industrial safety on the territory of the Russian Federation.) See GGTN, GOST.
RTR Ryton-Teflon-Ryton
RTRP resin-treated reinforced pipe
RTTS retrievable test treat and squeeze (tool)
RTU remote terminal unit
RTW return to work
RU reporting unit
RUL Resources Unit Leader
RVP Reid vapor pressure
RWC restricted work case
RWI reported work incident
RWI restricted work incident
RWI restricted work injury
RWIN restricted work injury
RWOI restricted work occupational illness
s or sec second
S&D staffing and development
S&P Standard & Poor's
S&S safeguards and security
S&S security and safety
S&T shell and tube
S&W sediment and water

17 July 2007 50

Acronyms Descriptions
S/I shut-in
SA Security Advisor
SABA supplied air breathing apparatus
SADC Southern African Development Community
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAFE safety analysis function evaluation
S.A.F.E. Slapper-Actuated Firing Equipment (Schlumberger)
SakhBASU Director General of the Federal Unitary Enterprise Sakhalin Basin Emergency
Rescue Department
SALM single anchor leg mooring
SAM subsea accumulator module
SAM Socioeconomic Action Manual
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
SAN Ship Advice Note
SAP Socioeconomics Action Plan
SAP Systems, Applications, and Processing
SAP Systems Application Product
SAR search and rescue
SART search and rescue transponder
SAS Safety and Automation System
Sb antimony
SB starboard
SBC Security Business Center
SBC Shore Base Cost
SBHT static bottom hole temperature (Same as SIBHT, See entry.)
SBM SBM Production Contractors
SBM shutdown basis memorandum
SBM single buoy mooring
SBM synthetic base mud or synthetic oil-based mud
SBMPC single buoy mooring production contractors
SBOPD standard barrels of oil per day
SBR shear-blind rams (in BOP stack)
SBRA scenario-based risk analysis
SBT segregated ballast tank
SBV standby vessel
SBV single block valve
SC sample controller
Sc scandium
SC Site Controller
SCA supplementary cooling additive
SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition
SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus ( See CABA)
SCC Security Control Center
SCC stress corrosion cracking
SCC Site Change Coordinator
SCF stress concentration factor
scf or SCF standard cubic foot (See std m3)
scf/d standard cubic feet per day

17 July 2007 51

Acronyms Descriptions
scf/STB or SCF/STB standard cubic feet per stock tank barrel (See STB.)
Scfm standard cubic feet per minute
SCH schedule (wall thickness for steel pipe)
SCM subsea control module
SCP Simultaneous Construction and Production Operations
SCR semiconductor controlled rectifier
SCR silicon control rectifier
SCR steel catenary riser
SCR switchgear control room
SCS subsea control system
SCSA Special Cost and Schedule Allowance
SCSSV surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
SD shutdown
SD Sonangol Distribudora
SDC stream day capacity
SDG Systems Development Group
SDO standards development organization (Examples: ISO, API, SI)
SDNR screw down nonreturn
SDP simultaneous drilling and production operations
SDP Systems Development Plan
SDPM Systems Development Process Manual
SDS safety data sheet
SDSV shallow draft support vessel
SDT Systems Development Team
SDU subsea distribution unit
SDV shutdown valve
SEA social and environmental assessment
SEA socioeconomic assessment
SEA Southern Expansion Area
SEBP Strategic Environmental Business Plan
sec or s second
SEC U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
SECON Security Condition
SECP Soil Erosion Control Plan
SED Surplus Equipment Disposal
SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists
SEIC Sakhalin Energy
SEM subsea electronics module
SEM scanning electron microscope
SEMG Socioeconomic Management Guide
SEMP Socioeconomic Management Plan
Sentinel PRO™ Sentinel PRO™ is a trademark of Petrotechnics Ltd.
SEP Safety Environmental Protection
SEPLA suction embedded plate anchors
SEPP Socioeconomic Planning Process
SEPRA specific emergency preparedness requirements
SEQ safety, environment, and quality
SERS Ship Emergency Response System

