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Introduction to DISC Personality Types

Thank you for your interest to join Global Brands.

To ensure that you will feel comfotrable in performing the job you are applying for, we have prepared
this assessment for you to take.

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in knowing yourself, understanding
others, and realizing the impact of your actions and attitudes on other people...

All individuals possess all four personality styles, but what differs from one to another is the
extent of each.
Each of these types has its own unique value to the team, ideal environment, general
characteristics, what the individual is motivated by & value to team.

Main Menu
1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Type
5- Best Job for each Personality Type
Perform the Assessment
Select from the drop-down list the line of words that describe you in sequence: 1,2,3,4
4=Most, 1=Least
Gentle or easy going Select ‫طيب ومهذب أو لطيف‬
Persuasive , convincing Select ‫ممقنع‬
Humble, reserved, modest Select ‫معتدل‬، ‫ ممتحفظ‬، ‫متواضع‬
Original, innovative, individualistic Select – ‫فريد في أفكاره –مبدع‬
Attractive, charming, attracts others Select ‫ يجذب الخرين‬، ‫ ساحر‬، ‫جذاب‬
Cooperative, agreeable Select ‫ مقبول‬، ‫متعاون‬
Stubborn, unyielding Select ‫ ل يستسلم‬، ‫عنيد‬
Sweet, pleasing Select ‫ سار‬، ‫عذب‬
Easily led, follower Select ‫ تابع‬، ‫سهل النقياد‬
Bold, daring Select ‫ جرئ‬، ‫شجاع‬
Loyal, faithful, devoted Select ‫ أمين‬-‫عنده ولء‬- ‫ مخلص‬- ‫أمين‬
Charming, delightful Select ‫ مبهج‬،‫ساحر‬
Open-minded, receptive Select ‫ يتقبل‬، ‫متفتح العقل‬
Obliging, helpful Select ‫ خدوم‬- ‫آريم‬
Will power, strong willed Select ‫قوي الرادة‬
Cheerful, joyful Select ‫ مرح‬، ‫مبهج‬
Jovial, Joking Select ‫ يحب الضحك‬، ‫مرح‬
Precise, exact Select ‫ صحيح‬، ‫ مضبوط‬- ‫دقيق‬
Direct, up-front, forward Select ‫ مباشر‬،‫صريح‬
Even tempered, calm, not easily excited Select ‫ صعب الثارة‬- ‫ هادى‬، ‫معتدل‬
Competitive, seeking to win Select ‫ يسعى للفوز‬، ‫تنافسي‬
Considerate, caring, thoughtful Select ‫ يفكر في الخرين‬،‫ مهتم‬،‫متفهم‬
Outgoing, fun-loving Select ‫ محب للمرح‬، ‫ منطلق‬، ‫اجتماعي‬
Harmonious, agreeable Select ‫ يمكن النسجام معه‬،‫مقبول‬
Fussy, hard to please Select ‫صعب إرضاؤه‬
Obedient, will do as told, dutiful Select ‫ يفعل ما يؤمر به‬، ‫مطيع‬
Unconquerable, determined Select ‫ ل يقهر‬،‫قوي العزيمة‬
Playful, full of fun Select ‫ مرح‬،‫يحب المزاح‬
Brave, unafraid, courageous Select ‫ باسل‬، ‫ ل يخاف‬، ‫شجاع‬
Inspiring, stimulating, motivating Select ‫ يثير‬- ‫ يحث‬- ‫يحفز‬
Submissive, yielding, gives in Select ‫ مستسلم‬، ‫ مطيع‬- ‫خاضع‬
Timid, shy, quiet Select ‫ خجول – هادئ‬- ‫جبان‬
Sociable, enjoys the company of others Select ‫ يتمتع بمخالطة الخرين‬،‫اجتماعي‬
Patient, steady, tolerant Select ‫ متسامح‬، ‫ قادر على الحتمال‬- ‫صبور‬
Self-reliant, independent Select ‫ مستقل‬، ‫معتمد على نفسه‬
Soft-spoken, mild, reserved Select ‫ متحفظ‬، ‫ لطيف‬، ‫حلو الكلم‬
Adventurous, willing to take chances Select ‫ مجازف‬- ‫مغامر‬
Receptive, open to suggestions Select ‫ يقبل القتراحات‬، ‫متفتح‬
Cordial, warm, friendly Select ‫ودود‬
Moderate, avoids extremes Select ‫ يتجنب التطرف‬-‫ممعتدل‬
