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ETAPA LOCALǍ - 20.02.2016

CLASA a X-a – secțiunea A

I. Write the correct form of the word in capitals to complete the gaps. (15 points)
Turn a Hobby into a Business
It is not (0) … unusual … to make a hobby pay for itself even if USUAL
initially you had no (1) .................... of turning it into a business INTEND
Depending upon the hobby, the necessary (2) ………………… EQUIP
can be expensive and the idea of (3) ............................. offering OCCASION
items up for sale can at the very least help pay for the hobby.
For those looking to make a profit on their (4) ..............................., CREATE
these days an audience for products can range from
the local to the truly global. Some hobbyists begin
by donating a piece of work to a (5) ............................. sale CHARITY
just to see how quickly and (6) ................................... it sells. PROFIT
Local shops can be the next outlet for items,
often the step taken by those making things like
hand-made greetings cards for instance. And for the
truly ambitious, websites like eBay enable the
hobbiest to reach a (7 ) ...................................... audience. WORLD
As with any business idea, an honest (8) .............................. should be APPRAISE
undertaken regarding the demand for the work and the
price the customer is prepared to pay in (9) .................................... . REAL
However, do not forget the degree of personal (10) ............................... as well. SATISFY

II. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0). (15points)

Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E-mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (0)21 4056200 Tel: +40 (0)249 410927
Fax: +40 (0)21 4056300 Fax: +40 (0)249 412801
Department Stores
In 1846 an Irish immigrant in New York named Alexander Stewart opened a business called the Marble Dry-
Goods Palace. By (0) … DOING … so, he gave the world something completely new – the department store.
Before this, no-one (1) ....... tried to bring together such a wide range of goods (2) ....... a single roof. The
business did very (3) ....... . It expanded rapidly and soon had (4) ....... staff of two thousand. For Stewart even
that was not enough, (5) ......... . In 1862 he moved to an eight-storey building nearby, (6) ....... he renamed
A.T. Stewart’s Cast-Iron Palace. It was, (7) ....... for many years would remain, the largest shop in the world.
Others followed Stewart’s example and soon there were stores (8) ....... his in many major cities in the United
States. We don’t (9) ....... when people started calling them department stores. The expression wasn’t used in
print before 1893, when it appeared in Harper’s magazine, but the way that it is used there (10) ....... it clear
that it was already widely understood.

III. For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and
six words, including the word given. (10 points)

1. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time.

We had a good time .................... the terrible weather.

2. His boss won't tolerate lateness.

His boss won't .................................. lateness.

3. I find driving on the left in England very strange.

I ..................................... on the left in England.

4. When he was much older, he understood.

It ............................ much older that he understood.

5. Do you and your brother have the same looks?

Does ........................................ you?

Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E-mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (0)21 4056200 Tel: +40 (0)249 410927
Fax: +40 (0)21 4056300 Fax: +40 (0)249 412801
IV. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. (10points)

1. Andrew's job is to supervise all the employees of the company. RESPONSIBLE

Andrew _________________________all the employees of the company.
2. I think that there won't be many people at the book exhibition. UNLIKELY
It ________________________ be many people at the book exhibition.
3. The last time Tim went to France was four years ago. BEEN
Tim____________________ for four years.
4. 'Let's play chess!' he said. PLAYING
He ________________________ chess.
5. There wasn't much we could do to help him. LITTLE
There _____________________ to help him.

V. You have seen an advertisement for a part-time job (50 points).

Part-time waiters needed

for our new international restaurant.
You need to:
 be good at working with people
 have some knowledge of foreign languages
 be willing to work flexible hours

Write explaining why you should be suitable for the job to:
Mr Roy Smith, manager of Carlton Restaurants

Write your letter of application in 120-180 words. Do not write any postal addresses.



Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E-mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (0)21 4056200 Tel: +40 (0)249 410927
Fax: +40 (0)21 4056300 Fax: +40 (0)249 412801

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