17 July 2007 52

Acronyms Descriptions
SERT Site Emergency Response Team
SES Service Entry Sheet
SESD subsea emergency shutdown
SEWAC Surveillance Watch Committee
SF safety factor
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
SFA Shareholder Funding Agreement
SFG power breaker ????
SFM surface feet per minute
SG specific gravity
SGR switchgear room
She equivalent hoop stress
SHE safety, health, and environment
SHEA SHE Advisor
SHES safety, health, environment, and security
SHM Strategic Health Management
SHO stab and hinge-over (subsea systems)
SHU short stroke hydraulic unit
SI International System of Units (Systèm International d' Unités in French)
Abbreviated SI in all languages.
SI shut in (for a well)
SIBHP shut-in bottom hole pressure
SIBHT shut-in bottom hole temperature (Same as SBHT, See entry.)
SIC speed indicator controller
SIDPP shut-in drill pipe pressure
SIF stress intensification factor
Sigma [Σ] summation symbol, also cross-section (See cu, capture unit)
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIM subsea intervention module
SIMOPS simultaneous operations
SIMOPS PIC SIMOPS Person in Charge
SIOP Information System for Petroleum Operations
SIP shut-in pressure
SIR Sample Identification Record
SIRS Security Incident Reporting System
SIS safety instrumented system
SITHP shut-in tubing head pressure
SITP shut-in tubing pressure
SITREP situation report
SIWHP shut-in wellhead pressure
SJA Safe Job Analysis
Sl longitudinal membrane and bending tensile stress
Slb longitudinal bending stress
SLE strength level earthquake
Slm longitudinal membrane stress
SM Socioeconomic Action Manual
SMC Safety Management Certificate
SMC subject matter contact

17 July 2007 53

Acronyms Descriptions
SMC System of Management Control-Basic Standards (Red Book)
SME Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration
SME subject matter expert
SMLS seamless (specification for pipe)
SMNG Sakhalinmorneftegas
SMNG-Shelf Sakhalinmorneftegas-Shelf
SMO Socioeconomic Management Organization
SMS south machinery space
SMS Systems Management Server or Service (Microsoft)
SMT Spill Management Team
SMTS specified minimum tensile strength
SMYS specified minimum yield strength
SNEPCO Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company
SO Support Organization
SO System Owner
SO2 sulfur dioxide
SO4 sulfate
SOx sulfur oxides as air emissions (SO2, SO3, SO4)
SODECO Sakhalin Oil and Gas Development Cooperation Co. Ltd
SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
SOM Security Operations Manual
Sonangol Sociedade Nacional de Combustiveis de Angola
SOP standard operating practice
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
SORS Superior Operations Responsible Supervisor
SOW Scope of Work
SP self potential
SPAC standards, policies, or administrative controls
SPBP standard P&B package
SPCC spill prevention control and countermeasures
SPCU surface power and communication unit
SPF shots per foot (applies to downhole perforating)
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
SPM single point mooring
SPM side pocket mandrel
SPM strokes per minute
SPO service purchase order
SPS Security Policy Statement
SPSA Safe Performance Self-Assessment
SPW Salary Planning Worksheet
SPWLA Society of Professional Well Log Analysts
SQC statistical quality control
SR shear rams (in BOP stack)
SR store request
SR salary reference
SRA Structured Risk Analysis
SRB sulfate-reducing bacteria
SRM Standard Reference Material

17 July 2007 54

Acronyms Descriptions
SRO surface readout (gauge or meter)
SRP Spill Response Plan
SRS sulfate removal system
SRS single-phase reservoir sampler
SrSO4 strontium sulfate
SRT Site Response Team
SRU sulfur recovery unit
SRV stop/speed ratio valve
SS stainless steel
SS short string (pipe in wellbore)
SSB HF single side band high frequency
SSC sulfide-stress cracking
SSC Shared Service Center
SSC IH Shared Service Center industrial hygienists
SSC-SSV subsurface-controlled subsurface safety valve
SSCV semisubmersible crane vessel
SSD sliding side door
SSE short service employee
SSE subsurface engineer
SSE Subsurface Engineering (group)
SSIV subsurface intervention valve
SSIV subsea isolation valve
SSL Security Shift Leader
SSLL subsea loading line (DeKastri Terminal to SPM)
SSN Social Security Number
SSO subsea operations
SSP site-specific procedure
SSPC Steel Structures Painting Council
SSQRA safeguards and security qualitative risk assessments
SSR Senior Site Representative
SSS Site Security Supervisor
SSSV subsurface safety valve
SSTT subsea test tree
SSV subsurface valve
SSV surface safety valve
SSV subsurface safety valve
SSW short service worker
ST short term
ST stewardship tonnage
STB stock tank barrel (barrel of oil @ STP) (See STP)
STB/day stock tank barrels per day
STARVOL Sales, Tariffs and Volumes Database
STC short-thread and coupled (pipe connections)
STCW International Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping
std m3 standard cubic meter
STD sexually transmitted diseases
STE short-term employee
STE SAGE terminal extension (Aberdeen)