Talkative, chatty Select ‫ آثير الكلم‬- ‫ثرثار‬
Controlled, restrained Select ‫متحكم في نفسه‬
Follows proven custom Select ‫يحترم العراف‬
Decisive, certain, firm in making a decision Select ‫ يقيني‬،‫حاسم‬
Polished, smooth talker Select ‫يحسن الحديث‬
Daring, risk-taker Select ‫ مغامر‬، ‫جرئ‬
Diplomatic, tactful with people Select ‫ لبق‬،‫دبلوماسي‬
Satisfied, content, pleased Select ‫ مكتف بما عنده‬، ‫راض‬
Aggressive, challenger, takes action Select ‫ يهتم بالفعال‬، ‫ متحدى‬، ‫عدائى‬
Life of the party, entertaining, outgoing Select ‫ منطلق‬،‫ممسلى‬
Easy target, easily taken advantage of Select ‫ يسهل استغلله‬،‫طيع‬
Fearful, afraid Select ‫خائف‬
Caution, wary, careful Select ‫ يقظ‬،‫حريص‬
Determined, decided, stand firm Select ‫ صاحب عزم وتصميم‬،‫ممحدد‬
Convincing, assuring Select ‫ممقنع‬
Good-natured, pleasant Select ‫ لطيف‬،‫طيب‬
Willing, go along with suggestions Select ‫مستعد للتعاون‬
Eager, anxious Select ‫ شغوف‬،‫متحمس‬
Agreeable, consenting Select ‫ مقبول‬،‫متماشش‬
High spirited, lively, enthusiastic Select ‫ مقدام‬،‫ نشيط‬، ‫متحمس‬
Confident, believes in self, assured Select ‫واثق بنفسه‬
Sympathetic, compassionate, understanding Select ‫ رحيم‬،‫ عطوف‬،‫متفهم‬
Tolerant Select ‫متسامح‬
Assertive, aggressive Select ‫ حازم‬، ‫ قاطع في آرائه‬،‫يحب التحدي‬
Well-disciplined, self-controlled Select ‫ ضابط نفسه‬،‫ملتزم‬
Generous, willing to share Select ‫آريم‬
Animated, uses gestures for expression Select ‫معبر بالحرآات‬
Persistent, unrelenting, refuses to quit Select ‫ مثابر‬، ‫مناضل‬
Admirable, deserving of praise Select ‫ يستحق المديح‬،‫محبوب‬
Kind, willing to give or help Select ‫ على استعداد للعطاء والمساعدة‬،‫ممعطى‬
Resigned, gives in Select ‫ منسحب‬،‫مستسلم‬
Force of character, powerful Select ‫ قادر‬، ‫قوى الشخصية‬
Respectful, shows respect Select ‫ يظهر الحترام‬،‫محترم‬
Pioneering, exploring, enterprising Select ‫رائد‬،‫ مغامر‬،‫مكتشف‬
Optimistic, takes the positive view Select ‫ له آراء إيجابية‬،‫متفائل‬
Accommodating, willing to please Select ‫ يعمل ما يسر الخرين‬،‫مجامل‬
Argumentative, confronting Select ‫ يحب النقاش والمواجهات‬، ‫جدلي‬
Adaptable, flexible Select ‫ سهل التكيف‬،‫مرن‬
Nonchalant, laid lack Select ‫ غير مبال دون تكلف‬-‫مستهتر‬
Light-hearted, carefree Select ‫ خال البال‬، ‫سعيد‬
Trusting, faith in others Select ‫ يثق في الخرين بسهولة‬، ‫بسيط‬
Contented, satisfied Select ‫ مكتف‬، ‫راض‬، ‫قنوع‬
Positive, admitting no doubt Select ‫ غير شكاك‬،‫إيجابي‬
Peaceful, tranquil Select ‫ هادئ‬،‫مسالم‬
Good mixer, likes being with others Select ‫ يحب مخالطة الخرين‬،‫اجتماعى‬
Cultured, educated, Knowledgeable Select ‫ مثقف‬/ ‫متعلم‬
Vigorous, energetic Select ‫ قوى‬، ‫نشيط‬
Lenient, not overly strict, tolerant Select ‫ رؤوف‬،‫ لين‬، ‫متساهل‬
Companionable, easy to be with Select ‫ يسهل التعامل معه‬،‫اجتماعي‬
Accurate, correct Select ‫ صحيح‬،‫دقيق‬
Outspoken, speaks freely and boldly Select ‫صريح وجرئ في التعبير‬
Restrained, reserved, controlled Select ‫ متزن‬، ‫متعقل‬
Restless, unable to rest or relax Select ‫ قلوق‬، ‫مضطرب‬
Neighborly, friendly Select ‫ اجتماعي‬، ‫ودود‬
Popular, liked by many or most people Select ‫ له شعبية‬،‫محبوب من الناس‬
Orderly, neat, organized Select ‫ممنظم‬