17 July 2007 55

Acronyms Descriptions
STEL short-term exposure limit
STEP Support and Training Entrepreneurship Program
Stks strokes
STOP a DuPont Corporation observation program
STOOIP stock tank oil originally in place
STP standard temperature and pressure (defined as 1.04 bara at 15.6°C)
STT Sanction to Test
STT selective test tool
STT Slagen Tanker Transport
SU startup
SURF subsea equipment, umbilicals, risers, and flowlines
SUTU subsea umbilical termination unit
Sv sievert (unit of radiation dose) 1 Sv = 100 rem (See rem, µSv )
SVI single valve isolation
SVLN safety valve landing nipple
SW seawater
SWAB swab valve
SWB salaries, wages, and benefits
SWB switchboard
SWD Shell™ water detector
SWHP surface wellhead platform
SWHP surface wellhead pressure
SWL safe working load
t tonne (metric ton) = 1,000 kilograms
T ton (English short ton) = 2,000 pounds
T temperature
T transmitter
T&E travel and entertainment
T/B terminal block
T/T tangent-to-tangent
TAC Technical Assistance Center
TAF Travel Authorization Form
TAH temperature alarm high
TAHH temperature alarm high-high
TAL temperature alarm low
TALL temperature alarm low-low
TAN total acid number
TAR trade accounts receivable
TASP Texas Academic Skills Program
TBA tertiary butyl alcohol
TB alcohol tertiary butyl alcohol
TBD to be decided
TBD thousand barrels per day
TBO time between overhaul
TC temperature controller
TC TOTCO controller
TC transport casualty card

17 July 2007 56

Acronyms Descriptions
TC Transportation Contract
TCA Total Compensation Analyst
TCC Traffic Control Center
TCF trillion cubic feet (1012 ft3)
TCLP Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure
TCN third-country nationals
TCP technical commissioning procedure
TCP treaties, conventions, and protocols
TCP tubing conveyed perforating
TCP turbine control panel
TCP/IP transmission control protocol / internet protocol
TCPI total cost per year (safety valve)
TCT true crystallization temperature
TCV temperature control valve (self acting)
TD total days
TD total depth
TDC Temporary Defeat Certificate
TDG transportation of dangerous goods (in general)
TDG Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Regulations)
TDP touch down point (where a line from a surface vessel contacts the sea floor)
TDS top drive system
TDS Technical Data Sheets
TDS total dissolved solids
TDT thermal decay time
TE temperature element
TEG triethylene glycol
TELB totally enclosed lifeboat
TEMPSC totally enclosed motor-propelled survival craft
TEOC Technical and Economic Justification for Construction
TFE tetrafluoroethylene
TFE/P tetrafluoroethylene and propylene
TFL through flowline
TG trip gas
TGI temporary gas injection
TGLR total gas liquid ratio
TGS tubing geometry sonde
THAF tree/tubing head adapter flange
THC total hydrocarbon content (ppm)
THP tubinghead pressure
THPS tetrakis (hydroxymethyl) and phosphonium sulfate
THRT tubing hanger running tool
TI temperature indicator
TI transport index (radioactivity)
TIC temperature indicating controller
TIG thermal insulated garments
TIH trip in hole
TII SBM expatriate employee
TIT temperature indicating transmitter

17 July 2007 57

Acronyms Descriptions
TIV tubing isolation valve
TIVL Test Instrument Verification Log
TIW tie-in well
TIW Texas Iron Works
TIW valve Texas Iron Works brand name for a quarter-turn, full-bore ball valve that can be
installed on drill pipe or a work string.
TJ tool joint
TL Team Lead
TL total legs
TLCF tax loss carry forward
TLD thermoluminescent dosimeter
TLP tension leg platform
TLPE three layer polyethylene
TLPP three layer polypropylene
TLV threshold limit value
TM total miles
TMA test method assessment
TML thickness measurement location
TMR Texaco Marathon Receipt (at LOCAP/St. James)
TMR triple modular redundant (applies to computer and electronic systems)
TMS tether management system
TMS The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society
TN terra norm
TO Transport Order
TOC Table of Contents
TOC total organic carbon
TOC top of cement
TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language
TOFD time of flight diffraction
TOMCAT Terminal Operations Manual for Competency Assurance and Training
(Golden Pass LNG manual)
TOR terms of reference
TOT Texas Oil Tools
TOTCO Tchad Oil Transportation Company
TP test pressure
TP total passengers
TPC test process check
TPH total petroleum hydrocarbon
TPI test performance index
TPI Texaco Pipeline Inc. (at Cloverly)
TPIC tanker person in charge
TPL Texaco Pipeline at LOCAP/St. James
TPL third-party liability
TR total remuneration (package)
TRA Task Risk Assessment
TRI total reported incidents
TRINR total recordable injury notification report
TRIR total recordable injury report

17 July 2007 58

Acronyms Descriptions
TRM Technical Reference Manual
TROI total recordable occupational illnesses
TR-SCSSV tubing retrievable surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
TR-SSV tubing retrievable subsurface safety valve
TRS Technical Record Services
TS temperature switch
TS tons shipped
TSA technical service agreement
TSA thermal sprayed aluminum
TSCM technical surveillance countermeasures
TSE temperature sensing element
TSHH temperature switch high-high
TSHH/LL temperature switch high-high/low-low
TSI Tree Saver International
TSLL temperature switch low-low
TSR Travel Sourcing Representative
TSR temporary safe refuge
TSS total suspended solids
TT temperature transmitter
TT total tonnage
TTC Technical Training Center
TTCTU through-tubing coiled tubing units
TTR time to repair
TTX Tabletop Exercise
TUTA topside umbilical termination assembly
TV temperature valve
TV television
TVD true vertical depth
TVP true vapor pressure
TW thermowell
TWA time-weighted average
TWCV tubing well control valve
U.S. United States
U.S. DOE U.S. Department of Energy
UA unsafe act
UAL common alarm low
UALL common alarm low-low
UBS Upstream Business Services
UC unit count
UC unsafe condition
UC Unified Command
UCP unit control panel
UDB Upstream Database
UEL upper explosive limit
UET Uptime Enhancement Team
UFAM Upstream Financial Accounting Manual
UFC Upstream Financial Coordination

17 July 2007 59

Acronyms Descriptions
UFD utility flow diagram
UFM ultrasonic meter unit (See LDM)
UHF ultra high frequency
UHP ultra high pressure
UIA Upstream Internal Assessment
UIA Unit Internal Assessment
UIAA International Union of Alpine Associations Standards
UK Upper Cretaceous
UKC under-keel clearance
UKOOA United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association
UL Underwriters Laboratory
ULCC ultra large crude carrier (or ultra large cargo carrier)
UMG Russian agency or company for the management of long distance gas pipelines
UMS unmanned machinery space
UMU ultrasonic metering unit
UMV upper master valve (on Christmas tree)
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNEP United Nations Environmental Program
UNI Ente Nazionale di Unificazione
UO Unit Operator
UOM unit of measure
UOP unit of production
UPMS Upstream Project Management System
UPR upper pipe rams (in BOP stack)
UPR unexpected pressure release
UPS uninterruptible power supply
UPS Upstream Procurement System
URC ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
URF umbilical, riser, and flowline (See SURF)
US utility station
US United States
US$ U.S. dollar
USCG United States Coast Guard
USD unit shutdown
US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
US EXIM United States Export Import Bank
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
USI ultrasonic imager
USIT ultrasonic imager tool
USM ultrasonic meter
USP U.S. Production (ExxonMobil)
USP Unified Salary Program (USP)
USPU US Production Unit
USV underwater safety valve
UT ultrasonic testing
UTA umbilical termination assembly
UTeC Upstream Technical Computing
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

17 July 2007 60

Acronyms Descriptions
UV ultraviolet
V volt
V&M Verification & Measurement
VA vibration analysis
VA volt-ampere
VAC voltage alternate current
VAT value-added tax
VBR variable bore ram
VBTR Vessel Bulk Transfer Report
Vc volume of cement slurry
VCI vapor-phase corrosion inhibitors
VCRF Vessel Charter Request Form
VDC voltage direct current
VDI Verin Deutscher Ingeniure
VDRL Vendor Document Requirement List
VDT valve drilling tool
VDU visual display unit
VEF vessel experience factor
VFD variable frequency drive
VFR visual flight rules
VHF very high frequency
VIV vortex-induced vibration
VLS Vessel Log System
VME von Mises equivalent (stress)
VMU Vendor Master Update
VO Safety Delegate
VOA volatile organic analytes
VOC volatile organic component
VOM voltage ohms meter
VP vice president
VRLA valve-regulated lead acid
VRR voidage replacement ratio
VRU vapor recovery unit
VS vibration switch
VSHH vibration switch high-high
VSP vertical seismic profile
VSWR voltage standing wave ratio
VT visual and optical testing
VTI visual thread inspection
VTS Vessel Traffic Services
W/O workover
WABSO West Africa Business Support Organization
WAG water alternating gas
WAN wide area network
WAP waste analysis plan
WASG West Africa Slinging Guidelines