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1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Type
5- Best Job for each Personality Type
Select an answer
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Chart Title
Axis Title



Main Menu
1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Type
5- Best Job for each Personality Type
Personality Types

Dominance - relating to control, power and assertiveness (Direct, Driver, Demanding, Determined, Decisive, Doer)
Independent, persistent, direct. Energetic, busy, fearless. Focus on own goals rather than people. Tell rather than ask. Ask 'What?'

People who score high in the intensity of the "D" styles factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low "D" scores are people
who want to do more research before committing to a decision. High "D" people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed,
driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering. Low D scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating,
undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
Influence - relating to social situations and communication (Inducement, Inspiring, Impressive, Interacting, Interesting)
Social, persuasive, friendly. Energetic, busy, optimistic, distractible. Imaginative, focus on the new and future. Poor time managers. Focused on people
than tasks. Tell rather than ask. Ask 'Who?'

People with High "I" scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political,
enthusiastic, persuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with Low "I" scores influence more by data and facts, and not with
feelings. They are described as reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical, suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and critical.
Steadiness - relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness (Submissive, Stable, Supportive, Shy, Status quo, Specialist)
Consistent, like stability. Accommodating, peace-seeking. Like helping and supporting others. Good listeners and counselors. Close relationships with
few friends. Ask, rather than tell.
People with High "S" styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High "S" persons are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive,
predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. Low "S" intensity scores are those who like change and variety.
People with Low "S" scores are described as restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or even impulsive.
Conscientiousness - relating to structure and organization (Cautious, Compliant, Correct, Calculating, Concerned, Careful, Contemplative)
Slow and critical thinker, perfectionist. Don't show feelings. Private. Few, but good friends. Big-picture, outlines. Ask 'Why?' and 'How?'
Persons with High "C" styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. High "C" people are
careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, diplomatic, accurate, and tactful. Those with Low "C" scores challenge the rules and want independence
and are described as self-willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, arbitrary, and careless with details.
Dominance Influence Steadiness Compliance
generally proactive and extravert generally reactive and introvert

reliable, dependable, process-

motivates others via influence and orientated, listener, friendly,
decisive, dominant, self- persuasion, good communication trustworthy, solid, ethical, finishes
assured, forceful, task- skills, presents well, friendly, affable, what others start and leave, painstaking, investigative, curious,
orientated, instigates, leads and inspires others, intuitive, gregarious, methodical, decides according to decides using facts and figures,
directs friendly process correct, checker, detailed,
things people people things
motivated by responsibility and motivated by recognition and motivated by time, space and motivated by attention to detail,
achievement personal approval continuity to do things properly perfection and truth