17 July 2007 61

Acronyms Descriptions
WAT wax appearance temperature
WB World Bank
WBM water-based mud
WBOD wellbore basis of design
WBRM Wellbore Risk Management Team
WBS wellbore stability
WBS work breakdown structure
WC water column
WCC Work Control Certificate
WCI wellbore complexity index
WCP wellhead control panel
WCS Worst Case Scenario
WCT Workforce Comparison Tool
WCV wing valve
WEA work effort analysis
WEG wireline entry guide
WET Work Execution Technician
WFI Work Force Index
WFT wireline formation tester
WGR water to gas ratio also water/gas ratio
WH wellhead
WH&T wellhead and tubing
WHMIS workplace hazardous materials information system
WHO World Health Organization
WHP wellhead platform
WHP wellhead pressure (same as tubing pressure)
WHP&T wellhead pressure and temperature
WHRU waste heat recovery unit
WHT withholding tax
WHT wellhead temperature
WHV wellhead valve
WI water injection
WICC Wellbore Integrity Change Coordinator
WIM Warehouse Inventory Management
WIMN waste minimization hierarchy
WIMS Wellbore Integrity Management System
WinIRAS Microsoft Windows™ version of IRAS software
WIO Working Interest Owner
WIS Workover Information Sheet
WJTA WaterJet Technology Association
WLL working load limit
WLMS Well Life Cycle Management System
WLP worst likely path
WMCs World Meteorological Centers
WMF Waste Management Facility
WMIN waste minimization
WMM Waste Management Manual
WMO World Meteorological Organization

17 July 2007 62

Acronyms Descriptions
WMOC Wellbore Management of Change
WMP Waste Management Plan
WO work order
WO workover (well or wellbore)
WOB weight on bit
WOC wait (or waiting) on cement
WOC water/oil contact
WOI Work Orientation Interview
WOK waiting on Kent (documentation status)
WOR water/oil ratio
WOTS Work Order Tracking System
WP Work Permit
WP working pressure
WP&B work program and budget
WPP well pilot panel
WPS welding procedure specifications
WPT well pressure transmitter
WPQR welding procedure qualification record
WQR welder qualification record
WPS weld procedure specification
WPS welding procedures
WRM wellbore risk management
WRMP Wildlife Risk Management Plan
WRMS Wellbore Risk Management System
WR-SCSSV wireline retrievable surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
w.r.t. with respect to
WS work station
WSR Well Servicing Request
WSU well servicing unit
WS working stress, refers to working stress based analysis, such as WellCat or
FORCAL type simulations
WT wall thickness
Wt weight
Wt% weight percent
WTD Waste Tracking Database
WTP water test pressure
WTS Waste Tracking System
WUL water use license
WV wing valve (on Christmas tree)
WWR Well Workover Request
WWT wastewater treatment units
WWW World Wide Web
WWW World Weather Watch
XAH shutdown alarm high
XC xanthan gum
XCP conductivity indicator
XDI dew point indicator

17 July 2007 63

Acronyms Descriptions
XL extreme-line (pipe connections)
XLOT extended leak-off test
XLPE cross-linked polyethylene
XOV crossover valve
Xover or X/O crossover
XR x-ray diffraction
XS shutdown switch
XS unspecified switch
XSHH shutdown switch high-high
XV shutdown valve
XYV unspecified valve, shutdown solenoid valve
YBC Yuzhno Base Clinic
Yd yard
YE year end
YEE year-end experience
YP yield point
YTD year to date
Z gas deviation factor
ZP Zafiro Producer
ZS detector switch
ZSC closed valve indication switch
ZSH position switch high
ZSH/L position switch high/low
ZSHH position switch high-high (P&ID code)
ZSO open valve indication switch
ZT position transmitter

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