strong focus on task and forceful emphasis on image can neglect dependence on process can need for perfection can delay or
style can upset people substance become resistance obstruct
fears inaccuracy and
fears failure and loss of power fears rejection and loss of reputation fears insecurity and change unpredictability
Benziger 'double frontal' (frontal
right and frontal left), Benziger 'double right' (basal right and Benziger 'double basal' (basal left Benziger 'double left' (basal left
extraverted frontal right), extraverted and basal right), introverted and frontal left) introverted
Jung's ET(N) and EN(T) Jung's EF(N) and EN(F) Jung's IF(S) and IS(F) Jung's IT(S) and IS(T)
Intuitive-Thinking Intuitive-Feeling Sensing-Feeling Sensing-Thinking
Myers Briggs® ENTJ, less so Myers Briggs® ENFJ, less so ENFP, INFJ, Myers Briggs® ISFP, less so ISFJ, Myers Briggs® ISTP, less so ISTJ,
closest Keirsey type equivalent closest Keirsey type equivalent is closest Keirsey type equivalent is closest Keirsey type equivalent is
is fieldmarshall teacher composer crafter

temperament or humour implied temperament or humour implied

temperament or humour temperament or humour implied by by Keirsey is half sanguine half by Keirsey is half sanguine half
implied by Keirsey is entirely Keirsey is entirely choleric (Keirsey's melancholic (Keirsey's artisan and melancholic (Keirsey's artisan and
phlegmatic (Keirsey's rationalist) idealist) guardian) guardian)
Preference Dominant Influential Steady Cautious
Focus on other people
Independent, internal
Energetic and busy
Tell rather than ask (vs. opposite)
Imaginative, big-picture, future-focused
Like stability and predictability
Like change (vs. stability)
Task-oriented (vs. people)
Flexible to changing world

People-focused Task-focused
Active, Outgoing Influential Dominant
Passive, Internal Steady Conscientious

Main Menu
1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Type
5- Best Job for each Personality Type
How to deal with each Personality Type
Understand the DISC type. They are quite simple and thus easy to use. Then play to the person's preference
With Dominant people
·       Build respect to avoid conflict
·       Focus on facts and ideas rather than the people
·       Have evidence to support your argument
·       Be quick, focused, and to the point
·       Ask what not how
·       Talk about how problems will hinder accomplishments
·       Show them how they can succeed
With Influential people
·       Be social and friendly with them, building the relationship
·       Listen to them talk about their ideas
·       Help them find ways to translate the talk into useful action
·       Don’t spend much time on the details
·       Motivate them to follow through to complete tasks
·       Recognize their accomplishments
With Steady people
·       Be genuinely interest in them as a person
·       Create a human working environment for them
·       Give them time to adjust to change
·       Clearly define goals for them and provide ongoing support
·       Recognize and appreciate their achievements
·       Avoid hurry and pressure
·       Present new ideas carefully
With Conscientious people
·       Warn them in time and generally avoid surprises
·       Be prepared. Don't ad-lib with them if you can
·       Be logical, accurate and use clear data
·       Show how things fit into the bigger picture
·       Be specific in disagreement and focus on the facts
·       Be patient, persistent and diplomatic

Main Menu
1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Types
5- Best Job for each Personality Type
Best Job for each Personality Type

management consultant career counselor counseling management

economist psychologist ministry accounting
scientist educational consultant library work auditing
computer programmer special education teacher nursing efficiency expert
environmental planner librarian secretarial engineer
new business developer artist curators geologist
curriculum designer playwright bookkeepers bank examiners
administrator novelist/poet dental hygienists organization development
mathematician editor/art director computer operator electricians
psychologist information-graphics personnel administrator dentists
neurologist ...designer paralegal pharmacist
biomedical researcher HRM manager real estate agent school principals
strategic planner merchandise planner artist school bus drivers
civil engineer environmental lawyer interior decorator file clerk
intellectual properties attorney marketer retail owner stock broker
designer job analyst musician legal secretary
editor/art director mental health counselor elementary school teacher computer operator
inventor dietitian/nutritionist physical therapist computer programmer
informational-graphics research nurse technical writer
...designer educational consultant social worker chief information officer
financial planner architects personnel counselor police officer
judge interpreter/translator alcohol/drug counselor real estate agent

strategic planning information-graphics bookkeeper surveyor

writer ...designer clerical supervisor fire fighter
staff development college professor dental assistant private investigator
lawyer researcher physical therapist pilot
architect legal mediator mechanic police officer
software designer social worker radiology technologist purchasing agent
financial analyst holistic health surveyor chiropractor
college professor ...practitioner chef medical technician
photographer occupational therapist forester securities analyst
logician diversity manager geologist computer repair person
artist HR development specialist landscaper designer race car driver
systems analyst employment development specialist crisis hotline operator computer programmer

neurologist teacher: elementary electrical engineer

physicist beautician legal secretary
psychologist minister/priest/rabbi typist coach/trainer
research/development missionary jeweler commercial artist
...specialist psychologist gardener carpenter
computer programmer writer: poet/novelist potter paralegal
data base manager journalist painter dental assistant
chemist editor/art director botanist radiological technician
biologist organizational development marine biologist marine biologist
investigator ...specialist social worker software developer

systems designer conference planner veterinarian real estate broker

venture capitalist speech pathologist flight attendant chef
actor HR development trainer floral designer land developer
journalist ombudsman real estate agent physical therapist
investment broker clergy child care provider stock broker
real estate agent journalist social worker news reporter
real estate developer newscaster fundraiser fire fighter
strategic planner career counselor athletic coach promoter
political manager housing director musician entrepreneur
politician character actor secretary pilot
special projects developer marketing consultant receptionist budget analyst
literary agent musician/composer special events producer insurance agent
restaurant/bar owner artist teacher: preschool management consultant
technical trainer information-graphics teacher: elementary franchise owner
diversity manager ...designer emergency room nurse electrical engineer
art director human resource manager occupational therapist aircraft mechanic
personnel systems developer merchandise planner exercise physiologist technical trainer
computer analyst advertising account manager team trainer EEG technologist
logistics consultant dietitian/nutritionist travel sales radiological technician
outplacement consultant speech pathologist public relations specialist emergency medical tech.
advertising creative director massage therapist waiter/waitress corrections officer
radio/TV talk show host editor/art director labor relations mediator flight attendant

program designer entertainer nurse government employee

attorney recruiter social worker pharmaceutical sales
administrator artist caterer auditor
office manager newscaster flight attendant computer analyst
chemical engineer writer/journalist bookkeeper technical trainer
sales manager recreation director medical/dental assistant project manager
logistics consultant librarian exercise physiologist officer manager
franchise owner facilitator elementary school teacher factory supervisor
new business developer politician minister/priest/rabbi credit analyst
personnel manager psychologist retail owner electrical engineer
investment banker housing director officer manager stockbroker
labor relations career counselor telemarketer regulatory compliance
management trainer sales trainer counselor ...officer
credit investigator travel agent special education teacher chief information officer
mortgage broker program designer merchandise planner construction worker
corporate team trainer corporate/team trainer credit counselor general contractor
environmental engineer child welfare worker athletic coach paralegal
biomedical engineer social worker (elderly insurance agent industrial engineer
business consultant sales representative budget analyst
educational consultant interpreter/translator massage therapist data base manager
personal financial planner occupational therapist medical secretary funeral director
network integration executive: small business child care provider cook
...specialist alcohol/drug counselor bilingual education teacher security guard
media planner/buyer sales manager professional volunteer dentist

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1- Perform the Assessment
2- Display Results
3- Understand Personality Types
4- How to deal with each Personality Types
5- Best Job for each Personality Type

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